Transcripts For WRC News4 Today At 5 20161125 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WRC News4 Today At 5 20161125

this morning with storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell, the only regular here. >> i don't mind working thanks giving and the day after because i'm more of a new year's guy. >> we won't see you new year's day? >> no, i'll be somewhere sunny and warm by new year's. not a lot of sunshine and warmth coming our way. a lot of cloud cover outside again for the afternoon. not a whole lot of rain expected. little pocket of drizzle and mist is all you need to worry sunshine. shopping forecast for today, temperatures near 40 degrees here early this morning with a lot of clouds around. you can also see a little bit of sunshine today as well as have a small chance for a little rain. little bit of everything. mid to upper 50s. cooler tomorrow. we'll talk about that in a few minutes. now it's time to go to mr. jack taylor at wtop. i still think the tryptophan is kicking in. if you're going to head out this morning, there's nothing in your way. we're in good shape as you head out. nothing on the beltway. good to go on the interstate traveling there on 95, 270. d.w. parkway looking good. principles gorges county along fedex drive. more equipment is headed to the scene. shouldn't cost you any time if you're headed in that area. >> jack thank you. we're going to get back to the breaking news we told you about at the top of the show. florence henderson passing away. you'll likely remember her as her role as carol brady. she was surrounded by friends at a southern california hospital. she died of heart failure. she was 82 years old. a lot of people remembering her online this morning. she appeared in multiple roles as carol brady through the '90s even. >> i know. we did some research, michael brady died. alice, everybody loved alice, ann davis died in 2014. >> all six kids still alive. a sad day with people thinking about the lovely lady. we're following some breaking news out of falls church this morning. police say someone was killed inside an apartment on seminary road. they got the call, david, just after 10:00 p.m. >> they event. news 4's darcy spencer is live on the scene looking at the investigation of what happened. darcy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this murder happening thanksgiving night. the murder happened in an apartment inside these high rise towers you see here. i did some research. there was another murder that happened in another high rise building that i covered just we want to show you video that was shot in the overnight hours when the scene was more active. fairfax county police telling us that they were called to this area here, this apartment building in the 5500 block of seminary road. they got here about 10:00 last night. that's when they found a man, an adult, with trauma to his upper body. he was pronounced dead here on the scene. police are telling us they are in the initialst arrest or they say that they have a suspect in custody. at this point we don't know if that person has been charged with anything. we're continuing to follow the story. we'll bring you the latest updates as we get done. back to you. >> darcy, thank you so much. welcome to black friday. the shopping holiday that millions of americans have been waiting for. according to the national retail federation, more than 137 brick and mortar stores under extra pressure to perform. black friday foot traffic expected to sink by 3.5% this year but regardless of where people shop, six in ten of them say they plan to spend $140 bucks on themselves. some of those people got started early by hitting the stores late last night after thanksgiving din any, from 6:00 p.m. the new clarksburg premium outlet. they said they enjoy the black friday rush and for some shoppers, black friday is a marathon, not a sprint. >> i'm on my way to tyson's corner and then i'm going to the outlets in maryland and then if i have time probably go further. >> she's going to make time. the outlets will be open until 10:00 p.m. tonight. friday -- >> right. >> -- you might think about getting some shopping done from your desk. >> a lot of people do this, and not even using the desktop, using their cell phone. a lot of your co-workers have the same idea. career builder says 53% of american workers going to spend time at work searching for gifts. that is up 3% from last year. according to the survey, they're not only going to use the personal phones but some tablets to do some shopping at work. if you're headed to the stores hours for some of the biggest retailers. this is the day you want to have that nbc washington app with you. it will be your guide to all things black friday. you can search black friday to find that. all over the country malls and businesses will be packed today. >> shoppers hoping to beat the black friday bargains. nbc's jay gray is joining the shoppers at one of the busiest malls in jersey city, new molette. good morning. it seems like the shoppers are coming in waves. you tend to see that every black friday. we're here at newport center in jersey city where some of the anchor stores were open overnight. big crowds came out after having a thanksgiving meal to spend time with friends and family. it's become quite a tradition. people say they really like the social aspect of it as much as anything else, getting out and being with friends and there are bargainings to be had. according to the national retail federation, there are a lot of shoppers, more than 