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And featuring the legendary roots crew. Questlove 608 wisconsin steve and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ] jimmy oh. Thank you very much hi oh, looking good. Looking good. Hi. Welcome welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to the tonight show this is it, baby. [ cheers and applause ] you made it. Youre here. This is the show. Im your host, jimmy fallon. You guys. Even though our studio can only hold 200 people, Donald Trumps press secretary says we have 2 Million People here tonight. Steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thats a new record. A new record steve wow. Most ever jimmy well, were just a a few days into Donald Trumps presidency. And i dont know what trumps Fitness Initiative is, but because of him millions of women got their steps in this weekend. [ cheers and applause ] thats right. The womens march on washington was on saturday and had three times as many people as trumps inauguration. [ cheers and applause ] three times. When he was told there were hundreds of thousands of women outside the white house, trump said, wow, this trump cologne really works. [ laughter and applause ] yeah. Powerful. But it was pretty amazing. I saw that there were womens marches saturday on every continent, including one in antarctica. [ cheers and applause ] we actually have a picture of the protestor there. Actually, i saw that yesterday was donald and melania trumps 12th wedding anniversary. Yeah. When asked what the traditional 12th Anniversary Gift is, trump said, i dont know. Ive never made it this far. [ laughter and applause ] i made history twice this weekend. [ light laughter ] of course, after the inauguration, its tradition for the newly sworn in president and Vice President to dance with their spouses. And here is President Trump and Vice President pence out on the dance floor. Take a look. I faced it all and i stood tall and did it my way [ light laughter ] jimmy this is crazy. Later they they reaired that same footage. And i think trumps trying to make money off of it. I think. Steve really . Jimmy see if you notice. Take a look at this. You make a great team. Its been that way since the day you met. But your erectile dysfunction, flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready any time the moments right. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy did you catch did you notice that . Steve he sold the footage to cialis . [ laughter ] honk. Jimmy gave em a honk. Steve whew jimmy gave em a little dance honk. [ laughter ] steve cialis. Jimmy ahooga. Ahooga trumps press secretary, sean spicer, had a rough time during his first press briefing on saturday where he appeared to lie about the size of trumps inauguration crowd. Then another trump advisor, Kellyanne Conway, actually tried to defend him, saying that he just gave, quote, alternative facts. [ light laughter ] and people asked her, are you alternative sober . [ laughter and applause ] alternative facts . Thats right, alternative facts. That sounds like a course at trump university. I major in alternative facts. Actually, we have an example of one of Kellyanne Conways alternative facts this is a great looking coat. Uh, yeah. [ laughter and applause ] but trumps already settling in. In fact, on friday, the white house changed the curtains and the rug in the oval office. And trump said that wasnt what he meant when he asked the secretary does the carpet match the drapes . [ laughter and applause ] hey. Watch it, buddy. Hey. Steve cialis. [ laughter ] jimmy come on. Give me a little dance honk, dude. Steve honk. Ahooga. Jimmy some big movie news. Today it was announced that the title of the next Star Wars Film will be the last jedi. [ audience oohs ] then the film after that will be called oh, wait, we found another jedi. [ laughter and applause ] the littlest jedi. The littlest jedi. Steve hey jimmy the little jedi that could. [ light laer finally, i want to say congratulations to the Atlanta Falcons and the new England Patriots who advanced to super bowl li. [ cheers and applause ] but did you see this . Tom brady was being mocked for wearing a giant coat on the sidelines during yesterdays game. Here, take a look at this. [ laughter ] jimmy people were like, forget the footballs, deflate your jacket. [ laughter and applause ] even Kellyanne Conway was like, thats a weird coat, right there. [ laughter ] we have a great show tonight. Give it up for the roots, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hi, everybody. Its monday. Were so happy to be back. We have a big week of shows coming up. Tomorrow night, the one and only mike myers will be here