Transcripts For WRC News4 Midday 20130118 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 Midday 20130118

take on a man. president obama is considerably greyer now than in the portrait taken from his first term. four years can take a toll on america's backyard as well. the national park service just spent $16 million to replace grass on the national mall that was trampled dump president obama's first inauguration. today, they're making sure their investment is well protected. news4 megan mcgrath is on the mall which is getting a a special protective layer. >> reporter: a sight the wug tonians are not familiar with. green, healthy grass on the national mall near the capitol. the result of a more than year-long project that cost millions of dollars and come monday, this new grass is going to get a serious workout with all of the people who are expected to come for the inauguration. while the u.s. park service wants to protect their investment, and so they're turning to technology. the grass on the national mall has never looked better. the section from 3rd to 7th street has been completely overhauled and with hundreds of thousands of people expected to attend the inauguration, the park service wants to make sure that investment is protected. work crews began covering the grass with special plastic panel calls terraplast. it keeps the feet of thousands of visitors off. >> it will protect all of the feet that will be walking on the from trampling down the brand new grass. it will allow it to breathe. chen when we take it off it will look much like now but it will probably be a little bit greener. for four days it's going to be warmer at the grass level than it is at the sunlight level so if we have 50 degree sunlight on saturday it's going to be 60 or 65 underneath there which the grass is going to love. >> reporter: the entire mall will not be covered, only the newly-planted sections. the richards ride their bikes by the mall every day and have watched the mall renovation unfold. they're glad to hear that steps are being taken to spare the new grass. >> i was thinking the other day, oh, my gosh, all these crowds and they're going to u ruin it at all so it's good that they're protecting it. >> we'll protect that treasure. >> reporter: crews began to lay down the panels this morning but work continues into the weekend. from the national mall, megan mcgrath, news4. >> and looking outside right now, thousands of people are going to be on the mall a little bit later this weekend and we can see what it's going to look like as far as the weather goes by asking. >> storm team4 meterologist tom kierein, that's a question for you. it looks like it's going to be turning colder on inauguration day and into midweek next week and between now and then, it's so great to have the sunshine back after yesterday's storm came through south of us, the winter storm, this is what it looked like at 11:00. all that area in white with heavy snow between richmond to norfolk and around the tide water ree develop of virginia and extreme southern maryland and parts of southern delaware and the lower part of the even shore they got snow and quickly moved out to sea and after that we've cleared out this morning. we have a blustery, cold wind and all those areas in the darker blue are below freezing in the 20s. much of western maryland and into west virginia, pennsylvania and in it's low to mid 30s around washington. the wind is gusting, too. right now around the metro area, in the low to mid 30s. we're not going to warm up much as we get into the afternoon. forecast in detail, that's coming up in just a couple of minutes. we'll look at that big, cold blast coming in next week as well. barbara in. >> thank you, tom. right now the search is on for the man who assaulted a prince george's teen. officers are looking for the man depipgted in this police sketch and say he followed a 16-year-old girl as she walked to the bus stop in fort washington. the girl says he started touching himself and then tried to grab her and she kicked him and he took off. in this news4 exclusive the girl says she wants others to be careful. >> i felt kind of helpless, so nobody else would have to go through that. mentally that would be in my head, for a while. >> the girl was not seriously hurt. if you know anything about the attack, police in prince george's county want to hear from you. and virginia, a similar situation. police say someone tried to snatch a 13-year-old girl. the police released this composite sketch of a man who approached a girl as she approached the bus stop and tried to force her into a why is van. police say minutes later witnesses saw a similar looking van run a stop sign nearby almost causing an accident. d.c. police are checking is your vaps video to figure out who's behind a stabbing overnight. the police say the woman was stabbed in the neck in northwest washington but made her way to an opened gas station on 14th street near the columbia heights metro administration. she was taken to the hospital and is expected to be okay. police want to know who robbed an elderly woman in montgomery county. this is a surveillance picture from outside safeway on outlet drive in fairland. investigators say the woman walked out of the store just before 10:00 on tuesday night when a man threw her to the ground and took cash from her. if you recognize the man, please call the police. d.c. police are looking for two people involved in a hit and run in northwest washington. a car collided with a taxi cab in the intersection of 7th and e street, not far from the verizon center. overnight