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Interest, the president elect is stepping down from the company that owns this tower in new york that has his name and all the other companies and buildings that say trump. His reaction today was furious to the unverified report that Vladimir Putin may have something on him. Of America Donald trump. Reporter denying that russia could have anything and hinting that intelligence leaked that report and media first points. I think its a disgrace that information would be let out. Its all fake news, phony stuff. It didnt happen. Sick people and they put that crap together. Mr. President elect buzzfeed and cnn. You are fake news. Reporter made news about conflict of interest allowed as president but profits from d. C. Hotel building. Reveals sons take over, he gets limited information and no new foreign trump deals. Ivanka trump steps down. Says he hopes after eight years they have grown the organization. If do a bad job i will say youre fired. Conceded russians stole Democratic Party emails. Claims that Vladimir Putin will stop the attacks when its trump in the white house. Russia will have much greater respect for our country when im leading it than when other people have led it. You will see that russia will respect our country more. Reporter other nations too said the president elect. But Donald Trumps lack of respect for some in the news media and for u. S. Intelligence was obvious here today just over as president and commander in chief. Thank you. More on the way donald trump reignited his war with the Intelligence Community today. Used a nazi germany comparison in a tweet this morning and again during the News Conference. President elect is angry that the website buzzfeed which published a dossier of unverified information suggesting that russia has information on him. Cnn reported existence of the file but didnt publish it. That the intelligence agencies aloud any information that turbed out to be so false and fake out. Thats something that nazi germany would have done and did do. Its not clear how buzzfeed obtained the dossier but the information in it circulating for months. Contains some obvious errors. Intelligence chiefs went to trump tower to deliver official report. Summary was prepared in case the briefers needed to draw a distinction for trump between analyzed and unvetted disinformation. And while trump faced the media, his pick for secretary of state faced tough questions in congress. Rex tillerson is his name. Defended his record about russia and talked about terrorism and big oil. And history made at hearing for trumps nominee for attorney general. Jay gray continues our coverage. Reporter as busy day on the hill and as process continued, was a times heated. Tension and tough questions from both sides of the aisle. Started with early display of diplomacy before taking Relations Committee and the world. Rex tillerson calling radical islam, china and russia most serious challenges if confirms as secretary of state. I know america holds all the aces but need to draw them out of the deck. Reporter but its perceived friendly relationship with russia as ceo of exxonmobile drew attention from rubio. Examine whether thats a good idea or not . Is that correct . Yes, sir. Let me ask you this question, is Vladimir Putin a war criminal . I would not use that term. Protesters briefly interrupted the proceedings. Oil is dead. He took a stronger stance on Climate Change than the president elect saying the risk is Strong Enough to warrant for attorney general. We need someone who will look out for all of us. John lewis, civil rights icon challenging the nomination along with senator cory booker. I pray my colleagues join me against this nomination. Making first in history to testify against a colleague for this post. Easier go for elaine chow, tapped to be the next secretary of transportation. Thats latest. Maryland delegate from Prince Georges County has resigned and many fear it could be tied to the wideranging bribery and corruption probe still unfolding. Bureau chief Tracee Wilkins is live in annapolis with strong reaction from lawmakers. Reporter here we are dealing with opening o Legislature Today and folks were talking about corruption and whats happened in Prince Georges County coming up to annapolis. While Michael Vaughn who has served 13 years the delegation said resigning because of health issues, president of the senate said its because hes about to be arrested. Michael vaughn has resigned, apparently going to charge him. Reporter vaughns seat was empty in the house chamber, about an hour before, submitted letter of resignation, citing health issues. Thankfully recognized whatever he did was wrong and prepared to pay the price and not drag this out. Stepped up and resigned. Reporter sat on the house economic matters committee, delegate who voted yes on 2013 bill allowing liquor sales in the county could Face Criminal Charges for accepting bribes and influencing the vote. Bill. Not charged or named in the investigation. Our committee, no one does anything illwill, i dont and can speak for rest of my colleagues. Reporter