Transcripts For WRC News4 Today 20150225 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 Today 20150225

woman called 911 saying a man with a gun was there the ping her life. the sheriff's office says when the man walked outside armed with a handgun, a deputy shot him. he taken to the hospital. no word on his condition this mo investigs s they did find a gun on the scene. right now southwest is under the microscope for missing plane inspecti w t airline grounded dozens of planes. n mcgrath live at reagan nation with how this could affect you and your safety. >> well, we are seeing somewhat of an impact here. right now there is a flight here from reagan national airports to nashville tt is listed as cancel this morning. but the impact has been minimid because of an agreemt reached between southwt and the faa. now, southwest for a time ground 128 planes. that's one-fifth of its comple after discovering that they missed inspections involving the backup hydraulic system. 80 flights were canceled on tuesday and we are still seeing a bit of an impact today. here at reagan national, four southwt flighe been canceled bwi, eight flights have been canceled. the inspections have been happenind the faa has now agreed -- on time. we are s cancella though. so the best advice here is if you're flying southwest, just call the carrier, checkup to make sure that everything is at it should be. reporting liv from reagan national megan mcgrath, news 4. police are asking for your help thig to capture the so-cald black hat bandits. s vid. it shows the men robbing the essex bank in arnold. they have robbed seven banks in r area. the men are growing more violent. poli they even held a customer at gunpoint. there is a $30,000 reward for informatn leading to an arrest and conviction. the marijuana showdown n congress and d.c. is about to hit its high point. the drug will become legal in the distric just after midnight tonigh th means you'll be able to at home and even grow some plants. however, you wl not be able to buy or sell it because the d.c. counci not regulating the drug. that's because congress says they can't spend mon on the law. in fact, some congressmen say the mayor could go to jail over this. >> i don't k will do but i do know what my job is at thi to make sure that we have clear rules and guidelines.e city will defend the willpeople. >> d.c. voters voteded in far of the law back in november. we put the full list of rules on our website so you will know exactly what wi change when the law takes effect tonight. two of the top ranking govern leaders could face each other in the next governor race. that's not happening 2017 of course but the "washington " says at least one is making plans now. governor confirmed he will be running. the other potential candidate is attorney mark herring, but so far he has not confirmed he plans to run. >>today, the president heads to miami for an immigrn town hall. the event puts more pressuren deadlo lawmakers here in washingt.the president's immigration policy using homeland secu depart funding as leverage. but the president himself could face tough questions. miami has a large immigrant d democrats have critic preside delivering on his campaign promis for immigration reform. time now 5:04. new video of a house literally blown to pieces. what we're learning about the pe who amazingly survived. how a new test can change the game for experts studying diseas inclu parkinson's d alzheimer's. and here is a live look outside. m is breaking down hour by . welcome back at 5:07. a developing story. fedel investigators say they're try determine why a pickup truck driver drove on to tracks and abandoned his truck causing this train crash in soun california. the ntsb says the truck was not stuck or bottomed out. the 54-y was found more than a mile from the crash site. arrested on suspicion of hit and run. 30 people were hurt in yesters crash, at least four are in critical condition this mo 15 people are recovering injuries today after an explosn destroyed this home in new jersey. ic d camera. u can see the blast there. it sent a fireball and debris into t air. it was felt up to a mile away. two gas com employees are in critical condition. the secret service has annound it will begin testing drones i coming weeks. they say tests will be tightly contro and agencies have been alerted. drones are growing and they pose an increasing securi threat. just weeks ago, a personal drone crashed on to the white house grounds. 9 after the 5:00 hour. want to get you up to speed on weather and traffic on the 1st. >> tom kierein tracking the chance for some snow. >> not quite as cold this morning, in the teens now. we'll stay this way through 8:00 th morning. and not too bad at the bus stop. but dress warmly. then by noon that's when wt above freezing. hitting nea by around 3:00 4:00. 