Transcripts For WRC News4 Today 20150508 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 Today 20150508

weather. good morning. >> good morning. air, fresh and cool. pavement dry. storm team 4 tower camera overlooking northwest washington. there's nebraska avenue. everything dry this morning under a mostly clear sky. a few high clouds around. we'll have a mild morning in the 50s and 60s. another warm afternoon, similar to yesterday in the low to mid 80s. we have a rain chance moving in on mother's day and turning more humid. highs this afternoon, around the metro area low to mid 80s. farther to our south, the temperatures will likely be mid 80s most of prince william and fauquier and culpepper counties a few clouds around. around the chesapeake bay it will be cooler. right around 80 degrees to the north and west and 80s in the shenandoah valley and the mountains. what's going on melissa? >> we have some construction around town but i have one item that just cleared. this is the one i was talking about a couple of minutes ago. southbound georgia avenue between layhill and randolph road there. that's cleared out of the way. take a look at some other cameras around up to. not looking so bad here. beltway at central avenue that's the moving along just fine no issues there. 95 at newington. nice and clear. remember southbound fredericksburg route 1 an accident there where the right lane is blocked. right now, first 4 traffic tracker dumfries road down to 95 we'll be there in a couple of minutes. 4:32 now. the 19-year-old who transit police say attacked a man inside a metro station will appear in court. elijahnary hearing scheduled this morning. police say in april smith punched albert langeberg inside the metro station. if a jury convicts smith he could face quite a bit of jail time. that's because of the d.c. law that allows for harsher penalties if the victim is over 65. also today the sentencing for the man who murdered a howard university student. lagarde killed omar psychs in 2013. lagarde and an accomplice tried to rob him and his friend. lagarde faces 20 to 30 year in jail. police are retracing the missing howard university student. lance buckley's cell phone picked near the block house point conservation point. police found no trace of him though. his family members say they dropped buckley off a commuter lot tuesday morning. buckley sent his wife a text message a few hours later. he was near howard university at that time. his family has not heard from him since. the threat of severe weather not over in the country's midsection. take a look at this video we have this morning. it is out of slidell, texas. they are cleaning up after a tornado. in fact several tornadoes there out in texas. not far from dallas. last night, they were under severe thunderstorm watches and flash flood warnings until late in the evening. they can't get a break. more flooding is expected today with three to four more inches of rain expected. at the live desk i'm kristin wright. crews begin work on new white house security measures. you see here a mock-up of how that -- the check points will look. officials also approved new sharp spikes along the top of the existing fence. both are designed to stop people from jumping over the fence on to white house grounds. the spikes will be installed in july. a new v.a. clinic is coming to spotsylvania county. it will open inside an already existing facility on spotsylvania avenue. it will have a full service emergency service department and on-site labs. no word on the official opening date. i always break into tears when i think of my dad working here all those years in the war. but fortunately he came home. he was not wounded. >> that is kathy samuelsson proud daughter of world war ii pilot miles hamilton. samuelsson joins hundreds of veterans and their families for an incredible tribute today on the national mall. dozens of world war ii aircraft will fly in formation to mark 70 years since the allied victory in europe. news4's megan mcgrath joins with us a preview. good morning. >> reporter: well good morning, eun. that flyover scheduled to begin at 12:10 and hundreds of people are expected to gather here at the world war ii memorial as well as along the national mall to watch these vintage planes go by. now, they'll be flying above the potomac river. they'll come by the world war ii memorial and then going down along the national mall. now, many of the planes are staging, gathering at the manassas airport. you can see in this video some of the planes that are going involved in this flyover. it's all to commemorate the 70th anniversary of victory in europe day. dozens of world war ii era aircraft are going to be flying in historically sequenced formations. those formations represent major battles including pearl harbor and the final air assault on japan, it's going to end with a missing man formation to taps. now, the flights -- now, because of this flyover, flights at reagan national airport are going to be suspended they'll come to a halt. so from 12:10 to 1:00 in the afternoon. we are expecting crowds and perhaps a slowdown