Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20160212 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20160212

tonight for everybody you see here highlighted in the purple. only a half an inch to potentially an inch, maybe even less than that, but it will stick on area roadways very quickly. just like it did a couple weeks ago. we do not want to see a repeat of that. the good news is it comes in after the rush i think. so that's good news. behind this system, the wind and the cold move in. a wind advisory in effect with winds gusting upwards of 50 miles per hour. yeah, it's going to be one heck of a roller coaster. we'll talk about this weekend's weather, the chance for snow coming up early next week, and what comes after that all in my forecast. i'm derrick ward in arlington, and emergency management authorities here are preparing for whatever precipitation may fall, and they have some words for the public. >> i think the message for tonight and this weekend is stay home, stay warm, stay safe. >> reporter: that will give road crews plenty of room to treat the roads subfreezing temperatures mean any snow that falls will likely stick. arlington already has 16 trucks on the road and they're getting ahead of the game so as not to be caught like some jurisdictions were two weeks ago under conditions much like today. >> we don't want to replicate that again today. >> reporter: before things got bad, some people saw a chance to get out and maybe do some things that you don't always associate with freezing temperatures, like golf. >> to me it helps me stay more focused when i'm playing on the course. >> reporter: and nobody will likely be asking to play through on a day like this. others went straight for an even colder place, the ice. >> the ice is very good when it gets this cold, and the weather is not bad. we're sheltered down here. there's no wind. >> reporter: but those who have to take a more serious approach to what's coming want anything but slipping and sliding. >> we've got a potential hazard tonight. >> reporter: while it may not amount to enough will be an attack on the white stuff once it starts falling. several jurisdictions have canceled late activities, especially after-school activities. go to our website for a comprehensive list of what is and isn't happening ahead of this storm. we're live in arlington, derrick ward, news4. jim, back to you. tonight's weather is also leading to cancellations. evening actives have been canceled at a number of schools. we invite you to find the full list of closures and delays an our nbc washington app. the number of children allegedly victimized by a school volunteer in prince george's county continues to grow. there are 14 children on that list now. deonte carraway is accused of producing child pornography with those children at judge sylvania woods elementary school and two other places. tonight police have identified a new crime location. meagan fitzgerald joins us live with details. meagan? >> doreen, police say a child was victimized inside a prince george's county church. that brings the total number of here at judge sylvania woods almost tri scho elementary school, to five. nearly every day this week the number of victim police say were abused by former teacher's aide deonte carraway continues to rise. >> through the course of the investigation our detectives have now uncovered that deonte carraway has victimized a child at the church. additionally, we now know there are 14 confirmed victims in this case. >> reporter: tim maloney represents five victims. he says the number of lawsuits against the school board and principal, michelle williams, will continue to increase as well. he filed the latest suit on thursday. >> we expect a couple more lawsuits to be filed on monday. there's a class action pending, and we think that thereas more victims come, more lawsuits will be filed. >> reporter: many of the children were sexually abused at the school while class was in session. a source close to the investigation says carraway had a sexual offense charge the school district says juvenile records are sealed and nothing came up when they ran carraway's background in 2014. >> we're hoping to reform the school system, to require that they have better screening and better supervision of people who work and volunteer in the building. >> reporter: now, deon that carraway's family released the following statement. it says in part, quote, we must stress we do not condone the behavior in question that has victimized numerous families and brought unimaginable fear and sadness to our community. now, you can read that entire statement on our website. you can also download our nbc washington app. doreen? >> meagan fitzgerald, thank you. montgomery county schools updated their background check policies and stepped up training about sex abuse after a substitute teacher was accused of abusing students a year ago. jose pineda ultimately pleaded guilty to unappropriately touching three girls. he was sentenced to five years in prison. the county now requires full all contract employees and has a database to monitor staff who have faced accusations. a former administrator and coach at d.c.'s dunbar high school today pleaded guilty to sexual abuse of a number of teenage boys at that school. the man's name is charles young. he served as an assistant track coach at dunbar between 2013 and '14. during that time prosecutors say he used his position as a coach to inappropriately touch and abuse seven teenage boys. police arrested young back in 2014 after one of the victims came forward. he's been in jail since then and will be sentenced in april. now to breaking news. a little boy is shot in the district while waiting to get his hair cut. gunmen stormed into the barbershop hitting both the child and his father. it happened off 8th street near 6 street in southeast. news4's darcy spencer is live with the latest on the darcy? >> reporter: well, doreen, that shooting happened right here at ren's barbershop. police have left. in fact, you can see the barbershop has reopened. there are customers inside. good news for this little boy, we're told he was conscious and, in fact, talking at the hospital. he is going to be okay. this is the chair a 2-year-old boy was sitting in in his father's lap waiting to get his hair cut. the owner of ren's barbershop in southeast says the little boy was asleep when three men in masks burst in and opened fire. the little boy's shoes and socks left behind. his backpack left behind. he and his dad were rushed to the hospital. they're expected to be okay. did it appear that the people came in looking for a particular person and targeted someone? >> we can't get into too much detail about it, but at this time we do believe this was not a random event. >> reporter: police did not give a motive for the shooting. the men took off in a casings on the ground and inside the shop. a miracle that the man and his son weren't more seriously hurt. >> the boy is alert, and i have been told that he's been able to talk at the hospital, and he's -- it seems like he's going to be fine. >> reporter: streets were blocked off for the investigation, and people who work, go to school, and use metro in the area stopped to see what was happening. >> it's not easy because you can feel for those families. not knowing your husband or your boyfriend or your son needs to go to work. it's hard. >> reporter: the shop is just a block from the navy yard next to a sub shop and down the street from richard wright public school for journalism, media, and the arts. >> a lot of kids that we service here in the education program are dealing with different things in their neighborhoods, but to have to leave school and witness something like this happening is just >> reporter: it certainly is. now, police are still looking for those three masked gunmen. they're still on the loose. no arrest has been made. reporting live from southeast, darcy spencer, news4. >> thank you, darcy. there is new information tonight about that oil slick on the potomac river. the coast guard says it likely came from a spill at a dominion virginia power station in crystal city, virginia. the oil was spotted last week. it stretched eight miles from the wildlife sanctuary near national airport to the wilson bridge. test results show the oil in the sanctuary matched the oil from the transformer station. an official with dominion power says it wants to review all the information gathered by the coast guard to determine whether there is, indeed, a link. 21 wild geese died after being covered in oil. 32 were captured. they are now being rehabilitated. investigators are working to find out what caused a fire last night. it gutted a large warn at the woodmont country club in rockville. dozens of firefighters worked through the night in freezing weather to keep that fire spr spre from spreading. chopper4 was overhead as those firemen continued dousing hotspots. that barn was used to store track fors and other maintenance tools. a teenager is under arrest in the hack attack against cia director john brennan. the suspect is british and he's 16 years old. police in the united kingdom arrested him on tuesday on various computer crime charges. investigators say he bluffed his way into brennan's personal aol e-mail account last fall and posted some of the e-mails online. he's also accused of getting a look at some comcast account information for homeland security secretary jeh johnson. chuck todd will join us next with a look at where thing's stand after last night's democratic debate and who has to next gop showdown. seems like things are playing out on metro trains. the new plan to keep riders safe on the rails. a man fell asleep and ended up paying a big price for it. tonight he's sharing his story and delivering a warning about ewe he uber. >> a quick burst of snow, a coating to an inch mostly between 7:00 and 10:00 tonight. to presidential politics now and the new shape of the democratic race. >> now that bernie sanders has notched a big