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Transcripts For WRC The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 2

Transcripts For WRC The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 20170225

jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmand his guests -- hugh jackman, mandy moore, musical guest, chronixx, and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 631, new york, yeah! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. i love you! i love you! thank you. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] oh, my goodness. that is a hot crowd. a hot friday night. that's what i'm talking about. hey, welcome. [ cheers and applause ] i love ya! welcome, everybody. we this is the show. this is where you want to be at. [ cheers and applause ] guys, here's what people are talking about. i saw that during his briefing yesterday, white house press secretary sean spicer said that the white house could enforce tougher drug laws in states with legal marijuana. yeah. stoners were so upset immediately called their local congressman and said, "did you call me, or did i -- did i call you? how did you get this number?" [ applause ] of course, this week was the big conservative political action conference or cpac held in maryland at the gaylord convention center. [ laughter ] when he heard the name, mike pence said, "i'll just wait outside." [ laughter and applause ] "skype me." today president trump gave a a big speech at cpac but i guess foreign interpreters are having trouble translating his speeches, because, they say it sounds like he's speaking his own language. [ light laughter ] in fact, trump is so hard to understand, he's this close to deporting himself. [ laughter and applause ] "i'm serious. get out. get out." that's right. interpreters say it's like trump has his own language, they're actually calling it trumpese. [ light laughter ] this is cool, though. rosetta stone just released a a new program to help people learn trumpese. take a listen to it. ♪ rosetta stone. trumpese, lesson three. >> hello. it's nice to meet you. >> hello. it's nice to meet me. [ light laughter ] >> today is friday. >> take me to mar-a-lago and step on it. [ light laughter ] >> seven people came to my party. >> 80 billion people came to my party and they were lining up beforehand. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: very helpful. >> steve: very helpful. >> jimmy: 80 billion! 80 billion were there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there were rumors that trump's chief of staff reince priebus and chief strategist steve bannon haven't been getting along. yeah. cpac yesterday and i guess to show they'd friends, but i'm not sure it was too convincing. look at this video. >> well, it's a great honor to have you both here. i think -- [ laughter ] i think the best thing we could do -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: can we take another look? watch what priebus does with bannon's hand. >> well, it's a great honor to have you both here. i think -- [ laughter ] i think the best thing we could do -- >> jimmy: ah! [ laughter ] like two kids in the back of a a station wagon. i will turn this whole convention around. you guys better stop it! [ laughter ] i saw that the "new york times" is releasing their first tv commercial in years. i could be wrong but i think someone may have tampered with it. take a look. >> in today's world, journalism is more important than ever and the "new york times" is your source for top-notch reporting each and every day. >> wrong. [ light laughter ] >> our reporters won't rest until they deliver the truth item to your front door. >> fake news. [ light laughter ] >> subscribe to the "new york times" today. >> it's going down the tubers. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: it's going down the tu >> steve: the tubers? >> jimmy: it's going down -- >> steve: going down the tubers. >> jimmy: it's going down the tubers. [ light laughter ] trumpese. >> steve: i need that trumpese. >> jimmy: yeah. i'm not even sure if trump is going to see that commercial because the white house announced that he doesn't plan on watching the oscars this year. >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: yeah. but still, trump's a pretty big movie fan. he actually even put out his own reviews of all the nominated movies. >> steve: really? >> jimmy: yeah, did you see this? >> steve: no, i did not. >> jimmy: check this out. like, after watching "fences," trump said, "should have been called 'walls.'" [ laughter ] >> steve: wow. that's his own review. >> jimmy: after watching "lion" trump said, "i thought a movie called 'lion' would be about cnn. #fakenewsrealpun. >> steve: wow. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: real pun. >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: after watching "hell or high water" he said, "thanks to my climate plan, we can have both." >> steve: cool. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: and finally after watching "jackie" trump said, "a first lady who actually lives in the white house? fake." [ laughter and applause ] he did all. >> jimmy: he didn't care for it. >> steve: did not care for it. >> jimmy: didn't believe it. guys, it is the end of another crazy week. and since there's too much to talk about, instead of giving you a full week in review, we put together a little montage that just focuses on the key words used this week. time for another installment of "this week in words." ♪ here we go again. ♪ space x mission point justice land ♪ m the space x rocket the launch and land seven earth-sized planets ♪ ♪ around a star 40 light years that's pretty far, though let's rap, kids ♪ ♪ alex trebek ♪ they mad they ain't famous mad they still nameless still hood famous yeah we still hood famous ♪ ♪ tough road ahead for president trump he's tweeted 400 times ♪ ♪ in his first full month in melbourne, florida a campaign stop air force one will not be used as a prop ♪ ♪ ♪ trump played golf well he was joking sweden sweden ♪ >> what has he been smoking? ♪ misguided dangerous across the board like a plane ♪ ♪ being flown by harrison ford ♪ ♪ town hall protests trump pr ♪ panda panda panda [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what's up with that? great crowd tonight. guys, come back again next week on monday after "the voice" premiere. aaron paul and keri russell will be here. >> steve: whoa! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: plus, on monday, me, the roots and ed sheeran are going to be playing some classroom instruments. [ cheers and applause ] and later next week, michael shannon, jennifer lopez, octavia spencer and samuel l. jackson will all be joining us. then we'll have performances from john mellencamp featuring martina mcbride. [ cheers and applause ] depeche mode is going to be here. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and luke bryan. >> steve: woah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's almost too much stuff to clap about. >> steve: crazy. my hands hurt. >> jimmy: i know, my hands hurt me, too, yeah. but first, we have a great show tonight. this guy is actually the best maybe. >> steve: he is the best. >> jimmy: he's the best dude ever. and he's just so cool. he's a stud. his new movie "logan" is the final time we're going see him playing wolverine on the big screen. the one, the only hugh jackman is here, ladies and gentlemen! >> steve: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] he's the best. >> steve: he's the best. >> jimmy: plus, from one of the biggest shows on tv, "this is us," mandy moore is dropping by. >> steve: whoa! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and we have great music from my man, chronixx! [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: chronixx. >> jimmy: guys, today is friday. that's usually when i catch up on some pe i check my inbox, i return some e-mails and, of course, i send out "thank you notes." and i was -- [ cheers and applause ] i was running a bit behind today. so, i thought if you guys wouldn't mind, i'd just like to write out my weekly "thank you notes" right now. is that cool with you guys? [ cheers and applause ] you guys are the best. hey, james, can i get some "thank you notes" writing, please? ♪ he's in another great mood. >> steve: wow. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: mr. pep. >> jimmy: hasn't talked to me in two months. >> steve: no. he refuses to. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] here we go. >> steve: my gosh. [ light laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, rihanna, for being named harvard's humanitarian of the year. people may not realize it but you do a lot of charitable work, work, work, work, work. [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: come on. >> jimmy: she's done a lot of cheritable -- ♪ ner-ner-ner, ner-ner der-der-der der-der ♪ ♪ thank you, white house senior adviser stephen miller for looking like the love child of jim parsons and droopy dog. [ laughter and applause ] that's not funny. thank you, drinking cough medicine from a small plastic cup for teaching kids how to take a shot. [ laughter ] [ chanting ] shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot. oye, oye! oye, oye! >> shot. ♪ >> jimmy: thank you kanye west, for filing paperwork for your very own line of makeup. i guess this explains your new motto, "yeezy breezy beautiful covergirl." [ laughter and applause ] yeezy breezy. >> steve: ez >> ssteve: come on. that's what you can tell the kids. >> jimmy: where was little dreezy. yeah, dreezy. >> steve: is dreezy there? >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: oh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: mini drake. >> steve: something on the desk. [ laughter ] he's just hanging. >> jimmy: mini drake. hi there. ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, "days of our lives," for being renewed for your 52nd season after more than 13,000 episodes. >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: man, how big is that hourglass? [ laughter and applause ] sands of time. >> steve: so are the days of our lives. ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, house hunters logo for showing me what it looks like if he-man's hair got into real estate. [ laughter and applause ] i have the power! >> steve: no, he-man. >> jimmy: to change that countertop. i got to change that countertop. ♪ thank you, apple, for filing a a patent to create a vaping device for marijuana. roommate turned an apple into a a bong 15 years ago. [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: whoa! >> jimmy: there you have it everybody. thank you, everybody. "thank you notes." we'll be right back with more of "the tonight show"! 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[ light laughter ] >> jimmy: how was the toy fair? how was the experience? >> i loved it. >> jimmy: you did. >> i had a great time. >> jimmy: giant's like city blocks long. >> large -- >> okay, i'd love to show you -- i'd love to show you these toys and i will. so here we go. [ light laughter ] this first one. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> is this guy. this guy is -- look at this -- you know what this is? >> jimmy: it's an l. right? >> yes. and -- >> jimmy: this is what you got at the toy fair? >> no, no, look. >> jimmy: javits center. it's a giant building. >> what it is? >> jimmy: what do you do with it? >> look what you can do. ready? you ready to see what i'm doing? look what i'm gonna do. okay. hey! [ laughter ] thank you. >> jimmy: i don't know. i don't know if that's -- >> try, try, try, try it. you'll love it. see what -- see what comes out. [ laughter ] no, no, no, the white. see what -- >> jimmy: see what comes out? >> no, no. see what voice comes out. >> jimmy: it's a finger puppet. >> no, no, see what -- who -- what's he sound like? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: get your prostate checked today. no, i don't really -- [ laughter ] this is -- all right -- now you have a rating system? >> oh yes. i have a rating system. so i have this thing called a a fun-mometer. >> jimmy: a fun-mometer. that's a catchy word. >> this is a very catchy word and it's easy to say because of how many consonants there are. so here's what i'm going to do. >> jimmy: prostate owl. >> prostate owls goes in the sort of fun. >> jimmy: yeah, okay. good. very good. that's -- [ cheers and applause ] all right. >> all right. so this next, this toy. >> jimmy: yes. >> this is what you call -- what you -- what would you call these? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: smacky balls? [ laughter ] what are they called? >> these are called -- >> jimmy: jo? >> thumb chucks. >> jimmy: oh, thumb chucks! hey, i think that's cool. >> try 'em. try 'em. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, thumb chucks. >> these ones are good for, like if you have a tough kid in the neighborhood, and -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're gopnna -- intimidate him? >> they're very intimi -- twice, you know, it's really something. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they do bounce, too. >> yeah, they do bounce. and this is kind of good. like, if you're, like, maybe a a kid that is bigger than everyone else, you walk around the neighborhood like that. you really don't -- you don't have any trouble. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: what is this on the fun-mometer? >> oh yeah, sure. let's go ahead and put it at a -- a solid fun. >> jimmy: yeah. okay. i agree with you. [ applause ] i agree with you on that one. yeah. that's cool. >> so this next one, this one i really like. you ready for this one? >> jimmy: yeah, i am. >> okay. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. again, you went to the javits center and it's a giant -- a a giant place. >> oh, sure. >> jimmy: yeah. i mean there were a lot of toys. >> there were so many to choose from. >> jimmy: and you came back with a finger puppet and a a horse in a purse. >> yeah. well you think this is a horse in a purse. >> jimmy: okay. >> do you really think -- what do you think this toy is called? >> jimmy: unicorn in a purse. >> no. [ light laughter ] i'll give you another guess. >> okay, well i'll give you a a hint. ready? it's like, mm-mm-mm. jimmy: sassy -- sassy pack. [ laughter ] >> it's called a sassy pack! >> jimmy: no! >> yes! yes! >> jimmy: how did i get that? >> amazing. amazing. >> jimmy: a sassy -- you did -- you did a perfect sassy. >> i thank you. >> jimmy: thank you for sassy pack. >> thank you. i don't need to see anymore. what's the fun-meter on this? >> okay sure. all right. i just -- i did just want to let you know that it comes out. >> jimmy: sure. of course. i'm -- >> all right. you don't want to see it? >> jimmy: no. >> okay. sure. okay. [ light laughter ] so, i'm going to go ahead and give that, because of the name, definitely a sort of fun. >> jimmy: okay, yeah. sort of fun. yeah, he just kind of hangs out in the bag. or she. >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: okay. good. this is not, "what is the toy?" [ light laughter ] i would say the whole kit is a a toy and it's a -- it's mud. it's a pigs play in the mud. >> but what about this? >> jimmy: okay. that is -- >> this is what you call gluten-free dirt. [ light laughter ] >> this is dirt for kids who have to stay inside. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: for kids, so that they can play in the dirt and i wouldn't want to -- no. not -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. because i feel like kids are going to want to eat it. >> no, no. you can't eat it. >> jimmy: no really kids -- >> kids -- kids -- >> jimmy: try it. try it. >> kids, don't eat it. this is good if you like -- if you're a kid that's like stuck in an attic, or -- [ laughter ] or -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's true. that's true. that's right. >> i mean, this is a safe alternative. >> jimmy: to going outdoors. >> yes. >> jimmy: yep. i love it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i love it. what's it called? >> it's called play dirt. >> jimmy: there you go. play dirt. where's the play dirt? >> okay. play dirt, it's like, no way. nope. >> jimmy: oh -- >> no. definitely not. >> jimmy: what? >> jimmy: what's going on? you did it! great. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] these are all great. thanks to jo, right there. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: thank her. thank you pal. good to see you. jo firestone. we'll be right back with hugh jackman, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ by the time you head to the bank and wait to get approved for a home loan, that newly listed, mid-century ranch with the garden patio will be gone. or you could push that button. [dong] [rocket launching] skip the bank, skip the waiting, and go completely online. get the confidence that comes from a secure, qualified mortgage approval in minutes. lift the burden of getting a home loan with rocket mortgage by quicken loans. 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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: they just love you. we love you so much. >> and i love you. i love you! [ cheers and applause ] no, but i do. not just sayin' that. >> jimmy: we just want to hug you. >> come on. let's go. >> jimmy: i want to say congrats on this movie -- >> thank you. >> jimmy: "logan." not only -- i want to get into it. but is it a kick-ass action superhero movie, but it's also drama, and it's gripping, and it's moving. and you're getting, like, awards buzz for this. which never comes from a a superhero movie, that i -- >> well, i'm starting the buzz. but -- i mean, no. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. you're your own publicist. congratulations. yeah. but you -- so 17 years it's been? playing wolv -- >> 17 years. 1999. got cast, yeah. >> jimmy: where were you? what were you -- >> my 16-year-old boy was not born, obviously. [ light laughter ] but -- yeah. >> jimmy: he was negative three, yeah. >> it's kind of crazy. i was -- when i got the part, i was in london doing curly in "oklahoma" for the royal national theater. right? [ light laughter ] i had a perm in my hair. right? [ laughter ] i literally -- when i went to audition it was between the matinee and evening performance. i raced offstage. i whipped off the leather chaps. i ran -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you got the part right there. >> yeah! [ laughter ] and i ran in -- and i ran in to do this audition. when i got a callback, i was absolutely shocked. they said, "listen, we want you to come back and perhaps you could lose the perm. and perhaps you could lose that southern cowboy accent." which was the only accent i knew at the time. so -- >> jimmy: i have the picture right here. >> oh, you do? really? >> jimmy: oh, of course. i found you with the perm. i mean -- [ light laughter ] come on. you're a stud. this is awesome, man. [ cheers ] same dude. yeah, that's the wolverine there. yeah. [ laug ] >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. yeah, exactly. >> you know what's terrifying about that? i look exactly like my sister zoe. literally. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you really? >> that's a -- >> jimmy: like, hair and everything? >> yeah, yeah. anyway. i have no idea how i got the part. but here we are, 17 years later, man. >> jimmy: that's unbelievable that you've done this. and was it eight "x-men" movies? >> nine. >> jimmy: nine "x-men" movies. >> if you count, like, two cameos, nine. so this is my ninth one. >> jimmy: but this one, you decided this is time to end the series? >> yeah, well, a friend of mine -- i'm gonna drop some names. but jerry seinfeld, a friend of mine, a friend of yours -- [ seinfeld impression ] >> jimmy: of course! we love him! [ cheers and applause ] who doesn't? >> jerry! >> jimmy: hugh jackman! how are you? you're wolverine! you gotta stop -- you gotta just finish. people are over it, they're done with it. [ laughter ] you can't do wolverine your whole life! >> that's it. >> jimmy: i know! how does he do it? >> exactly like that! [ laughter ] that was it. and i made nine, so i said i'm out. here's jerry, he's going to -- >> jimmy: oh, jerry, you know -- did he -- >> i was -- i was just chatting with him about, you know, why did you finish after e what was the point, what was the tipping point? and he was very clear. he said, "look, when you're creating something, it's very important not to run yourself dry." it's not about