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But now, its revealed she never existed. It was all an elaborate and unthinkable hoax. But was he the victim or was he involved . Big questions today thursday, january 17, 2013. Announcer from nbc news, this is today, with matt lauer and Savannah Guthrie. Live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. And morning, everyone, welcome to today on a thursday morning. Im Savannah Guthrie. Im matt lauer. This story out of notre dame is astonishing. We are talking about one of the Top College Football players in the country, manti teo. He was the runner up for the Heisman Trophy. We talked about what happened here. He had been using his girlfriends death as inspiration throughout the season, he said. But now, after she was exposed as a fictional person in an online article, teo claims he was the victim of somebodys sick joke. Others arent so sure. Just ahead, we are going to talk to the reporter who broke this story coming up. Then president obama set to launch a campaignstyle push to gain public support for his sweeping new gun control efforts. The National Rifle association is vowing the fight of the censure troy block them. We are going to talk to the nras president. And an inside look at scientology. In an exclusive interview, oscarwinning director and former scientology member, paul haggis, says he thinks the religion is a cult. The church says haggis has not been an active member in years and dismisses him as the hypocrite of hollywood. We will hear from paul haggis and talk to the author of a new book that explores the ties between scientology and hollywood. But we are going to begin with breaking news what could be dramatic developments in that hostage situation involving americans in algeria. Nbcs Michelle Kosinski has the latest for us in london. Michelle, good morning to you. Reporter hi, savannah. This is changing by the minute. The latest from the associated press, quoting an algerian official, is that at least 20 of these hostages have now been able to escape, including americans. The Al Qaedalinked militant group that has claimed responsibility for this say they have been holding 41 hostages, among them, we know americans, british, norwegians, japanese and they claim that this is retaliation for french intervention in neighboring mali against islamic militants there. At this hour, scattered reports out of the algerian desert that this large bp gas facility that a standoff is going on, that the Algerian Army has the militans and dozens of International Hostages surrounded. Among them, americans. In order to protect their safety, im into the going to get into numbers. Im not gonna get into names. Im not going gonna get into any further details as we continue to work on this issue with the algerian authorities. Reporter French Television is quoting one of the hostages from a phone call, saying the heavily armed militants have forced some of them to wear explosive belts. The attackers calling themselves the battalion of blood claimed they have rigged the perimeter with explosives and attempts to free the hostages would lead to a tragic end. Information has been scarce coming out of this desert outpost near the libyan border. The bold attack started at dawn wednesday. Vehicles loaded with militants tried to ambush a bus load of gas workers on their way to an airport but failed. They then attacked the facility itself, reportedly killing two people, one of them british, and wounding others. . An absolute tragedy, of course. And dangerous and rapidly developing situation. It is absolutely unacceptable, of course. It is, in this case, the coldblooded murder of people going about their business. Reporter group claiming responsibility is led by algerian mack tar belmokhtar, a oneeyed former fighter in afghanistan and smuggler nicknamed by the french the uncatchable, a long alleged history of kidnappings, killings and terror in the name of al qaeda. Hours before this incident, he vowed retaliation for the french intervation against islamic fighters in mali. If the Algerian Army does have these militants surrounded now, he may finally be caught. It is the fate of those hostages that the world is watching right now. Algeria said it will not negotiate with these attackers, and the scale of this, something many didnt think Al Qaedalinked group us in this region were capable of. Some analysts are now wondering if this fire power didnt come from the disarray in libya and if so, how many other groups now have this same . Savannah . Michelle kosinski in london for us this morning. Thank you. Now heres matt. Of a vanna, thank you. Now to the latest on the trouble surrounding boeings 787 dreamliner. The faa has grounded all of them in the u. S. And overnight, europe did the same. Nbcs tom costello covers aviation. Tom, good morning to you. Reporter hi, matt. United is the only airline that flies the 787 here in the u. S. It is complying with this order and says it is rebooking passengers onto other aircraft but because other governments followed the faas lead on safety actions, all 50 787s worldwide are now grounded. It is a dramatic action. By grounding boeings troubled 787 fleet, the faa has elevated boeings problems toon allout safety emergency. The action coming after wednesdays full evacuation of an ama 787 after the pilot thought he smelled smoke. Last week, a fire in the battery rack of a parked 787 in boston. Now, the faas Emergency Air worthiness directive. Before further flight i prifrts boeing 787 aircraft must demonstrate to the faa that the batteries are safe and in compliance. Is serious. We have had two events were there have been smoke and potential fire on board and so i think everybodys responding appropriately. Reporter wednesdays problems of located near the lithium batteries in the forward bay underneath the flight deck behind the nose. Last weeks fire was located behind the wings and the 787s aft electrical bay. The lithium batteries there that runt auxiliary power unit were severely burned and charred. Lithium batteries, like those used in computers, have been known to overheat and catch fire. After a series of inflight fires, including the crash of a ups plane in dubai, the faa prohibited lithium batteries in passenger planes. Now potentially serious trouble with the 787s powergenerating batteries. These lithium batteries seem to be at the center of the fire and smoke events, a big issue not only here with boeing but other manufacturers using the same batteries. Reporter in a statement, boeing stays is working around the clock with the customers and various regulatory and investigative authorities and we will be taking every necessary step in the coming days to assure our customers and the traveling public of the 787s safety and to return the airplanes to service. This brandnew stateoftheart dreamliner has been a huge headache for boeing. This plane is made not of aluminum but large lay plastic. That is a very big reason it is so so well. Six years ago, we were on the Assembly Line as the first 787 rolled off. But production problems delayed deliveries for years. Now, a series of embarrassing and dangerous incidents involving the plane. I expect that it is becoming for boeing somewhat of a nightmare scenario and that is because it is a technologically very advanced cuttingedge airplane and they are experiencing problems in several areas early in its service life. Will they fix it . Of course they will, yes. Reporter boeing reiterate us it believes the 787 dream liner is safe, but matt, japanese tv this morning is reporting that the batteries on that ana plane that made the Emergency Landing on wednesday were also charred and there were signs of smoke inside the aircraft it is very unusual for the faa to ground a new plane but you can see why they have done it now. Back to you. Makes sense. Tom cost tell low, who covers aviation for us, tom, thank you very much. Savannah . Matt, thank you. President obama is getting set to hit the road to sell his new gun control proposals a day after laying it out. We will talk about them with the president of the National Rifle association in a moment, but first, nbcs Peter Alexander is at the white house for us. Peter, good morning to you. Reporter savannah. Good morning to you. The white house concede it is going to be a difficult it is a to be try to pass all of the president s proposals but thats exactly why they are making this strong effort that really began in earnest this morning. That op ed, you noted, in the connecticut post, that says among other things, if even one life can be saved, we have an obligation to trial. A Senior Administration official tells nbc news that both the president and Vice President joe biden will take this message on the road in the days and weeks ahead. They are already doing it online with the nowisthetime. Kicking off the most ambitious federal campaign to crackdown on gun violence in decades, president obama on wednesday made this heartfelt promise. I will put everything ive got into this and so will joe. Reporter but some republicans are already signalling it will be an uphill battle for the president. Not going to be easy. I know legislation is going to be introduced. We will look at it when that happens. Reporter florida senator marco rubio dismissed the president s plan. Guns are not the problem, criminals with evil in their hearts and mentally ill people prone to violence are. Whats included in the new package . A ban on militarystyle assault we will weapons, like the ones used last month in newtown and last sumner aurora, limits on highcap pays the magazines that might have reused the number who have victims in both those cities and universal background checks that could have prevented the Columbine High School gunman from buying weapon from a private sell here had bought it at a gun show. This is our first task as a society, keeping our children safe. Reporter to reinforce that point, mr. Obama shared the stage with four children who had written letters to him since newtown. In the letter that julia wrote me, she said, i know that laws have to be passed by congress. But i beg to you try very hard. Julia, i will try very hard. Reporter also greeting the president , 10yearold taisha good. You dont want to lose your life over one little thing, like a bullet. Reporter before signing nearly two dozen executive actions, the president also called on americans to ask their representatives whats more important . Doing whatever it takes to get an a grade from the gun lobby that funds their campaigns or giving parents some peace of mind when they drop their child off for first grade . Reporter even before the president s remarks, the nra unleashed this fiery new attack, infuriating critics with a web video that invehicles mr. Obamas daughters. Are the president s kids more important than yours . Then why is he skeptical about putting Armed Security in our schools when his kids are protected by armed guards at their schools . Reporter the white house quickly blasted the video as repugnant and cowardly. And if House Speaker the Congress Acts on this House Speaker john boehner, savannah, will have to play a significant role in this. After the president s remarks, the speaker is noncommittal, saying there is little urgency at this point to act. Peter alexander, thank you. David keene is the president of the National Rifle association. Mr. Keene, good morning, thanks for being with us. Thank you, my pleasure. Im going to start with the quote of a mother from a 6 why elder who died in newtown. People who want to own firearms responsibly have nothing to fear from the president s proposal. You represent those lawabiding gun owners. What do they have to fear . They have a good deal to fear. They have to fear the establishment of the national registry. You know, in the last few days, senator from california and a governor of new york have suggested that one of their goals is is what they called a forced buy back, you can get a record of who owns fire arms the government could force them to sell those guns back to the government. Lets talk about the proposals that are that is confiscation. Lets talk about what has actually been proposed by the president , starting with these universal background checks. Explain to me why it would not be in the interest of the nra, which, again, represents lawabiding gun owners to have more background checks so the guns dont fall into the hands of criminals or people with mental problems which makes lawabiding gun owners look bad . As you know, savannah, the nra has been a longtime supporter of the socalled nick system, the instant background check thats done of people who go to gun shops and buy firearms for federal firearms licensees. The last time we had this dispute, and you will recall that a lot of the rhetoric surrounds the government likes to call the gun show loophole, which means that if you and i go to a gun show and sell one another a gun and since neither one of us are dealers, its private transaction which doesnt have to go through the system. Now, not a lot of guns are sold that way at gun shows but we suggested that the government, if they wanted to, could have a booth at a gun show, the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms and require anybody that made sales on the premises have the that those sales and those buyers checked, the government said well, we are not interested in doing that. It becomes more problematic when you talk about the farmer who buys a new shotgun and sells his old one to his neighbor over the fence or the father who sells to the son or all of those kind of things. And laws need to be certain and they need to be fair and to be fairly enforced. Lets move on to the highcapacity magazines, another proposal, i understand it the nra opposes. Just so understand the position, can you explain the rationale for having highcapacity magazines available in a civilian setting . Heres the real problem with this. Back in the 90s when the Clinton Administration had a socalled assault weapons ban, that also included a ban on highcapacity magazines and none of it did any good, had any impact. There are a couple of reasons for that. In terms of the magazines, these things, millions of them out there, they are very inexpensive and you get in this sort of bidding match. They say, well we shouldnt have a 30round magazine or a 20round, the president says lets have a ten. The governor of new york says, well, i can top that, we will have a 7round magazine this is all sort of makes you feel good but, in fact, it doesnt do much. Now, if you are out there and if youre crazy and if youve got a gun like this and if youre gonna shoot people with it, it takes a second or so to change the magazines. Before i let you go, i have to ask you about an ad the nra put on a website yesterday. It mentions the president s daughters. It calls the president an elitist hypocrite because he is skeptical about posting armed guards in schools, yet his own girls do have armed protection at their school. The white house said this was a cowardly act to draw the daughters into the debate. Was that necessary, in your view to make your point . You know, it wasnt about the president s daughter it is. What it is about is the the ad does mention the president s daughters. It is how to keep children safe, savannah and our point was that not just the president but david greg rained others who are pictured in the ad are people who have not just been skeptical but attacked the nra and the very idea of School Security while sending their own children to secure schools. We believe that every parent ought to be able to be comfortable sneak their children are safe and if that requires Armed Security, its as good for the working man as it is for the president. David keene, its good to get your perspective this morning. We appreciate your time, sir. Thank you. Lets get a check of the mornings other top stories, Natalie Morales is at the news des he can. Good morning. Good morning, everyone. We begin with more staff changes at the white house. National security aide Dennis Mcdonough likely to be named the next chief of staff for the obama administration. The position is being vacated by jack lew, who has been tapped to replace Timothy Geithner as treasury secretary. Mcdonough has been one of the president s close adviser since the 2008 president ial campaign. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton will testify at a Senate Hearing next wednesday on the deadly raid on the u. S. Consulate in benghazi, libya. Her successor, senator john kerry, will be confirmed as clintons replacement as secretary of state the next day. Some reassuring news for pregnant women deciding whether or not to get a flu shot. In what is believed to be the largest study of the flu vaccine during pregnancy, researchers found no evidence that the shot increases the risk of miscarage. The Study Released by the new england journal of medicine this week even found that the flu vaccine may prevent some fetal death he is. The aurora, colorado, movie these we are a shooting rampage killed 12 people and wounded dozens of others is reopening today. Some six months after the july massacre, the theaters reopening has been divisive. Local officials are phrasing the theater for helping the community move forward, but some victims and their families are boycotting todays reopening ceremony, anger by the theaters response to the tragedy. And now head to wall street. Cnbcs Mary Thompson is at the new york stock exchange. Mary, good morning. Good morning. The dows fiveday win streak coming to end on wednesday. That is on news of boeings problems with the 787 jetliner this week and next, earnings from investors, as they gauge how the economy is doing. And speak egg of the economy, the federal reserves Regional Survey found modest growth at year end 2012. This despite concerns about the fiscal cliff and the looming battle over the debt ceiling. Back to you. Mary thompson at the new york stock exchange. Thank you. One of televisions favorite fathers has died. Conrad bain played Phillip Drummond on different strokes, the adopted father of two africanamerican brothers, played by todd bridges and gary coleman a veteran stage actor, bain rose to fame in middle age with the long. Running family sitcom. Conrad bain was 89 years old. A big hit here on nbc. 7 19 now. Back to matt, savannah and al. Must see tv. Definitely. Thanks, matt. Thanks very much. Mr. Roker is here. A big storm is down south. Lets go live now to pearl, mississippi, you can see the snow is already on the ground. They have got more on the way. As we take a look and show you whats happening, here is the latest. We have got winter storm warning, Winter Weather advisories stretching all the way from jackson, mississippi, just into southern new jersey. Storm systems a fast mover but it is going to dump a ton snow east. It will dump a lot of rain. Look at some of these snowfall amounts. Some areas picking up 6 to 12 inches of snow and rainfall to the south of it and anywhere from 3 to 5 inches of rain thats your latest weather. Well get your local forecarighr this. Right now getting rain across virginia, the district and maryland and were around 40 degrees. Later this afternoon the rain will probably switch over to snow and then initially only accumulate on grassy areas and really not a lot around Northern Virginia, the district or maryland and maybe a dusting to an inch or two, only on grassy yooishs amendmenting on the roads but the higher amounts in Southern Maryland, perhaps from near fredericksburg to charlottsville and the eastern shore. Windy and cold tom and thats your latest weather. Al, thank you very much. Coming up, a College Football stars heartbreaking and inspirational tale about overcoming the death of his cancerstricken girlfriend exposed as a hoax. Plus, an exclusive interview with a member of the church of scientology, director paul haggis. But first this is today on nbc. Coming up, a couple sues their wedding photographer after he misses key moments of the city. And why some of subways footlong subs are not foot long. After your local news. American red cross and adobe , to create options for you. Not only that, were using what we learn from these partners to shape our curriculum, so that when you find the job you want youll be a perfect fit. Lets get to work. Ive been fortunate to win on golfs biggest stages. But when joint pain and stiffness from Psoriatic Arthritis hit, even the smallest things became difficult. I finally understood what serious joint pain is like. I talked to my rheumatologist and he prescribed enbrel. Enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, and stop joint damage. