Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20150326 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20150326

airplane. factors like potential financial trouble are also being examined. and lubitz gave no indication of what he was doing in the cockpit. investigators say there is absolutely silence on the cockpit voice recorder except for steady breathing indicating lubitz was not panicked when the plane went down. at the live desk i'm pat lawson muse. back to you. >> thank you, pat. airbus is the maker of the plane that crashed. the company released a copy of a training video today that demonstrates the procedure for locking and unlocking the cockpit door. the protocol was supposed to be a safeguard. now there are questions about whether a pilot should ever be alone in a cockpit. our team coverage continues now with steve handelsman. steve? >> reporter: doreen thanks. good evening. long before what happened over france our u.s. faa rules have said we basically don't trust any one person's judgment or help in a pilot seat. experts say this kind of a tragedy is less likely on airliners flying in america. u.s. rules require a no-alone zone in the cockpit. >> landmark. >> reporter: a flight attendant must go to the flight deck anytime one of the two pilots leaves. >> there is no good reason why a commercial jet pilot responsible for hundreds, hundreds of souls is allowed to remain alone in the cockpit. >> reporter: the reinforced doors required after 9/11 to prevent hijackings can actually help a pilot who wants to crash his own plane. as seen in this airbus video, if a pilot simply moves the cockpit door switch to lock, no combination of codes punched into the keypad outside will open the door. that lockout lasts five minutes and the pilot can repeat it. one person controls access to the cockpit and controls the plane. so critics say go back to three pilots that used to be standard. >> you don't want to bring flight attendants in the cockpit because they can't fly the aircraft. >> reporter: but in 1999 off long island, egyptair flight 990 crashed and 217 died when the co-pilot deliberately put that plane into a dive and the pilot on the flight deck could not pull up. but the lufthansa pilot couldn't even get to the controls to try to save his passengers. just today, some international carriers including easyjet and air canada announced they're going to immediately ato want the no-alope-zone u.s. standard which means two flight crew members in every cockpit every time. i'm steve handelsman news4. we turn to weather now. doug nice bright sunshine warm temp but that's going to change huh? >> yeah in a hurry, jim. already changing in parts of the area right now. those thunderstorms moving in akrolsz our region those winds towards union sags, 76 degrees hoping to bring in warmer temperatures 77 fredericksburg but look back to the west 66 in winchester. there's a reason. it's the rain. back around the winchester area down towards luray, up around hagerstown pap strong thunderstorm right now around hagerstown. look at this. a lot of lightning social securitied with this. this could have pretty strong winds, too. more down towards the winchester county clark county western loudoun county. we are all going to see these storms through the rest of the evening hours. keep a watch thrive the sky. tomorrow another huge change. that forecast in just a minute. >> thank you, doug. a teenaged girl is now in police custody accused of stabbing another teen inside a d.c. school. it happened just before 2:00 this afternoon at options charter school on e street northeast. this video shows a girl being led away in handle cuffs. the alleged victim 18 years old. he's expected to be okay. it's not clear if the weapon used was a knife or something else. a woman in prince george's county says she still cannot believe what she saw when she door earlier this week. police officers had surrounded her house. they said they were looking far guy with -- for a guy with a gun. chris gordon talked with the family and police and joins us. >> reporter: the police raid occurred on this house, the home of mr. and mrs. sawyer and their 11-year-old son. you'll hear from them in just a moment. first a prince george's police spokesman tells news4 on tuesday afternoon at about 4:30 they got a call from a complainant reported seeing a young man with a b.b. gun or rifle and an adult are with a handgun enter a home in this neighborhood which is near a school. so police from prince george's county and the glenarden police department came to the scene, knocked on the door. mrs. sawyer was inside. she said she heard a loud bang, bang. >> opened the door. it's police like five or six of them in front of my door, aiming their guns, pointing, saying come outside, come outside with your hands up. i'm like what happened? >> reporter: the family came out and found more armed police officers surrounding their house. >> they had guns pointed at me and my son, so i was in fear for his life. >> pointed it at my face and told me to put himy hands up shut up and put your hands up. >> reporter: it was only then the officers told them they were looking for a youngster with a gun. do you own a b.b. gun or have a weapon at the house? >> no, sir, not own them. >> we offered them to come inside. they did not. they said oh no that's not necessary. they left didn't even apologize or