Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20160219 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20160219

quit. >> we need that segment to just bow out gracefully. >> reporter: ted cruz won't. the iowa winner polling second here wants to drive rubio from the race. >> here in south carolina these next 21 hours are going to decide a great deal. >> reporter: he's linking rubio to president obama on immigration. even though cruz today had to pull this fake photo of the two. >> this guy ted cruz is really a liar, i'll tell what you. >> reporter: donald trump's one big lead over cruz is down to five in today's nbc news/"wall street journal"/marist poll. >> running for president, takes guts. i have never done this stuff before. it takes guts. >> reporter: and showmanship. >> i supported you then. >> reporter: the candidate who would ban muslims from entering the u.s. looks set to win another primary. and, again, trump has shown how he can grab headlines calling today here in south carolina for a boycott of the fbi in its effort to get the maker of the iphone to turn over -- to turn over the code, write software to allow the feds to unlock the phone used by the san bernardino isis killers. trump admitted publicly when he made this demand, he said i just thought of it, but it seems like a good idea. grabbing another headline that's been rippling across the state and the nation today. doreen, back to you. >> steve handelsman in south carolina. the democratic candidates are fighting for every vote in nb. the contest is difficult to poll for a variety of reasons including the fact that the caucus model encourages voters to change their minds at the last minute. the results of three polls conducted in the past two weeks suggest the race is either tied in nevada or hillary clinton has a slight edge over bernie sanders. we'll take an in-depth look at both races when "meet the press" moderator chuck todd joins us at 6:15. back in washington a huge tribute to the late judge antonin scalia. all day lo lining up to pay respects to scalia. this afternoon president obama and first lady michelle obama had a moment of silence in front of scalia's casket before they paused in front of scalia's portrait. our derrick ward outside the high court has been talking to some of the mourners there. derrick? >> reporter: indeed, i have. the line is still forming there. there are several categories of folks coming here to pay trib e tribute. some who knew him only through their agreement and identify identifiologiidentifologieideol. others who knew him on a more personal basis. the line outside the court started forming early and at its longest it stretched from the front of the court to the rear. scalia's casket arrived to be carried in by some of his former clerks. he lay in repose upon the same catafalque that held lincoln's casket at the capitol. >> i feel the opportunity to say good-bye. >> there's a deep profound loss. when i walked in the supreme court you could feel there was something missing. >> reporter: justice scalia was the longest serving justice on this court since his appointment by president reagan. he carved out a niche as a pillar of conservatism and originalist ruling, a strict adherence to the wording of constitution. >> it's original intent. armstrong williams was mentored by clarence thomas and he once had all the justices at his capitol hill home and he remembers a more candid view of scalia. >> he was so gregarious. i remember him bowing to justice thomas and justice thomas bowing back. >> reporter: while this is a day of remembering a justice, the court still has its bus, including decisions on issues like abortion, issues which could be decided by an eight-member court instead of the usual nine. larry is here to champion a cause shar >> it's supposed to be argued by march 2nd and decided by june. >> reporter: it's unlikely a replacement would be seated by then. >> if there's a 4-4 decision they can table it or postpone it until next year. >> reporter: for now at least here, issues of the balance of the court are taking a backseat to the remembrances of the late justice who was known to be acerbic and affable on the bench and off. among the nine justices there was a certainly am ka built. >> we can argue and fight about the issues and the law but at the end of the day, the highest place for all of us is our humanity. >> reporter: now, the viewing here will go on until 9:00. the funeral is tomorrow in the basilica of the national shrine of the immaculate conception. we're live at the supreme court, derrick ward, news4. >> thank you, derrick. tonight there is another troubling new development in the case of a former teacher's aide accused of making child porn a strategy he allegedly used to collect those images. darcy spencer is in glenarden now with the new details and the safety changes that have since been made. darcy? >> reporter: well, doreen, up until this point, we've been told that the suspect himself recorded these videos here at the school and at other places. this new information is suggesting he may have equipped students, these