Transcripts For WRC News4 Today 20151017 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 Today 20151017

change as well. i'm angie goff. >> and i'm david. let's go to chuck bell. >> hopefully you will feel better.ç outside this morning, you'll need a hot cup of coffee on your way out the door, maybe hot tea or lemon water, whatever it will take to stay warm. the cold air is back. not cold, not freezing yet. we have freeze waings for tonight, colder tomorrow night. the weather impact then on your saturday on the whole, a low impact, sunny, breezy and chilly. no rain to worry about. current temperature, 36 gaithersburg, a milder 50 downtown. planning out your morning, the sun is not up until 7:19. we stay in the low to mid-40s through 9:00. this afternoon, plenty of sunshine, breezy, cooler for sure. 58 for the high. that will make it the coldest afternoon high in six months. colder still tomorrow into tomorrow night. more about that part of the forecast when i see you in a few. >> chuck, thanks. three big developing stories right now. a woman is fighting for her life after a crash in montgomery county, maryland. her car crashed around 3:30 this morning on georgia avenue. police say they had to close the three lanes right before the icc for hours overnight to clear that utility pole right there from the middle of the roadway. >> at least one woman is hurt after a fire overnight in upper marlboro, maryland. want to show you this video. you can see more than a dozen prince george's county firefighters. this is on campus way south near harry truman drive. people outside, clearly upset. the fire started around midnight. we'll let you know as soon as we find out just how this fire started. a murder in temple hills, maryland, was not a random attack. that is what prince george's county police are saying about the violence on linda lane not too far from branch avenue last night. you're looking at new video from overnight that shows you all the detectives were out on the case. officers say someone stand a man to death, this was around 8:00. police at this point have no suspects in the case. a love try angiangle ends i murder. an anne arundel woman, her daughter and that daughter's boyfriend faces charges. ann anastasia told them -- investigators say the married couple was romantically involved with riggs who lived in the home. police believe 18-year-old gabriel struth committed the two mur murs. zelia ziona, a transgender woman, only openly identifying that way just within the last several months. friends are trying to figure out why anyone would want to kill her. news 4's jackie bensen has the story. >> it doesn't make any sense how somebody could have hate as a motive of killing for no reason. >> reporter: friends since seneca valley high school, now one is gone. 21-year-old zella ziona was shot to death in broad daylight in this service alley near lake forest mall. witnesses saw a group of four or five young men near her and heard what sound like arguing. police areç exploring the possibility that this was a hate crime. >> she just wanted to embrace her life. she wanted to show the world how to be transgender. she helped people. she inspired somebody else named chris to come out and be himself, because it's hard for people to be themselves. >> reporter: barbie johnson says the victim was like a second mother to her little girl who keeps asking, where's zella? >> when zella's around, there's not a single quiet moment in the room. >> reporter: she will always be an inspiration to her. >> she was just amazing. there's no reason for you to hate somebody for who they want to be. that's what she wants to be, that's what she wants to be. there's no reason to kill them just because you don't understand. that's cowardly. >> and again, montgomery county police are still looking for the suspects in this case. there is a reward of up to $10,000 available you know anything, call police. emotional reaction from a virginia woman whose brother died of a drug overdose. yesterday, a federal judge sentenced gregory collie, the man who dealt the drugs to eight years in prison. collie pleaded guilty to moving leatham's body after he overdosed on a mix of drugs in ashburn last year. the victim's sister read an emotional letter. >> i'm no longer a middle child, no longer a little sister. >> the sentence was for tampering with evidence. leatham's sister says she wants collie prosecuted in loudoun county as well for selling the drugs to her brother. happening today, prince george's county schools kicks off the saturday school pilot program, taking place at high point high school. it's a 20-week program. it focuses on math and college prep. students from all grade levels are part of this program. donald trump is getting new attention for publicly insulting an opponent. what started the fight and how he's defending his words this morning. and signs of improvement for lamar you're watching news 4 today. now to an update on lamar odom. we are hearing that he is showing signs of improvement. sources close to the former nba star telling nbc's sister network e c! that he is off life support and is breathing on