of traffic as people stop and look up to the sky as this historic flyover is going by here later on this afternoon. i'm going to have more on the planes involved a little bit later in the show. back to you guys in the studio. >> should be a spectacular sight, thank you, megan. if you're a world war ii veteran who wants to relive the mess hall you can head to georgetown tavern. they're offering free lunch or dip tore world war ii veterans. calling customer service can be a frustrating experience. >> can it cause a heart attack? a virginia woman who said it did that and the company she is suing. is a former governor getting ready to enter the race for president? the latest move by martin o'malley that has people speculating. pretty mild out there right now. 57 in gaithersburg. 59 in welcome back. take a look at this harrowing video. it shows a moment a mexican soldier slams to the ground after being pulled into the air by this huge national flag. this happened yesterday during a mayday parade in durango, north of mexico city. wind caught that giant flag, taking the soldier on an unexpected ride. you can see him spinning there wildly. probably holding on for dear life. he crashed to the ground. he is being treated for a concussion and a minor fracture to his ankle. but fortunately, he survived. >> wow. well a virginia woman is suing verizon wireless for the heart attack she had during a customer service call. angela hawkins is seeking $2.35 million in damages. she said the call was so upsetting she went to the doctor the next day and an exam revealed she had had a heart attack. verizon wireless declined to comment. now, i'm sure there are a lot of you this morning who have been in a situatwhere you're on -- >> frustrated, holding forever. >> but i wonder how you can actually prove that a particular phone call or conversation led to your ailment. >> and the company is responsible for that. we'll see. we'll keep an eye on that one for sure. 4:41 our time. weather and traffic on the 1s. tom, we're off to a pretty comfortable start. >> we are. it will be a smooth commute this morning weatherwise. all green lights weatherwise for the morning, midday and during the afternoon. another gorgeous spring day. dealing with bright sun though this morning, driving east along 66 especially. dry roads through the morning commute. we'll be in the mid 60s. then for the afternoon commute, lots of sunshine. up into the mid 80s. not much humidity around. a look at our rain chances, next weather and traffic on the 1s that's at 4:51. melissa has an update on that 95 crash. >> update on this crash, 95 southbound here. just after route 1 in fredericksburg if you're headed that way. the crash has moved off to the shoulder. it was a tractor-trailer that was blocking the lanes so now it's out of the way. 95 south has had a rough 12 hours with the bus fire from yesterday evening. 66 at west ox road is fine. overall, actually looking pretty good. no major problems here. i'm pack in a couple of minutes. live picture on 270. >> melissa, thank you. a man is badly burned on a fire in a greyhound bus on i-95. what police believe he did in the luggage compartment that sent him to the hospital. and tom brady tackles the latest allegations from you're watching "news4 today." >> 15 before the hour now. the fire on a greyhound bus in stafford county may have been started by a man stowed away in the luggage compartment. that man may have lit a cigarette in there. he was badly burned. police say he got into the compartment in new york. the bus was headed to atlanta. it was making a stop in richmond. the driver pulled over on i-95 in stafford when he noticed smoke. that led to the major backup. no one else was hurt. a d.c. police officer could go back to work after a jury cleared him of the attempted murder of his wife. the jury found samson lawrence not guilty of all charges. prosecutors say lawrence sprayed his wife's face with lysol, choked her and pushed her down the stairs after an argument in 2013. the defense teams says the physical evidence did not support that theory. >> when you look at the dna evidence the fingerprint evidence, none of which belongs to my client i think the jury was impressed that maybe ms. lawrence was not telling the truth about what happened on that day. >> we brought charges that reflect the seriousness of the offenses. and we felt that the evidence was sufficient. >> this was the second trial for lawrence. the first resulted in a hung jury. lawrence's family wants him reinstated to the police department so he can return to duty. a developing story this morning. the nsa's controversial gathering of phones is illegal. lawmakers now have to find a balance between national security and privacy. nbc's tracie potts has the latest on that ruling. tracy, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you. june 1st is the deadline to reauthorize the law that supports that program. it's nope as -- known as section 215. and the federal appeals court said the way that it was applied the program that the nsa was using is illegal, collecting bulk data your phone records, mine