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. Before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether youve been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. You should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Tell your doctor if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for Heart Failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ phil ] get back to the things that matter most. Ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. Good morning, 7 26 on your thursday, january 17th. Im aaron gilchrist. Lets check in with danella seabrook for a look at the roads. Good morning, checking on delays in our area as well as travel speeds, 66 took a hit today eastbound because of a couple of accidents. Theyre out of the roadway but as you make your way to the beltway, it will take you about 30 minutes from fash fax county parkway. Over to i270, a bit sluggish in rockville. A lot of people hitting the brake lights and your delays are really between frederick and the beltway. Its stop and go for you but no accidents on i270 and thats good news. Aaron over to you. And even with the snow a couple of hours away the storm is already having an impact. The federal government opened this morning but nonemergency employees have option of unscheduled leave or telework and d. C. Schools are opened but parents are reminded students can be picked up early if conditions worsen and three dmv offices are closed. The penn branch, c Street Service center and the brentwood pest lot. All other location also have normal hours. Foreca good morning. Im storm team4 meterologist tom kierein getting a conveyer belt of rain pulling up out of georgia up through the carolina into virginia, the district and maryland. Were going to have this rain with us here through the Morning Hours east of the blue ridge and then later today, rain changing over to snow quite likely only light amounts, though, around the metro area and mainly on grassy areas. But the heavier amounts far Southern Maryland and parts of the lower eastern sheer in toward fredericksburg to near charlottsville. And then windy and cold tomorrow with sunshine back and well be sunny and cold over the weekend. For Inauguration Day looking cloudy. A flurry or passing snow shower. Cold, aaron. Thank you, tom. News update the single most trusting human being i have ever met will never be able too trust again in his life. That san incredible tragedy. That is north dames Athletic Director it and a star hoax for its star Football Player. The University Standing behind manti teo after the his girlfriend who he said died of leukemia, never existed. Im matt lauer beside Savannah Guthrie. Teo claims he was the victim of a sick joke but there are a lot of questions people have for him this morning. Going to have the latest on this story straight ahead. Also, a rare look at the church of scientology from a former long time member, oscar winner paul haggis. Also talking to an author who explores the church in a new book going clear, scientology, hollywood and the prism of belief. Todays professionals are here, including special guest, suze orman, hot topic, including Lance Armstrongs confession, can he repair his public image . Some lo love going around there. But lets begin this half hour with this incredible story, this hoax involving the top Football Player a at notre dame . Nbcs john yang is in south bend this morning. John, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, matt. It does seem like or seemed like a story made for hollywood, a star Football Player here at north dame who leads his team to a spectacular season after overcoming terrible tragedy, the deaths of his grandmother and his girlfriend on the same day. But it turns out thats all it was, a story. Manti teos story seemed destined to take its place alongside the legends of notre dames storied football program. A star linebacker and Heisman Trophy finalist after an undefeated season that end ted National Championship game. Inspiring teammates and becoming a campus hero by triumphing over twin tragedies, the loss on the same day in september of his grandmother and his girlfriend who died after battling leukemia, a story he told on espns College Game Day in october. The most beautiful girl ive ever met. Not just because of her physical beauty but the beauty of her character and who she is. Reporter she never existed, a fact first reported by the web side deadspin. Com. A story that was sort of unimaginable, here is someone tellinging us we should check because he had heard she didnt exist. Reporter after all, the story of teos doomed girlfriend formed a plot line often told by teo and his family. In an october newspaper story, his fathered she locked eyes after a notre dame game at stanford in 2009. Then her nearfatal car crash last year, subsequent leukemia diagnosis and death, just hours after his grandmother died. Actually talk about my grandma. She was trying to console me and i was just out of it and last thing she said to me is i love you. Reporter teo, who is in florida preparing for the upcoming nfl draft issued statement saying they met online and only communicated by phone. To realize i was the victim of what was apparently someones sick joke and constant lies was and is painful and humiliating. At a News Conference, the north dame Athletic Director choked with emotion. That the single most trusting human being ive ever met will never be able to trust in the same way again in his life, thats an incredible tragedy. Reporter School Officials say teo discovered the deception in early december and told coaches three weeks later. Notre dame hired private investigators and got their final report january 4th, two days before they lost the National Championship to alabama. We encouraged him to try to focus forward and focus on the game and not not draw attention backwards, if he could. Reporter the Athletic Director spec tate lathes that day joe the if i can victim to have a phenomenon called cat fishing, using social media to create a false identity, the subject of a series on mtv. For the journalist who broke story, no twist could be too far fetched. Given how much of a surprise what we have already learned is im hesitant to guess where this story is going to go. Reporter even though School Officials knew of the hoax before the National Championship game, they didnt say anything publicly. They said they believed it was teos story to tell, not theirs. They say teo was planning speak out next week before deadspin beat him to the punch and now he could speak out as soon as today. Is matt . John yang, thank you very much. Timothy burng is the reporter from deadspin. Com who broke this story. Timothy, good morning. Thanks for joining us. Morning, matt. Let get right to this. Who is the victim sneer we listened to a News Conference at notre dame last night where University Officials seemed to say that manti teo was caught up in an online hoax. He is the guy who has been victimi victimized. I read your story in deadspin and it paints a very different picture. Take me through it. Well, what we have is a longterm hoax identity that was created what we believe by this individual and this individual, manti teo . No, no his this person that we believe to be his friend. Okay. And he had previously gotten some other guys suckered into this fake relationship. But the one with manti teo is very different. The previous incident lasted about a month before the guy figured it out. Manat this time. We were to believe his statement you didnt catch on the entire year, even though we believe it was this individual he knew and actually spending time with you know, in the offseason. So, its its it takes a great deal of faith. If youre gonna believe that manti teo actually spent an entire year with a girlfriend that he never met and that he never did any video chat with. And looking at you and listening you, you dont want to seem to take that leap of faith . Um, you know, its tough for me. I want to believe that manti teo is a smart kid. Playing line back erfor the university of north dame require ascertain amount of smarts and it would take, i think, you know, a pretty, i guess, clueless guy to fall for this for that long. And i guess thats where my skepticism lies. But timothy, let me flip that same coin over, i agree with you, i thinks pretty smart kids, i have listened to him in interviews, he is articulate, he is not a dummy. In the age of google and social media, why would a smart kid think that he could get away with this if, in fact, you want to assume that he play may have part of this hoax . You have to ask where were the people around mantei who should have picked up on the bizarre discrepancy and behavior of his girlfriend to begin with . When his father told the south bend tribune they had met in 2009 and she had visited him in hawaii, where was that coming from . In you buy into mantis story he was hoodwinked in the entire thing, it was a hose, some of the people around him didnt do their Due Diligence protecting him from that kind of thing. Neither did the media do its Due Diligence in checking a story it ran with because it was so heartwarming. On deadspin. Com today, my cowriter, jack dickey, and i will publish a full listing you of some of the glaring discrepancy and contradictions in the reporting of the story of manti teo and lennay kekua, his alleged girlfriend, should have been an immediate flag to anybody paying attention to College Football news that something wasnt right here and we have five separate dates that she allegedly died in major media sources. Somebody should have noticed this. If it turns out that manti teo was involved in some capacity in this hoax, timothy, why . Why why he do it . He certainly at least has some incentive. We have no idea what incentive he would for a hoaxer to fool him over that term period. But manti teo would have an increased, and obviously, we know every story written about him this season referred to him, you know, as the guy who lost his grandmother around his girlfriend in a 24hour period. Thats part of his story. And thats part of the mythmaking that comes along with being a storied motnotre n athlete. Timothy burke, we will follow your reporting on this thanks very much for joining us. Thank you, matt. Lets get a check matt, thanks so much. Out west, we got stormy systems in the south but out west, theres not much going on. Thanks to big area of High Pressure so its creating light winds and an inversion, so strong winds to the south of that system. What were looking at basically, up to the north, weve got dense fog advisories and air stagnation advisories. And in southern florida, the winds are rough. Santa ana winds with wind gusts and high Wind Warnings and wind advisories and gusts of 60 miles an hour today on into tonight. Thats whats going on around the country. Heres whats happening in your neck of the woods. Good morning, we have rain and a chill in the air on this thursday morning. Im storm team4 meterologist tom kierein. Right now radar slowing this rain advancing southwest to northeast ahead of a developing low pressure system way down in alabama and georgia. Thats going to be coming up here later today but right now getting rain in washington along 95 and points south and east. And later today, well probably get that rain changing over to some snow just light amounts around the metro yooish on grassy youres and heavier amounts to the south and and thats your latest weather. Matt . Al, thank you thanks very much. Coming up next, an nbc news exclusive, a former longtime member of the church of scientology, oscar winner paul haggis, reveals what he think really thinks of the church now. Thats right after this. Hurry up or well miss the bus come on whatcha got there, richard . Theyre for show tell. 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[ male announcer ] the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. for those nights when its more than a bad dream, be ready. For the days when you get a sudden call from the school, be ready. For the times you need to doublecheck the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. When you have childrens motrin on hand, youre ready. For high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer than childrens motrin. Be ready with childrens motrin. Out today examines other things, a connection between the church of scientology and the entertainment industry. We are going to talk to the author that have book in a moment. But first, nbcs harry smith sat down for an exclusive interview with oscarwinning director paul haggis, who was a member of the church for 34 years before breaking away in 2009. Why did you finally leave the church . I was ashamed of my own stupidity. How i could have been so purposely blind for so many years. Reporter paul haggis is the oscarwinning writer and director of crash and the most famous scientologist to ever leave the church and speak out publicly. Did scientology help you early on . Yes, it did. Like picking up any good selfhelp book. You are going to get something out of t. Reporter how do they convince people to be loyal . Its just this long, slow walk toward the idea of being part of a group that is ostracized and hated, which bands you together against the outside world. Reporter but then, after more than 30 years in the church, the outside world came crashing in. Haggis began to wonder what his church really stood for. And for the first time, began his own research. I went, oh, my god, is this really happening . Reporter he learned of allegations of abuse at the highest levels of the church, from a series of articles in the st. Petersburg times, stories of physical violence and involuntary confinement. Haggis was particularly shocked when he read allegations on antiscientology websites of children made to work 12 to 16 hours a day. Its horrible treatment these kids had, terrible. They are made to work so often. All day long, terrible conditions. Reporter church denies any of this abuse happened. They say haggis investigation was a sham and that there is no record, no police reports, no medical records, no photos to support these allegations. The church also says it adheres to all child labor laws. When you left the church, you described it as an act of treason . Yes, it was a treason nous act. An enemy who declares himself an enemy that is a bad thing. Off friend who stand you in the back, thats worse and thats what they claimed i did and thats actually what i did. Reporter in retrospect, haggis says he was never a true believer. For his her res circumstance the church has labeled him the hypocrite of hollywood and says he has not been an active member for years. Is science cology a cult . Of course it is. Of course it is. A system of belief, you got these folks inside this fortress who wont look out, wont look at any criticism and cant bear to any investigation and think that everyone is against them. How would you describe that . Its a cult. Of course it is. Well, larry ryan is a pulitzerprize wing author, his new book is going clear, scientology, hollywood and the prison of belief. Good morning to you, larry. Good morning. Pick up with paul haggis left off. He calls scientology a cult. Based on your reporting, is that what you would call it . I dont use those words, only one opinion that matters about whether its religion or a cult and thats the irs and they made that decision in 1993 in the nation of 2400 lawsuits from the church and church members. Concluding it is a religion . Yes. Lets talk about what you found in your book. You say you interviewed more than 200 people you looked at thousands of pages of documents. What is the most troublesome practice you say you uncovered through your research . The recruitment of children at very young age to join their clergy call a sea orb, they step away from their education, they are impoverished by their service and made to work long hours, as paul said you can on that clip. Some of these kids, you know, one of them i talked to, he was put in one of these heavy machinery factories where they notch books and they chopped off part of his finger. He was 16 years old. According to the labor laws in the state of california, he shouldnt have been in that kind of situation. He should have been in school to start w you mention the labor laws, i should mention again, the church of scientology says it comp lies about all applicable child labor laws and as a blanket matter, denies allegations such as yours. You also allege the continuing course of intimidation by the church for members who try to leave. Well, i have talked to you know, 150 people who were former members, 160, Something Like that, and many of them have been harassed, some of them have been followed by private investigators. Threatened with a breaking away from their family, not being able to see members of their family, loved ones. So yes, there is a campaign of harassment against people who have criticized the church or left the church. A amount ago, you mentioned some physical abuse, i should read a statement the church gave us with regard to that. There is no record no police reports, no medical records no photos, no documents, no evidence at all to support these allegations, no corroboration whatsoever. I guess the churchs point is if there is abuse, physical abuse going on, why suspect there corroboration for that . Well, there is. I have talked to 12 people who say they have been physically abused by the leader of the church, david muss gaffe vich and more than 20 who say they have witnessed such actions and corroborate those statements, plenty of statements. Muss gaffe vich in particular is somebody who denies these allegations. Nbc actually spoke to three current members of the group who deny the allegations in your book. You have former members who say these three people, they were abuse. These people say no, we werent. How do you explain that . Part of the subtight of the book is the prison of belief. And a lot of these people are locked into the idea if they turn their back on scientology, they will lose their eternal salvation and they will do anything to keep in the good graces of the church, including making statements such as that. The church reached out to us and provide responses. In general, it calls the book an errorfilled, unsub stance yatd book. Some were removed from their positions for malfeasance years ago and changed their stories repeatedly. Do you feel strongly in your reporting that you have an accurate portrayal of the church of scientology and you gave it a fair shot . I charge asked all the church questions, again and again, asking its very questions that they are now trying to refute. I spoke to the people who had been at the very highest levels of scientology, the people who had gone to the very top of their spiritual pir mind. These are the experts on the church and the church itself tried to deal with some of my questions but continually, in a very hostile manner, avoided responding. So i think we have given them as good a chance as they are ever gonna get. Larry wright, thank you for being with us this morning, telling us about the book. It is called going clear, hear more from larry wright and paul haggis on rock Center Tonight at 10 9 central time here on nbc. Still ahead, can Lance Armstrong rebuild his public image . We will talk about that and tomorrow with todays professionals. But first, these messages. Grown in america. Picked and packed at the peak of ripeness. The same essential nutrients as fresh. Del monte. Bursting with life. Gives you 1 cash back on all purchases, plus a 50 annual bonus. And everyone likes 50 more. [ midwestern chicago accent ] cheddar yeah 50 percent more [yodeling] yodelayeeoo. 50 more flash. [ southern accent ] 50 percent more taters. Thats where tots come from. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1 cash back on every purchase plus a 50 annual bonus on the cash you earn. Its the card for people who like more cash. 50 more spy stuff. Whats in your wallet . This car is too small. Whats in your wallet . Living with moderate to semeans living with pain. Is it could also mean living with joint damage. Humira, adalimumab, can help treat more than just the pain. For many adults, humira is clinically proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. Blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure have occurred. Before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. Ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. Tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. You should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. Ask your rheumatologist about humira, to help relieve your pain and stop further joint damage. Coming up, pete rose opens up in a live interview about scandals in sports, including his own and his new reality show. 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We have breaking news on the roads in virginia. Lets get right to danella seabrook. Danella, good morning. Good morning. Theres a crash northbound i95 at centerport parkway blocking all northbound lanes and now just one lane gets by and thats the right lane. Well talk about delays, six miles. Heres a live look at the traffic jam. It das i95 northbound approaches route 17. One lane will get you by that accident. Back to you. Danella, thank you. Toms tracking snow. Your forecast is u [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway the big hot pastrami melt. We perfected the pastrami sandwich filled with hot, juicy pastrami, pickles, yellow mustard and bubbly melted cheese. All piledhigh on our signature freshly baked bread. Made hot, toasty and just for you. And dont be afraid to put your spin on this deli style deliciousity add your favorite ingredients, like spicy jalapenos or crisp green peppers. Get to your local subway and taste some perfect pastrami today subway. Eat fresh. Good morning, its raining now south and east of the metro area. Over washington, a cloudy sky, maybe just a few sprinkles, but those areas in yellow coming down moderate rain south of washington and well have, perhaps, that rain switching over to some snow during the afternoon but only very light amount around the metro area and maybe a dusting to an inch or so but higher amounts to our south. Southern maryland through Central Virginia could get four to six inches before it all ends by midnight tonight. Back to you. Back look, every day were using more and more energy. The world needs more energy. Wheres it going to come from . Thats why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. Enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. Whats it going to do to the planet . Natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. Weve got to be smart about this. Its a smart way to go. Thursday morning, january 17, 2013. Clear, sunny, this morning, a little bit of chill in the air. And al reports we may see some showers in later tonight. The forecast in a moment. Good morning, im Savannah Guthrie, alongside matt lauer and al rocker. Todays professionals are in our studio right now, they are getting all ready to do the segment. One of the topics we will discuss this morning, what if you hire a wedding photographer, you pay that person good money. Sure. Then that photographer misses some of the key moments of your wedding, like the first kiss . Do you have a right to sue that photographer . Thats good topic. A question, okay . We will look forward to that. We have a big star in our studio, Catherine Zetajones is here. Of course, she is an oscar and tony win. She has got a new project and we will hawk to her about that coming up. And charlie hustle, pete rose, the legend. His storied baseball career but he bet on the game, now banned for life. So, what does he think about Lance Armstrongs confession about cheating on the sport he dominated . We are going to talk to pete about that and he has a brandnew reality show. His fiancee, kiana. Before we goo any further, lets go inside, natalie is standing by at the news desk with a check of the headlines. The good morning, everyone. Algerian Officials Say half of the 41 foreign hostages being held by islamic mill at that moments in algeria have escaped. Some of those who got away are said to be americans. Several americans were kidnapped at a natural gas complex where they worked in the sahara desert. The Al Qaedalinked militants say they were acting in retaliation for the french operation in mali. Boeings new 787 dreamliner plane is now grounded in the u. S. , europe, japan and india. Theres concern that a lithium ion battery can overheat and cause a fire. The problematic battery forced a Nippon Airways plane to make an Emergency Landing this week. The dream liner is now under investigation by the federal aviation administration. President obamas facing gop opposition after unveiling his 500 million gun control package, acting in response to the shooting rampage in newtown, connecticut. The president called on congress to ban the sale of militarystyle assault weapons to limit the size of ammunition clips to and mandate universal background checks for all gun sales. The president signed 23 executive actions on the issue. A story that north dame heisman finalist manti teos girlfriend had died of leukemia has turned out to be false and the linebacker says he is the victim of a hoax. Calling it incredibly embarrassing to talk about teo said wednesday that he developed a relationship with a woman he met online and maintained it through computer chats and phone calls. Teo also said during the season that the loss of his girlfriend inspired him to help lead the irish to the bcs title game, however, with all of this the woman never existed. Teo said he is the victim of what was apparently someones sick joke. Lance armstrong has just been stripped of his 2000 olympic bronze medal by the International Olympic committee. This is the latest punishment for the disgraced cyclist following a u. S. Antidoping report, alleging he has used performanceenhancing drugs. After years of denial, armstrong confessed to doping during an interview with Oprah Winfrey that airs tonight. Now a look what is trending today, our quick roundup of what has you talking online. Wrangler is launching something you didnt know you apparently needed, the first pair of moisturing jeans, modeled by lizzie jagger, micks daughter, the 135 jeans are supposedly infused with Skin Care Products that will keep your legs well hydrated. If that wasnt amazing enough, they are also supposed to help you fight cell light. Yeah. I dont know if i believe that. Subway may have bitten off more than it can chew a concerned sandwich lover posted a picture on subways Facebook Page of his foot long not measuring up to its advertised length. The post got more than 100,000 likes and then other sandwich eaters began sending in similar photos demanding an explanation. Some are blaming shrinkage. Others are saying the bread was never the right length. No response yet from subway. And this is a ponytail only a dad could come up with. The clip is going viral and shows the newest tool in child hair care. Ow. The vacuum cleaner. That has to hurt a little bit. 8 04 now, go back out to al with a check of the weather. Like the flowby right. My dad is did that to me, didnt work well. Thats what happens. Now you know the story. Nice ladies from utah, salt lake city. Youre the mom . Im mom. How many daughters do you have here . Five. Five daughters. This one. That one. Whose birthday . Your birthday. What is your name . Marissa. Happy birthday. Lets find out about your weather. Lets start with our pick city of the day, temple temple, texa. Sunny, cool, 59 degrees and you can see down in the big weather feature is this low pressure spinning in the southeast. Its going to bring a lot of rain, snow on the back side of it and its kay quick mover so thats a good news. Some areas in the appalachians could see six to 12 inches of snow, one to three inches of rain in the southeast and air stagnation alerts in the Pacific Northwest and snow showers as clippers come across the great lakes and santa ana winds in Southern California with temperatures in the low 60s throughout much of texas with plenty of sunshine. I was reenkting your weather forecast. Thank you very much. Thats ways going on around the country. Heres whats happening in your neck of the woods. Good morning, a chill in the air and temperatures are right near 40 degrees. We have rain falling south and east of washington. Those yooishs in the green and yellow. You see the yellows and arranges are coming down harder in Charles County and thats heading off to the neither and east into southern proinss and calvert and adirondel and later today we might get rain changing to snow around the metro youre but i dont think it will be a lot and only a light accumulation on grassy yooishs but higher amounts farther thats your latest weather. Al, thank you. We have todays professionals, they will weigh in on a guy who wrote a cover letter for a job said hire me, im average. Good strategy . We will ask the professionals, coming up next. People love our potpourri parties. Its a smell of a good time. This is the juniper oh that is magical. 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We are back now at 10 after 8 with todays professionals, here to break down the days hottest headlines, star jones, donny deutsch, in for nancy, susie orman from cnbcs the suze orman show. Thank you, good morning. Lance armstrong, tonight is the night, he will admit he used performanceenhancing drugs in his cycling career. In country, we love to make heroes, love to see a fall from grace and we love a resurrection. Is america ready for the resurrection of Lance Armstrong . Im still deal with the legal a ramifications. I think that lance has figured out a way to confess when the statute of limitations is over for the perjury charges so america is not going to feel as if he has actually paid a price. Marion jones went to jail for six months. Im not sure that Lance Armstrong losing endorsements is the equivalent. Donny, you are an image guy. What happens to the image once he makes this confession . Done, over, see you later. I have talked on the show before about what i call the scandal continuum. Certain things as a culture we can forgive. And when you if he had just doped and said i did it i am comp pet tivg the years of like, the profuse lying, is the bullying of other people. His image is done. No resurrection. I dont think there is a resurrection at all, we were so invested in his fame, we were so invested of the not well guy becoming well and seven times, and it was a lie. By the way, unnecessary because it would have been a good enough story for the former cancer patient to even get to the point where he could compete in a tour. Yeah. This is a yuck, a big yuck. He is over. He is over. Lift the ban on his competing in triathlons . Should they allow him to compete in the future . No. He is going to be tainted forever. Let us move on the president has put forward his proposals for gun control. In advance of that the National Rifle association put out a video address the idea that they put forward of putting Armed Security in schools. The voiceover of the ad says the following, are the president s kids more important than yours . Then why is he skeptical about putting Armed Security in our schools when his kids are protected by armed guards at their schools . It also called obama an elitist hypocrite. When it comes to citizens getting their fair share of security you you are an ad guy, what do you think of the ad . It is disgusting you. Nothing to do with politics, bushs twin daughters, i would be saying the same thing. To equate the president s children, who targets from day bun one, not by their own choice, to this argument, the nra has truly lost their mind. This is a disgusting, you will have gar ad. The interesting part about it is the president s children, when put in harms way, will distract the president , which then impacts on the rest of us. Why would you even make an ad like that . Because i dont understand what their purpose was . They are idiots. The truth of the matters is the kids obviously are not more important but they are more in danger. Absolutely. They are a target. So, the nra really that was ridiculous. The white house came out and said this ad is repugnant and cowardly. Where is the line . Can you ever mention or bring up the president s family when making a point over a key issue . Yeah. Look, i think they are part of the public discussion. Thats what you buy. They understand that. But this is clearly an instance, i dont care that any sane person cannot say . Over the line. The nra is just destroying their own brand. When you are arguing for assault weapons and multiclip, multibullet clips and put president s kids in the same kind of ad it is never appropriate. You have crossed every line. You can talk about the president s kids but make a valid point with it. You can not compare his kids with anybody elses kids. Apples to alps. This was apples to averages . Move on to something much light but im interested in your take on this, star. You hire a wedding photographer, to cover your big day, you pay a lot of money. During the big day the photographer misses the key moments, former, doesnt get the picture of the first kiss. This happened to a couple in australia. Does that couple then have the right to sue that wedding photographer . Probably not sue well, you have the right to sue anyone but i would probably not give them the money. I would be mad as the couple. I would reduce the amount of money that i gave the photographer because you have missed key moments. Isnt it a breach of contract . If i hired a painter to paint my room pink and he painted in polka dots, he didnt get the job right. I ran a business. He may have painted a different shade. Up the hire a wedding photographer, say in the contract and i will get the picture of the first kiss . I dont think it says that in the contract but the photographer knows why he or she has been hired. What i find sad is if they knew that some of the pictures were missed, when did they know, why didnt they just go back and restage them . Restage the first kiss again . Matt, you and i as sensitive guys, very offended by that comment. I know a little bit something about planning a wedding, you going to be ticked off if you miss some of those pictures. The last one we will call the direct approach, a young, College Student wanting an internship at an Investment Bank writes a cover letter, boy, does this kid take the direct approach. He writes this i wont waste your time inflating my credentials, feeding you a line of he says crap, about my past experiences and skillset that they align perfectly for an Investment Banking internship. The truth is i have no unbelievably special skills or genius exseine tritts but i do have a nearperfect gpa and i will work hard four. Would you hire that kid . Really . I will tell you exactly why. We are now in an age and i think this is a lesson for politician, hear me out, we want the no bs. Didnt say i have a nearperfect gpa, obviously, he is credentialalized, i have seen thousands of letters, dear mr. Deutsch you refreshing, and guts, i love this kid, hire him on the spot. Would you hire this person . I dont think i would. Great, he has got a nearperfect gpa but he also says i dont have any special skills, i dont have any this. Nobody does in college. Being honest. Thats not true, some who have tremendous skills in college who are really out there and innovative. Real quickly. He cant even spell crap correctly. I would definitely hot fire him. Two ps. Maybe it was for emphasis. A. A win. Its called wrong. Spell it right. Ladies, gentleman, thank you very much. Suze will be back to tackle your money problems. Up next though we have oscar winner Catherine Zetajones live in our studio and we will talk to her, after this. Faster or slower . Etter . [ all kids ] faster oscar winner Catherine Zetajones live in our studio and we will talk to her, after this. Okay. A spaceship. A spaceship. And whats slow . My grandmas slow. Would you like it better if she was fast . I bet she would like it if she was fast. Hm, maybe give her some turbo boosters. Tape a cheetah to her back. Tape a cheetah to her back . Seems like you have thought about this before. [ male announcer ] its not complicated. Faster is better. And the iphone 5 downloads fastest on at t 4g. Yer always after me lucky charms whoa. I forgot how good these taste [ lucky ] theyre magically delicious if you dont feel good iwhen you leave the bathroom, youve got the wrong toilet paper. You want it to get you clean. Gently. I want a toilet paper thats, you know, pillowy. Not all toilet papers are created equal. Not only is quilted northern ultra plush® the only bath tissue with plush quilts ®. It has the innerlux layer. Three levels of softness, and the gentle clean you want. As long as i use quilted northern ultra plush® im happy. And positive im clean. Quilted northern ultra plush®. For a comfortable, confident clean, or your money back. Everythings better with a great cup of coffee. Exceptionally smooth and perfectly balanced for a harmonious blend of flavor, body and aroma. Green mountain coffee for your keurig brewer. Brew a better day. [ male announcer ] lets take every drop of courage, every ounce of inspiration, every bit of determination, and go where weve never gone before. Introducing the radically new avalon. Toyota. Lets go places. Introducing the radically new avalon. Lets face it. Everyone has their own way of doing things. At university of phoenix we know learning is no different. So we offer personalized tools and support, that let our students tackle the challenge of going back to school, like they do anything else. Their way. Very interesting. Cool. I like success. Joy. I got cracker chips. [ laughing ] chocolatey pretzel. Mmmm. Special k [ female announcer ] snack and stay on track with special k. I like confidence. I am a confident lady. [ laughter ] hi, i just switched jobs, and i want to roll over my old 401 k into a fidelity ira. Man okay, no problem. Its easy to get started; i can help you with the paperwork. Um. This green line just appeared on my floor. Yeah, thats fidelity helping you reach your financial goals. Could you hold on a second . Its your money. Roll over your old 401 k into a fidelity ira and take control of your personal economy. This is going to be helpful. Call or come in today. Fidelity investments. Turn here. We are back at 8 21 with oils scar and tonywinning actress, Catherine Zetajones. She place the wife of a corrupt mayor in broken city. When her husband hires a priva privateer to track her, she says he is following the wrong story. This is not what you think it is mr. Taggert. I get fide take pitch perrers, not think. If that woman you put down the bottle for means anything, if the last seven years of your life means anything, walk away. If you think you are investigating adultery, mr. Taggert, you dont know nicholass who set nicholas s who st very well. Catherine zetajones, good morning to you. We want to talk about this movie is a good one. First we saw you at the Golden Globes the other night, you were a presenter which i think would beracking than as a nominee. You sang your opening line. Node choice. Going to the nerves, i get nervous walking down a red carpet, literally, its always nerveracking because you walk into a room and you look around and you know pretty much the whole of your industry is sitting in one room. And so of course you get nervous. I get nervous going to the mall. Were you is up mosted to sing more than the one line . No, no, actually i wasnt supposed to sing at all, the script really was written, do you heart people sing, so i just went i will sing t. Thats what i wonder. I thought were you debating right to the last minute, do you sing it or say it . I prefer to sing anything. Lets talk about this movie, you star opposite two forces in hollywood, Mark Wahlberg and russell crowe. Yeah r they are both powerful actors. They seem to go about it in a different way. Whats it like . How would you compare them or say they are different . The dynamic first of all, they are equally extreme professionals, you know . I have known russell since for over 21 years. He was actually at my wedding, known him that long, we were starting now the hollywood, all auditioning at the same time, like this expat kind of stuff, all the brits, all the australi australians, all auditioning at the same time, i have known russell many, many years. But they both are extreme professionals. And the way they approach the work is, like mark, is like so quiet. And just has a wonderful quality on film that he does nothing but he says so much, you know . Russell