Transcripts For WRC News4 Today 20150403 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 Today 20150403

this season. during his six years at vcu, he's averaged 27 wins a season. >> now this time for real. here. >> i had a moment this morning when i woeg up andke up and saw this news obviously the black and gold i'm wearing today in tribute. we knew that this was the strongest possibility for him leaving. and so it happens. we'll bounce back. we'll be fine. p. >> he's such a talented coach, you knew people were going to be going after him. >> beyond that though the thing that resonated so much in richmond was the fact that he was just a good guy. father figure mentor, coach obviously. i'll post something on facebook later. we have a few sprinkles showing up on the storm team 4 radar, but right now get some hunger and light mipg comet something showers with some hunger and light mipg comethunder and lightning coming in to west virginia. most passing south of the metro area. but we're getting a few scattered sprinkles along 270, along the beltway north of washington up 95 toward baltimore. and to our west, a few scattered sprinkles, these patches of green showing up in loudoun county and the shenandoah valley. panhandle of west virginia just enough maybe to make some of the roads a little bit damp. and later this morning, we'll have a few light showers coming through, so some damp roads for the morning commute in the mid-60s. afternoon commute wet roads with some thundershowers rolling through. temperatures balmy with some blustery winds. overall we're looking pretty good. don't have a lot of construction. taking a look at prince george's county first, no major issues there in or out of town. we're moving along just fine. wide look at the beltway, inner loop and outer loop everything rolling along nicely. 270 at montrose road live camera there for you. no issues at all. hopefully it just stays that way. here is some of the construction until 5:00 a.m.. outer loop between new hampshire and university boulevard, we have a couple of lanes closed there. and great seneca highway at clopper road, a couple of lanes shut down. can't see it there. we know it is there. i'm back at 4:41. it's 4:43. d.c. police want to track the online activity of a woman they say killed an attorney and they need your help. police want to speak with anyone who had contact with the e-mail address chris sanchez 0906@ [email protected]. we posted that e-mail in the nbc washington app. according to court documents, david messerschmitt communicated with someone on craigslist using that e-mail and handle. police say the e-mail is linked to jamyra gallmon's cell phone. gallmon stabbed messerschmitt to death at the con knowdon know vandonovan hotel. p. noah thomas' mom and dad are in jill. know noah had been missing for five days. today family and friends will attend a sfun ral of a spotsylvania county teen who died in a plane crash. ryan mccall will be buried at oak hill cemetery. he was at the controls when it crashed last weekend. he was 16 years old. police have released this video of an armed robbery here in the district. the suspect walks into a are store they're fourth and t streets northwest. this happened on march 13th about 8:00 p.m.. the cashier opens the cash register, the robber reaches over the counter and puts the cash in to a plastic bag and then runs out. police want to hear from you if you have any information. it is 4:35. montgomery county police say they have arrested a man who has been driving around and exposing himself to women and young girls. police say ken mchale would get out of his mini vap to make sexual comments and lewd gestures sometimes to girls as young as 13. the most recent incident happened wednesday. and if you're headed out for your morning run, a woman is sexually assault order a popular trail in broad daylight. will happened along branch arliss park in silver spring just steps from a playground. zachary kiesch is live at that park with more. >> reporter: good morning. you know it's a park designed to be family friendly. in fact montgomery county is working on new pedestrian bridge just a few yards away from here that connects the community center and new library and the neighboring apartments. but about 9:00 yesterday morning, they got a call of an alleged sexual assault just beyond my here in a wooded area. they found a homeless camp there with three gentlemen. they took those men into custody and questioned them. they also took some evidence from the scene there. along ket blankets and a few other things. the alleged victim appears to have known the men, so it doesn't seem to be a total kind of mystery here but still very very serious and it's kind of disturbed the community. again, will is an area that people like to come and hang out. there are tennis courts notten common to see people playing basketball here and families hanging out. one woman described it as horrifying. and so people are supposed to be aware and police are saying you know pay attention to your surroundings if you'll be in this part of town. zachary kiesch news 4. later today, virginia governor terry mcauliffe expected to sign an executive order banning state agencies from requiring people to indicate