victims, with phones to make their own recordings, and we start though with those safety changes. two weeks into a disturbing investigation of child pornography involving a former aide and volunteer, deonte carraway, some parents are seeing signs of improvement. some say school security is tighter. a school resource officer is here for the first time, and there is a new procedure for visitors. >> more conscious of people coming in, coming out. now we show i.d.s fo i'm sure the school is going to be better. >> reporter: still, disturbing details continue to emerge. a source close to the investigation says deonte carraway handed out several cell phones to potential victims to record videos and collected them at the end of the school day at judge sylvania woods elements tri. investigators say carraway allegedly recorded dozens of videos of children performing sexual acts inside the school, even at a chump where he wrch w youth choir director. >> what needs to be done in they need to check people thoroughly before they let them up around our kids. >> reporter: last night a committee of the school board met to discuss the system's policy on volunteers in school. many parents say if carraway, again a volunteer at one point, had not been allowed to be alone with kids, the crimes may not have been committed. 17 alleged victims ages 9 to 13 have come forward so far. >> what about allowed to be alone with kids? >> no. it should be two, two people. >> reporter: now, the school system is in the process of installing 26 new security cameras right inside the school, and today they announced a new acting principal for the school. doreen, back to you. >> thanks, darcy. >> thank you. some of you may have been late to work this morning because of an awful crash on the beltway. tonight police are still trying to figure out exactly how it happened. the driver of a truck, a man named dennis frampton who is 47 years old, he was killed when that truck hit a jersey barrier and then overturned. the driver was thrown from the cab on impact. that accident happened on the outer loop near the exit for connecticut avenue. the beltway was shut down in both directions for nearly six hours. the man charged in the d.c. mansion murder case pleaded not guilty today. it's been nine months since a couple, their son, and housekeeper were tortured and killed. their house was set on fire. there are still a lot of questions and the prime suspect isn't talking. mark segraves joins us with reaction from a legal expert about the role the federal death penalty plays in local d.c. cases. mark? >> reporter: yeah, doreen. you know, a lot of people have been asking because of the brutal nature of this case and the fact that the grand jury actually added additional charges because of what they called the heinous act that happened here, people are wondering why he is not facing the death penalty. well, the district doesn't have the death penalty. despite the fact that the prosecutors in this case are federal prosecutors, that's not enough to justify using the federal death penalty. daron wint has been in jail since late may. he was arrested after his dna was found on pizza crust at the murder scene. he is the only person charged in the crime that was discovered by firefighters who were called to a burning home in upper northwest. the victims to extort $40,000 from the father and then they say wint killed them all and set the home on fire to cover his tracks. the murders of savvas so op lus, his wife amy, their 10-year-old son philip and the family's housekeeper were found to be especially heinous, atrocious, and cruel by the grand jury that handed down the 20-count indictment this week. >> it's a heinous crime, but it's a strictly local matter. it's a person from here committing murders here on people who live here and not using any sort of, you know, extraordinary weaponry. >> reporter: d.c. does not have the death penalty so wint faces life in prison without the possibility of patrol. prosecutors in massachusetts, which also doesn't have the death penalty, are using the federal death penalty in the case of the boston marathon bomber. despite the fact that prosecutors in d.c. are federal prosecutors, the federal death penalty doesn't apply to this case. >> in able to bring in all kinds of federal charges regarding the possession of certain types of explosives and other things that are regulated and criminalized by the federal government. here i think unless they can show he was using some sort of a weapon from a different state or using some sort of a weapon that's prohibited by federal law, i don't see how they can make it into a federal case. >> reporter: now, daron wint is due back in superior court in late may. we could learn then when a trial date would be set. as for the home here in upper northwest, it's been sold. it's been slated to be torn down and a new house built in its place. reporting live in upper northwest washington, mark segraves, news4. looking at our weather now, you might want to take advantage of this particular weekend because the weather is not going to last that long. very