Transcripts For WRC News4 Midday 20170510 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 Midday 20170510

lauryn ricketts is here with your forecast. yesterday was a gorgeous day. we made it into the mid to upper 60s. we're already sitting at 63 right now. we have a few clouds out there and that's what you can expect as we continue through the day. definitely a light wind. it will be a beauty of a day. low 70s is where we'll top out. another great day, clouds on the increase. we have a chance for some rain showers and some heavy rain. we'll have to watch for flooding once again and temperatures are going to drop quite a bit. we'll watch that rain, time it out, let you know when you can expect to bring that umbrella with you in a few minutes. >> lauryn, thank you. we have store two stories we're following. a two week old baby died you can see police on the street of pomeroy road in southeast washington. sources familiar with the investigation told news 4 they went there for a report of a baby not breathing. they found the two week old boy in distress. medics tried to give him cpr but it wasn't enough. the baby died. when we learn the child's name we'll let you know here and on the nbc washington app. the other sad story, a child was hit by a car in prince georges county. medics had to ply the child to the hospital. as you can see here, choper 4 was over the scene. if you follow news 4 on facebook or twitter, you saw the dramatic pictures. an atm was destroyed in d.c. and police are looking for suspects. >> news 4's erika gonzalez joins us from outside the bp gas station on alabama avenue. erika? >> reporter: hey, aaron, good morning new on news 4 midday, the surveillance video, that is the clue police could have as to who is behind this. an atm machine in southeast gutted but the loot may still be inside. it was a nice this gas attendant in southeast won't forget. he's asked us not to show his face. he was here at the bp gas station on 41st and alabama at 3:00 p.m. when masked men tried to make off the atm or at least the cash inside in the most dramatic way, using chains and a truck. >> they're coming up with a big truck, one was driving to come out and they hooked up the atm with that chain. >> while he was calling police, he says he looked one of them square in the eyes. >> then i asked them what are you doing? and one of them, he just looked at me and he don't even say anythi the head cashier at this location. a few years ago thieves sawed the face off the atm and she says the machines were reinforced with steel down here where the money is. so up top it's mangled but down here not a scratch. >> don't look like they got away with no cash because they couldn't get to the bottom. >> th >>. >> reporter: that's where the cash? >> they got everything last time. >> reporter: the attendant says he's rattled to say the least. >> i'm thinking about moving to the day shift after this happen happened. >> reporter: an incredibly scary night. there's already a new atm machine will that's not only bolted down but welded as well. then off pipe that runs three feet into the ground so this is not going anywhere. leave in southeast, erica gonzalez, back to you. >> erika, thank you. we're following new developm o reacting to president trump's firing comey from the fbi director post. democrats are stepping up their calls for a special prosecutor in the russia investigation but they're also making a new request of the senate majority leader. >> i will be requesting the majority leader call a closed and if necessary classified all senators brief iing with the attorney general and deputy attorney general separately at which they can be asked questions. >> before schumer made that announcement, majority leader mitch mcconnell spoke on the senate floor where he rejected calls for a special prosecutor in the wake of comey's firing. this firing came as a shock to the former director, tracie potts has a look at why the president made the decision and what this means for the russia investigation. >> reporter: the former fbi director's plane landed in washington early this morning. james comey got a call during a california trip confirmin been fired? >> the fbi director lost the confidence to lead the fbi. >> reporter: president trump in a letter said comey's not able to effectively lead the bureau based on recommendations from the attorney general and his deputy who said comey was mistaken going public about the clinton e-mail investigation. democrats, many of whom said they'd also lost faith, are outraged now that he's been fired while investigating russian ties to president trump. >> it's clear what's going on. donald trump doesn't want anyone coming any place close to an active investigation. >> it's a brazen craven attempt in my view to stifle the rule of law. >> reporter: democrats meet to discuss the next step. >> if an independent special prosecutor is appointed there can be some faith that we can get to the bottom of this. >> reporter: republicans, to >> it came as a surprise to me but i wonder if it is not the inevitable conclusion. >> reporter: others say they're troubled by the timing in the middle of the russia investigation. the deputy fbi director andrew mccabe is in charge and democrats say they will block any fbi director's confirmation until that special prosecutor is appointed in the russia