137 million who are going to take advantage of those deals. the average shopper will spend $935.58 if you want the exact figure there. and a lot of that, almost $140 will be spent on themselves. so a lot of people you see out holiday weekend aren't only looking for that perfect gift for someone else, they've got their eye on some things for themselves. i'm out here at the mall, david, molette, i might as well get a little shopping done as well. don't worry though, you're on the list, as soon as i get my things taken care of. back to you. >> you are too kind, jay. i think godiva is about to open behind you. we'll take some of that. >> perfect. >> i'm guilty of spending on myself at the mall. >>om business saturday. shoppers are encouraged to check out small businesses. deadly floods in july caused millions of dollars of damage to the downtown area. the baltimore business journal reports local officials there will declare main street reopened tomorrow. grand openings of new small businesses will also be held in d.c.'s shaw neighborhood. events are also being held in virginia, there are boutique store openings. you'll find deals along bethesda row happening tomorrow and as you can see with all of that holiday shopping and spending. >> you know what redskins fans need this morning? need some time to recover. >> need some time to shop, you know? >> that's true. anything that can change be their focus on yesterday's game. thanksgiving day disappointment in >> washington put up such a good fight, but the cowboys couldn't be stopped. dallas extended their winning streak to ten games. >> reporter: a few redskins players told me they were proud of the fact they stood toe to toe with the best team in the nfl. at the same time they were frustrated they left so many points out on the table. jordan reed, he left the game with a shoulder injury, returned and grabbed two touchdown passes, this one cut the dallas's duelling rookie sensations show the show. dak prescott had a touchdown and ezekiel elliott. the redskins lost 31-26. >> could have made more tackles. could have made field goals. so many could have, would have, should have. that's one great thing, the reason they're 10-1. >> 27 points should be good enough to win in the nfl but it wasn't today. very good offense. hats off to the cowboys. his legs, getting out of the pocket. we weren't good enough today. >> next up for the redskins the arizona cardinals next sunday. tight end jordan reed will have a little extra time to rest that shoulder a bit. ten days the skins will have off until their next game. from texas, i'm jason pugh, news 4 sports. 5:10 your time on this friday, the day you want to have the nbc washington app with you >> she thought she would never make it in a story only on news 4. a woman's remarkable resilience after she was attacked by a i think a lot of you are strategizing to head outside and do some black friday shopping. rain gear. we have a few showers but we won't get any heavy rain at all. you'll have many dry hours. it's a little on the cold side. 37 in davisburg, 36 in fredericksburg. holiday travel plans for today, temperatures mid to upper 50s. a slight chance for a few showers around. the weekend is looking sunnier but cooler as well. any travel trouble spots if you're flying today, the west coast and down towards the gulf coast the onlyer sunday looks like dry weather for driving up i-95 and i-81. excellent news for the ride home. speaking of the ride around town, here's jack taylor. >> chuck, thank you. over in landover we had a crash. a motorcycle crash near landover field. we're very, very quiet. in decent shape as you ride the beltway in and out of maryland and virginia. hearing of a new crash potentially on the baltimore putting you up towards 198. a lot of equipment headed to the scene. be careful. also, we have a crash down in charlestown on billingsly road. david, molette, back to you. >> jack taylor, back to you. 5:14 your time. developing story in southwestern france. police are searching for an armed man after they found a woman stabbed to death this morning in a retirement home. a caretaker called police after freeing herself from being bound and gagged by the retired missionaries who worked in africa as well as a few nuns live in the retirement home. france is on heightened alert and has been in a state of emergency since terror attacks last year. law enforcement in north dakota issues phone alerts warning residents of more protesters this holiday weekend. protesting against the dakota access pipeline. on thanksgiving day opponents gathered and disrupted traffic north dakota. protests have ramped up in recent weeks with total arrests since august passing 500. thanksgiving day tradition turning deadly in louisville, kentucky. six people shot near a park where hundreds had gathered for a flag football tournament. terrifying cell phone video right there from witnesses who say they heard dozens of gunshots. you heard tha two men died, four others hurt. they should be okay. no arrests have been made. developing this morning, the military has not yet identified the service member killed in combat in northern syria. the service member was caught in a blast from an improvised explosive device. american troops are part of a multi-national effort to oust isis members from the region. ash carter called the death a painful reminder of the dangers into credit monitoring services for more than 134,000 current and former sailors. the navy says the sailors have been hacked. the sailors' names and social security