that is. two people believed to be teens jumped out of one car and took off running and rescuesers took two people to the hospital and they are expected to be okay. and major backups this morning on i-95 in maryland. the northbound lanes were shut down for more than an hour near the accident at route 216 and laurel. a car slammed into the back of a tractor-trailer. no word on the conditions of anyone in the car. and this is been a busy morning for danella seabrook. she joins us now with a look at how traffic is moving. danella? >> good morning. barbara. on i-95 north and south in maryland, nice and clear and no longer are there large delays that we saw earlier today. i got to show you, 14th street bridge as you make your way inbound seeing delays at about two miles because of the crash. you can see off to the right lanes. so as you're traveling northbound, 14th street bridge, you're seeing a two-mile backup. heading over to i-95 southbound at and it's clear. it was construction set up for about an hour or so but it was blocking your right lane. barbara, back to you. >> thanks, danella. a developing story overseas. al gearian state media reports this hour out of 132 foreign hostages have now been freed. sources tell nbc news that earlier this morning, a u.s. air force plane landed in algeria to help those wounded during the hostage situation regardless of their nationality. last night, those who were rescued by al gearian troops yesterday were sent on chartered flights to london. six were killed when the operation was attempted. the fbi is trying to figure out about a tip they got about a potential plane hijacking was real or a hoax. the fbi second tors say swup called their honolulu saying a man aboard a flight from hawaii to seattle was going to hijack the plane. f-15 jets scrambled to escort the flight to seattle, ta coma international. as soon as it landed they had took the unidentified man off the plane. despite concern on the ground, many on board say they didn't know anything was going on. >> no, nothing. >> just as we got off i noticed tsa and the policeman was at the gate. but -- >> you didn't see anybody else? >> nothing was unusual. nothing -- nothing out of the ordinary. >> officers question the man for hours but say they do not expect to aarrest him because it's still not clear if the call was legitimate or a hoax. 11:08 is our time now and coming up next on "news4 midday", caught camera. who's behind' the attack. and the scary moment on an airport tarmac. find out what caused the plane packed with passengers to suddenly shake! inauguration history -- 1932 vice president cal vip coolidge took the oath of office in vermont at his far's house after the death of president warren harding. he was a notary public and administered the oath. 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who could pop up like a jack in the box and blow away the shooter? he doesn't know. >> now, those against the bill say firearms and small children are a dangerous combination. the school safety task force is expected to make its recommendations before the virginia's general assembly adjourns next month. a new survey shows most americans want tougher gun laws. according to a new nbc news "wall street journal" poll 56% said they favor more restrictions on guns. 7% say current gun laws are too strict. 35% prefer to keep laws the way they are now. the poll shows 41% of all households own a gun. caught on video. a philadelphia woman was robbed and thrown on to a train track by a homeless man. we want to warn you some viewers may find this video we're about to show you, graphic. video shows the man attacking a 23-year-old woman as she waits for the train. he then drags her across the platform with her kicking and struggling along the way before he tosses her on to the tracks. fortunately, she had enough time to cross the tracks and clooirnl on to the other platform without serious injury. police have since arrested that man. in miami, some scary moments for airline passengers when two planes clipped winnings on the run way. flyers reported hearing a bang and feeling the plane shake. one of the planes had just arrived. the other was about to take off. the airline cancelled that flight, stranding passengers. fortunately, no one was hurt. the faa and ntsb are investigating. people in parts of virginia spent the morning shoveling and scraping snow and ice after a massive winter storm. the system dumped snow across the south, one person died in mississippi in a weather-related crash. and richmond, virginia, almost five inches of snow hit the ground. crews are working to restore power to more than 100,000 people in central and southwest virginia. and storm team4 meterologist tom kierein joins us and he has a little -- to tell us about the possibility of snow at some point? >> well, hopefully -- not in the foreseeable future for us but it was some heavy snow that hit parts of north carolina. extreme western-northwestern north carolina near the virginia border and they got over a foot of snow there yesterday. and you can see that there. it paralyzed that part of north carolina and southwestern virginia. these scenes from boone, north carolina, that's northwest of asheville. and as we, of course, get toward inauguration day, it's time for your -- >> okay. >> i haven't gotten one right all week. >> now's your chance to redeem yourself. here's the first question. this is the inaugural question for today. what was the snowiest noougs. the we talked about the coldest and warmest. what was the snow west. three inches, eight inch or 19 inches. >> i'll go three