pleasant weather, in fact. doug? >> that's exactly right, vance. this is probably a really nice weekend to get out there, maybe wash the car, wash all that salt thatve not feeling like winter this weekend. out there right now, still a little bit of a cold -- still a little on the cool side if you're down there towards national harbor. temperatures only around 39 in the city but look back to the west. just back to the west. 63, that's where we'll be tomorrow. this warmer air making its way in across our region. so some really good news here. a great weekend. maybe a few showers on sunday. i'll break down the best chance for those showers and show you when they come in. and then not one, but two storms for next week. i'm show you which one has the potential to be a bigger storm. we'll talk about the difference between the rain and snow coming up in a bit. >> thanks, doug. some chilling evidence in a high-profile murder case. hear the jailhouse phone calls as a man ordered a hit on his own uncle. a local neighborhood still on edge after two weeks after a home was damaged by an explosion. we'll tell what you one lawmakers is doing to ease the fears after even more gas leaks were found. and an emotion moment on the campaign trail and how it co i lead the 11 o'clock news with stories of gun violence. and like many of you, my family lived through the beltway sniper crisis. in congress, i'll fight to expand background checks on guns and ammunition, ban assault weapons, and mandate gun safety locks, because too many kids die from accidental shootings. let's show the nra we're not afraid of them; as democrats, i'm kathleen matthews and i approve this message. back to the presidential rate now and a busy weekend for all the candidates ahead. >> indeed, the republican primary is tomorrow in south carolina, and a new poll shows donald trump is leading there but with a smaller margin than other recent polls suggest. the nbc news/"wall street journal"/marist pollgg declined from 16 points last month to 5 points now. >> "meet the press" moderator chuck todd joins us now. just got off a plane from las vegas, nevada. so if he's a little sleepy, forgive him. >> that's already. it's all adrenaline. we pump oxygen in here like they do -- >> yeah. >> all year you're going to need that adrenaline. >> it sort of comports with what the week has been like for donald trump. it starts with that debate when he went after george w. bush, hit him hard on the iraq war. seemed to be attacking everybody, and quietly you heard in private polls his support was eroding. we come out with ours and it sort of confirms all the chatter we have been hearing but he's still ahead. and talking to campaigns today, they actually think the spat he had with the pope may have helped trump in south carolina because it went back on the issue -- it got trump talking about the issue that got him there in the first place, immigration. >> in south carolina. >> may not help but, you know, this is about -- there's not a lot of republican khat licks catholics in south carolina. >> john kasich had quite a moment yesterday. >> he did. it was a great viral moment for him. he has run as the compassionate conservative and that's a phrase that george w. bush made popular in 2000. not -- his problem is where is he going to do well? south carolina is not a state that fits in well. he look at our national numbers, he picked up, but picked up with moderate republicans, independent republicans, not a lot of those in south carolina. he's hoping to do well enough so he can raise money and get to larger states, illinois, ohio, florida. >> his territory. >> there's a lot of primaries in between then and now. >> hillary clinton on the democratic side just released a new ad. the morgan freeman ad. let's take a look at it for a all the good you can for all the people you can for as long as you can. her life's work has been about breaking barriers, and so would her presidency. she understands that our country can't reach its potential unless we all do. >> what a voice. >> and then you take the endorsement today from congressman clyburn. where does she stand right now? >> well, look, you have to start with nevada. i actually think it's an oddly a must-win for sanders even though she was favored in this respect. sanders is trying to prove that he can win in states that have -- that aren't 90% white. this is tailor made for him. he has momentum on his side. you can get new voters to same day register right there and then. his folks are new. so if he can pull off the upset here, he can then prove, hey, i can win an adverse state and it continues to put pressure on her. i think for sanders. it's going to be very close. both campaigns are preparing for that. if you quietly talk to the clinton campaign, they sort of are expecting to lose. they hope to win, expecting to lose. they still believe african-american voters aren't going anywhere for her. so far even in our own polling, that's held up. the clinton ads haven't been very good this year. this is the most compelling ad they have. when you hear morgan freeman, you want -- i mean, i know