win over hillary clinton in new hampshire, the debate last night brought some of the sharpest exchanges yet. >> and i think once i'm in the white house, we will have enough political capital to be able to do that. >> secretary clinton, you're not in the white house yet. she talked about getting the approval or the support or the mentoring of henry kissinger. count me in as somebody who will not be listening to henry kissinger. >> i know journalists have asked who you do policy, and we have yet to know who that is. the criticism we've heard from senator sanders about our president i expect from republicans, i do not expect from someone running for the democratic nomination. >> madam secretary, that is a low blow. >> and that was just warming up. there was more. >> "meet the press" moderator chuck todd joins us now. last night's debate, does this indicate a new level of scrutiny on bernie sanders who has had to answer to his big showing in new hampshire? >> my big take away was how much she spent on his proposals as she did selling her own. at this point they're willing to make this a referendum on him. they believe the more scrutiny there is, the more hesitation voters will have. they will sit there and say my taxes will go up how much? how does this work? that's the type of information flow they're hoping to create because right now it's been a referendum on her, and hampshire. when you look at some of the exit polls, this was not just people excited about him, but there was a good chunk of vote he is that were rejecting her and i think now they want to turn the focus to him. we'll see if it works. >> nobody in the race who has had more scrutiny than hillary clinton. >> and she says it all the time, and certainly sanders hasn't gotten it. that's the thing, how do they hold up under scrutiny. when howard dean had scrutiny, he fizzled. when barack obama got, it he handled it. >> let's talk to the republicans, coming up in eight days or something. do we expect a further winnowing out of candidates and who do you think will be the two or three left standing? >> trump and cruz have gotten there. if you look at it as sort of into the finals, they've gotten there. they're into the finals. they both have unique constituencies that you can see how they keep going and they're going to probably be battling for first and second in south carolina. the question is is there room for a so-called establishment lane, the mainstream whatever you want third of the electorate, rubio, bush, kasich. i happen to think third place means a lot, and after that i don't know, if you're not in third in south carolina, i think the money will follow that person. particularly if it's a strong third. and particularly, frankly, if it's rubio. if rubio -- there's that debate tomorrow night. it's the biggest moment of his political career. i mean, it is so make or break for him. he obviously after what happened to him a week ago when it was in his hands, this nomination, it was an opportunity and he so blew it. so tomorrow night is huge for them. but i think that south carolina will be our next winnowing. >> speaking of something being in somebody's hands, jeb bush a couple months ago was already anointed, right? >> only by the money guys. >> well -- >> he's come back to life in the last few days. >> there's a resiliency about him that just watching him on the campaign -- he's finally a decent candidate, and i like he hadn't done this in a while and he looked battered and bruised. there is a sign of life there. let's see him tomorrow night but he has to be the alpha dog. >> and he has his brother coming to south carolina. >> tomorrow night matters so much particularly for jeb bush and marco rubio. can jeb be the alpha doug against trump and rubio? >> and don't forget to join chuck for "meet the press" sunday morning at 10:30. weather now, if you've been outside you know how it is. cold, wet, damp, windy. and it's going to get worse. doug and veronica tracking the conditions from storm center 4. >> guys, right now we're tracking the snow coming through parts of the area. today you may have noticed a little warmer than yesterday but by this time tomorrow we've got something else completely. so first it's the snow and then the wind and the cold. >> exactly. the wind and the cold for tomorrow. we're going to transition when it feels colder than others and then even more snow. we're just getting started. >> we have a busy weekend coming in. we'll be in weather alert right through the day on tuesday because of the fact we've got not one, not two, but three different storm systems to talk about. let's show you what's going on right now. first off temperature wooidwise degrees. we have storm team4 radar tracking snow showers down to the south. not much, flurries really. but this is the snow that's coming down around i-81, hagerstown, winchester, martinsburg area. this is all going to slide down to the east over the next one to two hours and be inside the metro area right around 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 tonight. that is part of the system that will come through and then really bring in the colder air. i want to time it out for you though. first off, anything that falls tonight is going to stick on the roads. notice the temperature. 29 d.c. 27 gaithersburg. 28 winchester. so it willti weather advisory in effect from now until midnight tonight. it's very quick-hitting system. it moves in, it moves out. it may only snow for 15 or 20 minutes but that quick coating to an inch will stick on the roads. here we are at 6:00. notice where we are at 7:00. hagerstown, frederick, winchester, leesburg. by 8:00 it's coming closer. and by 9:00 it's inside the metro region moving through the area and by 10:00 starting to move on out of here. by midnight everybody is out, and then comes the cold. veronica, we're talk that wind advisory during the day tomorrow, winds could gust upwards of 40 to 50 miles per hour. >> some of our strongest winds through the first part of the day tomorrow. tomorrow morning. so here is that wind advisory. with the winds that high, there could be -- it's possible there may be a few downed power lines or small limbs across the area. not good with such cold air moving in for the weekend. so we've posted a whole list of tips on our nbc washington app before the cold sets in for the weekend. our windchills now in the 20s across the area, but check this out. the button forecast for you, weather alert weekend, that cold, 1 is what it will feel like, even subzero readings early saturday. lunchtime still single digits and lower. by afternoon not much better at 2 degrees. as we go into saturday night, early sunday morning, i think some subzero readings where the maybe finally we're getting up to the teens by sunday afternoon, doug, with a little less wind. >> yeah. a little less wind during the day on sunday and then on monday, well, then on monday we talk about the chance for some snow. 33 degrees during the day on monday. 80% chance of snow. pull monday out for me. i want to show you what's going to happen a little more for monday. we're expecting snow to develop during the morning hours. snow likely mainly light but a few inches could be possible and roads would once again become slick. we'll talk much more about your monday forecast in few minutes. >> thanks. still ahead, it was only a mile but one man's uber ride lasted two hours and cost almost 200 bucks after he fell asleep in the backseat. tonight what the agency is saying about this expensive ride. my hero son was out there trying to stop drunk drivers. >> a father's passionate plea for change as investigators reveal new information about the man charged in the death of a local police now to a long and expensive uber ride. a local man says he got in an uber car for what was supposed to be a one-mile trip. >> but he fell asleep, and when he woke up he had been driven around for two hours. mark segraves talked to the man about this experience. it's a story you will see only on news4. >> reporter: a lot of people use uber late at night to get home when they're too tired or whatever reason just can't drive. what happened to one man here in the district raises a lot of questions for all uber riders. unfortunately, uber declined to answer most of our questions. mekele says when he fold friends what happened to him, they didn't believe him. >> you're joking. it just happened. >> reporter: it was about 2:00 in the morning when he used his app to call for an uber x car. he admits he didn't enter his destination into the app. instead he told the driver the address of his home. >> i got in the car and i must -- i think i must have fallen asleep like pretty fast. >> reporter: when he woke up, he realized he had been in the car for two hours. >> this dude literally took me on a ride. like anything could have happened. >> reporter: he says he wasn't drunk, just tired. according to his receipt, the uber driver picked him up on 7th street, then drove him into bethesda, maryland in montgomery county, then around the beltway into prince george's county and back into the district. two hours and six minutes, 71 miles, and $171 later, he was home. in a written statement an official says uber expects riders and drivers alike to have a shared standard for respect, accountability, and common u >> i definitely don't think i'm going to use uber anymore. >> reporter: now uber has refunded that passenger all of his money. we asked uber specifically what their drivers' policy is if they have a passenger who falls asleep in the back of their car or if they have a passenger who is too drunk to give them directions. they declined to answer those questions. mark segraves, news4. coming up, police say he was nearly three times over the legal limit. >> you don't drive drunk. that puts everybody at risk. my son is dead because of that. >> reporter: we'll have the disturbing new details emerging about the hours before a crash that killed a local police officer. plus, violent attacks on metro and the transit agency's