Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20130209 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20130209

connecticut paralyzed with snow totals from 20 to almost 40 inches. five people have died in that state. the and i want near hartford is still closed. boston another area among those hardest hit. the public transit system still closed and will be until monday. here's jay gray live in boston with the latest. >> reporter: good evening form the park here took almost 2 feet of snow, but today it became a gathering place, even if just for the dozens who braved the elements to get out after the storm. finally across the northeast, early signs that concern may be starting to melt away after a long different deep freeze. >> me and my husband just walked a couple blocks from our house. we live for this stuff. >> reporter: today as the storm passed new englanders got their first look at what it left behind itches it's just a lot of drifts. yeah, a lot of snow. >> in many areas, record accumulations, but now the seemingly endless snowfall. and rushing winds of a violent blizzard have been replaced by the roar of plows and the constant hum of a comeback. >> as the winds subside and as roads guess cleared, restoration work will begin in earnest. >> reporter: for many, the first step in that recovery comes in snowshoes are or on cross-country skis. others bundled up for a walk in the park, anything that gives them a sense that their community is in fact theirs again. >> it's fun, actually, and it's quiet. it's nice. >> reporter: nice that the snow has stopped. this nasa satellite photo shows the system moving off the coast, but back on the ground there is a lot of work left behind. >> it's been a tough struggle. >> reporter: a struggle to restore power to hundreds of thousands, many still without heat. a struggle to treat dozens of cars abandoned at the height of the storm. >> it's going to be hard to plow with cars stuck. >> reporter: and the struggle to clear away and find someplace for put all this snow. >> this will good on for a number of days. >> reporter: but at least there is now evidence the different cleanup and recovery has started. digging out will be difficult. the roads are open again, but still messy, and public transportation likely won't be back online until sometime monday. in boston, jay gray, news4. jim, back to you now. >> thank you, jay. coastal communities are evacuated tonight. huge waves crashed over the seawall flooding streets in the town of hawk. and tonight's high tide is threatening to flood dozens of other communities as well. to new york, we want to show you the long island expressway. yeah, that's it. hundreds of stranded drivers had to be rescued after nearly 30 inches of snowfall. a lot of them spend the night in their cars. even fire trucks and police cruisers got stuck, but emergency crews with are able to rescue some today and get them to warming centers. as for air travel in the northeast t. airports are slowly starting to get back to normal. some flights are heading back into new york and new jersey airports. logan is still closed. more than 5,000 flights canceled because of a storm overall. that includes several flights out of the reagan national this morning. am track also canceled its new york to boston service today, as crews cleared the tracks of snow and trees. trains are running from new york to d.c. of course, no snow in our area. all we had to dial with today is some wind. storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell has a look at the forecast. we really dodged one here. >> boy, we sure did, jim. it was a windy day all across the areas. the winds were peaked about sundown last night and sunrise this morning. these are the peak winds around here. dulles, virginia, 55 miles per hour. smiths burg 54. quantico, 48, great falls 48, reagan national and bwi both reporting 46-mile-per-hour gusts. nothing compared to our friends up to the north. these are the top wind gusts from each of the states. westport, connecticut 82. hyannis, massachusetts, 77, plum island, new york, 75-mile-an-hour wind gust, and snowfall amounts, we didn't even see a flake around here. check out these. milford, connecticut 38 inches of rain, portland maine, 31.9, that's the number one snowstorm for them. and boston, mass, number five on the list for them, just under 25 inches of snow. so it's been a tough go up across parts of the northeast. eric fisher from the weather channel filed this report about an hour ac. >> reporter: it was an old-falsed kind of day, a lot of foot traffic and not a lot of vehicles. you look behind is on boilsen street, almost all those businesses were closed, and we had the cvs open. that's been lunch throughout the day. that's been a lunch for a lot of folks. a beautiful sunset, an end to the day here. got a bit of blue sky to help bring some of the streets down to blacktop. travel is slowly improving. the travel restrictions have been limited at logan they hope to have a runway at 11:00 p.m. i think the big concern now is the power outages. there are still thousands and thousands still in the dark. lows tonight back into the single digits. carbon monoxide is an sure as generators are running. sweep the snow away from any vents around your house. if you need a shelter, don't be shy. get on twitter, check on your neighbors, make sure they're okay. with cold temps and no power likely for days, this is an issue they'll have to deal with for wednesday, thursday, even into friday for