on the show. Steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy favorite funny dude. Then later this week, we have glenn close, we have danny devito, and Drew Barrymore [ cheers and applause ] steve oh jimmy will be here. Steve wow. Jimmy plus well have music from steve aoki and louis tomlinson. [ cheers and applause ] plus parquet courts. [ applause ] a big week. But first, shes one of the greatest actresses around and currently making her broadway debut in the present. Cate blanchett is here tonight. Steve whoa [ cheers and applause ] jimmy cates going to tell us about her new play, and she and i are going to get serious in an emotional interview. [ light laughter ] steve ooh. Jimmy so be sure to stick around for that. Yeah, its going to be very emotional. Plus, from the highly acclaimed hulu series, the path, hugh dancy is stopping by. [ cheers and applause ] and weve got great music from cobi [ cheers and applause ] hey guys, like many people, were big fans of podcasts here at the show. It would be fun to have our very own tonight show podcast. So weve started recording one called the tariq and adler show. And its starring our own Tariq Trotter from the roots and one of our writers, jonathan adler. [ cheers and applause ] there they are. Now, keep in mind, these two barely know each other and have rarely spoken aside from an awkward head nod in the hallway. [ light laughter ] and tonight tonight we have [ light laughter ] another installment of their podcast. And its pretty funny, even though theyre sti wllkiorng on their chemistry. Check this out. Tariq hey, whats up . This is tariq. And this is adler. Tariq and this is the tariq and adler podcast. Do you want to tell me a a secret . Oh, jeez. I dont know if i really have a a secret. I dont have any plans this weekend. Tariq oh, damn. Thats not a secret though tariq cats out of the bag on that one. [ light laughter ] i think i already knew that. I know when women put like, on your wrist and behind your ears. If youre man, where do you even put it . Tariq i spray from, like, from behind me. Like, on my neck. And then i do, like, on either wrist. After you, like, shower in the morning . Thats when you put it on . Tariq no. Before i shower and then i scrub it off. What the [ bleep ] do you think . [ laughter ] like, yes, after i shower in the morning. I want to point out that tariq just checked his watch. Tariq oh, god. When i went to a dance with a girl in high school, i went to buy flowers and i didnt really know what i was doing. And i only bought a filler. And i didnt buy tariq oh, you gave her, like, babys breath. It was all babys breath. [ laughter ] tariq thats like taking someone to dinner and just getting them a plate of parsley. [ laughter ] im going to start calling you babys breath. I think im going to get that on a jersey for you. I would love that. Tariq i know, i know. He just checked his watch again. Are you a superstitious person . Tariq im not very superstitious. But, you know, when you believe in things that you dont understand, then you suffer. [ laughter ] so superstition aint the way. I think those are the lyrics from a song. [ laughter ] but i am im not positive. [ laughter ] tariq yeah. Its a Stevie Wonder song. Thats the one. Well, i have a Super Bowl Party pretty much every year at my apartment. Tariq aw, man. Im sorry to hear that. [ laughter ] because i already know you know whats coming. Tariq i know whats coming. Would you like to come this year . Tariq oh, no [ laughter ] if i were a superhero, what would my power be . Tariq you would repel women. [ laughter ] would i have a name with that power . Tariq uh, yeah. The repeler. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy there it is right there. Give it up for tariq and adler, right there once again [ cheers and applause ] oh, my goodness. There you go. Wow, friends for life. Stick around. Well be back with more of the tonight show, everybody. 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They were able to replace all their items. Including a new chair from crate and barrel. Call geico and see how easy it is to switch and save on homeowners insurance. New year, time to get rid of stuff. Simplify, declutter, unplug, purge, or even quit cold turkey. I raise turkeys without growthpromoting antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. If youre looking for little ways to simplify life, feeling good about what your family eats is a Pretty Simple place to start. My name is tammy plumlee, and i raise honest, simple turkey for shady brook farms. [ chee a jimmy welcome back. Welcome back and thank you for watching. Thank you for being here. Hey, guys it is january. It is chilly