and everyone else's and then using that database to search when they have evidence that someone outside the u.s. is trying to contact someone inside the u.s. for possible terrorist activity. the panel said it's unwarranted, unprecedented and could lead to the government collecting your bank our medical records and social media. how do they tweak that law in a which that will satisfy the laws and satisfy the public? that's what the lawmakers are working on. what they have come up is the usa freedom act. some say it's not strong enough. they'll be debating it and likely voting on it in the house next week. >> tracie potts on the hill, thanks. we're seeing yet another sign that former maryland governor martin o'malley is serious about a presidential bid. he's hired a former clinton aide he served as the deputy battleground state's director in 2012. in 2008 she was the southern regional political director. o'malley says he'll announce his 2016 plans as early as this month. this morning, d.c. mayor muriel bowser is set to announce new members of her cabinet and she'll take questions from the media. she's headed to the white house for the national small business weeks award ceremony. today purple line advocates will give larry hogan a listening tour of the planned light rail system. they will explain the benefits of the line to a cardboard cutout of the governor. that tour begins at the silver spring library this morning and will stop at the purple line stations. advocates want the governor to publicly endorse the purple line sooner rather than later. metro will open two hours later tomorrow for the race for the cure. the closest stations are metro center, smithsonian and archives. the greenbelt station will be closed this weekend. free shuttle buses will replace trains between college park and greenbelt. more and more of you are using capital bike share in the district. that's according to a new survey. bike share trips that started and ended in the district spiked more than 2 1/2 times. it seems you're using them for business and pleasure. 85% of you use bikes to attend social events and 74% are using them to get to work. and 77% use them to head out to eat. well, tom brady speaks out for the first time about the deflategate scandal. the new report that came out from the nfl that says the patriots quarterback was probably aware that a staffer was deflating footballs. brady though says he can't react to the allegations yet. >> it's only been 30 hours so i haven't had much time to digest it fully but when i do i'll let you know how i feel about it and everybody else. >> are you that slow a reader? [ laughter ] >> that was rude. investigators think a patriots employee improperly deflated footballs before the afc championship game against the colts. the reports some of brady's claims were not plausible. his agent called it biased and insinuating that the nfl ran a sting operation to get brady and the patriots. brady says the report does not take their super bowl win away. the nfl is looking into possible penalties. more public input is needed before plans move forward to build a minor league baseball stadium in spotsylvania county. that site requires a special permit so this opens up the floor for more public input. the county has until the end of july to get zoning approval for the new hagerstown site. 65 comfortable degrees outside our studios. a lot of folks waking up in the 50s right now. >> yeah. another cool start and a big change for the afternoon. similar to yesterday. look at our temperatures per down into the 50s. most of maryland and virginia. around the bay, 60 degrees. now, shenandoah valley and the mountains, it's in the upper 50s to around 60 degrees. and nearby suburbs, montgomery fairfax counties are in the mid to upper 50s. your hour by hour forecast, we'll have the moon in the western sky. the sun rising at 6:03. by 8:00 in the low to mid 60s. and then mid to upper 70s and then hitting mid 80s late afternoon. lots of sunshine. and for the weekend on saturday partly cloudy with temperatures in the low 80s. great weather for the race for the cure tomorrow. and then on sunday for mother's day, partly sunday, into the middle 80s. that's a small chance of a shower on sunday. here's the timing on any showers moving in on sunday. it has to do with the coastal tropical system anna bringing us a few showers in. this is as of noontime to our south. then a few of the showers move up to the north and west of the metro area by 4:00 p.m. the rest of the region should stay dry though. but it's going to be picking up a little bit, this area in green. showers moving into the shenandoah valley. maybe prince william county near fredericksburg and as far north as leesburg by 8:00. so most of the day on sunday is looking dry. just that area south and west of the metro area that will get the showers moving through on mother's day. then on monday a greater chance of showers around. temperatures in the mid 80s and quite warm on tuesday. then a nice break as we get into midweek, turning much cooler and more seasonable. highs in the 70s on wednesday and thursday. we