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Taco bell in the city of falls church. It happened early this morning on west broad street. News 4s derrick ward is live there with the latest. Well, good morning. Police are indeed still on the scene. This shooting happened at about 4 30 this morning. Im going to direct your attention, if we can, over to this vehicle that is central to the investigation. Do you see the vehicle there with the door open . And evidence markers around it. Now, police have continued the investigation here. Were told that this taco bell would not have been open at the time the shooting was reported. Joining me now is amy, you are the spokesperson for the city of falls church. Tell us what you can about this. We understand that there is an investigation going on right now away from this scene. Yes, earlier this morning as you said Police Received a call that a shooting took place and have been on the scene processing since then. The victim was an adult hispanic male and he as been transported to a local hospital. His condition, at this point in time, he was going in for surgery. So were hopeful that things turn out okay. At this point, police are investigating in the immediate area for leads on suspects speaking to Community Members to see what they might know that could help them figure out what happened here this morning. We understand the canine unit versus been on the scene as well. This taco bell will likely not be open at its usual time until they wrap up this investigation. Well bling you more information as it becomes available. Live in falls church. Keep us posted. A busy morning here. We also have warmer weather moving in before major changes roll in. We have storm team 4 meteorologist amelia segal. She is here, in for chuck, and she is tracking it all. Hi, amelia. Good morning, angie. Warmer temperatures today by about 5 degrees compared to yesterday. If you liked the weather yesterday youll love the weather today. Once again, plenty of sunshine throughout the day. Temperatures running above average. 33 degrees is the current temperature. When you factor in the winds are not too bad. Only about 6 miles per hour. It feels about 28 degrees outside. Heres what you can expect for your High Temperature today. Washington warms to 56. Manassas, 53 in gaithersburg. 55 in leesburg. A little more cloud cover as we get into the afternoon hours. Today is the better of the two weekend days. Were looking at a rainy sunday. Ill be timing it out for you coming up in a bit, richard. Thank amelia. New this morning out of Silver Spring, a head on collision turned deadly. Most likely because of speed. This happened early this morning on columbia pike road near New Hampshire avenue. Police say two vehicles slammed into each other before 3 00 this morning. One man was killed in that crash. Little is known about anyone else that might have been involved. Also in Silver Spring this morning, a fire injured at least three young adults. That fire broke out at 5 30. The fire is now out. Crews rushed the victims with minor injuries to the hospital. Investigators are trying to determine the cause of that fire. This morning, d. C. Police need your help identifying a man who tried to rob a bank in the Columbia Heights area. Police released this surveillance picture. Take a look. You can see the man has part of his face covered with a scarf. Investigators say he walked into a bank on 14th street and irving in northwest yesterday afternoon. They say he gave a note to the teller demanded he hand over money and the teller refused. The would be robber left. If you do recognize the man, call d. C. Police. This morning, a man is in custody accused of abducting and robbing a metro passenger. We brought you this breaking news last night at 11 00. Police say timny williams turned himself in. They say he kidnapped a man from the naylor road station attemptel hills at gun point and forced him to ride five stops to the waterfront station in d. C. Once there williams forced the man to with draw money from an atm. This happened a week ago and the victim wasnt hurt. If you havent seen this yet, you need to stop and take a look. Oub website has seen a lot of traffic because of a new iteam investigation. Metro riders under the influence and stumbling in the station. Scott mcfarland has the Surveillance Footage of people that were too drunk to ride. Reporter watch the left escalator. This is green line after 2 00 a. M. On a recent saturday. The man leans against the rail and falls over. Dozens of feet to the ground. He is recovering. A week earlier, late friday night at mcpherson square, orange line, the passenger tumbles down and then off the escalat escalator. This woman at stadium armory moved slower and stumbling at first and then collapsed on to the tracks. Good samaritans would pull her to safety. The highest recent fall, orange line after 1 00 a. M. On saturday, watch the man in white on the escalator, watch him lean on the rail and watch how far he falls. Metro said all of