will campos is charged with misusing county funds and accepting bribes he funneled through nonprofit organizations. Its disgraceful and were extremely concerned. And more information will be forthcoming, its ongoing investigation. Senator Victor Ramirez was a mentor to campos, had this to say about the arrest of his good friend. Im not going to comment. Reporter baker says he cant believe there are politicians still breaking the law after jack johnson was arrested for his pay to play scheme. If youre going something wrong be worried, well come after reporter said dont force folks under investigation to resign, its up to individual politician to do the right thing. Will campos abruptly stepped down shortly after the investigation began. Reporting live. In Montgomery County police say a fight involving young people and bamboo sticks led to deadly stabbing inside a mall. Two People Killed at westfield wheaten. Pat collins has been talking to shoppers. Reporter 3 15 in the afternoon, a double murder inside a popular mall. What do the shoppers say . Its not the kind of scene you expect to encounter when you go out to buy a new pair of shoes, the westfield wheaten mall. Two young a fullcourt press by Police Looking for murder suspect. Will this affect the way people shop . I dont think we can be protected from random acts of violence and hate, just be ready to do what we can when it comes up. Wife doesnt feel safe unless im with her. Disappointing. From chicago and lived in new york city. Theres violence everywhere. No fear of security. Business as usual as far as im concerned. Reporter double murder yesterday happened near the hollister clothing store. Police say a group of four young men busted up this planter at nearby restaurant and used bamboo sticks in a fight with another young man. That man had a knife and ended up stabbing and killing two members of the bamboo group. Outside the mall and inside today increased security patrols. Police say the murder came as result of a fight and doesnt present much of a threat to everyday shoppers. We dont believe based on this specific event theres any impact on safety for the shoppers or people in the outlying neighborhoods. Reporter police have identified one of the murder victims as Angel Alfredo panetta gomez, they say hes 22 years old from silver spring. Suspect in the case is still at large. Live in wheaten, pat collins, news4. Right now on storm team4 radar tracking showers moving southwest to northeast. Rain moving into the metro area. Well have rain until about 11 00 p. M. Or midnight and after that comes to end. Temperatures around 47 and only wet roads out there. Wait until you see how mild it will be tomorrow. Coming up in full forecast, tracking hour by hour. And looking ahead to weekend could be dealing with freezing rain. One of the big issues leading up to Inauguration Day, how the secret service is preparing for anything. The socalled bathroom bill getti a lot of attention as 2017 legislative session opens. Coming up bill sponsor explains why its top priority as democrats warn need to stop it before it drives businesses away. And around here when you turn 75 we like to make a big deal out of it. Always wins. Especially in my business. With slow internet from the phone company, you cant keep up. Youre stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. Switch to comcast business. With highspeed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. You wouldnt pick a slow race car. Then why settle for slow internet . Comcast business. Many people are wondering tonight whether president elect donald trump will get out of his limo and walk part of the parade route on Inauguration Day as some other president s have done. Always a big question. Secret service says no matter what he decides theyre ready. Mark segraves talks to the special agent in charge about security measures. Buffer zones outside all the sites as well as parade and motorcade routes. Guardsmen and secret service and Homeland Security investigation agents and physical barriers and controlled checkpoints to screen everybody coming into the event. Be using metal detectors and bag searches at checkpoints. As at past inaugurations tight security. Tighter than when Warren Harding was sworn in. 1921 the first year president rode in limo. He wanted the top down. Over the years evolve this is one of the last convertibles used. Today rides in cadillac known as the beast. Old convertibles were cool but nostalgia aside, secret service use the latest technology. Whether its ahard top convertible doesnt matter. If he decides to get out and walk. Secret service will provide the coverage. Its president s choice to walk the route or not. Were prepared to provide a secure environment for him and other participants. As for where hed like to see the president , he has a clear choice. Rather have him in the beast than the convertible. News4. For everything you need to know about Inauguration Day search trump transition in the nbc washington app. In annapolis and richmond state legit latures back in session. Reporters in both places. Ju a bathroom bill thats