anything. they just left. >> i'm scared because i thought policemen was supposed to protect me not hurt me. >> reporter: now, just about an hour ago i spoke with glenarden police chief phillip o'donnell who tells me police left the scene because it became apparent to them that the sawyers had nothing do with the gun report. the chief tells me that the officers acted in a professional manner. he says they were armed, they had guns drawn, but the chief says they never pointed them at anyone. that's the latest live in lanham maryland. chris gordon, news4. new details tonight about how a story you saw first on news4 led to an arrest in a carjacking that targeted a vietnam veteran. news4's tracee wilkins is in bladensburg with more on this break in the case and why police say making the arrest was so dangerous. tracee? >> reporter: doreen they believe that the suspect was armed and dangerous and a cold man. they say that even though this war veteran cooperated with the gunman he was shot anyway. >> he was definitely a threat to, you know to everyone. ♪ >> reporter: he wanted to be a rap star. instead, 22-year-old rakim solomon is facing possible prison time for attempted murder and carjacking. >> he was ae lewding police far long time. >> i come closer to death right here in prince george's county than i did in vietnam. >> reporter: this 65-year-old vietnam vet told jackie bensen about how he had been shot and robbed in the parking lot of 57th avenue in bladensburg. the man suffered serious internal injuries. the search for his shooter turned cold until police learned his nickname was "killer." turns out -- >> they did a youtube video. ♪ >> reporter: and he was holding the gun police believe was used in that crime and wearing the same jacket he allegedly wore that night. police say they found that gun later. >> that was recovered in the pass when we did a search and seizure warrant in his mother's residence and the residence he was living at. >> reporter: this morning they got the tip they were looking for. >> a prince george's county crime solvers received a tip from a person. that person stated that they became aware of solomon's wanted status through the news4 story that we did a couple months back. that was their basis for calling in. >> reporter: today fbi and u.s. marshal agents took solomon into custody without incident at coopers landing apartments outside bladensburg. >> solomon knew he was wanted. he knew what the charges he was facing were. that was no surprise to him today when he was arrested. >> reporter: bladensburg police say his family told him that he was wanted and urged him to turn himself in but he did not. they are looking at the possibility of him being connected to other crimes in this area. tracee wilkins reporting live. breaking news we told you about at the top of the hour. police just gave a very short briefing on the death of a 5-year-old boy j just outside roanoke roanoke, virginia. 5-year-old noah thomas had been missing since sunday. here's what police say about how he was found. >> his body was discovered in a septic tank during a more detailed and aggressive search. the recovery of the body is now part of our investigation and ongoing. at this time no one is in custody and the cause of death has not been determined. his body is being transported to the medical examiner's office in roanoke for autopsy. the parents continue to cooperate with authorities during this tragic tragic time. >> we invite you to check the nbc washington app for updates on this story. and you can turn on breaking news alerts for any new information before our broadcast at 11:00. we are following developments tonight in the explosion and collapse of a building in manhattan. coming up next what we're learning about the cause of that explosion. pope francis making plans for his trip to d.c. we'll tell there are new developments in a story we've been following out of new york city. authorities now believe that plumbing and gas work may be to blame for a massive fire andmanhattan's east village. an apartment building collapsed, flames spread to a couple of nearby buildings. at least a dozen people have been injured. three of them critically. and is the smoke can be seen for miles away. more than 250 firefighters are still on the scene in manhattan. tonight the u.s. has provided logistical support and intelligence for saudi arabia and egypt as though countries conduct air strikes in yemen. but the u.s. will not join in direct military action. saudi arabia is leading the coalition against shiite rebels who have taken over yemen. here in the u.s. today, house speaker john boehner said he supports the saudis. but then he blasted president obama's leadership. >> the world is starving for american leadership. america has an anti-war president. we have no strategy overarching strategy to deal with a growing terrorist threat. >> the ground assault from the saudis and egyptians is expected to follow today's air strikes. egyptian officials say the goal is to push the rebels into negotiations with the yemeni government. kind of a gray start to our day, but, man oh man wasn't it nice to see that sunshine and warm temperature this afternoon. doug can it continue? >> no. but you already knew that answer. >> i did. >> how can we be this nice and have it continue? it has not happened all year long. temperatures right now in the 70s, and