these people are recovering and alcohol played a factor in each case. We want folks to ride responsibly and if they do find themselves in a position where they have had too much to drink, where theyre having difficulty walking, standing with judgment, with balance that they might want to consider getting in a cabin stead. Reporter metro riders including joseph kitchen, a former member of metros riders advice ri panel says drunk passengers are disrupt i have. After the bars clear out, the metro station is still up and the volume fills up and the trains fill up. They could actually be a danger to other people using the system as well. Reporter unruly behavior, fights are often linked to alcohol. At every station in the system whenever theres trains running there is a manager on duty which makes it faster and easier for metro to call Emergency Responders in the case of a bad accident. But as you can see from this footage theres often very little warning somebody is about to have a big fall. Scott mcfarland, news 4. You can see the unedited Surveillance Video at our website nbc washington. Com. Just search investigations. This morning, two people are recovering after two separate policeinvolved shootings in our area. The first one happened in prince georges county. Officers were questioning a man about a stolen car when he took off in a neighbors truckment police shot that man in the face. And we spoke to the woman who says the suspect is her son, 26yearold Joseph Moreland and gunfire wasnt necessary. Its not like he was bringing the car toward them to run them over. The other officer was on foot and there were people outside when they were shooting. What if they should have shot somebodys child. Police tell a different story. They say the shooting was justified because moreland tried to run over the officers. In the District Police opened fire on a man after he argued with two patrol officers near alabama avenue. This was in southeast. We still dont know what lead up to the confrontation but a witness claims that the man was not armed when officers shot at him and hit him in the side. His family tells news 4, it was his 38th birthday. New information this morning on four americans held and released by the lybian government. A state Department Spokesperson says the four members of the u. S. Military were near the city of sabratha when they were taken into custody. Theyre still trying to learn the facts here but someone at the Defense Department said there was an altercation at a checkpoint. They were taken to the u. S. Embassy. No word on how theyre doing. Today Unemployment Benefits are set toxpire but that may not be a done deal quite yet. The new request on the table that could mean extra money for people that dont have a job. Plus why the cost of mass transit will get more expensive for thousands of people. Then a cable channel blasted for bringing back the hit show duck dynasty, even after a stars controversial remarks. And you can share your thoughts on that metro video we just showed you with the drunk riders. What do you think of it . Find us on twitter. Its crazy. Were coming back here in a moment. Do you agree. Yeah. Happening today, more than a million unemployed americans are set to lose their federal benefits. However a proposal is in the works to extend those benefits for three months. President obama told two senators he plans to Push Congress to extend those expiring federal Unemployment Benefits. They could vote on the proposal as soon as the Senate Returns on january 6th. Right now recipients could lose out on more than 1,100 a month without the benefits. The season of giving continues at a starbucks. A chain of charity started tuesday afternoon and hasnt stopped yet. Nearly 1200 people have paid their lattes, coffees and teas forward to the people behind them in line. This all started easily enough with one person in the drivethru surprising the person behind them and paying for their coffee and then it just went on from there. Really nice. Some ventis in that too. I saw someone that had four. Whoa. Hopefully it continues. If you plan to use metro this weekend, you better factor in extra time. Schedule track maintenance will delay trains on the red line. Trains will roll into those stations about every 20 minutes but on the orange, blue, yellow, and green lines they will be operating on a regular weekend schedule. If you use metro as part of your regular weekend commute your dollar might not be going as far next year. Listen up, congress wrapped up their year. They didnt address tax benefits for those that rely on mass transit. The amount of tax free money as will drop from 245 a month to 130. As you know, that could make it difficult to get around the d. C. Area. It will also impact drivers but for the better. Come january 1st, drivers will see a 5 increase in their monthly parking benefits. More problems for a ship stuck in ice. Why the crew is still waiting on a rescue boat that was supposed to arrive last night. We want to check in with amelia. Were looking