criminal history on employment applications. instead applicants would have to disclose any indiscretions after a conditional offer. that offer can be withdrawn if the mate of the crime bear as rational relationship to the job. the order will not apply to applications with law enforcement agencies fire departments or emergency medical services. maryland lawmakers rushing to get a new kind of alcohol banned before your kids start summer vacation. state lawmakers are working to make a temporary ban on powdered dhol the alcohol the law. wholesalers have already agreed to a voluntary ban. we've told you about it called palcohol that can be involved in water exceptionally. lawmakers are hoping to pass some sort of legislation by april 13. it could lead to several new details in the downing of a germanwings flight. the key piece of evidence search crews just found. taking a live look outside, rain is headed our way, but how much? tom will let us know whether the next -- in the next weather and traffic on the 1s. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. don't miss yoplait's exciting new flavors -- creamy caramel and cookies 'n cream. we could soon know a lot more about how the germanwings co-pilot crashed. they have located the second black box and recovered 40 cell phones. prosecutors also say they found disturbing internet searches on tablets belonging to the co-pilot about suicide methods and cockpit doors. we're getting our first look at two new york women facing federal terrorism charges. investigators say they were conspiring to detonate an explosive device in the u.s., but there was not a specific plot. they appeared in federal court yesterday. federal authorities say one had propane tanks and instructions to turn the tanks into bombs. investigators believe the women were inspired in part by isis. a man is under arrest accused of trashing a bar in oregon and it was all caught on camera. take a look at this scene. you can see the man here in the video throwing several chairs at a bartender cause thousands of dollars in damage. according to onlookers, it started with members of a bachelorette party. cameras caught the man lashing out at the bartender. this happened at a holiday inn just south of portland. a lot of damage there. >> i'm surprised it doesn't happen more often. >> too much alcohol. leads to crazy things. not a good scene. 4:41 is your time this morning. spend some time outside today if you can. >> before the rain comes, though. >> are you going to play in the rain? >> have an umbrella. we'll have a few scattered sprinkles this morning. right now the storm team 4 radar showing some down pours with thunder and lightning coming into west have a vargs but locally just a few sprinkles here northern shenandoah valley just north and west of the metro area. so the roads are a little bit damp. a blustery wind will be with us throughout the day as temperatures will be hovering in the low to mid-60s between now and 8:00 a.m.. just a few sprinkles. then by moonnoontime up around 70. passing shower is poll. so you'll need an umbrella certainly by noon. and then during the afternoon, by 3:00 p.m. into the mid-70s likely scattered showers and thundershowers moving through. and as they do there is a very small chance a low risk that we might have an individual storm that could produce some brief strong gusts of wind. so we'll keep you updated on that. a look at the hour by hour storm timing come up at 4:51. what's going on with the commute? more road work i have to mention. southbound wisconsin at woodmont avenue still have road work there. and good hope avenue near suitland parkway, that's the one that should be wrapping up here in the next couple weeks. live picture here at fairfax county parkway, everything moving along nicely. 95 in virginia headed into town and out of town not having any problems. looking good. and beltway at st. barnabas also rolling along nicely. i'm back at 4:51. marathon talks and still essentially no deal. why we now have to wait for an agreement with iran on a nuclear agreement and what secretary of state it doesn't appear to be a random event. >> a man's death is being called suspicious. fairfax county police found a man's body in an showed signs of being stabbed. looking into the relationship between the suspect and victim and they say there doesn't taker possible a threat to the public. an arlington tow truck waited for him to go inside a store and almost drove away with his kids inside the car. max daout claims he was a victim of predatory towing. . daout says he parked his car at the cvs lot in arlington and went into ask about medicine for his sick son. his 17-year-old daughter stayed in the car to watch her little brother. that's when the kids say they felt a jolt. >> the car started to lift up. i was like scared. and then i looked out the back and then i saw the tow driver and i opened the door a little bit and i said wait wait wait. >> daout says he wants an apology from advance towing. the company owner says he was legally -- rather illegally parked and that the windows are tinted making it hard to see inside. he said the driver stopped as soon as he realized there were children in the car. secretary of state john kerry left switzerland