5:00 back down to the upper 30s with increasing clouds. but right now it's cold. down to 10 western suburbs and across northn virginia, teens d near 20 to our east. coming up at 5:21 a look at snow timing and snow totals. w melissa, how is the commute? > overall looking quite good. inner loop and outer loop rolling nicely. 95 in maryland at cherry hill road everyth moving but it be looks like it's frozen. but i promise it is moving. 66, no rob s. 124, shut down at moyer road. alternate is 27 because of the downed wires from yesterday. e wires that were on fire. back in ten minutes with a live look at 95 in virginia. he was doing all the right things. words from the father of the man killed while just walking down the sidewalk. we're learning what police and say the driver was doing before crash. >> repor and i'm meteorolt chuck bell here on the front lawn of channel 4 where it is a cold 18 degrees. wh i see you in a couple more minutes, we'll let you know what you should be wear welcome back. rit how people in the seern part of the united st are bracing for snow. atlanta d g 4 inches this afternoon. officials say cold weather and storms in the last few days have been a good practice run for the challeng they will face this afternooe s storms will just barely graze our area. chuck bell is out on the weather deck for us. what is this about more snow? >> well, it won't be a lot of snow for us. it could be just an inch or le and around the metro area. but we 00 see more snow down to the south. frederic st. mary's mond or virginia will have a better chance accumulating snow. and the timing is tomorrow morning, not today. so we still have today to get thro. outside this en fwents. we're at 18 degrees here on the m team 4 weather deck this morn so you'll need to layer up on your way out to the bus stops. have your h and gloves and your scarves and heavy winter coat. may want to have t sunglasses for later on today because we'll have a sunny ride into work and school this morning. temperat at the bus stops, yeah cold for sure. about 14 degrees for the early bus stop goers. 16 betwe 8:00 and 9:00. highs today as tom was mentioni up near 40. he'll have a complete check of e "7-day forecah ine as chance for snow tomorrow the kibosh on it yet. just the chance. >> we'll c back later with you, chuck. 5:15. more than 200 water main breaks reported dure recent cold snap. that's according to the washingt suburban sanitary commissi also learnings f repairs. wssc wants to remind you report the break as soon as possible, t they also warn the response time might be slower than usual. it says normal response times are 2 to 4 hours. prin court in upper marlboro remains closed this morning e of weather related problems. the courthouse has been dealing with broken pipes and electrical issues s last thursday. the wing that houses circuit t is open. the hyattsvill courthouse is open, >>. > today is a. mann behind bars are being charged with murder. the suv chandler was driving killed jeff snodgrass monday might. court docu canhandr on drugs as he drove on h street at 65 miles per hour. his suv hit several signs, a wall and then flipped over. after rolling several times, it hit snodgrass. news 4 spoke to his father. very compassionate, loving young man who had tremendous promise. very very very many friends. a second pedestrian was hit by debris from the crash. but only suffered minor injuri. scares me because this is a trooper who works for me. and it hear the call come out over the radio that a trooper or any law enforcement officer has be struck, petrifies me. >> that is the sergeant talking t two separate crashes involvg vir state troope hit in northern virginia. happened within a 12 hour period. e latest happened yesty n on 66 in fairfax county. 26-year-old trooper suffed bruises. earlier ano trooper was hit on 95 in prince williacounty. he was treat and released from the hospital. these two crashes can be prevente by following the move over law, that means you need to slow down and move over when you appr a crash or when someone is pulled over. spotsylvania county schools says in s short on its spending plan this year. the schoo dis asking the county for $1.3 million accordg to freelance star. that money would p salary s no employeer employees and studen are undocumented immigran. > a group parents are urging lawmaker to vote against a bill that would legalize the sale of mayor hair. the group parents affected by addictio a letter to delega marijuana control and reves introduced regula and tax pot like alcohol and set rules for manug and sales. i'm angie goff with a developi story from the live desk. this is out of afghanistan. rescuers right now franticly trying t rescue people after an avalanche killed at least 30. we know dozens more are feerd dead.e avalanche buried at least 60 homes in the area. we're working to get video of this to you soon. four students at the wesley university in connect are charged in kegs with a drug ot 11 students to t hospital. e universit suspended the four charged. 