at clear skies right now but rain tomorrow, how much can you expect and when this morning, the legal fight over the nsas Controversial Surveillance Program maybe on the way to the u. S. Supreme court. A new york judge says the program that collects millions of americans telephone records is legal. The judge says the program is needed to combat terrorism and called it a minimal intrusion. The aclu meanwhile promises to appeal the decision. This ruling is opposite of the one earlier this month by a judge here in d. C. Who said the program likely violates the constitution. Were learning more about the data breach at target. The retail giant now says hackers stole encrypted personal identification numbers that many use with their debit cards. But hackers cannot unlock that information. Gabe gutierrez has more on the investigation. Reporter the theft was already one of the largest data breaches in u. S. History. Under investigation by the secret service and the u. S. Department of justice. Target revealed hackers had also stolen its customers encrypted personal identification numbers. But the retailers said the thieves cant crack the code and actually use the pins. It makes me very leerily about going there. We remain confident, target says, that pin numbers are safe and secure. Heres how the process works. When a customer swipes a debit card and enters a pin, that number is encrypted at the key pad in the store. The encrypted number is then sent to an outside company which unlocks it with a digital key to process payment. Target says since the digital key is not within its system, the hackers could not steal it or unscramble any stolen pins. That would take decades for them to crack each pin independently. Its just not worth their time to go after the encrypted pins. But others arent so sure. Target maybe understating the significance because in the past the criminals have actually decrypted the pins and used it to steal cash from consumers. Also, even if the thieves dont have the key required to unlock someones pin, many debit card holders use easy to guess numbers like 1234. About 20 years ive had the same pin number. I do think someone could probably figure it out if they were really smart. Jp morgan chase is replacing all 2 million of its debit cards used at target during the breach. Many customers are nervous whether they used a debit or credit card. Days after buying a dvd at target someone charged Airline Tickets in africa on one of his cards. Two charges that total up to 1,300 and something. Reporter the nations Third Largest retailer is assuring customers their debit card accounts have not been compromised its also the target of more than a dozen class action lawsuits. That was Gabe Gutierrez reporting. Security experts say you suld change your pin number and use your signature to approve transactions. Credit Card Companies plan to replace the magnetic strips by the fall of 2013. A developing story near the south pole. A big set back for the dozens of people on board a ship trapped in the ice near antarctica. A chinese ice breaker was forced to turn back after it couldnt get through heavy sea ice. It came within seven miles of the stranded russian ship. An australian ship is now on the way but it likely wont arrive until tomorrow. The stranded ship is said to have plenty of food and supplies. Thats the good news. But there was a scary moment because at one point the boat did take on ice which ended up tilting the ship and you can only imagine how scary that must have been for all the people that have been on board since wednesday. Yeah, that ice is heavy. Its not surprising it would tilt it. And thick. Its so dramatic. Thats two ships that have gotten stuck. One on the way. 6 to 10 feet of sea ice. It was frozen right there in the sea. Incredible. Around here nice temperatures. Absolutely. A High Temperature today of 56 degrees. Yesterday we hit a high of 50. But enjoy this warmth while it lasts. Today the warmest day out of the next 7. Our temperatures are going to fall a little bit each day after today. Plenty of sunshine as well. A really, nice pleasant saturday. If you have something to do outside, get it done todaytoday. Tomorrow is the Grocery Shopping day. Well expect rain from start to finish. As we look toward new years eve day were looking dry and new years eve night is looking dry and were tracking minor snow chances. Temperatures up 33 degrees in washington. 28 in gaithersburg but well warm to the mid 50s today. By warm well be at 50 degrees. Well hit our temperature after 56 around 3 00 p. M. A little more cloud durgs the afternoon hours and then skies continue to cloud up overnight tonight. 6 00 p. M. Were looking at a temperature of 50 degrees. Satellite and radar imagine right now. Clear skies across maryland and northern virginia. You can see cloudiness starting to make its way down into southern virginia. Areas like roanoke and approaching richmond. The clouds move in followed by this rain here in the gulf. This is our system that brings us around potentially an inch of rain tomorrow. So, at 7 00 a. M. , the rain moves in tomorrow. At that point, 42 degrees. We may even fall a couple of degrees during the late Morning Hours. 