Transcripts For WRC News4 Midday 20240622 :

WRC News4 Midday June 22, 2024

Joint statement. It was scheduled for about 15 minutes ago. They are about a third of a block away from here. We hope to clarify what caused this. There is a standing down and some military personnel are leaving at this hour. You might say that media outnumbers the amount of Emergency Personnel on the scene. Again, hopefully we will be hearing from an admiral who is chief of naval installations wells the mayor and some other local Public Safety officials. Tell us what it was that led to this tense situation here earlier this morning which, indeed, now is sort of winding down. Derrick ward, live outside the navy yard. This is video from a bit earlier today. The mayor we saw in that live picture along with the police chief, cathy lanier and some folks from both the fbi and the United States navy you see here gathered just a few maybe half a block away from where he is set up. At this point, we would imagine they are sort of matching up their information we see the mayor there in the pink coat as well as who we believe to be vice admiral dixon smith, who is in charge of all Navy Installations along the with mayors chief executive officer off to her one side and the police chief walking up behind who we believe is the admiral here to brief us on what exactly led to the lockdown that we saw at the navy yard for a few moments this morning. What have they learned from the person that phoned in the 911 call and reported a threat and hearing. Lets go straight to the news right now with the d. C. Mayor. I am joined by admiral dixon smith, chief of police, kathy loo near lanier. We are here to give you a report on this mornings incident at the Washington Navy yard. We want to report that the police were called and asked for assistance by officials at the navy yard. Weunder we understand an employee atd the navy yard reported that she may have heard gunshots. The Police Official sent out the call to Law Enforcement in the area. Our police responded. Our police went in to the facility with the assistance of our federal partner. At this time, there is no evidence of gunshots. There is no evidence of a shooter and there is no evidence of any victims today. We look forward to finding out that all of our partners responded as they should have the chief of police will convene an afteraction meeting shortly after the incident is cleared to see how everybody responded. Im very proud of all the of officials that answered the call. We know there have been a lot of Lessons Learned from previous incidents and fatalities here at the navy yard. We have found there has been a clear, coordinated and convincing response to this scene. We are grateful at this point that we have found no shooter, evidence of shooting or any victim. I want to turn it over now to the admiral so that the admiral can describe how Navy Officials responded in the current investigation in the center. Then, we will hear from the chief of the metropolitan Police Department cathy lanier. Thank you, mayor. Im vice admiral dixon smith, commander of Navy Installations command. I would like to thank the mayor, d. C. Metro all of our First Responders from the federal and metro area. The response was outstanding this morning and very much appreciated. As the mayor said we received a report of an active shooter this morning at 07 29. We responded and called in assistance from metro d. C. As the major stated, no signs of a shooter no shootings and no injuries. Navy yard remains in lockdown and building 197 we are finishing up the final walk through right now checking and opening up all of our secured spaces. We expect that to be done within 20 minutes. Assuming we find nothing, we will open up the navy yard again. For the folks evacuated out of 197 the humphries building, based upon their location, they went outside of the navy yard or over to our conference center. Based upon the events of a couple of years ago, we have counselors and chaplains with them providing the support they may need or desire. In closing, i would like to thank the mayor and the police chief and all the First Responders for your Quick Response this morning. We have learned a lot over the last chem of years. We have exercised har. We are going to review this to see what went right and what we can continue to improve upon to improve our procedures in the future. Thank you very much. Just so i can give you a quick rundown. First the call was placed from inside of a building, around 7 29. It went to the internal call center inside of the navy yard. That call was received for possible sound of gunshots was then immediately taken by the Naval District of Washington Police and broadcast to the metropolitan Police Department citywide channel and request for the metropolitan police and other Law Enforcement partners to assist with the potential active shooter at the Washington Navy yard. The metropolitan Police Department along with the united park police, metro transit police, ncis, United States martials atf and others Capitol Police all respond today that request for Law Enforcement assistance. Many of the things we talked about in our after action to the Washington Naval yard response a couple of years ago went very, very smoothly. Officers were immediately able to access the gates and get in. We were having Radio Communications both in my command center and in the field immediately from Naval District of Washington Police officers inside of the nafse command building. Within 20 minutes of the first call i was sitting in unified command with admiral halartes police chief and representatives from the fbi, ncis and other federal Law Enforcement agencies. In just about the same amount of time metropolitan Police Officers and fbi were able to get into and take control of the command booth and access everything we needed in terms of cameras and stuff inside of the building. So having spent a lot of time doing the after action from the first incident at the navy yard, it appears that all the things we tried to correct and make go better from the last incident went very, very well. A very smooth, well coordinated response here and very happy that there is that this turns out to be a great exercise for us. Nobody is hurt. No evidence of any shots fired. At this point we will take any questions you have if we can answer them. The question is how do we track the increased threats for Independence Day. All evidence was there was no criminal acts no shots fired and no one was hurt. We dont believe it was a malicious hoax or incident like that i dont think it has any relative play on that threat level. We