out and if youre like me all you want to do is cozy up to a nice fire with a a good book. Steve mhmm. Jimmy well, i dont want any of you guys reading any stinkers. So to help you out, im about to show you some books that you should avoid al all costs. Thats right. Its time for my latest installment of my do not read list. [ cheers and applause ] do not read do not read these books these books jimmy now, before we start i just want you all to know that every book that im about to show you is 100 real. These are actual books. [ light laughter ] you can find them on amazon or check them out at your local library. They are real. All right, lets see whats on my do not read list. This first one is a craft book. Like steve i love crafts . Right . Steve love em. Jimmy yeah, this is called, painting houses, cottages, and towns on rocks. Steve oh [ laughter ] jimmy thats a subject everyone can relate to. Steve everybodys like, thats it. Jimmy yeah, and she dedicated the she said, for my husband claus and our daughters skye, erika and kira who have all learned to live, with a house full of rocks. [ laughter ] hey, erika, can i come over to your house and play . Ill just go to yours. My house is filled with rocks. [ laughter ] speaking of kids. Steve love kids. Jimmy the next one is a a childrens book. Steve oh, good. Yeah. Its called sometimes my mom drinks too much. Steve oh [ applause ] a kids childrens book. [ laughter ] at least shes not straight out of the bottle. She decants it nicely, in a a nice decanter. Steve yeah. Jimmy lets it breathe a a little bit. Steve yeah. Jimmy lets it breathe. Steve lets it get in there. Jimmy yeah, its not like steve and then chugs it. Jimmy yeah. Then she just chugs it. Yeah. Steve gulp, gulp. Jimmy for children to read. Steve yeah. Jimmy she was carrying my birthday cake to the table where i was sitting with my friends. [ laughter ] suddenly she fell. The cake smashed all over the floor. [ audience ohs ] mom burst out laughing. [ laughter ] my friends laughed, too. But i didnt. [ laughter ] steve oh, gosh. Jimmy neither did yoshi. I could tell she was thinking, your mom is drunk. Isnt she . [ laughter ] look at the picture look at the drawing of the mom. [ laughter ] steve oh, my gosh shes happy. Yeah. Jimmy shes a happy drunk. Steve yeah. Jimmy yeah, i dont know. Yeah, thought it was funny. Steve dont you look at me, yoshi jimmy dont judge me, yoshi steve oh, my gosh. [ mumbling ] jimmy get me another bottle. Steve decant another bottle. Jimmy next up is a history book. Steve love, history. Jimmy yeah, this is great. This is, a history of the metal lawn chair. What we know now. [ laughter ] steve what we know now. Jimmy what we know now. Steve the secrets revealed. [ laughter ] before jimmy heres why i dont want you to read it. Because this was printed in 2014. So i dont know if you should read it. cause who knows what kind of metal lawn chair advancements have taken place steve in the last three years. Jimmy over the last three years . Steve yeah. Jimmy what we know now. Steve thats an incomplete book. [ laughter ] jimmy a whole book. Steve the secret is out. Jimmy look at all of these words. [ laughter ] wow. Steve thats one you want more pictures than words. [ laughter ] jimmy gosh. Steve what we know now. Jimmy next up, is another childrens book. This ones called electricity experiments for children. Steve oh, great jimmy this is great. Steve i love it. Jimmy this is great, because im always encouraging my kids to play with electricity more. Steve oh, yeah. Jimmy you know . Here, look at one of t experimen it says, how you can make a a battery. [ light laughter ] just kind of a bottle of ammonium chloride. Thats easy to get. Steve oh, great. Jimmy yeah, just go they sell it at toys r us. Steve they have, like, gallons of it. Jimmy yeah. Steve here, unscrew the fuse box. Jimmy what do you mean, youre sold out of ammonium chloride again . Steve oh, man. Jimmy every kids making batteries. Steve they got tons of batteries. Jimmy whats that, sir . Steve they got tons of batteries. Kids are making batteries. They get zinc chromium. They got some, carbolic acid. They make batteries all the time. Jimmy hey, you guys talking about batteries . Steve yeah. Jimmy my kid needs at least, five, five, four, five batteries. Jimmy were out of steve what . They use ammonium chloride . Jimmy yeah, absolutely. Steve where did you get it . cause were all out here. Jimmy oh, i get some back at my le car. Steve your le car . Jimmy whats that . Steve do you have a le car . Jimmy i cant hear you. I was as a concert last night. [ laughter ] steve whod you go see . Jimmy ill go see i saw kenny g. Steve did he really . Kenny g . Jimmy yeah. Steve what was he playing . Jimmy he played a saxophone right in my ear. Steve are you serious . Unbelievable. Jimmy were down to our last one. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy were down to our last one. Steve whats up, g . Jimmy this is our last one, here. This is called this book is called vital merger. Lets see who wrote it. Just zoom right there. [ laughter ] does this look like anything to you higgins . Steve that . Does that look like anything to me . Nope. [ laughter ] looks like two trees growing together. Wait. Is that a bush, or a tree . [ laughter ] jimmy come on. Its a it is a its [ laughter ] its unfortunate is what it is. Steve yeah. Jimmy did you but you its steve no. Jimmy youve never read this book . Steve never read that brook. Who wrote it . Jimmy dirk e steve dick elliot . [ laughter ] jimmy dirk elliot. Steve oh, dirk, dirk. Jimmy you should try reading it. Its the first couple chapters is nuts. [ applause ] steve looks like it just nuts. Jimmy just nuts. Steve looks like it comes in hard cover. Jimmy whats that . Steve is that hard cover . Jimmy its not a hard cover. [ laughter ] thats all the time we have for our do not read list. [ cheers and applause ] if you have a book you think could be on our next, do not read list. I want to see it. Send your title to our blog at donotread tonightshow. Com. Well be right back with cate blanchett. 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So when the irs owes me money, guess when i want it . [woman] now. [john] you are good. [vo] instead of waiting for your tax refund, you can get a refund advance t at block. [john] dont just get your taxes done. Get your taxes won. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy we are joined right now by a multiple golden globe and Academy Awardwinning actress, who is currently making her broadway debut in the present. Its an ensemble drama that already has a Huge Box Office success. Will continue its run at the Barrymore Theater through march 19th. Please welcome, the one and only, cate blanchett, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy ah, cate, you look can i put my gum here . [ laughter ] jimmy i wouldnt, no, sure. You can i might need it later. Jimmy youre allowed to. All right, yeah, there. In a little pile neat little pile. Jimmy are you going to make it into a little character or something . Yes, yeah i could. A little penis youve got a a little phallic thing going on. There you go. Yes. There. The phall jimmy stop doing that seems an appropriate symbol in this country right now. Jimmy we should lets we can make that an emoji. With tiny little balls. Jimmy stop it, stop it [ applause ] hi, jimmy. Jimmy how are you . Im good. Jimmy nice to see you. Everything well . [ laughter ] you threatened to that . Jimmy no, im just yes, a little threatened. Sitting behind the desk here all day. Jimmy all too familiar to me. No one can see a thing. Jimmy ah yes. I dont want to be distracting from you. Right. Jimmy you look well, its hard to be. You look gorgeous. Thank you for coming back to the show. I appreciate this. You look gorgeous, too. Jimmy thank you so much. I thats what i [ applause ] i was fishing for a compliment. Yes, i know, they applauded. Jimmy yeah, its the best, thank you. I saw you youre in new york now for a while, right . This is fun. I like having you here. I am. You know, i was filming on an ocean thing with sandra bullock, and Sarah Paulson and Helena Bonham carter, gorgeous, gorgeous girls. Jimmy how fun was that . Very, very fun. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy Sarah Paulson oh, my gosh. I know, dont get me started. Jimmy yes, i know. And then, you know, im in the play, so were here about six months. Jimmy i saw you at a knick game and you were looking gorgeous as ever. Oh, did you . Jimmy yes and i want to know, who were you wearing . Who was i wearing . Jimmy yeah, what is his name . What is what is his name . That is iggy, he was getting overexcited. Jimmy yeah, is that your son . Thats one of them. Ive got four well, ive got three boys and one girl but they but then my eldest is a a huge knicks fan and then we went, we went about three weeks ago and they didnt play particularly well and he wanted to leave. See, the thing in your country is that when the when your team isnt playing well, everyone leaves. Jimmy yeah. And so my son jimmy cant be bothered with it, yeah. No my son was almost crying and he came over and said, this is not fun for me, we need to go. And i said, look the all ive become like a soccer mom. And i say, we cant leave, because weve got to stay and support them. And i start applauding for anyone who gets anything through