10 00 a. M. , expect a steady, potentially even heavy rain. Rain continues into the afternoon hours. Once again it will be heavy at times. Have the umbrella handy throughout the day tomorrow. Also you want to be careful of hydroplaning. 45 is our high tomorrow. And well be around that again during the afternoon hours. Rain starts to move out during the evening hours around 6 00 p. M. Storm team 4 fourday forecast. So today the warmest day. Cooler tomorrow and then we see our temperatures drop. Monday, its a breezy day with a high of 40 degrees. Plenty of clouds around. Tuesday, were looking at a cloudsun mix for new years eve day and a temperature of 36. With future weather for tomorrow, heres the timing of the rain. 4 00 a. M. , were dry but cloudy. Rain starts to push into the area. Everybody is seeing rain at 7 00 a. M. Rain continues throughout the day. Notice the heavy spots around 10 00 a. M. Indicated by the yellows and oranges here on future weather. We continue to see moderate to heavy rain into the early afternoon hours. And again around 6 00, this is when the rain will start to move out of the area. Now as we look ahead to the upcoming week, maybe some light snow for us on new years day for those of you well north of washington and then a chance of flurries around the dc. Metro area on thursday. A bit of a better chance of snow on friday. A real mixed bag on your forecast. A little bit of everything there. Thanks amelia. The way people can help power the new years eve celebration in times square. Whats happening today ahead of the big party. Plus this is pretty unreal. Presents stolen from a military prese[ male announcer ]military this is jim, a man who doesnt stand still. But jim has afib, Atrial Fibrillation an irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. That puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. For years, jims medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. But now, with onceaday xarelto®, jims on the move. Jims doctor recommended xarelto®. Like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afibrelated stroke risk. But xarelto® is the first and only onceaday prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. That doesnt require routine blood monitoring. So jims not tied to that monitoring routine. [ gps ] proceed to the designated route. Not today. [ male announcer ] for patients currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. Xarelto® is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. Plus, with no known dietary restrictions, jim can eat the Healthy Foods he likes. Do not stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, without talking to the doctor who prescribes it as this may increase the risk of having a stroke. Get help right away if you develop any symptoms like bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. You may have a higher risk of bleeding if you take xarelto® with aspirin products, nsaids or blood thinners. Talk to your doctor before taking xarelto® if you have abnormal bleeding. Xarelto® can cause bleeding, which can be serious, and rarely may lead to death. You are likely to bruise more easily on xarelto® and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Tell your doctors you are taking xarelto® before any planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Xarelto® is not for patients with artificial heart valves. Jim changed his routine. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. Once a day xarelto® means no regular blood monitoring no known dietary restrictions. For more information and savings options, call 1888xarelto or visit goxarelto. Com. This morning, we now know two cheetahs killed a White Tail Deer at the national zoo. The deer jumped into the exhibit yesterday before noon. Zookeepers heard a comotion coming from the exhibit and found the deer carcass. The zoo is conducting tests to make sure the deer didnt have any diseases. Keepers believe the deer came from rock creek park. The a e channel is bringing back a controversial cast member of the show duck dynasty. The decision to release the patriarch of the show was reversed. Yesterday the cable channel announced the show duck dynasty would be bringing robertson back despite comments had he made about homosexuals and African Americans in a recent interview. The decision to have robertson return drew strong reaction from several groups including the Gay Rights Group glad. The organization issued this statement saying, quote, if dialogue with phil is not part of the next steps then a e has chosen profits over African American and gay people. Especially its employees and viewers. Starting today a big effort to power the new years eve ball above times square and do a little cardio too. The New York Daily News says organizers in times square are looking for people to ride on stationary bikes. The