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She has 177 new delegates from yesterdays primary. Now that brings her total to 1,885 compared to Bernie Sanders. Trump is at 844 compared to cruzs 559. John kasich is still way behind. In fact, this is how it all plays out. Trump is now the only gop candidate with a chance of clenching the partys nomination before the gop convention. He won by so much in new york that there are not enough delegates left in future contests for cruz or kasich to reach that 1,237 they need to win the gop nomination. Now their only hope is to thwart a contested convention. And Hillary Clinton said she can see her vic sanders. She captured 60 of the vote in the democratic primary. Sanders Campaign Said he would need to win 71 of the uncommitted delegates and some superdelegates for a shot at the nomination. Maryland is one of the States Holding a primary this coming tuesday, april 26. Trump and clinton areal whoing far ahead in the three states of available delegates. Tracie potts looks ahead with us in a few minutes at 4 45. The time right now is 4 32. And we have chuck bell standing by with four things we need to know. Chuck, what is going on with the forecast . Much cooler today. I think you will really appreciate today and tomorrow. Get ready to enjoy. The pollen count remains very high, so we will see a lot of sniffling and sneezing. It will be sunny. The cold front came by yesterday and didnt squeeze out hary drop of rain. Briefly cooler for today. Right back into the mild air for tomorrow. Risk of rain, maybe a rumble or two of thunder on friday. But most of the weekend, maybe not all, but most of it is looking dry. Outthedoor temperatures, 46 in gaithersburg. 55 in d. C. Heading out for the Early Morning walk with your buddy, mostly in the 50s to get you started. Well be into the 60s with highs back up into the low 70s. Well look at the sevenday forecast coming up at 4 51. Heres a live look at the area roads. 270 here is nice and dry at 109 in hyattstown. We are nice and clear northbound and southbound. 66 and 95, again, nice and green, dont have anything to worry about as far as anything being in your way on 66 in virginia. 395 near duke street, we have the left lane getting by the work zone there. And northbound 301 just before 50 th getting by. Top of the beltway, all those routes in and out of town are on time as well. Well see you back here in ten minutes. To anyone asking why its such a big deal, i would say, well, you deal with that. You be isolated from a one specific location and have you branded as someone who is not fit for that location and see how you feel about it. That student says it is a big deal. And its a big deal for people other than him, he says. A court upheld a regulation yesterday to treat transgender students consistent with their gender identity. Hes challenged the Public School policy requiring students to use either the restroom that corresponds with their biological gender or a private single stall restroom. Now the ruling implications. The board can appeal to a higher court. The state is still controversial and could go all the way to the supreme court. We have individuals that are very happy theres liration. And there are individuals who are uncomfortable. The ruling applies to four other states including North Carolina and it likely means that states controversial gender bathroom law cannot be enforced in Public Schools including colleges and universities. Im erika, live at the news desk. This morning rescuers are feverishly looking for more than 200 people still missing in ecuador but the damage is widespread. More than 500 people are dead. At least a dozen nations have pledged support. U. S. Officials say it is sending a team of disaster experts as well as pledging 100,000 in aid. Angie, back to you. The time is 4 35. A d. C. Man faces murder charges in the death of an off duty secret service agent. Charles stem was arrested after shooting this man, arthur baldwin. Police believe sims tried to rob baldwin before shooting him near capitol and first street. Baldwin worked for the secret service but was on suspension at the time. Striking verizon workers plan to rally outside the Silver Spring call center as thousands continue to picket across the u. S. Last week close to 40,000 workers in nine states walked off the job in a dispute over new contracts. Retirement benefits and outsourced jobs are a huge part of the negotiations. The company says it has been negotiating with the union since june. Health care workers in maryland will learn how to keep you safe from the zika virus and prevent its spread. The Maryland Department of health and hygiene is holding a town hall today for its employees. To better help the public. Last week the cdc did confirm that the mosquitoborn virus does cause birth defects. A fun way to watch the caps