is a bit like that russell is much more we talk about i talk rugby and sports with russell. He is more like a sports bar kind of guy for me. One hoft things that atrauktd to this role, i understand it you felt, as i understand it intelligent, a movie that didnt talk down to the audience. What i have been doing recently, been blessed, i have been working with great actors, like russell and mark, and great directors, they are movies that doesnt insult your intelligence when you go and pay your money and sit in the theater. A real thinker and once think you figured out the storyline, it twist and turns again. So, and thats really interesting for me and as a cinema girl myself, i just that makes much more sense than going, okay, i note ending, how many hours do i have to eat popcorn for . Every time we catch up with you, i had a chance to see michael not long ago on a shoot, it seems you are constantly going, both of you, with project and yet you are raising children. Do you make a deal at home, your turn, my turn, your turn, my turn . Exactly, we do. Actually, there was one moment when you met michael that i was working at the same time. That was the first time, like ten days that we were both working at the same time. But usually if im working, michaels at home or vice versa, because the children didnt ask to be brought into this lifestyle, you know . And im adamant about keeping them into a routine, keeping them in school, having their play dates, having their sporting events, having everything thats normal, a give and take situation, but i must say that hes an amazing father and i know that when im away, hes everything is just fine. Good hands. Probably better than me. Katherine zita joan, the film is broken city opens to we are back after the your local news. Good seeing you. Good morning. Its 8 26 on your thursday, january 17th. Im aaron gilchrist. We have breaking news on 95 in virginia. Danella . Thats right, aaron. All of the lanes northbound lanes blocked again at center court parkway. We saw a few moments ago traffic was getting by in the right lane but the tractortrailer accident blocking all the northbound lanes. What you want to do is use Jefferson Davis highway instead as alternate, you can see as route 17, traffic is just sitting on the roadway. Aaron, back over to you. Thank you, danella. Tom has the latest on the s good morning. Tom kierein with your storm team 4 weather update on this thursday morning, we have some rain falling south and east of washington on storm team 4 radar and all advancing from the southwest heading northeast and were going to have this area of rain passing, mainly south and east of the metro youre throughout the rest of the morning. Right now, low to mid 40s. Much of the metro area, 30s, farther north and west but above freezing. Only an inch or so on grassy youres around the metro yay and extreme Northern Virginia and nearby suburbs in maryland. Farther south where the higher amounts will likely begin in Late Afternoon into early evening ending by we are joined by president dale gilchrest and first lady, emily gilchrest. Mr. President , you shall pressing for a set of vote on controversial education reforms. Look, theres nothing controversial about this bill, just common sense steps, more math and science teachers in the classroom. And more support for programs that actually excite kids about learning. Interesting. Mrs. Gilchrest, where do you stand on sleeves . She is dogged in her pursuit of the truth. That is our own Savannah Guthrie, asking the tough questions of a fictitious president on the new nbc comedy 1600 penn. You have fun . I did. You know how hard it is to play yourself . I found it to be extremely difficult. An odd statement. Yes it s i was like, whats my motivation . I dont know. Just read the lines. I know, youre the today show anchor. It was fun. We are going to be meeting one of the stars of that get his critique of your work in just a couple of minutes. Tonights episode, right . I think it s. Out on the plaza, matt lauer along with the lady who has a difficult time playing herself who am i . Whats my motivation. Natalie morales and mr. Al roker. You know who sells in our studio now . Baseballs alltime hits leader, pete rose. Hes here along with his fiancee, kiana. They have a brandnew reality show coming out, since pete is here, we will get his perspective, some of the situation involving Lance Armstrong, i think he will have an interesting take on that we will talk to both of them in a couple of minutes. Then, should you tap into your 401 k to pay your bills . Is it more important to save for your retirement or to pay off your Credit Card Debt . Suze orman is going to be back with her patented tough talk for . Former president bill clintonbe chatting with dr. Nancy snyderman about his latest project. But first, going on, for the weekend and tomorrow, we have frigid conditions in the northeast. Snow around the great lakes. Air stagnation will continue for the Pacific Northwest and saturday, more of the same. And in fact, matt, it doesnt change much and snow showers around the upper great lakes and on sunday sunday, were looking at snow squalls around the great lakes and again, arctic and bitterly cold air pushes in and it will be sunny and cool throughout the Southern Tier of states and mild in the Pacific Northwest on into the southwest. Thats whats going on around the country. Heres whats happening in your neck of the woods. Good morning. Since before dawn, we have had rain falling and the metro youre and were going to have this rain falling south and east of washington here for the rest of the Morning Hours and neither and west maybe just a few sprinkles of rain. And then later this afternoon, we may get these temperatures that you now in the low to mid 40s begin to drop back down into the 30s at that point. Might get some rain changing to snow and maybe just an inch or so on grassy youres around the metro area. Northern vooichlt, nearby suburbs in maryland. And thats your latest weather. Lets get caught up on whats happening with all those folks on the smuckers jar, uncle willie. How sweet it is to have a Birthday Party this time of the year. The world is beautiful and smuckers loves it. Take a look, if you will. We have the lovely pauline orlando, from carlsbad, california. She is 100 years old today. Her secret to longevity you loves the good lord. Cant beat that a way to be a winner she likes good food. Lucille, you picked a fine time to leave me. Lucille oleary and her cow did not kick the puckett over in chicago. She is 108 years old today, boca raton, florida one of the nicest towns in the country and shes former flapper. Yes, sir, thats my baby and the charleston. And she can still do t hit. Harry saltz from the great state of new jersey, i hope they are getting organized, god love them, 100 years old today and good old harry, he loves current events. Keeps up all the time. The secret to longevity, never gets angry, never gets mad. He just decks them. No he doesnt. Good people. Beatrice, always liked beatrice. Beatrice from chesapeake, virginia, a retired school teacher, she is, and she love was to sing at the church choir. Cant beat that. And marlowe ex103 years old today, loves to play checkers, his favorite game, a lot of fun with his friends today. And dorothy adams, we love her, from wilmington, delaware, 100 years old today, loves to play words with her friends on the ipad and a good drink after 5 p. M. It is always after 5 p. M. Somewhere. We have goldie, isnt that a great name . Goldie russell, from the great state of michigan, 100 years old today. Her secret to longevity, stay active, keep busy, smile a lot. Make people happy and youre happy. Now back to the great happy town of new york. Willard, thank you very much. We are joined by josh gatt, place one of the first children on nbcs new comedy 1600 penn. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. Cameo appearance of Savannah Guthrie on the premiere of this show, one to 10 . I would say a 12. We saw a lot of people for savannahs role. To play savannah. She was the only one that really, truly could capture the essence of herself. So we decided what better way to do it than to bring savannah onto the show we had to break our budge eat little bit. She demanded so much. A lot of personalized cokes and chocolates. M ms. A lot of riders on my contract, tea lights. You are phenomenal on the show. We are excite to have you. More importantly, you are phenomenal on the show. Is a great character. Tell us about skip gilchrest, kind of a funloving, almost buffoonlike . Yeah, skip is skip is kind of a bull in a china shop. As as my stepmother calls him, hes golden retriever. He means well but everything he seems to touch blows up or flies out the window in a flaming chair. So, he is great and its a lot of fun to play. And a physical role a lot of physical comedy. You do it so well. There is a lot of physical comedy. I have to fall over chairs. I have to jump around a lot. I have to, i said, throw flaming chairs out of windows but every day is a surprise and every day is a blast. You got go to the white house the other night, right . Last week i went to the white house with the cast. We got to meet the president. And it was amazing. He gave us a little tour answered comes up to me answered shakes my hand and i had prepared what i wanted to say to him and then his hand comes out answered goes, so how are you feeling today . And i say, well, much better now, mr. President. And im not sure what the implication was, like i was having a horrible time prior to that moment but it was one of those moments you are like inception, you just wanted to take it all back and go to the beginning. I felt badly that was to only comment i could say. Josh, great to have you here, 1600 penn, an all new episode tonight, 9 30 8 30 central here on nbc. Thanks so much. Up next, a baseball legend in the house. Pete rose is here to tell us about his new reality show and we will get his thoughts on the Lance Armstrong situation. 8 40 now. Pete rose had a legendary career in baseball but the hit king was banned from the sport for betting on games. Now he is hoping to show a different side of himself in a brand new tlc reality show. Its called hits and mrs. And gives viewers a look at his life with his fiancee, kiana kim and her two children. Take a look. All righty. You guys are going to go into the hall of fame and understand that every baseball player that plays, thats where he wants too end up. Are you going in with us . Oh, no, i got to get back to work. Im afraid if i go in there they might not let me come back out. Im gonna go in there when they invite me in. Have fun. See ya. Pete rose, kiana kim. Good morning to both of you. Nice to have you here. Nice to be here. Talk about this snow a second. I got to get your perspective on the Lance Armstrong thing now, he is going to confess he used performanceenhancing drugs. This is a fall from grace for a storied athlete. You have been there. Yeah. You know. Yeah. You had to admit to like. Right. And you were banned from the sport. What is he facing right now . Le with, first of all, if he does admit it he is going to take a lead off of his shoulders. Is that what happened for you . I waited too long. Anybody that has any kind of problem like that come forward as quickly as you possibly can it gets that load off your shoulders and gets you took recovery with the fans and the people and the country. Most of the time, they will give you a second chance. That true . Because we do like a resurrection story here. Were people ready, willing and able to lift you up after that fall from grace . Some were. Some were. But we still work on it. First of all, they have to know youre sincere and they have to know that you step forward and you took responsibility and in my case, i think my fans understand that now i know how i screwed up, okay . And once once they figure that out, then they are following give you a second chance. You are still banned from the sport, ineligible for the hall of fame. There is talk that he would like the ban lifted on him competing in triathlons. Do you think it should be lifted . Well, matt, sitting here talking to you, i dont know all the answers to what he really did. I mean, did he cheat the first one or the second one or the fifth one or the sixth one . You know, in baseball, he is there a tipoff on guys that are doing illegal things that you dont dominate any sport after you are 40 years old. None of us. You, me, we dont it do the things 4590 we did at 30. A red flag . Yes, there should be a red flag. Hes a great athlete, i guess, i never met lance. Im glad he is coming forward. I hope its not too late. Talk but two, sorry to make you sit there for that reality show, you know, he is 71. You have not told us story, you have not told us how old you are. Why did you want to do a reality show . I think what mainly attracted me to the she was the fact that it gave me an opportunity to show people who i am, not only as a model and as pete roses fiancee but i am also a career woman and also my main important job is being a mother. It was very important to show people that you are blending families now, you have children, older children, these groups are coming together. Why did you want to do a reality show . Well, i thought it would be fun. Tlc is a great network. Its a Family Network and i want to show a different side of me, because i think most people who meet me think im gonna try to knock them down because they saw me knocking second basemen down and knocking catchers down and yelling at pitchers and diving everywhere head first and im really not like that anymore. I dont play ball no more. Now, if you were trying to make a double play now, matt, i would knock you on your tail. Look like you could still do it by the way. And kind of neat. Last year, one time, i took those two young kids to San Diego Zoo and the next day i took them to seaworld and the next day i took them to lego land. The next day, i was in a wheelchair trying to keep up with those two kids. It is fun for me. Got to know your limitations. Yeah you do. No one told me. Is this something you get used to having cameras in your faces for a long period of time . I dont know about her, but i had them in my face for 29 years i was in the big league he is. Without a reality show, pete is always in the limelight. You know, people are always interested in his life so we were used to it just from the very beginning. Kiana kim, pete rose, nice to have you both here and you can catch hits and mrs. Monday nights on tlc. Thanks for your perspective. I got a ball for you. If you get two of mine, you can get one derek jeter. Appreciate it. Good to see you. Up next, former president bill clinton on a project he is passionate about, but first this is today on nbc. Back now 8 47 with education nation today. Dr. Nancy snyderman hosted a forum in california this week as part of the clinton Foundations Health Matters Initiative. And while there former president bill clinton introduced her to a school that is taking a unique approach to the fight against childhood obesity. Reporter as the sunrises over farm country near palm springs, california, farmer bob knight and his team start their day harvesting oranges. That is sweet. The kids are gonna love this. Reporter but unlike many farmers, he knows exactly where the fruit of his labor is headed. His oranges end up here, on the lunch trays of the kids here at Katherine Finchy Elementary School and other schools in the School District, part of a farmtoschool system, where locally prepared vegetables are prepared to give kids healthy, tasty options. With the obesity epidemic reaching the countrys school kids there is a move tonight transform the eating habits of children and it starts here on the front lines, with school lunches. Many kids are getting diabetes in Elementary School now you so the adult diseases are now hitting Elementary School. So, its really important to have education nutrition. Reporter no one feels more strongly about that than president bill clinton. A lot of these kids are consuming things high in bull you can and caloric content and low in nutritional value because its the only thing their families can afford. So the school should you can offering a nutritious meal that is also healthy in the since that it helps them fill their bellies, combat obesity, eat in a more healthy way and give them decent exercise options. Reporter supported by the clinton Foundations Health Matters Initiative this unique Program Supports local farms and local kids. What is your favorite kind of apple, youre gonna color it in with red. Reporter and all three school assumes in the district have signed up. Its a win win situation. At this school, nutrition and exercise are part of classroom teachings, inside and out of the school. Now, studies show the kids who learn about Healthy Lifestyle choices learn more and achieve more. Its called skillbased learning, instead of living you in the classroom and people rising vitamin c is in oranges, we have them connect food to t. Good job. Good morning, everybody. Does anybody know what this thing is right here . Reporter today, farmer bob is holding a Farmers Market the school where he teaches kids the super powers of fresh fruits and vegetables. So, what did you get . What i really slik that i can meet and i can see the kids that actually eat the fruit that i grow. Its really gratifying to be able to say, okay, my kids a mind own School District are eating the fruit that i grow and i can get food back from them. The am tastes really good. My favorite part is the carrots. Im starting young to eat healthy when i get older, i will be in shape and be healthy. Doing a great job. Coming up next, suze ormans advice making tough choices when it comes to your money. But first, this is today on nbc. [ male ] thats one creamy muller. [ female ] its greekstyle yogurt. Thick, scrumptious, and more protein than those regular yogurts. [ male ] are those almonds i see in the corner thingy . [ female ] caramelized almonds i think youll find. [ male ] well, who wants ordinary runofthemill almonds when you could have the caramelized kind . If i was this girl, id caramelize my whole apartment. [ female ] weird. [ male ] this greekstyle yogurt has style. [ female ] you can say that again. [ male ] why thank you. This greekstyle yogurt has style. [ female ] okay. Stop saying it now. [ male ] youre sending me mixed messages. [ male announcer ] muller. The european for yummy. This morning on todays money tough choices in uncertain times. While the government worries about how to pay the countrys bills, Many Americans are trying to figure that out at home. Suze orman is here with answers to your problems. Good morning, good to see you. Thank you, savannah. All right. Lets talk about these uncertain times. People are looking at washington, seeing that these issues arent being resolved. What should people do in the face of that kind of uncertainty . For example, if you were looking to make a big purchase, is this a good time do it . If you have money. If you have an eightmonth Emergency Fund, no Credit Card Debt, you are fully funding your retirement, if you lost your job, everything could still be okay, you want to buy something, buy it. But if you have to buy it right now, put it on a credit card, finance it with a home equity line of credit, can you just think twice . Can you just still be conservative . Lets talk about paychecks, a lot of people in january may be noticing that their paycheck is smaller. Thats because of a reduction in the payroll tax has expired. Thats right. Explain that. So, forever, one way that we fund Social Security, all that we tax, our payroll. So, it always was 6. 2 . But then when things got rough in the economy, the government said, we will give people a break. We will reduce it by 2 . And then, we would reinstate it when things started to get better. Things got better. This is the year it was to be reinstated it came back. Talking about a difference between 6. 2 and 4. 