plan to keep you safe. also, protecting women who are at high risk of being killed by a loved one. >> and i ended up with a slice under my eye. >> reporter: and how the bitter cold could affect your and like many of you, my family lived through the beltway sniper crisis. in congress, i'll fight to expand background checks on guns and ammunition, ban assault weapons, and mandate gun safety locks, because too many kids die from accidental shootings. let's show the nra we're not afraid of them; as democrats, as americans, as parents. i'm kathleen matthews and i approve this message. it's 6:30 right now. look at conditions outside. it's snowing in some places and it is already danger owe usually cold all over the area. doug is here now to let us know what we can expect through the weekend. doug? >> through the weekend is going to be that brutal cold. right now we have some snow coming down. some of that snow down towards southern maryland, extreme portions of st. northern calvert county seeing a little bit of light snow. hagerstown, martinsburg, winchester reporting snow and already seeing it on the roadways. a couple reports on my facebook page that it is on the roadways and it is making its way down towards our region. that's why we're watching this area very closely. it's not a lot, but it is going to be a very quick burst of snow in some areas, and that's why we have that winter weather advisory in effect until midnight tonight for everybody there you see in the purple. heads up this evening. most likely in and around the d.c. metro area, around 8:00, 9:00. i'll break it down for you and show you how cold things get this weekend and then talk about our chance for more snow early next week. thank you, doug. the northeast and mid-atlantic will feel the arctic blast this weekend. temperatures will run 25 to 40 degrees below normal for this time of year. highs will not climb above zero in some locations, and lows will plummet to temperatures well below zero. year for florists and the extreme cold is already causing concern about those roses and other arrangements that will be delivered. all new at 6:00, david culver shows us how one local florist is working to keep your valentine's day delivery fresh, not frozen. >> thank you for calling karen's. this is kevin. >> reporter: inside this florist, loving messages. >> happy valentine's day. >> reporter: typed up. >> i love you. >> reporter: and nestled among flowers. this is the floral workshop. cupid's helpers on overtime here. >> about three to four times our normal staff. >> valentine's day to florists would be the super bowl. >> it's chaos. it's what i like to call it. actually this is one of my favorite holidays. >> reporter: for 20 years brian swan has fought through his tulip allergy all to brighten someone else's day. >> reporter: but for all that goes into the arrangements, each one done by hand, no two quite the same, there is a science to keeping them fresh, especially amidst this weekend's bitter cold. just look at these flowers sent through another company to a news4 colleague. arrived shrivelled. >> they do freeze. the way i always do the equivalent is if you don't want to be out in like a bathing suit, they don't want to be out there either. >> anything to layer up. >> reporter: the local staff at karen's working to prevent that in their delivers. not only wrapping them in plastic coats. >> out the door we go. >> reporter: but also keeping them in climate controlled holdings until they're ready to ship out and even then they'll avoid leaving them on a porch. >> we'll find a neighbor, we'll call them or arrange a delivery time with them. >> we want to make sure she doesn't take any trips when we go over some bumps. >> reporter: these folks among many this weekend delivering much-needed warmth. david culver, news4. >> we wanted to know are you considering changing your plans this weekend because of the extreme cold weather? according to our flash survey, here is what you said. more than 50% of you said what plans? 31% say no, you're still going to celebrate the same way. those are your people, vance. >> they are, indeed. there are growing safety concerns tonight after recent attacks on metro. this is a video of one of those attacks. a man on his way to work during the morning rush assaulted by a group of teenagers. a half dozen high school students have been charged in that case. the transit agency is considering several ideas to make you feel safe. they include changing the lighting in stations. >> how do we make the stations that were designed in the late '50s and early '60s with recessed lighting, very stark, all of those dynamics that were very popular then but now are not. >> the considered include adding more often certifies and requiring all metro employees to wear bright yellow vests so as soon as you walk in, you can see someone who is in authority. he is being held on a quarter million dollars bond. tonight we are learning what the man charged in the death of a montgomery county police officer has to say about the case. we're also hearing from the victim's family and the legacy they want for officer noah leotta. news4's chris gordon is in rockville with details. chris? >> reporter: well, doreen, it was an emotion krall day heal d for the family of this montgomery county police officer. officer noah leotta's family wears his shield as their badge of courage. >> my wonderful son, he was only 24 years old. i have to go to a cemetery to go talk with him. >> reporter: on december 3rd, officer leotta had stopped a suspected drunk driver on 355. his police cruiser was hit from behind. he was gravely injured and died a week later. olney has been charged with manslaughter by motor vehicle and failure to avoid an emergency vehicle. police say reluzco had been drinking at hooters for three hours before the accident. >> he had a 0.22 blood alcohol level as well as a presence of a central nervous system depressant in his blood, one that should not be taken with alcohol. >> reporter: reluzco is a bartender at bethesda country club. members are donating money for his defense after receiving this letter from him. he says he was involved in a tragic fatal car accident. in an instant, my insanely stupid decision to drive a vehicle after drinking alcohol changed the lives of thousands and thousands of people in an irreparable negative and unforgettable way. but officer leotta's family isn't buying remorse. >> all he cared about was having drinks and getting drunk. he didn't care about any human life that was on the road. >> i have to see my parents go through this every single day, and it's painful for me to watch. >> reporter: the family is pushing the maryland general assembly to pass what's called kn noah's law requiring anyone convicted of a drunk drive to have an ignition interlock device installed in their vehicle. chris gordon, news4. just into the live desk, dominion power is now taking responsibility for that oil spill on the potomac river. this is the one the coast guard has been cleaning up for well over a week now. the utility just tweeted it agrees with the coast guard's announcement today saying the oil came from a dominion transformer station city. our mark segraves has been working this story for the better part of a week. dominion said it will work as quickly as possible to get it cleaned up. 21 wild geese and ducks have died as a result of that spill. another 32 have been rescued and decontaminated. vance? >> thanks, chris. still ahead tonight, a move to fine people for smoking in a car with children. that has cleared yet another hurdle in virginia. i'm julie carey in fairfax county where a woman who survived years of abuse at the hands of her husband is speaking out about proposed legislation that would take guns away from those with protective orders. >> if he had been able to access those, i probably would have been dead that day. >> reporter: her story and the victims of domestic violence are cheering a proposal to take guns away from abusers who are subject to permanent protective orders in virginia. >> that measure took another step for t general assembly. but as bureau chief julie carey reports, fairfax county is already moving ahead with a plan to better protect domestic violence victims. >> reporter: rochelle calls herself a domestic violence survivor, and even though it's been nine years since she finally broke away from her abusive husband, she still wants her identity concealed. years of beatings left her so fearful, she hid a weapon in the home. >> and i hid them so that he couldn't get them because i honestly felt if he had been able to access those, i would have been dead that day. >> the final incident came when their 2 1/2-year-old daughter witnessed an attack. >> that was when i decided, that's it, you're never going to put your hands on me again. >> reporter: she got a permanent protective order and got help from fairfax county's police victim services. now she welcomes the proposed legislation that would require abusers under permanent protective order to sell or sur render their weapon. presently it only bars them from weapon. sandy bromly also welcomes the change in the law. she coordinates services for domestic violence victims. >> what we want to make sure is we're reducing their risk of homicide. just getting guns out of the picture this knows cases where there's already been violence in the home is the most important thing. >> reporter: fairfax county isn't waiting for the new legislation. it's already made a big change to try to make sure that domestic violence victims don't become homicide victims. in july they longed the leality assessment program. they got special training and now when they make an arrest for domestic violence, they must ask these 11 questions of the victim. number one, has a weapon ever been used as a thread or against you. if a victim scores high risk, they are immediately connected with this office and services to keep them safe. in fairfax county, julie carey, news4. up next, we'll take you to a first