energy from all of that pedaling from today until monday will be stored up and used to offset the demands of the ball. Its lit by 30,000 led bulbs and was unveiled in times square yesterday. New imagines overnight of a condo fire in prince georges county. What we learned about people now forced out of their home. New this morning, the discovery made on a u. S. Airways plane that lead the flight crew to call in a hazmat team. Plus big coming up on 9 00 this morning, heres a quick look at some of our top local headlines. Falls Church Police confirmed someone shot a man at the taco bell on west broad street. Rescuers took him to fairfax hospital. At last check he is still in surgery for his injuries. In Silver Spring, Montgomery County police are investigating a fatal accident from earlier this morning. Officers on the scene say two vehicles were in a head on crash near New Hampshire avenue. The crash killed one man. Police believe speed was a factor. Also new this morning from Silver Spring, a fire hurt at least three people. That fire started at 5 30 this morning on a home on prelude drive. The fire is now out. Crews rushed the victim with nigh nor injuries to the hospital. Theyre trying to determine what caused that fire. This is going to be a better day of the weekend. Go outside and take down the decorations. Rain, maybe even downpours were hearing are coming up tomorrow. But first we want to talk about the pleasant weather today. Lets check in with amelia segal. Shes outside on the storm team 4 weather deck. Its bright out there. Yeah, its a beautiful morning right now. The birds are childrening and the sky is clear. Beautiful blue sky in fact right now. Temperature is pretty comfortable and well warm up from here. Highs today will be warmer than yesterday. 36 degrees is where were at. By noon, well be at 50. 3 00 p. M. Were at 56 degrees. Thats a good 10 degrees above average. Even pleasant for the evening. Great day for the kids to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Also maybe you want to take down that tree and kind of get it out of the house today. Tomorrow, know if you take it outside it will be raining and maybe pouring at times. A great day also to hit the slopes. Wintergreen, liberty, white tail, theyre all open and all making snow. Of course we had a lack of natural snow falling across the area. The clouds move in overnight tonight. Here we are with future weather. This is 7 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning angie and richard. Rain for everybody at that point. Heavier downpours. Heres a snapshot at noon where we could be seeing the heavier rain. Ill be back talking about more tomorrow we can expect and also looking ahead to new years. All right amelia, thank you. New this morning, a Stafford County fire truck hit and killed a man crossing the street while responding to an emergency call. Now that accident happened last night near i95 just outside of the city of fredericksburg. Deputies say that the man was not using the crosswalk at the time of the crash. Crews did rush him to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. The mans identity has not been released. And this morning, police are trying to figure out who shot and killed a man in manassas park. Neighbors say the mans body was found yesterday morning between two parked cars in front of a townhouse near centerville road. A man that lives in the Community Tells news 4 that he did hear something strange. He asked us not to identify him. I heard three shots, pop, pop, pop. And i should have got out and looked out the window but i didnt. Thats all i heard were the shots. This community is quite and doesnt have a history of violent crime. The name of the victim hasnt been released. The red cross is helping several families after a fire destroyed their apartment building. Take a look at these pictures. You can see the flames pouring out of the top of the building. Vince Georges Fire Department is investigating what caused the twoalarm fire. The fire started around 4 30 yesterday afternoon near the rosecroft shopping center. No one was badly hurt but 27 people were displaced. That includes 10 children. New this morning, things are getting back to normal at Phoenix Sky Harbor International after cleaning crews found white powder inside the u. S. Airways plane. It just arrived in phoenix from cancun. Police now believe that the substance was baby powder. This all comes a few days after a man was arrested for rung around on the tarmac at the airport. Police say he was so close to one airplane that he was actually able to touch it. And that incident plus a similar one this week at Newark Liberty has countries people reviewing their security policies. Reporter the stories are disturbing. Two men, one at each airport jumping fences and then making it on to the run ways. Here at rean national where theres not much distance between planes pulling in and a chain link fence, these incidents an eye opener. When incidents happen at airports around the country, we look at