controversial. Reporter a revenue shortfall looms large, state workers stripd of promises pay hikes and Opioid Crisis grows but bob marshall sees bathroom bill as top priority. When you alter the relationship between boys and girls, men and women and think its not radical, thats important to a lot of people in my county. Reporter require people to use the restroom that corresponds to gender at birth and require School Principals to notify parents if child asks to be recognized as opposite gender from birth. Democrats say. Require men with a bull beard, transgender mem, who transitioned from female to male have a full beard, deep voice, mens clothe, shaved head. Under his bill telling them go i think thats more of a problem than a solution. And bill opponents warn could drive away business like the hb2 did in north carolina. Dont need to lose businesses but maintain a Strong Economy and be inclusive. Governor mccullough may have something to say about the bathroom bill and his promise to veto it in state of the mmonwealth address. Reporter this is the opening day of the maryland general assembly. I believe can Work Together on every issue with respect to the environment, education and transportation. Also our top priorities. There is a lot more that unites than divides us. Reporter democrats are planning to challenge veto of a bill that requires state to obtain sources. We have battle with the governor about override of a veto. Reporter maryland faces a revenue shortfall, requires cutting half a billion dollars from the budget. In the coming weeks will be coming here asking for pull funding for public education. Chris gordon, news4. Coming up next weeks inauguration bring supporters to protesters to the nations capital. Report how one d. C. Hotel is trying to accommodate guests on opposite ends of the plus youll get twentyfour month, nointerest financing. Hurry, the new year Savings Event ends january 16th. With havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isnt. I love him so much, 75 years been lucky to have him. Youre the best jimmy, good bless and have fun. Willard scott. Havent seen him in a while. No. Glad to hear from willard, what a privilege it was to have worked with him for about ten years when i first got here. What Great Stories you have. Good lord, cant tell them all. Doug didnt want to miss this special occasion, out west on ski trip disguised as conference. Hey doug. How are you . Reporter guys im great but vance got to tell you this, happy 75th birthday obviously but i have not seen the mountains at all since ive been here, snowing, winter storm warnings and yesterday your birthday and back on the air today and look at this, get this kind of a shot and trust me thinking of you whole time because i know exactly what youre doing. Sure you are. What you would do. I saw a couple of guys on harleys, in a garage actually. Thought about you then. Then went to distillery last night and thought about you then. Tell it all. Tequila but quickly forgot about you after that point. Just wanted to say happy 75th birthday. Im in brekken ridge right american meteorological society. Let you know that. But glad to be part of this with you. I hope youre here another 15 years. You told me maybe once. Remember that . One thing i can promise you doug is wont be 45 more. And congratulations on being out there at stations expense. Thats cool. Way to work it. Very clever doug. Why doug is living it up, Amelia Draper is here doing the heavy lifting. Thats right. Nice warm temperatures today. Got more changes coming. Exactly doreen, 40s today, 50s tomorrow. Vance happy birthday. Going around the station saying first time i did the weather and said jim vance back to you. I thought thats pretty cool. But going to do that in two minutes again. Radar, showers out there, ending at midnight. Enjoy tomorrow. Mild, in the mid60s, and mild friday but weekend cold in the 30s and wintry mix in the forecast. Because of that its storm team4 weather alert day. Looking mainly dry for Martin Luther king jr. Day. Showers come to end, cloudy overnight tonight and more clouds in the forecast tomorrow. 7 00 a. M. , around 47. Then by lunch warmed to 60, and and getting off work still mild at 59. And dry start to finish. Commute is looking good. Recess for kids, its spring. Have your lunch outdoors or walk to lunch, exercise is looking great. Tshirt weather. So many people taking advantage of the mild air. Looking to weekend, heres saturday, Road Conditions slushy and icy, still potential slush out there. Going continue to refine as we get new information but looks like maybe snow, sleet and freezing rain early on saturday and wintery mix especially freezing rain throughout the day. Sunday maybe rain and freezing rain back in the evening with high of 39. Vance, back to you. Thanks, its a pleasure to throw it to you too. Inauguration could be interesting to local catering to supporters and protesters of the president elect. How theyre making sure everybody is happy. First time taking questions from the Donald Trumps first news president elect was a lot like his News Conferences as a candidate. Fiery and