11 students were treated for a drug o oig. earlier the university said sympto consistent with the use the drug "molly". > in news for your health, pain meds are getting stronger. a new report from the cdc says doctors in country prescr more powerful pain killers. 1999 to 2012 the number of used strong pain killers, stronger than morphine jumped f 17% for 37%. in the same time period, the number of adults uses pain killer weaker than morphine dropped 42% to 20%. today a very long bike ride gets started in the district. it's starting on the capitol grounds. the man making that 15,000 mile ride is meeting shall congre a few hours now. art whiting is from north caroli. over 8 months he will hit the capita of all 48 contiguous states. wh be riding a tandem bi alone to honor his says they planned to make the trip together. of course died of cancer last year. >> a wuflt tribute. and raise awareness. this mo we're getting a look at extreme sport that is pretty cool to watch. >> it's called -- i can't even say this. skijorin it a match-up of skiing and the wi west apparently. >> who comes up with this suv? you're just sitting around thinking let's get on a horse -- >> i'll tell you you off camera. this is a race and you're on a team two. one person drags the skier through the snow. >> anybody that does this is a litt of screw is a little loose. you wear a mouth guard and make sure a g hope for the best. >> hope for the best? >> for one weekend main street becomee ski joring course. 20 teams compete. >> i'm sorry, i don't underd this one. >> i don't know horses much, but i know y don want to be behind a horse for too long. >> on skis in the snow. >> just saying. 5:21. and we're talking about the all-imt forecast. it's 22 degrees outside of our studios. crazy thing, was tha more than yesterday. >> take every degree we can get. >> feels almost balmy compared to yesterday morning. right no it's around 20 in the metro area but nearby suburbs are down into the teens. far west though a couple elf cold spots. dulles warrington down to manassas just t around 10 degrees.t farther west milder air, shenan valley in the low 20s. low 20s to teens in the mounta the storm produce something icing and rain and texas there. that will be tracking up our way. not until this time tomorrow morning. between now and then, just increasi clouds. staying in e teens for another couple of hours. jumping in the to 20s by mid-morn 30s by noontime. near 40 by midafternoon. we have winter storm adviso just issued all these countiesn purple, including snarsmary's over to frederic arod richmond and farther sou of there a winter m warning, heavr snow around norfolk. for us, a trace to about an inch in farther north, lighter amounts. and it's to our south in the darker be zone from warrington on or to fredericksburg and charles county and st. mary's, calvert may get an inch or two, maybe 3 inches far social st. m county and nort neck. in the 20s tomorrow morning, 30 in the afternoon. all this snow ending by early aftern then flurries likely on friday. and temperatu just reaching near freezing. so any snow that falls that is going to stick. and it will be around all the way into saturday. anythingt is untreated, as we'll stay bew freezing through the day on saturday with sunshine the way into sunday morning. sund afternoon, bouncing back up to near 40 with increasing clouds. then finally a break from these frigid tems into the 40s on monday and tuesday with a chance of rain both of those days. weather a traffic on th new model run just coming in we'll look at the timing hour b in late tonight into tomorrow. melissa, how is the commute? good. 270 in and out of town, no major issues.d that road work up near buckeyn pike with just the rit shoulder blocked at this point.e no maj problems. 66 here taking a look headed into town you're fine. same thi headed out of town, no major issues along 66 for us this morning. taking a look at the beltway here at braddock road inner loop and outer loop moving along nicely. seeing a little bit slowdown just after dale city as you're headed northbound here this mornin typical for this time of day. d t 9 the 5 in maryland bw parkway in and out of town, 29 beltway allel ro rolling along nicely. there may be cuts on the table as congress will reevalua the food stamps program. y sees the start of a two day hearing on the program called snap. the progm will be completely reviewed the house com 25e789s to cut the program in 2013 were unsuccessful. items not known what changes will be made. we're working for you to keep you safe. two products are under recall this mornin fanimatis recalling 9300 oo00 brewmast belt driven ceiling fans because reports of them fall positio a electrolux is rec 3,00 ranges because they pose a shock hazard.