Transcripts For WRC News4 Midday 20170519 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 Midday 20170519

news4 midday 4 mid-day starts now. >> thank you for joining us. >> and we gin with this dramatic video. we aired this while police were chasing this ambulance down. they say the driver is now in custody. we are told he stole an ambulance and drove it out from the area into prince george county. news4 midday 4 was on another story when he saw this first thing unfold. he is live in camp springs right now. justin, what a wild morning. >> reporter: erica, a wild morning, indeed, we are wrapping up our last report and we heard sirens and an ambulance flanked by what appeared to be more than a dozen police cruisers. it has the look of a very high profile emergency transport. county police chief says that is not what it was at of a stolen ambulance that ended just across the street from us right over there. near 90 minutes of panic brought to an end in prince george's county, a stolen ambulance on the streets and a team effort to recover it. >> state police, charles county sheriffs and our office in the very beginning were work income concert to slow this vehicle down and eventually stop it. >> just after 6:00 this morning, they say a man got behind the ambulance wheel. county authorities found him injured and acting erratically overnight. after he was released, he took over that balanplans. >> what his state of mind is, we will wait for medical professionals to help us. >> >> reporter: he proceeded on to indian highway and stop sights, persons rolled 210 into prince george's county before he was caught on allentown road just after 7:00 a.m.. >> reporter: and now perhaps you can see live there on the clear pavement. that's the debris remaining from that ambulance. i can tell you close up it had no tires. this guy was riding on rims. we can tell you no major injuries to report. this person has been taken in for treatment, evaluation. we are told his injuries are not major at all. also, too, apparently at that spot, he struck a maryland state trooper. >> that enabled police to go in and pull him out. he was taken in without incident we are told. we are told the entire time he's the guy that turned on those sirens and lights, which made it look like it was something else. we are live. back to you. >> all right, justin, thank you. prince george's county police are searching for the driver who hit and killed a woman. this happened just before 1:00 this morning along highway in maryland and caused a stretch of that highway to close for several hours. police say the woman was walking near farmington road east and she was hit. the woman has not been identified. five years of school work went up in flames. >> that is how one university of maryland student is describing watching her house be destroyed by fire this morning. you can see how intense the flames were here. this is on baltimore avenue in university park. students say fire officials told them the fire started in the basement and worked its way up. one of the students is supposed to graduate tomorrow and lost all of her graduation regalia in the fire. >> entire five years of school just burns up, but my gown, my cap, my hood, my chord, my medals, i believe my graduation dress also now. >> reporter: now, two firefighters were also hurt by fallen debris, they are expected to being a okay, though. the president said he will get to wear a for tomorrow's ceremony. we hope to see that story through. all right, let's turn to the weather now and the start of one more sum herf like day. >> afternoon storms could be the first sign of the weather changing heading our way. storm team 4 meteorologist joins us with what to expect. >> yes, the afternoon storms will be a part of a cool front. >> that will change things. as we go through the weekend, 84 in the district. we are heating up quickly. 88 degrees, already in frederick. this is the last day where temperatures will be close to 90 for quite a while. if you are dining out today, lunchtime is mid-80s, it is hot south dakota in many areas. >> scattered thunderstorms are developing, a chance of storms, like i mentioned, the last really hot day with those afternoon storms will give us a much cooler weekend, coming up in a bit, i will show you that extended forecast. we will look ahead to your memorial day weekend coming up, too. developing story out of manassas where an 18-year-old was shot by police early this morning. this all came to an end at the george howard memorial park on bristo road. we have more on what led to that shooting. >> reporter: well, here on the scene, you can see the black suv that police were pursuing. investigators say the 18-year-old who was behind the wheel was armed and they believed that he was involved in a shooting that happened at about 12:40 this morning. officers tried to pull that suv over, but the driver kept going and that led to a police pursuit. >> during that pursuit, there was some collision between our vehicles and a suspect vehicle that eventually stopped where you see them resting now. the suspect exited the vehicle, as