numbers and sensitive information was stolen last month. it was taken from a laptop. there's no evidence the information has been misused but they are taking precautions. tell you about this investigators there hoping a $50,000 reward will lead to the arrest of a mother's abductor. they say 54-year-old sherry batini vanished on november 2nd. she was out jogging. yesterday morning say driver spots her. she's all tied up. investigators say that they are dedicated to solving this crime. >> our detectives have remained have been working tirelessly ever since the report of her missing came in. they are still devoted to the case and will not rest until her captor or captors are identified and brought to justice. >> the sheriff said she suffered minor injuries. right now they don't have a motive. now to another incredible story. this one you'll only see on news 4. the maryland woman who survived a bear attack is sharing her experience. the attack happened last week in fredericks. she was walking to her daughter's house next door when she came upon a mama bear and her cubs. she said it felt like an eternity as the bear mauled her. >> and then she came around and bit my arm in half and then she came back around again and attacked me from above on top of my head. went to catch her breath. as she was laying behind i could feel the hot air on my neck. >> osborne says it will take be alive and with her family this holiday. family has set up a go fund me page to help cover medical expenses. we put a link in the nbc washington app. happening today in alexandria, mayor allison silfverberg will be kpd by santa claus at the city's annual tree lighting ceremony. mrs. clause also going to be there. going to make the event even more magical. the little cedar of alexandria christmas carol" a free event. starting at 6:00 happening in market square. >> i love all of the holiday lights. puts you in the spirit. all right. this was a great story you probably saw it on facebook. remember the woman who texted the wrong person an invite for thanks giving dinner? she followed through. so yesterday he stopped by her home before heading to his own grandma's house for dinner. >> people are saying i have faith in humanity again. i'm thinking, wow. i liked him from my first impression. >> their story caught stove top's attention. it sent grandma wanda a year that is awesome. what is she going to do with it? >> awesome. need some water to wash it down. storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell. >> yeah. i like that. that stove top, that's good stuffing for going in the bird. i like to make my own personal dressing or stuffing to go alongside of it. more dressing unless you put it in the bird. boy, did i find a recipe that i liked yesterday. i'll put it on my twitter handle apples, some sausage, so good. outside we are dealing with a little bit of cloud cover. not much of a rain threat for today though we could get a little bit of rain from time to time. goodness knows we need it. last couple of months have been really, really dry around here. since september 1st we barely have 3 1/2 inches of rain. 6 inches of rain below average since september 1st. the last time we had heavy rain was an inch for now quiet weather on the eastern seaboard. welcome news. a lot of clouds around but not a lot of heavy rain or snow anywhere to interrupt your travels around the area. future weather shows the cloudy skies this morning could get a little break or two of sunshine this afternoon out towards the shenandoah valley. by and large a mostly cloudy day. a little chance for a little light rain coming in or a sprinkle or two. dryer and cooler as we head into the weekend. let's go over to wtop's glass enclosed nerve center for the man with nerves of steel. >> steel nerves. yes. we've got a crash, not huge. charles county authorities are in white plains dealing with the accident. it's on billingsly road at prince edward drive. this may involve an overturned vehicle. on the baltimore parkway if marshall. after 197 and before 198. hopefully it's minor in nature. david, molette, back to you. ?? ?? the queen of soul with a long tribute to "america." i had to stop at the gym and watch this. why thousands couldn't stop you're watching "news 4 today." back now at 5:25. people are still talking about this today. aretha franklin's amazing, i think, rendition of the national anthem is trending all over the country. >> the queen of soul showing off her talents ahead of last night's lions/vikings game. check it out. ?? ?? >> did an incredible job, of course. it just took too long for some of the folks there. i wondered this as i watched from the gym. it lasted 4:35 and then it quickly went viral. >> for the whole thing? >> no. >> along with the football players. >> it was great, but i like soul >> you're not going to rap her. nobody raps the queen of soul. >> she even took time getting her microphone before she started. 