them and apply Lessons Learned here when appropriate. There are security measures you do and do not see in place here. As our crew was shooting it took a few minutes for police to show up and start asking questions. Travelers say for the most part they trust the people in charge to keep them safe. I think that theyre alert to those kinds of situations and occasionally Something Weird might happen. But, you know, for the most part i think its pretty well covered. Reporter others say the airport leaders need to learn from these Security Breaches. I think that they need to investigate it, surely. And really look into it and tighten whatever doors they need to tighten. Reporter the news 4 iteam exposed a security issue at Reagan National where a man got access to airport property even though his security badge expired. The authority took appropriate action after the report and others understand the need to feel safe but sometimes things can pile on. Im usually the one that gets stuck with breaking my phone apart. Stepped aside. Swabbing my hands and shoes and stuff. We also spoke to leaders at bwi and they havent had any Security Breaches recently. A 13yearold girls family is fighting for her life but theyre getting some resistance from the courts. She was declared brain dead after complications during a tonsilectomy. A court ruled they can take her off of life support. They found a second nursing home that agreed to enroll her in their Longterm Care Program but they havent agreed to make departure preparations yet. They have until monday to file an appeal. A Northern California community is banding together to help replace a stolen christmas. Tom has more on the happy holiday of a returning soldier and his family. They took our forks and our knives and pried into it. Reporter he is showing where thieves broke into a storage box. I did most of my Christmas Shopping online because i didnt have much time when i come home. It was sitting here on the desk and they helped themselves to whatever they wanted which was everything. Reporter the couple saved for their biggest christmas ever. Over 5,000 in gifts, video games, digital camera, ipad. He arrived home wednesday after 17 months in afghanistan. His wife cheryl happy but also heart broken after their home was ransacked. This was one of the rooms in shambles after robbers trashed the whole house monday afternoon when nobody was home. They tried to pry it off first. Reporter thieves broke in through a back window into the room of 4yearold cookie but her favorite doll surprised. What did they do . Throw her on the ground. Reporter but theres a good christmas ahead because people are responding, including police and firefighters who made a large denationation. The family replaced 75 of what was stolen. Its a great town. Absolutely strangers have come together. Adopt a child gave us a whole bag of toys for her. She went to meet santa today and she loved that. Reporter despite whats happened cookie says shes got the best present already. Daddys home. This morning, tracking your moves. Dont blame the government. How you could be passing on valuable information about where you are without even realizing it. And hawaii or chicago . The location that maybe giving up a chance to be home to president obamas future library. Plus more proof that facebook could soon be a thing of the past. The sites to use now to help ke the newest way to track people who relocate appears to be facebook. The daily mail says the social networking giant compared users hometowns to their current cities. They found that lagos, nigeria grew the most. Istanbul came in second. There werent any American Cities but they get most growth from countries like mexico. Theres about 1. 2 billion people that log into facebook each month. But a british Study Suggests that facebook could be on the way out. The study used the phrase dead and burr rid to describe the site when it comes to many teenagers. Researchers say that many teens find the site uncool and they only keep a profile so they can stay in touch with the older folk who still frequent the site. Instead, younger social media users are turning to other more streams line sites and apps like twitter, instagram and snapchat. Ask. Fm a big one there. If you or someone you know received a new smartphone or tablet for christmas, go ahead and invite them to download our news 4 apps for free. Visit nbcwashington. Com. Click on unwrap our free apps to send your loved ones an easy to use ecard. In news for your health right now, reading a good book can actually improve your brain function. Researchers from Emory University in atlanta found that increased brain activity in certain Brain Networks that lasted a few days after reading a good novel. They say reading a novel changes the resting state of your brain. The lead author of the study says that the they say that it can shape our lives, a story can shape our lives and in some cases even help define who we are. All right. Just four days now until the brand new year and this morning