some folks. i'm eric fisher, back to you. so at least we don't have any digging out to do. your saturday evening plan will be a chilly one with evening temperatures in the 30s. that forecast is coming up. all right. chuck, thanks, see you in a business. to other news, a developing story in white oak where a teen is charged with murdering his 7 moral sister. police say the girl's mother called 911 after finding the girl lifeless. paramedics headed to to the apartment. police say the mom was work overnight, left the baby at home with her 14-year-old son. investigators say the teen admitted to beating her sister and then covering her face until she stopped crying. tonight jonathan aguilar is being charged as an adult. police shot and killed a woman last night. officers say the woman whose name handle been released charged at them with a knife. derrick ward spoke with the debt department's chief today. >> it was about 10:30 when bladens burg police responded. someone had called to report a disturbance. >> a woman brandishing a knife in the hallway. >> a woman was a resident of the building. charles owens explains what happened once police arrived on the scene. >> the contact with the woman, she had a knife in her hand, raised it above her head. officers issued a number of commands for her to drop the knife. she refused. in fact, lunged forward at one of the officers. >> at that point police opened fired. the woman was hit several times. a neighborhood reported hearing as many as six shots. the woman was takingin' taken to a hospital where she died a short time later. >> three officers are involved. all three have been placed on routine administrative leave. >> chief owens says an incident like this is rare for the relatively small department with the 19 sworge officers. there hasn't been a fatal fatal shooting in decades. >> 1978, if my memory serves me. >> reporter: the events are still until investigation. family members tell me they're not really to talk yet, but prince george's county police are leading the investigation. in bladensburg, derrick ward, news4. weather not just an issue in the northeast tonight. also hampering the search for a former lapd officer suspected on killing three people. the latest for the hunt for chris dorner. and why they're telling students to be on alert and first lady michelle obama out west, helicopters with heat-sensing technology scouring big bear today, looking for the man suspected in the deadly rampage in southern california. for a third day, hundreds of law enforcement officers searched the area for christopher dorner. his pickup was found burned in the ski town on thursday. police believe he killed three people at anger as thought he said ended his career. first lady michelle obama among hundreds of mourners for the funeral of a 15-year-old girl. the first lady met friday with the family before the service. pendleton was shot in late january, just a few days after performing at events surrounding the president's inauguration. police say she was an innocent victim in a gang-related shooting. >> you know don't know hard this really is, and those of you who do know how hard this is, i'm sorry. i'm sorry. no mother, no father should ever have to experience this. >> chicago mayor rahm emanuel and illinois governor pat quinn were also at today's service. still to come tonight, what georgetown university has students looking out for this weekend. plus braving the cold in the district, these runners raising big money with very little clothing on. chuck is balance, fully clothed, with the sunday forecast. will the wind georgetown university is warning students faculty and staff to be on the lookout after a recent spike in crime. a letter from university police say several students have been robbed recently and the thieves have taken laptops, cash, ipods and other electronics. police police asked everyone to wak in pairs and take advantage of security escorts and shuttles and report anything suspicious. most of a thousand people went off for a chili run for the coupe i had's underie run. this year, even george, abe and teddy took part. it takes place in 17 cities across the country. today they raised more than $250,000. but why oh why do they do it in february? >> well, it's part of the coupe cupid thing. >> i'm a very dedicated runner, but i had to work this morning form. >> just write them a check, forgo the whole -- >> aung long as the check clears. a beautiful day outside once you could get outside of the wind. it was a ferociously windy saturday morning. the winds are finally starting to die down. tomorrow will be a much more pleasant day to be outside. for now, the skies are clear, the wind is fading down to almost nothing, so that is welcome news. our high today, even with all the winds out there, we managed to crack the 40 degrees mark. 43 officially for our high today at national airport after a 31-degree start. not too far off from our average this time of year. snow lovers, tomorrow marks exactly three years since it essentially stopped snowing here in washington. the february 9-10 blizzard was the last good one we had. 13.6 inches of snow combined in the last three years. boston had almost two feet in the last 24 hours. oh, well. 39 now with a clear sky in washington. winds are back down to the northwest. so there's a hint of a windchill left out there. current temperatures dropping back into the mid to uper 30s, with a hints of a -- windchills are back into the upper 20s, and if you're going to be out