jonathan said earlier, had a weapon. there were shots fired. the suspect was hit. >> everything ended here at the memorial park t. chief says that two manassas city police office incident. the suspect was flown to the hospital and is in serious condition. we have also learned there was a 15-year-old girl in the car and she was not injured. back to you, guys. >> right now, part of macarthur boulevard in d.c. may be closed until monday. the cast iron gate that was installed in 1860. it was common in 1860. every year, d.c. customers pay an additional fee for pipe restoration t. fee brings in about $40 million a year. after back-to-back rain delays, vdot crews will repair the neabsco bridge. southbound i-95 will be reduced from three to two lanes over that bridge and the east bound and westbound ramps from dale boulevard were closed t. bridge was built in 1963 a major repairs to the bridge deck. about 71,000 cars use that bridge every day. new overnight, there's an unconventional call for attorney general jeff sessions to step down. this was projected on the department of justice headquarters t. message reads, sessions must go and fire sessions. robin bell is claiming credit for this stuff. bell is the same person who projected messages on the trump international hotel earlier this week. right now, president donald trump is preparing for his first foreign trip since being elected. he is taking baggage with him. the questions become over who will be the next fbi director. david lawrence has more on what is happening at the white house. >> reporter: standing next to the president of colombia, president donald trump answered questions about the evolving russian investigation and the decision to appoint former fbi director robert mueller as special counsel. >> respectable, but the entire thing has been a there lab no collusion certainly between myself and my campaign, but i can only speak for myself and the russians, zero. >> reporter: the president again denying he asked former fbi director james comey to end the investigation into national security adviser michael flynn for firing comey. >> no, no, next question. >> reporter: but questions still remain on the motive. deputy attorney general rosenstein hinted the president knew what he wanted before comey's dismissal. >> he knew comey was going to be removed prior to him writing his memo. >> reporter: meanwhile, rosenstein briefed the house today on the russia probe. >> clearly, russia was involved in trying to under mine our elections. >> reporter: in a search for a new director, president trump met with joe lieberman. >> backgrounds, expertise and experience in criminal justice. >> reporter: democrats ruling out candidates with political background, while some republicans saying the former democratic senator turned property donald trump says he's close to naming a new fbi director. >> we're getting an idea of what the president will eat while niece saudi arabia. caters are there to make sure his favorite meal steak with ketchup offered with the traditional local cuisine. some new developments involving two news makers in legal limbo for some time after the break. the deal taking place right now that can mean jail time for anthony weiner. the other news4 midday maker julian assange, rape charges dropped against the wikileaks founr this de vo: at dominion, we have a long history what is changing, is our name to dominion energy. it's a reflection of our commitment to energy innovation and renewable sources like solar, wind... and cleaner energy like natural gas. and we'll continue to innovate, upgrade technology, protect our environment and serve our communities. dominion energy. more than a new name, a new way of seeing energy. cells... to fight the bad guys. stronger is less pain... new hope... more fight. it's doing everything in your power... and everything in ours. stronger, is changing even faster than they do. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. this morning, we are learning that former u.s. representative anthony weiner is pleading guilty to federal charges. weiner admitted to sexting a 13-year-old girl. agents discovered e-mails pertaining to the hillary clinton case. it is not clear how much longer julian assange will be holed up in an embassy if london. the reason he went there in the first place is done. >> prosecutors say they're dropping a rape case against him. bill neely has new details morning. >> reporter: it's been a seven-year standoff between the sweden julian assange. he spent five years resisting extradition holed up in an embassy in london. now the case has crumbled. sweden's top prosecutor saying she is dropping the case against the wikileaks founder wanted over rape allegations that he has always denied. she says he's not been proven innocent or guilty but his evasion of the law has been a factor in her decision to drop the case. >> it is a day of victory. >> reporter: so is he free now? no, not quite. he's next what door's embassy. they are duty bound to arrest him on a lesser charge of jumping became. behind this is his fear of extradition to the u.s. where he could