somebody who was trying to get him to do that and they just asked him to please record my voice mail message for me. he can make anything sound a lot more interesting. >> he's the new james earl jones. >> busy weekend at the polls. >> shake out saturday and we get sunday morning. whoever the winners are. i'm not kidding, some of them have said, well, if we win, we'll come. it's like okay. we'll find out. >> we'll be watching. >> the full roundup of the results from south carolina and nevada on "meet the press" sunday nbc 4. it's been 13 years in the making now and this fall the newest museum on the national mall finally will open. barbara harrison is here with details. >> it's looking pretty good and we have a few months to go but it's expected to become one of the most attended destinations on the national mall when it does open in seven months, september is the date. the national museum of african-american history and culture 24th of september is the date they're saying, but teams of curators, artists, and others are already at it hard working. >> reporter: with unprecedented access, news4 was allowed into the smithsonian's offsite high security special collections center. here they're sorting through thousands of artifactses that will help tell the story of the african-american experience. 34,000 historical items will make their way through this building before finding a permanent home inside the brand new museum. there's a the early 1800s by the first silversmith of african-american descent working in america. a tape recorder used by malcolm x. and a practice glove worn by and signed by muhammad ali. wait until you hear what he wrote before he became heavyweight champion of the world. it's artifacts like these that will tell the stories that are a part of the fabric of american history and the stories will live on inside the five stories of the brand new 500,000 square foot smithsonian museum of african-american history of culture. join me starting on monday on news4 from the art fashths to be displayed to a local artist playing a big role. i'll show you how the smithsonian is getting ready for their biggest museum opening in a decade. it's really exciting. >> when is that opening? >> in september. >> thank you, barbara. >> i'm going to show you the stuff that's there. >> looking forward to that. coming up, a maryland man were shopping or simply walking on the sidewalk. we'll have more on the crime and what led to his arrest. you can see the signs are up on the campus of the university of mary washington in fredericksburg. students welcoming a new president. before he takes his position, they're pushing for some changes. i'll detail those ahead on news4 at 6:00. and tonight there's a new warning about those hover boards. the drastic step the government is taking well, it was kind of chilly today. i have been all excited looking forward to the weekend. it's going to warm up, isn't it, doug? >> you know it's going to warm up during the day tomorrow. we said it was going to be chilly during the day today. >> i know. i'm just jumping the gun. >> everybody is doing that because everybody is so looking forward to this warm weekend. temperatures tomorrow upper 50s, close to 60 in most areas, even in d.c. i think we get into the low 60s and, yes, definitely something to look forward to. we have not seen temperatures like that since february 1st when we saw high temperature of 61 degrees. so we need some warmer weather and we're getting it tomorrow. right now 39 degrees, winds out of the south at 9 miles an hour. that southerly component will help to start warm things up. tonight what it's going to do is help keep temperatures about i don't expect temperatures to fall all that much. still at 41 in warrenton, 42, fredericksburg. 46 in gaithersburg. nothing on the radar. no rain or snow with the next system. the system that's passing by is actually a warm front. bringing a little snow up to the north. having a hard time hitting the ground with such dry air. cloud cover around our area. and then back to the west. 69 in st. louis. 74 in jackson. 62 in cincinnati. that's the warm air that's moving our way. so, yes, it's cold in the northeast and the mid-atlantic right now. tomorrow it will be nice and warm and, yes, we definitely deserve it. look at the high temperatures, 63 in d.c. 59 in gaithersburg. 65 in fredericksburg. that coming with sunshine. we'll see a few clouds tomorrow but some sunshine. 42 at o'clock wi8:00. >> love it. >> i knew you would. >> nice and warm around 5:00. a lot of exercising going on tomorrow i guarantee get out there and wash up seven of your cars. >> that ain't going to happen, doug. i'm going to have fun, too. >> good idea to get out there and get that salt off the cars. it's really a good time to do that. now, the pattern we've been watching, we've been talking about this pattern for the last week here about a pattern good for a storm. we're still going to see a storm but we've got warm air in here. we have two different storms developing. the models have had such a hard time figuring out how to deal with these storms. we have one moving inland on tuesday. that one is going to be all rain for sure. the next one still a big where this one goes, a big question. some models have it way back to the west. we will be watching this scenario play out but right now both of them look more like rain. we have a chance of showers on sunday night but most of the day looks dry with a high of 58. 