> you may soon be able to diagno always i'm are's and parkini'm are's and the study in mexico suggest as skin biopsy could detect the presen of abnormal proteins in the bed. those proteins are linked to these diseases. the study will be presented at next month's meeting of the am academy of neurology's annual meeting here in washingt. could you have a soft addiction and not even realize it. checking you smart phone constant puttingn chap stick every 30 minutes and other compulsi behaviors can cause lasting effects. is usually thinkco but people can have soft addictions like exercising even. when fit turns in to compul habit and you obsess over each pound, that's when your hipd compromi >> a lot of people have an unhealy relationship with food. if you have a food addiction, weight managem becky anderson says set a 21 day goal and stick to it. some people are also addicted to getting tattoos. l atddictis are bad. but if you start to feel guilty, you need to make it a simple habit as opposed to one in a is obsessive. >> especially tough when people on our schedule when you're tired, you tend to eat because you feel like you want to do somethin to make yourself feel better end up eating junk. >> got to be careful. constant thinking about it. canada is not putting out the welcome mat for singer chris brown. we' learning about why the country is banning him. and virginia's first lady set to spend at least one year in prison on corruption charges. former fir lady i should say. as she waits for an appeal, we are learning the family members who ca to her side to ask for leniency> me snow is in your foreca believe it or not. tom kiern is timing out hour byr when it will come and . looking at the stories making headlines federal officis will let southwest airlin keep flying planes that missed a required inspection of a backup rutter system. southwest grounded 128 planes after discovering the missed inspec new video shows the black hat bandits. they have robbed seven banks in our area sie january 2. this new video shows the men be robbine essex bank in arnold. there is a $30,000 reward for informn tha leads to a convicti> temperatures to above freezing today, but enjoy this break while it lasts because tom is tracking a dustin snow heading to our area and more arctic air. the winter that will seem like it will never end. >> excited about getting above freezing. get right to the "weather " and tom kierein. >> here is new timing now on the snow arriving. is as of 2:00 this morning. we'll have this snow -- ratherw morning, i should say. sn beginning to arrive in the northernk and southern west of there. after that between 2:00 to 5:00 a.m. it quickly advances north. the rest of virginia eastern virginia, and then coming into t distric and maryland by 5:00 a.m. light snow. coming down harder in the darker zones here around southe maryland eastern shore. by mid-morning by 7:00 to 8:00, lit snow in the metro area. mae moderate at times northerl not a long lasting event. by noontime, much of it will be over leaving a trace in the suburbs. 1 to 3 northern neck. west of there and flurries up alon boreder. your work to work forecast coming up at 5:41. one new issue inner loop off-rao gw parkway, one right lane blocked. not seeing it on camera, but we do believe it is there. so could be slowing things down ju a tad. inner lo is better than somethin lik that happenin right now. wide loop at things outer loop looking pretty good. no major problems at this point. 66 west of fairfax county parkwa if you're headed east. head willed either way, you're fine. pr overall lookine good. lots of green. and agair biggest issue damascus 124 at moyer road closed in both directions becae of the doned ed downed wires from yeernate is 27. at 5:41 i'll have some travel finals for you. we told you about the changee 3rd nothing will be totally blocked off. crews will working in the tunnel. when that is done they will build l new buildings on top of the grid there. it is 5:33. developi sto this morning. a high ranking state department employ is charged with solici sex from a line or. news 4's richard jordan is live outside of the state department in northwest washington now. richard, what happened? the arrest was made here in e dist at the suspect's home but this is a fairfa police investiga sti that they were conducti. the inf coming from the fairfax county police departme. they say 44-year-old dan director of counte here at the state depart was soliciting un girl, what he thought was an underage girl was actu female undercover poli detective.e tent acknow one of their proceed es was arrested but not releasin employee's identi or any further inform saying that the employee'arerarance has been suspen he will be transferred to fair tax tax county to face the ch against him. a man in critical condn . police fou an injured man, he was as he sat in a car. police believe the suspect may also have been inside that vehicle. police are running down leads a murder mystery at a senior living complex. detectiv are investigating the death of a 95-year-old na veteran, this was at the randol village complex in montgome county. daniel long belvin was found in his apartment by a proper manager. police say belvin had