5:26 is your time right now. >> showers might impact your holiday shopping plans. this weekend, updating the four things you need to know. no break for the president-elect. we'll show you how dona trump breaking news now at 5:30. she was the loveable mom millions welcomed into their home. brady bunch actress florence henderson has died. the tributes now coming in this morning. thanksgiving murder. we're going toa the investigation happening now in fairfax county. we'll tell you who police are holding accountable. and deals, deals, and, yeah, packed malls and stores. we're tracking everything you need to know before you head out for this black friday. "news 4 today" starts now. welcome you back in on this friday morning. i'm david. >> and i'm molette green. thank you for joining us on this >> got to have a plan. got to have a plan so for today have that little pocket umbrella. much like yesterday, you could get a little sunshine, then a little bit of light rain as well. not expecting a big impact on your day today from the weather department, but at least a little bit. many clouds. a few chances of rain. mainly this evening. good news is we'll get sunshine back for the weekend. next week we'll t and sunday. back into the 60s next week and ten day forecast i'll share with you at 5:51. finally, our next best chance for potentially getting more than an inch of rain on a single day. all of that coming up. back over to mr. jack taylor. >> are you a stuffing or dressing person? >> i am a total stuffing person. i'm one of those, i don't know why, we had the discussion earlier. stove top. i don't care for it in the bird. that's just me. it got busier. accident northbound bottom of the parkway. starting to see color in the green. you have a pretty good start on the beltway. inner and outer beltway. crash in charles county, closing billingsly road between prince edward drive and livingston road. the vehicle is overturned. a lot more equipment arriving on scene. > charges could be filed in the killing of a waynes state university police officer. 29-year-old officer collin rhodes was on patrol tuesday when someone shot him in the head. he was a five-year veteran of the university police force. he was engaged to be married next october. out in california there's a massive manhunt for these two santa clara county deputies consider them to be dangerous and desperate. they say a total of four inmates escaped by cutting through the bars of a second story window thursday night. they were in jail facing false impress sonment and weapons charges. the deadly bombing near baghdad, 73 people now confirmed dead. we've learned most have been on a religious pilgrimage. a suicide bomber caused the blast at a gas station at least 40 of the people who died were returning home from an annual religious event. isis is claiming responsibility for the blast. right now tens of thousands of people in israel are leaving their homes. wildfires are spreading. 2 month drought. they're near the northern part they believe it could be arson. if it is arson, those folks will be treated as terrorists. back here in the united states, wildfires causing problems for people in north carolina. dozens of hikers are stuck because of a fire burning through the southeast part of the appalachian trail. since they couldn't go anywhere, the group decided, let's come together and celebrate thanksgiving with a feast. ongoing drought conditions are drying upwa appalachian trails. in iowa a firefighter is fighting for his life. the fire started thursday morning, incredible to look at at the iowa distributing. fire officials say it kept flaring up. charges are filed against an christopher lee cornell is encouraging fellow inmates to commit violence. he was arrested last year. prosecutors say he intended to attack the u.s. capitol during president obama's inaugural address. happening today, white house officials can start sipping "o christmas tree." the first lady, michelle obama, will receive the final white hou c husband's presidency. this year's tree, it's a 19 foot douglas fir donated from wisconsin. this morning president-elect donald trump continues his working holiday at a palm beach estate. he says he isn't just relaxes. trump tweeted that he's working hard trying to get carrier a.c. company to stay in the u.s. the indianapolis plant is talks but no announcement has been made yet. for those living in chevy chase, d.c., getting ready to have high profile neighbors. governor mike pence and his family moving on in. neighbors saw moving advance and secret service agents outside this rental home. good clue. pence will live in this rental until after the inauguration. then he'll move into the naval observaty. you head out the door. chuck's tracking when and where the storms may dampen your presents on the way back to the car. before you do the buying for little ones, we have safe buying ?? ?? chuck bell, your forecasting a good day for leftovers and some shopping? >> absolutely right. oh, i love a hot turkey sandwich. i'm looking forward to having one of those this afternoon after i get back from helping miss angie goff co-host the restin holiday parade. other people at restin town center. parade starts at 10:00. in the chilly 40s. should get well up into the 50s. a lot of clouds around. could see sunshine early this morning before the clouds thicken up. 30% chance for just a little light rain coming your way for today. closer look at the weekend. jack taylor, i hope all is quiet in your world this morning. >> well, relatively speaking the big picture, yes,lt county and white plains. closing billingsly road between prince edward drive and livingston road. a vehicle is overturned so authorities on scene shut down the road. baltimore, washington, parkway northbound. this is blocking the right lane, one by the left not causing a big delay. potentially the delay out of green belt heading up to fort meade. >> 5:40 your time. for the busiest time of the now at 5:43, the lovely lady is gone. ahead at 6:00 how hollywood and the world is remembering the most recognizable moms in out for black friday shopping, the deals that you're hoping for at stores. and good