that heat has allowed temperatures to really help to fire up some of these thunderstorms. look at this line making its way in across our area here. i'm going to zoom in here. you can see around front royal dealing with some of these thunderstorms here. notice right around the front royal area making its way toward the east. there's stomome lightning, also around luray, up towards the north, hagerstown, a very strong storm coming through frederick county and martinsburg. come back down to the south now, what we're looking at here -- this is the front continuing to make its way in across the area -- much colder air behind it. amelia i'm good. don't worry about it. we'll continue to see the cold air racing on in tomorrow. right now we're looking good. got the clouds moving in and you can see the rain back to the west. 76 d.c. 77 in fredericksburg but where it's been raining, 57 in cumberland and 62 in hagerstown. that's where the cooler air is and that cooler air will quickly rush in across our region as we move through the rest of the night tonight. future weather shows it well coming right through the i-95 corridor. about 8:00 tonight. that's when i think right around d.c. and through portions of fairfax county lower montgomery county we could see that. right now the storms are back towards western loudoun county. tonight at 11:00, south to fredericksburg quantico waldorf seeing the heavier rain. it could still around through tomorrow morning. if you have plans to head out tomorrow morning for that morning rush 8:00, the rain right down through southern maryland, right along i-95. most of this on the lighter side through around the 8:00 hour and even through 1:00 in the afternoon. i still think we see more shower activity throughout the morning. one thing we'll see for sure tomorrow is going to be the cooler air. look at the highs. today 77. tomorrow 26 degrees colder. a high of 51 degrees. 49 gaithersburg 52 in manassas. cloud cover, some showers early, and then clearing out. tomorrow's impact forecast going to be on the low to moderate side. chilly with those showers continuing throughout much of the morning hours and into the early afternoon for some of us, mostly i-95 to the east but that includes washington. we go down to about 42 on saturday windchills could be in the lower 30s on saturday afternoon. we've got a chance of flurries. hit 77 today, talking at least some light snow for the day saturday in parts of the region. 47 on sunday 59 on monday. we'll see a chance of a shower late monday. and then tuesday, wednesday, and thursday we move back into the 60s. so at least we start to get a little better another chance of showers, maybe a storm next thursday. we'll continue to watch those storms moving in. right now another update in about ten minutes. >> all right, doug. thanks. you can possess marijuana in d.c. but you can't buy it. and that has residents lining up tonight for what's being called a seed share. it is meant to help people grow their own marijuana plants. mark segraves in northwest d.c. where he takes us inside one of those seed share events. >> reporter: it's like a festival down here almost like a celebration of people. it's been one month since marijuana was legalized in the district but you still can't buy it and that's what has brought thousands of people. you can take a look at the line hundreds still in line. they've been lined up here for hours to get inside this seed share. all under the watchful eye of the d.c. police. police did maintain a presence outside the seed giveaway they also maintained their distance. attorney paul zuckerberg is here as a legal observer. >> while it's not legal in the district of columbia so everything that's happening here is xheeltly legal. so the police have no reason to interfere and they also seem pretty relaxed about it too, and they understand that this is the way it's going and there's not going to be any more arrests for marijuana. >> reporter: inside hundreds of residents jockeyed for position trying to find the best seeds. these plants are exactly one month old. adam, who organized today's seed share, planted them on the first day pot became legal in the district. he says they'll be ready to smoke sometime in october. >> you don't have to be an expert horticulturist to grow a plant. you can grow these in a windowsill in a bright south-facing living room, for instance. >> reporter: he says he's happy that pot is legal and happy to bay the current laws. but he hopes one day d.c. residents won't have to grow their own. >> this isn't very fair. we want sales of marijuana and the seed to be made available to adults 21 and older. that's going to come bep just have to be patient. >> reporter: police say they were here just to make sure the sidewalks and streets weren't blocked. >> i think the relationship between the public and the police is going to be much better now that marijuana has been legalized. the chief of police has said that. >> reporter: now again, very much a party atmosphere down here in adams morgan along 18th street. police say there have been no arrests, nobody's been ticketed here. there have been absolutely no problems. but i will tell you the line is moving very slowly. they are overwhelmed by the response. if you aren't already down here it's too late to get here. but there is another seed share scheduled for saturday afternoon. doreen, back