49 on monday. there's the first batch of rain coming up on tuesday. i'll give you neferg that yo need to know. not one, but two storms coming up at 6:45. why not wash the cars, vance? >> you're welcome to come over at any time. i have the hose. come on by. >> we all want to have some fun with this nice weather. up next, the most surprising revelation about the house where this explosion happened and why it gives a local lawmakers cause for concern. >> reporter: a man is found guilty of ordering a hit while he's locked up behind bars in prince george's county. i'm tracee wilkins. coming up on news4 we'll ta a maryland man in jail for a double murder found guilty of ordering a hit against a trial witness. >> that witness was his uncle. tonight we're hearing the jailhouse phone calls as brian mayhew set up the hit. bureau chief tracee wilkins has our report on this. tracee? >> reporter: well, jim, this was the retrial. the first jury could not decide but this jury decided that he was guilty and his co-defendants were guilty. in one jail call, you hear brian mayhew express love to his uncle nicoh mayhew. >> nicoh. >> what's up? >> i love you. >> reporter: hours later he's telling a murderer how he wants his uncle >> get all the way up. >> who you think i'm going to do? >> i don't know. i just got -- you know i got to put it down how i do it, nothing less, feel me? >> brian mayhew doesn't care about anybody. >> reporter: nicoh mayhew was set to testify against his nephew. >> we hope it sends the message out to everyone that witness intimidation as a strategy will never, ever work. >> reporter: he coordinated his uncle's hit while he was locked up through a series of three-way conversations. in one call he's told to expect his 2-year-old son to be there. he refers to him as a joint. >> remember the joint that got in the way. that might be with him. >> what about it? >> nothing. >>ic wearing a white jacket enters his mother's apartment building while carrying his 2-year-old son. the gunman seen hiding behind cars ran in to shoot and kill him. his son was shot but survived. >> i'm these people will not be walking the streets no more. >> reporter: now, this has been an incredible trial when it comes to security. nearly 20 deputies protecting that courtroom where this was held. additional security for the prosecutors who prosecuted this case as well. now, all three of them will be sentenced next week. there was also a young lady who was helping with those phone calls on the outside. she's now in jail. she's going to be sentenced in march. reporting live in upper marlboro, tracee wilkins. >> thank you, tracee. an arrest tonight in a series of sex assaults in montgomery county and now police want to know if there are more victims. police say william brown, jr. attacked three women over the course of a week earlier this month. two women were inappropriately touched in or near the safeway store on georgia avenu the street near the midcounty regional services center. >> detectives do believe there may be additional victims out there who have not yet come forward to report this. >> they say they have surveillance video of brown at the safeway. he says he simply bumped into the women there. students at the university of mary washington have high hopes for their new president. our northern virginia bureau reporter david culver will introduce him and explain why students believe the new administration could bring brighter days to a campus that's still healing. >> reporter: nearly a year since her murder. >> it was hard. it was definitely very hard. >> reporter: university of mary washington students warmly remembering their peer grace mann. >> she was a force, a very, very great force on this campus and in everyone's lives. >> reporter: the 20-year-old killed last year, the suspect another student. in that same semester, a clash betwee a and university's leadership. they accused the administration of failing to respond to serious cyber threats. >> i think students are struggling with do we believe the administration when they say they're being transparent with us. >> reporter: incoming president dr. troy paino well aware of the trying times. >> i think there's always a time that a university has to heal, and i think from what i understand that mary washington has gone through that process. >> reporter: he'll be joining from truman state university in missouri where his digital reputation appeals to their mary washington students. >> we immediately started googling. we saw he's america's coolest president. >> reporter: signs welcoming him all over campus. student government president hannah tibbett among many students holding onto expectations. >> i anticipate transparency, 100%. >> reporter: dr. paino seems to prefer