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Heavy rain. The National Park service said its ready to erect the levee on short notice if there is a problem. There are several things you can do right now. The big one is to make sure leaves and other debris are cleared from your gutters and downspouts. Make sure you have a full tank of gas in your car, know how to get in touch with family as friends in case of app emergency. Download the app. From there you can download an uptotheminute forecast. We do want to check back in with chuck bell with a closer look on how joaquin could impact our area. Hey, chuck. Yeah. Theres a whole lot of uncertainty as to what exactly is going to be the track of joaquin. Theres a couple of things in play. This that were dealing with, thats going to have a big impact on where the track of joaquin officially ends up. Theres a lot of uncertainty. One of the computer models keeps it well off the coast. Another one brings it a lot closer in. No matter what happens, were going to get a lot of rain friday and saturday and sunday, monday s what were going to have to keep a close eye out on as the official track for the National Hurricane center still brings a category 1 hurricane or Tropical Storm somewhere close to the mouth of the chesapeake b bay. So well be keeping a very close eye on that. Moderate impact on your day today, your thursday, will be cool and rainy. More rain on the way. Take your umbrella with you this morning. Temperatures are in the chilly 50s and will barely make 0 60 aa high today. For more on traffic, heres melissa. Good morning. You can see where the weather is moving in here. The bottom of the beltway starting to see a little bit of a slowdown in one area in here. Otherwise looking pretty good. You can see here some of the icons. Some road closures, theyre typically minor road. Of course, well let you know if they are. 95 southbound we do have some roadwork with alternating lanes. Thats going to be out of the way by 9 00 a. M. This morning. Near 163 near lorton road, something reported there. Trying to get more information on that one. A big look at the beltway as you take kind of a closer look. You can see overall inner loop and outer loop, everything is moving fine. No major problems right now. You can see above 370 here, a little bit of rain in that area, otherwise, 270, nice and clear at this point. Well be back in ten minutes. Two men are dead and this morning homicide investigators are trying to figure out who killed them. Prince georges county police say last nights shooting was not random. They say both men died around 8 00 at the Central Gardens apartments in capital heights. Theyll work to identify the men and motive in the case. A man has one last hearing before his trial. Charles severance faces charges for three killings in the alexandria area. Today will likely revolve around his mental health. The defense says he does not plan to plead guilty by reason of insanity but they want to use his mental condition why wrights say his prosecution proves guilt. His formal trial should start monday. And a sex offender accused of the disappearance of two sisters. They never came home. Police never found their bodies. This morning will be the first time lloyd welch appears on murder charges for their deaths in virginias bedford circuit county court. The judge will appoint an attorney to his case. A developing story. A judge has approved a restraining order block ang execution in virginia. The convicted serial killer is set to be put to death tonight. The judge wants to stop the execution until a hearing is held over the drugs that will be used in the execution. We want to follow the update and bring you any updates. In oklahoma an inmate who was to be executed last night gave him 36 hours. The corrections officials received the wrong drug. Oklahoma was criticized in 2014 for a botched execution that called into question the use of certain drugs in the death penalty. 4 35 right now. A new attack in the serial assaults in arlington. Police do not think the same person is responsible for all of them. Watchful nabors is all that kept a 23yearold woman from being attacked. A man heard a scream like he never heard before and it made him jump off the couch. I look outside and shes pointing to my neighbor who was going after him. She was getting off the bus at north quincy around 11 30. Thats when the suspect grabbed her from behind, put her into sort of a headlock, and pulled her into the bushes. If you are a federal worker, your paycheck will keep coming. Last night president obama signed a continuing resolution that will keep it running until september 11th. One thing congress did not work on last night was an extension of the law that provides medical treatment to First Responders who rushed to ground zero on 911. Just last week jon stewart joined lobbyists in congress to save the fujding. For now theyll still be able to get health care, but the program will have to start shutting down by next summer if congress doesnt act. Check out storm team 4 radar. Its already sprinkling, but can kids expect a downpour . Chucks back with the answers. Their name has been controversial for years but one of the candidates for president says, its not so bad. Well tell you who said it. And new developments in the scandal rocking volkswagen. The local connection to s ps police for seven years is over this morning. Police in colorado say an 18yearolds body was inside a chimney of an abandoned cabin less than a mile away from his home. Contractors were tearing down the cabin in Woodland Park when they found the young mans remains last month. New developments in the volkswagen emissions scandal. One state has issued a subpoena and we can probably expect more. More than two dozen states launched a joint