to you. news4 was first to report problems with handrails at metro's new silver line stations. coming up new at 6:00, tulsz tusz adam tuss gets answers about whether the problem is being fixed. and a new reward for answers that lead to a $4 million goal. a major interstate highway in texas was closed today after a tractor-trailer hit an overpass. the bridge was under construction. the collision brought a big concrete beam down onto interstate 35 about 40 miles north of austin. one person was killed. several more injured. pope francis will be in d.c. in the fall and we have learned that along with the meeting with congress he'll also spend some time with the president and first lady. the white house se the obamas will host the pope at the executive mansion on september 23rd. the president met pope francis about this time last year at the vatican. this will be the pontiff's first visit to the u.s. as pope. he also has stops planned for philadelphia and new york city. some business groups are balking at a religious freedom law in indiana that they say discriminates against gay and lesbians. it bans state and local laws that quote, substantially burden people's ability to follow their religious beliefs. opponents say it could allow business owners to refuse service to gay and lesbian customers based on religion. a similar bill was vetoed last year. governor mark pence says it does not allow discrimination. somebody could make 25 grand off a gold heist. the fbi is offering that reward to find out who made off with millions in gold bars. armored truck drivers stopped along i-95 in north carolina on their way north florida. two men with guns claimed to be the police forced the drivers into the woods, tied them up, then the guys unloaded the gold from the truck and put it into their van. they had to leave some of the silver bars because they ran out of room. the drivers were not injured. a community grieving for a virginia mother and daughter. what one friend is sharing about the women lost in the plane crash in france. and tulsz tusz reveal nug details in a story you first saw him report last week.adam tuss reveal nug details in a story you first saw him report last week. fist at 6:30, storm team 4 tracking the storms. >> moving into the area. doug who sees this first? >> those temperatures there, 76 right now in d.c. that's why we have some of these storms with a strong cold front coming through. loudoun county frederick county seeing the rain, faulkier county right on towards rappahannock and clark countys seeing some of the kwlefs rain. zooming in towards loudoun county and one thing you notice these are right around leesburg poolesville and over towards clarksburg soon. this whole line is moving to the east and will be in and around the metro air in in about the next one to two hours. we'll continue to watch this. the latest update in a couple minutes. a safety feature turned into a fire hazard on metro's new silver line. >> handrails fitted with special lights created extra problems instead of helping guide the way for passengers. our transportation reporter adam tuss first broke this story last week. he has more on what's being done to fix the problem. >> reporter: metro tells us this new lighting was only being used along the silver line and it will be replaced. the lighting systems under handrails overheating and catching fire. >> i wouldn't be having a good day if that happened to me. i would not like that. >> reporter: news4 first to tell you about this and we obtained this picture of one of the handrails along the silver line after it burned up. >> it seem like a safety thing they should catch. >> reporter: jack requa telling news4 all the lights have been turned off. >> we'll make it safe for our customers and certainly make sure it's safe when the lighting is turned back on probably a new type of system. >> reporter: important to remember while metro runs the silver lean it did not build it. the metropolitan washington airports authority built the line and they are responsible for the if i cans. they're working with metro. riders don't want to think of any more smoke or fire on the system. >> i feel pretty safe except for the thing that happened in l'enphant made me a little questionable. i feel like everybody did. >> reporter: metro assures riders they're safe. now complicating matters the fact there was a fire during the construction of the silver line. but the lights were left in the handrails and the line opened up. jim, back to you. >> reporter: thanks adam. new metro safety videos are about to be seen on tv screens throughout the washington area. those videos show rider what is to do in the event of an emergency involving smoke or fire on a train or in a station. the videos are in both english and spanish. back in january, a woman died. dozens of passengers were taken to hospitals when a tunnel filled with smoke outside the l'enphant plaza station. and new details on the deadly metro smoke incident uncovered tonight by the news4 i-team. details about exactly how many metro employees were hurt revealed in internal e-mails obtained by the i-team. you can see all of those e-mails at a maryland teenager may not be competent to stand trial. >> that would be for the attempted rape of three women. those women were attacked while walking or jogging along a trail at walkersville community park. two of the incidents