to that. >> i think it's critical to stay connected to the students feeling they have a voice directly to administrators. >> reporter: helping the community to heal even further, the university board of visitors just approved an award in grace mann's memory. >> she was a change in the world and now she will continue to be a change in the world to the impact she made with people she touched and the impact her legacy will make. >> reporter: in fredericksburg, virginia, david culver, news4. a delegation of local leaders is heading to cuba this weekend and our david culver will be traveling with them. the group includes mayor bowser, montgomery county executiv ike leggett and virginia's commerce and trade secretary maurice jones. they're calling it a networking trip that will focus on health, education, business, and government. david's reports will begin sunday at 6:00 and 11:00. tributes from across the nation are pouring in for harper lee. she is the woman who wrote the american classic "to kill a mockingbird." lee died today in her hometown of mon she was 89. she won the pulitzer prize in 1961 for that novel about racial injustice in a small southern town. it was made into a film the next year, a film which won three academy awards. former president george w. bush honored lee with the presidential medal of freedom back in 2007. it was just last year that lee's publisher released the prequel to "mockingbird" called "go set a watchman." it was met with some controversy and questions about whether lee wanted it to be released. up next, it's a popular toy, but there are growing concerns about safety. tonight the new warning from the federal government about those hover boards. chances are you have seen them on the road, all over the road, every road, everywhere. you swerve to avoid one. we'll tell you why pothole repairs are leading to some weekend road closures in the area. you sound like you hit a couple of those, ve. i'll tell you what, a great weekend. nice and warm but still great time to go skiing. look at the base. 30 to 40 inches toward liberty. winter green, bryce resort all looking good. back to the west, wisp and snowshoe, a great weekend for skiing. if you or your children were among the many who received a hover board for the holidays, we have a new warning for you. the consumer product safety commission says hover boards are unsafe, all of them. they notified retailers, manufacturers, and importers about new hover board safety standards today. if those standards are not met, the agency may take enforcement action. the commission wants makers and sellers to take noncertified hover boards off the market this will they can be certified. the agency has received more than 50 reports now of hover board fires. there's a new report that shows thousands of over this country, including many in our area, are in desperate need of repair. the american road and transportation builders association, they found that nearly 59,000 bridges are structurally deficient. on that list, the arlington memorial bridge, several overpasses on the beltway in maryland, and two bridges on washington boulevard in arlington. the bridges are not said to be in imminent danger but they do need upgrades. the association says with current federal funding, it would take more than 20 years to fix all the deficient bridges. our pothole problem in the district is slowing down the drive over the tidal basin. at least two lanes of the kutz bridge is now posed. it's part of independence avenue below 17th street. crews have been fixing potholes all day. the lanes are not expected to reopen until late tomorrow afternoon. if you notice a bad pothole on yir way home let us know. tweet us @4potholefix. include the location when you tweet us. still to come, some encouraging news in the fight against the zika virus ahead of the summer olympics in rio. i'm julie carey why woodbridge, virginia, where we learned they have found more gas leaks in a neighborhood where a home was rocked by an explosion less than two weeks ago. coming up, we are learning new details ab damaged a home in woodbridge in virginia earlier this month. people who live in that area have been on edge since it happened on franklin street. bureau chief julie carey tells us about a state lawmaker's effort now to help ease their fears. >> reporter: for 12 days now residents in this woodbridge neighborhood have watched as washington gas and a pipeline contractor break into streets looking for gas leaks, making repairs. it has this man too fearful to even use his gas stove. >> well, i haven't put on the stove. >> reporter: because you have been too worried to. >> correct. >> reporter: the digging began the day after an explosion at this home on february 7th. these are the photos of damage left behind. the explosion rocked the house just minutes after firefighters evacuated the family. state senator jeremy mcpike says worried residents have been calling his office so he's organized a town hall meeting saturday with washington gas and the state corporation commission. >> we wanted to understand what is the systematic check throughout