investigation into the false emissions claims of tv. W. Illinois is the first state to g push to get more answers. One comes from our region later today. All right. Were keeping a close eye on Hurricane Joaquin and what that means for the area. Weather traffic on the 1s. And, chuck, it seems like weve gone from drought to deluge, just like that. I made joke of it on monday. Every drought ends with a flood and thats even sl chalssential happened. The rain and fog out there. Nothing all that heavy yet. A few hitandmiss sprinkles. Cloudy and damp. Temperatures only in the mid to upper 50s early this morning and rising very, very little. Highs today barely making it above the 60degree mark. More on the impact of joaquin and the impact in ten minutes. For now time to check on the traffic. Melissa mollet, raindrops falling on the roadway. Raindrops falling on the roadway. Take a look at 66, 95 and lorton road. Not too much about that but you can see moisture coming up. Prince georges county looking pretty dry. No major problems here on the map right now. Taking a look at 95 southbound, powder mill road, some lanes blocked because of roadwork. They look at the beltway, inner loop and outer loop. Germantown road, you can see the raindrops on the camera lens. Everything moving just fine. Well see you in ten minutes. Thank you, melissa. Donald trump speaks out. Why hed send all the migrants back to the wartorn country. And good news for drivers in the district. Why parking welcome back at 4 45. Take a look at this video. The country has carried out air strikes in syria. Russia launched the air strikes yet but u. S. Are not convinced the attacks were aimed aet the militant group. They say the attacks on syria may be a dangerous move. Nbc tracie potts joins us on capitol hill with the latest. Good morning. Good morning. Carter says its like pouring gasoline on a fire while the u. S. And russia are talking at the u. N. Take a look at whats happening on the ground in syria. Russia has been building up its military and look at this. The first air strike on syria. They believe that russia is going after the Opposition Forces that we are backing, that the u. Nited states is backing. Because, remember, while the two countries both want to see isis out, they have very different views about syrias government. Russia supports it. U. S. Wants to see assad out. John mccain says this is what happens when theres inaction by the u. S. Russias Vladimir Putin fills the void. Serious concerns as they continue to talk about how to koomt in syria but not quite whats happening on the ground. All right. Tracie potts live on capitol hill. Thank you, tracitracie. If i win, theyre going back. Theyre going back. Back to syria. Back to syria. Thats where Syrian Refugees will go if donald trump makes it. Hes talking about the syrian refugee crisis. Earlier this month john kerry said the United Nations will accept more than 80,000 next year. Many of them from syria. We started out with 10,000. The other day i heard 200,000. Were going take in 200,000 syrians or wherever they come from. We have no idea. Theres no identification. Theres no anything. Trump is concerned that allowing them into the u. S. Will allow isis into the country. A selfless decision caused a corporal his life. He was on route 15 on his way to work at camp david when he pulled his pickup over tuesday night to help a driver stranded in the rain. A tractor trailer ran into him and killed him nearly instantly. A man who has spray painted threats against police in anne arundel is now in custody. Police didnt have to go that far to find shanner. He was already in custody on a separate shoplifting charge. The first direct flight from our area has landed safely in cuban. It left bwi. Its the only airport in the area authorized to send flights to cuba. The flight will operate twice a week on wednesdays and saturdays. Were so happy to see the cuban culture, cuban food, meet the cuban people. Its an easy flight. Three hours from baltimore. The flight touched down one day after the two nations held talks that mayed a more flights from cuba to the u. S. Well, you wont have to worry about the meter. Meter hours were supposed to stretch an extra two hours all the way to midnight but our news partner wtop learned that wont happen. Instead, expect the longer meter hours sometime in 2016, maybe not until june. Thats because the d. C. Department of transportation said theyre not ready. They were approved as part of the budget. Did you know the parking officers in the district have to park the same as you. The only time they get to park illegally is when its urgent. When we showed this employee parked illegally to get food and cash, they said they would investigate and remind him about these rules. A new twist in Hillary Clintons run for president. So far it shows hackers tried to get into her private email server at least five times. Its been an issue that she did not use the public system during her time as secretary of state and the documents say each time happened in 2011. Its still unclear if she opened any of those messages disguised as speeding tickets from new york. One man said he was okay with the redskins name. Jeb bush was asked about the native american name. Many think of it as a racial slur. Heres whoo he says. I dont think politicians ought to have any say in that, to be honest with you. I dont find it offensive. Its a sport, for crying out loud. Its a football team. Thats just an excerpt from the new arena show. Its about the intersecticeptio politics and sports. It airs tomorrow afternoon. D. C. Leaders filed an afterhours claim for Eminent Domain on the land. That means they would take it from the developer at buzzard point. They agreed to swap land at u street and then said they would buy it outright but at a