have a construction update now with melissa. where's this? >> actually three little spots through prince george's county. i want to warn you about here, so here's the first map that i made for you. inner loop at greenbelt metro, we have the right lane blocked. and then the outer loop between landover road and annapolis and branch avenue at woodyard road. a couple of spots of construction in prince george's. the first 4 traffic tracker is headed down to 95, now headed northbound here through the dale city, looking nice and clear here. but just talked to the driver saying there's spots of gravel like we saw yesterday left over from overnight construction in dale city. 66 into and out of town no problems there. remember to listen to our friends on wtop when you hop in your car this morning. 270 at old hundred looking pretty good northbound and southbound this morning. see you at 5:01. >> thank you. some might call it an epidemic. now prince george's county wants to put an end to it. why they're calling you're watching "news4 today." >> leaders in prince george's county want to combat the issue of absent fathers. tomorrow, the county council is partnering with some community groups to host a true summit. it runs from 10:00 to 2:00 in clinton. attendees will brain storm strategies to tackle this issue. children growing up without fathers are two to three times more likely to experience poverty, drug use and to engage in criminal behavior. get ready to firm up your memorial day travel plans in just a few hours, aaa will share the holiday travel forecast. a live look at reagan national airport. the forecast is a helpful heads up as you budget for gas prices hotels and airfare. and includes data about whether the prices are going up or down. aaa will share predictions of how many will be packing the roads for memorial day weekend. next week, maryland officials will swear in the youngest mayor ever in the state. 19-year-old college student brandon paulen won in the town of indian head with all of the 239 votes he got there. he's a college student at college of southern maryland. the swearing-in ceremony is set for next tuesday. changes to the kennedy center expansion project, a floating stage on the potomac river has been scrapped. instead they'll build an outdoor pavilion with a stage and a cafe. the whole project will cost $100 million. you won't see the changes until 2019. stay with us. "news4 today" continues now at 5:00 a.m. i'm eun yang. right now at 5:00 a.m. we are learning that the justice department can announce an invex into the baltimore police department within hours. and we're already getting a look at what investigators would pay special attention to. wedged between an elevator and a wall. the incredible video of d.c. firefighters rescuing a trapped man. and beefing up security, the changes expected to happen today at the white house. but first, take a look at -- >> "news4 today" starts now. >> take a look at some of the temperatures out there this morning. we have had a nice stretch of warm weather, but will it last is the question? i want to check in with tom with the latest on the forecast. >> this morning here in the storm team 4 weather center aaron, on the cool side. the storm team 4 radar is not picking up any rain anywhere the vicinity. closely watching though that tropical system anna off the carolina coast. be affecting the weather over the weekend but not today. beautiful morning. fresh and cool in the 50s. most of the suburbs and rural areas, near 60 in washington and right by the bay a bit milder there. for your drive time we're driving into the sun this morning. temperatures will be in the mid 60s through the morning commute. lots of sunshine. few high clouds during the morning and afternoon. dry roads both this morning and this afternoon. and warm you'll need that a.c. on during the afternoon as we hit the mid 80s by mid afternoon. so off to a pleasant start this morning. and now checking on the commute, we've not the traffic tracker cam working. >> first 4 traffic tracker out and about, headed north on virginia, 95 northbound here. so what we're hearing is we had a little bit of that kind of construction or gravel sort of left over from overnight road work there on 95 northbound as you're passing dale boulevard. that's what the driver is telling us this morning. so kind of a warning. we were seeing some slowdowns in the area. we sent her to check it out. that's what she's seeing here. westbound dale boulevard, closed at giddeon drive. some road work happening there. some construction. 66 east of compton road eastbound and westbound. everything is moving just fine. a wide look at things overall, don't have any major problems. a little slow 395 inbound from late clearing road work as well. should be out of the way in the next couple of minutes. b.w. parkway, no issues and same thing when you're taking a big look here at the southern part of the beltway and prince george's county. back at 5:11. a developing story out of baltimore now. today the justice department could announce plans

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