take every event very high and our posture remains high for all events and it will continue for the fourth. I meant by my question. Is it possible that someone just heard construction noise, perhaps . Obviously anything is possible. I think that we tell people see something, say something. You dont know whats going on. Dont take things for granted. Make that call. Regardless of what it is, an employee thought they heard something of concern. They made a call. Thats what we tell people to do. Chief, are you saying mtv units were the first to come in . Could someone have been climbing a fence minutes before the gun shots . Are you investigating that . I am aware of that. We have pulled all video. We have no concerns about it right now, none. Admiral, can you talk about the active Shooter Drill, what it is that you practice on a routine basis and how it works at this time . Sure. All of our commands practice active Shooter Drills. We simulate an active Shooter Drill in the building and we train with our employees on how to respond. The first thing is to get out. If you cant, you barricade yourself and if you have to then you fight. We go through that and exercise that and do it on a routine basis so our employees know what to do. There is no doubt in my mind that that made a difference in the actions that the employees and the nafse did in the hum humphries building. What else can you tell us about the person that called in the report about shots fired . Is there any concern they did it on purpose . Is there any possibility they have connection to a terror group . We have interviewed the person. There are no concerns whatsoever. They did exactly what we asked the public to do. Call the police if you have a concern. Naval district of Washington Police were inside of the building when they made the call to us. With he followed them into the building, yes. Reporter chief, where was she when she heard this . She was inside of an Office Inside the command building. Reporter looking back at the size of this response how many people, how quick, was any of that colored by the announcement of increased concern about terrorism on Independence Day . I think the response we saw here today is exactly like the response we saw here when we had the active shooter here in the last incidence. We take every call seriously. When we heard a call go out for a potential active shooter we brought the resources that needed to be here. I think it has nothing to do with the increased threat level. Thats what we do every day here. Reporter can you speak to the larger question about the july fourth weekend and your concerns about Security Threat in the Nations Capital . I think we operate in washington, d. C. , there is an elevated threat level at all times. We never lower it in terms of our posture. We are aware of the discussion and chatter is around the fourth of july lieie vents. We change our tactics but never lower our posture. We always maintain a very high postier. We have a full deployment for every fourth of july. Reporter what would you say to people that are worried on edge coming to the fourth of july with events like this and previous events as well . What do you tell people that are on edge . This event those you have a city thats very wellprepared, a city that has a lot of local, federal, Law Enforcement assets that are very well coordinated. We Work Together every day. It is not only what you see. It is what you dont see. We do that behind the scenes as well. People should feel very comfortable that this type of response does happen and unfortunately happens when there is no loss of life or real incident. Chief,why are you convinced this wasnt a hoax . Why are you persuaded this was a misunderstanding . Because we have spoken to the person that made the call. She heard a noise and made the call. We have no concerns this was a hoax whatsoever. Reporter after the initial response, could you tell us what happened there . What often happens with a response of this nature, a lot of Police Activity going on in the neighborhood. Peoples sense of alertness is heightened. When they see Different Things going on, they will call, which, again, we ask people to call. We started getting additional calls about people on roofs. A lot of what we are getting were people calling in what they thought was Police Response. Most of the officers that responded here today were in uniform. Some were not. Those officers not in uniform, we did get additional calls about persons showing up that may be suspicion. They turned out to be Law Enforcement. Reporter is that person that made the call here on the question is was the person who made the 911 call today a person who was here during the original navy yard incident . I dont want to answer that question. I would respect the privacy of the person that works here and i would rather not answer. You are going to have to repeat it. Im sorry. Information was coming in constantly as we were arriving on the scene. We were in the command center very quickly and able to listen to the call and listen to the radio transmission. Information came in constantly as we were here. Once we started going through the building and interviewing employees, we took all the employees from the building to a separate location and began interviewing them. The more and more and more employees that we interviewed, the more comfortable we felt that we were really going in to just secure this building to make sure. We dont take anything for granted. Every inch of that building has been searcheded and is being searched the second time. Let me just say, we want to thank everybody for being here and taking this information. I think what we see is, again, we had a clear, convincing response to this scene. What weve also learned is that things we could have improved upon that are we have learned over the last couple of years we have done exactly that. I think the coordination between our Police Department and our federal partners has been so well executed in this event. When we talk to our residents and visitors that want to celebrate Independence Day in the district of colombia. It should be very clear to everybody that we take clear and Credible Threats or calls from our citizens and employees very very seriously. It should also be clear that the Law Enforcement apparatus of this city, which is not only our 4,000 officers but a significant number of federal partners wiaccordingly. We are looking forward not only to the events on the National Mall celebrating the independence of our nation. We will also stand up a significant number of events in our neighborhoods. So the 660,000 people of washington are