aid class for the mind. how this eit- mental illness first aid is all about medical emergencies but what about mental health emergencies? millions of people suffer from some form of mental illness, so knowing how to identify a mental health crisis can be critical. tonight we're showing you a class teaching people to do that. it's part of our changing minds project. >> reporter: what do first lady michelle obama and the students in this classroom have common? they've all completed a course in mental health first aid. >> for behavioral health will be training 3 million people in mental health first aid. i went through some of this training. >> mental health first aid is equivalent to cpr, but it's for people having an emotional crisis. and you're much more likely to see someone having an emotional crisis than you are to see someone having a coronary. >> reporter: roughly one in five adults in this country experience some kind of mental illness each year. that's more than 40 million people, and while it can interfere significantly with some people's lives, in others it can be hard to identify. >> we can see a cut, a broken arm, you can see something with your leg or anything else. when you're thinking of a mental, a lot of times it goes unmasked, unnoticed, people don't recognize it because we do a good job of hiding it because of the stigma that goes with it. >> it's an eight-hour course, and itch are mental illnesses and addictions, what is depression? what is anxiety? what does it look like? what is psychosis? what's schizophrenia. >> reporter: the classes are open to the general public and the cost is minimal. today's class includes shane phillips. he hopes to better understand his sons with special needs and medical student raquel richardson. >> there are different warning signs and i guess the most important thing i have learned today is it just looks different across the ages. so depression for a youth looks completely different for a middle aged. >> reporter: it's funded through a combination of government and private money, and since 2008 half a million people have completed the course. that includes police departments, companies, and clergy. president of the national council for behavioral health linda rosenberg is encouraged by the course's popularity hoping to reach the million mark soon. >> i think the brain is the next big frontier know about illnesses, and i think that mental health first aid, the timing of having a place where you can go in one day and learn some basics, the timing has been, you know, very fortuitous. >> for more information about mental health first aid classes, visit our website and search changing minds. a bill that would ban smoking in cars with children has passed the virginia house of delegates. that bill now moves on to the senate where a vote is expected next week. under that plan you could get a $100 fine if you're caught smoking with children under the age of 8 in the car. police would not be able to pull you over just for that offense, but they could ticket you if you've been stopped for something else. now to our weather. crews are hoping to prevent scenes like this. just three weeks ago a burst of ow created a nightmare for commuters. the roads had not been pretreated. they suddenly fell to ice as the snow fell to frozen pavement. it took some of us hours to get home and there were hundreds of accidents out there. we are worried about just such a thing happening tonight, doug. how is it looking right now? >> it will not happen tonight and i can say that for sure because, a, there's so much salt already on the roads from all the snow and ice we've had in the last couple days and they've been pretreating it. they didn't do it last time admittedly because they were waiting for the blizzard two days later. so tonight i think a much different story. all hands on deck for this little issue tonight and that's all it it is, a very little issue. the other big difference is the timing of this. that was during rush hour. this one won't even start until after 8:00 in the district. so i think most roads should be okay. 29 at this time. because it's 29, anything that falls will stick on the roads. the windchill right now coming in at 21 ee towards the east over towards the chesapeake, but this is what we're watching back here towards the west around winchester, hagerstown, martinsburg. now, this is not very heavy snow right now, but it is coming down and it's already sticking on the roads. just got a report out of winchester saying it is sticking on the roads there. around the middleway area, it will move to charlestown over to brunswick over the next half hour or so and then in through the rest of the region. here is what's happening. a little storm system moving up the coast. a cold front back towards the west, and that's what's happening to provide this. once again, cold enough so that everything will fall as snow. that's why we have the winter weather advisory in effect until midnight tonight. let's time it out for you again. right around 7:00, around frederick, leesburg, down toward the south. by 8:00 coming closer to d.c. but loudoun county, montgomery county, and by 9:00 inside the district. now, let's talk about the weekend and the rest of next week. 24 degrees tomorrow. 25 on sunday. weather alert day tomorrow. winds gusting the question is on this one though whether he will be able to play after what ha this is the xfinity sports desk brought to you by xfinity, your home for the most live sports. >> so john wall will be at the all-star game but we don't know if he's going to play or not. >> chris miles is here now from the csn studios. what's the word, chris? >> good evening. it just seems like nothing will go right for the wizards this season. john wall has made his third consecutive jaall-star game bute might not play. the wizards lost to the bucks last night and wall hurt his knee. the injury is officially just a bruised knee and needs mostly rest and therapy. first quarter. he remained in the game logging 41 minutes. only one person knows if wall will play in the all-star game though. let's hear from him now. >> it's all right. just getting treatment. i brought my trainer thomas here to give me a lot of treatment. i don't want to miss the game and it's a great honor to be here and represent the washington wizards, my teammates and coaching staff and the city of d.c. i definitely will play. just hope it's going to be 100%. i want to enjoy time with my family that i didn't get to do last year as much and enjoy those guys later on but also just cut down and get some rest and get treatment because i definitely need it for the run we're going to make after the all-star break. all right. this could be the year that lefty driesell gets into the hall of fame. shaquille o'neill and allen iverson are also finalists. the announcement will be made on april 4th before the college basketball national championship game and the inductees will be wisconsin players are sounding off about the under armour balls they have to play with against maryland on saturday. that's right. you heard it correctly. badgers forward nigel hayes said, quote, i don't like the under armour ball whatsoever. we should have a universal ball like the nba. maryland is currently ranked second in the country and has 27 straight home wins. the badgers will have a lot more on their hands to worry about. one of those worrisome players is melo trimble. remember the game in wisconsin earlier this season? it was the sophomore who hit the game-winning three-pointer. what has melo learned about himself and his squad since that big shot? >> the team has matured. during the game we were into it, especially in the second half. and we just need to find a leader and they lean on me to be a leader. >> it took everything out of us to escape with a win on their hold court. us. >> we have to do the little things and prepare the same way and hopefully, you know, use our crowd to our advantage. >> lots more from the terps coming up on sports final this sunday. two transfers heard from. they both join carol maloney at the round table on sunday at 11:35. before we go how about bryce harper? he thinks he's worth $400 million and his message to the nats, don't sell me short on my next deal. that's a lot of money to go around but he might be worth it. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. $400 million? >> that's almost half a billion. >> over ten years that would be equivalent to what a-rod got well back when he was with the rangers, but, you know, i'm talking about for inflation here because he got 260 -- he got $26 million a year i believe it was. >> more power to him if he can get it. >> that's almost what you're making, right, chris? i mean, he'd be catching upth you, right? >> no, i wish. >> just kidding. >> chris miles, thank you. >> "nightly news" is next. >> see you at 11: kathleen matthews: too many nights, i lead the 11 o'clock news with stories of gun violence. and like many of you, my family lived through the beltway sniper crisis. in congress, i'll fight to expand background checks on guns and ammunition, ban assault weapons, and mandate gun safety locks, because too many kids die from accidental shootings. let's show the nra we're not afraid of them; as democrats, as americans, as parents. i'm kathleen matthews and i approve this message. tonight, dangerous freeze. below zero in 16 states. 65 million people plunge into the teeth of a polar vortex. urgent warnings of a potentially deadly winter blast. donald trump threatens to sue ted cruz as bernie sanders accuses hillary clinton of landing a low blow. it's getting nasty. machete horror, a vicious restaurant attack. a man suddenly starts slashing and stabbing people inside. the fbi investigating and asking was it terrorism? trapped by war. our team inside syria as word of a deal to stop the bloodshed is met with skepticism, and assad vows to retake the entire country. and your medical records at risk of being stolen and sold for fraud. one out of three americans hit.