today going for their first ever playoff sweep taking on the Philadelphia Flyers tonight. The game is in philly but you can watch it on the jumbotron at the verizon center. It is free. Doors open at 6 00. Dont forget to rock the red. We keep saying we have the team to win, the players to win, now we just have to keep going. Thats right. And the red rockers will perform on ice skates for fans and will have some team discounts also available for the fans. Go caps. It doesnt feel like hockey weather out there. Take a look out there, we are in for another warm day. But chuck says you will notice a difference compa and how to dress the kids is at 4 41. New developments in the story we first told you about yesterday morning. A homophobic slur on a cake sold at whole foods. Why the person is sue back. And its been seven years since the shooting i dont believe that big money can buy votes not in our district. And i wont claim to have single handily passed just about every bill in annapolis. We cant settle for the same old politics, not when our basic rights are being threatened by trump and cruz. Ill stand up to their bigotry and be a passionate voice for maryland women and families. In tv and in business, i built relationships. Im Kathleen Mathews and i approve this message. A twist to a story we first told you about yesterday. An austin, texas, pastor says an antigay slur was written on a cake he bought from whole foods. He plans to sue the store. Whole foods denies the slur was put on the cake and now is suing the pastor for 100,000. Well keep you posted on what happens next. The time right now is 4 41. It looks like this dry stretch of weather is going to continue. Well check in with meteorologist chuck bell. It is cooler today, chuck. It sure is, noticeably cooler. 10 degrees or so cooler coming up this afternoon as well. But nothing to really concern yourselves with today weatherwise, but we are watching for an increasing chance for rain just in time for your friday. More about that in a few more minutes. Today, the school day forecast, nice outside. Temperatures hovering near 50 at the bus stop this morning. Aplus for outdoor recess again mid60s. Afternoon highs today, the low to mid70s. Back to short sleeves and shorts. Dont forget the sunblock and sunglasses. This is the Early Morning commute, the eastern drivers need to be on the lookout for that. Speaking of eastern drivers, who is coming in on 66 . Somebody who might be slowing down a little bit checking out this problem, 29 south the ramp to westbound 66, youll see Police Activity there. The right side of the roadway is blocked by a car that just happened here a couple of minutes ago. Taking a look at 95 northbound, quantico to the beltway, going to be 18 minutes and then into the district there on 395. Youre completely clear as well. Dont have any big worries. Well take a look at Prince Georges County coming up. Are gangs starting to infiltrate certain schools in maryland . The warning from congress to parents. And the lead is starting to get a little more narrow in the race to the white house. But dont count anybody out just yet. And we have been bi primary the race for the democratic nomination is in the homestretch and victory is in sight. We dont have much of a race anymore. The frontrunners are all but claiming their partys nomination after big wins in new york. But the race is far from over. Lets go live to nbcs tracie potts on capitol hill. Tracie, good morning. Reporter good morning. If you ask the frontrunners they say it is almost over. Donald trump last night expanded his lead over ted cruz, delegates over cruz. And so donald trump said that this is almost in the bag. That after maryland and the other states next week, that it will be mathematically impossible for ted cruz to get the nomination. At least on a first vote. Ted cruz, though, said he still has a path to victory even though he realizes that new york was not his, he didnt get one delegate as a result this morning. It doesnt look like ted cruz has delegates to win the nomination without a contested convention. What about the democrats . What does hillary need to do to wrap it up for the democratic nomination . She has to do well in the states voting next week, delaware, pennsylvania, rhode island and connecticut. She also has to reach out the to Bernie Sanders supporters and promote unity in the party. We saw that last night where she said were welcoming y Bernie Sanders has obviously not yet dropped out or given up this race. He still thinks he can get enough votes to secure this, perhaps by june. But right now hes almost 700 delegates behind. Tracie potts, live on capitol hill for us, thank you. 4 47. Today a baltimore judge will hear arguments surrounding system in the trials of some of the officers charged in the death of freddie gray. Gray is the baltimore man who prosecutors