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Fighting to be the next president of the United States. News4 midday starts right now. It doesnt matter if you go with your significant other, your family from out of town or all by yourself. We all love the Cherry Blossoms and now we know the best time to get to the title basin this year. Were live at the museum where they just made the announcement. Megan . Reporter well, barbara, everybody wants to know, when will the Cherry Blossoms hit their peak . Thats the big question year after year, and we now have the answer just a little while ago. Just minutes ago, the experts announced what they believe will be the peak period, and those days are march 31st through april 2nd. That falls well within the Cherry Blossom festival, so thats always good news here. I got to tell you, having been down to the title basin this morning, im pretty surprised by the dates. Take a look at this video we shot here just aew there is not much progress down there, not at this point. And its pretty cold. It was very blustery this morning. All were seeing on the branches are very small buds very tightly closed. But obviously the experts believe its going to warm up enough to get things going, and that were going to start to see the peak bloom on march 31st. The festival begins on march 20th and runs through april 17th. There are all kinds of wonderful events. The parade, fireworks, you name it, all kinds of cultural exchanges and performances. Just a ton of things to do with your family. Lots of people expected from out of town, about 1. 5 Million People expected to come here to the washington region. Of course, thats good for the local economy. Over 120 million expected to be brought into the region during the festival. And folks are very hopeful that were going to have good weather and that people are going to get down here and take advantage of t im going to have more on that coming up in the next half hour about some of the events. And the other thing to keep in mind here, that this is nature were talking about here. While we have an estimate for the peak bloom, things can change. If the weather gets warm, it could speed things up. If the weather gets cold, it could slow things down. Theyll kind of tweak this forecast as we get closer. Ten days out, thats when they get a real good idea of when the actual peak will be, and ill have more on that next hour. Back to you. Those blossoms wouldnt dare come out today. Winter has returned. We were in the mid60s yesterday afternoon. Temperatures have plummeted. Thats a live view from storm team 4 National Harbor camera. Just a few clouds are racing through right now. The temperatures will be holding steady. Just around 40 withhe gusting to 40 miles an hour this afternoon. Turning colder tonight. Your weather headlines, does still look like some snow moving in late thursday night perhaps into friday morning. What to wear today . You have to haul out your warm coat, warm hat. You need your gloves, you need your sunglasses. You wont need the umbrella. Winter is back for a few days, but there is warming coming. Well look at that in a few minutes. Decision 2016 where candidates are back on the trail today after huge wins for donald trump and Hillary Clinton. Heres a look at who won what starting with donald trump. Donald trump won three states. Ted cruz took texas. Marco rubio only took of minnesota. Sanders won four of the five states he targeted. Clinton won seven states, including virginia. She now has about 1,000 delegates, nearly half of what she needs to qualify for the democratic nomination. And there is a gop debate set for tomorrow night. The next big primary day is saturday, march 15. People in florida, illinois, missouri, North Carolina and ohio will vote. But before that, there are contests this weekend in kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maine and nebraska. And a reminder to open up our nbc washington app to see how each virginia county voted. You can use our compare candidates tool to see where each of the candidates stand on the issues. Just search compare candidates. Today the maryland man charged with killing his twoyearold daughter will be in court. He is charged with killing lashont twoyearold daughter chloe last month. He was upset because he owed over 200,000 in Child Support payments. A plea deal is expected in the matthew case. There were two people murdered five years apart. Matthew is charged in both cases. Once a deal is announced, we will send an alert to your phone using the washington nbc app. Mayor Muriel Bowser has pulled her support for the nearly 7 billion deal. Last friday the d. C. Public Service Commission rejected the deal but laid out certain conditions for the pepco and epsilon to meet for approval. One was limiting the threeyear rate freeze for customers. A rate payer says she will represents one of nine groups that must give their approval for the deal to go through. Pepco and epsilon have nine days to solve any differences. Plus a developing story right now out of western new york. A state of emergency after a train derailment. The dangerous material the train here are some of the stories lighting up social media this morning. People want Chris Christie out. They say he has no standing in the state following his endorsement of donald trump for the nomination. He is being asked to step down. He spent 264 days out of supported trump after he quit his own president