were looking at the headlines that help to shape 2013 and they still have us talking. Whats going on amelia . Were looking at a pleasant day today. Coming up ill be talking about what you can expect for new years eve day, night and january 1st. ni president obama still has about three years in office. But it looks like he is already focussing on where to build his president ial library. Sometime in early 2014, the first family will set up a Nonprofit Foundation to raise money and evaluate potential sites for the future library. The president s home state of hawaii is report bedly lobbyingo bring it to the state even setting aside property. But it could go to chicago where the president lived before being elected. Well look at the top stories of the past year. It began with the inauguration of our president and ended with the death of a world leader who brought people together even when his life ended. We go through the year in review. Reporter for the president s second term swearing in by Supreme Court chief justice john roberts, hundreds of thousands jammed the national mall. President obama had his hand on bibles used by president lincoln andartin luther king. Cameras were rolling when at least two violent explosions erupted near the main grand stand of the boston marathon. These are the faces of terror in boston. We consider them to be armed and extremely dangerous. Police trading shots with t tsarnaev as he tried to avoid capture. The suspect seen here on the ground. His hands behind him. President obama failed to win the gun control he fought for after the sandy hook elementary massacre. Rescue crews are searching for survivors after the massive explosion at a fertilizer plant. Cameras captured the power of the blast as it happened. First, the escape. Then the call to 911. Help me. Im amanda berry. Okay, whats going on there. Ive been kidnapped and ive been missing for ten years and im here. Im free now. And when police arrived, a decade of imprisonment for amanda berry, gina dejesus and Michelle Knight were over. This is war zone terrible. More than 50 dead and hundreds injured as a massive twister on the ground for close toon hour ripped through central oklahoma. 19 members of an elite hotshot crew died when the flames overtook them in arizona. A lonely run way and hollowed shell of asiana flight 214. Investigators are getting their first look at the wreckage by the light of day. More than two weeks of testimony and evidence came to a close with these words from the clerk of court. We the jury find George Zimmerman not guilty. Prince william and his wife kate beamed with happiness as they presented their newborn baby boy to the world outside st. Marys hospital. Hours of heavy rain. The rain gauges just keep ticking. Triggered floods that swept through the bolder area. New imagines of accused navy yard killer aaron alexis stalking the hallways with a shotgun the day he killed 12 people and wounded four more before he was killed by police. Ill keep working to get congress to reopen our government and get you back to work as soon as possible. 800,000 federal employees get furloughed. No work and no pay. Parks and passport offices. The epa and other departments shutdown. A tsa official working terminal three at the Los Angeles International airport was one of seven people wounded. Another tsa worker killed when a gunman, 23yearold opened fire with an Assault Rifle as he approached a security checkpoint line. A little boys dream come true. He is batman. The hope was for 100 or so but at least 11,000 volunteers came out to cheer on a boy intent on saving the city from evil and make his fantasy of becoming batman real. Massive cranes helped upright and move the battered cars as investigators considered a search for why the metro north commuter train left the tracks killing four passengers and injuring more than 60. Lines of students, hands in the air, streamed out of Arapahoe High School as Police Respond to a shooting. South africans are celebrating the life and mourning the loss of nelson mandela. And we have put together the most clicked local stories of 2013ed on our homepage. You can find that by going to our website nbcwashington. Com. Many of those stories happening this year but will be talked about for many, many years to come. Yeah, a lot of tragedy but also uplifting stories. Love the batman story. That was cute. Cant get enough of that. Talking about the weather outside, were in for a big drenching tomorrow but today at least its going to be nice and mild. Yeah, a Beautiful Day today. Youre right, angie. Its going to be a soggy and and from start to finish. If you have something to do outside, i would suggest trying to get it done today. A pleasant saturday. Rain tomorrow will likely reach amounts and an inch when all is said and done for many locations. It will be heavy at times. You want to keep that umbrella handy and as we look to next week toward the second and third especially, im tracking some snow chances. Of course thats a bit far off. So well continue to keep an eye on that forecast and update it as we get a little bit closer to those days. Temperatures right now, in the 30s. 36 in washington and gaithersburg. 