after announcing huge progress toward a final thug clear deal with iran. but the work is far from over. the six world powers are now on the clock. they have three months to turn the framework into a formal agreement that curbs iran's nuclear program. we are standing by for comments from benjamin netanyahu who has slammed the negotiations. the president and secretary of state john kerry must also sell this framework to a skeptical public. this morning kerry has apop-ed in the boston globe promising close scrutiny of iran. he writes only if iran lives up to its obligations as verified by the iaea and by our own eyes and ears it will receive the relief from sanctions. but can the white house bring a bitterly divided congress on board with the plan? tracie potts is live on capitol hill now with more. >> reporter: lawmakers here are skeptical. some of them highly skeptical. that's what congressman steve israel said. we the heard from john mccain who says he has serious doubts that the framework they have come up with will actually keep iran from building a nuclear weapon. the next step is going to be for congress to review the details of all of this. there was some backing for the president, nancy pelosi hillary clinton who said didteadyaid diplomacy deserves a chance to work. but some want to review the details because it cannot be based on trust. next step selling it to the skeptical congress. president obama has already started making phone calls to members here. >> tracie potts live on capitol hill. thank you. the governors of indiana and arkansas have now both signed modified religious freedom laws. this after a nationwide protest many feared the laws would be used to just guy discrimination again the gay community. lawmakers spent the last few days scrambling to change the bills were easter. one supporter of the original indiana law expressed outrage over the changes. >> you're going to jeopardize the freedom for christian businessman or another faith to be forced into doing something against their religious beliefs. >> several other states are considering their own religious fleem freedom law proposals. new this morning, former hostages suing the press claiming live coverage put them in even more danger. this is happening overseas where six former hostages brought this lawsuit and singled out a french 24 hour news channel. they hid in a supermarket refrigerator during and the attack in paris last january. their images and location were broadcast from the scene as a gunman stormed a jewish super are market killing four people. that is the latest there the live desk. it's 4:50 now. former george mason university student is heading to federal court to clear his name. the student was expelled from the university for violating its sexual misconducted policy. he says the incident reported by a girlfriend was rough sex and role play not sex assault. he says he was in a long term relationship with the girl and that they had a safe word. today a court in alexandria will decide whether the student can file anonymously. the university is demanding that the ex-student identify himself publicly if he wants to pursue the claims. you will learn are more this week about a lingering controversy the at uva. columbia journalism school will release a report on a "rolling stone" article about an alleged gang rape at uva. "rolling stone" asked columbia journalism to conduct an independent review. the report will be released sunday might at 8:00 on both and a news conference on the report is scheduled for nonon mondayon on monday. west virginia and 14 other states are asking the supreme court to uphold bans on same-sex marriage. the group filed a brief calling no starts to decide that issue. same-sex couples can wed if eight of the states because the lower courts have struck done the bans. the justices are scheduled to hear arguments on april 28. right now same sex marriage is legal in 37 states. p. public safety officers in arlington county being honored for handling mental health crises. the awards took place last night. these officers are trained to deal with mental health crises p. the countrity sheriff says the crisis intervention team officers are making a difference. >> we don't tend to understand people with mental illness like we do if you have cancer. it's easy for us to see a physical illness. it's hard for us to understand a mental illness. >> arlington county says it will continue to add to the number of officers who are trained to deal with mental health cases. you can check out more resources available for mental elt, head to the nbc washington app and search changing minds. we're talking about rain in the forecast. and we've been looking at storm team 4 radar and guess what? my dress looks like the radar. so hello. >> it does. >> if i stood in front of the greene screen i'd disappear. >> very springlike. >> we talked about warmer temperatures so i had to break it out. >> if eun's dress is blossoming you know spring is here. we have flowers up and it's feeling balmy and breezy. storm team 4 radar showing the areas in the yellow far left of your screen, those are some showers and thundershowers rolling through southern west virginia. locally just have a few sprinkles here shenandoah