face trial of the leaking in 2010 of hundreds of thousands of u.s. diplomatic documents. arresting mr. assange would be a priority. many, of course, in the u.s. want him punished harshly. ironically, earlier this week, chelsea manning, the army private who actually leaked the secrets to wikileaks was released from prison. but there is no sign this morning that assange will follow her to freedom by leaving his rooms at the embassy here in london. back to you. >> bill neely, thank you. now to a developing story. time's square back opened after a chaotic and a deadly krash this morning. we are learning what charges the man police say is responsible for the crash. he is facing one count of murder and 20 counts of attempted murder. this is what that scene looked like when police say rojas' car jumped the curb and went hurling down t for three blocks. an 18-year-old woman in michigan was killed. look at that car, witnesses say have been terrorism. >> the first feeling is that it might be something like an attack when a car plows into a pedestrian area. >> police say there is no link into international terrorism they are looking into whether this was deliberate t. suspect tested positive for drugs. and negative for alcohol. there is still so much raw emotion this morning after the death of a 6-year-old boy. it's lard to make sense of a child die tag young. it's even harder to cope with when you learn that he was hit and killed walking home from his own birthday party. ♪ happy birthday to you >> xavier never got to hear his friends single happy birthday before he died in a crash wednesday night t. group of children you saw this sang it for him last night at a vigil. the family describing the person that hit the careless driver. >> he didn't have to lose his leicester because 134b was careless behind the wheel. >> he was a good friend. we played for a while. we went to the playground and played on the playgrounds. >> reporter: are you going to miss him? >> yes. >> and it is still unclear why xavier was crossing livington road. we want to switch gear, turning to some online shopping that has made buying anything so much easier. with each order, you could be selling something, too. >> the chances are your personal information is going umm for seam, too. news 4 justin flinch explains. >> reporter: hop one line you are a few clicks or a swipes from buying almost anything at any time. but shoppers, beware. >> they don't realize they are creating profile that then can be sold to data miners. >> reporter: data watches closely. they launched privacy mate last year. they work to purge customers from data minor roles. >> we are constantly recalculating our algorithms to block your own personal privacy. >> reporter: they track what you boo i to sell you more and sell your quote to others. >> whenever you go to a retailer, hey, would you like to join our discount club, you're giving out personal information. >> reporter: home and e-mail addresses, phone numbers, credit card info, details to build your customer profile. so around the holidays, palmer says, that's where those new calls, e-mails and catalogues and special sales came from and some shoppers like it. >> companies know who you are, you are more likely to get ads that are relevant to you and discounts relative to you. >> so think twice, protecting your privacyul >> all right. the horses are here. the positions are assigned and everybody is ready for the preakness in baltimore tomorrow. always greening. continuing his quest for the purple crown after winning the kentucky derby. coverage of the 142nd annual preakness begins at 5:00 right here on nbc 4. okay. it's a new record, see what a $110 million piece of art looks like. this is something that doesn't happen every day. these may not be the best grillers and zblshlgs. all right. just about 11:30. it is time to think about lunch. this next story macon vince you to grab some bar-b-que. >> this weekend a new bar-b-que champion will be crowned. before then, nbc's jay grey, lucky guy, gives us a taste of the competition that's roasting in memphis. >> reporter: spread out across 25 acres along the mississippi river, built on smoke and sauce is a make-shift city of at the present times or temples, some would tell you. in a place where bar-b-que is relidgeen and -- religion and this festival, well, they travel to memphis to eat, drink and eat some more. it's a non-stop party, unless, of course, you are manning the i do at my day job. so. everybody thinks it's a party. but if are you the cook, you are busy all week long. >> more than 200 teams from all over the country and the globe competing in the world bar-b-que cooking championships. >> you know, this is the holy grail for those of us on the memphis circuit. >> mellissa cookston has won it all twice. she's a bar-b-que superstar in her quest for the perfect plate is now raising her own hogs. >> are they cute? >> reporter: each team has their own recipe for success, secret seasonings or sauces, there is a common thread. >> the whole idea of bar-b-que, cooking out, being with family. >> reporter: anyway you slice it. >> i