2 , but thats real money when it comes to the paycheck. Real money but not snag they just took away from us, it is something we didnt have they then gave us and they took it away again. So, 2 more from your paycheck is going to go out to pay for things. Another issue coming up in these hard times, more than one in four americans, according to a new study, are using their 401 k or other Retirement Savings to pay current bills. Obviously, this is not a ideal situation. You would never recommend that people do this how troubled are you by this practice . Im really troubled some troubled by it i actually think the government should take away the ability to make loans. I think it should be manned tear that you cannot touch this money until youre 59 1 2 or older. Listen, what people dont understand is when they take a loan from their 401 k , they are taking it with money that they never paid taxes on. Now they are taking money, it has to be paid back in five years with money they have already paid taxes on to pay it back. When they retire later on in life, they are going to pay taxes again. They have just volunteered for double taxation. I have to get this in. 401 k plans are protected against bankruptcy. So if youre always playing catch up, dont have enough money, you need to claim bankruptcy, you lost the money in your 401 k plan if you took a loan from t ridiculous, people. Ridiculous. Another question people face in these hard times is should is it better to pay off a highinterest credit card or save for retirement . I personally think its better, at this point, now i keep changing my mind on this, depending on how banks are doing with credit cards. Will they shut you down . Will they not . Currently, i think you are better off paying off a highinterest credit card than saving because youre getting zero percent in your savings account, may be paying 20 on a credit card, but if youre gonna sure the it down, you are going to pay it off, then pay it down, now you will be in trouble. Only got 15 seconds for this another study that says young adult nous have more Credit Card Debt than their parents did at the same time in their lives. What do you make of that . I have to tell you, i dont think they are going out there and buying things. I think they are using it to pay their bills. Susie orman, thank you very much. Get suze ormans show 9 p. M. Eastern and pacific time on cnbc. We are back after your local news. 8 56 is your time on this thursday, january 17th. 2013. Good morning. We have breaking news on the roads. Danella seabrook is here with details. Good morning. Big delays in stafford, virginia, along i95 northbound. All the northbound lanes, blocked at center court parkway but you can see here still jammed just now traffic has been able to move beyond center court parkway and gridlock. A lot of drivers stuck. Delays, over seven miles. About 7. 5 right now and a big delay. Over to 395 northbound, the 14th street bridge had an accident in the right lane and its gone. Back to you. Danella, thats correct so much. Good morning. Tom kierein with your storm team 4 weather update. Its thursday. Rain along i95 points south and east and changing to snow there later today. Thats with a higher amounts will be, maybe only a dusting to an inch or so around the metro area melting on roads and only on grassy youres. Tom, we are back with more of today on this thursday morning it is the 17th day of january, 2013 and we have a nice crowd and a nice day here in rockefeller plaza. Weay hello to them and hello to you. Im Savannah Guthrie, alongside al roker, Natalie Morales. This is matte kearney hey mama. Jamming here. Got ya. We always jam. Meanwhile, coming up, going show show you high style at low price. Some funky fashion finds at 50 or less. And we are going to head into our scene dock right now, from scuffed floors to carpet stains, our mr. Fixit, lou man fer deanny, has fixit tricks and judging by the back, some merchandise to sell. Including getting wine stains out. Looking at you, natalie. A little help. Wow. Thought i would throw that out there what comes around goes around. Oh oh. Im trying to preempt the strike thats coming shortly here. Time for todays take three. Lets start our take one with this incredible story out of notre dame. Probably heard about it. Start with hot player is manti day yoerk the superstar linebacker. Won every defensive award in College Football you could at north dame. Second in the heisman. Part of his story, part of the reason his story was so compelling the last several months is that his grandmother died and then reportedly, his girlfriend died within the span of a day or a couple of days, depending on what report you read. Turns out the girlfriend never existed. Woman who was supposedly named lennay kekua was the figment of someones imagination or a sick joke, depending on how ask. Deadspin. Com, a sports website, broke this story. Guys this boils down to two things, too deep and lowered their explain now, but do you believe he was the victim of a hoax or do you believe that he cooked up this story to create a narrative around himself . And if you believe that why would he go to such lengths to do that . How do you have a girlfriend for over a year that youve never met . You have apparently just had an emotional relationship over the phone and online . I just dont by that. He seems like a nice young man, seems like a great guy. But whether his friend cooked this up and went along for a ride for a little bit and got picked up everywhere, i dont know how it boiled around. We will hear mor from deadspin, they are reporting more on this today, seems like it just doesnt make sense. It is strange. Even if you believe him 100 , that he thought he had this girlfriend, i guess at main mum, did he perpetuate this was a great loss to him, equating it perhaps with the loss of his grandmother, getting a lot of sympathy, kind of flag to the hit when according to his own story, he would have known, all right, i havent ever met this person. So, i dont know, i think it is an odd story. The whole thing is so confusion. You keep reading, the more read it, it makes less and less sense. Makes less and less sense, i think, that he wouldnt question that it didnt make sense. Thats the thing thats hard to believe for me, he is a smart, young guy, hes senior in college, not like he is just out of high school, he is media savvy, been at north dame, the public eye. The star player at north dame. A smart guy. To go along with this that long, it just sort of defies belief that he didnt in some way know what was happening. Apparently, he found out about this hoax back in early december before the bcs game and all of this but yet continued, i believe, he said the whole reason was the emotion and all of that allowed him to push him through that game. Or could have been the embarrassment. If you believe the hoax farther of it he was duped and lead down this prim rose pass. We are getting word he may speak today, whether a press conference. Take two the American Idol premiere, Ryan Seacrest yesterday about the 12th season premiering. Who watched . Anybody watch . Did you guys see it . Natalie is our expert. Give us a report. What we were looking for as we expected. Sparks between nikki minaj. All about nikki mirage and mariah carey. And right away, we knew it was going to be an interesting couple of days. Nikkis got drum major hat here. Nikki marriage some fun dawg. Like we can have access source, i didnt know that was allowed. That is the last thing im gonna say. Dont. Dont. Last thing im gonnasay. I love the. What i do thank you. But why did you have to reference my hat . In the elevator are, you aukt as though i was looking at the hat in a way. Accident say you were looking at the hat. Stop looking me up and down, mariah. I told you i was admiring the hat. Why American Idol i think going to get old fast. It creases to be about the contestants and the singers, it is more about the judges. Enough about the judges. About the hat specifically. And the hair. Im telling you you nicki minaj with all her facial expressions, she is gonna have about all over the air and all over gifts the gif files and everything, people creating things, her weird, whacky, cartoonish facial expressions. Did you think it was kind of put on for the camera or did you some of it. I mean, the whole thing was mean girls all about mean girls, the two were the bicker as soon as the whole time but you get a sense they are sort of doing it for show. But yet, i dont get the sense they are best friends. They are not hanging out behind scene. It is contrived, people will start to see through very quickly. We will see. Our take three toddlers do tinseltown. Photographer trisha mezzaro specializes in recreating specialty pictures with toddlers and young kids. She did it with you guys last year . Really . Now take october alisters from what kids . We will show those in a second. Amnesia . Very memorable for you, savannah. Lets look at halle berry on the red carpet, okay . Now lets look at the creation of trisha mezzaro. Recreated with so cute. Adorable. They got together, they watched the looks and then immediately sunday night into monday morning, they recreated these photographs and got them out there. That girl is adorable. Stacy keibler, we saw them look great on the red carpet. See the kids now, the kids version here. Kids version . Kids version . Very daerp. Very similar dress. What i love is they got very close to the dresses, too. Then we have lucy lui and her big floral dress. You remember that whether you like it or not. Here is the kid version. She is cute. Very sweet. How about anne hathaway. Anne hat away. The kids. The minianne h anne hat away. A dead ringer. You get the idea. Kerry washington, taylor swift, do we have the photographs of our dear friends here, savannah, toddlers . Maybe it will come back to me. They did us on the show, guess. Well, they did you guys on the show. I will taken your word for it. Remembered it, wonderful, stay with you always. There is halle berry. A bonus take. Al, you take this one. I will not endorse it. Tuesday, i gave will lay brand new nickname on tuesday. Check it out. And that is your latest weather from chicago. Natalie, woody woody . [ laughter ] whos that now . Woody. I like it. Al i will go with woody, too. Al, i have been on the show for three months now. Meet buzz lightyear. So is this the woody . Is there a resemblance. Im telling you. Need to do a split screen. Can we get a split screen . Dead ringer. Dead ringer. Look at that. Wheres theres a snake in my boot. Where do you see it . Right there. Dead ringer. Now take a split screen with him wearing the costume. What you didnt see later in that clip was natalie looked at me and said you do look like a big woody. I thought what an inappropriate thing to say on morning television. It. It i did not say big. Yes, you did. You did. You did. I was at the airport still laughing about that. It was fantastic. I said you looked like a woody. Thats much better. Much, much better. Now im starting to see it. There is a resemblance. You there go you are a very strange little man. The same coloring and everything. Exactly. Really . Really . Now we know what you can be for halloween. Are you going to be able to do the news . I answer now to willie or woody, or how about a look at the news . Thank you. More serious topics now, thanks, everyone. In the news this morning, new developments in a violent hostage situation half a world away involving americans. Islamic militants with tie its to al qaeda took dozens of foreigners hostage in algeria in a natural gas complex. At least three americans are among them. This morning, one algerian offless said 20 hostages, including americans, escaped. In a separate report, militants claimed dozens of the hostages and kidnappers were killed in an algerian Helicopter Air strike. The militants say they were acting in retaliation for the French Military operation in mali. Boeing dream liners are temporarily grounded in the u. S. This morning on orders from the faa. The boeing 787s have been plagued by problems, including battery fires and fuel leaks. The faa wants to make sure the battery problems have been resolved before letting the planes fly again. Dream liners have also been grounded in japan, india and now in europe. United is the only airline here in the u. S. That had been flying the 787s. Today, the president of the nra is dismissing president obamas proposals to ban highcapacity ammunition magazines saying it makes you feel good but it doesnt do much. On wednesday, the president said he plans to put everything hes got into gun control, setting the stage for what is expected to be an uphill battle in congress. Among his other proposals, a ban on militarystyle assault weapons and a mandate for universal background checks. The nra says it is generally supportive of stronger background checks. President obamas likely to name Deputy National security adviser denny mcdonough to be his next chief of staff. He would replace current chief of staff jack lew, who has been nominated to become treasury secretary. And more fallout for Lance Armstrong, who admitted this week to you a using performanceenhancing drugs to win seven Tour De France titles. Today the International Olympic committee stripped armstrong of the bronze medal he won in the 2000 olympics in sydney. He had he will earlier been stripped of his Tour De France titles. In russia, a firefighters climbing a ladder to reach the fourth floor where people were trapped, a massive chunk of ice and snow fell from the roof and it slammed into him, as you saw there. Other firefighters rushed to help him. They got all the of the people out of the building. The firefighter was not hurt by the fire or the snow, thankfully. And a new video is getting lots of attention online. Some are calling it mission impossibaby . [ Mission Impossible theme ] one way too get to that candy, i guess. Some say it looks like an arcade claw game. Others say it could be maybe a young tom cruise in a onesie. It is now 12 minutes after the hour. There he goes, in for another one. Your aup to date for now. We have reached the point in Society People are having babies just to use them in youtube videos as props. A good prop in my next video. Thanks, natalie. Get a check of the weather . You starting off, weve got southern and midatlantic snow. Winter storm storm warnings and went weather advisories from jackson, mississippi, up into Atlantic City and this is a fastmoving storm system. Thats the good news because if it was slower it would dump a ton more snow. As it is, were talking about 6 to 12 inches of snow in the appalachians over the next 24 hours. One to three inches generally and rainfall from this thing from northern georgia to south carolina, two to four inches of rain, thats whats going on around the country. Heres whats happening in your neck of the woods. All coming from this storm system way down into alabama and now around the mississippi and thats going to be lift up our way and come our way by later tonight. Ahead of that, we have rain south and east of i95. North and west, maybe a few scattered sprinkles and temperatures are well above freezing with low to mid 40s around the metro area. Upper 30s farther west and north and then, midafternoon toward Late Afternoon we might get rain changing over to a little bit of light snow a and thats your latest weather. Thanks a lot. Up next, fun fashion finds for 50 bucks or less. Can you believe that . Thats great. Less. Me, too. Miss, this seats available. sighs this is too good to be true. Hi. John stamos. Enchante this is too good to be true. Dannon oikos nonfat yogurt. Delicious yet healthy. Sounds too good to be true. There are things that are too good to be true. Such as dannon oikos. Thick, creamy, with 0 fat and twice the protein. Of regular lowfat yogurt mmm huh. I want an oikos dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. Too delicious to be so nutritious. Dannon with thermacare heatwraps. Thermacare works differently. Its the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. For up to 16 hours of relief, try thermacare. Like other precious things that start off white, it yellows over time. When it comes to your smile, if youre not whitening, youre yellowing. Crest whitestrips whiten as well as 500 professional treatments. Guaranteed. Crest 3d white whitestrips. People have been daring them to clean up tough messes. My fans think a paper towel cant handle this. That is tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. Mom, pop it. Two inches apart, becky. Two inches. Tminus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. Let the making begin. Nah, im good. [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, you celebrate a little win. Nicoderm cq, the patch with time release smart control technology. Quit one day at a time with nicoderm cq. With time release smart control technology. 3,2,1. Count down to our most explosive, smooth lashes. 8x the volume. New the rocket volum express from Maybelline New York our supersonic brush zooms on big, sleek volume. Clumps get blasted 8x bigger. Smoother. New the rocket. Maybe its maybelline. Sleep in my contacts. Relax. Air optix® night day aqua contact lenses are approved for up to 30 days and nights of continuous wear, so its okay to sleep in them. Visit airoptix. Com for a free 1month trial. Go Olive Gardens 2 for 25 italian dinner. All the salad and breadsticks you want. Choose a sharable appetizer. Then two delicious entrees like smoked mozzarella chicken. Three courses, two people, just 25. Go olive garden. This morning on todays consumer, fashion finds for under 50 bucks. We have got some of the best bargains from major stores. Patrice william sass fashion blogger. Her website is called looking fly on a dime. Patrice, good morning. Good morning. Well, we obviously know you for your expertise and being able to find thrifty but fashionable items, you shopped the Department Stores and find five things you ray is musthaves. I scoured all the major Department Stores from high end to budget friendly and i found a ton of pieces all under 50. Would you never believe that they are this affordable. Let start with this. This is your faux fur coat and you found this at Jc Penney Stores . Yes. I would love a coat or any item that has a lux for less feel. Sometimes when something is faux, it looks and feels faux, this feels so soft and its amazing, this coat obviously comes in burgundy and black, something more subdued but great for a night out if you want to ditch the regular pea coat or wool coat a glamorous feel for it. Dress it down, too, with jeans and a tshirt . Skinny jeans are perfect, and i love it doesnt feel faux but has an amazing file to it and feels super soft. Looks warm, too. Okay. Great. Lets move on over here to jewelry. You found some great jewelry all under 50 bucks from bloomingdales. A lot of people associate bloomingdales with being extremely expensive. They do have a lot of highend pieces, but everything here is 50 and under. Actually, the most affordable piece in this segment came from bloomingdales which is kind of surprising for a lot of people. These earrings are only 28. Wow. 28 bucks. I thought there was a typo in the price tag, like a zero was missing or something but these are just 28. Drop earrings have such a classic, sophisticated look for them. Some statement necklaces, which are great and bangals, range from 28 to 50 at bloomingdales. You see a lot of those gems and the faux gems everywhere, a trend. Colorful. We all know that accessories are a quick ray way to dress up any look. These brocade shorts, which you are wearing as well in a different color. I am. Another great item to have. Wear them with winter, you see with the tight, or summer. I love this print so much, people think affordability means tough sacrifice on detail, you obviously dont. These have a floral had brocade print. I love them so much but i had to wear them. Demonstrate how you can wear them in winter time. I have them with tights, nice and warm, still on trend. Once the weather gets a little warmer, go with the bare leg a lot of women are confused how to wear shorts in the wintertime, you just treat them the same i you do a skirt or dress. Wear them with leggings. Legs or tight, good to go. Come in silver or gold, neutral, you can wear them we having. Lets move to these flats found and green is the big pan tone color of the year. Found them here. They are real leather, right . 100 leather, from target. Kind of surprising for some people but the cap toe detail, adds a fun detail for flats which some people think flats are boring they dont have to be. A great cap toe, on trend. Real quickly here, this black and white dress which of course, black and white we sunt red carpet, big trend . A huge trend for spring, saw it on the runways and the golden globe red carpet. This dress is just 29. 