say died as a result of injuries he sustained in the back of a police van. Prosecutors want to force officer derek miller to testify at officer edward miro. Six Baltimore Police officers face charges in the april 2015 incident. Officer William Porter was the first officer tried in this case. His trial was declared a mistrial back in december. A man and a woman are dead after witnesses say their plane just dropped out of the sky and the plane was coming from, i guess it was fuelfed. I grabbed a fire extinguisher and ran out to it and tried to put the flames out. But they were both already gone. The faa and ntsb are investigating the plane crash in Queen Annes County near the Chesapeake Bay bridge yesterday. It was 200 feet short of the maryland runway. The plane was an rv12 similar to this model that belonged to a Flight Training group near the airport called chesapeake port pilot. The Man Associated with the Training School said there were no students on board at the time of the crash. Virginia now has new rules for how Police Agencies collect, store and test Sexual Assault kits. This comes months after the cdc received several untested kits. Last y f of the areas with the most untested kits. The attacker confesses and the victim decides not to prosecute. The kits must be kept for at least two years. It is 4 49. Concerns this morning on the growing gang problem in one maryland county. A Congressional Committee is taking a closer look at immigration policies that have led to another look at gangs in frederick county. Frederick county sheriff Chuck Jenkins was called to the hill and is known for speaking out against undocumented immigrants. He said he believes they are contributing to a growing gang problem in the county. Some of the problems started in the communities with the gang presence and are spreading to the high schools, some into the middle schools and again into one of the local high schools routinely we have fights between rival gangs. Jenkins says there are more than 75 active gang members in frederick county. He believ are now recruiting new members in local schools. Today marks 17 years since the Columbine High School massacre. Following moments of silence today, House Democrats are said to unveil a resolution to expose action on gun violence. Millions of americans have fallen victim to gun violence and congress has not done anything to prevent future tragedies. Well learn more about the legislation at 11 00 this morning. Maryland is allowing one of the School Districts to wave days missed because of snow. The last day of school will now officially be monday, june 20th. That is just one day later than was previously scheduled. Montgomery county missed six days because of bad weather this winter. Only four days were built into the school year for emergency weather. The state had originally denied the countys request for the waiver. June 20 does seem pretty late, right . Yeah, people already have their vacation on by then. Folks will still be talking about the caps cup finals. Youre right. How do we get into chucks coffee club . You need to know this rare chucks coffee club edition is almost 22 years old when i worked at a channel 4 in south carolina. So its old school. You cant find that. Imagine how much you could get on ebay. Youre so vintage. Almost 5. Were not going to auction it off. So dont even think about it, you two. There are only five or six left in the world. One went down on the titanic, thats how old that cup is. Outside this morning, what should you expect for your hump day . Cooling breezes. Afternoon temperatures will be 10 degrees lower than yesterday. Yesterday we made 84. Most everybody in the low to mid70s. Back to the sunshine after a cloudy and breezy day yesterday. And staying dry for today and for tomorrow, but rain chances on your friday are ever increasing. It doesnt look like a total washout but it does look like a both morning and afternoon, maybe even a rumble or two of thunder. Best of all, heading into the weekend, back to dry weather before more rain chances next week. Temperatures on your wednesday morning, now 49 in charlestown and inwood. A cold spot, 37 in frederick, maryland, but thats far and away the cold spot. 55 in storms church. Storm team 4 radar, nothing anywhere close to us. But there are rain showers back in the middle of the country. Thats the next chance to arrive here on friday. So take a look at it here on future weather starting at noon tomorrow. Heres noon tomorrow on future weather. Skies going from partly to mostly cloudy. Couldnt rule out one or two stray sprinkles in the shenandoah valley, but most of us wait until friday about lunchtime. Heres noon friday. Thats the best chance for rain, maybe a rumble or two of thunder. Then from noon friday up to midnight friday night. Theres your sevenday forecast, dry today and tomorrow. Kind