lower price than the developer wanted. Right now people keeping your safe in a hurricane event are training in georgia. Mark segraves was there. Dont panic. Officials say for every responder Emergency Training in georgia, theres another one covering their shift back here in maryland paying for federal dollars. Thats what they say. Experts in every situation, if you can remain calm, its so much easier to get yourself out of a troubled situation whether youre stranded or going through flooded water but its tough to remember that in a situation like that. Sure is. Right . Absolutely. I think i would panic. Im going to admit it. The key is with all the flooding and high water, turn around, dont drown, and how many times do we do stories of people getting stuck. Tomorrow and saturday, a lot of rain coming our way. If you can get things done before or wait until after all the rain is done, running errands and things like that, if you can do it before or after the event, always better. What you can expect for today . When you step out the door, much, much cooler. It was in the muggy 70s yesterday. Its in the chilly 50s this morning. Theres a light rain this morning and steadier rain likely to come back this afternoon as well as an increasing breeze. Flash flood watches have already been issued not for today but friday and saturday across the entire metro area points south and west of us from the eastern shores. Friday and saturday could see a combined total of 3 to 6 inches of rain. Ahead of the storm, get your gutters and andre spouts out. Make sure if youve got a basement, youve about got a pump in there. If you have valuables in the basement, you may want to move them off the basement floor to the second dairy and make sure that if it floods your pictures of grandma dont get lost in the flood. Nothing serious, but youll need your umbrella. Steadier somehow errs way down to your south and west. This is all part of an upper low. Its pushing that plume of tropical moisture right up the eastern seaboard. So we have no shot at sunshine today, tomorrow, saturday, probably into sunday as well. As i mentioned, its cooler. Temperatures in the mid to upper 50s now. Were stranded to near 60 degrees today. Thats it. Yesterday we were 778 by comparis comparison. Heres the future. Cloudy skies with spits and drizzles before more showers come in later this afternoon into this evening, so not always going to be the best news there. Have your umbrella with you now. And, of course, the very latest on joaquin. Good news. Its still days away and theres a lot of uncertainty. Its trending away from the metro shore and out to sea. Theres your metro weather. Cool, wet, rainy. All before your improvements. For now, heres melissa with your traffic. Good morning. Right now again you can see the rain falling. Live picture showing 270 southbound. You can see that moisture there on the lens of the camera. 66 no problems. 95, drew an area for you so you could see a little bit of a slowdown. Southbound because of roadwork as youre heading southbound to the dale city area. Southbound at powder mill road, still has some construction. A big look at the beltway, inner loop and outer loop rolling along just fine. Were nice and green. Remember to listen to our friends wtop 103. 5 f. M. When you hop in the car. Thank you, hls. Her son killed her daughter. The words exchanged next. And another scandal for the secret service. The report that says the top official learned information and the strange reason behind that the strange reason behind that accusa welcome to fort green sheets. Welcome to castle bravestorm. Its full of cool stuff, like my second in command. And my trusty bow. And free of stuff i dont like. And in my castle we only eat chex cereal. Chex cereal. Its full of delicious crunchability. No artificial flavors, and its glutenfree. And thats something even my brother. Sister can understand. Mom, brian threw a ball in the house looking live at storm team 4 radar and the rain moving through our area. Its the beginning of a noreaster and the first of two storms to hit us. Chuck bell is keeping an eye on all that and an eye on joaquin. I looked the mother in the eye. I told her i understood that it was very difficult on her family as well, i gave my condolences, and shook her hand. Jill harrington. Matthew is charges with murder ring her daughter. Jill harrington said it was the right thing to do speaking with mathews mother. She said hes on trial, not his family. Two weeks ago they formally charged matthew. The trial will begin on march 24th 20rks 16. A long time away, says the harrington family. Thats a long time for us to keep this ball rolling. It will be seven years after the event. Matthew already faces up to live in prison after being convicted of an attempted murder in fair fax. He ee also facing trial for the uva student, heather graham. This morning officials are looking for a man who exposed himself to a woman on a train. Lopez unzipped his pants while sitting o an train and blocked her from leaving her seat. She was able to give Police Details including a chef jacket he was wearing. Police have had similar words of this attack. They arrested him earlier this week. John dwyer was arrested. He crashed his boat. Six people were hurt. According to the capitol nooup dwyer was arrested for violating his parole. He had six beers one night in may. An interlock device on his vehicle detected alcohol and prevented him from driving. What may look like a big scandal is unfoelgd ldeunfolded. This time it goes all the way to the top. The report says Edward Lowery exposed congressman Jason Chaifetz 2003 application to join the agency and his rejection to scores of secret service employees. Its a bit scary. If they would

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