case. tracie potts, nbc news, washington. he's already charged with one of the most infamous crimes in our area. now lloyd lee welsh is accused of sexually assaulting another seven-year-old girl. welsh will go on trial in september for the 1975 killing of sheila and catherine lyon. now we're learning he's been indicted on three additional felony counts for a 1996 assault in wood bridge. prince william county police says say welch was visiting the girl's mother at the time of the attack. if the judge allows it, the now 27-year-old victim could be called to testify in the sister's case. in a cell phone tower near a high school in prince georges county won't be going up. according to the school system, milestone communications withdrew its proposal for a cell tower at eleanor roosevelt high school in breen get after school ceo kevin maxwell complained to the company that it lacked transparency. we've all waited far metro train longer than we thought but it looks like some were longer than others. in march, the blue line ran on time only 45%. on the yellow line 53%. the green line had the most online trips. metra says it does want to improve to get the numbers to at least 75%. >> tonight a lot of you will be locked into what is the biggest day in d.c. sports in a long time. >> can't wait, the caps, wizards and nats playing tonight. excitement at the ice presidential electiplex, how's it going? >> reporter: good morning, we found fans who came in from as far as way as virginia beach for what they say will be a real life look at the finals-bound team. the caps jumped off the ice a few minutes ago but take a look. these guys are out here still working, some of them. fans say what you're looking at is the a team on a mission fine tuning skills they'll use to push the penguins out of the semifinals for a game some have waited almost two full decades to witness and a proper close to that game six rally of a win. caps winning 5-2 and tying up the series. here at the iceplex, the buzz is building. from the faith informal the stands to staffers on the sideline, a real sense that 2017 could be the year the caps take it all the way >> still nervous, this is a good opportunity for the team. >> this is the year. even when we were down 0-2. >> and looking life here, the work continues, the next stop the verizon center and hopes are high the big win will happen here on home ice. let me tell you, we want to see you celebrating so as you take pictures and videos, be sure to hashtag all your media with the hashtag "winsday." back into you. >> justin finch live for us. thank you, justin. >> did you see the guy with the helmet and goggles. >> fan much? >> they're committed! i love it! on top of the big night for the caps, the wizards are in boston for an important game 5 against the celtics. and the nationals take on the orioles at nats park at 7:05. to let fans get to the games metro is planning all planned track work except for saf work this evening. >> this will be a great night. >> your lips to god's ears. it's never too early to start thinking about the summer olympics. >> when news 4 midday returns, the push to bring the games back to the states in 2024. we built our 100% fiber optic network because we knew that in the future everybody would need fast, powerful internet and lots of it. and now we're introducing the fios gigabit connection with download speeds up to 940 mgs that are 20x faster and more powerful than most people have. you want to run 100 devices? go ahead. and you'll also get tv, hbo and multi-room dvr service. comcast only offers 200 mg speeds with their $89.99 triple play. switch to the most powerful internet at the most revolutionary price. get fios gigabit connection for $79.99 a month and we'll give you tv, hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for 2 years all with a 2 year agreement. so act fast. go to seven years from now you could bech in america. for the next three days, members of the olympic committee will be in los angeles. it's one of only two cities vying for the summer games in 2024. nbc's jay gray shows us how strong the city's chances really ar are. >> reporter: it's a city familiar with the spotlight but this week l.a. steps to the world stage for an audition with the international olympic committee. >> this is a critical moment and a chance for all of us to show off our love of the olympics and this town. >> reporter: it's a two-city competition to host 2024 games between los angeles and paris and for three days members of the ioc evaluation committee will be in l.a. for an in-person pitch from the host committee. >> we're proud of what l.a. is and we're exciting to show the ioc all we have to offer. >> reporter: everything is already in place, including the athletes village, which would be on the ucla public support. 