the basket. So jimmy really . Yeah. Its terrible. But they i tell you, you look at the size of their fingers and you need to raise the basket. I mean, the game has become ridiculous. I hadnt seen a game, like a a professional game, until i came to this country and the guys are so tall now. Maybe not rose, but jimmy the baskets are actually beneath them. Yeah, its crazy. Jimmy the baskets underneath them, yeah. And so you only like a meter and a half to play the game, then you kinda get too close and you just get it in. Its like, wheres the challenge . [ light laughter ] i mean, im sure there is a a challenge, but jimmy i think well theres people trying to stop you from doing that. [ laughter ] thats the thats how basketball works. But maybe maybe they need to start recruiting really could go through the legs of the guy i mean jimmy yeah, i mean, i nothing no. I think thats a good idea. I could coach the team. Jimmy all right. We want to do like a Celebrity Team for team, we can do it, yeah. We could. Jimmy ill do it but its a great its a a great game. At least my children, they love basketball. Jimmy i love the knicks. At least its not like cricket. Jimmy cricket i dont understand the rules. I tried to you play cricket in your country . Jimmy no. No, not at all. [ light laughter ] ive tried to watch one and i i couldnt wrap my head around it. Its very, very i feel very unaustralian but its very long. Jimmy didnt like a cricket game last like a week once or Something Like that . Oh, probably about six weeks. Its very, very no. Jimmy thats insane. As parent, you pray theyll play soccer or basketball. Jimmy yeah, of course, youre like oh, yeah. Exactly. Youre growing old with your kids during one game, its awful. I know. Its awful jimmy and what is you can read war peace. [ light laughter ] jimmy exactly. Just get to the peace part and kids, get in the car. Lets talk about this. The present. This is a chekhov. Thats me. Jimmy ah. Look how cute. And thats richard. Jimmy ah, come on. This is your first time on broadway . Yeah it is. Weve been here a few times, with the Sydney Theater Company, my husband and i used to run the Sydney Theater Company and, but its first time on broadway, which is great. All australian cast. Jimmy oh, really . Yeah, from a russian play a chekhov play thats sort of is never seen. Jimmy how was it never seen . Because i know well, its 300 pages, you know, he put in his chekhovian sock drawer and just left. And then so i mean, my husband, who ive been sleeping with for 20 years in the hope he would cast me in the role [ laughter ] jimmy good for you [ applause ] it finally, finally paid off. Jimmy there he is. The casting couch is alive and well. Thank you. [ laughter ] jimmy but youre in this and its ive got to say it is its great acting. Its rowdy. It is fun. Its loud. Gunshots, vodka. Jimmy explosions sounds like the appalachian mountains. Jimmy it is. Vodka out there. You at one point have a decent belch, i will say. [ belch ] oh, my gosh how do you do that . You can do that. Jimmy i cant do that. Cant everyone do that . Jimmy oh, my gosh. [ belch ] stop doing that i thought thats what, thats what everyone can do. Jimmy no one does that. Thats amazing. Thats what they teach at acting school. Jimmy youre the coolest mom ever. Your kids must love you for that. [ belch ] okay. Cate and i are having an emotional interview, after the break. Stick around. 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Jimmy so tonight, right now, i thought we could see how emotional we can get. Its time for an emotional interview. [ cheers and applause ] emotional interview okay. Jimmy heres how it works. Were going to have a normal conversation with each other except every so often were going to hear this ding sound and when we hear that well be given an emotion or situation we have to act out as we keep talking. Where does that come from . From above . Jimmy no. Below. Oh. Jimmy watch, ready . [ bell ] yeah. [ light laughter ] its me sitting on the bell. Okay. Jimmy im going to start things off. Now, cate, i havent seen you in a while. How have you been . [ bell ] oh, no, ive been fabulous jimmy me, too. Ive been great, really . Jimmy ive been really doing well. You dont look that great, but, i mean, yeah. [ laughter ] me okay . I mean, i jimmy ive never been better. Friends have been calling me and saying, you know jimmy im so happy, i mean my friends have you had some work done . I mean jimmy i mean, that is, not as much as you, but i i [ light laughter ] [ bell ] you know what . I think start botox on one side of the face first and if you like it do it with the other side. Yeah. But i mean, before or after you get the