trauma to his upper body. a 27-year-old man convicted the murders of american sniper chris kyle and his friend will spend the rest of his life in prison. a jury found eddie ray routh guilty of shooting and killing kyle and chad little field at a gun range in texas. kyle a former u.s. n was turned into a move have i, considering t charges after zimmerman was found the not guilty in a criminal case. he said he was acting in self against w shot and killed trayvo back in 2012. chris brown s de entry into canada and forced to cancel two of his upcomi concerts. n was jailed for nearly three mo last year for violatg his probation by getting into an altercation outside of a downtown d.c. hotel in 2013.n probation after he attack his t girlfriend rihanna before the 2009 grammy award. a canadian immigration spokeswon s brown can apply to return to the country at a later date. >> are learning today that friends a clergy for the mormrm first lady of virginia wrote letters askinr leanienc leniency. she was sentenced to one year and one day. many urged for a reduced senten siting public humilin was punishment > we have an answer to what was making dogs sick. someone had put caffeine pills on sausages. the dogs survived but had rapid heart rates and had to be watched overnight. no one has been charged this kegs with the police don't know whether somee intended for the dogs to eat them but if they find someone responsible, that person could face animal cruelty charges.> the clock is ticking before payches sto for hundreds of thousas of government workers. how today's showdown on capitol could leave them in limbo. the smithsonian getting record breaking help today. the 52 hour effort involving aretha franklin and danny glover today to rae money for a . and we're going to get above free yay. welce back. radio host going for a world starting just a few minute now. joe madison is trying to pende longest amount of time ever hostina talk show. he's using it to raise money for the new smithsonian african- his museum. you may have seen the constr happening along the mall next t washington monument the museum will be devoted to plaque hk h. l be on urban view station on sirius xm. joe is a friend of the station here. he's often on the round table on the weekends. so good o turn to our weather. the fact that we're celebrating e freezing temperatures just goes to show what a sad state of affairs we're in. >> which you can bell is on the weather deck. centigrade 6 below. but temperatu will actually get above freezing for a brief time later on this afternoon. that wil nice. al ice on the side streets have a chance to melt before the next chance for sn arrives this this time tomorrow. so walking to work and school this morning, be ready for a bit of a cold start. temperat are i the teens to around 20 degrees for the walk in. upper 30s to near 40 degrees under an increasing cloudy sky by later on this afternoon. best time of the day probably going to be about that 1:00 to 2:00 range. i'm also updating the weather app. incr snow chance as we get towards tomorrow. looks like better chances for south of the metro tomorr. fredericksburd ss will have the better chances for accumula snow tomorrow. tom has more on that in ten minute right now have two different disabled vehicles. one outer loop at eisenhower avenue connector not seeing it in camera here but we know it's there. inner loop off-ramp to gw parkwa one lane blocked there. so a bit of a slowdown. taking a look at travel times 95 quantico to the beltway, about 8 minutes longer than it typicay should. 66 east to the beltway, 11 minute maryland no problems on 270 south or outer loop. anthem insurance customers are not the only ones impacted by a recent hack. why your information me at risk. rans for an americ missionary in. trading-in or selling your car truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, book an appointment. and three, pick up a check at your nearest buying center. ♪ find out how much your car is worth ♪ ♪ at ♪ 14 before the hour. today the secretary of homeland will try to knock down the road blocks to funding his agency. it's set to run out of money on friday. tracie p watching the showdown from capitol hill for us. what do we expect from secretary johnson today any new potential for a compromise? >> r he's making a couplef speeches and this aftern has a news conferen where he's bringing former homeland secu secretar republicans, to try to convince the lawmakers here on capl not to let the money run o on friday. the latest offer on the table from senate republicans is to sepa these two votes. the immigra vote rolling the president's orders that's what republicans he been pitching for. and the money for homeland security. separate votes. what democrats have been asking for. but now senate democrats say they want assurance that the hoe is g to go for it before they vote. >> so then the possibility of a shutdo is still on the table here. if that happens, what would