unpredictable. Supposed to be about his plan to avoid conflicts of interest. But his anger at media and Intelligence Community became the headline. Chris lawrence with details. Donald trump is furious over some of the unsubstantiated allegations that have been made public and u. S. Intelligence report on russian hacking. Two u. S. Officials tell nbc news that briefing materials for trump and obama contained information about potentially damaging but unverified allegations that russia has compromisi compromising information on mr. Trump. Originally circulating among his opponents at republican primary but passed on to u. S. Intelligence agencies. Investigating but enough to lash out at buzzfeed and cnn. Go ahead not you. Can you give us a chance . Youre attacking our news organization, can you give us a chance as far as buzzfeed, a failing pile of garbage, i think theyll suffer the consequences, already are. As far as cnn going out of their way to build up it mr. Trumps outrage overshadowed the reason for todays News Conference, supposed to outline plans to prevent conflicts with vast business holdings. President elect announced he will turn over control of the company to his two adult sons. Don and eric will be running the company. Theyre going to be running it in a very professna not going to discuss it with me. But ethics watchdogs have been urging him to create a blind trust or fully divest from holdings as other president s have done. Donald trump refused to do it so. His daughter ivanka taking leave of absence from the country and from her business, her husband will be working in the white house and wants to set up in washington. Do you feel more confident in president elect trump after todays press conference . So far most say less or your opinion has not changed. You can vote right now on nbc washington facebook page. While huge may be a word weve come to connect to president elect donald trump, seems some of his srt inauguration accommodations. One channel here in washington says its almost full for next week but not just trump fans checking in. Half coming for the womens march on washington. Barbara harrison with more on how theyre working to keep everybody happy. Interesting situation. The Rosewood Hotel says ready for both sides of what seems like great divide, planning a way they hope to bring everybody together at end of the day. Right now just ready to welcome everyone who comes through the door. Welcome to in d. C. Thank you. Welcome. Welcome to the rosewood washington, d. C. Beautiful hotel. Show you around. Love to see. Not quite in the shadow of washington monuments, tiny as small street in georgetown, managing director says there are big plans afoot next week for this not so huge hotel. Maybe not so very big but very big. Expecting to be filled with two groups with opposing positions. Trump revellers here and whole lot of marchers for the womens march. Which is exciting. Of course need to be bipartisan. We have a little bit of everything for everybody. How are you going to keep them apart . Hopefully all be nice and enjoy themselves but we have two sets of elevators, you can choose your side. Hotel is small. All on four floors. Two president ial suites. Same amenities. Chocolate. Champagne. Look at enough for two parties. Some guests may rather stay here and watch it all on tv. Or saturdays marchers might use it to warm up after a cold day on the hill but the night in between theyre hoping everyone will end up here. Theyve made drink suggestions for both sides and they have some special cocktails as well. Came up with two cocktails to have both sides be happy. I guarantee be marching like youve never marched before. And other side a little bit difficult because president elect trump is not a huge fan of alcohol so went okay, play on his heritage, his history. One of the great cocktails is a manhattan. Says champagne should make everyone happy, quoting winston churchill, in victory you need it in defeat you deserve it. Whatever side you voted for make everything better. Heres to america. Well the Rosewood Hotel still has one of the two president ial suites available. Wouldnt tell me who is in the one already taken and drinking champagne because they need it or because they deserve it. I thought that was good. Do you know or can you say . I think its negotiable. If still available. Well done. Coming up two term president about to leave the white house, special favor that president obama just did for one of his longtime aides. You can leave the winter jacket at home tomorrow but by e weekend back in tthhe at dominion, were putting our energy to work creating a cleaner environment by using cleaner Energy Sources weve reduced Carbon Emissions by nearly 25 , which is the equivalent of taking close to two million cars off the road. Cleaner air and cleaner water. Its good for all of us. Dominion. Depend on us for more than energy. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So were offering incredibly fast 150 meg internet, hurry, freddy, youre gonna miss it coming. I cant believe he is doing this. Its so fast that in the 3. 