all of the community in woodbridge. are these lines safe and what is washington gas doing about it? >> reporter: he's been told between seven and ten gas leaks have been discovered. he said the soil surrounding the damaged home was so saturated with gas it had to be aerated but the most surprising discovery, the home hit by the explosion didn't even have a gas line hooked up. he said it appears gas somehow seep eed into the home, built u in the basement, and exploded. this man says he's reassured now. >> once they started doing all the work, i felt better because they're looking in all the lines. >> reporter: a washington gas spokesman tells me all of the high grade gas leaks discovered have been repaired and the low grade leaks now on a repair schedule. he says some nonleaking lines near the affected home were also replaced as a preventative measure. i'm allly cajulie carey, news4. u maryland is one of 12 states where health officials say the flu is now widespread. turns out this year's flu vaccine was a good match for the viral strain that's circulating now. doctors say it's not too late to get a vaccination if you haven't already. the world health organization made an encouraging prediction today about the zika virus. the group's zika response team said the mosquito-borne virus will be way down by the time the olympic summer games begin in rio on august 5th and it predicts brazil will host a, quote, fantastic olympics. the w.h.o. also noted since the olympic venues are in a relatively confined area, it's easier for authorities to control the local mosquito population. >> let's talk to doug now about the flu virus and how it's worked for him. the flu vaccine. >> yeah. >> how are you feeling, doug? >> i got that nice shot and i was on my butt for five days. th my kids didn't get it from me so that's -- >> there you go. that's helpful. >> we didn't get it from you either yet. >> and that's also helpful. >> you guys have been fine. everybody has fine. >> but they are offering more upstairs if you want to go. >> we should all get outside and get some healthy fresh air. >> everybody is talking about that too, the roller coaster in temperatures. a lot of people have been getting sick over the last couple days. tomorrow hopefully yes, hopefully yes that will help. get outside, enjoy the day. tomorrow it's going to be a nice one. right now we're still on the cool side. 39. notice the temperatures though. 38 degrees at 7:00. 38 degrees around 9:00, and then back to 39. temperatures may actually rise by early tomorrow morning and we are calling for a much warmer forecast. current temperatures into the 30s. so it's on the cold side but i expect most areas to stay above freezing overnight. nothing on the radar, no rain, no snow to talk about. tomorrow we're okay. very nice afternoon. temperatures 39 to start, but 54 degrees by 11:00. 63 by 3:00 in the really just a great day. a little bit of a breeze but it's a nice warm breeze. temperatures around 7:00 around 57. you may even be able to eat dinner outdoors. still watching next week. we've been talking about this pattern. the patterns still looks good for a big storm. we have two storms coming through, one on tuesday, one on wednesday into thursday. still a very tough forecast to see exactly what's going to happen but right now looking much more like a rain event than a snow event. the pattern is right for a storm but looking much more like rain. chances decreasing for snow. it makes a lot of people happy, a lot of other people very upset. we're not quite done with the snow chances so far for the winter. next couple days, 63 tomorrow. 58, no chance of snow here. this would be rain on sunday but it's coming sunday night. i'm not too worried about sunday afternoon. 49 on monday, 46 on tuesday with some rain. most of it on the lighter side. the bigger storm is now looking like wednesday into thursday. once again though, the details still have to be ironed out on this. we'll be watching this throughout the next couple days t temperatures at or below average all the way through the middle of next week. >> oh, my. we're going to enjoy this weekend. thank you, doug. sports coming up. newest wizard in the building now. the question is, is he going to suit up tonight. stay tuned. first, here is lester holt with a look at what's ahead on "nbc nightly news." >> hi, jim and doreen. we're on the road in columbia, south carolina, ahead of the republican primary here. the big story, donald trump's slip in the polls. we're also in nevada, the big push before the democrats vote there tomorrow. and we'll have more on the government crackdown on those so-called hover boards when we i lead the 11 o'clock news with stories of gun violence. and like many of you, my family lived through the beltway sniper crisis. in congress, i'll fight to expand background checks on guns and ammunition, ban assault weapons, and mandate gun safety locks, because too many kids die from accidental shootings. let's show the nra we're not afraid of them; as democrats, as americans, as parents. i'm kathleen matthews and i approve this message. this is