also going to be celebrating Independence Day in their neighborhood. Thank you, everybody. This conference wrapping up outside the navy yard where we have learned this morning there was no incident essentially at the navy yard. No shots fired. No shooter. No victim. This was an employee there at the Naval Sea Systems Command building who heard the call to see something say something. She did exactly what she was supposed to do and called 911 when she thought she heard gunshots. There was some chatter where people thought this was a malicious intent or a hoax. She said after speaking with this individual and interviewing other people, that was not the case. She also went on to say that the communication process was very smooth between the agencies. Within 20 minutes of getting this call, she was already sitting down with Navy Officials. She went on to say how happy she is that this turned out to be a very, very good exercise for them and everybody involved. The vice admiral there, smith noting that the navy yard is still under a lockdown of sorts. The term he used is that they are still doing a walkthrough. The humphries building. To make sure they have looked in every secure part of the building so there is no issue you of concern. The next piece is they are going to review what they did right and what they can improve on. Melissa has been tracking street closures. Just got off the phone with d. C. Police. They are saying m Street Southeast is still blocked at fourth Street Southeast. Molette green is there this morning. All roads around the navy yard should be opening soon. A lot of closures this morning. Right now, looks like everything is clearing up. Again, right now, only real closures, going to be m street here southeast. Still blocked at fourth street. All roads around the navy yard reopening soon. Our Team Coverage continues with news 4 chris gordon who is live at 11th and m streets with more on the navy yard incident. Chris . Reporter this is called the o street gate. They were letting cars in a few minutes ago but then they put up this barricade and an employee told me this he are not letting people in. We just heard the news con about this 2. 5 hour incident. The huge response of local and federal Law Enforcement agencies here at the navy yard. D. C. Police chief cathy lanier said it was a well coordinated response, well coordinated smoothly run. She was in the unified command center where they had federal agencies, the fbi atf, capital police, transit police, she was there. She said that no one got hurt. No evidence of shots fired and apparently no criminal act. The person who called in the alarm or the alert at 7 29 did exactly what she should do. Now the all clear came at about just after 10 00 a. M. Vice admiral dixon smith, the head of the naval institution, says that the entire cleanup may not yet quite be done. Here is what he had to say. Navy yard remains in lockdown and building 197, we are finishing up the final walk through right now checking and opening up all this. We expect that to be done. Now he says that chaplains and counselors are on site as you remember, two years ago, this same building 197 now called the humphries building. People in the building are affected where memories of the awful incident occurred. D. C. Mayor Emergency Personnel<\/a> on the scene. Again, hopefully we will be hearing from an admiral who is chief of naval installations wells the mayor and some other local Public Safety<\/a> officials. Tell us what it was that led to this tense situation here earlier this morning which, indeed, now is sort of winding down. Derrick ward, live outside the navy yard. This is video from a bit earlier today. The mayor we saw in that live picture along with the police chief, cathy lanier and some folks from both the fbi and the United States<\/a> navy you see here gathered just a few maybe half a block away from where he is set up. At this point, we would imagine they are sort of matching up their information we see the mayor there in the pink coat as well as who we believe to be vice admiral dixon smith, who is in charge of all Navy Installations<\/a> along the with mayors chief executive officer off to her one side and the police chief walking up behind who we believe is the admiral here to brief us on what exactly led to the lockdown that we saw at the navy yard for a few moments this morning. What have they learned from the person that phoned in the 911 call and reported a threat and hearing. Lets go straight to the news right now with the d. C. Mayor. I am joined by admiral dixon smith, chief of police, kathy loo near lanier. We are here to give you a report on this mornings incident at the Washington Navy<\/a> yard. We want to report that the police were called and asked for assistance by officials at the navy yard. Weunder we understand an employee atd the navy yard reported that she may have heard gunshots. The Police Official<\/a> sent out the call to Law Enforcement<\/a> in the area. Our police responded. Our police went in to the facility with the assistance of our federal partner. At this time, there is no evidence of gunshots. There is no evidence of a shooter and there is no evidence of any victims today. We look forward to finding out that all of our partners responded as they should have the chief of police will convene an afteraction meeting shortly after the incident is cleared to see how everybody responded. Im very proud of all the of officials that answered the call. We know there have been a lot of Lessons Learned<\/a> from previous incidents and fatalities here at the navy yard. We have found there has been a clear, coordinated and convincing response to this scene. We are grateful at this point that we have found no shooter, evidence of shooting or any victim. I want to turn it over now to the admiral so that the admiral can describe how Navy Officials<\/a> responded in the current investigation in the center. Then, we will hear from the chief of the metropolitan Police Department<\/a> cathy lanier. Thank you, mayor. Im vice admiral dixon smith, commander of Navy Installations<\/a> command. I would like to thank the mayor, d. C. Metro all of our First Responders<\/a> from the federal and metro area. The response was outstanding this morning and very much appreciated. As the mayor said we received a report of an active shooter this morning at 07 29. We responded and called in assistance from metro d. C. As the major stated, no signs of a shooter no shootings and no injuries. Navy yard remains in lockdown and building 197 we are finishing up the final walk through right now checking and opening up all of our secured