95. And of course, you see that it has stripes but since they are vertical it along gates the figure and tapers in at the waist. It really flatters. Giving her shape. Pat tris williams, thanks so much. And from scratches to stains, Lou Manfredini has tricks to get them out, after these messages. The doors open lets make a break for it oohhoo, i cant wait to clean something besides the shower. [ male announcer ] scrubbing bubbles foam penetrates tough grime and kills 99. 9 of bacteria, so cleaning the whole bathroom is easier. Scrubbing bubbles. [ female announcer ] sc johnson. One pharmacist started it all charles walgreen had a mission to help people be happy and healthy. From inventing the first chocolate malt. To creating a nonprofit pharmacy for our troops. To the first child safety caps. Walgreens has been innovating for over a hundred years. And were just getting started. With more and more ways to be well every day, here. At the corner of happy and healthy. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles are a great way to get your family together for breakfast. In fact, they might work too well. [ ding ] [ shuffling, scooting ] [ clears throat ] [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] golden, crispy outside. Warm and fluffy inside. We are one goodlooking family. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. Simply delicious. [ female announcer ] new roc® retinol correxion max. The power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum. Its clinically shown to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. Roc® max for maximum results. Delicious. But say i press a few out flat. Add some beef sloppy joe sauce. And cheese fold it all up and boom i just made an unbeatable unsloppy Joe Pillsbury grands biscuits. Let the making begin. Gives you 1 cash back on all purchases, plus a 50 annual bonus. And everyone likes 50 more. [ midwestern chicago accent ] cheddar yeah 50 percent more [yodeling] yodelayeeoo. 50 more flash. [ southern accent ] 50 percent more taters. Thats where tots come from. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1 cash back on every purchase plus a 50 annual bonus on the cash you earn. Its the card for people who like more cash. 50 more spy stuff. Whats in your wallet . This car is too small. I got it made, i got it made i got it made fresh at subway breakfast made the way i say i got it made i got it made, i got it made, i got it made fresh at subway breakfast made the way i say [ male announcer ] get breakfast made the way you say. Like your very own sizzlin steak, egg white cheese. Amazingly under 200 calories. Want green peppers, red onions on toasty flatbread . Oh, you so got it made. At subway soming up, actor gabriel makt from the hit series suits. And cooking recipes in foil. But first, your local news and weather. And cooking reci. But first, your local news and weather. Suits. And cooking recipes in foil. But first, your local news and weather. The pullups team told the krumme family, we were filming a potty training video. Oh what was that . But what they didnt know. Go, go, go was that we wanted to help little eli celebrate his first flush in the biggest way possible. Look eli first flush celebrate your first flush with new and improved pullups and for even more fun, check out our pullups big kid app at pullups. Com im a big kid now again you have to let me know [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. Sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. Nature at its most delicious. And coffee is coffee, a quick bite is a quick bite, and play time is play time, because for 24 hours my heartburn is lights out. Prevent acid for 24 hours with prevacid 24 hour. We have bruchbds. Police on the scene of a deadly shooting in dumphries. The woman may have known the shooter. Well go to danella seabrook with breaking news on the roads. Still watching the earlier accident on i95 northbound in stafford at Central Court parkway and that accident is out of the roadway but youre seeing delays and volume right around route 3. About a fivemile backup as you continue northbound. Aaron back t your update, getting rain along interstate 95 points south and east of there and changing over to snow mid to Late Afternoon into the in evening. Only maybe an inch or so around the immediate metro yay on grassy areas only. But higher amounts on the paved areas as well as paved areas south of the metro area and windy and cold after that as we get to next week. It looks like well have some clouds around for Inauguration Day. Well have frequent update into the afternoon. Back to yo i have a wanted to be an actor since i was a little girl and ive worked for a really long time the. Ive auditioned and struggle and fought and been on the sidelines for years. That was Jessica Chastain after the wing the golden globe for her best actress performance in zero dark thirtzero dark she has a new movie coming out, mama it is freaky looking. Gabriel macht plays a dapper lawyer on the hugely popular cable show suits, back for its third season. Talk to him about what we can expect as season two wraps up. Look forward to talking to him. We have done it spilled a little wine on the carpet, stained countertop. Secrets now to getting those stains out from the handyman of all handymen. A Chris Kimball this is our handyman, Lou Manfredini. Join us in a few minutes. Speaking of Chris Kimball. And kitchen counter tops. Right. Well, Chris Kimball is going to take us to school. Cooking in foil with recipies for pat roast, chicken and the hobo pack. My mom still does that still cook like that first, a check of the weather for us. Absolutely. Show you whats going on. First of all, starting for our weekend, friday, we are looking at frigid conditions in new england. Cool conditions in conditions i southeast. Lake skt snow showers around the great lakes as clippers come across. Air stagnation continues in the Pacific Northwest. Mild in the southwest. Weve got the snow and wind continuing around the great lakes and it will be cold in the northeast and sunday sunday, look for more snow squalls in the eastern great lakes. The arctic express comes in with bitterly cold air moving into the plains and eventually spread south and east look for mild conditions in the southwest. Texas on into Southern California. Thats whats going on around the country. Heres whats happening in your neck of the woods. Good morning, storm team 4 radar showing rain. Rather persistently all morning long along ithe 5 and points south and east but around the metro yay, clouds and a few scattered sprinkles. A went weather advisory in areas in the lavender. Areas in pink, winter storm warning where well likely get heavier amounts of snow and any of that ending by tonight. Changeover from the rain to snow will be mid to Late Afternoon. Then windy and cold after that on friday. Thats your latest weather. Thank you, al. Coming up next, quick tips for getting rid of stains, so spots and scratches, courtesy of Lou Manfredini, after this. O spots and scratches, courtesy of Lou Manfredini, after this. Spots and scratches, courtesy of Lou Manfredini, after this. Spots and scratches, courtesy of Lou Manfredini, after this. [ male announcer ] if paula ebert had her way, she would help her child. Deoxyribonucleic acid. He knew that. [ male announcer ] with everything. Go goooo no. No no no no no. Mommys here [ male announcer ] but that kind of love is. Frowned upon. So instead she gives him capri sun superv. So he gets more of what he needs. Without all the her he doesnt think he needs. With one combined serving of fruits and vegetables. Capri sun superv. But add some sauce, pepperoni and cheese and fold up the crescent dough. And presto tuesday night just became crescent pizza pockettastic pillsbury crescents. Let the making begin theres a lot of confusion out there. Season. Pillsbury crescents. But at h r block we are ready. And the sooner you start, the sooner well help you get your refund. Come on in. Campbells has 24 new soups that will make it drop over, and over again. From jammin jerk chicken, to creamy gouda bisque. See whats new from campbells. Its amazing what soup can do. [ tylenol bottle ] me too and nasal congestion. [ tissue box ] he said nasal congestion. Yeah. I heard him. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multisymptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. Nyquil® cold and flu doesnt. Relieves nasal congestion. Mommy i went potty thats great, honey. Where . For lifes bleachable moments. Introducing a revolutionary new mascara. Clump crusher. Crusher. 200 more volume. Zero clumps. New clump crusher from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. From easy, breezy, beautiful sighs this is too good to be true. Hi. John stamos. Enchante this is too good to be true. Dannon oikos nonfat yogurt. Delicious yet healthy. Sounds too good to be true. There are things that are too good to be true. Such as dannon oikos. Thick, creamy, with 0 fat and twice the protein. Of regular lowfat yogurt mmm huh. I want an oikos dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. Too delicious to be so nutritious. Dannon this morning on doityourself today, getting those stubborn stains and scuffs out. You spilled a little wine on the carpet, you scratched up the floor, dragging a piece of furniture. So, now what do you do . Lou manfredini, host of how smart, show us how to save us from ourselves. Over the holidays, you had people over, relatives, a little messy with the wine on the carpet . Something that. Happens all the time, a party going, make a stain. Red wine on the carpet, worried, oh, my gosh what are we going to do . This is a product called gonzo wine out. I dont know how it works. Watch when you spray this, dont panic, dont do anything about it take the product and spray it watch how it changes the color, can you get in close there . Look at that it is neutralizing the color, okay . Look how it is disappearing. Put a little more on there, it turns gray first, go ahead, douse it you are done. Okay. Good. Stop that. I was reaching for the cabernet. Now, take a dry couldnt rag over the top and just push down and blot it. What this is going to do, stuck that stain out of it you will see its gone. Then a damp rag over the top of that. Now, does that works if thes been settled for a little while, the next day . It will. You may have to reapply it. Here is the thing, at the end of your party, take a good scan. If someone spills wine and you dont know what to do everybody immediately comes at it with 409 or fantastic. That will stain the carpet. This stuffs terrific. Not just for carpeting but tablecloths as well . Linens, clothing even, if that happens. A tough one, you stain your countertop, stone counter tops, dont want to rue went countertop. What is the move . A product from sci, a stone poltus. Put a couple scoops in there. A little water in there you will mix this up into a little paste, almost like a heavy pancake batter. Over the top of the stain, youre going to place it right on top, plop it on top of there, then put plastic wrap around it and tape it down so that this little clay mixture starts to wick the stain out. You also want to take some foote picks and poke a hugh holes in this, this will dig down, grab the oil, whether it is salad or dressing or could be grape juice that the kids left behind or even wine. It is going to suck the stain out. When you scrape this away with a plastic putty knife, you may see a wet patch once it dries. Your countertop came back to life. Just cling wrap you put over the as soon as possible leave it overnight . Leave it overnight. Good. This is basic fabric stains, spill coffee, something on your shirt. What do you do . Just a little bit, take it easy there, woody. Heavy hand. You spilled coffee on your shirt. Get it in there, a little bit. That is a lot of coffee, you are really quite messy when you drink your coffee. See that . Wow, like a pool. Little baileys in there. This product, shout, around forever, still works great. These wipes, what i love about these wipes, you literally dot down, back and forth this is gonna save you and they are gonna save the fabric. April, who is one of the set designers, says she saved her friend on her wedding day, spilled spaghetti sauce all over her wedding dress, with these wipes she had in her purse this is something you can keep in a purse in a glove box, in the wintertime, stick it in a coat, doesnt you apply that a couple times, with a clean rag to wipe it in, it will come out. Certain fabric it is works better on than others . Dont try ton a lynn, into the going to work on that, works great on couldnt and cotton blend he is. The product still works and terrific. Inexpensive. Put it in your pocket. Another big one. You drag a piece of furniture across the room, scuff up your floor, you think forever. My Favorite Flooring option cause it is the only renewable option when it comes to flooring, Hardwood Floors a couple of options, minute wax has all of these blend stick and little pencils you can use for deep down scratches, actually use these and work in the scratches back and forth to fill those in. But when you lose the shine, they also make a product called reviver. This floor polish, you sprinkle some of the polish on like that okay . They offer a sin threat Hillsborough County sheepskin, do the same thing with the reviver from min wax go over the top of the finish, what this will do is fill in all the little scratches that the dog leaves on there. Its going to also bring that shine back this is a waterborne finish, these guys make the polish on most of the nba courts, the finish thats on there they know what they are doing. You put this on, go out for a nice long lunch. When you come back, those little scratches are gone and the shine is back, you didnt have to spend all this money refinishing the floor professionally. This comes, lou, after the you filled in the scratch . After you filled in the scratches or markers, do this. Sorible, ima he a terrible houseguest. I spilled. Really quite messy. Lou manfredini, thanks. From the show suits, actor gabriel macht, next. [ male announcer ] lets take every drop of courage, every ounce of inspiration, every bit of determination, and go where weve never gone before. Introducing the radically new avalon. Toyota. Lets go places. Introducing the radically new avalon. Go Olive Gardens 2 for 25 italian dinner. All the salad and breadsticks you want. Choose a sharable appetizer. Then two delicious entrees like smoked mozzarella chicken. Three courses, two people, just 25. Go olive garden. [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Zyrtec®. Love the air. [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] take the special k challenge. Lose up to six pounds in two weeks. With the cereal you love. And so much more. What will you gain when you lose . And so much more. 3,2,1. Count down to our most explosive, smooth lashes. 8x the volume. New the rocket volum express from Maybelline New York our supersonic brush zooms on big, sleek volume. Clumps get blasted 8x bigger. Smoother. New the rocket. Maybe its maybelline. This reduced sodium soup says it may help lower cholesterol, how does it work . You just have to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. Step 1. Eat the soup. All those veggies and beans, thats what may help lower your cholesterol and well thats easy [ male announcer ] progresso. You gotta taste this soup. No. Thats nasty. Not anymore. [ male announcer ] scrubbing bubbles toilet cleaning gel prevents limescale buildup and rings with every flush. Nice work. Now if hed only put the seat down. [ male announcer ] toilet cleaning gel. [ female announcer ] sc johnson. Because vitamin d3 helps bones absorb calcium, caltrates double the d. It now has more than any other brand to help maximize calcium absorption. So caltrate women can move the world. To help maximize calcium absorption. Trying to find a better job can likbe frustrating. Gs, so at university of phoenix were working with a growing list of almost two thousand Corporate Partners Companies Like microsoft, American Red Cross and adobe to create options for you. Not only that, were using what we learn from these partners to shape our curriculum, so that when you find the job you want youll be a perfect fit. Lets get to work. I feel more inspired. More positive. [ male announcer ] only lipton adds freshpressed tea leaves to its new great tasting blend. Drink new lipton and youll be surprised how great you feel. Grab brie yall macht place the hotshot attorney harvey specter in suits on usa. Tonight is the beginning of the second half of the season our sister station, usa network. Good to see you. Nice to sigh. Pretty exciting. With when last saw harvey, there was a power struggle at the firm and still repercussions being felt about this . Yeah. Hardman, who is the hardman of the hardman pearson, which is the named partner of the firm, weve basically kicked him out. Jessica has the power again and these next six episodes were leading up to harvey trying to get his name on the door. Now, for folks who arent familiar with the show, explain the premise. You, as this lawyer, i mean, you are a fully, you know, registered lawyer, you hire a guy to come in but turns out he is not a lawyer but everybody thinks he is. Right, he is a brainiac. He is he retains all this information and hes one of the best associates out there he is just not a real lawyer. So, thats pretty much our hook. There you go. Now, and i understand that tonights episode has a special guest star. Yes. Well, where we left off last episode, mike is reeling from sleeping with a married woman. Now, harvey, in this episode is trying to sleep with an unmarried woman who is actually married woman who is my wife, in real life. Aha. That was a lot of fun. Jacintha barrett. Have you worked together before . We were in a film called middle men didnt work together. Didnt have scenes together. There she is. Sparks fly in this . I think a lot of sparks fly. She is looking gorgeous and we had a lot of fun working together. Now she is working on another show and ive been home doing dad duty, which has got to be terrific . There is nothing better. I have a 5yearold and i am i am so much better at making magical wands and stick figures and taking her to ballet than i am as harvey. But tonight is what the show is about, right . Absolutely. It is all about the show tonight. This show, i mean, the people love this show. What is it about it that you think makes it so special . I think week to week, theres storylines that are going on that directly relate to whats going on in the characters lives. And you know, the bromance is a big part of it. People are into this witty back and forth banter. And then these characters go into really deep place and i think people are really replay the lathing to it. Everybody on the show is so unattractive. Isnt it amazing . Very hard to watch. Crazy. Gabriel macht, thank you so much. Coming up, you can see suits tonight at 10 9 central on usa network. Up next, fast moves for busy families without the mess. But first this is today on nbc. Announcer todays Cooking School is brought to you by lipton tea. Drink new lipton tea and you will be surprised how great you feel. This morning on todays Cooking School, meals in minutes minus the messy cleanup. We are looking,cook in foil, a technique that goes all the way back to the 1950s. Chris kimball from americas test kitchen. Depressing, all the way back to the 1950s . I was there some of this were there. Yes, we were. Okay. Tell me what it was like, chris . I dont remember. But pitch pers first started flying through the air. These are old classics i. This is 1960, i hate to cookbook by peg blacken, does a lazy cooks pot roast. The whole notion, all the recipes are cooking in foil. You dont have to add a lot of lick kwarkd a lot of flavor, cooks nice, low and slow. Great technique stolen from 1960 cookbook called i hate to cook. You can dump everything into one place. Olive oil. One place. Seal it up and cook it cook it at 300 degrees for quite a while. But the notion was onion soup mix in 1960, which we are not gonna do we are going to take our own mix. Get to our stakes. Unusual stuff. Espresso powder, light brown sugar, salt, person, garlic salt, we also have thyme and we also have cornstarch. Yes, sir. What kind of meat are we working with here . A chuck roerks we found if we cut it in half and typed, cook faster a bunch of vegetables here, we will put at the bottom. What are you using there, carrots, onions, potatoes . Exactly, a little soy cause sauce on it, it has glutamates, which means it has a lot of meat flavor. Okay. On top. Now i will do this dont want to get your hands dirty. I want to get my hands dirty. You do . Let me help you. Come on. So we rub in this deep. Rub that in deep. Go deep. A good rub here. Go deep. These right. Right into the foil with it . Okay. We will just put this in an oven for 300 over torn four and a half hours, low and slou slow, comes out, what you get. Right here, you get a really tender pot roast, you get all the vegetables. Oddly enough, the vegetables dont overcook. Which is a little mystery. I will sample and move on to al. I eat your beautiful roast. Same concept for using eightounce cod fillets, use seabass, use swordfish, taking a bunch of vegetables this is fennel. We have zucchini. We have basil. We have some scallions. And a little tiny bowl, try to get it in there. Garlic. White wine in the bowl, salt and pepper, mix that up a little bit. Like that. Now, these are good these are good cheap kitchen tools. Thats right r we take about a quarter and we will put it right on top of the fish. Like that cod in itself doesnt have a lot of flavor right . Not a lot of flav but has good texture, take this over the top like that anything with the butter . Put butter on it if you like. Theres al, hey, wheres the butter . Come on, lets go. Olive oil, if you want. Steam notice own, right . This goes into a very hoot oven, 450 oven for 15, 20 minutes. Finally, over here you there go when you open it up, perfect voila. Christmas for al. Then here, we have got chicken. Merry christmas, al. Now we have economicwe have carrots, fennel, we have a little bit of salad dressing with shall lots and some thyme. And then we are gonna mix this up just a little, going to put half of this over the vegetable mixture and half over this is two oranges worth of orange segments, okay . Then going to mix this up, mix this up. To so we will make a bed of these vegetables here. The crunchier ones on the bottom right . Take a little of those, put them in there. Sure, you got t okay. Okay. Then we will take, four chicken breast, about six ounces. What is the lay berg, chris, why do you layer them . You have the oranges on top, respect going to need cook, underneath, the juices and chicken go down. Oranges on top, salt and pepper . Salt, person. How long in the oven . 