88% of the city is in favor of hosting the games. >> >> to bring the games here would be so special. >> still, many consider paris the sentimental favorite. the 2024 games fall on the 100th anniversary of the last time they were held in the city of lights. add to that the fact that there are so many european ioc members. >> we've always been an underdog in this game but it's an underdog that went from ranked fifth to fourth to third to second. i think we're in eck in neck now. >> as they enter the final lap in a race for olympic gold. jay gray, nbc news, los angeles. it's easy to imagine shaquille o'neal pulling off a dunk but imagine shaq pulling you over on the road. the former basketball star is considering a job in law enforcement, maybe even politics. here's what he had to say about that. >> this is just about bringing people closer together and respected the police, the deputies and i want to be the one to bring that back, especially in the community that i serve. shaq for sheriff, back to the old school. >> that was an interview last week, apparently. shaq was sworn in as a reserve police officer in doral, florida. right now he's on honorary duty in clayton county, georgia. >> we laugh but name recognition alone, i mean come on. >> he could do it. >> this morning police are looking for a former redskins player. there is a warrant out for clinton portis. montgomery county police say he failed to appear in court or pay a fine for a traffic violation. court records show back in january police in bethesda cited him for driving with a suspended license. his license was suspended in florida for the same thing -- failure to appeal in court. he was a running back for the skins, he was a contributor to redskins show time on nbc 4. a mother mortified on a united flight all because she needed to use the restroom. now the airline says it's reaching out to her. nicole harper is a mother of two and a nurse. she says she has an overactive bladder and needs to use the restroom more often. harper was on a flight from houston to kansas city at the time and the fasten seat belt sign was on. she told the flight attendant she needed to go to the restroom or would need a cup. harper says the attendant handed her a cup to use. >> there were people all around that -- you know, strangers, they need to focus a bit more on their paying customers and have more customer service. >> harper has filed a complaint with the airline and the department of transportation. united released a statement saying it happened during the plane's final descent and has reached out to harper. if you want to lower your sodium count, shunning the salt shaker is not enough. restaurant foods make up 75% of americans' intake of sodium. the american heart association recommends a maximum of 2300 milligrams of sodium per day. first we're talking about sugar. i have low blood pressure so i'll be okay. it's springtime in washington, the warmer weather, increased daylight and spring flowers are helping to lift people out of those wintertime blues, right? not exactly. believe it or not, this time of the year is often the most challenging time emotionally for a lot of people. here to talk about spring and its association with worsening mental illness is psychiatrist dr. joshua winer. we appreciate you coming in today. >> my pleasure. >> this seems counterintuitive, you think most people would say improving weather improves your mood but you say not exactly. >> a lot of people associate lower mood with the wintertime, the wintertime blues, more light, better weather, you feel better, no. not the case. in fact, what we know is that they've been tracking suicide rates, april and may are consistently the months that have the highest suicide rates and actually the lowest months are the winter months, november and december so it's the opposite of the myth that exists and what is interesting is it's not just in the north northern hemisphere. in the southern hemisphere their version of spring is also the time with the highest rates of suicide. >> is there a theory behind this destabilization that comes with this time of year? >> we don't know for sure but the theories are a couple things. number one, maybe it has to do with increased exposure to light. although increased light exposure helps many people with their mood there are a subset of people where it can cause destabilizing, particularly for people with bipolar disorder. the other thing is you lose an hour of sleep so that hour of sleep even though you think okay, it's just an hour, that can mess some people up and the final thing and the one i find most intriguing is the tlier i we know that in the case of depression, at least, your immune system being activated, having inflammation in your body, is a trigger for people to be prone to developing depression. when your body as inflammation there's a release of something called cytokines and those are proteins that have been linked to depression so when people have allergies they're getting a release of the cytokines and that may cause the low mood. >> do you see these issues in your practice? do people come to you saying "i need help with -- everybody else is happy and i'm not"? >> absolutely. it's unbelievable. as a quick example, i have an emergency phone that i always have on me, inprobably average maybe one emergency call every couple weeks to a month. over the last month or two i've been averaging one a day. and i've talked to a couple colleagues and they're seeing the same thing in their practice. that's anecdotal, but there's no doubt that i see this. every spring but for whatever reason this particular spring has been a rough one. >> you talk about this idea that allergies might be a contributing factor. what advice do you have for people who have that feeling or thought? >> so if that's the case, you can certainly talk to your doctor, find out if it's okay for you to taken a over-the-counter