inches. >> all right. >> we're looking for the most? >> yes, the snowiest january inauguration. >> i'm going to say 19 inches. >> here's your answer. and you're both wrong! >> 22 degrees? >> no, it was 22 degrees but eight inches of fresh snow right president john f. kennedy's inauguration in 1961. a brutally cold day back in 1961. for this inauguration, 2013, it looks like it's going to be cold but not that cold. 35 maybe and mostly cloudy. might get a passing snow shower or perhaps, a few flurries and that's the way it looks right now. in case you missed it this was the sunrise over the potomac this morning captured by the news4 hd city camera. i have it on twitter and facebook. this was sent in by one of my twitter followers. this is the grounds at the virginia state house where they got a dusting of snow and this was sunrise there this morning. eastern parts of richmond and southern parts, they got about five inches of snow and now, bright, welcomed sunshine over the jefferson memorial. 36 at reagan national and northwest wind at about 20 miles an hour. and occasionally gusting to 30 miles an hour. temperatures all around the region now, they are cold in the 30s to below freezing. farther north and west and you combine that wind, it feels like it's in the 20s. the last of that snow, exiting last night and since then we've been all clear. here's how much fell. around two to six inches from near richmond and points toward southeastern virginia and the heaviest snows here in this area in southwestern virginia. they had over a foot in many location there is. as we look at what's been happening over the last several hours, it's a big, dry, cold air mass moving in from the west and it will be with us for the next several days. for the rest of the afternoon, sunny and cold and wind chills in the 20s and winds gusting to 30 miles an hour and overnight tonight, it will be clear and cold and down to near 30 by mid neat and then during the day on saturday, into the mid 40s as we start off in the 20s a bright and sunny day with lighter winds. 40s on sunday with lighter wind by inauguration day, turning colder and much colder after that. an arctic blast moving in. frigid temperatures on tuesday, wednesday and thursday. but no snow! stay tuned. >> all right. thank you, tom. and we're going to check your mid day traffic. danella, what's the latest? still checking on the accident at 395 northbound across the 14th street bridge causing a delay. your delay is just about two miles right now and i'll show you what the accident looks like. it's often to your right lane and it's making it difficult to cross the 14th street brimg. stick to the left and expect delays in the area. let's shoot over to i-270. clear here. both directions, north and southbound. between frederick and the beltway, no accidents and no delays at this time. barbara and keith, back over to you. >> thank you, danella. it's not just the national mall getting prepped for nug inaugural festivities. everything at the convention center. and a new spip on the fairytale classic "alice in wonderland." where the bay lay production is debuting in washington. here's what's hot at 11:19. today a classic fairytale comes to the kennedy center. alice's adventures in wonderland makes its east coast debut and we have dancers from the show. gillian and jerome to talk with us about the production. welcome to washington. you're both canadian. have you danced in washington before? >> once before in 2006. the company brought "swan lake" at that time into this production involves two ballet companies, is that right? is that what you were telling me? >> it originally came up as a co-production. the creation of alice's adventure in wonderland and the royal ballet and the national ballet of canada. it was created mostly on the royal ballet and then we sort of recreated it into toronto a couple of months after that. but it premiered within sort of two months of itself. it premiered first in the royal ballet in london and did extremely well and then we premiered it about two months later back in trop to. >> and we get our premiere today. and you are alice? is that right? >> how did you study for this? obviously you're a ballerina and you know your footwork but you have to be in character because after all the kids and adults will know what aligs is supposed to act like. >> of course, of course. i read the story and i hadn't read it as a child, actually. and i really enjoyed it, reading it for the first time. but what was really interesting to me was the language of it is so important and we're trying to transrate that into dance so o'i really paid attention to the language that alice would use to sort of think about how she should move, even though i can't use my words i guess expresses are curious and curiouser and things like that. >> it's interesting to make that transition. now, the sets we understand, are just amazing and we saw a little bit of that on the tape right there. they we go. tell us about that? >> i think it's definitely one of the most ground-breaking productions out there at the moment. i think the team that christopher assembled is quite genius. above carly, he's somebody who works mostly with the west end in london. he's done a lot of different things, but obviously, he's very knowledgeable in the theater and what works and what stage tricks work really well. and how to develop a production that makes sense from beginning to end. >> and lots of tricks on stage? >> there's a lot of really beautiful scenery and a lot of beautiful eye candy for sure. >> which role do you dance? >> the nave