don't think there is any right or wrong way to cook bar-b-que. i think it's good when you put it on the plate. >> reporter: clearly, they're doing it is right way here in memphis. jay grey nbc news. d >> its sloppy mess by the time i'm done walking through there smr perfect bar-b-que weather. it makes you hungry and hopefully people can get out and do it this weekend t. weather is changing. few like the heat, we will go into the weekend, we will have cooler temperatures. so if you don't like the heat, you will like this weekend. the good news though we look ahead of next week, memorial day weekend actually does look like it's shaping up to be pretty good. that's good news. heat continues as we go through this afternoon, though, we are talking about really the last day around 90 degrees for a while, afternoon thunderstorms, a part of a cool front. >> that will cool us down tomorrow and sunday, cooler, cloudy as we go into the weekend. leak i mentioned next week is actually shaping up to be very nice, so i'm sure a lot of people will be happy about that. frederick is already up to 88 degrees, 86 manassas. 85 in clinton. if are you exercising as we go through the afternoon scattered thunderstorms around 90 degrees. maybe not be running around at that time with lightning in the area. kind of what we saw last night. here's a look at the radar, we are dry, a off to your west and southwest. those are the storms we will be keeping close eye on, with the heat and humidity later today, i think we will see some extra storms flaring up from what i just showed you. so here's future weather. we go through the lunchtime hour, still dry, 5:00 p.m. we see showers and storms flare up. 8:00, 9:00 p.m., we could see some around the area. then we go into the weekend. we have this cloud cover that will be locked in, more than on shore wind. it will be cooler, isolated sprinkles are possible. we go into sunday, pretty much the same thing, on sunday, we see those clouds, temperatures will be on the cooler side. so your weekend, here's what it looks like, saturday, sunday, even monday, normal highs, 76. after the 90 today, we're talking about a drop down into at least we're looking not like a washout, next week we do start with more rain. extended forecast coming up. thank you, a new effort under way to clean up the rivers. a look at the boats being launched this morning. >> we have firefighters that fought fire desperately tonight to try to save their friend's life. plus, honest emotion early this morning from the fire chief dealing with the loss of a fire fighter. more on what he calls one of our worst stronand restoringding a a father's faith.. it's standing tall after one surgery... not six. stronger is being a typical kid... despite a rare disorder. stronger is finding it earlier... and coming home sooner. stronger is seeking answers... and not giving up, until you find them. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. it is not every day that a strip mall fire captures our attention here but the outpouring of grease from the fire chief in san antonio texas, it's worth sharing with you this morning a. fire fighter died, trapped inside this building as it began to collapse. >> scott deep was with the san antonio fire department for six years. the fire department said they had to leave them behind to save more than a dozen other lives. >> we have firefighters that fought fire desperately tonight to try to save their friend's life. give us your prayers tonight. because we're hurting. >> the chief said as many as 20 other firefighters could have been killed. they saved everyone inside when the fire started. one person was taken to the hospital after a crash outside our studios here on nebraska avenue in washington's tinley town. d.c. police tell us the garbage truck side swiped the car. police lad to shut down the avenue for some time while they towed away that car and the truck. the road is back opened now. take a good look at this piece of art. it is one of the most valuable ever sold at auction. the piece doesn't have a fame just yet. someone bought it for more than $110 million last night. >> that itself the highest bid ever for an american painting. it is in the top ten in art options in world history. he was a graffiti artist. some said this was a landmark piece in his career. mckinley tech high school students are getting real life experience before they e spending time at d.c.'s department of forensic sciences. and here to talk a little bit about that this morning with us is janay collins, a student here with us. and dr. jennifer smith from the department of forensic science. how does the partnership happen? >> it's the city crime lab and public health lab. so we decided we wanted to give them insight into what a possible career might be working in our laboratory. >> what year are you in, in high school? did you always kind of envision this? where does your background come from? >> i always wanted to be a forensics scientist in middle school. my biodooech teacher helped me. >> what do you think so far? >> i have been in the program since late march. i love it. i