spaces. We expect that to be done within 20 minutes. Assuming we find nothing, we will open up the navy yard again. For the folks evacuated out of 197 the humphries building, based upon their location, they went outside of the navy yard or over to our conference center. Based upon the events of a couple of years ago, we have counselors and chaplains with them providing the support they may need or desire. In closing, i would like to thank the mayor and the police chief and all the First Responders<\/a> for your Quick Response<\/a> this morning. We have learned a lot over the last chem of years. We have exercised har. We are going to review this to see what went right and what we can continue to improve upon to improve our procedures in the future. Thank you very much. Just so i can give you a quick rundown. First the call was placed from inside of a building, around 7 29. It went to the internal call center inside of the navy yard. That call was received for possible sound of gunshots was then immediately taken by the Naval District<\/a> of Washington Police<\/a> and broadcast to the metropolitan Police Department<\/a> citywide channel and request for the metropolitan police and other Law Enforcement<\/a> partners to assist with the potential active shooter at the Washington Navy<\/a> yard. The metropolitan Police Department<\/a> along with the united park police, metro transit police, ncis, United States<\/a> martials atf and others Capitol Police<\/a> all respond today that request for Law Enforcement<\/a> assistance. Many of the things we talked about in our after action to the Washington Naval<\/a> yard response a couple of years ago went very, very smoothly. Officers were immediately able to access the gates and get in. We were having Radio Communications<\/a> both in my command center and in the field immediately from Naval District<\/a> of Washington Police<\/a> officers inside of the nafse command building. Within 20 minutes of the first call i was sitting in unified command with admiral halartes police chief and representatives from the fbi, ncis and other federal Law Enforcement<\/a> agencies. In just about the same amount of time metropolitan Police Officers<\/a> and fbi were able to get into and take control of the command booth and access everything we needed in terms of cameras and stuff inside of the building. So having spent a lot of time doing the after action from the first incident at the navy yard, it appears that all the things we tried to correct and make go better from the last incident went very, very well. A very smooth, well coordinated response here and very happy that there is that this turns out to be a great exercise for us. Nobody is hurt. No evidence of any shots fired. At this point we will take any questions you have if we can answer them. The question is how do we track the increased threats for Independence Day<\/a>. All evidence was there was no criminal acts no shots fired and no one was hurt. We dont believe it was a malicious hoax or incident like that i dont think it has any relative play on that threat level. We take every event very high and our posture remains high for all events and it will continue for the fourth. I meant by my question. Is it possible that someone just heard construction noise, perhaps . Obviously anything is possible. I think that we tell people see something, say something. You dont know whats going on. Dont take things for granted. Make that call. Regardless of what it is, an employee thought they heard something of concern. They made a call. Thats what we tell people to do. Chief, are you saying mtv units were the first to come in . Could someone have been climbing a fence minutes before the gun shots . Are you investigating that . I am aware of that. We have pulled all video. We have no concerns about it right now, none. Admiral, can you talk about the active Shooter Drill<\/a>, what it is that you practice on a routine basis and how it works at this time . Sure. All of our commands practice active Shooter Drill<\/a>s. We simulate an active Shooter Drill<\/a> in the building and we train with our employees on how to respond. The first thing is to get out. If you cant, you barricade yourself and if you have to then you fight. We go through that and exercise that and do it on a routine basis so our employees know what to do. There is no doubt in my mind that that made a difference in the actions that the employees and the nafse did in the hum humphries building. What else can you tell us about the person that called in the report about shots fired . Is there any concern they did it on purpose . Is there any possibility they have connection to a terror group . We have interviewed the person. There are no concerns whatsoever. They did exactly what we asked the public to do. Call the police if you have a concern. Naval district of Washington Police<\/a> were inside of the building when they made the call to us. With he followed them into the building, yes. Reporter chief, where was she when she heard this . She was inside of an Office Inside<\/a> the command building. Reporter looking back at the size of this response how many people, how quick, was any of that colored by the announcement of increased concern about terrorism on Independence Day<\/a> . I think the response we saw here today is exactly like the response we saw here when we had the active shooter here in the last incidence. We take every call seriously. When we heard a call go out for a potential active shooter we brought the resources that needed to be here. I think it has nothing to do with the increased threat level. Thats what we do every day here. Reporter can you speak to the larger question about the july fourth weekend and your concerns about Security Threat<\/a> in the Nations Capital<\/a> . I think we operate in washington, d. C. , there is an elevated threat level at all times. We never lower it in terms of our posture. We are aware of the discussion and chatter is around the fourth of july lieie vents. We change our tactics but never lower our posture. We always maintain a very high postier. We have a full deployment for every fourth of july. Reporter what would you say to people that are worried on edge coming to the fourth of july with events like this and previous events as well . What do you tell people that are on edge . This event those you have a city thats very wellprepared, a city that has a lot of local, federal, Law Enforcement<\/a> assets that are very well coordinated. We Work Together<\/a> every day. It is not only what you see. It is what you dont see. We do that behind the scenes as well. People should feel very comfortable