valley this patch of green into montgomery county, northern loudoun and in to howard county. farther to our south, a few scattered sprinkles in fair fax county prince william, very light sprinkles drifts off to the south. if you're about to head out keep up with the radar with the storm team 4 app. temperatures are balmy. water in the low to mid-60s shenandoah valley all the way to the bay. winds are gusting around 15 20 miles an hour. so rather blustery. by 8:00 this morning, some showers may be rolling through the metro area. that's when many of the roads will start getting wet. by 10:00, lights showers rolling on through. after that thundershowers should be getting closer to the metro area. another line of some showers. a swrink kell late this evening and by dawn on saturday most of it is going to be gone. and we'll get sunshine breaking out, blustery wind tomorrow and turning cooler. for the day today, we'll have a few sprinkle sthenthen shallome showers. winds. high temperature the mid-70s by midafternoon. there is an afternoon risk of some wind damage, very low risk from some of the storms coming on through during the latter part of the afternoon and the early part of the evening. then tomorrow highs upper 50s with those blustery winds and sun. nice day sunday. and then great weather for the nats home opener play ball on honest, in monday. in the 60s. how is the commute? commute is fine but a little bit of construction. outer loop between new hampshire and university boulevard road work shutting down a couple lanes. taking a look at 66 into town or flying in like i do here it's fine. remember to listen to our friends at wtop when you hop in your car this morning. 103.5. wide look at things moving along nicely. 95 in virginia very good here northbound. 55 miles per hour. southbound threwough dumdumfries a little slow there. back at 5:01. the latest edition to certain libraries in our area they're getting good. >> and get ready to do some ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back at 4:58. a huge heroin bust started with a simple police stop on interstate 95. they stopped the man p inin cecil county for having expired license plates. troopers found 750 packages of heroin in the suv after a drug sniffing dog gave a positive hit. street value estimated at $15,000. national institutes of health will not get the okay to add additional parking spaces. parking is a big concern at nih since more spaces would put more traffic on rockville pike. the commission says until nih fixes its master plan to meet parking standard it will not approve any future projects. this is really cool. churn across frederick county maryland will have access to 3d printers at public libraries. libraries in thurmont, urbana and brunswick will eat gech a new printer. and students are use them free of charge. classes on on 3d printing will begin in june. >> good. that's the first thing you need is to figure out how to use these things. start making real animals and whatnot? many of you have commented on vdot's face boog page as they announce the testing of portable rumble strips. they will be test order lucasville road. the county says it's an inexpensive way to slow down drivers. the noise from the strips also acts as an audible warning to workers controlling traffic in a work zone. they will be tested in loudoun and fairfax county also. "news 4 today" continues now at 5:00 a.m.. good morning. it is 5:00. i'm aaron gilchrist. >> and i'm eun yang. welcome to news 4 "today". p we made to friday april 3 2015. and we're starting off with a mild day, but a little rain is heading our way. tom kierein here with our weather headlines. >> strangely balmy and humid this morning with the blustery winds ahead of some showers now rolling this to west virginia with thunder and lights thing. that's way west of us. right now northern suburbs getting a few sprinkles. patches of green in howard montgomery loudoun, pap ham of west virginia, northern shenandoah valley. a few scattered sprinkles, the pavement a little bit damp there. temperatures are balmy. reagan national is at 66 degrees. this is our were with aarmest morning we've had in a long time. so have an umbrella ready and later today you'll be needing it in addition

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Arkansas , United States , Arlington , Texas , Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Suitland , Maryland , Washington , District Of Columbia , Richmond , Virginia , West Virginia , Urbana , Arlington County , Frederick County , Prince William , Indiana , Shenandoah , Switzerland , Baltimore , New York , New Hampshire , Portland , Oregon , Iran , Loudoun County , Boston , Massachusetts , Wisconsin , Howard County , Kenya , Thurmont , Prince George County , Montgomery County , Greene , Hill Cemetery , Fairfax County , Somalia , Spotsylvania County , Capitol Hill , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , French , Somali , P Noah Thoma , John Kerry , Howard Montgomery Loudoun , Terry Mcauliffe , Aaron Gilchrist , Eun Yang , Ryan Mccall , Chris Sanchez , Rockville Pike , Nancy Pelosi Hillary Clinton , Ken Mchale , Benjamin Netanyahu , Tracie Potts , John Mccain ,

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