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Leonardtown , Maryland , United States , Rockville , New Hampshire , Loudoun County , Virginia , Martinsburg , Gaithersburg , Wisconsin , Syria , Washington , District Of Columbia , United Kingdom , Leesburg , Hagerstown , Prince George County , South Carolina , Fairfax County , Montgomery County , Hampshire , Bethesda , Calvert County , Charlestown , Anne Arundel County , Americans , British , Brian Swan , Raquel Richardson , Michelle Williams , Marco Rubio , Alpha Doug , Henry Kissinger , Chris Gordon , Linda Rosenberg , Allen Iverson , John Brennan , Jose Pineda , Jeb Bush , Darcy Spencer , Nigel Hayes , Melo Trimble , Kathleen Matthews , Shane Phillips , Chuck Todd , Barack Obama , Michelle Obama , Jeh Johnson , Julie Carey , Tim Maloney , Richard Wright , Bryce Harper , Meagan Fitzgerald , David Culver , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20160212 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20160212

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tonight for everybody you see here highlighted in the purple. only a half an inch to potentially an inch, maybe even less than that, but it will stick on area roadways very quickly. just like it did a couple weeks ago. we do not want to see a repeat of that. the good news is it comes in after the rush i think. so that's good news. behind this system, the wind and the cold move in. a wind advisory in effect with winds gusting upwards of 50 miles per hour. yeah, it's going to be one heck of a roller coaster. we'll talk about this weekend's weather, the chance for snow coming up early next week, and what comes after that all in my forecast. i'm derrick ward in arlington, and emergency management authorities here are preparing for whatever precipitation may fall, and they have some words for the public. >> i think the message for tonight and this weekend is stay home, stay warm, stay safe. >> reporter: that will give road crews plenty of room to treat the roads subfreezing temperatures mean any snow that falls will likely stick. arlington already has 16 trucks on the road and they're getting ahead of the game so as not to be caught like some jurisdictions were two weeks ago under conditions much like today. >> we don't want to replicate that again today. >> reporter: before things got bad, some people saw a chance to get out and maybe do some things that you don't always associate with freezing temperatures, like golf. >> to me it helps me stay more focused when i'm playing on the course. >> reporter: and nobody will likely be asking to play through on a day like this. others went straight for an even colder place, the ice. >> the ice is very good when it gets this cold, and the weather is not bad. we're sheltered down here. there's no wind. >> reporter: but those who have to take a more serious approach to what's coming want anything but slipping and sliding. >> we've got a potential hazard tonight. >> reporter: while it may not amount to enough will be an attack on the white stuff once it starts falling. several jurisdictions have canceled late activities, especially after-school activities. go to our website for a comprehensive list of what is and isn't happening ahead of this storm. we're live in arlington, derrick ward, news4. jim, back to you. tonight's weather is also leading to cancellations. evening actives have been canceled at a number of schools. we invite you to find the full list of closures and delays an our nbc washington app. the number of children allegedly victimized by a school volunteer in prince george's county continues to grow. there are 14 children on that list now. deonte carraway is accused of producing child pornography with those children at judge sylvania woods elementary school and two other places. tonight police have identified a new crime location. meagan fitzgerald joins us live with details. meagan? >> doreen, police say a child was victimized inside a prince george's county church. that brings the total number of here at judge sylvania woods almost tri scho elementary school, to five. nearly every day this week the number of victim police say were abused by former teacher's aide deonte carraway continues to rise. >> through the course of the investigation our detectives have now uncovered that deonte carraway has victimized a child at the church. additionally, we now know there are 14 confirmed victims in this case. >> reporter: tim maloney represents five victims. he says the number of lawsuits against the school board and principal, michelle williams, will continue to increase as well. he filed the latest suit on thursday. >> we expect a couple more lawsuits to be filed on monday. there's a class action pending, and we think that thereas more victims come, more lawsuits will be filed. >> reporter: many of the children were sexually abused at the school while class was in session. a source close to the investigation says carraway had a sexual offense charge the school district says juvenile records are sealed and nothing came up when they ran carraway's background in 2014. >> we're hoping to reform the school system, to require that they have better screening and better supervision of people who work and volunteer in the building. >> reporter: now, deon that carraway's family released the following statement. it says in part, quote, we must stress we do not condone the behavior in question that has victimized numerous families and brought unimaginable fear and sadness to our community. now, you can read that entire statement on our website. you can also download our nbc washington app. doreen? >> meagan fitzgerald, thank you. montgomery county schools updated their background check policies and stepped up training about sex abuse after a substitute teacher was accused of abusing students a year ago. jose pineda ultimately pleaded guilty to unappropriately touching three girls. he was sentenced to five years in prison. the county now requires full all contract employees and has a database to monitor staff who have faced accusations. a former administrator and coach at d.c.'s dunbar high school today pleaded guilty to sexual abuse of a number of teenage boys at that school. the man's name is charles young. he served as an assistant track coach at dunbar between 2013 and '14. during that time prosecutors say he used his position as a coach to inappropriately touch and abuse seven teenage boys. police arrested young back in 2014 after one of the victims came forward. he's been in jail since then and will be sentenced in april. now to breaking news. a little boy is shot in the district while waiting to get his hair cut. gunmen stormed into the barbershop hitting both the child and his father. it happened off 8th street near 6 street in southeast. news4's darcy spencer is live with the latest on the darcy? >> reporter: well, doreen, that shooting happened right here at ren's barbershop. police have left. in fact, you can see the barbershop has reopened. there are customers inside. good news for this little boy, we're told he was conscious and, in fact, talking at the hospital. he is going to be okay. this is the chair a 2-year-old boy was sitting in in his father's lap waiting to get his hair cut. the owner of ren's barbershop in southeast says the little boy was asleep when three men in masks burst in and opened fire. the little boy's shoes and socks left behind. his backpack left behind. he and his dad were rushed to the hospital. they're expected to be okay. did it appear that the people came in looking for a particular person and targeted someone? >> we can't get into too much detail about it, but at this time we do believe this was not a random event. >> reporter: police did not give a motive for the shooting. the men took off in a casings on the ground and inside the shop. a miracle that the man and his son weren't more seriously hurt. >> the boy is alert, and i have been told that he's been able to talk at the hospital, and he's -- it seems like he's going to be fine. >> reporter: streets were blocked off for the investigation, and people who work, go to school, and use metro in the area stopped to see what was happening. >> it's not easy because you can feel for those families. not knowing your husband or your boyfriend or your son needs to go to work. it's hard. >> reporter: the shop is just a block from the navy yard next to a sub shop and down the street from richard wright public school for journalism, media, and the arts. >> a lot of kids that we service here in the education program are dealing with different things in their neighborhoods, but to have to leave school and witness something like this happening is just >> reporter: it certainly is. now, police are still looking for those three masked gunmen. they're still on the loose. no arrest has been made. reporting live from southeast, darcy spencer, news4. >> thank you, darcy. there is new information tonight about that oil slick on the potomac river. the coast guard says it likely came from a spill at a dominion virginia power station in crystal city, virginia. the oil was spotted last week. it stretched eight miles from the wildlife sanctuary near national airport to the wilson bridge. test results show the oil in the sanctuary matched the oil from the transformer station. an official with dominion power says it wants to review all the information gathered by the coast guard to determine whether there is, indeed, a link. 21 wild geese died after being covered in oil. 32 were captured. they are now being rehabilitated. investigators are working to find out what caused a fire last night. it gutted a large warn at the woodmont country club in rockville. dozens of firefighters worked through the night in freezing weather to keep that fire spr spre from spreading. chopper4 was overhead as those firemen continued dousing hotspots. that barn was used to store track fors and other maintenance tools. a teenager is under arrest in the hack attack against cia director john brennan. the suspect is british and he's 16 years old. police in the united kingdom arrested him on tuesday on various computer crime charges. investigators say he bluffed his way into brennan's personal aol e-mail account last fall and posted some of the e-mails online. he's