allergy medication, zyrtec, allegra, claritin. make sure you're washing your pillow cases and your hair so you're not sleeping in all the pollen that might be aggravating things and if you do have a relationship with a psychiatrist or doctor and you notice that every springtime you start to have these problems, you want to be proactive for the upcoming year so i have some patients who every march i know that they'll start having problems in the upcoming months and make adjustments to their medications to help prevent that. >> all right, some good advice. dr. joshua weiner, we appreciate. >> it my pleasure. she's being hailed a hero for saving her great grandmother. hear this little girl's incredible story whenews 4 rich at mgm national harbor? of course you are. because everyone who plays is an instant winner. so before you win your share of 1.5 million dollars in prizes and free slot play. 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because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. we expect first responders to act quickly when a crisis happens, but how about an eight-year-old? >> this is a terrific story. skyla sullivan dialed 911 after her great grandmother was pinned under a car in florida. nbc's anthony allred shows us how skyla's entire school celebrated her bravery. >> you did a fabulous >> reporter: for the first time in her life, eight-year-old skyla sullivan had to use a cell phone to dial 911. >> my grandma was getting something and she was -- the car started rolling back and it wasn't in park or something. >> reporter: seconds later, an 80-year-old jean sullivan was trapped. >> i tried to get into the car and the door of the car just pushed me over into the driveway. >> reporter: that's when skyla jumped into action. >> what is your emergency? >> um, hi, um, my grandma's stuck, on -- she's like trapped like under the car, please someone help her. this is my grandma's house. >> reporter: someone at the scene yelled at skyla to get off the phone but she knew the operator was her lifeline. >> i'm freaking out because my my grandma got hurt and i think she would die or something but they got her out. >> reporter: thanks to an eight-year-old who love hearse great grandmother bigger than her little arm cans expand. >> i can't measure it, my arms aren't that long but, yeah, top of the world. >> oh mirks g, my god. >> that long, but i'm sorry. >> what a happy ending. >> in addition to the whole school congratulating her, the place department presented her with a swag bag of all sorts of goodies. >> she might be running that department someday. >> sooner than we expect. >> another reminder, we have to teach our kids how to do it right. >> what a brave little girl. i'm glad they recognized that. recognizing the nice weather and recognizing you need your umbrella thursday, friday and saturday. last saturday was actually very similar to what this saturday will be like. temperatures in the 50s and we will have showers, enjoy the day with a mix of sun and clouds. thursday we'll have scattered showers maybe a few in the heavy rain possible into friday and saturday maybe we'll have to watch for flooding as well. creeks in low-lying areas, the usual places that flood similar so what happened on last saturday. let's talk about our nice weather. those temperatures keep going up. low 70s, very comfortable out there today with the mix of sun and clouds. today is the day to head to the o's game. it will be a nice night at nats park. temperatures fall into the 50s. sun goes down at 8:10. we are going to have a few clouds out there today temperatures in the 40s and 50s. by 7:30 tomorrow morning we start to see a few showers working their way in there. some could be heavy as well. by 10:30, more rain showers moving their way through. i believe we'll have a few peeks of sunshine but heavy rain, another w o into thursday and most of your friday. only in the mid-60s tomorrow so enjoy it. we have a big weekend with mother's day so we'll let you know how that weekend shas up but peri moving on from a horrible incident. it's been a year now since officer ashley gwindon was shot and killed on her first day on the job. we're hearing from one of the prince william county police officers who was with her on the day but survived. jackie bentsen has more on the story you'll only see on news 4. >> i've wanted to do this for a long time. i like this job and i wasn't letting something like this stop me from doing it. >> reporter: his youthful looks make him seem younger than 33 but as prince william county police officer jesse henson talks about how his life changed on february 27, 2017, his eyes carry a weight that is much older. >> she was part of the police family. >> reporter: he's talking about officer ashley gwindon who along with hempton and officer dave mckeown were responding to a domestic call when a wife then turned the gun on them. they've been surrounded by support from their agencies, their families and the d.c. area law enforcement community. >> i'm so thankful for people who want to help and recognize that these guys are very important. what can we do to help them? >> reporter: the officer is back on the job, teaching new new officers the dangers of the street. he says he never not forone minute regrets his choice to become a cop. >> even with all i've been through and, you know, all