this evening, air democrats and windchills back into the 20s and 30s. most locations below freezing before midnight, and starting off tomorrow morning, temperatures in the teens and 20s for most locations. so a cold start coming. then tomorrow afternoon a nice recovery, plenty of sunshine. temperatures should make it into the near 40s. nothing showing up on storm team 4 radar for now. the big blizzard in the northeast is pulling on out to sea, about a foot around metro new york, around 2 feet around boston, but big winner, the nutmeg state of connecticut most places 2 to 3 feet of snow. for us light winds lead to a cold start. teens and 20s to get you started. then tomorrow, sunshine to start. mid and high-level clouds streaking in late in the day. monday will be mostly a rain event, but early, early morning, predawn hours, there may be a risk of freezing rain, chen shenandoah valley into parts of northern maryland. your seven-day forecast, a nice one tomorrow, rain maybe icy, first thing monday morning, but most of us not looking for a big problem there. wednesday night into thursday, another storm coming our way that looks to be, for now, more rain than snow, but there will be some snow options in play with this storm wednesday night into thursday, so it will be wortheeping a very, very close eye on, and another cold rain with maybe a snowflake chance next week. immediate concern, monday anything we'll have for travel trouble should be real limited and short-lived. >> thank, chuck. in sports, a big road win for georgetown, capitals trying georgetown on the road. >> georgetown on the road. it was a tough game, because they're ranked 20th and they have a lot to lose, playing a team that has a lot to play for. you know, they're lowly, they're struggling. any time you hear the age-old adage, you know it's not a big win, not a convincing win, just a "w" they're going to put their 20th ranking on the line. they visit the scarlet knights of rutgers. j.t.-3 he was getting in the ref's ear early. eli carter, pulling back the three-pointer, big time for him. ties it up at 44. under ten to play. nate with a huge deal there. finds -- starts out in front and starts a textbook finish. he's only up one, under two minutes to play. just has a one-point lead. otto porter will take the game in hi hands. somehow he finds a way to score there. 19 points for the sophomore. george town holds on, and they escape 69-63, again they'll take it as their fifth straight "w" to the sold-out smith center, george washington fans are pumped up. rodney clark had to make a move, but he pulls up and he's got it. the bulldogs had the largest lead of the game, gw cuts it to five. a frantic effort down the stretch. smith does not score, rebounds, misses, but check out the tip. it cuts it to three. following an in-bound violation, g.w. does get it back. they don't get it off in time. what a game, though. gw almost knocked off the number 14 team in the country. 59-56 the final score. all right. so hokie fans are trying to bring down the house today. virginia tech was hosting georgia tech, but the yellow jackets, they quiet the crowd late first half. the skyhook for two, two of thinks 13. second half, eric green trying to create. look at this pretty finger roll. nice. 28 points for green, hokies cut it to 11, but the yellow jackets too much down the stretch. brandon reed, a great pass to marcus for the slamma jamma, is what the kids are calling it today. hokies have now lost their last six. mason nation, they're looking for their saturday best, right? they're welcoming in delaware. first half, blue hens on top by seven. brian allen passes to wide-olympic article lidge for the -- the patriots trail by four at the break. early second half, jarvis, he splits the d. he makes it look so easy. blue hens up seven later in the half. reed on the break, pass to devin sadler. game-high 22 for sadler. 79-72 is the final. the washington capitals are back in action tonight. anxious to put this rough stretch in the rear view. caps secured the worst record in the league on thursday, but they responded with a great practice on friday, and the best part of it now being saturday, is that it is gametime. caps hosting the florida panthers at 7:00 p.m. the capital improvements being made as they get ready for tonight's game against the panthers, eliminating penalties and protecting their goaltenders. the caps have allowed 15 power play goals most in the league. in fact, washington is in last place in almost every stat that matters. players say it's not the game plan that's problematic. itches well, a lot of penalties are as a result of work ethic, you know, you get yourself in a tough position. i think that's probably the direct root of our problems. we're working hard, but we've got to work smart. as a result we tend to take penalties and we're getting killed on them as a result. >> one of the major problems is when we get scored on, we get down on ourselves, the feeling of here we go again. i think it's our mentality game. we need to be stronger, need to realize we're a good hockey team here. >> they just want to win. >> it's all up in here. >> you've heard that before, right? they just need one "w" this is the 12th game this season, a quarter of the way through the shortened season. they've got to get back on track. >> they need that momentum. carol, thanks. nightly news is up next. we'll