also accused of getting a look at some comcast account information for homeland security secretary jeh johnson. chuck todd will join us next with a look at where thing's stand after last night's democratic debate and who has to next gop showdown. seems like things are playing out on metro trains. the new plan to keep riders safe on the rails. a man fell asleep and ended up paying a big price for it. tonight he's sharing his story and delivering a warning about ewe he uber. >> a quick burst of snow, a coating to an inch mostly between 7:00 and 10:00 tonight. to presidential politics now and the new shape of the democratic race. >> now that bernie sanders has notched a big win over hillary clinton in new hampshire, the debate last night brought some of the sharpest exchanges yet. >> and i think once i'm in the white house, we will have enough political capital to be able to do that. >> secretary clinton, you're not in the white house yet. she talked about getting the approval or the support or the mentoring of henry kissinger. count me in as somebody who will not be listening to henry kissinger. >> i know journalists have asked who you do policy, and we have yet to know who that is. the criticism we've heard from senator sanders about our president i expect from republicans, i do not expect from someone running for the democratic nomination. >> madam secretary, that is a low blow. >> and that was just warming up. there was more. >> "meet the press" moderator chuck todd joins us now. last night's debate, does this indicate a new level of scrutiny on bernie sanders who has had to answer to his big showing in new hampshire? >> my big take away was how much she spent on his proposals as she did selling her own. at this point they're willing to make this a referendum on him. they believe the more scrutiny there is, the more hesitation voters will have. they will sit there and say my taxes will go up how much? how does this work? that's the type of information flow they're hoping to create because right now it's been a referendum on her, and hampshire. when you look at some of the exit polls, this was not just people excited about him, but there was a good chunk of vote he is that were rejecting her and i think now they want to turn the focus to him. we'll see if it works. >> nobody in the race who has had more scrutiny than hillary clinton. >> and she says it all the time, and certainly sanders hasn't gotten it. that's the thing, how do they hold up under scrutiny. when howard dean had scrutiny, he fizzled. when barack obama got, it he handled it. >> let's talk to the republicans, coming up in eight days or something. do we expect a further winnowing out of candidates and who do you think will be the two or three left standing? >> trump and cruz have gotten there. if you look at it as sort of into the finals, they've gotten there. they're into the finals. they both have unique constituencies that you can see how they keep going and they're going to probably be battling for first and second in south carolina. the question is is there room for a so-called establishment lane, the mainstream whatever you want third of the electorate, rubio, bush, kasich. i happen to think third place means a lot, and after that i don't know, if you're not in third in south carolina, i think the money will follow that person. particularly if it's a strong third. and particularly, frankly, if it's rubio. if rubio -- there's that debate tomorrow night. it's the biggest moment of his political career. i mean, it is so make or break for him. he obviously after what happened to him a week ago when it was in his hands, this nomination, it was an opportunity and he so blew it. so tomorrow night is huge for them. but i think that south carolina will be our next winnowing. >> speaking of something being in somebody's hands, jeb bush a couple months ago was already anointed, right? >> only by the money guys. >> well -- >> he's come back to life in the last few days. >> there's a resiliency about him that just watching him on the campaign -- he's finally a decent candidate, and i like he hadn't done this in a while and he looked battered and bruised. there is a sign of life there. let's see him tomorrow night but he has to be the alpha dog. >> and he has his brother coming to south carolina. >> tomorrow night matters so much particularly for jeb bush and marco rubio. can jeb be the alpha doug against trump and rubio? >> and don't forget to join chuck for "meet the press" sunday morning at 10:30. weather now, if you've been outside you know how it is. cold, wet, damp, windy. and it's going to get worse. doug and veronica tracking the conditions from storm center 4. >> guys, right now we're tracking the snow coming through parts of the area. today you may have noticed a little warmer than yesterday but by this time tomorrow we've got something else completely. so first it's the snow and then the wind and the cold. >> exactly. the wind and the cold for tomorrow. we're going to transition when it feels colder than others and then even more snow. we're just getting started. >> we have a busy weekend coming in. we'll be in weather alert right through the day on tuesday because of the fact we've got not one, not two, but three different storm systems to talk about. let's show you what's going on right now. first off temperature wooidwise degrees. we have storm team4 radar tracking snow showers down to the south. not much, flurries really. but this is the snow that's coming down around i-81, hagerstown, winchester, martinsburg area. this is all going to slide down to the east over the next one to two hours and be inside the metro area right around 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 tonight. that is part of the system that will come through and then really bring in the colder air. i want to time it out for you though. first off, anything that falls tonight is going to stick on the roads. notice the temperature. 29 d.c. 27 gaithersburg. 28 winchester. so it willti weather advisory in effect from now until midnight tonight. it's very quick-hitting system. it moves in, it moves out. it may only snow for 15 or 20 minutes but that quick coating to an inch will stick on the roads. here we are at 6:00. notice where we are at 7:00. hagerstown, frederick, winchester, leesburg. by 8:00 it's coming closer. and by 9:00 it's inside the metro region moving through the area and by 10:00 starting to move on out of here. by midnight everybody is out, and then comes the cold. veronica, we're talk that wind advisory during the day tomorrow, winds could gust upwards of 40 to 50 miles per hour. >> some of our strongest winds through the first part of the day tomorrow. tomorrow morning. so here is that wind advisory. with the winds that high, there could be -- it's possible there may be a few downed power lines or small limbs across the area. not good with such cold air moving in for the weekend. so we've posted a whole list of tips on our nbc washington app before the cold sets in for the weekend. our windchills now in the 20s across the area, but check this out. the button forecast for you, weather alert weekend, that cold, 1 is what it will feel like, even subzero readings early saturday. lunchtime still single digits and lower. by afternoon not much better at 2 degrees. as we go into saturday night, early sunday morning, i think some subzero readings where the maybe finally we're getting up to the teens by sunday afternoon, doug, with a little less wind. >> yeah. a little less wind during the day on sunday and then on monday, well, then on monday we talk about the chance for some snow. 33 degrees during the day on monday. 80% chance of snow. pull monday out for me. i want to show you what's going to happen a little more for monday. we're expecting snow to develop during the morning hours. snow likely mainly light but a few inches could be possible and roads would once again become slick. we'll talk much more about your monday forecast in few minutes. >> thanks. still ahead, it was only a mile but one man's uber ride lasted two hours and cost almost 200 bucks after he fell asleep in the backseat. tonight what the agency is saying about this expensive ride. my hero son was out there trying to stop drunk drivers. >> a father's passionate plea for change as investigators reveal new information about the man charged in the death of a local police now to a long and expensive uber ride. a local man says he got in an uber car for what was supposed to be a one-mile trip. >> but he fell asleep, and when he woke up he had been driven around for two hours. mark segraves talked to the man about this experience. it's a story you will see only on news4. >> reporter: a lot of people use uber late at night to get home when they're too tired or whatever reason just can't drive. what happened to one man here in the district raises a lot of questions for all uber riders. unfortunately, uber declined to answer most of our questions. mekele says when he fold friends what happened to him, they didn't believe him. >> you're joking. it just happened. >> reporter: it was about 2:00 in the morning when he used his app to call for an uber x car. he admits he didn't enter his destination into the app. instead he told the driver the address of his home. >> i got in the car and i must -- i think i must have fallen asleep like pretty fast. >> reporter: when he woke up, he realized he had been in the car for two hours. >> this dude literally took me on a ride. like anything could have happened. >> reporter: he says he wasn't drunk, just tired. according to his receipt, the uber driver picked him up on 7th street, then drove him into bethesda, maryland in montgomery county, then around the beltway into prince george's county and back into the district. two hours and six minutes, 71 miles, and $171 later, he was home. in a written statement an official says uber expects riders and drivers alike to have a shared standard for respect, accountability, and common u >> i definitely don't think i'm going to use uber anymore. >> reporter: now uber has refunded that passenger all of his money. we asked uber specifically what their drivers' policy is if they have a passenger who falls asleep in the back of their car or if they have a passenger who