love working in the lab. it was a this partnership? >> with r we had five this past year. we had college students coming in. this is the first time we had college will elf. >> what do you think is the in classroom learning and being there at the lab? >> so in class, okay, school, you may not be that interested sometimes. it's like real, like you are here working on a real profession. it was a great experience. >> tell me now. is this something you want to continue to study as a career? >> yes. >> what is it for you that you you a want to continue to keep this afloat aside from the real life experiences you are giving the students specifically how important stem is now to so many students in schools? >> yes, we know and you need to build the strong foundation in science and math. so if we can get to them in high school, inspire them. the last thing is, when that organic sechemistry test is so hard, you can relate to the people in the laboratory cheering for you. we want kids to deep applying any intern can apply. check us out at >> this is something you continue on planning this effort next year? >> absolutely. we are looking at people in the college and high school level. >> fantastic. janey. so this is your future then? >> mm-hmm. >> very exciting. we look forward to hearing more about it. janay join us next year. thank you to you both for joining us. >> the prince george's school board held their 3rd annual board awards gala there. the master of ceremonies for this event. i think it was about 23 students, parents, teachers, community members all honored at the board awards event. it recognized athletes and student tartists and students who had to overcome incredible odds. the education foundation in the county also handed out about 30 or so scholarships last night. >> now, if you have been outside, you know it is still really warm out there. after the break, the weekend co me to listen carefully. i'm ralph northam,aught assault weapons ban and close the gun show loophole, i took on the fight. i saw what those weapons can do as an army doctor during the gulf war. now, i'm listening carefully to donald trump, and i think he's a narcissistic maniac. whatever you call him, we're not letting him bring his hate into virginia. . well, d.c. is doing something this morning to clean up the river. take a look at these two boats. they are skimmers. they will be riding the rivers for the foreseeable debris from the surface of the water. mark seagraves tweeted out the pictures. he is getting and up close look. last night did we see a lot of lightning across our skies. some of you may have we heard hail pounding down on your homes. so with a look at that, whether or not we will see any more pictures like this, we will turn to storm team 4 meteorologist with what you need to know. >> you mentioned, a lot of lightning yesterday. i saw it, too. there was a lot of lightning, we had storms. so your friday weather ouoo water. you know how hot it is you want to sit in the shade. we do have a chance still for a thunderstorm as you make you're way out this evening. currently, 84 degrees, sunny skies. it is humid, happy hour time around 90 degrees. thunderstorms around dinner time, still in the '80s. it will be warm we have dry conditions currently. you see it to the west and southwest. we will see some starting to flare up scattered showers and storms, could even see this lasting through 8:00, 9:00 tonight. we have big changes the rain this afternoon, that's a part of a cold front. we will keep the cloud in the forecast. tomorrow it is going to be cooler through the afternoon, then we go into sunday a chance of a light shower. so here's your weekend forecast. i imagine we will not see the near 90 degree temperatures in a while. we are not. this weekend we have temperatures starting out in the mid-60s. mid-70s by the afternoon. clouds hang around sunday. we still have an isolated chance of a sprinkle or a light shower. temperatures 71 degrees. >> thank you. the party animals came out for a night of food and fun at the national zhao. zhao-fari the area's longest running tasting event. it benefits the zhao's mission to save speciesch hundreds turned out last night to sample dishes from more than 100 restaurant in the area. they had many wines and cocktails to try. >> sound good. if you missed zhao zoofari. >> one of the chefs is here in our studio along with a lot of little people joining us in our studio. hello, everybody! you can wave. you can wave! hi, guys. we will see more of th of providing reliable energy and that'll never change. what is changing, is our name to dominion energy. it's a reflection of our commitment to energy innovation and renewable sources like solar, wind... and cleaner energy like natural gas. and we'll continue to innovate, upgrade technology, protect our environment and serve our communities. dominion energy. we built our 100% fiber optic network because we knew that in the future everybody would need fast, powerful internet and lots of it. and now we're introducing the fios gigabit connection with download speeds up to 940 mgs that are 20x faster