that this type of response does happen and unfortunately happens when there is no loss of life or real incident. Chief,why are you convinced this wasnt a hoax . Why are you persuaded this was a misunderstanding . Because we have spoken to the person that made the call. She heard a noise and made the call. We have no concerns this was a hoax whatsoever. Reporter after the initial response, could you tell us what happened there . What often happens with a response of this nature, a lot of Police Activity<\/a> going on in the neighborhood. Peoples sense of alertness is heightened. When they see Different Things<\/a> going on, they will call, which, again, we ask people to call. We started getting additional calls about people on roofs. A lot of what we are getting were people calling in what they thought was Police Response<\/a>. Most of the officers that responded here today were in uniform. Some were not. Those officers not in uniform, we did get additional calls about persons showing up that may be suspicion. They turned out to be Law Enforcement<\/a>. Reporter is that person that made the call here on the question is was the person who made the 911 call today a person who was here during the original navy yard incident . I dont want to answer that question. I would respect the privacy of the person that works here and i would rather not answer. You are going to have to repeat it. Im sorry. Information was coming in constantly as we were arriving on the scene. We were in the command center very quickly and able to listen to the call and listen to the radio transmission. Information came in constantly as we were here. Once we started going through the building and interviewing employees, we took all the employees from the building to a separate location and began interviewing them. The more and more and more employees that we interviewed, the more comfortable we felt that we were really going in to just secure this building to make sure. We dont take anything for granted. Every inch of that building has been searcheded and is being searched the second time. Let me just say, we want to thank everybody for being here and taking this information. I think what we see is, again, we had a clear, convincing response to this scene. What weve also learned is that things we could have improved upon that are we have learned over the last couple of years we have done exactly that. I think the coordination between our Police Department<\/a> and our federal partners has been so well executed in this event. When we talk to our residents and visitors that want to celebrate Independence Day<\/a> in the district of colombia. It should be very clear to everybody that we take clear and Credible Threats<\/a> or calls from our citizens and employees very very seriously. It should also be clear that the Law Enforcement<\/a> apparatus of this city, which is not only our 4,000 officers but a significant number of federal partners wiaccordingly. We are looking forward not only to the events on the National Mall<\/a> celebrating the independence of our nation. We will also stand up a significant number of events in our neighborhoods. So the 660,000 people of washington are also going to be celebrating Independence Day<\/a> in their neighborhood. Thank you, everybody. This conference wrapping up outside the navy yard where we have learned this morning there was no incident essentially at the navy yard. No shots fired. No shooter. No victim. This was an employee there at the Naval Sea Systems Command<\/a> building who heard the call to see something say something. She did exactly what she was supposed to do and called 911 when she thought she heard gunshots. There was some chatter where people thought this was a malicious intent or a hoax. She said after speaking with this individual and interviewing other people, that was not the case. She also went on to say that the communication process was very smooth between the agencies. Within 20 minutes of getting this call, she was already sitting down with Navy Officials<\/a>. She went on to say how happy she is that this turned out to be a very, very good exercise for them and everybody involved. The vice admiral there, smith noting that the navy yard is still under a lockdown of sorts. The term he used is that they are still doing a walkthrough. The humphries building. To make sure they have looked in every secure part of the building so there is no issue you of concern. The next piece is they are going to review what they did right and what they can improve on. Melissa has been tracking street closures. Just got off the phone with d. C. Police. They are saying m Street Southeast<\/a> is still blocked at fourth Street Southeast<\/a>. Molette green is there this morning. All roads around the navy yard should be opening soon. A lot of closures this morning. Right now, looks like everything is clearing up. Again, right now, only real closures, going to be m street here southeast. Still blocked at fourth street. All roads around the navy yard reopening soon. Our Team Coverage<\/a> continues with news 4 chris gordon who is live at 11th and m streets with more on the navy yard incident. Chris . Reporter this is called the o street gate. They were letting cars in a few minutes ago but then they put up this barricade and an employee told me this he are not letting people in. We just heard the news con about this 2. 5 hour incident. The huge response of local and federal Law Enforcement<\/a> agencies here at the navy yard. D. C. Police chief cathy lanier said it was a well coordinated response, well coordinated smoothly run. She was in the unified command center where they had federal agencies, the fbi atf, capital police, transit police, she was there. She said that no one got hurt. No evidence of shots fired and apparently no criminal act. The person who called in the alarm or the alert at 7 29 did exactly what she should do. Now the all clear came at about just after 10 00 a. M. Vice admiral dixon smith, the head of the naval institution, says that the entire cleanup may not yet quite be done. Here is what he had to say. Navy yard remains in lockdown and building 197, we are finishing up the final walk through right now checking and opening up all this. We expect that to be done. Now he says that chaplains and counselors are on site as you remember, two years ago, this same building 197 now called the humphries building. People in the building are affected where memories of the awful incident occurred. D. C. Mayor Muriel Bowser<\/a> says this shows what great cooperation we have for the fourth of july. People and visitors should feel safe coming to the National