is too drunk to give them directions. they declined to answer those questions. mark segraves, news4. coming up, police say he was nearly three times over the legal limit. >> you don't drive drunk. that puts everybody at risk. my son is dead because of that. >> reporter: we'll have the disturbing new details emerging about the hours before a crash that killed a local police officer. plus, violent attacks on metro and the transit agency's plan to keep you safe. also, protecting women who are at high risk of being killed by a loved one. >> and i ended up with a slice under my eye. >> reporter: and how the bitter cold could affect your and like many of you, my family lived through the beltway sniper crisis. in congress, i'll fight to expand background checks on guns and ammunition, ban assault weapons, and mandate gun safety locks, because too many kids die from accidental shootings. let's show the nra we're not afraid of them; as democrats, as americans, as parents. i'm kathleen matthews and i approve this message. it's 6:30 right now. look at conditions outside. it's snowing in some places and it is already danger owe usually cold all over the area. doug is here now to let us know what we can expect through the weekend. doug? >> through the weekend is going to be that brutal cold. right now we have some snow coming down. some of that snow down towards southern maryland, extreme portions of st. northern calvert county seeing a little bit of light snow. hagerstown, martinsburg, winchester reporting snow and already seeing it on the roadways. a couple reports on my facebook page that it is on the roadways and it is making its way down towards our region. that's why we're watching this area very closely. it's not a lot, but it is going to be a very quick burst of snow in some areas, and that's why we have that winter weather advisory in effect until midnight tonight for everybody there you see in the purple. heads up this evening. most likely in and around the d.c. metro area, around 8:00, 9:00. i'll break it down for you and show you how cold things get this weekend and then talk about our chance for more snow early next week. thank you, doug. the northeast and mid-atlantic will feel the arctic blast this weekend. temperatures will run 25 to 40 degrees below normal for this time of year. highs will not climb above zero in some locations, and lows will plummet to temperatures well below zero. year for florists and the extreme cold is already causing concern about those roses and other arrangements that will be delivered. all new at 6:00, david culver shows us how one local florist is working to keep your valentine's day delivery fresh, not frozen. >> thank you for calling karen's. this is kevin. >> reporter: inside this florist, loving messages. >> happy valentine's day. >> reporter: typed up. >> i love you. >> reporter: and nestled among flowers. this is the floral workshop. cupid's helpers on overtime here. >> about three to four times our normal staff. >> valentine's day to florists would be the super bowl. >> it's chaos. it's what i like to call it. actually this is one of my favorite holidays. >> reporter: for 20 years brian swan has fought through his tulip allergy all to brighten someone else's day. >> reporter: but for all that goes into the arrangements, each one done by hand, no two quite the same, there is a science to keeping them fresh, especially amidst this weekend's bitter cold. just look at these flowers sent through another company to a news4 colleague. arrived shrivelled. >> they do freeze. the way i always do the equivalent is if you don't want to be out in like a bathing suit, they don't want to be out there either. >> anything to layer up. >> reporter: the local staff at karen's working to prevent that in their delivers. not only wrapping them in plastic coats. >> out the door we go. >> reporter: but also keeping them in climate controlled holdings until they're ready to ship out and even then they'll avoid leaving them on a porch. >> we'll find a neighbor, we'll call them or arrange a delivery time with them. >> we want to make sure she doesn't take any trips when we go over some bumps. >> reporter: these folks among many this weekend delivering much-needed warmth. david culver, news4. >> we wanted to know are you considering changing your plans this weekend because of the extreme cold weather? according to our flash survey, here is what you said. more than 50% of you said what plans? 31% say no, you're still going to celebrate the same way. those are your people, vance. >> they are, indeed. there are growing safety concerns tonight after recent attacks on metro. this is a video of one of those attacks. a man on his way to work during the morning rush assaulted by a group of teenagers. a half dozen high school students have been charged in that case. the transit agency is considering several ideas to make you feel safe. they include changing the lighting in stations. >> how do we make the stations that were designed in the late '50s and early '60s with recessed lighting, very stark, all of those dynamics that were very popular then but now are not. >> the considered include adding more often certifies and requiring all metro employees to wear bright yellow vests so as soon as you walk in, you can see someone who is in authority. he is being held on a quarter million dollars bond. tonight we are learning what the man charged in the death of a montgomery county police officer has to say about the case. we're also hearing from the victim's family and the legacy they want for officer noah leotta. news4's chris gordon is in rockville with details. chris? >> reporter: well, doreen, it was an emotion krall day heal d for the family of this montgomery county police officer. officer noah leotta's family wears his shield as their badge of courage. >> my wonderful son, he was only 24 years old. i have to go to a cemetery to go talk with him. >> reporter: on december 3rd, officer leotta had stopped a suspected drunk driver on 355. his police cruiser was hit from behind. he was gravely injured and died a week later. olney has been charged with manslaughter by motor vehicle and failure to avoid an emergency vehicle. police say reluzco had been drinking at hooters for three hours before the accident. >> he had a 0.22 blood alcohol level as well as a presence of a central nervous system depressant in his blood, one that should not be taken with alcohol. >> reporter: reluzco is a bartender at bethesda country club. members are donating money for his defense after receiving this letter from him. he says he was involved in a tragic fatal car accident. in an instant, my insanely stupid decision to drive a vehicle after drinking alcohol changed the lives of thousands and thousands of people in an irreparable negative and unforgettable way. but officer leotta's family isn't buying remorse. >> all he cared about was having drinks and getting drunk. he didn't care about any human life that was on the road. >> i have to see my parents go through this every single day, and it's painful for me to watch. >> reporter: the family is pushing the maryland general assembly to pass what's called kn noah's law requiring anyone convicted of a drunk drive to have an ignition interlock device installed in their vehicle. chris gordon, news4. just into the live desk, dominion power is now taking responsibility for that oil spill on the potomac river. this is the one the coast guard has been cleaning up for well over a week now. the utility just tweeted it agrees with the coast guard's announcement today saying the oil came from a dominion transformer station city. our mark segraves has been working this story for the better part of a week. dominion said it will work as quickly as possible to get it cleaned up. 21 wild geese and ducks have died as a result of that spill. another 32 have been rescued and decontaminated. vance? >> thanks, chris. still ahead tonight, a move to fine people for smoking in a car with children. that has cleared yet another hurdle in virginia. i'm julie carey in fairfax county where a woman who survived years of abuse at the hands of her husband is speaking out about proposed legislation that would take guns away from those with protective orders. >> if he had been able to access those, i probably would have been dead that day. >> reporter: her story and the victims of domestic violence are cheering a proposal to take guns away from abusers who are subject to permanent protective orders in virginia. >> that measure took another step for t general assembly. but as bureau chief julie carey reports, fairfax county is already moving ahead with a plan to better protect domestic violence victims. >> reporter: rochelle calls herself a domestic violence survivor, and even though it's been nine years since she finally broke away from her abusive husband, she still wants her identity concealed. years of beatings left her so fearful, she hid a weapon in the home. >> and i hid them so that he couldn't get them because i honestly felt if he had been able to access those, i would have been dead that day. >> the final incident came when their 2 1/2-year-old daughter witnessed an attack. >> that was when i decided, that's it, you're never going to put your hands on me again. >> reporter: she got a permanent protective order and got help from fairfax county's police victim services. now she welcomes the proposed legislation that would require abusers under permanent protective order to sell or sur render their weapon. presently it only bars them from weapon. sandy bromly also welcomes the change in the law. she coordinates services for domestic violence victims. >> what we want to make sure is we're reducing their risk of homicide. just getting guns out of the picture this knows cases where there's already been violence in the home is the most important thing. >> reporter: fairfax county isn't waiting for the new legislation. it's already made a big change to try to make sure that domestic violence victims don't become homicide victims. in july they longed the leality assessment program. they got special training and now when they make an arrest for domestic violence, they must ask these 11 questions of the victim. number one, has a weapon ever been used as a thread or against