ial bid last month. Facebook live videos will now appear higher in your news feed. We do that here as well. Facebook live is a relatively new feature, but it seems people are just loving it. The social media giant is altering its algorithm to make sure the videos appear higher in the stream. According to facebook, people spend three times longer watching videos. High School Musical iv officially happening. Disney channel says theyre returning to east high for new establishment of the big hit. Well get to know the east high rivals, the west high knights. No word on when that newc movi right now people are cleaning up whats left of their homes. A tornado swept through central alabama. Take a look at the damage. Windows blown out, trees uprooted and houses torn apart. One house was totally destroyed. Four people were hurt but they will all be okay. Tom . Pretty strong storm system thats been whipping us with wind. Live view there at Union Station. The flag flapping, winds gusting as 30, 35 miles an hour. Look at our wind chill. This is more like midwinter, not the second day of march. Our wind chills in the 20s around the region because of strong winds and air temperatures that are hovering around 40. Still gusty winds at 2 00. It might make it briefly into the low 40s and back down near 40 with a sunny sky by 5 00 p. M. Then the winds will by 10 00, getting cold into the mid30s by late tonight. Developing a big hazmat cleanup is forcing people out of their homes, and theyre wondering when they can go back. This all happened after a train derailed last night. Take a look at the scene here. Its not clear why it went off the track. This is in upstate new york. You ca see the snow falling there and emergency creuzot scene. At least two cars were leaking ethanol. A third car was carrying some kind of Hazardous Material as well. In the last hour, the u. S. Supreme court heard an important case on abortion rights. Outside the court, demonstrators on both sides of the debate. After the break, the restrictions this case could put on for a cup of coffee just because youre a woman. So why does congress think its ok that women get paid 20 less than a man for doing the same job . Ill fight for pay equity, to protect planned parenthood, choice for women, and expand paid and family leave. Now some politicians will belittle this as a womens agenda. More proof that we just need more women in congress. Im Kathleen Mathews and i approve this message. From the live desk, arguments before the Supreme Court just wrapping up whats being called the biggest Abortion Case in decades. The justice heard debate over a rolling back of a texas law that allows doctors who perform abortions to have limited service in hospitals and to make them meet certain standards. Groups on both sides of the issue here have been gathered on the sidewalks now for hours today. Speakers have been making a case for protecting access to abortion services. Dozens of antiabortion pro woman. Hundreds of abortion rights advocates shouted back abortion is a human right. The court can handle this in several ways, especially since there is an uneven amount of justices right now. A decision is expected in june. A house subcommittee is holding a hearing to answer questions people might have about the zika virus. The biggest concern of lawmakers, pregnant women and their unborn babies. The link between mosquitos and birth defects is even surprising among doctors. What is really surprising is a link to microcephaly causing other birth defects was identified that would do so on such a broad level. As far as we know, never before has there been a mosquitoborne cause of a severe pregnant women avoid traveling to zikaaffected regions this spring and that includes south america, central america, the caribbean, Pacific Islands and u. S. Territories. Tom, what about these cold temperatures . Yeah, and the winds gusting to about 40 miles an hour. A few branches have come down. Weve had a scattering of a few Power Outages from a few tree limbs that have come down. Well stay blustery with our winds with gusts to 35 or 40. Then theyll diminish overnight. Temperatures will struggle to make it back to loet the low 40 then mid40s in the afternoon. Looking at snow developing late thursday night and probably ending during the morning commute on friday. Could be two inches or so, mainly slushy snow on grassy areas. Then over the weekend, looking nice. Warm temperatures move in sunday, and by next tuesday it will be back into the 60s. Thank you. Now to a terrible story that is adding more pain to a family in our area who is already coping with loss. Virginia gray died last month after falling unconscious in her d. C. Home. Her family tells us they made all the funeral arrangements. But when they arrived for the viewing last weekend, someone else was in their grandmothers casket. Lun acy is what it is. Its unspeakable. We just want to have a proper funeral and burial if its not too late. The family doesnt know what happened to their grandmothers body. We checked with the hospital where gray died, and they tell us they are looking into the problem. Right now the Consumer Product Safety Commission is demonstrating new blinds that are safer for children. Some are cordless, others have a hidden cord. The commission is showcasing the childsafe blinds at an International Safety summit being held here in d. C. Efforts are under way to get nt to prevent future strangulations. A legal