the xfinity sports desk brought to you by xfinity, your home for the most live sports. the wizards newest player will make his debut tonight. >> chris is in the csn studios with more on this. >> good to see you tonight. markieff morris will make his debut for the wizards. we'll findly g lfinally get the reunion he was playing for. his twin brothers marcus plays for the pistons. markieff played with his twin in phoenix, was not happy when they traded marcus last summer. markieff was busy earlier today getting acua once he passes his physical, the wizards will need him to hit the ground running. washington is in the midst of three games in as many nights and are four games under .500. >> goi think i fit in well. they need another four man in there to step in and to contribute like i can, and i play fast paced like i have been playing the past five years in phoenix and, you know, i'm just ready and excited. >> well, john wall and gortet have done something no other duos have done in 30 years. they have recorded double-doubles in the last five games. those are lofty goals. these wizards are just trying to climb into the play-offs for a third year in a row. >> they have 30 more. our goal is to just take it one game at a time. each opponent is different. each team is mindset that we're going to win the game but one game at a time and it starts with our defense. you know you're good when the opposing team beats you and storms the court. the terps lost to a team that had not won a conference game all season. it might cost them a top seed in the ncaa tournament. maryland though has four regular season games left. two will be against top 25 opponents, so mark turgeon says there's no looking back, especially when they play an unranked michigan team on sunday that has already beaten them this season. >> very disappointing and i have to figure out a way to get us going again. we're not ourselves and getting us ready at the start of the game. it's not a lot of fun, you know. i just want us playing better, and that's what i'm going to try to get going. just going to try it get us playing better. hopefully it starts sunday. >> well, richmond and things out. tonight these two teams meet in a rematch. the rams having a much better season with just two conference losses compared to the spider's sub .500 mark in conference. however if tonight's game is anything like the one from january 16th, it's a can't-miss contest. >> i think option one usually is give the puck to kuzi and something good is going to happen. that's kind of what i like to do out there. >> justin williams went with option two calling his own number for the game-winner in overtime last night. the caps edge the islanders 3-2. the caps gave up a late third-period goal but were able to come back and get the win anyway. williams' 19th goal pushed the caps to 42-10-4 on the season. next up, caps have four straight at home starting with new jersey on saturday. >> me and bryce, we're good. you know, like we both said, i think i have apologized to h want to apologize to the fans and the coaches and everyone included and i think that, you know, with what happened last year, you know, i was in the wrong. >> well, you just saw the video again, and you just heard from jonathan papelbon addressing last year's choking incident of mvp bryce harper. at the time of the nats melt down, most thought papelbon would be gone by now. what do you think? was that apology good northwest f enough for you? >> doesn't matter if it was good enough for us. what does price hamprper think. >> that next season is all behind us. time to look forward. >> it should be. let's hope that's what it is. thanks, chris. we appreciate it, man. that's our broadcast for now. "nightly news" coming up next. >> we 11:00. >> you apologized at one point, vance. >> i think you're making that vo: know you have a dedicated advisor and team who understand where you come from. we didn't really have anything, you know. but, we made do. vo: know you can craft an investment plan as strong as your values. al, how you doing. hey, mr. hamilton. vo: know that together you can establish a meaningful legacy. with the guidance and support of your dedicated pnc wealth management team. developing developing news tonight. mad dash. hours before the critical vote what he has saidt the iraq war, and hillary clinton fighting to hold off bernie sanders. slamming apple. the hours before the vote in two critical states trump under fire for what he has said about the iraq war, and hillary clinton fighting to hold off bernie sanrs. slamming apple. the feds fire back in a fiery battle over cracking the san bernardino killers' iphone, and now trump calling for a boycott. hoverboard crackdown after dozens of fires, some burning homes to the ground, the government says enough. a major new warning that could lead to an outright ban. walking free. after four decades locked in solitary confinement, a stunning twist in one of the most infamous cases in modern american history. and harper lee dies at 89. we remember the legendary elusive

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