morning, everybody. may want to have that little umbrella ready to go for later on this afternoon. we do have a slight chance for a few showers. in a few minutes i'll take you hour by hour through the day. see you in a few. ready. some shoppers have already been out for hours. >> oh, yeah, this year you have another option for scoring the sales. news 4's amy cho is live at the new clarksburg outlet. how's it looking out there? >> reporter: hi, molette. we're outside the toy store with all of the die hard shoppers. we've seen a lot of sleepy people battling the turkey com wives bags for them. they seem to be the dedicated bag carriers. the people here have been waiting for a half an hour to get into this store waiting to buy stuff. a couple of shoppers in line said they are looking to get some bargains. >> we do it every year. it's fun. it's really fun. we like to come just to be out in the cold and see the sales. there are good sales out there. going to go in and see this bag. i'm trying to see that bag up there but nobody will tell me go inside. >> reporter: and things have actually been pretty quiet right now. we've seen not too many people, seems to be in a bit of a lull right now. we're told that it was a lot busier earlier tonight. they've been open since 6:00 p.m. thanksgiving night. things should be picking up when all the early risers get up and come out here to look for those bargains. >> all right. aimee cho. >> live at clarksburg, thank you. >> you sure are disregard molette's e-mail. she does not need another bag. >> boots. >> one of the big ticket black friday gifts, how about a new tv? i'll take it. before you go out to the store to score that new flat screen that you've been eyeing, you'll want to hear this report from news 4's consumer reporter susan hogan. >> reporter: "consumer reports" says black friday bargains have changed in recent years. >> probably the biggest trend black friday the day, it's black friday the week, the month. deals are creeping up earlier and earlier every year. >> reporter: unfortunately this shift in black friday shopping hasn't been all that good. >> one of the down sides is for consumers, it's a lot more work. because of all the online activity now you have to monitor all the different websites. >> reporter: don't think that just because something is advertised as a black friday bargain, that it's necessaril find. for example, "consumer reports" says there are sometimes better deals on tv like shopping closer to christmas or waiting a few weeks for a super bowl sale. >> a lot of it's based on inventory level. if retailers and manufacturers don't sell more? >> plan to buy the end of february, beginning of march. that's when stores clear out last year's models at rock the newest sets on the market. >> in case you haven't done your research some tvs include these, the 4k model from samsung, lq and sharp. before you start your black friday shopping, health experts have tips on picking up toys. avoid buying toys with small pieces or cords. they pose a choking hazard. check there are no broken or loose parts or chipped edges. choose crayons, markers, other art supplies that are nontoxic. >> if returns are on your list, keep an eye on batteries. some remotes, watches, jewelry button batteries should be kept away from kids. hoverboard on many christmas lists this year. they're making a comeback. some caught fire last year. consumer safety product emissions said make sure they carry the u.l. certified one. this morning we're for you on ideas that won't break the bank., a site dedicated for families to find free, discounted, local activities in the area. the children's science center at the mall in fairfax. it's $5 instead of 12. you get your shopping done too. for kids and adults up to the age of 30. "moby dick" is playing. the national theater has saturday mornings at the national. shows are 30 to 40 minutes. that's good for me. >> with the upcoming holidays the ballet studio will be doing a segment of their nutcracker there. okay, is the nutcracker be too much? to introduce it. >> you know what goes great with the holidays? family reunion, right? >> absolutely. a texas family got an incredible one. a surprise of a lifetime when an air man came home from boot camp. check out the reaction when she walked into her grandmother's home in florida. >> oh, my god! oh, my god! >> tara ford told her family she couldn't make it home for thanksgiving and wanted to surprise them. her dad was actually in on the secret, helped round up the whole gang. ford's trip home is especially meaningful because she's about to be deployed to italy for the next two years. coming up on nbc 4, chuck bell tracking the storm. >> hope you had today is about leftovers, getting out there walking around trying to get the extra calories burned away. nothing like a good trip to the mall to burn away extra calories. stay away from the fattening treats. 46 degree start in washington. temperatures cooler. 