his own. doctors say he suffered at least one stroke. the 35-year-old former l.a. lakers champion was once a reality tv star after he had married khloe kardashian. an exchange of insults this morning in the race for the white house. donald trump and jeb bush took turns on twitter calling each other pathetic. take a listen to what started the jabs between the two republican candidates for president. >> when you talk about george bush, say what you want. the world trade center came down during his time. >> you can't blame george bush for that. >> he was president. don't blame him or don't blame him. the world trade center came down during his reign. >> jeb bush rushed to his brother's defense. he argued george w. bush made the country safer after the attack. well, if you bought a drone, the federal government wants to require you to register it with the department of transportation. sources tell nbc news that the plan could be announced as soon as next week. the government is very concerned about the rise in close calls between drones and planes near some of the nation's biggest airports. regulations could be in place by christmas and as you know, drones are expected to be a very popular gift this holiday season. from now on, american airlines will handle all u.s. airways flights. the two companies seened the merger back in 2013 but today is the first official test run of the massive organization. be patient if you're flying american today they tell us. prepare for delays or problems as the systems merge. there will be more staff on hand and fewer flights today to help ease with the transition. the final u.s. airways flight took off last night. the airline called it flightç 1939 in honor of u.s. airways founding year. and it was a homecoming to remember under friday night lights. how a young man's classmates surprised him for a moment he'll never forget. grab a jacket if you're headed out anytime soon. we're in for a chilly fall weekend. chuck bell going to break down how long the temps -- how low the temps are going to get. that when news 4 today returns the east coast largest rummage sale kicks off in just a few hours. the lady's board run this event every year. it features all kinds of rare knickknacks. whatever you buy benefits the nursing and hospital scholarship. theç event is at leesburg. >> wear your sturdy walking shoes. you'll do a lot of walking between buildings. we have a shuttle bus for you. you want to be comfortable because we want you to spend the day there. >> there will be atms just in case you forget the cash. admission is free unless you get there early at 8:00 this morning for early bird specials. you can bring a donation today to the new food center in alexandria, the nonprofit alive and its coalition of congregation run the new facility. during yesterday's dedication, volunteers told news 4 the new renovated space will help them reach their goal of ending hunger in the city. >> the need in alexandria is probably greater than most of us realize. the reality is, there's plenty of food but it's the distribution. what this warehouse actually becomes is a more efficient way to distribute food to those in need. >> and the food center sends out a week's worth of food to families who need it on the last saturday of every month. if you need assistance or want to donate, contact alive by going to our nbc washington app and search the word food. he's not the captain of the football team or class president. but he has certainly won the hearts of his classmates. we were there as they surprised one local teen by crowning him homecoming king. news 4's shomari stone has the story. >> let's go, eagles, let's go. >> reporter: under friday night lights, osbourn high school hits the gridiron against battlefield high in manassas city, virginia. it's a homecoming game. this crowd along with alex guevara sanches is excited. do you like the homecoming game? >> yes. >> reporter: why? >> it's a lot of fun. >> reporter: a lot of fun? >> yes. >> reporter: alex has special needs. students and teachers admire his devotion to school and his nice personality. >> he's a great kid with a great heart. he's always smiling, always willing to help anybody out. he always says hi. he always has a high five for me. he's just wonderful. >> reporter: so wonderful that the senior class voted him to be homecoming king. he just found out at halftime. >> congratulations. >> congratulations, alex, we're so proud of you. >> thank you. >> ayousome job or octavia samuel doesn't mind sharing the spotlight. >> i'm happy that he won. i wanted him to win this entire time. >> reporter: a special moment he will never forget for the rest of his life. it's his time to shine under the friday night lights. >> i feel happy. >> reporter: happy? >> yes. >> reporter: you look pretty nice with that crown on. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: isn't that nice. what's next for alex? he'll be featured in the christmas parade here in manassas city on december 5th with the osbourn high school homecoming queen octavia samuels. in manassas, shomari stone, news 4. >> i love that story. >> great story. it warms the heart on what's going to be a cold day. >> helping their fellow students to succeed. i brought ricolas. i worry. i know you say it sounds worse than it is but i'm worried about you, çdavid, i really am. >> i'll stop talking. the cold weather not going to help. going to be chilly outside today and cold nights, coldest in six months kind of night, tonight and especially tomorrow. outside on your saturday morning, skies are partly cloudy. we'll be in and out of the clouds and the sunshine for much of the day. the real story is the chill in the air. don't be fooled by the big 5-0 in downtown d.c. if you live outside the beltway, temperatures are way colder than that. highs today only in the 50s today. lows near freezing tonight and especially tomorrow night. feeling a whole lot more like late november than mid-october. freeze warnings for tonight, everywhere from gaithersburg to leesburg, west of know mass sma. that's the freeze warning. frost advisory for the western suburbs along the i-95 corridor. temperatures tonight, mostly in the low to mid-30s. the real issue for tonight, being below freezing is that the wind will stay up. we lose the wind tomorrow night into monday morning and that means it will be bombs away on the temperatures. for temperatures today, 30s and 40s early this morning, near 50 by 9:00. we'll spend most of the day, mid to upper 50s. with the breeze out of the northwest, 10 to 20, it will feel colder than that. an extra layer of warmth, maybe walk on the sunny side of the street. 37 in rockville and gaithersburg, 38 culpepper. as i mentioned, 51 in annapolis. urban centers and bay sides are warmer. look how much colder it is up to the north. that's know, everybody, the weekend after columbus day across parts of new york and new england, even parts of lower michigan getting in on the snow showers. for us, no snow with temperatures in the 50s. as the colder air rushes in today, especially along into the west and the blueridge, we'll have just enough cold air where we might be able to wring out a sprinkle or two. rain chances below 10%, almost no chance in the metro but about a 10% or so chance out along the shenandoah valley and out into the mountains. there's the tiniest sprinkle, really it's a sprinkle chance and that's it. highs in the 50s. the university of virginia, they're taking on the big orange from syracuse today. by game's end, back down into the upper 40s, 50s. whether you're tailgating or going out to dinner after the game, be ready. it will be a cold night in charlottesville. here's your seven-day forecast now. 58 today, 55 tomorrow. wake up temperatures tomorrow morning will be in the low to mid-30s, upper 30s in town. but it's monday morning that's the real threat for killing just about everything. that includes downtown locations, could be close to freezing as well. the warmup continues on tuesday, highs in the 60s and into the 70s we go for wednesday and thursday. a little something for everybody but almost no chance for rain. back with news 4 today right after t for the girl scout meeting... ok! for the soccer team... for the girl scout meeting... how many meetings are you having?! giant just dropped prices on thousands more items. which makes the checkout lane, victory lane. my giant. you're watching news 4 today. you've heard of an organ transplant, right? but how about an arm transplan the? >> one man from alexandria is one of the very few people who went through that procedure. doreen gentzler shares his story of recovery after a scary accident. >> reporter: here's what jeffrey sw swadarski knows about his arm, it came from a philadelphia man who was left brain dead after a drug overdose. >> i find a scar, i find something else, what is this? what happened? i find callouss. i believed he was a guitar player. >> reporter: jeffrey is one of of the few people in the world to undergo an arm transplant. it happened after he fell 40 feet off a staircase at a d.c. hotel last year. >> i was leaning against it, checking out things on the ceiling and just like that i fell over the side. somehow with my left arm i grab and grab one of the different poles and catch myself whichç straightens me out but tore my arm off completely. >> reporter: jeff fell to his feet, avoiding a potentially deadly fall on to his back or head. the very bad news, the force of the fall was so strong, it ripped his arm off. after multiple surgeries and more than two weeks in the hospital, doctors were unable to re-attach it. >> mentally it's absolutely horrible, horrible thing. because it's something that's gone and can never come back. it kind of got worse and worse until i find hope. >> reporter: that hope, the arm transplant program at the johns hopkins hospital in baltimore. >> they are not considered standard of care yet. >> reporter: kate knot is the transplant coordinator at hopkins. she says it can be tough to qualify for the arm transplant program. the level of amputation can't be too high up on the arm and patients need to be healthy and have strong family support. >> hands therapy becomes a full-time job for about the first year. when i say a if you-time job, i