battle over the purple line may stop the project from going ahead. A federal lawsuit has now been filed by friends of the capital crescent trail. The light rail system will link prince georges counties. They believe the line and the trail can peacefully co exist. A Shopping Center will be torn down to make way for the new Development Near the purple line. After the break, the impact of tv and how it could help fight discrimination. And dont forget, you can catch news4 midday from anywhere. All you need is your smartphone or tablet. Open the nbc washingt since the attacks in paris and san bernardino, the country has seen an increase in antimuslim sentiment. Special on muslims could decrease the resentment among the group . This is something on the minds of a lot of us, because apparently it really has gotten bad since those attacks. According to a gallop poll from a few years ago, 50 of u. S. Muslims reported feeling discrimination. Lets talk about that, and what do you think about using television and sitcoms to treat that problem . Well, so they have used multiple measures in the past to try to figure out how to reduce prejudice in various groups. So what theyve tried are things like diversity training, education, Public Service announcements. And really what they found is those things arent very effective. Entertainment education, on the other hand, has been shown to be somewhat effective, and one case in point of this is the show will grace. That was a landmark show for gay people, right . It really helped introduce gay people to a lot of people who may not have known any gay person or didnt think they knew any gay person, and helped decrease prejudice in that community. So entertainment education is basically using an entertaining format to introduce people to some other group and helping them, hopefully, decrease their prejudice towards that group. Would that show have to elevate the person who is suffering the prejudice . They cant be a comic figure, can they . They can just be a normal figure. So i think a lot of people, if you look at tv now, right . With muslims theyre often being portrayed as terrorists or black people are being portrayed as criminals. When you just show them being regular people, that has a powerful impact on the viewer. Were going to talk some more about reducing prejudice through television when we come back in just a moment. Back to you. Take a look at the relief on this mans face as he collects his grandchild. You can see the situation turned out okay, but this baby fell out of the back of this van. You see it right there. Take a look at this frightening video. The toddler justl van while it was moving in the middle of the road. The child gets up and starts chasing the van, walking toward the van. This happened in china. The toddler is okay, thank goodness. Thats because when the child tried to run after the van, the driver recording the video pulled over and picked him up. This is so scary. Apparently the boy crawled out of the seat into the back, and the grandfather who was driving didnt even realize this was happening. Apparently the lift gate malfunctioned it didnt get closed down completely. How did that happen, do you know . Incredible that the child was able to get up. We were stunned. A troubled cruise ship is back in port. What the cruise line is saying. Plus, the its about taking a stand. For too long, wall street banks had their way. They crashed our economy. But democrat Donna Edwards wont take their money because she stands up for us. As a single mom, she knows the challenges our families face. Shell be our voice. Tightening regulations on the big banks and fighting to keep dark money out of politics. Democrat Donna Edwards, marylands next senator. The cursed cruise ship, anthem of the seas, is back in the new jersey port this this is the second time in less than a month the ships trip was cut short. In this case it was because of a norovirus outbreak and possibly bad weather ahead. In february the ship had to end its voyage early as it sailed into a storm. It brought 30foot waves and people were sick from it. That ship just has lots of problems, tom. Here well have the return of weather. After yesterday we were lulled into a false sense of early spring, in the 50s. We dont have any snow in the region. We are getting some snow showers at lake erie. Just a few clouds coming through, but overall a great day to get out and get a run in. You may sort of be dodging some tree limbs that may have come down on some of the running paths, but welling hovering near 40 degrees for the next hour or so, but then it may briefly touch the low 40s for a couple hours. These winds will still be gusting around 35, 40 miles an hour. By 6 00 p. M. Winter is back. Its going to be with us here for a couple more days. Tom, thank you. A private contractor d. C. Hired to plow during the blizzard of 2015 is still waiting to get paid. D. C. Says the backlog amounts to as much as 35 million in unpaid invoices. Muriel bowser didnt say why it was taking so long to pay, but it shouldnt take much longer. Any invoices we have are being processed in the normal course. Were about 30 days today, so i dont anticipate any holdups. The district, like many jurisdictions, relies heavily on private snow flosnowplows to cl roads when it snows. Reading is so important, and thats why today is a great day. A Movement Across the country to celebrate dr. Seusss birthday. I had the Georgetown