of hearts, which is actually alice's sort of love interest. >> i see. >> he's a bit older in this production than in the book. she's about 15 rather than -- i think in the book she's 8 or 10. >> tell us about the costumes. we understand they're very elaborate costumes. we're looking at some of them right now. do you wear more than one costume, alice? >> i have four. and, yeah, i mean, alice is quite involved. the only time i really get any time off stage is to quick change my costume. and we sort of moved from the prolog which is a very victorian setting and down the rabbit hole which then becomes very magical and in the end it sort of comes to modern day. >> so it's something that both children and their parents and people of all amgs will enjoy? >> i think so. there's a lot of jokes in there for all ages. >> i want to tell people that "alice adventure in wonderland" starts today and runs through january 27th at the kennedy center opera house and tickets range from $45 and up. good luck. >> thank you. >> and break a leg as they say, but don't really. >> all right. >> thank you. >> again welcome to washington. >> thanks very much. time, 11:26. coming up, a cast member of nbc's f's new show talks about a special koreans at the white house. and lance armstrong's admissions of lies, now former teammates and co-workers give their response. and what will the weather be like this weekend? d.c. welcomes people from around the country for inauguration festivities. tom will be back with the forecast. before copd... i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. we're getting a look at president obama's official portrait for his second term. the white house unveiled it a short time ago. it was tagen last month in the oval office. this portrait is quite different from the up with we saw his first term. as you can see that picture with you taken in a less recognizable location and he isn't smiling so widely. crews are getting the national mall ready for mopped's inauguration. they are laying a special plastic cover on the grass that was recently sodded. the national park service spent $16 million to replace grass that was trampled during president obama's first inauguration. and right now crews are getting the washington convention center ready for the several inaugural balls that will be held on monday night. as you can imagine, it's quite an undertaking that takes a lot of time and people to complete. news4 tony is live there this morning with a first look. how's it looking right now? >> reporter: it's actually looking pretty good, barbara. very impressive to see how all these separate entities come together to put together these balls here in the convention center. between the security and the folks here at the convention center it's quite an undertaking. i spoke to the ceo a couple minutes ago and he said it's something he's never dealt with before and this is impressive even to him. you guys are getting a first sneak peek of what's going on inside. look right now and you can see this ballroom right here, this is going to be where the inaugural ball will be held on mopped. that's one a ticketed event and then also on monday they'll have the commander in chief ball. that one is only for the military and military spouses. so the president will be making his way between the two balls. now, for tomorrow, there will be the children's ball. and, guys, get a listen to this lineup. they have john legend, alicia keys and brad paisley coming to perform. so these events in the convention center and monday is quite the undertaking and some big stars coming in as well as president obama and mrs. obama and vice president joe biden and his wife. that's the latest from d.c., back to you. >> keith wants to know if he's young enough to get into the children's ball? >> i can aview the ticket, i hope. >> reporter: i showed them my i.d. and they said i was a little too old. >> thanks a lot, tony. we'll help you get inauguration day started the right way. "news4 today" will begin at 4:00 a.m. on monday. we'll be live from capitol hill to preview the day's events. you can also check out our inauguration guide on today the obama team is expected to make an unprecedented announcement. the political organization that helped him get elected is going to be become a nonprofit group. democratic leaders say it will be called "organizing for america." it will use the support and energy that got the president re-elected to further his second term agenda like gun control and immigration. obama 2012 joim messi that will head the committee. it will be separate from the democratic national committee. and here's your forecast. here's tom kierein who i think is on the weather deck. are you? yes, you are. >> i can't believe you're make meg stand out here, barbara. >> what's going on out there, tom? what does us look like? is it still as cold as it was this morning? >> it's colder. when we started at 4:00 this morning it was warmer than it is now here. just past 11:30 on this friday morning, gorgeous, satin blue sky over the region but we have some gusty winds. there's a live view from the city camera and it's so great to see the sun. it's been a week since we've seen the is up it seems and actually all the days this week, since sunday afternoon, have been cloudy and we had that snow exiting last night. south and east of the metro area. being replaced by the sunshine. and gusty cold winds. winds gusting up to 30 miles an hour. and wind chills in the 20s. only in the 20s in western maryland. and high lands of west virginia and all the way into the midwest. that's where the