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Florida , Delaware , Boston , Massachusetts , Quantico , Maryland , Illinois , California , Virginia , Georgia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Connecticut , New Jersey , Prince George County , Shenandoah , Hyannis , Smiths Burg , Georgetown University , Chicago , Otto Porter , Jim Rosenfield , Rodney Clark , Eric Fisher , Eli Carter , Jonathan Aguilar , Charles Owens , Brian Allen , Brandon Reed , Pat Quinn , George Abe , Rahm Emanuel , Michelle Obama , Chris Dorner , Chuck Bell , Christopher Dorner , Devin Sadler ,

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Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20130209 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20130209

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connecticut paralyzed with snow totals from 20 to almost 40 inches. five people have died in that state. the and i want near hartford is still closed. boston another area among those hardest hit. the public transit system still closed and will be until monday. here's jay gray live in boston with the latest. >> reporter: good evening form the park here took almost 2 feet of snow, but today it became a gathering place, even if just for the dozens who braved the elements to get out after the storm. finally across the northeast, early signs that concern may be starting to melt away after a long different deep freeze. >> me and my husband just walked a couple blocks from our house. we live for this stuff. >> reporter: today as the storm passed new englanders got their first look at what it left behind itches it's just a lot of drifts. yeah, a lot of snow. >> in many areas, record accumulations, but now the seemingly endless snowfall. and rushing winds of a violent blizzard have been replaced by the roar of plows and the constant hum of a comeback. >> as the winds subside and as roads guess cleared, restoration work will begin in earnest. >> reporter: for many, the first step in that recovery comes in snowshoes are or on cross-country skis. others bundled up for a walk in the park, anything that gives them a sense that their community is in fact theirs again. >> it's fun, actually, and it's quiet. it's nice. >> reporter: nice that the snow has stopped. this nasa satellite photo shows the system moving off the coast, but back on the ground there is a lot of work left behind. >> it's been a tough struggle. >> reporter: a struggle to restore power to hundreds of thousands, many still without heat. a struggle to treat dozens of cars abandoned at the height of the storm. >> it's going to be hard to plow with cars stuck. >> reporter: and the struggle to clear away and find someplace for put all this snow. >> this will good on for a number of days. >> reporter: but at least there is now evidence the different cleanup and recovery has started. digging out will be difficult. the roads are open again, but still messy, and public transportation likely won't be back online until sometime monday. in boston, jay gray, news4. jim, back to you now. >> thank you, jay. coastal communities are evacuated tonight. huge waves crashed over the seawall flooding streets in the town of hawk. and tonight's high tide is threatening to flood dozens of other communities as well. to new york, we want to show you the long island expressway. yeah, that's it. hundreds of stranded drivers had to be rescued after nearly 30 inches of snowfall. a lot of them spend the night in their cars. even fire trucks and police cruisers got stuck, but emergency crews with are able to rescue some today and get them to warming centers. as for air travel in the northeast t. airports are slowly starting to get back to normal. some flights are heading back into new york and new jersey airports. logan is still closed. more than 5,000 flights canceled because of a storm overall. that includes several flights out of the reagan national this morning. am track also canceled its new york to boston service today, as crews cleared the tracks of snow and trees. trains are running from new york to d.c. of course, no snow in our area. all we had to dial with today is some wind. storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell has a look at the forecast. we really dodged one here. >> boy, we sure did, jim. it was a windy day all across the areas. the winds were peaked about sundown last night and sunrise this morning. these are the peak winds around here. dulles, virginia, 55 miles per hour. smiths burg 54. quantico, 48, great falls 48, reagan national and bwi both reporting 46-mile-per-hour gusts. nothing compared to our friends up to the north. these are the top wind gusts from each of the states. westport, connecticut 82. hyannis, massachusetts, 77, plum island, new york, 75-mile-an-hour wind gust, and snowfall amounts, we didn't even see a flake around here. check out these. milford, connecticut 38 inches of rain, portland maine, 31.9, that's the number one snowstorm for them. and boston, mass, number five on the list for them, just under 25 inches of snow. so it's been a tough go up across parts of the northeast. eric fisher from the weather channel filed this report about an hour ac. >> reporter: it was an old-falsed kind of day, a lot of foot traffic and not a lot of vehicles. you look behind is on boilsen street, almost all those businesses were closed, and we had the cvs open. that's been lunch throughout the day. that's been a lunch for a lot of folks. a beautiful sunset, an end to the day here. got a bit of blue sky to help bring some of the streets down to blacktop. travel is slowly improving. the