mean coming to therapy monday through friday. >> reporter: jeffrey says he had to take at least 100 tests, physical and mental, before he was accepted into the program. then doctors told him he might have to wait years before there would be a suitable donor. but sure enough, after just 3 1/2 months, he got the call. and exactly one year to the day after he lost his arm, he got a new one. >> it's tough. every day is tough. but at the same time it's incredibly exciting. >> reporter: jeffrey says he's beginning to get feeling in his new arm. though it will take a while to get full sensation. but this new father says he has good reason to work hard at his therapy and finally, he says, he's starting to feel normal again. >> you could be gone in a sec, in a blink of the eye. there's nothing we can do about it. so enjoy every moment of life that you possibly can. >> that is just remarkable. you'd hope that that could maybe be used for many of our veterans, too. >> absolutely. it could take a long time before he gets the feeling. nerves grow one inch per month. that's why it could take years from jeff actually gets full sensation and movement back into his donor hand and arm. parts of california are under as much as five feet of mud and debris. how neighbors are trying to dig out as more rain challenges their efforts. then heads up, why you should not count on uber if you need a ride this weekend. it's sure starting to feel like fall. check will let us know what's going to be the coldest day of the week. ava and i needed a little vacay. but we needed to watch our spending. meaning i needed to watch nikki. she's the spender. i'm the saver. so, mobile banking from td bank helps me keep track... for both of us. she was just browsing... we gotta go. i'm ava. i'm nikki. and we bank human at td bank. what? your top stories at 6:30. a woman is in serious condition after police say she crashed into this utility pole on georgia avenue. montgomery conte officers re-opened the road around 5:00 this morning. at least one woman is hurt after a fire overnight. prince george's county firefighters say the fire started around midnight, how they spent hours at this town home on campus way south. they say the attack was not random, someone meant to stab a man to death last night. new video from overnight shows detectives gathering on linda lane, near branch avenue in temple hills, maryland. >> 6:30. good morning, welcome back to news 4 today. i'm david culver. >> i'm angie goff. so glad you could join us. looks like your weekend plans are safe but you'll want to bundle up. >> that's right. let's head over to chuck bell and the storm team 4 weather center. >> become to your weekend. what's really going to feel like the first weekend of late fall as opposed to just a comfy weekend in mid-october. temperatures running 10 degrees or more below average for the weekend. outside still mostly clear to partly cloudy sky early this morning. chilly, mid to upper 30s for northern montgomery county. upper 30s toward manassas and ft. belvoir. ruíçning forecast, fight chilly at first this morning. temperatures risie ining into t upper 40s, low 50s. fair amount of sunshine should push temperatures into the mid to upper 50s. 58 in fredericksburg and 58 downtown. freeze warnings are up for tonight and tomorrow night. how low will we go, coming up in a few more minutes. back to you. the newsroom is working to learn information about a crash that happened overnight. take a look at the scene. this is an annapolis road in bladensburg, maryland. police now tell us medics found at least one person hurt on the street. this is around 12:30 this morning. they suspect the person may be the victim of a hit and run. we are going to share new details with you as soon as we get them. a teenager is recovering after he was stabbed near tenleytown's metro station last night. it happened around 9:30 on the sidewalk outside the station. the 15-year-old is expected to be okay. >> police don't have any information on a suspect as of yet. while it could take days to a state highway to clear in california, it has been smothered with mud between two and six feet deep. fortunately, no one hurt in all of this. nbc's patrick healey shows us how drivers are digging out. >> the most frightening thing to see. look left and the mountain of mud just comes barreling down on you. >> reporter: tony and jeff just picked up their little brother from school and were driving home on elizabeth lake road when the rain suddenly picked up. >> we're trying to get through it. it was like quick sand. when we bailed out of the suv, you know, it was fight intense trying to walk through it. >> reporter: you can only imagine how close a call this one was. look at the door here, it's stuck, it can't move. you can't even see the hood of the mini cooper, completely buried with mud. convoys of response crews are working their way through the flood and mud zone. clearing roads and surveying this entire corridor west of palmdale. after the deluge hit yesterday, more than two dozen needed to be rescued. it's believed everyone got to safety but responders want to make sure. county