perm. Jimmy i mean thats what i think, you know. Jimmy heres what i would do. Get your savings account, take all the money out and go bet on a racehorse. Oh, give it to trump jimmy yeah, thats right. Or give it to trump. Why not . Or just burn it. We could burn it. [ laughter ] i mean thats probably the safest thing to do. [ bell ] [ laughter ] how many times [ laughter ] [ pig sounds ] [ laughter ] [ bell ] i mean jimmy im having so much fun. I mean and im onstage at the moment, i mean, its really great to be doing something about you know, midlife crises. Jimmy oh, yeah. Because its absurd and ridiculous. I mean, almost as absurd and ridiculous as kind of a man who has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times whos running the largest economy in the world [ laughter ] i mean, its almost as funny as that. Jimmy i feel like, i feel like a giraffe in space. [ laughter ] you look like a giraffe in space. Jimmy i feel like one. With a helmet as big as my ego. [ laughter ] [ bell ] jimmy do you go to the movies . No. [ laughter ] jimmy well, i would what . You stay home and watch tv, netflix and chill, thats fun. Tv. [ laughter ] jimmy like, when you go out, like, obviously youre here in new york. Do you go out to restaurants oh no. Im an actress. I dont [ laughter ] [ bell ] [ laughter ] jimmy must have been tough growing up with with your name. You know . Blanchett . Jimmy thats the part thats probably the easiest. I mean, kids can be mean. Kids can be bullies. You know . What was their nickname for you . Well, sometimes they called me cane, or jimmy c. C or yeah, no, thats never been a problem. Jimmy did they ever try to like, shove you into a snowman or something . [ laughter ] no [ bell ] jimmy because snowmen are so much fun they are so much fun its the best. Okay. Jimmy have you ever played in t snow before . No [ laughter ] jimmy cate blanchett, everybody the present. Its on broadway now through march 19th. You are the best. Stick around. Well be right back with hugh dancy. [ cheers and applause ] we care about using cagefree eggs. And we care about amazing taste. Were on the side of food. Thiswith fries and a pepsiger mis just 9. 99. Mine has bacon seared right in. Mine has gift cards. Mine has game tickets. Get a burger, fries and a pepsi for just 9. 99 at lunch, plus a shot at great prizes. Like paperless, multicar, and safe driver, that help them save on their car insurance. Any questions . Yeah. How do you go to the bathroom . Great. Any insurancerelated questions . Mmhmm. Do you have a girlfriend . Uh, im actually focusing on my career right now, saving people nearly 600 when they switch, so. Belly button . [ sighs ] ive got to start booking better gigs. [ sighs ] i love the smell of napalm in the morning. No, this is double espresso. Hodor hodor ehhh, hodor. You guys watch game of thrones, right . Inconceivable surely, you cant be serious. I am serious. And dont call me shirley . Thats the unlimited effect. Stream your entertainment and more with unlimited data when you switch to at t wireless and have directv. Plus, get the amazing new iphone 7 on us. You gocome on. Arder. Hey, yo brian, brian. Stop, stop playing yourself. Hello mr. Khaled. Did you have a tax question . Yes, miss tax lady. Im in the personal training game now. The khaled exercise program. You know, shreds pounds. You feel me . I feel you. Can i deduct some of the training equipment . You know this is my business, i put my own money up. Yes, if its exclusively for work. Maam, im working. Hey, yo jerome come on lets go introducing new depend real fit briefs. Now more breathable than ever. In situations like this, theres no time for distractions. Its not enough to think im ready. I need to know im ready. No matter what lies ahead. Get a free sample at depend. Com lines . An develop fine lines what lines . The chapstick total hydration collection. Our advanced skin care formulas instantly smooth and transform your lips. Chapstick. Put your lips first. Theres more than one route to the top. The lexus ls and lx. Each offering leadingedge comfort, safety and performance technologies. The ultimate in refinement meets the ultimate in capability. Lease the 2017 lx 570 for 899 a month for 36 months. See your lexus dealer. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our next guest is an emmy nominated actor who stars alongside aaron paul in the hulu drama the path. Which returns for a Second Season january 25th. Everyone please welcome, hugh dancy [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thats nice suit, my man. Thank you, sir. Jimmy who makes that suit. Paul smith i believe. Jimmy oh really . He does yeah . I like that. I like being inside it. Jimmy yeah, thats right. I like you being inside it as well. Fantastic, everythings working. It g your wife on the show last week. You did, yes. Jimmy yes, yes. Claire danes, we love her. Mhmm. Jimmy so i know that the familys doing well. [ cheers ] i know the familys doing well, yeah . Yes, yes. Jimmy i find out your Halloween Costumes you did . Great. Jimmy which is fantastic. Yeah. Jimmy she was your son was a germ. He was. Hes very into germs. Jimmy he loves germs, yeah. Yeah. Jimmy so, hes a germ. He is. Jimmy and claire was a a light bulb. She was a germ of an idea. Exactly. Jimmy and were you a a german. I was yes. I was going to be a german. But i the lederhosen i ordered online didnt arrive. So i had to fashion a kind of jimmy i love that theres a a back order. There was a back order on lederhose. I got them a week later. [ laughter ] jimmy what do you do with them now . I hung on to them because you never know. Jimmy no, you never know. You know. Jimmy you could bring them back. Yeah. Jimmy you could pull it off. Next time, is lederhosen, again. Jimmy no, you could pull out your lederhosen. And thats my pickup line. [ laug ] next time you come on ill bring them in, yes. Yeah. Jimmy well both wear lederhosen. Okay, great. I knew there was a reason to keep them. Jimmy thats why you have them. I found out also that your brother runs a travel company. This is true, yeah. Jimmy hes a travel agent . He runs a travel company. He sends people on kind of curated little holidays for them. Jimmy and the name of the company is, truffle pig. Yeah, thats right. Truffle pig travel. Jimmy truffle pig travel. Mhmm. Jimmy now, i think i know what that is. A truffled pig is oh, you mean the name . Jimmy yeah. Truffle thats how they people find truffles. You cant farm truffles. So they have little pigs, theyre very valuable. The right pig that can sniff out a truffle. They take them around on a a leash. And if theres a truffle under the tree, the pig starts to dig it up with his you know the little nose. Jimmy snout. Snout. Thank you. Jimmy you can call it a a nose as well. He doesnt know. Theres no pigs here, right . He never learned that word. Jimmy hes a pig. He doesnt know it. Yeah but, so he sniffs out these and theyre kind of like mushroom and then the farmers, like, yank the pig out of the way and dig up the truffle. Jimmy its very expensive, this things. Truffles are very expensive, yeah. Jimmy so is your brothers trips very expensive . [ laughter ] yeah. Jimmy right . No, theyre very well priced. [ laughter ] jimmy truffles, a very jimmy hes like, why didnt you just name it Peanut Butter why not just buy a truffle . Jimmy Peanut Butter and jelly pig . Yeah. Something thats more common that people can all have. But he does he i think its more about like finding just the right thing. Jimmy oh, finding the rare the typical fee exactly. Jimmy ah. And where has he sent you on cool trips . Me . Jimmy yeah. He sent us on our honeymoon, which was which was fantastic. Jimmy where did you go . We went to spain. Jimmy wow. Yeah. Went to the middle of spain. Which was jimmy how does he knows all the stuff . Do you call him all the time . Like, hey, im going on a a trip. What should we do . You know, its like, having you know, like having a dentist in the family, or a lawyer. You know, you call them kind of i think theyre, oh, god. You know. Jimmy yeah. Here it goes again. Jimmy yeah, what do you want to ask . Yeah, yeah. Jimmy were in italy, bro totally, exactly jimmy wheres the best i want to get a good pizza, man. Jimmy hes like, via Lonely Planet i cant here you, a a terrible connection jimmy yeah. But no yeah, i call him when i need to and i give him if i go somewhere cool, or not cool. I dont know if he really wants me to, but i make little lists of places i go that i like and then i send them to him like a a good brother. Jimmy thats very nice of you to do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jimmy like do you does he give you tips . What would he say what would truffle pig say about new york . No. He would ask me. Hes like, dude where do i send someone in new york . You know. Jimmy oh, really. Well i live here, yeah. Jimmy yeah. So do you have good advice, for places to go . I mean its pretty lazy right . Its like, the high line. Jimmy the high lines great. I mean, dont get me wrong. If you come to new york, you should go to the high line. Jimmy yeah, i like that, yeah. I tell people the Brooklyn Bridge, is great. Brooklyn bridge, chinatown. I mean, after Brooklyn Bridge for some food. Jimmy yeah. Yeah. Jimmy like, this is it. Yeah. Jimmy i want to email your brother we should, yeah. Jimmy and get on truffle pig. Yeah. Congrats. I