travel restrictions have been limited at logan they hope to have a runway at 11:00 p.m. i think the big concern now is the power outages. there are still thousands and thousands still in the dark. lows tonight back into the single digits. carbon monoxide is an sure as generators are running. sweep the snow away from any vents around your house. if you need a shelter, don't be shy. get on twitter, check on your neighbors, make sure they're okay. with cold temps and no power likely for days, this is an issue they'll have to deal with for wednesday, thursday, even into friday for some folks. i'm eric fisher, back to you. so at least we don't have any digging out to do. your saturday evening plan will be a chilly one with evening temperatures in the 30s. that forecast is coming up. all right. chuck, thanks, see you in a business. to other news, a developing story in white oak where a teen is charged with murdering his 7 moral sister. police say the girl's mother called 911 after finding the girl lifeless. paramedics headed to to the apartment. police say the mom was work overnight, left the baby at home with her 14-year-old son. investigators say the teen admitted to beating her sister and then covering her face until she stopped crying. tonight jonathan aguilar is being charged as an adult. police shot and killed a woman last night. officers say the woman whose name handle been released charged at them with a knife. derrick ward spoke with the debt department's chief today. >> it was about 10:30 when bladens burg police responded. someone had called to report a disturbance. >> a woman brandishing a knife in the hallway. >> a woman was a resident of the building. charles owens explains what happened once police arrived on the scene. >> the contact with the woman, she had a knife in her hand, raised it above her head. officers issued a number of commands for her to drop the knife. she refused. in fact, lunged forward at one of the officers. >> at that point police opened fired. the woman was hit several times. a neighborhood reported hearing as many as six shots. the woman was takingin' taken to a hospital where she died a short time later. >> three officers are involved. all three have been placed on routine administrative leave. >> chief owens says an incident like this is rare for the relatively small department with the 19 sworge officers. there hasn't been a fatal fatal shooting in decades. >> 1978, if my memory serves me. >> reporter: the events are still until investigation. family members tell me they're not really to talk yet, but prince george's county police are leading the investigation. in bladensburg, derrick ward, news4. weather not just an issue in the northeast tonight. also hampering the search for a former lapd officer suspected on killing three people. the latest for the hunt for chris dorner. and why they're telling students to be on alert and first lady michelle obama out west, helicopters with heat-sensing technology scouring big bear today, looking for the man suspected in the deadly rampage in southern california. for a third day, hundreds of law enforcement officers searched the area for christopher dorner. his pickup was found burned in the ski town on thursday. police believe he killed three people at anger as thought he said ended his career. first lady michelle obama among hundreds of mourners for the funeral of a 15-year-old girl. the first lady met friday with the family before the service. pendleton was shot in late january, just a few days after performing at events surrounding the president's inauguration. police say she was an innocent victim in a gang-related shooting. >> you know don't know hard this really is, and those of you who do know how hard this is, i'm sorry. i'm sorry. no mother, no father should ever have to experience this. >> chicago mayor rahm emanuel and illinois governor pat quinn were also at today's service. still to come tonight, what georgetown university has students looking out for this weekend. plus braving the cold in the district, these runners raising big money with very little clothing on. chuck is balance, fully clothed, with the sunday forecast. will the wind georgetown university is warning students faculty and staff to be on the lookout after a recent spike in crime. a letter from university police say several students have been robbed recently and the thieves have taken laptops, cash, ipods and other electronics. police police asked everyone to wak in pairs and take advantage of security escorts and shuttles and report anything suspicious. most of a thousand people went off for a chili run for the coupe i had's underie run. this year, even george, abe and teddy took part. it takes place in 17 cities across the country. today they raised more than $250,000. but why oh why do they do it in february? >> well, it's part of the coupe cupid thing. >> i'm a very dedicated runner, but i had to work this morning form. >> just write them a check, forgo the whole -- >> aung long as the check clears. a beautiful day outside once you could get outside of the wind. it was a ferociously windy saturday morning. the winds are finally starting to die down. tomorrow will be a much more pleasant day to be outside. for now, the skies are clear, the wind is fading down to almost nothing, so that is welcome news. our high today, even with all the winds out there, we managed to crack the 40 degrees mark. 43 officially for our high today at national airport after a 31-degree start. not too far off from