University hospital yesterday. I had the chance to read to some beautiful kids. Horton hears a who, one of my favorites. Dont forget, share your pictures with us of your favorite dr. Seuss book and let us know why its your favorite. You can tweet the book to nbc washington with the hash tag readacrossamerica. Do you have a Favorite Book . I have a few. And i cant give them away even though my children arent little anymore. I still keep the books and go through them time and again. Some i remember from my childhood. We told you when the Cherry Blossoms would bloom. After the break, more on this years cherry new at midday, the date you can circle on your calendar in pink. The national Cherry Blossom festival starts this month, and we just found out the times to go. News4 Megan Mcgrath is there. She just heard them give the dates. Tell us what they are, and good morning. Reporter well, barbara, the date to circle would be march 31st. Thats the start of the peak bloom period. And if Mother Nature cooperates, that peak period should last so you can imagine its going to be very crowded down there on the title basin during that period. Thats good news. This all falls within the Cherry Blossom festival which gets under way march 20th until april 17th. We were down at the tidal basin this morning. Take a look at the video. Were not seeing a lot of movement in terms of the trees and what theyre doing. There are just very small buds at the end of the branches. Theyre very tightly closed. No evidence peak bloom is just a few weeks away, but thats what the experts say. Of course, this all depends on what Mother Nature does. If things cool down, it could delay it, and if things warm up, it could speed it up. They may have to make some shifts. The dates we said just a week ago are different than what we were a little blustery today, a little snow next week. Of course, there are lots of events happening during the festival. Opening ceremony is on march 26. The kite festival is on april 2nd. The parade is on april 16th, and the river festival will take place on april 17th. Public transportation is your best bet for getting down here, of course. Were expecting about 1. 5 Million People to come during the course of the entire festival. But again, for folks who take nothing but the peak period, thats what they have to see, here are your dates, march 31st through april 2nd. Thats the estimate as it stands now. Back to you all in the studio. Those buds arent budging today, thats for sure. With these cold temperatures, winter has come back in again for at least a brief visit. There is Rockville Pike and theres the intersection with route 28 in downtown rockville. You can dried out from the rain we had last night, the wind blew out everywhere. Youll need a warm winter coat, a warm hat, gloves and the sunglass sunglasses. Bright sun now. The sun getting pretty high with this angle this time of year. In the afternoon its only going to hover in the low 40s for another couple hours. The winds gusting to where its feeling like the 20s. Wind chills will be in the 20s to the latter part of the afternoon. Temperatures back in the 30s tonight, so getting cold again, but mercifully the winds will diminish considerably as we get into the evening hours tonight. By late tonight, relatively calm under a clear sky. Thats how it looks. Pray on just a little while longer pray on a moving memorial for a wife and dedicated mother who spent her time helping Wounded Service members. Police say crystal hamiltons her after she made a Domestic Violence call for help. When officers arrived saturday night, police say Ronald Hamilton then shot and killed officer Ashley Guindon and wounded two other officers. Crystal hamilton worked as a counselor to Wounded Warriors and loved being a mother to her 11yearold son. Her sister says shes focusing on taking care of her nephew now who was inside the house when the violence began. He is the spitting image of her. Everything they did together he just constantly talks about. And i think thats going to be the toughest thing, is trying to get him past all of this, but how can you . The family says it is planning the funeral for crystal hamilton. The cofounder of aol has died of cancer. Family members say jim kinsey died on Tuesday Morning at his home in mcclain. He was 76 years old. Kinsey helped Video Company and turned it into america on line, which is known as aol. The pioneer was also a vietnam veteran. Now to decision 2016 where dr. Ben carson is staying in the race despite his poor super tuesday performance. In fact, hes calling for a change in tone. Carson invited all of the candidates to a meeting on the, quote, lack of civility ahead of tomorrows debate. We look at history of nasty president ial campaigns. Ethnic insults. Theyre bringing drugs, theyre bringing crime, theyre rapists. Reporter to school yard talk. A man with the worst spray tan in america is attacking me. Reporter the attacks this year have gone from straight out nasty. His hands are and you know what they say about small hands. Something i have to get off my chest. Donald trump is a jerk. You have the debate getting so raw and angry and getting personal. Reporter undeniably, it is donald trump, the most controversial candidate in memory, who is driving the tone. Jeb is a low energy person. Theyre losers. Theyre losers reporter his sharpedged tool twitter. A rant sparking a new phrase. Donald is sparking another temper tantrum, or if you like, a trumper tantrum. Hes flying around on hair force i and tweeting its rubio reporter it isnt the First Modern Campaign to hit below the belt. In 1992, it was george h. W. Bush attacking bill clinton and al gore on foreign policy. About Foreign Affairs than these two bozos. Bill clinton talked about the whole obama experience. 