and more powerful than most people have. you want to run 100 devices? go ahead. and the really incredible part, it's $79.99 a month for one year, and you'll also get tv, hbo and multi-room dvr service. comcast only offers 200 mg speeds with their $89.99 triple play. switch to the most powerful internet at the most revolutionary price. get fios gigabit connection for $79.99 a month and we'll give you tv, hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for 2 years all with a 2 year agreement. so act fast. go to >> it's an opportunity to take a culinary jourpy around the world without leaving d.c. we're talking about the embassy challenge that showcases the cuisine from more than 35 different companies. a doctor from ghana is here on the challenge and the food he will be having at the event. thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> let me ask you first, you participated in this before. what makes this so unique? what is this challenge about? >> i participated in three different times that makes you so unique. because you are going to meet a lot of things around the world and at one place. so it's food in d.c. and around the world. you get to sample some of the other countries. >> well, after the competition, they try to go to each other's stand and you try to sample each other's food. we make friend and we bring all the nations together as well. >> do you add to your technique? >> cooking is absolute. you have to always be exploring and making sure you add to what you also have. >> you brought a beautiful display. tell us what you are preparing here and will you be preparing this at the challenge? >> i'm not preparing this at the challenge. i the world what the cuisine is all about. okay. so we have shrimp fritters, black eyed peas. which is black eyed peas, soak it and what happened you add some spices, garlic, ginger, some chili's and other spice, blend it up, cop your shrimps. >> what is this? smr this is clove, ginger, chili's, garlic. you make a butter out of it. you deep fry it. it comes out with. that can you eat it with any salsa of your choice. >> it's a beautiful color. ly taste that before we're done. >> then we have two other dishes here. it's the same sauce and i brought that because in 1990 when the former president of the united states of clinton i had an opportunity to cook for him. he fell in love with there. that's why i love to bring this dish out. >> tell me what's in here. >> this one is made out of spinach and pumpkin seeds, chili's and palm oil, of course and palm oil is very good. you can find it on the market here. you have it ripe, all the green plankton are young and also rice. it goes with avocados as well. >> can i taste this? >> can you taste it. this is made out of smoked fish. >> you are right. >> which kind of fish. >> mackerel. >> that's really good. >> so it combines it with the plankton or the rice. >> okay. >> how to folks familiar with ghana and green culture, how would you describe the cuisine? >> the qui cuisine is very unique we don't believe if starchy food. what happened we normally eat with a sauce or a soup. normally our sauce and soups are tomato base, with any protein of your choice, anyway, most of the fruit we have are so healthy and medicinal because of the spices, it's very rich vegetables. that's why i brought those. we use a lot of fresh fruit in our cooking. it makes it so unique. >> fantastic. good luck at the competition coming up here. we want to let folks know the embassy chef challenge is wednesday, may 24th at the international trait center. visit eventsd.c. online for that. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. >> one question you might be asking yourself are you or your some important things and expenses you should consider before you answer that question. we have some answers for you. lauren, let's see, is here from the humane rescue. thank you so much for being here today. first of all, who do you have with you? >> there is watson, he is a k3wr50er78gd beagle. he is adorable. he is social, a doll to spend time with this morning. >> obviously available for adoption, rescue lines, he is a sweetie pie, he has not stopped wagging since he been here. we will talk more about him in a second. first i want to let people know you have a medical center at the hr. i didn't know this until i walked in one day, explain what it is, it is low cast services. >> we believe anyone that has a pet needs access to the resources through the animal's lifetime. so the medical center offers spay, neuter and wellness services, including vaccine clinics on saturdays and sundays, but contact in addition, if your family makes under $55,000 a year, you receive a further discount on your office visits and services. >> that's awesome. so you have a vet center there at the shelter. like you said earlier, too, you don't have to have an adopting firm. >> people receive animals from any number of sources. it can be a friend, online, a breeder, whatever it is, everyone deserves access to the services necessary to care for that animal. we provide those to everyone, including members of the