fire battalion chief mark savage. >> we're doing damage assessment. we're doing door to door to make sure everyone is accounted for. clearing the roadways, public works has a huge job. they have a lot of resources out here to do that as well. >> that was patrick healey reporting. two quick traffic alerts. the george washington memorial parkway is closed in two places today because of construction. first at the ramp to reagan national airport. paving work will keep that ramp closed from now until hopefully no later than noon today. second at the 395 northbound ramp that takes you into d.c. via the 14th street bridge. there will be signs and park service police to help you navigate around those blocked ramps. don't couldn't on uber this weekend. drivers across the country are now threatening to strike through sunday. and here's what they want. a 60% rate increase for uber x, the lower cost rides. they want a $7 min minimum fare and $7 cancellation çfee. they also say there should be an option for riders to leave a tip. uber says it welcomes feedback from drivers always. it has yet to comment on the specific strike. seems a good number of virginia drivers are refusing to swap out license plates that bear the confederate flag. according to "usa today," so far, only about 10% of drivers with those plates have mailed them back in. maryland will become the third state to recall confederate plates, possibly as soon as november. a federal judge agreed to lift an injunction that barred the state from taking them out of circulation. texas has started phasing out the plates as well. six other states still sell them. later today, a teenager turned famous for what some people call a ridiculous arrest will be in northern virginia. you may remember the story surrounding ahmed mohammed, the student from irving, texas, that police handcuffed because they thought a homemade clock he brought to school was a bomb. tickets at the banquet tonight will benefit ahmed and other muslims like him. after months in a coma and a long recovery, tracy morgan making his return to "saturday night live." we'll look at who will join him for what is a very special comeback. >> that will be awesome. take a look at the screen here. yikes, right? check out the temperatures we're waking up to. chuck is updating his forecast. it w you're watching news 4 today. a very special comeback tonight on "snl." comedian tracy morgan will host "saturday night live" for the second time. the first since he was involved in what was a horrific highway accident last year. nbc's mark barger has a preview. tracy morgan's emotional appearance on last month's emmy awards. >> i missed you guys so much. >> was just a start. >> within i got on stage, it was overwhelming for me. >> reporter: another wave of emotion is likely this weekend. >> you're back, tracey. >> yeah, i'm back. >> reporter: when morgan comes back to host the show that ignited his career. >> i'll say stop, bobby, keep clapping. >> reporter: morgan's return comes 16 months after a highway crash left him with a traumatic brain injury. >> to have him come back and especially after what he's been through, it's like -- it's special on so many different levels. >> reporter: current "snl" cast member grew up watching morgan's antics in studio 8h. >> that bird is a liar. >> reporter: he'll see lots of familiar faces still around. >> so many of the people who work here have worked here for so many years that most people are his old co-workers. people are really excited to have him back. it's going to be awesome. >> reporter: monday night, morgan tweeted pictures of his first comedy club appearance. weekend updit's michael chai remembered seeing him in a venue. >> he re-enacted "planet of the apes" for 45 minutes in the back of a comedy club. >> reporter: a show with four decades of memorable moments. >> this is not the season finale. >> it will be after i'm done with it. >> reporter: mark barger, nbc news. >> looking forward to that. a new announcement about the water in rio. certainly about the quality in particular after dozens of athletes got sick. why officials say they're not worried about safety. and let's take a live look outside this morning. what you can expect for the rest of the weekend when news 4 today of the weekend when news 4 today returns. of the weekend when news 4 today returns. you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ know when to walk away. ♪ know when to run. ♪ you never count your money, ♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪ what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. you're watching news 4 today. >> we've got the "today" show up next right here on nbc 4. let's see what they're working on. >> erica hill and harry smith, joining us live from new york. >> good morning. just ahead on a saturday morning on "today," you'll probably feel it where you are, so will we, this big chill that will hit the country this weekend. also coming up this morning, is this the weekend? will he or won't he? vice president joe biden, it's like hamlet, right? make a decision already. he supposedly is going to make it, we'll know this