want to talk about the path. Mhmm. Jimmy congrats on season two. The first two episodes come out january 25th. Mhmm. Jimmy and then a week later, the new ones out. Whats happening this season . So its like a cult type of religious thing . It is, yeah. So, this year where were all dealing with the total mess we made of things last year. My character who is kind of running the show is a little out of his depth. Hes done some pretty bad things and hes trying to atone. Hes trying to open it up into the wider world and, i think you have a clip, right . Jimmy yeah. And in the clip, if its the one im thinking of, you can see were trying to reach out and its the worst piece of fundraising ever attempted. Jimmy yeah. Here it is. Heres hugh dancy in the path. Take a look at this. I want to talk to you for just a moment about the purpose of this evening, while youre here, other than the fact that someone you consider socially desirable invited you. Half a mile from here in canarsie, there are 30 young novices sleeping on a concrete floor dedicating themselves to the social mission of our movement. They are sacrificing and slaving to make a haven for the homeless of this city. The sick, the disabled, the forgotten. People, you walk past every day in the street and avert your eyes. We are intervening, making a a difference. Saving lives. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i mean, [ inaudible ]. Thats pretty bad. I agree. Jimmy hugh dancy, season two of the path. [ cheers and applause ] returning to hulu this wednesday. Well be right back with a a performance from cobi. Come on back, everybody [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy guys, check us out tomorrow night. Hes one of the funniest guys on the planet, coming to talk about his new book canada. Mike myers will be here. [ cheers and applause ] plus tim ferriss will be here. [ cheers and applause ] and we have music from steve aoki and louis tomlinson. Its going to be good. [ cheers and applause ] but first up, he is a a singersongwriter from minneapolis, and i know the family very well. [ cheers and applause ] his debut single has racked up millions of streams, and theyre very proud of him. Performing dont you cry for me, please welcome, cobi [ cheers and applause ] hope got my hands tied around my back time put a rope around my head hung from the rafters of my fear dark in the eyes try and face the world i cant bear to my knees hit the ground and my hands start shaking old feelings from new faces a rope on the floor and a poor man hanging please help me chop this tree down hold me from underneath words never once cut me down oh, dont you cry for me ive seen an ocean run away im torn from the truth that holds my soul im down in the grave where i belong oh, what a ride identified my devil wings to the sky on the run from trouble with my own hands no shovel i dug through the ground now im hanging above please help me chop this tree down hold me from underneath words never once cut me down oh, dont you cry for me down by the grave that the law man laid when the gravel got paved finally im saved down by the grave that the law man laid when the gravel got paved finally im saved when the sun went down down byhe when the gravel got paved finally im saved it set the sky on fire down by the grave that the law man laid when the gravel got paved finally im saved i saw an angel fly down by the grave that the law man laid when the gravel got paved finally im saved i never felt so high down by the grave that the law man laid when the gravel got paved finally im saved oh, dont you cry for me oh, dont you cry for me [ cheers and applause ] jimmy oh, yes well done whoa cobi dont you cry for me is available now. [ cheers and applause ] hi, mom. My thanks to cate blanchett, hugh dancy, cobi, once again [ cheers and applause ] that was great. And the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania. Stay tuned for late night with seth meyers. Thank you for watching. Have a great night. Hope to see you tomorrow. Byebye, everybody [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] announcer from 30 Rockefeller Plaza in new york, its late night with seth meyers. Tonight idina menzel star of supergirl actress, Melissa Benoist music from, kane brown featuring the 8g band with darren king. [ cheers and applause ] ladies andentlemen, seth meyers. [ cheers and applause ] seth good evening. Im seth meyers. This is late night how about is everybody doing tonight . [ cheers and applause ] fantastic to hear. In that case, lets get to the news. During his inaugural address on friday, President Trump whew [ light laughter ]

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