40 in camp springs. 34 in manassas. A beautiful morning. Look at the sunshine right now. Just brilliant blue skies across the area. Noon, were at 50 degrees. 3 00 well be at 56 and thats going to be the High Temperature for the day. Skies will cloud up overnight tonight but even during the evening hours, relatively speaking its going to be comfortable outside. 6 00, were looking at a temperature of 50 degrees. Now, this is our storm system that arrives tomorrow. Again, during the Morning Hours. It will move up the eastern seaboard throughout the day today. Chance of rain very late tonight but really, around 7 00 a. M. Tomorrow, this is when rain is going to arrive. Notice our temperatures throughout the day tomorrow. Hanging in the low to mid 40s. So 10 00 a. M. , those late Morning Hours into the afternoon hours, especially the early afternoon hours. It will have rain and will be heavy at times. If youre driving be careful for reduced visibilities due to heavy rain. You also want to be careful for hydroplaning tomorrow. Our High Temperature tomorrow a lot cooler than today. A high of 45 degrees tomorrow. Definitely need the rain boots and rain jacket. For monday, its breezy and cooler. In fact, today, notice, its the warmest day on the sevenday. Our temperatures cool a little bit each day through next friday. So back to monday, breezy, chilly, a temperature around 40 degrees. For tuesday, this is new years eve day, a temperature of 36 degrees. Its looking dry for your new years eve night. 10 00 p. M. Mostly cloudy. A temperature of 30 degrees. Midnight, were cold. So definitely bundle up if you plan on being outside. Temperatures will be in the upper 20s. Right now were not looking at any rain or snow chances for new years eve night. Now some computer models do want to bring in a little bit of light snow well to the north of d. C. For wednesday morning, for january 1st. Right now, though, keeping it mainly dry for most of us. A temperature of 33 degrees. The chance of light snow on thursday. Temperature right at freezing for a high. So very cold. An arctic blast, in fact, next week and on friday a high of 31. A little bit better chance of snow next friday. Im going to walk you through your forecast tomorrow with future weather just showing you this rain. So here we are at 4 00 a. M. Rain moving in. 7 00 a. M. , everybody is seeing rain. Some heavy rain at times tomorrow. Notice 10 00 a. M. And then through the afternoon hours, those yellows and oranges there on future weather. So you want to get ready again for a soggy day tomorrow. Think there could be flooding . I dont really think so. I think the chance of some flooding, it would just be water collecting on roads quickly and then clearing off but as far as streams and creeks, we should be fine. Okay. Just take it easy. All right. Thank amelia. Transforming an inside arena is one thing, but it takes time to change a football field into an ice rink. Well show you the weeks of hard work cut down to about 30 seconds. Yeah, thats going to be pretty cool. And then later this morning, a news 4 special. We are going to take you inside one of the most celebrated diplomatic residences in washington. The italian ambassadors residence. Its a mansion with a unique history and a chef cooking up some of italys favorites. Join barbara h its going to be wheels up for the Tc Williams High School band tomorrow. The group is headed to new orleans to perform during the sugar bowl halftime show. This is a big deal. The game is january 2nd and it will pit alabama against oklahoma. And from the sugar bowl to the tournament of roses parade, westfield high school, their band arrived last night in california to perform in the tournament of roses parade happening on new years day. The band applied to be part of the parade two years ago. You can watch it here at 11 00 wednesday morning. Its a new years tradition, the winter classic lets fans cheer on their favorite teams outdoors. But its no easy task. Take a look at this. Crews at Michigan Stadium have been working hard to transform the football field into a hockey rink. It involves not only building the rink but flooding it and painting the ice and keeping the snow off the surface. You can catch the toronto maple leav leafs take on the red wings right here on nbc 4. I always wondered how they do all of that. It looks easy when we fast forward it. Outside we have a pleasant day on hand. Really nice. A high of 56 degrees. Rain tomorrow from the morning ending around 6 00 p. M. It will be heavy at times. And an inch of rain. Cooler a high of 45 new years eve day. New years day looking dry but really cold. Everyone is going to be touched by that rain tomorrow. Thats going to do it. Thank you for joining us. Were back here tomorrow at 6 00 a. M. Until then have a great day everyone

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