wind is coming. bringing in the cold air. 36 at reagan national. near 30 at montgomery county. near freezing in parts of fairfax county and points west. much of prince george's county in the mid 30s and we'll stay in the 30s and 20s the rest of the day with winds diminishing tonight, a little bit milder in the afternoons on saturday and sunday and 20s in the mornings. and then for inauguration day, looks like it will be a mostly cloudy and maybe a flurry or passing snow shower and ought to be in the low to mid 30s for the time of the swarg-in ceremony and then colder an and an arctic blast on tuesday, wednesday and thursday and maybe down below zero in some locations on wednesday morning. barbara? >> all right. we'll prepare. thanks a lot. your mid day traffic? >> danella? >> what's going on? >> oh, there you are, keith. here i am and we'll talk about some traffic together. the beltway montgomery county, nice and clear. live look at connecticut avenue. in fact, montgomery county, precipitations and even in virginia, not seeing any accidents and no major delays at this time. heading over to i-95 at lorton, had a report of a disabled vehicle northbound. can't see it in the roadway so it looks like it might be off to the shoulder. light volume so if you have to make your way around it you can. keith, back over to you. just hours ago the body of a lottery winner who was believed to be poisoned to death was dug up from a chicago cemetery. he died in july after he was ant to collect more than $400,000 in lottery winnings. toxicology exams led to the conclusion that the former dry cleaning business owner was poisoned. cyanide was found in his system. police are hoping an autopsy will produce more evidence. a "sports illustrated" writer admits this morning that he missed some red flags when he interviews knower the daum's manti te'o about this fake girlfriend he apparently had. there's a transcript of the interview on the si website, the writer includes a retrospective saying there, clues that his story didn't add up. during the interview, th. the eo was not confident and there was also no evident of her existence on the database or at stanford where she purportedly went to college. manti te'o released a printed statement but not in person as scheduled. the downfall of one of college football's greatest coaches on its way to the big screen. al pacino will star at the late penn state coach joepaer the no called "happy valley" based on a byography of paterno. it details the last two years of his life. he died of cancer one year ago, shortly after he was fired over the jerry sandusky scandal. and suspicion around lance armstrong. confirmed with simple confessions. >> did you ever take banned substances to enhance your cycling performance? >> yes. >> was one of those banned substances epo? >> you. >> did you ever blood dope or use blood transfusions to enhance your cycling performance? >> yes. >> and in all seven of your tour de france victories did you take banned substances? >> yes. >> those admissions from lance armstrong during an exclusive interview with oprah last night. now, former teammates, critics and even armstrong's own charity are weighing in on the years of deception. melissa mollet has more. melissa, the feelings have to be strong. >> no matter where you look, on tv, online, in the newspapers, not getting much sympathy. some fans did mention this is not enough. -- >> i think that it's going to be a hard next few weeks for him or next few months or year. he did the right thing finally and it's never too late to tell the truth. >> doug oldman with the live strong foundation built around lance armstrong's battle with cancer says the whole situation is sad and watching the interview was incredibly hard but the work of the foundation must continue. we apologize for those technical difficulties. melissa mollet having mic difficulties. meantime, the international cycling union is also weighing in saying that lance arm strong's confession of doping is an important step toward repairing the damning he did to cycling. 11:39 is your time. next on "news4 midday" we hope you get ready for the inaugural balls and the big parties. >> how to avoid getting left off the dance floor or looking like you have two left feet joo we'll head into inauguration weekend, did you know that this is the seventh time the actual inauguration date has fallen on a sunday? you're watching "news4 midday." [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents on their own are fantastic but add some sauce, pepperoni and cheese and fold up the crescent dough...and presto! tuesday night just became crescent pizza pocket-tastic pillsbury crescents. let the making begin here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. america's outlook on our economy may not need to be so dull and bleak after all. cnbc jackie deangeles joins us. the markets are lower on wall street. the dow is down just about nine points at the moment. meantime, tim geithner says americans are too dark about the economy right now. the treasury secretary says the economy is in the final quarter of recovery from the financial crisis. geithner tells the "wall street journal" the u.s. was well ahead of other countries in balancing debt to income and cutting leverage in the financial system. and here's another reason to be a little optimistic today. mortgage rates are falling back toward record rows. freddie mac says the average rate on a 30-year fixed loan dipped to 3.38% from 3.4% last week. the 30-year average of 3.6% in 2012 was the lowest annual average in 65 years! cheaper mortgages, of