be the ch that regular folks d see? >> repor that's the intereg thing. you're probably not going to notice a lot if you go to the airports tsa will be there. if you live in texas, arizona, californ nr the border you will still see border patrol. th coast guard wl still be working.e people just won't be paid. where may actually see a differs if you were in the storf hur sandy or scene na the office workers that get the money out for assistan for cleanup, they will be staying home. they wou be furloughed if they can't work this out by f we'll keep watching. tracie than you. republica lawmakers have not giving up after president a vetoed the ketone pine bill. called it a embarrassment. republican do not have the override the veto. kidnappers of an american missio in nigeria are demandina r of nearly $300,000. the refer end of free methist church was abducted monday morning at work in central nigeria. told nbc news kidnappers are probably crimin crist. and boko haram do in that area. a man murdered in northeast d.c. and now police are looking for his killer. it happened last night on quarls street. e learned the man died overnigh > the man accused of jumping the white fence is expectedo make a plea deal. defense attorneys for omar gonzal say they plan to resolve the case next month. th reveal the terms of the deal. in september agents tackled et room of the white house. investigs say he had a knife. a new affordable housing develot on the way to arlingn county. county leaders agree the new complex on south rolfe street. the george washingn carver homes cooperative is there now. the report says that complex will b down to create the new building to more than 200 low income residents. > two of virginia's top ranking govert leaders could fa each other in the next governor race into 17. the "washin says at least one is making plans now. lieutena governor ralph norchlt r tham will be running, mark ares not confirmed he will be running. a new bill could have an impact on how much you pay for electr the bill allows virginia o skip base rate reviewed sever years. it also stops state corporation commissim conducting a compre then suffer review of the company's earning until then. the utility says the new law will keep rates in place and prevent lar rate hikes. opponents it will allow domini virginia to lock in higher than necessary rates. later today president oba heads to miami for an immigrn town hall. that event puts even more pressu on deadlocked lawmakers weeks over the president' immigration policy g homeland secu funding as leverage. but the president could face so tough questions. miami has a large immigration popula and democrats have critict for not delive on his campaign promis for immigration reform. we have had a slight uptick in the the temperatures. 22 degrees outside of our studios. was it yesterday, 10? >> yes, and even worse. dulles got down to 4 below zero. i know the winter is wearing on people. co-worke are avoiding eye contact. >> nothing personal. >> going to th supermarket, peop scowling at me. this is of year it has grown tiresome. and as we look at temperatures its still cold least. but still respect the cold. it's only around 10:00 western suburbs. southern eastern suburbs they're 20. w 20s near washington right by the bay. shenando valley not as cold this morning. in the 20s there as wells much of west virginia. there is the capitol under a clear sky. we'll have sunshine and staying in the teens ano couple hours. ought to get above freezing by noonti and then continuing to climb all the way to near 40 degrees by midafternoon away 2:00 3:00. and then back down to the upper 30s by late afternoon. wel have increasing clouds. storm system coming our way way down here in texas and coming into atlanta and up toward north ca and then pass just south of us by dawn tomorrow. so we have winter storm advisori out. this is winter weather advisory in purple. south of there a watch out for richmo. a warning for southeastern virginia into the carolinas. is the timing on snow arriving here. is this as of 2:00 a.m.. leading of snow may be right near tread ricks about and right near st. mary's county north neck. then it quickly moves north and by 5 ouk 5:00 a.m. light snow begins to move in. 5:00 to 7:00 snow falling h 9:00 to 10:00. and then it quickly tapers off. by noontime much of it is pulling off to our east and exiting the eastern shore by around 2:00 in the afternn leavine to about an inch around the metro area. this medium blue zone northern virgin montgomery fairfax prince up to about an inch. a little more for charles county st. mary's calvert. maybe up to 3 inches in the nort neck over to freder and then west of there to near lore rai central shenan valley. a few flurries uprai, central metzro area just a trace n . and we'll be hovering near 30, so what falls will stick. friday a few flurries. saturday staying below freezing some sunshine. and then on sunday, back up again, it looks like we're done