of warm tomorrow, up near 80 degrees. Friday should leave us high and dry for the weekend with temperatures in the mid70s. Its traffic time, heres Melissa Mollet in the traffic center. Good morning, chuck. A lot of the earlier road work has cleared out of the way. The problem on 29 and 66, that crash is gone as well. Taking a look near at 395 northbound near duke street, we have the left lane getting by the work zone. You can see we are just a tad slow there, and that is totally normal with that work zone in play. Inner loop and outer loop is nice and green. No big problems on the beltway right now. 301 northbound before 50, we still have that paving operation around the left lane. Thats the only thing getting by. That should be clearing out of the way in just a little bit. 66 at Fairfax County is rolling away. Prince georges county, no worries. Thank you, melissa. When you think of a Public Health problem a lot of to issues come to mind. What about pornography and the book . And the new details about the scathing letter on metro but jamie raskin is the only abdemocrat for congress who led the fight for tougher gun laws. Only raskin took on the nra to ban militarystyle assault weapons. Raskin im jamie raskin, and i approve this message. If you are just joining us, we continue to follow the search for a missing virginia firefighter. Today marks one week since Nicole Mittendorf disappeared. How the search will ramp up la and you can see the difference in temperatures this morning. But should you layer up for the day ahead . Storm Team Meteorologist chuck bell has your hourbyhour forecast at 5 01. It is 4 57. A frontline metro worker tells news4 that many rail employees are not following their inspection procedures. That worker wanted to remain anonymous but it follows a scathing letter sent from the Transit Authority to metro detailing hundreds of new safety issues. The issues include everything from empty fire extinguishers, telephones that dont work and trains going too fast near workers. Ahead of d. C. s Firefighter Association says hes concerned. These are all things that can lead to us not being able to do our job or worse, losing our lives. Metro says it is immediately addressing the safety concerns raised by federal investigators. If it does not make changes, the fda can with hold certain funding from the rail agency. Police in Fairfax County want parents on alert after concerns of a growing trend in the use of marijuana derivati s derivatives. The strong resin extracted from the marijuana plant can be referred to as hash or hash oil that is also going by other names. It looks like a hard, waxy substance that is highly concentrated. Side effects from the drugs can cause hallucinations, panic attacks and violent behavior. A new law causing some controversy is saying pornography is a health crisis. In fact, it calls for an epidemic. Utahs governor signed that law yesterday. The law is basically making a statement not outlining anything necessarily. It puts the focus on new policies, education and research. We want them to have facts, data, good science, heightened awareness sey decision in their own lives. Supporters of the law say that they are especially worried about children and adolescence watching important. Critics say the law exaggerates porn effects. Intel is letting go of 10 of their employees. They plan to cut 12,000 jobs by next year. Intel is looking to make more money by using drones and wearables. They are using a new model called client computing which is not as successful as it used to be. And some may consider this fun, but it is bring your son and daughter to work today. The annual event that lets kids go to work with their parents. Michelle obama will welcome dozens of children to the white house. Heres video from last years event. The children invited today have parents who work in the executive office or are part of the big brother big sisters program. Mom, you might not think its children would behave. They would be sitting here with us. They would terrorize us, you know that. Stay with us. News4 today starts now at 5 00 a. M. Good morning, im eun yang. And im angie goff in for aaron this morning. It looks like we are feeling the effects of the cold front. Meteorologist chuck bell is here with your forecast. What do you say, chuck . I say youll like today more than yesterday. We had wind around and plenty of clouds. Both the problems have been solved today. Lighter winds have moved back in the area for today. Theres a chance for a rumble or two of thunder coming up on friday. Ill detail the timing at 21 after. And temperatures right now are back to the mid to upper 40s through much of the shenandoah valley. Much of the metro is in the low to mid50s. Heres the way the next 24 hours look. Slightly cooler, staying dry. Temperes

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