public as well. >> you guys have actual veterinarians? >> we do. >> it's a real hospital? >> full time vitriol rin narns on staff and at the medical center and then in addition, yeah, that's a great video. that's our in-house. we provide stay spay, neuter to all of our animals in the shelter. in addition to the services we offer them to the public. >> awesome. i saw that, too, that person is very, very brand-new, too. >> we try to say it's the cutting edge of the medical care that we need to get to our animals. >> very nice. you were explaining something called the hope program what is that? >> the hope program is a service that offers free spay, neuter and vaccine and resources, to residents of an area in d.c. that is determined to be a pet dessert. this is an area where pet owners don't have access to veterinarians, things they need to do for animals, if they live in that area, please contact our organization again, we do not qualify pet ownership based on your income and we believe everyone deserves to have an animal, they're such a value if your life. we want to make that available and possible for everyone. >> the hope program is so great. you don't want to see them surrendered. >> because they can't afford. behavioral issues, if adressed, if we talk with a behaviorist, that animal will stay at home. >> that said, we have a behavior support center as well for members of the public. if you aren't encountering an issue with your animal, contact our behavior help line. we can at least help you with next steps. we can refer you to an outside trainer. we have classes on site that are fairly lower cost that are open and accessible to everyone and anyone. >> awesome. thank you, this is fantastic information. that understand for being here. watson, right? >> as we have plenty of other animals. >> many, many animals. you can head to their website, too, we are here, too. every year, this event will be august 19. if you are interested in adopting a pet. we have all the le sourresourcee nbc rescue app. thank you. hopefully, he can finds a hom soon. >> he's a cutie pie. >> she a cutie pie, did you see him wagging his tail? coming up, we will introduce you to what you want to set your calendar for. >> brittany johnson laughter is the best medicine. they are offering you the small carnival concert and project taking place june 1st through the 4th. it's fun for all friends, family of all ages. there will be food, live music, health screening and so much more. to attend, all you have to do is search small carnival and if you plan to attend, don't forget to tweet u your s stronger is blasting her tumors... without risking her bones. it's training her good cells... to fight the bad guys. stronger is less pain... new hope... more fight. it's doing everything in your power... and everything in ours. stronger, is changing even faster than they do. we want them to grow up stronger. so night long news 4 is hosting kids with incredible talent. thus far we introduced you to a piano prodigy and a boy stung natural scientists with his skills. >> today's super kid is one you don't want to mess with, he is one of the top taekwondo fighters in the country. >> reporter: imagine training like this for hours at a time. tired yet? now throw in a pulled hamstring? that's the most recent opponent our hunting chang has been facing. >> you can't do an i need to get a lot better. >> it's skill at rolling with the punches. it helped him win a spot on the u.s. national team. >> i hugged my coach. i almost started crying. i didn't cry. my dad started crying. >> he started taekwondo when he was 4. now he hits the gym for 11 hours every week. in january, he'll be going to the world championship. >> i'm just focused on my opponent and what my coach has to say behind me. i don't let any other voices get into my head. >> reporter: with that and all those hours of practice, he just might have a fighting chance. >> all right. we want to know about more super kids. ones you might know. tell us about them on social media, using the #nbc4dc. >> it's time to get a final check of the weather with our >> 90 for a high temperature. we will see afternoon thunderstorms flaring up. just remember that if you have the plans to head out this evening. tomorrow, though, we're cooler. even on sunday. cloudy skies across the week. mid-70s tomorrow. low 70s sunday. we will be updating that forecast as we get closer. enjoy the heat today if you do like it. we will not see it around for a while t. weekend quite a bit cooler. guys. >> it is the weekend never the less. that is it for news4 midday. we are back on the air first at 4 this afternoon. >> you can get news any time. hope you have a great friday and a great weekend, everybody. we're live in new york in five, four, three, two, one. ♪ ♪ we've got to get away from here ♪ ♪ we've got to get away from here ♪ ♪ just stop your crying, it will be all right ♪ >> oh, i love it. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> happy friday from new york city. >> and our last day here in the beautiful city in the big

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