with this frigid air pattern as we get in to the first part of next week. highs in 40s on monday and tuesday.applause ] >> thank you very much. hugs all around. and now melissa, is the traffic huggable? traffic is not huggable at this point this morning. reason to touch the traffic this morning. virginia 95 north at 123, gordon boulevard, getting report of a crash. sounds like it be in the left lane. 95 north on ramp from prince william parkway, that also report of a crash there. you can at kale city. also hearing we have green line delayso bra avenue. we'll be tweeting about that. maryland 95 north at 198, do have a disabled vehicle there. sounds like it's off to the right shoulder. wider look at things overall no major problems as you're taking a big look at the beltway, 270 at montgomery village avenue, everyt flowing just fine. 124 at moyer road, closed both the ways. alternate is 27. it's 5:54. millions of peop who do not have anthem insurance may still had their records comprod whee company was hacked earlier this month. landon dowdy has more now on what other customers may have been impacting. >> repor good morning. health insurer anthem reported earlier this mon it was hit by a major data breach says hackers accessed personal informn nearly 79 million peopl and that includes 60 million to 70 million of its own current and former customers and employees. the rest of the people enrolled in blue cross and blue shield plans bu use their coverage in states anthem is the plan operator. anthem says the attacks exposed names, birth dates and social numbers, but not medical records and credit card and bank account numbers. jpmorgan has been questioned by the justice department as part of a feder probe into whether banks are do enough to prevent car dealers from charging higher minorities. de respect make more of a profit from higher intere rate and the government says this provid an ince to charge e discrimination. back tyou. >> thank you, landon. 5:55. and in the day ahead, you can voice opinion about the future of rockville pike. you can head to rockville city hall at 7:00 tonight to ta about how the town plans to -- the city plans to transform the corridor with new park, buildid other ways to get around. the final meeting is next monday at the same time at city hall. a new partnership will help create a library for d.c. chr schools that doesn't have one. the d.c. public library and charter sch board have teamed up to create a lending library. it will have thousands of books and organizers say this is the first partnership of its kind. th hope to create a national mode right now we're tracking a potentl pro for travelers as southwest airlines is ordered s planes becausef missed safety inspecti at reagan national with t impact these inspectis are having on d.c. traveler and when the work on planes will be finished> we will warm up just a litt bit, but expect just brief relief. m will track the chances f. while you were sleeping, t airlines ordered to inspect more 100 of its planes because of missed saf in planes are still being allowed to fly. what this means for you and your t problems this devet is causing for traveler> ano bitterly cold start on your day especially if you north achd west of d.c. as we deal with temperatures as low as the single digits right now. tom kiern is tracking the cond you'll b step out to in your neighborhood. >> respect the cold. it is still very cold. not as cold as yesterday, but on around 10 degrees in our westn nor suburbs. eastern hovering around 20. first light of the day live view from the team 4 you tower camera, have a mostly clear sky. a few clouds around. frigid morning, a milder afternoo though getting above freezing headlines for this wednesda then by this time tomorrow morning,w likely will be falling. have a winter weather adviso out, all these counties purple from mere frederic neck st. mary's lower eastern shore. farther south of there, we have winter and warnings. the storm passing just to our south during the morning hours tomorrow.s a frigid morning in many of our counties. surroundg washington just in the teens. dulles d manassas down to 9. warringt just at the 10. gaithe at 14. much of prince georgey hovering aroun 20 degrees. ane drive time this morning, we'll have y pavementd staying in the teens. and sunshin out, you'll need the sunglasses. incr clouds in the aftern af commute looking good. we'll be in the upper 30s with dry roads. how is the commute so far this morning? overall not looking so bad. a couple of disabled vehicles we'll talk about in a second. first of al biggest probl right now will be green line. we have delays to branch avenue. we tweeted about that. he are two crashes. 95 north on ramp from prince william parkway, and 95 north at dale city that crash on the shoulder. you can see a lite aboute of a slowt of a slowdown headed north. 66 at lee highway, disabled vehicle off to the right

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