weekend. >> we've heard that before. tracy morgan's big night out, the comedian preparing to his return to "saturday night live" after that horrific car crash last year. we have a preview. >> we were just talking about that. the halloween costumes that will many parents to shame, not that it's a competition. >> but it is. >> how one mom is dressing up her 3-year-old in crazy cute ways. >> if you want to see crazy cute, i should tell you this. >> please. >> follow angie on instagram. her kids are adorable. i have a feeling adora and bob will knock it out of the park. >> we've done a dry run, erica. >> i'm not entering the competition because i would lose. >> i'll be posting. >> angie can drop the mike when she's done. >> that's right. it's over. >> thanks, guys. well, rio de janeiro's olympic organizing committee says it will not test the waterways for viruses. concerns grew after several athletes got really sick during some of the2trial runs. some parts of the water filled with trash and sewage. however, officials say they are following recommendations from the world health organization who have determined through bacterial tests that the water is indeed safe. chuck bell has been telling us how cool it's going to get tonight. for that reason you should really listen to the cdc and get your flu shot today. nbc's tom costello explains why doctor's are confident this year's vaccine will work. >> reporter: mid-october and the push is on. at christiana care in delaware, doctors, nurses and hospital staff are lining up for the flu vaccine. >> how are you? >> i'll be right with you. >> reporter: first manager jamie iella has a 3-year-old at home and she's 8 months pregnant. >> i don't want to bring anything home from the hospital to my family. >> reporter: with 11,000 employees, christiana care is keenly focus on getting its front line medical staff vaccinated. last year the vaccine proved to be a poor match for the flu stra strain. not this year. >> the vaccine components have been shifting to match what's currently circulating and we expect the vaccine to work much better this year. >> reporter: it could take two weeks for the vaccine to be effective. >> when you have the flu, you are contagious a day before you develop symptoms. >> reporter: before you develop symptoms? >>y he, yes. you don't even know you have the flu and you can transmit it to other folks. >> reporter: one common misconception, the vaccine itself can give you the flu? not true. the cdc says the flu leads to millions of cases of illness each year. hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and complications lead to thousands of deaths, most of them among the elderly. >> reporter: vaccinations are most important for children over 6 months, anyone 50 and over or with a chronic condition and pregnant women. >> i'm going to give you your flu shot. >> reporter: and new moms like dominique johnson. babies are especially vulnerable to the flu, making her mom's vaccine all the more important. tom costello, nbc news, washington. well, the city of alexandria is hosting its annual fast festival today, happening at armstead l. boothe park. it starts at 10:00 this morning. runs until 2:00 this afternoon. admission is $5 per person, $15 per family of four. time to get in the holiday spirit. the ticket lottery for the national christmas tree lighting is open but you're running out of time. if you want to be part of the 93rd annual tree lighting, you need to act fast. it's only open until monday. the star-studded event happens on december 3rd on the elipps, no word on who will perform this year. aretha franklin and mariah carey are some of the big names that came out last year. check out the nbc washington app to find out how you can get your hot ticket on a cold day. right? >> see the video from december last year, everyone is in their top coats and scarves. a good reminder for what you need this weekend. >> i can't wait until you start saying, let's get ready to -- bundle. >> oh, bundle.ç it's been so long. outside this morning, bundling time to here, everybody. not so much for this morning. it's plenty chilly this morning. tomorrow morning and monday morning, promises be way colder than this. early morning color. sun is not up yet. lots of things beginning on this weekend. here's one of the things i'll be participating in in rosary state park in merrill, prince george's conte community walk from 11:30 this morning until 1:30 this afternoon. it's out of the darkness and into the light. it's about suicide prevention. you can always go to their website. it's up here, afsp, the american foundation for suicide it's a great organization. suicide prevention, critically important. lbgt youth and wounded warriors, the two groups most sus tceptib to suicide. it will be cold this morning and the next couple of days. highs in the 50s. lows down near freezing tonight. freeze warnings are up for frederick county, merrill, to frederick county, virginia, all the way down to culpepper. frost advisories for the western suburbs. that's for tonight. tonight's temperatures will probably hold in the low to mid-30s. courtesy of a northwest wind. winds will go calm tomorrow night. that's really going to allow radiational cooling to work fight effectively. snow showers in northern new york and new england. got a shot out from a couple of westpoint grads. came time temperatures in the upper 40s, low 50s, kind of breezy. 