happened last april. the third was in november of 2013. a 17-year-old boy was arrested and charged as an adult, but a psychological evaluation determined that he does not understand the proceedings. that news according to the frederick news post. that case will be reviewed again in september. a court delay in the controversial arrest of a university of virginia student by state alcohol agents. martese johnson is accused of public intoxication and obstruction of justice. the bloody video of his arrest spread quickly on social media and in court today both sides asked for a delay while virginia state police conduct an investigation. johnson was meeting with state police this afternoon. a new court date has been set for late may. right now nbc news has learned that the co-pilot of germanwings flight 9525 programmed the autopilot to descend to an altitude of only 100 feet. that plane would need to stay higher than 6,500 feet in order to clear the peaks of the alps. now german prosecutors are calling the crash a murder/suicide. investigators do not know of a motive. but they're looking into possible family or financial issues that the co-pilot might have had. we're learning more about the local mother and daughter who were on that flight how their friends are remembering them and how a community's faith is helping them cope with this loss. news4's kristin wright reports from manassas. >> reporter: parishioners of sacred heart in manassas are finding out they've lost two members of their church family in the germanwings plane crash in france. >> such tragedy. i could not believe that. >> reporter: the selkes joined the church in 1993. father michael bazan watched emily grow up. >> their loss they're diminished by two, we're diminished by two. >> reporter: the pastor says the bond between mother and daughter was unmistakable. you have a daughter. >> yes, i do. and to have that mother and daughter trip end in this that's unbelievable. to have it end this way in our church and our own community like this. >> reporter: yvonne served in the children's programs for many years. emily sang in the choir. father baza snshgs preparing for a difficult sunday mass. >> god will see me through this. god will see them through it. god will see the parish through it. >> kristin wright, news4. i'm pat lawson muse at the live desk with some incredible video of a seemingly random shooting in the district. take a look at this. you can see three men many the video get out of a car on hayes street northeast, pull guns and then open fire at something that we can't see here. it's unclear what they're shooting at. the police are trying to find these men in connection with a destruction of property case. if you have any information about the shooting or if you recognize these men, you're asked to contact police. at the live desk, i'm pat lawson muse. coming up at 6:00, the father missed the exit but the baby would not wait for the detour. we'll hear from the parent who is welcomed a new family member on i-270 this morning in the middle of rush hour. security problems for standardized tests in maryland. more than a dozen families on this block tell me they're getting the run-around. one man has had to actually live apart from his family because of unsanitary conditions. we're learning tonight about security breaches during recent standardized testing in maryland. a state official tells the news4 i-team they found two cases where students posted passages from a state-mandated test to stwiter. both cases involved in the common core aligned tenth grade english language arts exam. the state hasn't said where the students go to school but there's a concern because the exam is not taken at the same time or date by all maryland students. a special delivery early this morning along one of the area's busiest highways. jacob apparently could not wait waite for his parents to get to the hospital this morning. his mother says they were driving down 270 to shady grove hospital when her contractions became more intense. she took off the seat belt an alarm went off, that caused the father to miss the exit and before you know it, here he comes. >> and then my husband delivered the baby feet first. >> it was adrenaline rush. i was just trying to do the right thing at the right time. >> mom says if today is any indication, this little kid could be a bit of trouble when he gets older but she says they will always have a great story to tell. some good news tonight. the american health care worker being treated for ebola at the national institutes of health is doing better. doctors upgraded the patient's condition from critical so serious. the patient was admitted to the national institutes of health in bethaes -- bethesda two weeks ago. doctors are not releasing any personal information about this patient. you might never have thought of your phone number as a sign of status. coming up tonight, we'll tell you why your d.c. number could soon become a rare commodity. and we'll meet a man who had to split up his family because of unsanitary conditions in his home. the battle over cleanup that's still not done m they tell us they're getting the run-around. more than a dozen families stuck with half-completed repairs after a nasty sewage backup. as northern virginia bureau reporter david culvert shows us for one family it's meant living apart for the past four months. >> reporter: if