that, i still think it's a good career even in the way things are today in our society it's a tougher job than it's ever been but i think it's a rewarding career. i think there's a lot to be good to be done. >> those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their commuty corporal harvey snook's name was added to the police memorial statue. this is video of his mother seeing her son's naim and picture etched into the wall. he died from cancer last year. his diagnose was tied to his rescue work at the pentagon on 9/11. he served on the arlington police force for 27 years. coming up this afternoon, news 4's julie kerry will talk about his life and service to arlington county. >> coming down south capital street. the orioles are in town to play the nats. so far the o's are winning this pseudo series. they won both games against the nationals. tonight and tomorrow the nats have home field advantage. the nationals asked real fans to help them with their ad campaign, called we are one. chase bar kroft answered the team's call and now you will see his adorablee busy metra station. chase is joining us to tell us about the photos. how old are you? >> five and a half. >> only five and a half? we're both nats fans. fwhaef in common, right? both wearing red. how excited were you when you found out you were going to be a part of this ad? >> um, very, very happy. >> what did you think about the whole thing? >> um -- >> pretty cool, right? >> cool. >> let's look at the ads now, what was it like too shoot these pictures. they have to take a lot of your pictures, right? what was that like. look? you love baseball. >> i love baseball and the nats are the best name the whole wide world. >> i agree with you on that. i heard you decided that you were going to go to the nats baseball camp, right? what >> to play baseball. >> have you tried before? you have? what do you like about it? >> um -- baseball -- >> it's a hard game but a lot of fun. do you have a favorite player? >> yes. bryce harper. >> good player, bryce harper recently did a mother's day letter to his mom. what would you say to your parents for helping you to get into this ad and putting you into the camp? >> very, very awesome. >> all right. you know who's awesome? you are awesome, chase. thanks so much for being here. we cannot wait to see your pictur pictures all over the city. high 5. go nats, right? how cute is he? i'm going to take him home with me. >> uh-oh, where's his mom? >> i'm j don't worry! >> it's national talk like a pirate day, national clean your room day, there seems to be a crazy holiday for everything, right? when we come back we'll explain how those quirky holidaysnd up on t ehe whoa. are you actually about to scratch it rich at mgm national harbor? of course you are. because everyone who plays is an instant winner. so before you win your share of 1.5 million dollars in prizes and free slot play. take these last few seconds to remember what life was like as a normal, everyday person. because in an instant, that all could change. join mlife rewards and play scratch it rich for your share of 1.5 million dollars in prizes and freeplay®. this is monumental. parents looking for a reason to get the kids to tidy up around the house, today is national clean your room day. >> i've tried everything, everything. >> money? >> no, i should haven't to pay you to do your job. yesterday national lost sock memorial day. the lost sock thing happens to everybody. do you ever wonder where those weird holidays come from? nbc's liz mclaughlin explains. >> r. >> reporter: celebrations are no longer confined to traditional holidays. it seems everyday has become an event. >> pizza day or coffee day or autonomous vehicle your passion is you'll pick up on that and it will give you a reason to go out and celebrate. some national days show appreciation or raise awareness. but there's also talk like a pirate day and sneak some sook ke zucchini into your neighbor's porch day. we have national apple pie day coming up and if you thought sunday was all about mom, it's also buttermilk miscut day. this mother's day happens to be dance like a chicken day. >> when you think about it, all 40 l days are made up. >> reporter: marlo anderson started pulling these quirky holidays four years ago, now he makes a living at it. anderson and his staff are gatekeepers for which new holidays get added. >> it's actually a pretty big deal of those 20,000 applications that we only honor 30 or 35. 20,000 a year. that's more than the entire population of the town where anderson is based in north dakota. >> we are rur we like to celebrate everyday and we like to share that with the rest of the country and the world. >> reporter: right now, only applications from company and organizations get considered in part because it costs $2,300 to get a new holiday added but marlo says it's not about the money but about making each day special. liz mclaughlin, nbc news. >> i love the food holidays. pie day, cookie day, chocolate day, all that stuff. >> chocolate chip day. >> pizza day. >> and who knew, mother's day and buttermilk biscuit day. it works together. >> don't ask mom to make buttermilk biscuits. >> exactly. somebody else better make me biscuits. >> i'm more of a national margarita day type of girl. >> really? [ laughter ] >> kind of a nice day for a margarita out there. this might