course, where a major reason the housing market has been bouncing back and why many economists believe the recovery will strengthen this year. and finally, sony's selling its u.s. headquarters at 550 madison avenue for $1.1 billion. the building was constructed in the early 1980's by at&t. sony bought the building in 1992 for just $236 million. back to you. >> thank you, jackie. keith? president obama released his official inauguration play list featuring the artists scheduled for monday and a few of his personal favorites. the list includes stevie wonder, beian say, katy perry and lady ga gaga. the list is available on and as thousands get ready to hit the dance floor for inaugural balls and parties remember, there's a certain etiquette. we have terry from dance sport along with his dance partner, alice williams. you're going to teach us how we should properly dance without making fools of ourselves at the fancy event. what are some of your basic recommendations for people? >> the most important thing is really, you came here to have fun. you're not here to be judged and so forth so when you get out on the dance floor, feel comfortable. you're here to enjoy it. make sure you go through the line of dance so you're not like driving back cards with on the beltway if you go in the wrong detection. just go to the left and you'll be fine. try not to run into people or pass too many. just meander along with the crowd. >> and quickly, alice, why should people who aren't great dancers stay in the middle of the floor? >> so they don't get nervous. if you stay mt. middle of the floor, you're not concerned about someone watching you and judging you so you just surround yourself and then just dance like no one's watching. >> like a pot of soup. you don't want to be that bad vegetable on the outside? >> that this traffic. so if you're not comfortable, you know, go towards the, like on the beltway. if you're not driving fast you go to the right. in the ballroom you go to the left and let everyone pass. >> with that being said you and alice will take center stage with our first song. >> this is a little fox trot. and that's a very simple dance done to swing kind of music. and you can fox trot and swing to the same kind of music. ♪ >> so it's more of a one-two, one-two? >> slow, slow, quick, quick. slow, slow, quick, quick. slow, slow, quick, quick. slow, slow, quick, quick. >> so, if people that can't really dance start on a slow or a fast song. >> very definitely on a slow song. this is a little jazzy and a little more like a quick step almost. it's a fast fox trot. slower fox trot would be slow, slow, quick, quick, slow. >> so start slow in you don't know really what you're doing. >> yeah. >> and quickly before we end the segment, where can people get dance lessons from you? >> you can come to dance sport at dupont circle. we have a living social deal going on right now. a great deal. you can dance very quickly and cheaply and it's a fun, fun adventure. >> before we end we want to end on one song. you shows us how to do it. let's see how maybe, not to do it. i'll invite barbara in. you can tear up the -- i'll pair up with alice here. >> okay. so come on in, barb. come on in as we play another song. >> i'm not sure i'm ready for this. >> alice you have to leave. >> i don't know what i'm doing. >> slow, slow, quick, quick, slow. slow, slow, walk here, slow, slow, quick, quick -- exactly. >> i got a good leader here. >> quick, quick, slow, slow, quick, quick. >> oh! >> oh, man, i'm everywhere. >> all right. we're ready for the ball. >> we're ready for the ball. >> thank you. >> i don't think i'm ready for the ball. the time is 11:47. >> get in the middle of the crowd! >> i'm in the middle. i don't want to stand out. up next, how you can join tomorrow's national day of service right here in d.c. and an arctic blast is in our near future. meteorologist tom kierein back with another check of your forecast. forecast. stay with us. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool. only from progressive. a sitcom screening at the white house and a request for taylor swift? and your chance to serve at the presidential inauguration. tommy mcfly is here with all your stories. hey, tommy. >> a lot going upon. >> what about this 1600 penn? >> nbc's brand new sitcom that was on last night with jean in elfman and bill u pullman as the first couple and they were in town and had a screening at the white house. so jenna elfman calls into my show and said president obama couldn't stay for the the screening in the authority but he had a pretty good reason why. >> he said a few kind words and he couldn't stay for the screening which is understandable, because he has a few things going on. >> a whole country to run. >> which i'm glad he didn't because i would have felt guilty if he stayed to watch the screening. i would be like, dude, you really got stuff you need to go do. >> she was great and very nice and the show is hilarious. >> what role? >> the first lady. >> she's the first lady. >> who's the little guy with her? that wasn't the president? >> one of the first sons. the second son. a very modern white house on the show? >> you liked it. >> i really enjoyed it. >> we'll have to check it out. tina fey is joking about taylor swift and michael j. fox? >> this happened at the time golden globe awards. she made a little crack. >> taylor swift you stay away from michael j. fox' son or go for it! no, you -- she needs to, meantime, to learn about herself. >> this is stay away from his son, not him. >> his son, exactly. >> how old is his son? >> right about taylor swift's