25 minutes, 450 oven. 450, 25 minutes. Stay nice and juicy. Chris kimball, thanks so much. Up ahead, instant ambush makeovers kathie lee and hoda. After your local news. Thanks, woody. Yeah, chow down. 9 57 is your time on this thursday, january 17th. 2013. Good morning. We learned that Charles County schools in maryland will dismiss two hours early today so will Orange County schools in virginia. Lets check in with meteorologist tom kierein with our storm team 4 weather alert. Those areas will see the higher amounts of any snow developing later this an and right now getting rain along i95 and points south and east of there. And thats going to continue here for another couple of hours or so. And into the early part of the afternoon. And then by midafternoon, well probably see a changeover to some snow. Only a dusting maybe to an inch or so on grassy areas around the metro area but higher amounts to our south, four to six inches and frequent updates on news4 midday to the afternoon. Danella, how is traffic . Checking delays on i95 northbound. The earlier accident at center court parkway is out of the roadway but your delays in stafford are just about three miles and thats better than earlier. Crossing over the bridge in both directions nice and clear. Back to you. Danella, thank you. Heading to a blake tie ball for the inauguration. From nbc news this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. It is really thirsty thursday. It is january 17th. 20 days for us to go. On this ridiculous quest of ours. This is only day ten . Day ten of no alcohol on the show, which means 20 days. We decided we were going to do a little poll ask ask you guys if you thought you could give up alcohol for a month, and this is what you said. 75 said yes. I could give it up. Im not a big drinker. 20 said no, i need to have at least a fwlas of wine once a day. 5 said does the red wine at church count . We dont have real wine at our communion. Its grape juice. So if anybody has some sort of a drinking issue, they can take communion. Yeah i went on our friend Jimmy Fallons show last night. How were you, hodie . I was all excited to talk about the book and stuff, but i think jimmy had Something Else in mind that he wanted to talk about, so lets take a listen. You guys are looking fantastic on the cover of this magazine. You are going through a rough time. Youre going through a rough time right now on the fourth hour of the today show. This came at a price, this cover. It really did. It was bad. Youre not drinking the whole month. The worst decision no we have ever made. Ever. Im watching your drinking segment before this, and im feeling parched. That includes our first two marriages too. Worst decision. Ba, dum bump. How was our jimmy . Precious . I have a little crush on him. I know. We all do. He is just lit from inside, this guy, and its just such a treat to go on. You tape it early, so its not as late at night, but can i just say . I just want to say a couple of things. You look great with your haircut. You just got it done. Number two, thank you for a really great lunch yesterday. Kath threw this terrific lunch yesterday at michaels, and i have to tell you, it meant so much. We had a lot of fun. We did. Look at the cake. There were about 20 people. That was christines doing. Im telling you. She found a place that would make it look exactly like the cover of your book. Meredith came. Look at the table full of crazies. At michaels they do a beautiful job. Al, savannah, and everybody that wasnt there couldnt be there because they were all working. You did it was so great. That was britneys wine in front of britney. Boozers at the end. Tammy and sara. Can i give a shoutout, a thank you mark. Jen millers husband. Jen millers husband, and there was a woman nailed yvette, and she really went through all this trouble to make these cookies. Its customcookies. Com. Can you get anything. Anything. The cookies taste good. Sometimes when you get these kind of things, theyre not great. These are delicious. Custom cookies. Com. Well, im glad for you, hodie . How are you doing . When your book first comes out, you dont sleep. I went to the book review last night in huntington, and i went to talk to people, and this is what people gave me. I think we showed the picture a second earlier. Bottles and bottles and bottles of wine. They showed up with wine. I couldnt believe it. Look, back in my kitchen. Im, like, i cant wait for my next book signing. You wont get any more nasty looks when you go to the bookstore to buy wine. Hoda was having a guest. A guest. This one woman said, oh, no, no, no, you put that down. You know who else cant have any wine right now . Shakira. She has unveiled her baby bump. Shes adorable. She really is. Its a Twitter Photo taken with her boyfriend spanish soccer star, arent they all, gerrard pique. She is an ambassador for unicef, for united nations, and so shes organized a virtual baby shower and asks fans instead of giving her and her unborn baby stuff, that all the money will go to babies around the world. Thats sweet. You can purchase items like mosquito nets, vaccines, food for children that dont eat enough on a daily basis. I think its a lovely way for her to share the joy of everything shes experienced because that baby i remember when my kids were born. I just remembered thinking and we were building a home for crack babies. I thought just the random nature of birth, how children are born into health and prosperity and love and the other child by just being born, you know, with a crack addiction or an hiv positive status. Shes doing something lovely. I love that. I love that. All right. Speaking thats kind of fun to celebrate. This is kind of a cool idea to celebrate that this is called toddlewood. This is adorable. What they do is take grownup people, and then they put in a little kid wearing their exact same outfit. They did that with us with the little kids. Didnt they, hoda . We certainly, certainly did. Its adorable. Here are some of the photos. Look at the split screen. Theres ann hathaway. They did lucy lu. Look at that. Lucy looks like a little doll anyway in that outfit. Taylor swift. Who i thought looked sensational. Theyre really very mature dresses. Check out halle barry. Oh, my with the wave and everything. And how about George Clooney and Stacy Keebler . Very cute. I remember the good old days. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. This is one of those things that im sure this woman regrets. She wanted to i dont know. I dont know. Its working out well for her. She wanted to sell an item of clothing on ebay, so we wanted to take a picture of it, so before we show it to you. She decided she was going it take a photo of it, and she didnt realize that she was in the reflection of the photo of the dress. So she sent it off. She sent it off to ebay, and it was posted all over. Well, if you can see, weve put a little black strip where the sun dont shine, but she was standing there bottomless. Is that a bra, or is that might be. Was she all the way naked . She took the picture not knowing and apparently got lots of attention. They quickly pulled the item down, and then she resubmitted the dress without her in it. It went from 25 to 200. The price skyrocketed. Throw in a little porn. That is so bad. Do you walk around naked . Well, sometimes. You have big windows in your apartment. I risk it. I risk it. I risk it because i think to myself, oh, my god, my purse is right there. Do i sprint and grab it and run back or do i go find a robe, where is it, is it on the chair, on the top of the you dont know where your robe is. Its up on the shelf with your its kind of a fun little game. You go one, two, three, go, get it, back. I dont have curtains because thats how my apartment is. Now youve shown all your neighbors for a really rouzing good time. Stay tuned to that window in that building and see hoda woman. Hey, baby. Lets play a little music. Lets try this one. You know why youre going to like it this is a dixie chicks song. I do like them. Do you . This one is called theres your trouble. Its a little old, but i think it puts you in a good mood. Lets go ahead and crank that. Here it comes. Do you like this one . Here it comes. Should be here now, but she isnt theres your trouble theres your trouble seeing double with the wrong one i still dont know what the but i like it. We are trying something new. Something new. We dont think its going to work. Okay. You know when we do okay or not okay, and everybody seems bored when were doing it. We decided to zush it up a little. Zush. Were going to see what weve done with our okay or not okay. Heres the question, is it okay to date while divorcing and let it roll . I have learned that its best to completely close one door before you open another. Yes, its okay as long as the marriage is over and you are just waiting for the ink to dry. What do you think . Let us know. Is it worth all the effort we put into it . All right. You guys, they are out of hair and makeup, and they are looking good. Our plaza ambush makeovers are next right after this. [ female announcer ] take the special k challenge. Lose up to six pounds in two weeks. With the cereal you love. And so much more. What will you gain when you lose . [ tylenol bottle ] me too and nasal congestion. [ tissue box ] he said nasal congestion. Yeah. I heard him. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multisymptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. Nyquil® cold and flu doesnt. Relieves nasal congestion. Ill give you five. Need a good reason to change shampoo . Loreal paris creates new total repair 5. Our most advanced level of haircare. It fights five of the top hair problems. Total repair 5 with ceramide targets weak, limp, lifeless, dull, and strawlike hair. My hair is transformed, full. Feels stronger with a healthy shine. Total repair from root to core to tip. Five problems, one solution. Change the life of your hair. With new total repair 5. Loreals most advanced haircare. Because you are totally worth it. Progressoh [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying progressoh share your progressoh story on facebook. I woke up to a feeling every little thing has meaning i woke up to a light bulb on every little thing is possible now [ female announcer ] we always make our kraft singles with milk, and no artificial flavors, so you can be sure theres no single thing better for your grilled cheese. Life is amazing with the love that ive found the Affordable Care act meanses big changes this year. Ected. When you file your taxes. I read the whole 900 pages. It literally took me weeks. I will give you a tax and health care review. I know the law. I have the solution. And i can help you figure it out. Were going to see this through together. Time for our plaza ambush makeovers where two lucky ladies get surprised with a brand new look. Today contributor and stylist to the stars working his magic louis bakari, la, la, la, la, la. Check it out. Its all about the ending. Today contributor and contributing editor for people style watch and author jill martin. Add that to the graphics too so we dont have to sing it once. How was it . Everyone has hats and coats and scarves on. Yes. It was a chilly day. Chilly day. A lot of tourists. Jill and i saw two ladies immediately, and we went right to them, and they were is that a good thing . No, it is a good thing because its pretty girls that could be made prettier. Lets start off with judy gerrard from st. Louis, missouri. She told us that her entire wardrobe is at least a decade old, and she has had a chance to update her look. Lets listen to her story. Weesh here with the hat family. Thank you. You wants this gift for mom. Tell me why. Yeah. Shes in charge of 30 kids for a school field trip, and shes doing a great job of just taking care of everyone, making sure everyone is on their schedule. They have everything. Im super happy. Im spending my birthday with her, and its pretty cool to be out here. So nice to hear. This is awesome. Being with my son on his birthday, and being in new york city, it couldnt be more exciting. You told me youre ready for an update. I am totally ready for an update. Ive had been growing out the hair since forever. Im 44. Im an old fart. Im ready to get freshened up. I love it. Judy is here again. Shes fun. With her son, kennedy. Kennedy, raise your hand. 17 years old today. Happy birthday, kennedy. And his friend, tyler, is in the house too. All right, guys. Please keep on your blindfolds until i give you the green light. Here is judy gerrard. Lets see the new you. Oh, my gosh. All right, boys. All right, kids. Get ready. All right, kennedy. Come on, tyler. Take off your blindfolds. Whoa they planned that. They did plan that. Spin right around. You look amazing. Wow. You look awesome. Thats not me. Yes, it is. I love it. Spin right around. Look at that camera right there. Oh mishgs gosh. Two small changes that make a big, big change. Number one, i mate her hair darker and richer, and look how shiny it looks. Then ray just gave her these long layers and textureized it, and old fart nothing. Youre glamorous, girl. So pretty. Boys, boys, kennedy, what do we think . You look good. You like . Jill, that dress is perfect. Its the little black dress. This is from london times. I love the top where its that hint of lace. Then i love a beige shoe with a black dress. These are from juicy couture. Beautiful. Why dont you join your son. All right. All right. Our second lady is vivian mart martinez. Shes 42 from miami. Her daughter says she totally needs a makeover so, we knew we had to grab her off the plaza. Lets listen to her story. Well, this is fun here with your niece and daughter, and i know youre so excited, so tell me why are you excited for this for mom . Because my mom is a really good mom. Oh. What does she do for you . She helps me with my homework, and she just is really nice. Ah, isnt that so nice to hear . I know youre excited for this. I am. Im nervous, but its about time. I thought i had my fancy clothes on today, but apparently i need a makeover. Thats not why we picked you. We think youre going to look fab. Thanks. Im really excited about it. She seems like a doll. Adorable. Shes here with her daughter, eleanor, and her nieces elizabeth and carolina. Lets bring out the new vivian. Whu . Oh, girl, nice. Okay. All righty. Are you ready to take off your blindfolds . Okay. Go. Wow. Want to turn around, vivian, and see . Whoa. You are wow. Great. Its cute. Look at the color. Isnt it cute . Its awesome. It looks look right there. What did do you . Debra in this case i softened the color. Her hair color was a burnt orange, and i just wanted to give talgts more golden undertone, which we did. I love that. What ray did was textureized the hair because her hair was we needed a little more fullness. Thats impossible. Red lipstick was her signature makeup. She has a new natural palate. Thats such a pretty corral color, isnt it, sweetie . Yes. Do you mind . We wanted to put her in a bright pastel to brighten her up. You can wear pastel in the winter. Especially here in new york. Its from london times, and, again, just great jewelry. Its amazing. Vivian, what do you say . Youre eleanor. What do you think of your mom . Yeah. Nieces, what do you all think . I think she looks beautiful. Beautiful. Everybody looks beautiful. Thank you very much. Lets bring judy back out here. Judy, why dont you step up and give a round of applause for our ladies. Something about a vivian thats gone viral. You know how they do. After this. You, hang up first. No, you [ female announcer ] after school, get to pizza pleasin faster than mandy can hang up on mr. Monday. You hang up first. [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, youve got snackdefying, satisfying totinos pizza rolls. [ ringing ] its on. Lets roll. Totinos pizza rolls. [ ringing ] we replaced people with a machine. R, what . Customers didnt like it. So why do banks do it . Hello . Hello . if your bank doesnt let you talk to a real person 24 7, you need an ally. Hello . Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. Gotta get that bacon bacon . bacon smokey bacon, meaty bacon, tasty bacon bacon . Ohh, la, la. Oh, i say, is that bacon . oh, good heavens bacon bacon bacon bacon who wants a beggin strip . Meee id get it myself but i dont have thumbs yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. Its bacon mmm i love you, i love bacon. I love you. I love bacon. I love you. Beggin strips theres no time like beggin time. And check out beggin thick cut. Im gonna need a bigger mouth thats why i got them pillsbury toaster strudel. Warm flaky pastry with delicious sweet filling my kids will love. Plus i get two boxtops for their school. Toaster strudel. The one kids want to eat. Something this delicious could only come from nature. Now from the maker of splenda sweeteners, discover nectresse. The only 100 natural, nocalorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. The rich, sweet taste of sugar. Nothing artificial. Its all that sweet ever needs to be. New nectresse. Sweetness naturally. It is time for webtastic where sara haynes has the next video that is catching on. Its a flu prank. Nathan barnett and his friend, walid, decided to fake sneeze on people. They caught it all on camera. Check it out. [ sneezing ] oh. [ sneezing ] sorry. Im so sorry. I tried to hold it. Do you want a wet nap. I have a wet nap. I have a ton of them. Im so sorry. [ sneezing ] oh, im sorry. Do you want a wet nap . No. [ sneezing ] oh, sorry. Oh, im sorry. Did i get you . Want a wet nappy . Oh, that guy almost punched me. [ sneezing ] oh, so sorry. I think i got your ice cream. I think i sneezed you should just give it to me. You should let me eat it. Okay. Thanks. A big hello to the folks from new orleans who are here in the house. Hey. Sometimes we have a little studio audience. Just wanted to say hi. Love you too. Coming up next, the starspangled edition of who new in honor of mondays president ial inauguration. Then former law star donovan hanging in our oh. Animal magnetism. Suzy orman who has advice if she lives. One of the hottest new Tech Products of 2013. First, your local news and weather. [ male announcer ] excedrin excels with migraine sufferers. These heads belong to those who cant put their lives, jobs and loved ones on hold because of a migraine. So when a migraine starts, they grab excedrin migraine. They know excedrin provides fast pain relief. Plus it relieves sensitivity to light, sound, even nausea. No wonder its 1 neurologist recommended. Excedrin specializes in ending headaches and like you we wont be easily stopped. Not even by migraines. Migraines are where excedrin excels. Has oats that can help lower cholesterol . And it tastes good . Sure does wow. Its the honey, it makes it taste so. Well, would you look at the time. Whats the rush . Be happy. Be healthy. Whats the rush . Mommy i went potty thats great, honey. Where . For lifes bleachable moments. Stir it, stir it,ir it, stir it up, stir it up. Stir up a smile, with hersheys syrup. These a storm team4 meterologist tom kierein and im here with the radar and were getting rain advancing from the southwest heading northeast coming from an all area of low pressure way down in georgia and alabama and getting a few sprinkles across virginia and into maryland. Later today those zones in lavender can get light snow mainly on gracy areas but areas mainly on gracy areas but areas farther south under the are you flo . Yes. Is this the thing you gave my husband . Well, yeah, yes. The name your price tool. You tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. Careful, though that kind of power can go to your head. That explains a lot. Yo, buddy i got this. Gimme one, gimme one, gimme one the power of the name your price tool. Only from progressive. Were back with more on today here to play our trivia game called who knew. With president obamas second swearing in coming up on monday, we wanted to test your knowledge on inaugural history. How about that . Kathie lee is across at the nbc experience store. Shes going to give 100 though those that answer the questions correctly, and to the ones who dont, the losers, they get my fabulous book. Hoda, they all want the book. They really want my cd. I said youre going to have to wait, though they really want the book. All right. Helping me out here is time magazines executive editor radicka jones. How are you . Im good. How are you . Are you ready . I am ready. Lets go across the street. A nice young lady studying here in new york. Which president s inauguration was first to be broadcast on the internet. President obama, president george w. Bush, bill clinton, or Ronald Reagan . Bill clinton. Hmm. Poor hoda. Wait. She got 100 . So tell us, he was the first . It was his second inauguration in 1997, and before you start thinking the white house was super internet savvy, bare in mind bill clinton sent a grand total of two emails during his eight years. Are you kidding . Not kidding. World has changed. Back across to kath. Chico and california. Who elizabeth be one of the performers singing at president Barack Obamas second inauguration . Beyouns yea, kelly clarkson, Carly Rae Jepsen or james taylor. Who went be there . Carly rae jepsen. Poor hodie. This is a bad day. You know what, hoda. I figured it out, though. They can take the money that they win and buy your book at barnes noble. They can buy four books. Okay. Carly rae jepsen, the one. I guess he didnt call her maybe. Girl, i thought you were going to go there. Although others, james taylor will perform. James taylor is old hand at this. He performed at the dnc. Beyonce has been a big obama performer. Back across to kath. Sweet lady from alalberta, canada, right . Calgary. Which president was worn in a second time because the oath wasnt recited in the correct order . President james madison, president george h. W. Bush, president jimmy carter, or president barack obama . Can i get a lifeline . If someone is here with you. No. You are confusing me with regis. Im going to say b . [ buzzer ] yeah she gets hodas book, so shes a winner. Yeah okay. So the correct answer, president barack obama. It was president obama. Justice roberts put the word faithfully in the wrong spot. They had to redo it the next day in the map room at the white house. I remember that. I think they spoke very slowly the second time through. Im sure they did. Back across. Expecting a little baby this spring from houston, texas. Okay. Which of the following will not be one of the three bibles president obama will use during the swearingin ceremonies . A family bible that belonged to his inlaws, the bible used by abraham lincoln, the bible that dr. Martin luther king carried with him during his travels and hosa parks bible that she owned as a civil rights activist . Rosa parks. Yes. Youre right. Youre right. Wow. Congratulations. Okay. So thats the one that wont be, but the other three will. He is using the inlaws family bible in a small ceremony on monday. He is stacking the lincoln and Martin Luther king bibles. Lets go back across to kath. We have Kim Kardashian with us, and its her birthday from los angeles. Who was the first president to be sworn in by a woman. President lyndon johnson, john kennedy, bill clinton, or george w. Bush . Bill clinton . [ buzzer ] youre a winner too. Yes, you are. All right, Kim Kardashian gets my book. So the correct answer here, president lyndon johnson. Lyndon johnson. You might remember that famous, famous picture on air force one after president kennedy was assassinated. He was sworn in by a dallas judge, sarah hughes. Okay. Well, thank you so much. That was we learned a lot, and kathie lee is going to come back across the street now, and were going to talk to a woman who knows a thing or two about money. Our good friend suzy or man is with us. Were going to speak with her after this. I was living with this allover pain. A deep, throbbing, persistent ache. My doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic widespread pain. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. I learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. And for some people, it can work in as early as the first week of treatment. So now i can do more of the things that i enjoy. Lyrica is not for everyone. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior, or any swelling or affected breathing or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. With less pain, im feeling better now that ive found lyrica. Ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain. Rich and creamy cheese in indulgent, mouthwatering flavors you just cant resist. And at 35 tiny calories per wedge, youre free to indulge in every last bit. The laughing cow cheese. Have you laughed today . The laughing cow cheese. You just gotta love. But my spots i just had to lose. Vo garnier clinical dark spot corrector. A daily moisturizer powered by pure, potent, vitamin c. It breaks up dark spots, lifts them away, prevents new ones from surfacing. Vo 82 saw spot reduction. Dark spot corrector. And now, use with new clinical dark spot overnight peel. Our 1st gentle, leaveon peel to fade dark spots and reveal smoother, brighter skin in just 1 week. Another innovation from garnier skincare. Theres a lot of confusion out there. Season. But at h r block we are ready. And the sooner you start, the sooner well help you get your refund. Come on in. Yep. Doh. [ boy ] slurpably fun and a good source of calcium. Dads who get it, get gogurt. But hed wait for her forever, for any reason, and would always be there with the biggest welcome home. For a love this strong, dawn only feeds him iams. Compared to other leading brands, it has 50 more animal protein. To help keep rockys body as strong as a love that never fades. If he ever lets her leave again. Iams. Keep love strong. Donuts . Youre cute. [ door closes ] [ female announcer ] new special k protein cereal helps keep you fuller longer. Willpower. What will you gain when you lose . [ traffic sounds ] help satisfy your hunger longer with the special k protein line. Willpower. What will you gain when you lose . Its time for todays money and some fun with financial guru suze orman. Stwoo whether you are trying to take control of your finances or build yourself a nestegg for yourself, gather around because were playing the how much do you know about money game, and suze, the host of cnbcs suze orm orman show is with us. Im going to make some money because i have a bet as to how many youre going to get right. This could be complicated, though. Before we get to the quiz, there was an interesting statistic that showed that young adults actually had more Credit Card Debt than their parents. I find that hard to believe for some reason. You shouldnt find that hard to believe because the truth of the matter is theyre graduating college with more Student Loan Debt than they have any idea. They dont have a job. They cant pay back their Student Loan Debt. What are they going to do . Theyre living off of their credit cards, which makes sense. Lets play. And incurring more debt. Are you ready . We are. Not really. Drum roll, please. Come on. How much less will your paycheck be this month . 4 . 2 . 4. 2 6. 2 . 2 . One right. One right. Okay. What is the maximum amount that each of you could put into a 401k plan this year . 17,500 . 23,000 . 30,000 . 30,000. Wrong. You are at 17,500. You are at 23,000. Do you know how much i make . Because of our age . Thats the maximum, yes. Age or income . Maximum and income, but still, trust me, that is it. Both wrong. Just so you know. We dont like your attitude. I dont blame you. Come on. Are you ready . Yes. How many months of income your income should you have saved for an Emergency Fund . Three. Six. Do you people not listen to me many. What were the choices . Give me the choices again . There were three, six, and eight . Eight. All right. I got one. Either you wait for the choices or you get it wrong. Jeez. Look, she gave me credit. Because i said it afterwards. I got it. True or false, ladies. True or false. Is it better to lease a car than buy a car . Is it better financially . I say true. Its better to lease a car than yes, it is. Oh, gosh. Thats a good question. Please answer. Then ill say false. Right. You want to buy a car. You never want to lease a car. Leasing a car, people, its the biggest waste of money. Why . You can take Social Security at 62, 67, or 70 . 70. 70. Oh, its not going to be there when you are 70, so you better take it at 62. Why . Because it increases from 62 you get more. What if its not there because were its going to be there. True or false, once you have paid off a credit card and arent using it, should you close it . Yes. Yes. True. Wrong. You should not because and i have done this segment with you, hoda. I dont listen. I dont listen. Do not do that. It hurts your credit score. That doesnt make any sense. Why keep it if youre not using one . If you close down your credit card, you decrease that credit limit because you dont have that credit limit anymore. The less credit limit you have, the more debt to credit limit you have, so it hurts your fico score. What if theres some sort of a fee for that card . If you were smart, you would never have a fee for a credit card. I just proved im not smart. What is a tiebreaker, even though im winning. Whatever. What is the highest fico score you can have . 850, 950, or 1,000 . 950. 850 or 1,000. Bingo did she win . Fico scores run from 300 to 850. Lets see the present. Thats really what this is about. Hoda won irks think. It was a tiebreaker. You won. Its fake money. Suze orman, you rock. Thank you. You get to pay off our deficit. The suze orman show airs saturday night at 9 00 p. M. And 12 00 a. M. Eastern. You already knew that. Were taking a walk on the wild side with patrick monihan. No, kate, dont do it. [ female announcer ] what makes floridas natural orange juice taste so uniquely fresh and delicious . Is it the rich florida soil . Or the Perfect Blend of sunshine, rain, and temperature . Maybe its the fact that floridas natural oranges are never imported. Theyre raised right here in florida, and passed with care from our hands to yours. 100 pure. 100 florida. Floridas natural. Id like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios mom, are those my jeans . [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who dont. Multigrain cheerios waiting for your wrinkle cream to work . Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. To visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. Neutrogena®. To visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. Hers hey to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. s is more than hers chocolate. Its an invitation. To stop and savor. When the chocolate is hersheys. Life is delicious. I woke up to a feeling every little thing has meaning i woke up to a light bulb on every little thing is possible now [ female announcer ] we always make our kraft singles with milk, and no artificial flavors, so you can be sure theres no single thing better for your grilled cheese. Life is amazing with the love that ive found you may have thought, excuse me, dominik monihan was wild as the drug addicted rocker on the hit tv show lost. Now is he back in the wilderness getting up close and permanent with some of the deadliest creatures in the world. He is host of a new series on bbc america called eye wild things with dominik monihan. In the First Episode dominik encounters an extremely venomous cobra. Take a look. Im not letting this body get on my hand because as soon as i do, that could spell a real problem for me. Whoa. Ew, ew. That looks like fun. Ew. Thats the kind of snake you dont want to handle, but im going to pass these two off to you ladies. How do you know what you do want to handle and what you dont. Dont handle venomous snakes. Theyre all tangled up. These are bull pythons. These are bull pythons. Probably the best are they babies . These are pretty grown adult females. Probably the best python that you could have as a pet. They dont grow too much bigger than this. I think people a lot you would be in more danger from being hurt by a kitten. In the everglades they have a terrible problem. Watch your little mouth around me . I dont mind holding your body. You keep your little mouth to yourself. Let me ask you, how does this kill its prey . It will strike at it. Dont put it near me. It will sit in an ambush position and strike at it and coil around it. You cannot believe how strong it is trying to it just wants you, hoda. Concentrate. It will coil around its prey and stop it from breathing and ultimately suffocate it and swallow it whole. Yummy. Hoda, it is actually pass it over. Are you good . Were fine. Here. Its so strong. Take mine. Ill take this one. Hoda, youll see how strong this guy is. Oh. Tell us about oh, he has it around his neck. He can how do you tell the difference between a male and female snake, and you told us something fascinate sng. Male snakes have two penises. Very lucky for female snakes. Do they both work . When theyre going to copulate, theyll wrap around each other its really this time of the morning. One of the penises will be the winner, and the other one will hang out for a little bit and watch the other one. When you were on lost were you into snakes then . I have always been into animals. Its not just snakes. The show itself is about me traveling around the world and showing you i dont youre okay. Theres not really an intimidation factor when traveling to some of the crazy places eating wild food, not speaking the language, you know, meeting some bizarre creatures. Ive always been into the misunderstood type of animals, and that is usually insects, reptiles, amphibians. I like polar bears and gorillas and tigers. Your show looks scary. All around the wore. Its fascinating. I go to south america, all around the world, africa, southeast asia, and i look for things like the Worlds Largest spider, the worlds most dangerous scorpion, the worlds most dangerous ant, the Worlds Largest bee. Youre doing very veshgs well over there. I just keep flopping around. This is a 14 foot python, so you are dealing with tiny pythons. Jump into a tree with dominik monihan, he knows what he is taking about. It premiers on bbc america on tuesday. Its got you. Thats it. End of the show. All right. Find out why sara is zipping around our studio on one wheel. Oh. That other cool new gadget. A fork that can help you lose weight. Who thought that was a good idea . Time for todays International Consumer Electronics Show that wrapped up earlier this month, and it was a gadget heaven featuring more than 3,200 exhibit orz. Today dibbling tal lifestyle expert Mario Armstrong was right there in the thick of it. Yes. Now he is here with some of the hottest products that will be making our lives easier. They will. Good to see you both. Whats going on . A lot of great stuff. 30 football fields. I only brought a lot of bill bit from 309 football fields of stuff. Some of this stuff is a little expensive, but the price wills drop down. Everybody knows legos, but these are rebottic that you can control. Why are you jiggling . Im jiggling the smartphone im going to make it jump out at you. Atdz if you havent had enough with snakes already this morning. This hooks up to your smartphone. Its crazy. Its a lot of fun. Kids will enjoy this. Plus, youre teaching kids ino vaifsh skills like computer programming. Its just jumping. What else do you have . You cant eat those. Those are you cant eat those. What you have here is a screen protector. They showed these screen protectors at the show . Cracked screens cost money. I have a flintstone phone, and i love it. I dont want it. Im going to demonstrate how strong this little piece of plastic. Thats all it is. Its on here. Im going to smash it with a hammer. Oh, oh. Its not breaking the iphone or the are you kidding . Its incredible. You just leave it on while youre use it . You dont even know its there. This is the happy fork. The happy fork is an electric fork that helps you monitor your eating habits. What it does is as im eating, it can then alert me by a little vibration. Feel it. Feel the vibration. You wont feel it until youre eating too fast. If youre eating too fast, it tells you to it will slow you down. It will vibrate and now you cant even now. The flu is going around. That will be the next viral video. Sorry about that. I just sneezed. Dont give up your day job. All right . Headphones were big. Soul republic has the headphone that is are master track. You cannot do that with regular headphones. Virtually indestructible. Very light. Sound beautiful. Can you mix and match the colors. You have a new pair of headphones every day. I know. Kids break headphones. Whats this . This is a big highlight. This is a whole new type of pc. This is called the table pc. Were going to play. Dont you touch until i tell you to. Sorry, sorry. Now you can touch. This is air hockey. It has an intel processor inside. It makes it go really fast. Were playing air hockey. You want to play . I didnt know if i could. Absolutely. There you go. Now hit the little push it here. Hold it down, and then push it. There you go. Hey, you score. We won . The whole idea is we got to get down the table. Whats happening . Sara is on the solo wheel. The solo wheel is one of the highlights of the show. This is a personal human transporter. It can go up to 10 Miles Per Hour fast and up to 10 miles with one charge. It looks dangerous, actually. Its like a unicycle. Yeah. Think of it as a segway without handle bars. Its a little tricky. Sdmri wouldnt want to go over could jump . It doesnt jump with you. Its electric. I like it. You plug it in. Very green. Very ergonomic. Thank you. Looks like fun. Careful, sara. 1600 penn actor. The last minute weekend getaways. Bye. [ male announcer ] when your business is powered by verizon, you can do more business per second. And with more reliable internet, thats more per second. And with a dedicated line, its more per second. And with an additional line, its more. Table for 15 . [ male announcer ]. Per second. But most importantly, its more. Mmm [ male announcer ]. Per second. Get verizon highspeed internet and phone for just 84. 99 a month when you sign up online with a twoyear price guarantee. Plus a 200 verizon visa prepaid card and an additional line included. Verizon

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