be one of the only days you can get outside and enjoy in the next couple days because we have rain on the way. a beautiful day outside. a few clouds earlier this an increase in cloud cover as we continue through the afternoon so today dry and mild. on thursday we'll have rain pushing into the area. friday and saturday cool and rainy but by mother's day sunday we start to dry out. temperatures in the 60s. we take these temperatures up another five, 10 degrees, top out in the low 70s for daytime highs. it's going to be a good-looking afternoon. we had a few clouds but we are clear, we're watching our next system. we have a frontal system stalled to the south of us and it's not going anywhere. but these little waves of low pressure are going to ride along it like a train and in fact this is the next one that will come down into our area as we head through thursday so we are looking at rain chance s chance thursday. if you want to watch the wizards game it will be fine but by we'll continue to keep rain showers here and there through the day on your thursday and a few scattered showers friday into saturday. we will have to watch for flooding issues razz we get into friday and saturday. temperatures around 60. then as we get into sunday temperatures will be in the low 70s and so if you're headed out the the nats game saturday, they're playing the phillies, looking good. it's bring your pups to nats park on saturday. it will be damp and cool, bike d.c. all right and mother's day just a little on the breezy side. as we continue to monday and tuesday, temperatures back in the low 70s. s re newright after this. you'busted tail.rd. and impressed the boss. maybe, it's time to be your own. transform your career with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it, america. president trump just met with two important russian figures, we're learning he hosted russian foreign minister sergei lavrov and russian ambassador sergey kislyak at the white house. we've seen photos of both lavrov and the ambassador in the oval office, we don't have them just yet though. we're working to get video of the president's comments about former fbi director james oor j. he made comments about that a few moments ago. we'll have more on the nbc washington app and news 4 at 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00 tonight. a new restaurant at the st. regis hotel promises innovative mediterranean food in a beautiful setting. dekanter is in a newly joining us is the executive chef of decanter, javier munoz. it smells wonderful. what should we expect. >> we pretty much expect spanish food cater iing to the american palate so everyone can enjoy it. so we have influence. we're cooking risotto. in spanish we call it rocaldoso because of my background, spain. >> sounds good. what is in it? >> a little bit of onion, we always use extra virgin olive oil, shallots. >> is that what i smell, the shallots? >> shallots and white wine. >> so good. >> after that we have >> you cook these separately? and peas in there. >> yeah, because in the restaurant we use a spanish product but also we work with farmers and local people because we like to do menus seasonable. >> so those peas good for spring. >> beautiful peas right now. >> how do you cook these? >> just put a little bit of red onion, garlic, fresh parsley, white wine and fish stock. >> that's it? >> very simple. so if you want to take a spoon and wet those for me so they don't get dry. what we're trying to do right now is create all the spanish dishes we are going to present pretty soon. we starting the new menus. very exciting thing for us. >> what's the key to making sure -- aaron was saying he cooked risotto at home the other day. >> i know, i heard about that on on don't overcook it at home? i'm intimidated? >> first of all, you shouldn't be intimidated about cooking it just takes time, love, passion. >> i have all that for food. >> it's like a simple -- like the passion that is put into sports, that's the passion we put into cooking so we're trying to just be on top of a lid wick liddle by little the rice and starch released. just keep stirring tasting once in a while. this risotto is done so what we'll do now it's spanish style so i want to add manchego cheese. >> i usually eat it with fruit and crackers but i didn't realize you can put in the a dish. >> you can definitely use the manchego. >> do you use a different cheese or do you prefer this? >> well, t so so you can use another hearter spanish cheese. >> let's plate this up. >> let's plate this up. we have a plate right here just for you. >> i'll let you do the honors. >> you're going to put me to work, too? >> you're the chef. that looks beautiful. is that mushroom? >> no, that is another side of the clams that i chopped and nut for the flavor and now because after this we're going to top it with a little saffron emulsion. >> inside the risotto. >> on top of the the risotto. >> i'm going to move this out of the way so you can see the beautiful dish. and that's saffron risotto. >> that's saffron risotto. an emulsion. >> you just add that on stop. >> just put it on top flav flavor. >> and the color is really pretty, too. some final accoutrement? >> a little touch right there and of course a little bit of saffron. >> beautiful. >> enjoy, please do so. >> amazing, looks so good. i can eat this whole bowl. >> it