45 leesburg, 38 in huntingtown, maryland. 39 in fredericksburg. hour by hour, 30s and 40s early, upper 40s to low 50s at noon. mid to upper 50s for highs today, back gnat chilly 40s. going out for dinner and a movie on your saturday night, bunt uhl up for sure. no chance for rain in the metro today. highs mostly in the mid-50s across the area for today. warmer, good fall color now. far western maryland and parts of the shenandoah valley have decent color as well. if you're going out to do leaf peeping today, it will be good for it. college football, the hokies on the road, it's in miami. temperatures will be in the 80s for the tech game and the hurricanes later this afternoon. our seven-day forecast, it's a chilly to cold one here for the weekend into early next week. monday morning will be the coldest start of them all. it ill with be back into the 70s as we get towards wednesday and thursday, almost no chance for rain in the next seven days. >> breaking news right now, an arrest just in after what could be a hate crime was committed. montgomery county police say rico leblond shot a victim, you may know as zella ziona. they say they knew each other. leblond faces first degree murder charges. he should be in court monday morning, we are told by police. four things to know on this saturday morning as you get ready to head out the door. a woman is seriously hurt after police say she crashed into this power pole. montgomery county detectives do not why she went off the road. detectives re-opened georgia avenue near the icc around 5:00 this morning. medics took one woman to the marlboro. it started in a town home around 12:30 this morning. prince george's county police are investigating what they think was a hit and run crash on annapolis road overnight. they tell us they found one person hurt near kenilworth avenue around 12:30. another new investigation for police in prince george's county. this time, a murder. the police say the stabbing good saturday morning, everyone. don't break your remote today, looking for the terps. they're off this week. maryland will kick off a week from today against penn state at m & t bank stadium. the redskins will be without two starters this sunday againsf the jets. trent williams will miss sunday's game, too. chris culver and deangelo hall both out. head coach jay gruden knows sunday will be a big test for his team. >> it's a great challenge, you know. i told them today, we have a heck of a team not playing but we have a heck of a team playing. it's a great tune for ty to play left tackle and revis to play center. nothing is going to change. business as yaushl. we have a job to do. we have to do it with the able bodies we have playing. in high school, gonzaga upset the fifth ranked team. running back lorenzo harrison doing his best barry sanders impression. he'll be playing on saturdays for maryland next season. down the sidelines, splits two more defenders. this kid just incredible. the senior takes it 92 yards to the house. one of the best runs you'll see at any level. gonzaga beat de-massa 24-14. another record-breaking day on the international space station. >> astronaut scott kelly has spent a total of 384 days in space in his lifetime. this is more than any other american. kelly is more than halfway through his current mission to spend a year in space. and he'll break another u.s. record on october 29th. that will be his 216th day in a row outside of our atmosphere. he's got a ways to go, though, to catch up with the world record holder, a russian cosmonaut spent 879 days in space over five different trips. that's almost 2 1/2 years out of this world. and if you want to follow astronaut kelly's adventures, he's using #yearinspace. he posts spectacular pictures on twitter. how can you take a bad one, right? >> he's cheating. we could all take a great picture if you're 200 miles up. good stuff there. chilly today, cold tonight. coldest night will be sunday night, monday morning. we'll be back in 25 minutes with another local news and weather update. thanks music: "thunder clatter" by wild cub ♪ ♪ ♪ most weekends only last a couple of days. some last a lifetime. hampton. we go together. always get the lowest price, only when you book direct at ♪ good morning. octo-brrr. a huge blast of cold air aimed at 55 million people this weekend. freezes and frost warnings from mississippi to new england and in michigan, the snow is falling. in the west, flash flood warnings still in effect. a day after the mudslides slammed intoundreds of cars and homes as well. dylan is tracking it all. feuding over 9/11. donald trump and jeb bush battling it out over who is to blame for the terror attack. >> say what you want. the world trade center came down during his time. >> that feud is escalating. a hero's tale. the student revealing

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