you want something done right or done at all, he says you have to do it yourself. even though he didn't even cause this mess. >> just i don't know what's going on. and they never help us. >> reporter: he's referring to two companies, virginia american water and the company it subcontracted for repairs, serve pro. >> oh my gosh! >> reporter: back in november a water main break caused this sewage backup. it hit more than a dozen homes on this street. a week later we watched the repairs start to take shape, but neighbors tell us it didn't last long. >> they left it like that to do it. but they didn't finish it. >> reporter: all of his basement uninhabitable uninhabitable. it's meant a family separation. >> my family dismantling, we don't live together. >> there was water all over the place. >> reporter: next door we met with carolyn brown again. she and her husband questioned the quality of the fixes from an uneven door frame to this. >> that is the fiber out of this carpet. this is not the carpet compared to what we had town here. >> reporter: a community now frustrated. >> well they came in like gangbusters, you know, like they were going to do a great job and they told us we were going to make you whole, going to be just like it was before the flood happened. >> reporter: you believed them. >> i believed them but it didn't happen. >> reporter: so we put in a few phone calls to figure out what's going on. we started with serve pro. they say they've bp working in good faith up until now without being paid by virginia american water's insurance company, travelers. so late this afternoon i called travelers, left two voice mails for spokespersons there, haven't heard back yet, but as soon as we do we'll keep you posted. in alexandria i'm david culvert, news4. in falls church, virginia last june a trench collapsed. fist responders from fairfax county raced to the rescue and in fact saved a life. tonight two firefighters who went into that trench to stave victim are holding gold-medal valor awards for their actions. they're among the public safety personnel honored today by the chamber of commerce for going above and beyond the call of duty. aaron gilchrist hosted the event today. 202. the number has stood alone as the district's only area code for nearly 60 years. but you might be dialling a new number in a few years. according to "the washington post," the company that runs the phone system could run out of 202 numbers by 2019. right now about 63% of the available 202 numbers are already assigned. that's about 5 million numbers with 3 million still available. two local veterans are in a new battle tonight. they're among the top finalists in a competition to win a 7-eleven franchise. >> walked in the door and heard that everybody will turn around and say, hello, welcome to 7-eleven. >> with just days to go in the voting max powell of woodbridge virginia is among the top ten competitors. 7 e lev season hosting the competition on its facebook page under operation take command. the veteran with the most votes who can also pass a job interview will get a free franchise. >> person of integrity. a go-getter, i have the go-get e go-getter attitude. three simple rules -- god first, family second and do the right thing because tights right thing to do. >> this man from laurel maryland is also in the competition. to learn more about them and to vote visit the nbc washington app and search 7-eleven. >> that is great. >> i'd go to his 7-eleven just to have a conversation with him. seems like a good guy. >> you know what that mean all the slurpees you can drink. and the brain freezes to go along with them. >> only so many you can drink because of the brain freezes. it would have been good to get out outside and have a brain freeze this afternoon. it was beautiful out there. >> today might have been the first slurpee day of the season. it's a big change what's going on now. we have the clouds moving in and the temperatures are already starting to fall. as nice as it's been for the last few hours, it's all about the end, folks. sorry about that. take a look outside. there's our tower cam from our northwest studios looking toward the northwest. you can see those dark clouds making their way in towards the area. your evening planner tonight 76 degrees currently, the warmest day we've seen this year 75 next hour 71 at 9:00 62 at 11:00 with more showers moving through. temperatures warm everywhere with the exception of annapolis, still 61 there, the warmest they've been. 74 in bowie, 72 huntingtown and 73 degrees down towards manassas. take a look at the radar. this is what we're looking at right around loudoun county northern portions of montgomery county frederick county seeing that rain faulkier county a little bit of a zoom around the frederick county area in towards northern montgomery county, damascus damascus clarksburg urbana along 270, some heavy rain here and down to the south. leesburg around bluemont seeing heavy rain right along route 7 through leesburg sterling and down around the middleburgh area. on this track, these storms will continue to make their way toward the d.c. metro area. let's track these storms around warrenton. these are the ones that will move in. in about an hour and ten minutes that's when we expect them to move here, right around the 8:00 hour. fortunately, this did not coincide with the evening rush. behind this