7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, held by gary watson. Fly, gary, fly. His friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song. His sister can live stream it. While his mom downloads how to se a dislocated shoulder, all at the same time. Gary. This is your last chance to get incredibly fast 150 meg internet, r, plus a 150 dollar visa prepaid card with a twoyear agreement. Hurry, this amazing offer ends january 21st visit getfios. Com or call 1888getfios to learn more. Thats 150 meg internet, tv and phone for 79. 99 per month. Only from fios. Nerl rescued from rising water in hollister, california today. Heavy rains pounded the area since the start of the year. Many homes flooded. Residents moving horses and cattle to higher ground. Officials going doortodoor, making sure no one is trapped in their homes. One of president obamas last acts in office is also deeply personal, on saturday served as groomsman at wedding of aide who has logged lots of miles with him. Ma Marvin Nicholson is trip director. Wife is helen works at department of education. Nicholson helps plan trips for the president. They have played quite a few rounds of golf together over the years. So have you heard that my colleague jim vance is celebrating a big last of the during the break post your wishes to vance on the facebook page. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday dear vance, happy birthday to you we love you vaps. Youre partially responsible for this yes. We miss you. Better explain that. How delightful is that . Just had a new baby. And made a guest appearance. And lindsey and craig used to work her and now at nbc news and espn. Nice to see them. I think what hes talking about, they were going together and didnt make it public, revealed to me and asked what do you think. You love him . Yeah, there you go. Thats your answer bro. Go for it. Look how it all worked out. Great story. Delightful. Thanks to both of them. He doesnt know what to expect, complete surprises for him. All afternoon paying tribute to vance, 75th birthday yesterday but you took the day off and had to wait for today for this and cake in the news room. Went around the news room and had people memories. Take a look. Vance, if theres one word that describes you, cool. The world could come to an end and vance is right there, keeping it cool. The one gift that i would get vance for his birthday would be a personal assistant. Vance, one word to describe you, swag, work, life you make it all look good. One thing to get you would be a harley trip you and all your boys. One word to describe jim vance is original. No one like him and never will be. Favorite memorable moment, model fail, she fell and vance and George Michael lost it, still a smile to my face. Happy 75th. My one wor vance is lucky because every day all these years you get to be jim vance and we all know thats got to be interesting. Happy birthday. One of my favorite moments with vance is when i realized that you could teach an old cool dog new tricks. Jim i think the one word that describes you is inimitable, cant be imitated, unrivalled. One and only jim vance. Happy 75th. If i had one word to describe you would be rock. As in solid. I guess thats two words though. What would i get them . Something corvette related. Took to first hockey game and had a ill be back. Happy birthday. Vance, love you. Not a day goes by a viewer doesnt ask me to tell you how great they think you are. Happy birthday to unparalleled newsman. Best moment is first. Hey brother, glad youre here. Gift i would buy vance is hat. Looks amazing in every hat but like to pick one out. Favorite moment . Hard to answer, sitting next to the guy for 27 going on 28 years. Theyre all my favorite moments. Happy 75th birthday. Its been an honer to get to work alongside you. And mine to work with you. This is awfully embarrassing but also immensely gratifying. What a privilege it is to work with the cast and crew of these characters here. I have things i could say about each of those people that luckily for them we dont. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. And still laugh every time you see that model on the wobbly shoes just as hard as in the video. Every time. All right. Amelia is back with check on our weather. Going to be tracking showers until about midnight tonight. So folks leaving the caps game will be dry as game is wrapping up. Throughout the day tomorrow its mild. Almost ten degrees warmer than today. Look at radar right now, just about everyone is seeing rain. Filled in beltway, all the counties further back to the west as well. And continuing to track the showers this evening. Steady soaking rain out there. Well above freezing, just wet roads. Dry in marts of surrounds but moving into those areas as well. Look at tomorrow, high around 65 degrees, more clouds than sun, mild but breezy throughout the day from start to finish but breeze out there pumping warmer air in from the south. Thats good thing. Jumping to sunday at 5 00 a. M. , with a warning, not exactly whats going to happen but give you idea what were seeing right now. Looks like snow showers first move into the