Mall<\/a>. Thats the latest. Chris gordon, news 4. At the live desk im Scott Mcfarland<\/a>. The 3,000 employees of building 197, the 3,000 employees just recently moved back into that building. They just moved back in in march april may. The agency gutted and remade that security layout. The temporary facilities they used were at this Old Coast Guard<\/a> facility at Buzzard Point<\/a> in southwest d. C. The employees just recently moved out of the temporary space and back into building 197. Coming back here live. It is worth mentioning that counseling offered to those in the building were used in full force before. Many have been offered the opportunity to work off site, to never return to this building. They watched on tv like we did. In that event a lot of bad memories. Contractor, aaron alexis had opened fire inside building 197 at the navy yard. By the time it all ended, 12 people were dead and alexis was shot and killed by police. One of the worst Mass Shootings<\/a> ever and one of the most deadly events ever. Just getting started. We are going to go back live throughout the navy yard as police start to piece together more of their response to this incident. We do want to get a check on our forecast. Amelia segal is here. Amelia . Here is the latest on storm team 4, overcast skies and tracking very meager showers across the area. Isolated activity at best. If you are traveling, for the most part, look good. Exercise, might want to have the raingear handy. Heading out and about download the new app. You can check the radar. We are looking at clear weather in the forecast. Clouds around. Chance of showers. Coming up fourth of July Fireworks<\/a> forecast. What you can expect if you are going investigating Major Airlines<\/a> to see why they seem so full. They may be trying to make you pay more. Reporter some of the Biggest Airlines<\/a> confirmed they are under federal investigation. It all has to do with the word used a lot by Airlines Executives<\/a> discipline, usually, in keeping the number of available seats or capacity low to keep profits high. Maintaining capacity discipline is kind of a code word that the airlines use which is a fancy way of saying, lets keep the number of flights lower, so we can raise prices. The Justice Department<\/a> tells nbc news it is now investigating possible unlawful coordination by some airlines. From 20092014, Airline Ticket<\/a> prices rose 13 . Meanwhile there are fewer big airlines competing for customers. Since 2007, through a series of mergers, Nine Airlines<\/a> have shrunk to just four, controlling 80 of the market. Today, the airlines are earning record profits through higher ticket prices, fewer seats, extra charges for luggage, leg room and even overhead bin space. Some wall street analysts say that doesnt mean they are colluding. To say that airlines are playing nice with one another because of consolidation i think is unfair to some extent. Still, many Airline Customers<\/a> complain flying isnt what it used to be. I think it stinks. The airlines prices have gone way up. They are charging you for every little thing from a bag, to seat space. Reporter by the way, the Summer Travel<\/a> season is just now hitting its peak. Thats tom costello reporting there. Breaking news. Police give the allclear at the navy yard saying there is no active shooter after someone phoned in a tip. Back to the breaking news we have been following, the allclear at the navy yard after a security scare that sparked a massive response. The navy yard is still under lockdown as the Law Enforcement<\/a> checks and rechecks every corner. Everything should be open in a matter of minutes. About 15 minutes ago, with he learned Law Enforcement<\/a> responded after a call was made that someone saw something suspicious. The navy yard and several other highprofile buildings in our area were locked down. We want to go back to news 4s derrick ward outside the navy yard with more. Derrick . Reporter well you could say it has been about four hours to the minute since this incident started. We have an obvious conclusion. It was about 7 30 this morning. We are told an employee of the navy yard heard something that sounded like gunshots. We talked to the chief, cathy lanier, about all of this. She says within 40 minutes of that call, she was in a command center with nci fbi officials. We havent heard what the person that called that thought she heard something that sounded like gunshots. No one is upset with this person. She did exactly as expected. Lets hear from chief lanier. We tell people over and over again, see something, say something. You dont know whats going on. Dont take things for granted. Make that call. Regardless of what it is, an employee thought they heard something of concern. They made a call back. Thats what we tell people to do. Reporter of course, they are calling this a clear and coordinated response to this incident. Reporter there will be a debriefing to see what they can improve on. A lot of protocols in place after that incident here a couple of years ago. They called this now what amounted to a good practice. Thats what everybody wanted. We are live at the navy yard, derrick ward, news 4. This affected a lot of people in the area from people who have worked in building 197 to the people that live in the area that had to sort of deal with this mass confusion and chaos at different points. We are still searching for answers. Lets get to molette green. Do you see signs that things are starting to break down there . Reporter absolutely. Moments ago police opened everything up. Look behind me. You can see cars moving up and down m street. During the midst we saw cops going inside and outside of government offices that are nearby the navy yard complex. They wanted to check things out. Workers who did not make it in went outside. They watched what was going on, got coffee got breakfast at local eateries. I had a chance to speak to two Government Contractors<\/a> one who was actually headed to work inside building 197, now renamed the humphries building this morning. They told me how comforted they were by this massive Law Enforcement<\/a> presence. I am glad i didnt come in early today. When i got out of the metro it was around 7 45 7 50, Something Like<\/a> that. Thats when i heard all the patrol cars coming this way. It is a safe place to be if there was an incident. That does give you actually some more security, more so than being scared. If something could p ha,happen you do know that they will look out for you. Reporter i am standing right beside a police vehicle. This Law Enforcement<\/a> officer taking down the tape they had put up to