we get cold again. as hot as we were today, we'll be equally as cold the next couple days 51 on friday 42 on saturday. windchills of around 30 to 35 all day saturday. could even be squatteredcattered flurries during the day on saturday. then we stop the roller coaster ride for next week. still to come in our broadcast, march madness not just about the big dance. diana has the shot that everybody's talking about. first lester holt has what's ahead on "nbc nightly news." coming up tonight, so many questions about the crash in france the co-pilot did it, but what do we know about him? what was his motive? how is it the captain was locked out of his cockpit? working many angles. and breaking news in new york city, an apartment building explodes. people really believe the mountaineers can beat kentucky. i they they're delusional but -- >> who are these people? >> a lot of what we thought was going to happen -- >> you never know with march madness but i think your friends may be in the sun a little too long. you've had four days to take care of all the things you need to get done maybe pay your taxes, wash your car. hope you got it all done because college pool is back tonight. four games on the biggest west virginia and undefeated kentucky. an elite eight sbert on the line and there's no lack of confidence from the west virginia side. this is freshman guard miles yesterday. he said "we're coming for them i give them their props, salute them to getting to 36-0 but tomorrow they're going to be 36-1 36-1." stein had a response. "that's good. adds fuel to the fire. now i'm kind of juiced. this game issing to gob really fun. they made it kind of personal now." they tim off around 9:45 tonight. the other game i can't wait to see, notre dame versus wichita state. notre dame coached by mike brey grew up in montgomery county played high school ball in prince george's and college ball in the district. his team played this past saturday, the same day his mother who you just saw there, betty, suddenly died. they won that game and play in the sweet 16 tonight. i sat with g.w.'s mike lonergan and morgan w00t on the talk about their friend mike brey. >> his mom was a coach and my mom was a coach. i think about my mom every day, june 9th 1995 is when she passed away. i knew it was a big deal to mike and i was amazed he coached after he found out his mom died. >> mike did exactly what he knew his mother wanted him to do. she would want him to coach that game take care of those kids. i really couldn't be prouder, to be honest with you. that may be the greatest moment of his coaching career, what he did the other night. >> strong words there. nit action, everyone is talking about old dominion facing murray state. 3.5 second to go odu, check that out, trey freeman banks it in. game-winning buzzer-beater. odu wins it 72-69. they're in the nit semifinals for the first time since 2006. you know those people are exhausted today. look at that the photographers getting in on that. that is fantastic. that's what i love about this time of year. rest is always great, but for the caps sometimes too much time off shows up in their game. i think we all struggle with that too many days off, right? >> speak for yourself. >> four games in the next six days. tonight's game comes with an added insensitive. the team facing former caps head coach adam oates, now a co-coach with new jersey. the caps find themselves in fourth place in the metropolitan division. they've got nine games to go. head coach barry trotz saysitis a sprint to the finish line. an opportunity to get ground on teams in front of them and pull away from the teams right behind them. home-ice advantage still within reach. but the caps not thinking that way just yet. >> i don't think we have the luxury of thinking that far ahead. we missed last year and we're not in yet so, i think, you know the first goal of the season is make the playoffs. we've got to accomplish that. >> i think i know where we need to get to in terms of whatever will get us in. at the same time i just have to worry about the devils. we'll win our next game, you know we're closer to our goal. if we're winning the game after, that we're closer to our goal. >> to the hard wood some promising news about wizards guard bradley beal of course had to win the game last night against indiana, twisting and spraining his right ankle. gross. >> oh! >> sorry. he's sore but the swelling in the ankle isn't too bad. remains to be seen whether he'll be able to play friday against the hornets. lamont peterson boxer, april 11th is going to fight here on nbc 4. on this thursday night, mass murder in the sky. a shocking turn in that air disaster. investigators say the co-pilot deliberately crashed the plane. the captain locked out of the flight deck banging on the door. passengers heard on tape screaming in the terrifying final moments. also, inside the cockpit, the post-9/11 door meant to keep intruders out. but in this case did it seal the fate of everyone on board? the breaking news in new york city. a building explodes and collapses, people critically hurt. hundreds of firefighters battling the blaze. and to the rescue as the season's first major outbreak of tornadoes makes a direct hit in a place that's seen so much heartbreak. the heroes that help so many escape. "nightly news" begins now.

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