area. Future weather wants to keep them around through the morning and midday, i think see a changeover to sleet and freezing rain throughout the day. Bottom line if you have travel plans on saturday start coming up with plan b, try to leave earlier friday or push it until sunday. Notice friday, 55, but thats afternoon in the 40s and then on saturday only low it mid30s, sunday most of the day is dry but evening rain showers and maybe freezing rain moves back into the area. Near 40. Mlk day looking mainly dry and tuesday and wednesday back to the 50s and 60s. Sports coming up. Caps on a role. And Alex Ovechkin about to make history. Robert ive always had high blood pressure. But now i was getting these terrible headaches. And i was tired literally all the time. Something wasnt right. Most people dont find out they have Chronic Kidney Disease until it is very advanced. In fact, my friend ron paul was one of those affected. But a simple test can help save your life. Talk to your doctor or contact the gw ron and Joy Paul Kidney Center to find out how you can get tested. Before you find out that way, find out this way. Carol is at Verizon Center where ove has potentially a big night. Got to get you back. I will come, not tonight. But game one of round two. Get you back. Youre magic. Caps have the longest winning streak in the nhl right now. Consix straight games and penns five but Alex Ovechkin is one point away from 1,000 in his career. He was with the one point, become only the 84th player to reach that and first since the lockout. Video tribute im told is on standby, ove hoping to reach this milestone tonight. Big number. I would say a chance to get home from the fans and family. Going to be a big moment. Consistently every year it seems like, reaches that 50 goal plateau or mark. Its amazing. Amazing what hes able to do night in and out. Alex other night said milestones like this just means hes getting old. Gray hair, so maybe thats one reason. Hair maybe. Reporter you can tell the players dont read people magazine, gray hair is all the rage right now. Ove just 31 years old and four months older than sean mcvay who is interviewing to become the youngest head cac history. Reportedly a lead candidate for the l. A. Rams job. Been with the redskins since 2010, wined and dined out in l. A. Apparently, called out for second interview and dinner with the team owner. No decision yet because the rams want to talk to the Texans Mike Grable and mike shanahan, currently coaching in the playoffs right now. Redskins interviewing gus bradley for defensive kooshder position. Just fired as jaguars head coach but lot of success as coordinator of the seahawks. Back to the caps. Alex ovechkin is superstar not just in d. C. But at todays morning skate. 19yearold ovie superfan traveled a long way from British Columbia held up a sign and after the skate comes over to give her a big hug. Smiling from eartoear and he signs her jersey. Even though she brought the sign didnt imagine he would come over. Didnt believe there was a chance. Cant believe it happened. Pretty good. Crazy. And personality. I have a public out there. So always smiling and happy with fans. Cant think right now. Reporter and we hope sarah leaves after the game with big smile after a caps win and possibly seeing him reach another drop at 8 00 p. M. And did you get the hats we left for you . Theyre going on sale tonight and all proceeds as we reported last year this is the new season all proceeds go to Tragedy Assistance Program for survivors. Good cap wear it proudly. Vance did you figure out what you have in common with ovie . I had no idea this was in now as you just said. Im glad to hear it because had mine about 25 or 30 years now. Reporter i had to research. Going to save a lot of money now. You and me both carol. Thank you carol. Look forward to the game and catching one with you in the over now. Wait theres more. We have a special report no you dont. Thats how we roll up in here. Thats as ceo of exxonmobile. Rex tillerson put exxons interests before americas im not here to represent the us governments interest. Instead, tillerson sided with putin. With billions in russian oil deals. He opposed us sanctions on russia. For war crimes forced to pay hundreds of millions for toxic pollution. Putting profits ahead of our kids health. Tell your senators to reject Rex Tillerson. And protect american interests not corporate interests. Tonight, meet the press, the fiery donald trump comes out swinging. His first News Conference in six months. Combative exchanges over his business conflicts, russian hacking, u. S. Intelligence and slamming the circulation of unverified allegations against him. Tonight, what nbc has learned that the president elect was and was not told. Hot seat. Sect of state nominee Rex Tillerson facing incoming fire over his ties to Vladimir Putin and russia. A key republican senator relentless. Pure chaos. A recordbreaking storm emergency, roads into rivers, houses under water and tonight a new threat is moving in. And to the rescue, a heart transplant for batman, a b

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