keep the streets blocked off here. No longer needed. Happy to report things are returning to normal. The workers that i spoke to say they are planning to get back into the building and go back to work. Some of them rattled by this incident, specially with the memory still so fresh of two years ago, are planning to head home. So a little bit of mixed emotions among people here. Everyone happy to see Law Enforcement<\/a> got on it and many to see that things are back to normal and nothing bad happened here today. We are live in southeast. Back to you. Very understandable those mixed emotions. Thank you molette. Lets get an update from amelia segal. Isolated showers across the area. Most of us will be mainly dry this afternoon. Cloudy sky for everybody. The fireworks forecast for saturday evening, a tricky forecast. As we continue to get new information we are going to continue to update it. Here is what i am seeing right now. At 6 00 p. M. Scattered storms and showers are possible. Temperatures near 80 degrees. When fireworks get underway, some hit and miss storms are possible. It is not indefinite, though right now. Temperatures in the mid70s. I wouldnt cancel plans for your fourth of july evening based on the forecast. You could be dealing with showers or storms. Around midnight, were mild, mainly dry at that point. A temperature around 74 aaron. Ameallia, thank you. The suspect in a few hours will be in court. Follow him on twitter for updates about darren wint and the evidence. They say he killed a couple and their housekeeper about two months ago. There are owe suspects out there they believe but he is the only one in custody investigators in taiwan say the captain of this transasia airplane mistakenly turned off the planes only engine seconds before it crashed. You cant forget this video. Taiwan safety counsel saying the captain failed Simulator Training<\/a> because he didnt know what to do if an engine went out. A full report will be released next year. Thousands of homeowners are trying to find out when they can return home after a toxic gas spill. A Freight Train<\/a> was carrying that highly flammable gas when it partly derailed and caught fire. Katy roach is at at rail crossing shelter with many of the homeowners. Reporter good morning. We are at a local high school in maribel tennessee, 15 miles away from knoxville. A little ways away from here, a train derailed, caught fire and started spewing poisonous gas into the air. We are told at this hour, that fire is still burning. That prompted an evacuation of about 5,000 people in the immediate area. By the time we left, which was like, 2 00, 2 30 it smelled bad. It stunk. Reporter the sheriffs say this could be in place 2448 hours. They came and told people they could go to a hotel and they would be reimbursed. Many of those evacuees want to know whats next and when they can go home. We have a constant flow of new people coming in. They see no need for standing around here, maybe after they are eating. They are going to go and do what they can do. Reporter as for the cause of this crash investigators are still trying to determine why that train derailed here at the red cross shelter. Breakfast is served. Im katy roach for nbc news. We are staying on top of the breaking news this morning. An allclear given by police at the Washington Navy<\/a> yard. Officers say there is no sign of a gunman after a report of one caused a lockdown and a huge Police Response<\/a>. Our coverage continues. We are back in 60 seconds. It is Scott Mcfarland<\/a> at the live desk. We are getting a better sense of who responded to this situation this morning. The metropolitan police, the u. S. Park, the u. S. Park Police Helicopters<\/a> including the famed eagle 2 helicopter, which flew over the navy yard during the september 2013 incident and several u. S. Park Police Officers<\/a>. The u. S. Capital, Police Bomb Squad<\/a> also today. The bomb squad which trains in southwest d. C. At this facility is elite, wellstaffed, well wellresourced. It was brought to the navy yard. So many Police Department<\/a>s responding. Thankfully, nothing significant to which to respond. Back to you. Scott, thank you for that. An up americans plan to spend more on july fourth celebrations. Total spending on food for cookouts and picnics will be 6. 6 billion or an average of 71 a person. Thats up from 68 last year. More than 48 Million People<\/a> plan to buy patriotic clothes and decorations. Cnbc business report. Im landon doughty. Temperatures across the area, generally in the low 70s. Highs today in the mid to upper 70s. A break from the heat with overcast skies in place right now. We are going to remain cloudy throughout the day today. Just a few isolated showers possible for the afternoon hours. For tomorrow, very similar. Cloudy skies, a high of 77. The chance of some drizzle in the morning as we get into the afternoon and evening hours. Areas of rain and maybe a thundershower. Nothing severe. For saturday, the fourth of july we could see heavier rain in the very Early Morning<\/a> hours. You want to keep that in mind if you are setting up the picnic for the lunchtime and afternoon hours. You might want to hold off. Scattered afternoon thunderstorms are possible. 81. The chance of a shower or thunderstorm on sunday. A high of 86, angie. Mealamelia thanks. The june jobs report is in and says the economy may be getting better. The Unemployment Rate<\/a> fell to the lowest point in years. 5. 3 is the number we got. The u. S. Bureau of labor statistics said Companies Added<\/a> another 2,023 jobs next month. They say wages for workers didnt go up. It is quite possible more and more people are givering up on looking for a job. An enormous Police Response<\/a> at the navy yard. What exactly happened it is Scott Mcfarland<\/a>. The response today was an improvement over the response in 2013. In the wake of that incident, the Mass Shootings<\/a>, d. C. Police say they havent trained enough with navy police. They were ill equipped. The building configuration made it difficult to move tactical teams inside. A few moments ago. The major said, today seemed different. I am very proud of all of the officials that answered the call. There have been a lot of Lessons Learned<\/a> from previous municipalities. We have found a clear owe order nated coordinated response to this scene. The building has been totally refurbished. The main security entrance has been moved from the side to the Anacostia River<\/a> entrance. Back to you zmt. Developing right now, security has stepped up bigtime around d. C. Ahead of the fourth of july holiday. This is all about fears of a home grown