tastes better than the risotto you made. >> it looks just like my risotto. [ laughter ] chef javier cuesta from the st. regis, thank you so much. >> a pleasure. >> thank you so much. >> aaron, you have to try this just to compare. >> it looks like the risotto in my head. >> so you have to come for mother's day to dry it. >> i can do that for sure. a nevada teen has dethroned ellen degeneres for the world record of most-tweeted tweet. last month carter wilkerson tweeted wendy's asking how m year's worth of chicken nuggets. wendy's replied 18 million. he smashed ellen's record and scored $100,000 for charity and gets a year's worth of nuggets. good for him. a final look at your forecast when news 4 midday returns. we built our 100% fiber optic network because we knew that in the future everybody would need fast, powerful internet and lots of it. with download speeds up to 940 mgs that are 20x faster and more powerful than most people have. you want to run 100 devices? go ahead. and the really incredible part, it's $79.99 a month for one year, and you'll also get tv, hbo and multi-room dvr service. comcast only offers 200 mg speeds with their $89.99 triple play. switch to the most powerful internet at the most revolutionary price. get fios gigabit connection for $79.99 a month and we'll give you tv, hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for 2 years all with a 2 year agreement. so act fast. go to watch diey shares are down in pre-market trading. the media giant reporting quarterly profits that beat wall street forecast thanks in part to the box office success of "beauty and the beast" and its new theme park in china but revenue revenues because of higher programming costs and losses at espn as more people are dropping their cable package or what is known as cutting the cord, espn is hoping to launch a subscription streaming service. the world's most valuable company is worth even more. apple stock closing at an all time high yesterday pushing its market cap above $800 billion, a first for any u.s. company. shares having boosted by news of a big investment by warren buffett in anticipation for the iphone later this year. for morning business report, i'm landon dowdy. you don't have to buy as much on amazon to get free shipping anymore. if you don't have amazon prime the threshold is now only $25. it was $35. this appears to be competition heating up. is walmart said you can get free shipping on orders over $25 or more. could your credit score be hurting your love life? came out with a study that says 42% of americans think knowing someone's credit score could change how they view someone they want to date. it looks like the ladies think it's a big deal. women were nearly three times more likely than men to think credit scores are a huge influence. >> we have responsibilities 12k3w4 and most people are diviwhen you should spill the beans about your finances to your partner or date. this morning dove is facing some backlash over its latest attempt to challenge beauty stereotypes. dove's uk operation is pushing the line of six body wash bottles designed to celebrate the many shapes and sizes of women' there are tall bottles and short bottles and curvy bottles but women are turning to social media to tell dove it missed the mark. many are mocking the idea, in fact, users are tweeted silly pictures of containers and telling dove there's already a body wash that looks like me, they use a little honey bear bottle show this one, we've seen aunt jemima bottles. >> i think it's fun. well, i'm a guy. time for a final look at the midday forecast. >> lauryn richts is standing by with the forecast. >> temperatures will continue to rise into the low 70s through the rest ever to day. yesterday we made it to 67 so we'll do much better today. we saw a few throughout this morning but we'll have a few more by this afternoon. it will be a great night. if you're headed game or seeing the wizards play in boston -- at a bar, not going up to boston but it will be nice as you head back. tomorrow morning we'll have rain in the area and scattered showers throughout your day on thursday. we could have heavy rain, scattered showers will continue for friday as well and saturday temperatures around 60 but mother's day in d.c. temperatures are in the low 70s and breezy. >> all right, lawrence. thank you. take a look at this little guy! this video you'll be talking about today. we're getting a rare look at an albino orangutan. he's recovering after being rescued from a village in indonesia. a conservation group says this is the first time they've seen an albino orangutan in 25 years. that same conservation group is also asking for people to help name the orangutan so it can be become an spiring ecies. >>sp t stand by, everyone. we're live in five, four, three, two, one. >> it's a very tough order, monogamy. there are periods of time in a woman's life hormonally and a man's life hormonally, where it's very edgy and precarious. it really runs the risk, if you will, if you're not aware that you could maybe screw up a really good thing. >> goldie hawn talking. fascinating what she has to say about monogamy at 71, and very youthful, obviously. >> does she look fantastic? she's the most youthful person out there. when i think of her, i think of that smile, and i feel like

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