39 in gaithersburg and north central virginia as well. as you're planning out the day, a little peek or two here of snow. no big shot of rain coming our way. you can see a little bit of a northwesterly flow. there will be a little area of low pressure starting up the coast line. that's the reason the clouds will thicken. by 4:00, 5:00, 6:00 there could be at drizzle. better rain chances from washington east and southbound. towards the bay and into southern maryland. that's where the rain chances will be. northwest winds return. colder and dryer air back in place. that means sunshine is also going to be making a comeback. here's your whole ten day forecast. mid to upper 50s today. only low 50s tomorrow. a bit of a breeze around. sunday looks nice. dry weather up and down the i-95 corridor. then our next best chance -- it comes up tuesday night on into the day wednesday. closer look at today hour by hour coming up in a few minutes. traffic time. issues on the baltimore/washington parkway. >> yeah. it sounded like we had a car that left the roadway. northbound after 197. park police and authorities were dealing with this blocking the right lane. chopper 4 flew up there. the flatbed removed the vehicle, that is 23 tons being detonated in peru. this was a safe way to set off the fireworks before someone got hurt. back in 2003 a fireworks fire killed hundreds of people. developing now, the death toll has risen to 74 in china after a scaffolding collapsed at a construction site cooling tower was in the works there when the scaffolding tumbled down. it was the country's work safety accident in over two years. about 500 hands looking for victims. two other workers were hurt. the shooting death of a west virginia teenager could be prosecuted as a hate crime. william pulliam allegedly admitted he killed 15-year-old james nease. he felt threatened after he bumped into each other. officers say pulliam expressed he felt, quote, another piece of traffic is off the street. >> we're just not going to put it in our hands, we're going to let the law put it in their hands. >> pulliam is charged with first degree murder. a driver was killed on thanksgiving day. the car as you can see right there veering off 355 slammi cars involved and no one else got hurt. what a sight st. peter's square in vatican city soon will be. on december 9th the vatican christmas tree will be unveiled. it was delivered from northern italy. the 82 foot spruce pine tree will be decorated with 18,000 a lot of people have been out for several hours. >> it's all about the black friday deal. if toys are on your list, this year's hottest tech toys might look like classics but they're packing new technology. right under the hood, hot wheels, for instance, rolling out toy cars that are super charged to make them go faster. even barbie is getting an upgrade. she is moving into a smart house. that's why barbie is smart. remember the furby a pet toy crazes of the '90s? now there's hatch a mole. they're on the wish list of many kids this year. >> hatch a moles are the biggest craze this year. we talked to the manager of a toys"r"us and you can't find them anywhere. >> many of these toys aren't cheap. barbie dream house, for example, 300 bucks. headquarters. millennials may be able to leave the comfort of shopping online at home. four square shows half of black friday shoppers are 34 and younger and more than half are women. once at these stores, 31% of the young millennials ages 18 to 24 and 25 to 34 will stay in line to make no matter what. only around 21% baby boomers will do the same. holiday shopping about to get easier for shoppers in northern virginia. we'll notice the changes the next time they are at a stop light. if you didn't go out with the early crowds, but if you do >> the death of a hollywood we live in a pick and choose world. love or like? naughty or nice? calm or bright? but at bedtime why settle for this? at adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! give the gift of amazing sleep. only at a sleep number store, right now save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. hurry, ends soon! learn more at know better sleep with sleep number. "news 4 today" begins with breaking news. now at 6:00 we are following several breaking news stories, including a homicide in fairfax county. take a look at the scene from falls church this morning where overnight. the death of a tv icon. florence henderson passing away at the age of 82. we welcome you in on this black friday morning. i'm david culver in for aaron gill crest. >> and i'm molette green in for eun yang. chuck bell talking about his stuffing and bragged and boasted about it. >> it's all home. there's if you would like some we'll go home and get some. >> next commercial break. >> if i'm not here, it's because i got stuck in traffic or slipped back into my turkey coma. i couldn't rule out a sprinkle or rain shower. best chances to get rained on stand between noon and 5:00 p.m. not expecting any heavy rain, but light little rain showers certainly a possibility.

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Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Turkey , China , Santa Clara County , California , United States , Town Center , North Carolina , Syria , Charles County , Maryland , Reunion , West Virginia , Arizona , Fort Meade , Florida , Iowa , Hollywood , Fredericksburg , Texas , Clarksburg , Market Square , District Of Columbia , Baltimore , Shenandoah , Falls Church , Virginia , Washington , Kentucky , Gaithersburg , Wisconsin , Baghdad , Iraq , Vatican City , Israel , Fairfax County , Peter Square , Peru , North Dakota , Dallas , France , Italy , Charlestown , Americans , America , American , Aimee Cho , Jordan Reed , Dak Prescott , Susan Hogan , Collin Rhodes , Carol Brady , Christopher Lee Cornell , Ann Davis , Darcy Spencer , Tara Ford , Amy Cho , Achristmas Carol , Aaron Gill , Michelle Obama , Chuck Bell , Angie Goff , Jack Taylor , Ezekiel Elliott , Florence Henderson , Eun Yang , Aretha Franklin , David Culver , Michael Brady , William Pulliam , Jason Pugh ,

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