finishing on top necessarily, but making sure you creativity still got something left, which propels you into whatever's next. and as he was talking to me, i went home, and i said, "deb, this is it. this is the last one." and then, like the next morning, i wake up at 4:00 in the morning and record into a a voice memo -- 'cause i had this really strong idea of what to do for the last one. and that's like, two, two years ago, or something. so, yeah. it was jerry. >> jimmy: that was jerry. >> it was jerry, yeah. >> jimmy: but then you ended up with this amazing script. >> yeah. well, james mangold -- the writer-director -- it's his film. the guy is a genius. he did "the wolverine" with me. >> jimmy: i loved that one, too. >> and i did a movie years ago with him called "kate & leopold." >> jimmy: yeah, of course! [ cheers and applause ] >> and i asked him to do this one. and i said, "man, it's really personal to me. i know this is the last one, we've got to do it right. this is our last chance." i wanted to go deeper, go further. thought the studio would say no. and here we are, releasing that movie. i'm really proud of it. >> jimmy: because you kind of -- [ cheers ] you're going love it, 'cause it's awesome. we're going to show you a clip from the movie. but the thing i like about it is you realize how much of a a loner, kind of, he is. >> yeah, you know, he was always the real anti-hero of comic books. you know, "x-men" always had something to say. it always fun and spectacular -- there's powers. but, i always thought what made him cool was not so much the claws and the healing bit, he was just -- he was a bad-ass, right? he just -- he's the last person you want to piss off. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> he was the one you want on your team, but there's a cost to that. i remember "unforgiven", watching that movie "unforgiven" -- we talked about change, mangold and i, then. as we say in the movie, there's no living with a killing. it's like -- it has to have a a price. and, you know, we wanted a a movie that is violent. by the way, it is violent. but it has something to say about violence, that there is ramifications. >> jimmy: the good news of not doing this is that you don't have to keep that wolverine diet. [ light laughter ] >> that's true. >> jimmy: every time you're that's all you ate. >> yeah. and cauliflower. >> jimmy: and cauliflower, yeah. a little variety. a little variety. but now you can go ham. >> it's just so good. you have no idea. [ light laughter ] i mean, look, it's not like i never had a cheat meal, because i did. but for 17 years, i've kind of -- next year, you've got to get into shape. that kind of puts a bit of a a damper on things. so, yeah. the wheels are off. get ready. it's like -- >> jimmy: i know. i love it. [ laughter ] guys, we have a clip i want to show. here's hugh jackman in his final performance as wolverine. the movie is called "logan." it is in theaters and imax next friday. check this out. >> good evening, mr. munson. you understand you're trespassing right now, right? >> i have an easement with the previous owner of your property. >> previous being the operative word. who's this? >> the guy telling you to get back in your nice truck. go play okie dickhead somewhere else. >> hey, carl, looks like mr. munson hired some muscle. >> looks that way. >> he's a friend of mine. >> a friend with a big mouth. >> i hear that a lot. >> and you probably hear this, too. >> more that i'd like. >> then you know the drill. i'm going to count to three, and you're going to start walking away. >> i have rights to this water. >> one -- >> i have a lawyer now. >> two -- >> three. >> ah -- ah -- you all right boss? >> you know the drill. get the hell outta here. >> jimmy: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] yeah! i love it! hugh jackman and i are going head-to-head in the whisper challenge after the break. stick around, everybody. congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hey, bud. you need some help? no, i'm good. come on, moe. i have to go. (vo) we always trusted our subaru impreza would be there for him someday. ok. that's it. (vo) we just didn't think someday would come so fast. see ya later, moe. 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[ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody! we are hanging out with hugh jackman, right here! [ cheers and applause ] starting next friday you can see him starring as wolverine for the last time in "logan." hugh and i are about to play the whisper challenge. >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> whisper challenge. >> jimmy: that's good. >> thank you. >> jimmy: here's how the game works. one person puts on these headphones. right? you can play this game at home. soundproof headphones with loud music playing. okay? >> great. >> jimmy: then the other person picks up a card and reads the random phrase on the card. and the person wearing the headphones has to try to guess what i just said. >> right. >> jimmy: okay? so, you put the headphones on first. >> got it. >> jimmy: i want to make sure it's working. it's very loud. all right. you ready to go? >> i'm ready to go. >> jimmy: all right, here we go. ready? [ light laughter ] >> ready. >> jimmy: okay. [ light laughter ] buttermilk biscuits. >> person muna pudda -- again. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: buttermilk biscuits. >> peppermint p -- [ laughter ] i was going somewhere bad! >> jimmy: buttermilk. buttermilk. >> purposeson. >> jimmy: buttermilk. >> papa. >> jimmy: buttermilk. >> papa. >> jimmy: buttermilk. >> papa. >> jimmy: buttermilk. [ laughter ] >> poppin'! burpin'! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: buttermilk biscuits. >> something position. peppers in position. [ laughter ] peppers in -- no. >> jimmy: buttermilk biscuits. >> oh. let's have a hamburger together. [ laughter ] let's eat -- [ laughter ] close. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> i was close, yeah. >> jimmy: buttermilk biscuits. i'm not going -- we're not going to get it. >> peppermint position. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah -- >> peppermint. >> jimmy: buttermilk biscuits. >> ah! >> jimmy: sorry. that was a hard one. [ laughter ] that was a hard one. you're very close. let's have a hamburger together. judges, does it count? [ buzzer ] nah, very close though. very close. [ light laughter ] >> okay. >> jimmy: let's have a a hamburger together. that's the best. [ light laughter ] all right, here we go. >> all right. you have -- >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> no chance. are you ready? >> jimmy: ready. >> m. night shyamalan. m. night shyamalan. >> jimmy: what? [ laughter ] >> yep. m -- >> jimmy: eat my -- [ laughter ] >> m. >> jimmy: eat. >> night. >> jimmy: eat my china? [ laughter ] >> new one. i see dead people. >> jimmy: ha-chi-chi! ha-chi-chi brothers. >> m. m. >> jimmy: ape? a? >> m. >> jimmy: a. abe. [ laughter ] abe lincoln. >> m. >> jimmy: abe. >> m. m! >> jimmy: eep. >> m! m! m! >> jimmy: eep. >> m! >> jimmy: eep. >> m! >> jimmy: rib. >> no! >> jimmy: ripple. nipple! purple nurple! >> m! m. >> jimmy: dimple. >> m. >> jimmy: ipple. >> m. >> jimmy: thimble. >> m. night shyamalan. >> jimmy: m -- come on! that's impossible! m. night. oh, my goodness! [ applause ] i couldn't even come close to that. >> abe. m. abe, m. yeah. >> i get it. abe lincoln. >> jimmy: well, look, since it was a -- a tie we're going to give you the win on this. and we have a little -- >> that's very generous. >> jimmy: surprise for you as a a reward. >> oh. >> jimmy: you talked about how brutal the wolverine diet has been for the past 17 years. non-stop workouts, steamed chicken breasts. well, since the final wolverine movie is coming out next week, it's time for wolverine to break his fast. and we got some help from one of the greatest chefs on the planet. mario batali, ladies and gentlemen! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> oh! oh! >> jimmy: what's up, doggy dog? what's up, doggy dog? >> i like it. >> thank you so much, buddy. [ applause ] >> that is the greatest frickin' thing i've ever seen in my life. >> jimmy: what's up, brother? >> yes! >> jimmy: there you go, yeah. a little pasta. from -- come on. this is what i'm talking about right here. oh, you brought a little vino, too. [ cheers ] >> a little vino. >> jimmy: how's that? >> would you like to test? >> jimmy: i would love to -- >> are you gonna feed me >> this is -- mmm. >> jimmy: you earned it. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] [ talking over each other ] >> -- all the pasta, it's mine. >> jimmy: my friend. this is my friend, mario batali, the coolest dude in food! [ cheers and applause ] hugh jackman! "logan" is in theaters and imax next friday. mandy moore joins us after the break. stick around, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ 90% of the world's largest supercomputers run on intel? that means you can take a universe of data - in your case literally - and turn it into medical discoveries, diagnostic breakthroughs... ...proof that black holes collapse into one singularity. i don't know what that is. but yes. innovation runs on supercomputers... ...and supercomputers run on intel. you are super smart. and super busy. ♪ ooh! ufo! false alarm, eyelash! to help provide access to cleanh water to womeng and their families in the developing world. we can be the generation remembered for ending the global water crisis once and for all. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [beeping] ♪ the 2017 rav4 with toyota safety sense, standard. toyota. let's go places. a big mac? and a grand mac? man, there's a big mac for every move. we talking about the left right left crossover what?! we got a big mac for that! and we talking about 30 feet nothing but net. splash! we definitely got a big mac for that! to the hoop star. alley-oop. watch your head. ohhhh! there's a big mac for that! juicy, cheesy, iconic big mac. now in three sizes. i want to see what you got. all the way up. get that out of here, boy. ♪ what if an insurance company wasn't only there when things went wrong? because for every tornado... there's a twister. for every crash... an even bigger collision. and for every tailspin... well, tailspins. state farm understands that getting the most out of life doesn't just mean being there when things go wrong. it's about being here... in all of life's moments. when things go perfectly... right. ♪ classic hershey's outside. with a new creamy, crunchy inside. new hershey's cookie layer crunch. our powerful relief now in pill form. it's the one and only cold & flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. power through with theraflu expressmax caplets. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a a very talented performer who stars on the hit show "this is us" which airs tuesdays at 9:00 p.m. right here on nbc. everyone, please welcome mandy moore! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jeez louise. >> jimmy: welcome back. they love you. welcome back! >> please, i love you, too. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: you look gorgeous and thank you for coming back. >> thank you. >> jimmy: and congrats on "this is us." >> thanks, man. >> jimmy: i mean this is a a runaway hit. man, it is fantastic. >> crazy. >> jimmy: it's a monster. you know what's funny? i was watching the film "la la land." >> yes. >> jimmy: and -- you know where i'm going with this. >> you liked my choreography. >> jimmy: yeah. well, i freaked out. i said it was the best movie. i go, "oh, my god. it's amazing." and it said choreographed -- 'cause the dancing is amazing in the film. >> sure. >> jimmy: the choreographer is mandy moore and i go, "she is having a great year." [ light laughter ] this is unbelievable. i didn't know you choreographed. >> there is in fact another mandy moore out there -- >> jimmy: what? >> and she is a dynamite choreographer but, she has been nominated for emmys before for, like, "dancing with the stars." because i believe she's also a -- exactly, a choreographer for that. and i've gotten e-mails over the years for people. it's like, "congrats on the emmy nods!" i'm like, "ugh, not me." [ light laughter ] not -- >> jimmy: but are you a dancer? are you --? >> i'm the worst dancer, which is the irony here. like, i have no rhythm. >> jimmy: that's not tru >> anybody who watched my music video when i was 15 for "candy" can see that i am -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i loved it. what do you do if you go to like a wedding or a party or something? >> i try and stay seated. and just do like a little chair dance. you know? like groove in the chair. >> jimmy: oh, i see what -- >> yeah. yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: chair dance. >> yeah. just a little like -- ♪ >> jimmy: that's pretty good. you're good at that. >> yeah. >> jimmy: kind of a lower lip bite, that was pretty good. [ laughter ] >> you can like move your head around. >> jimmy: oh, man, you got into it. yeah, you're great. wait, i felt a little intimidated. you're fantastic. i usually get up to the dance floor and then like kind of back out and go to the bar and just -- yeah. >> yeah, right. >> jimmy: i -- i don't get that crazy. >> sure. >> jimmy: i really don't. i'm the worst. i mean seriously, i was dancing the other day, because the roots were playing something and i wasn't doing a bit or anything. i looked at tariq, and he's looked at me, "like, man, that's sad." [ laughter ] and -- because i wasn't doing a a bit. i was just actually dancing. >> tariq: you were for real. >> jimmy: and i was like -- 'cause you -- give me that beat and i was just like -- ♪ ♪ >> come on. come on. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> that's way better than me. i like it. >> jimmy: but it looked like i was doing a joke and i wasn't, seriously. stop. whatever you're doing. i go, it wasn't a bit. again, congrats on "this is us." >> thank you. >> jimmy: everybody was talking about this show. last week, whew. it was -- ah. yeah. >> right? i know. >> jimmy: emotional. emotional. oh, my gosh. crying -- >> i haven't recovered, either. >> jimmy: dude, people are so shaky around the topic. but yeah. >> i understand. sorry. >> jimmy: it gets emotional. >> it does. >> jimmy: how do you do those scenes? they've got to be tough. >> i hyperventilated in particular when i read that script. it just was so -- it's so much. but i mean, we're just -- we're honored to be a part of something that's resonating with people and means a lot to people. it feels kind of important. in this -- this day and age. >> jimmy: yeah. people are -- yeah. >> family, connectedness, unity. yeah. >> jimmy: we had milo on the show the other day. he's your co-star, who loves you. >> i love him. >> jimmy: everybody loves you, by the way. i ou so i talk to everybody at nbc, like, "she's the nicest, coolest --" they love you, pal. >> ah, thanks. >> jimmy: he actually recorded a question for you and we want to show it to you right now. >> oh. >> what's up, mandy? welcome back to "the tonight show." hey, i just wanted you to show jimmy what exactly it is you do when you're warming up right before a scene. so why don't you go ahead and show that to him? >> ah. thanks, milo. [ laughter ] thanks. >> jimmy: what is he talking about? >> well, you know when you sit around on set sometimes -- you know this. it's like -- it takes a while for them to change a light sometimes or turn the cameras around. >> jimmy: sure. >> so you want to keep the energy flowing. so occasionally i will -- you know before, like, we go to shoot something i just like -- i have to like, push the energy out into the world. >> jimmy: like how many times do you push the energy? >> like ten times. but sometimes i like, huh, huh, huh! you know you just got to like -- you want to feel it. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> huh! >> jimmy: huh! >> huh! >> jimmy: huh! huh! >> yeah! it's like -- >> jimmy: guys, try it. i think it feels good. stand up. you can try this. [ light laughter ] >> come on! huh! >> jimmy: on the count of three, we'll do it. let's get warmed up. ready? yeah. huh! [ laughter ] the best crowd. huh! it feels great! >> that is amazing. >> jimmy: yeah. great. >> and now -- and now you're ready to cry. >> jimmy: yeah, here we go. we're warmed up, we're ready for a clip. here's mandy moore in a new episode of "this is us." take a look at this. >> well, you said you'd be home at 5:30. >> no, i said i would knock off at 5:30. >> i called your office and you didn't. >> so you're checking up on me now? >> it's just passive aggressive, jack. okay, the kids. they need a ride to joel's party tonight. parents are home, i already checked. and randall's robotics class, you see? is moved to tuesdays. >> i can read. >> and, please, please, do not let kevin and sophie be by themselves in the basement. they're all over each other. what's so funny? it's disturbing. >> you know the other day i came in? she was nibbling on his ear. >> hmm-mm. don't use the word nibbling in reference to our son. >> that was the only way to describe it. >> those are haven't seen q-tips in years. >> no. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> thanks. >> jimmy: mandy moore, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] "this is us" airs tuesdays at 9:00 p.m. on nbc. chronixx performs for us after the break. stick around, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next performer made his television debut here on "the tonight show" and will kick off a u.s. tour next week in support of his highly anticipated upcoming album "chronology." please welcome, everybody, performing "majesty," chronixx! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> mother of creation. ♪ ♪ there's something about you girl and i don't think it's just your smile ♪ ♪ i don't know how to say it now i've been thinking for a while ♪ ♪ the best way to say it woman your energy is right baby so right ♪ ♪ before i hold you with my arms hold you close in my arms ♪ ♪ i wanna hold you in my heart baby hold you close in my heart ♪ ♪ before we share our love upon that bed share our love share our love ♪ ♪ i wanna place this crown upon your head woman ♪ ♪ girl you're my queen majesty oh you are my queen majesty ♪ ♪ don't you know you are my queen baby majesty oh you are my queen majesty ♪ ♪ queen of the jungle you are the lioness ♪ ♪ the feeling a grumble but you're always trying your best ♪ ♪ so when the whole world crumble your lion is all right baby m ♪ before i hold you close just before hold you close oh girl i wanna let you know woman let you know ♪ ♪ when all is done and all is said all is done all is said ♪ ♪ you deserve that crown upon your head woman ♪ ♪ queen majesty baby you're my queen yeah majesty ♪ ♪ don't you know you are my queen majesty come on baby ♪ ♪ you know you are my queen majesty watch this ♪ ♪ cleopatra queen of sheba i never tease yeah you or your features ♪ ♪ empress menen i beautiful creature you summarize every quee of the east ease out ♪ ♪ night crawler and gully creeper and me not know about no mona lisa ♪ ♪ but me know venus and serena undisputed queen omega ♪ ♪ t-ri-bi-bang come ri-bi-bang-skeng girl all good and you nah no problem girl ♪ ♪ killer body your physique shot dem bow ♪ ♪ ♪ i know everybody has a life ♪ ♪ still we eye this come in on love life go dance in a dance hall ♪ ♪ i know everybody has a life still me irate ♪ ♪ but so we need pretty love we no treat what you like ♪ ♪ need pretty love we no treat what you like ♪ ♪ club said so come on -- come here i know a club dance over ice ♪ ♪ we need pretty love ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] chronixx! "majesty" is available now. my thanks to hugh jackman, mandy moore, mario batali, chronixx, once again! [ cheers and applause ] give it up for the roots right there, too, ladies and gentlemen, from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great weekend. hope to see you next week. bye-bye. bye-bye! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- john oliver. from hbo's "girls," zosia mamet. featuring the 8g band with brann dailor. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen seth meyers. >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how is everybody doing tonight? [cheers and applause] fantastic. fantastic to hear. in that case, let's get to the news. the grammy awards were last night, which is pretty embarrassing for ceelo green, who showed up dressed as an oscar. [ light laughter ]

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