2016 has reached a new low. There have been campaigns that have been called nasty in the past, but the nastiness was over issues, it was not making personal insults against each other. And that was Andrea Mitchell reporting. Can watching sitcoms like friends change the way you view life . The results of im back with dr. Joshua wiener on the impact tv has on peoples behaviors. Tell me about the study. This was a study that took about 200 adults. Half the group watched an episode of friends, half the group watched a showle little moscow on the prairie. Its a sitcom and it featured muslim characters. They measured peoples attitudes before watching the show, immediately after the show and four to six weeks later, and they found the group that watched shoet withe show with t muslims had significantly reduced prejudice toward muslims, not only right after the show but it persisted four to six weeks out. Because they saw these people just like they saw themselves. Lets talk about the fact, and you and i have talked about this brrefore, how television c influence job behavior. It just shows the impact tv and the media have. I see the major a lot of kids are going into right now are criminal justice and people wanting to do things because they watch the show csi or ncis. You talked about seeing that as well with your wednesdays child. Exactly. Interestingly, i j nasa is having record numbers of people applying to be astronauts. They are over twofold what they normally get, and they asked nasa what they attributed it to, and they think its the movie ma martian. So should they think about ki things do we want our kids to aspire to . Exactly, because it clearly has an impact on how people think and behave. It goes back to that whole antimuslim thing we have got to address. Exactly. Thank you very much. Dr. Wiener mentioned nasa. Dr. Scott kelly talks about different choices. Direct tv mobile is for people who want to watch on their smartphone, and direct tv preview will let you snack on content for free. No details on pricing yet, but they say it will be cheaper than current directv bundles but you wont have access to premium channels. And new today, back on earth for the first time in nearly a year. Can you imagine . Those legs are probably so wobbly. Astronaut scott kelly will get to see his family in person tonight after spending nearly 12 straight months in space. Nbcs tom cosella shows us. It was just last night that scott kelly touched down on earth. Back to mother earth 240 days in space. The end of a 340day mission. I wanted to say goodbye and thank you. Reporter only six hours earlier, hugs and goodbyes on the International Space station as all three men climbed into the soya space capsule. Closed at 3 43 central time. Reporter then closed the hatch for the return trip home. Kelly had been on board since march 27 of last year, tweeting stunning photographs along the way. Having no running water, you know, its kind of like ive been in the wood camping for a year. Reporter nasa is hoping to learn about the longterm effects in space on the human body. By comparing scotto his twin brother mark who has been on the ground this past year. Both men subjected themselves to a battery of medical tests, information nasa hopes to use in preparing for a future trip to mars. While a 340day Space Mission may be an american record, its not a world cosmonaut. But this morning scott kelly is back on terra firma. Its an amazing place so im going to miss it. Mixed emotions. What an incredible journey. Hes been tweeting so many adventures in space. It will be interesting to hear what nasa learns from this experience. Its interesting to say he could have stayed there another year. But he needed to see his family. Thats more important than seeing how much longer he could have stayed. Could it be the missing Malaysia Airlines plane 370 . Debris just found . Plus right now very cold wind. You can see the flag at Union Station flapping there. A pretty picture, but tom, a big change from yesterday for sure. Yeah, we were in the 60s yesterday. Now its only around 40 degrees. Feels like the 20s with that wind. Highs just briefly maybe low 40s this afternoon. The blustery winds will diminish overnight. Tomorrow increasing clouds. It will be in the upper 20s, low 30 tomorrow. Highs in the low 30s. Likelihood of wet snow thursday night into the commute on friday morning. Might have s still cold, highs only to 40. A lot of it melting off, but maybe a little iciness around on saturday morning from whats left over. Near freezing on saturday afternoon. Then we snap back, feeling like spring again. Nice weather returns sunday, monday and tuesday. Highs in the 50s on sunday and monday. Tuesday into the mid60s. How about that . Thats what im looking forward to, tom. Thank you. Its now 11 48. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton Campaign Today with a slew of new wins under their belt. Heres a recap of who won what, starting with the republicans. Donald trump took seven states, including virginia. Senator ted cruz won three states, arguably most important his home state of texas and its large number of delegates. Florida senator marco rubio won only in minnesota. To the democrats now and the increasingly hard race ahead for senator Bernie Sanders. He won four super tuesday state of vermont. Hillary clinton took seven states, including virginia. She now has about 1,000 delegates, nearly half of what she needs to qualify for the democratic nomination. Nbcs tracie potts reports on the record turnout and the race ahead. Reporter donald trump and Hillary Clinton. I am so delighted to be here with you in florida reporter both looking ahead after sweeping super tuesday. She won seven states, including texas, where trump wants to build the wall. Instead of building walls, were going to break down barriers. It is good to be home reporter Bernie Sanders won colorado, minnesota, oklahoma and his home state, vermont. It means so much to me that the people who know me best have voted so strongly to put us in the white house. Reporter as expected, trump lost the big prize, texas, but won almost everything else. Hes vowing to steal florida from marco rubio in two weeks. Finished, im going to go after one person, thats Hillary Clinton. Reporter ted cruz now declaring triple victory, texas, oklahoma, and as of this morning, alaska. Hes begging everyone else to drop out now. That is the only way to beat donald trump. Reporter but marco rubio, who only carried minnesota, says hes going nowhere. I will campaign as long as it takes and wherever it takes to ensure that i am the next president of the United States reporter this race a chess game with few moves left but no one quite ready to call checkmate. Especially Governor John Kasich of ohio. He says hes staying in it until his home state votes in two weeks. That state, winner take all. Tracie potts, nbc news, washington. New developments about the mal malaysian Airlines Plane now missing for two years. Investigators are looking at ho could be from flight 370. It disappeared in 2013. Youre looking at the only confirmed piece of the plane which was found last year. This morning Malaysian Airlines said they would not speculate on the findings because theres too much going on right now. Im melissa malay. We are following the stories youre clicking on. A woman stopped at a security checkpoint after officers spotted those heels in the shape of handguns. They were in her carryon bag. Probably not the best idea. She was also carrying bracelets lined with steel bullets. The faa says you cannot carry replica guns oram nigs throu am through security checkpoints. He just believed in me and said youre going to be a great player. Reporter the university of california brought an emotional speech from senior michael page. Page gave an emotional speech thanking Coach Williams and his teammates. Page said his coach made him a better person, not just a better player. Theyre trying to add more horsepower to their game this year, literally. Some of the players took to horseback during Training Camp in florida yesterday. Apparently it was the pitchers idea. The players looked pretty at home on those horses, having traded in ei for those horses. Back to you. But does it help them play ball is what i want to know. Since were talking about b president obama is about to make a historic trip to cuba, but hes planning to enjoy the american pastime while hes there. Yesterday the mlb announced the Tampa Bay Rays will play a game in havana and tweeted president obama will be in the crowd. Theyre taking on the nationals both teams first spring training games. A lot of the stars are out of the lineup and will not play until tomorrow. That includes brett harper, Ryan Zimmerman and im so drready for baseball weather. We play baseball when its cold, but its feeling like winter today. You might be dodging some small tree branches on some side streets, but watch out for that due to strong winds. No problems the rest of the evening and tomorrow morning you should not have any travel problems. Weather headlines, the gusts of 40 miles an hour this afternoon will diminish overnight tonight and then much colder tomorrow morning. Some snow thursday night into early friday morning, maybe two or three inches of a slushy accumulation is the way it looks right now. So today that should not stop you from getting some exercise. Temperatures hovering in the low 40s this afternoon despite those blustery winds. A great day to get out and get some cexercise. Isnt that right . If you say so, tom. Wink, wink. That does it for our news this midday. Were back on the air this afternoon first at updates at any time with the nbc washington app. We h Kathleen Matthews imagine paying 20 more for a cup of coffee just because youre a woman. So why does congress think its ok that women get paid 20 less than a man for doing the same job . Ill fight for pay equity, to protect planned parenthood, choice for women, and expand paid and family leave. Now some politicians will belittle this as a womens agenda. More proof that we just need more women in congress. Im Kathleen Mathews and i approve this message. Announcer today on the Meredith Vieira show. We are talking about whats hot now. And why a popular retailer is under fire for a now ad campaign and Tamar Braxton were here and you will not believe how they were discovered. We are sending out yamaneika for a round of speed dating. What is up with the bow tie . You like it. Announcer all right now on meredith

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