you. if a victim scores high risk, they are immediately connected with this office and services to keep them safe. in fairfax county, julie carey, news4. up next, we'll take you to a first aid class for the mind. how this eit- mental illness first aid is all about medical emergencies but what about mental health emergencies? millions of people suffer from some form of mental illness, so knowing how to identify a mental health crisis can be critical. tonight we're showing you a class teaching people to do that. it's part of our changing minds project. >> reporter: what do first lady michelle obama and the students in this classroom have common? they've all completed a course in mental health first aid. >> for behavioral health will be training 3 million people in mental health first aid. i went through some of this training. >> mental health first aid is equivalent to cpr, but it's for people having an emotional crisis. and you're much more likely to see someone having an emotional crisis than you are to see someone having a coronary. >> reporter: roughly one in five adults in this country experience some kind of mental illness each year. that's more than 40 million people, and while it can interfere significantly with some people's lives, in others it can be hard to identify. >> we can see a cut, a broken arm, you can see something with your leg or anything else. when you're thinking of a mental, a lot of times it goes unmasked, unnoticed, people don't recognize it because we do a good job of hiding it because of the stigma that goes with it. >> it's an eight-hour course, and itch are mental illnesses and addictions, what is depression? what is anxiety? what does it look like? what is psychosis? what's schizophrenia. >> reporter: the classes are open to the general public and the cost is minimal. today's class includes shane phillips. he hopes to better understand his sons with special needs and medical student raquel richardson. >> there are different warning signs and i guess the most important thing i have learned today is it just looks different across the ages. so depression for a youth looks completely different for a middle aged. >> reporter: it's funded through a combination of government and private money, and since 2008 half a million people have completed the course. that includes police departments, companies, and clergy. president of the national council for behavioral health linda rosenberg is encouraged by the course's popularity hoping to reach the million mark soon. >> i think the brain is the next big frontier know about illnesses, and i think that mental health first aid, the timing of having a place where you can go in one day and learn some basics, the timing has been, you know, very fortuitous. >> for more information about mental health first aid classes, visit our website and search changing minds. a bill that would ban smoking in cars with children has passed the virginia house of delegates. that bill now moves on to the senate where a vote is expected next week. under that plan you could get a $100 fine if you're caught smoking with children under the age of 8 in the car. police would not be able to pull you over just for that offense, but they could ticket you if you've been stopped for something else. now to our weather. crews are hoping to prevent scenes like this. just three weeks ago a burst of ow created a nightmare for commuters. the roads had not been pretreated. they suddenly fell to ice as the snow fell to frozen pavement. it took some of us hours to get home and there were hundreds of accidents out there. we are worried about just such a thing happening tonight, doug. how is it looking right now? >> it will not happen tonight and i can say that for sure because, a, there's so much salt already on the roads from all the snow and ice we've had in the last couple days and they've been pretreating it. they didn't do it last time admittedly because they were waiting for the blizzard two days later. so tonight i think a much different story. all hands on deck for this little issue tonight and that's all it it is, a very little issue. the other big difference is the timing of this. that was during rush hour. this one won't even start until after 8:00 in the district. so i think most roads should be okay. 29 at this time. because it's 29, anything that falls will stick on the roads. the windchill right now coming in at 21 ee towards the east over towards the chesapeake, but this is what we're watching back here towards the west around winchester, hagerstown, martinsburg. now, this is not very heavy snow right now, but it is coming down and it's already sticking on the roads. just got a report out of winchester saying it is sticking on the roads there. around the middleway area, it will move to charlestown over to brunswick over the next half hour or so and then in through the rest of the region. here is what's happening. a little storm system moving up the coast. a cold front back towards the west, and that's what's happening to provide this. once again, cold enough so that everything will fall as snow. that's why we have the winter weather advisory in effect until midnight tonight. let's time it out for you again. right around 7:00, around frederick, leesburg, down toward the south. by 8:00 coming closer to d.c. but loudoun county, montgomery county, and by 9:00 inside the district. now, let's talk about the weekend and the rest of next week. 24 degrees tomorrow. 25 on sunday. weather alert day tomorrow. winds gusting the question is on this one though whether he will be able to play after what ha this is the xfinity sports desk brought to you by xfinity, your home for the most live sports. >> so john wall will be at the all-star game but we don't know if he's going to play or not. >> chris miles is here now from the csn studios. what's the word, chris? >> good evening. it just seems like nothing will go right for the wizards this season. john wall has made his third consecutive jaall-star game bute might not play. the wizards lost to the bucks last night and wall hurt his knee. the injury is officially just a bruised knee and needs mostly rest and therapy. first quarter. he remained in the game logging 41 minutes. only one person knows if wall will play in the all-star game though. let's hear from him now. >> it's all right. just getting treatment. i brought my trainer thomas here to give me a lot of treatment. i don't want to miss the game and it's a great honor to be here and represent the washington wizards, my teammates and coaching staff and the city of d.c. i definitely will play. just hope it's going to be 100%. i want to enjoy time with my family that i didn't get to do last year as much and enjoy those guys later on but also just cut down and get some rest and get treatment because i definitely need it for the run we're going to make after the all-star break. all right. this could be the year that lefty driesell gets into the hall of fame. shaquille o'neill and allen iverson are also finalists. the announcement will be made on april 4th before the college basketball national championship game and the inductees will be wisconsin players are sounding off about the under armour balls they have to play with against maryland on saturday. that's right. you heard it correctly. badgers forward nigel hayes said, quote, i don't like the under armour ball whatsoever. we should have a universal ball like the nba. maryland is currently ranked second in the country and has 27 straight home wins. the badgers will have a lot more on their hands to worry about. one of those worrisome players is melo trimble. remember the game in wisconsin earlier this season? it was the sophomore who hit the game-winning three-pointer. what has melo learned about himself and his squad since that big shot? >> the team has matured. during the game we were into it, especially in the second half. and we just need to find a leader and they lean on me to be a leader. >> it took everything out of us to escape with a win on their hold court. us. >> we have to do the little things and prepare the same way and hopefully, you know, use our crowd to our advantage. >> lots more from the terps coming up on sports final this sunday. two transfers heard from. they both join carol maloney at the round table on sunday at 11:35. before we go how about bryce harper? he thinks he's worth $400 million and his message to the nats, don't sell me short on my next deal. that's a lot of money to go around but he might be worth it. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. $400 million? >> that's almost half a billion. >> over ten years that would be equivalent to what a-rod got well back when he was with the rangers, but, you know, i'm talking about for inflation here because he got 260 -- he got $26 million a year i believe it was. >> more power to him if he can get it. >> that's almost what you're making, right, chris? i mean, he'd be catching upth you, right? >> no, i wish. >> just kidding. >> chris miles, thank you. >> "nightly news" is next. >> see you at 11: kathleen matthews: too many nights, i lead the 11 o'clock news with stories of gun violence. and like many of you, my family lived through the beltway sniper crisis. in congress, i'll fight to expand background checks on guns and ammunition, ban assault weapons, and mandate gun safety locks, because too many kids die from accidental shootings. let's show the nra we're not afraid of them; as democrats, as americans, as parents. i'm kathleen matthews and i approve this message. tonight, dangerous freeze. below zero in 16 states. 65 million people plunge into the teeth of a polar vortex. urgent warnings of a potentially deadly winter blast. donald trump threatens to sue ted cruz as bernie sanders accuses hillary clinton of landing a low blow. it's getting nasty. machete horror, a vicious restaurant attack. a man suddenly starts slashing and stabbing people inside. the fbi investigating and asking was it terrorism? trapped by war. our team inside syria as word of a deal to stop the bloodshed is met with skepticism, and assad vows to retake the entire country. and your medical records at risk of being stolen and sold for fraud. one out of three americans hit.

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