cross hair range so they caught up with him at a party, and they said, so, would you ever let your son date taylor swift and he said, i would never ever let taylor swift date my son. first he said, that's that dwirl who whites about her boyfriends, right? >> i love that he dent know who she was. it makes me like him even more. >> he didn't know? >> no. >> you have a big role in tomorrow's national day of service? >> yes. >> what are you doing? >> i'm the emcee for the national day of service. president obama, the national day of service, the big summitt is on the mall tomorrow. and that's where we're expecting 30,000 people to come out, get involved and learn about all different great organizations and, also, do some service right there. like sending valentine's to the troops and many other things. chelsea clinton is the honorary chairwoman. eva longoria, star jones, from the "today" show and the world children's choir will be there and we would love everyone, families, co-workers groups, singles, couples, to come on down. all the info is at 2013 >> you can learn about things? you don't have to come with your sleeves rolled up tomorrow? >> like 100 different organizations. you can kind of sample and say, i would love to learn about dogs or can communities or church or help to plant a tree but we will be doing some projects on the mall. valentine's to veterans and the performers and celebrities will be talking about the different aspects of volunteering and of service and why it's important to do. >> what a wonderful idea. >> it's a way for everyone to get involved in the inauguration and it's only so many ball tickets and there's only so many tickets on the parade route but this is something anyone can get involved in to kick off inauguration weekend in d.c.? >> and performances? >> yes. ben foals. >> what time? >> it starts at 10:00. >> where? >> right open the national mall. you cannot miss it. it's the biggest tent they've ever erected on the fall mall right by the wieg monument. >> great to see you, tommy. >> you, too. >> have a good day and tomorrow and then enjoy the big inauguration. i know you'll be there. >> absolutely. >> keith. >> tommy, do your thing. tweet and text away during monday's inauguration. the country's biggest cell phone carriers are taking steps to make sure you don't lose service installing more towers and added amplifiers to existing antennas. this is a much bigger issue than it was for president obama's first inauguration. more than 130 million americans have smart phones according to the wireless association. just 41 million people had smartphones back in 2009. let's look now with some of the stories we're following on news4 this afternoon. pat lawson muse in the newsroom. coming up on news4 at 4:00 today, a new response to the tragedy in connecticut. we'll tell you about a maryland company that's developed a bullet proof white board. and more on facebook's big change. what you need to know about protecting your privacy as facebook rolls out its new search function. and coming up on news4 at 5:00 from the road and bridge closures to navigating the metro, we'll have the guide to help you get around for the inauguration. all this is the day's latest news starting on news4 at 4:00 today. >> pat, see you then. >> and time for a final check for mid day of our weather for today on the weekend? >> as we wrap up to the inauguration, does look like it's going to be feeling like winter but we won't have any precipitation. sure is great having the sun back. but we've got a cold wind and it really does feel like january now. all around the region, we've got temperatures in the low to mid 30s around the metro area but yooishs in the darker lavender are only in the low to mid 20s and that's out in western maryland and much of west virginia into pennsylvania. that's where if winds coming from and it's bringing in that cold air. and it's going to be with us here into tonight and right now it's only near 30 in montgomery county. prince george's county, mid 30s and arlington and fairfax only the mid 30s as well as washington. and it's going to be cold tonight, clear, the wind will diminish and down to the low to mid 20s by dawn on saturday. and then during the day on saturday, bright and sunny and a lighter wind and should be a bit milder, maybe into the mid 40s during the afternoon and still feeling cold and cold morning again on sunday. the 20s. afternoon highs, 40s on sunday and it looks likes we'll have more wind around on sunday but clouds rolling in on sunday night and off and on, clouds on monday for the inauguration. we'll have a possibility of a passing snow shower or, perhaps, a few flurries. otherwise, should be just cold on inaugural days from the time for the swearing-in ceremony will be in the low 30s at that point. maybe getting the mid-to-upper 30s during the afternoon and turning much colder after that. teens to down to perhaps, single digits on the morning on tuesday, wednesday and thursday. much colder weather moving in midweek next week. >> fantastic. >> you got some plans this weekend, tom? for the inauguration? to celebrate it at least? >> i'm going to practice dancing. >> you'll be better than we were. >> you'll be able to teach it. >> i'm horrible. >> i was looking at my feet the whole time. >> first rule, don't look at your feet. thanks for joining us. tune in the news4 later today for all the days news. and we have news throughout the weekend and we start early, 4:00 a.m. on monday for the [ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.

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