terror attack around the holiday. Mayor Muriel Bowser<\/a> tells us d. C. Will be ready. Tracie potts tells us why. Reporter nbc got a behind the scenes look at security preparations in new york. Were on guard 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Specially this year. The fourth of july coincides with ramadan. Isis is calling for attacks. Isil is a whole different ball game than other terrorist organizations. Reporter for six months, they have been recruiting westerners from under 21. If you cannot fight, you can give money. Reporter ten suspects have been arrested in the past two weeks. Supporters are sending out 60000 tweets a day. They are selfradicalized, selforganized people on social media. Are we concerned about it . Absolutely we are concerned about it. Reporter northauthorities say there is no specific threat. They are warning people to be extra vigilant around crowds like saturdays fireworks. Concerned . Security experts say, dont stay home. Thats the best way to say the United States<\/a> es notis not willing to put up with this terrorist nonsense. You heard it there from the defense secretary. Isis isnt necessarily planning an attack here in the United States<\/a> but they may take credit for inspiring individuals already here to act on their own. Tracie potts, nbc news washington. Download the nbc washington app for some information on Holiday Events<\/a> happening around the mall. We have a list up with how to get in the concert and items that you are not allowed to bring in you with you and suggestions for where to watch the fireworks. Everyone wants to know if this rain is going to stick around. Amelia. During the fire there is a chance for a shower or thunderstorm. As we get new information, we are going to continue to update the forecast. Isolated showers on the radar. Most of us mainly dry but cloudy this afternoon. Temperatures in the 70s. Then, saturday, for the fourth, i think we could see heavier rain moving through very early in the morning. 5 00, 6 00 8 00 a. M. , showers and thunderstorms. A high of 81 degrees. Amelia, thanks. Now, a special little boy who is looking for a forever home. Terrence is only six years old. He has a deepseated passion for the church choir and its music. News 4s Barbara Harrison<\/a> introduces us to a wednesdays child who despite his physical limitations has a lot of love to offer. The Greater Calvary Church<\/a> is one of 6yearold terrences favorite places. He can neither walk or see or hear well. He loves coming here sundays. Im barbara. Of course, you know terrence. He is one of your parishioners. It wasnt sunday but he invited us in. Inside some of the choir members were warming up. They came just for us so we could see just how much terrence loves their music. Terrence eyes widened as he felt the beat. He seemed to enjoy letting the sound surround him and embrace him. He has some hearing ability and it seemed he was listening intently to the words and feeling the energy that filled the church. Terrence comes here each week with his foster parents. His social worker says he has been in foster care for most of his life. He is a wonderful kid. He is so adorable, so cute, as youve seen. He just needs a home. Terrence seemed to feel right at home near the greater mount Calvary Church<\/a> sensing the vitality of the singers and feeling the powerful rhythm of the drums and the strong, spirited sounds that pounded out on the organ. At the end of the song, we applauded the choir and they came down from the sanctuary to welcome us. They each introduced themselves and one choir member shared something in common with terrence. Good morning terrence. My name is terrence as well. Im looking for a family that is going to love him, going to show him attention, that definitely has the time to support a child like terrence. He loves to be loved. He loves to be held. He loved to be touched. The choir members asked that they could say a prayer in hopes an adoptive family will come forward. Thank you for the family thats going to love him and care for him like only, father, he deserves. Reporter they prayed that terrences days to come will be his better days. Barbara harrison, news for for wednesdays child. Well, if you have room in your home or heart for terrence or another child call 1888toadopt me or go to nbcwashington. Com and search wednesdays child. Emotional words of courage. In 60 seconds, the powerful posts you could soo a giant chalk board is coming to arlington. It is called the courage wall. On this chalk board you fill in, i wish i had the courage to. It is supposed to make you roux he reflect on whats holding you back to achieve your dreams. It will be there at boston megamarket at 4 00 p. M. It will be in boston until july 31st. In atlanta it morning, 29 people, 11 families are counting the little they have left. A huge fire destride their homes. For some, it was an incredibly close call. A woman broke a window and then jumped out, flipping down into her neighbors arms. A young girl comes out right behind her. It is not clear at this point how this fire started. Firefighters say no one was seriously hurt. One last check of the fourth of july forecast. Thats coming up in 60 seconds. Temperatures are in the low to mid70s across the area. Washington now at 74 degrees. D. C. Will warm to 80 today. The suburbs warm into the mid to upper 70s. Skies remain cloudy for the afternoon hours and the chance of a passing shower but i do think most of us will remain dry. Keep the small umbrella handy as well. You might need it tomorrow. Very similar forecast. Cloudy skies. Temperatures in the 70s. The chance of some drizzle around during the morning hours, some rain is possible or a thundershower later in the day. About a 40 chance. Saturday, the fourth of july getting into the afternoon and evening. Some scattered showers and storms are possible, aaron. Amelia, thank you. That is it for news 4 midday. We appreciate you joining us. We are back on the afternoon. First at 4 00. You can get news and weather sup updates any time. We will see y [door shuts] adrienne nice try, buddy. You dont get to drop a bomb like that and just walk away. No justin no . No what . Adrienne you talk to me. You see where we are. Justine i see exactly where you are youre having an affair with lucas horton, and you expect me to stand around and watch. Well, wrong guy. Come on, adrienne. You cant possibly be surprised that i want a divorce. Kate i have a proposition for you. One you wont be able to turn down. Lucas why would you think that . Kate because i know youd do anything for your son. 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