our average this time of year. snow lovers, tomorrow marks exactly three years since it essentially stopped snowing here in washington. the february 9-10 blizzard was the last good one we had. 13.6 inches of snow combined in the last three years. boston had almost two feet in the last 24 hours. oh, well. 39 now with a clear sky in washington. winds are back down to the northwest. so there's a hint of a windchill left out there. current temperatures dropping back into the mid to uper 30s, with a hints of a -- windchills are back into the upper 20s, and if you're going to be out this evening, air democrats and windchills back into the 20s and 30s. most locations below freezing before midnight, and starting off tomorrow morning, temperatures in the teens and 20s for most locations. so a cold start coming. then tomorrow afternoon a nice recovery, plenty of sunshine. temperatures should make it into the near 40s. nothing showing up on storm team 4 radar for now. the big blizzard in the northeast is pulling on out to sea, about a foot around metro new york, around 2 feet around boston, but big winner, the nutmeg state of connecticut most places 2 to 3 feet of snow. for us light winds lead to a cold start. teens and 20s to get you started. then tomorrow, sunshine to start. mid and high-level clouds streaking in late in the day. monday will be mostly a rain event, but early, early morning, predawn hours, there may be a risk of freezing rain, chen shenandoah valley into parts of northern maryland. your seven-day forecast, a nice one tomorrow, rain maybe icy, first thing monday morning, but most of us not looking for a big problem there. wednesday night into thursday, another storm coming our way that looks to be, for now, more rain than snow, but there will be some snow options in play with this storm wednesday night into thursday, so it will be wortheeping a very, very close eye on, and another cold rain with maybe a snowflake chance next week. immediate concern, monday anything we'll have for travel trouble should be real limited and short-lived. >> thank, chuck. in sports, a big road win for georgetown, capitals trying georgetown on the road. >> georgetown on the road. it was a tough game, because they're ranked 20th and they have a lot to lose, playing a team that has a lot to play for. you know, they're lowly, they're struggling. any time you hear the age-old adage, you know it's not a big win, not a convincing win, just a "w" they're going to put their 20th ranking on the line. they visit the scarlet knights of rutgers. j.t.-3 he was getting in the ref's ear early. eli carter, pulling back the three-pointer, big time for him. ties it up at 44. under ten to play. nate with a huge deal there. finds -- starts out in front and starts a textbook finish. he's only up one, under two minutes to play. just has a one-point lead. otto porter will take the game in hi hands. somehow he finds a way to score there. 19 points for the sophomore. george town holds on, and they escape 69-63, again they'll take it as their fifth straight "w" to the sold-out smith center, george washington fans are pumped up. rodney clark had to make a move, but he pulls up and he's got it. the bulldogs had the largest lead of the game, gw cuts it to five. a frantic effort down the stretch. smith does not score, rebounds, misses, but check out the tip. it cuts it to three. following an in-bound violation, g.w. does get it back. they don't get it off in time. what a game, though. gw almost knocked off the number 14 team in the country. 59-56 the final score. all right. so hokie fans are trying to bring down the house today. virginia tech was hosting georgia tech, but the yellow jackets, they quiet the crowd late first half. the skyhook for two, two of thinks 13. second half, eric green trying to create. look at this pretty finger roll. nice. 28 points for green, hokies cut it to 11, but the yellow jackets too much down the stretch. brandon reed, a great pass to marcus for the slamma jamma, is what the kids are calling it today. hokies have now lost their last six. mason nation, they're looking for their saturday best, right? they're welcoming in delaware. first half, blue hens on top by seven. brian allen passes to wide-olympic article lidge for the -- the patriots trail by four at the break. early second half, jarvis, he splits the d. he makes it look so easy. blue hens up seven later in the half. reed on the break, pass to devin sadler. game-high 22 for sadler. 79-72 is the final. the washington capitals are back in action tonight. anxious to put this rough stretch in the rear view. caps secured the worst record in the league on thursday, but they responded with a great practice on friday, and the best part of it now being saturday, is that it is gametime. caps hosting the florida panthers at 7:00 p.m. the capital improvements being made as they get ready for tonight's game against the panthers, eliminating penalties and protecting their goaltenders. the caps have allowed 15 power play goals most in the league. in fact, washington is in last place in almost every stat that matters. players say it's not the game plan that's problematic. itches well, a lot of penalties are as a result of work ethic, you know, you get yourself in a tough position. i think that's probably the direct root of our problems. we're working hard, but we've got to work smart. as a result we tend to take penalties and we're getting killed on them as a result. >> one of the major problems is when we get scored on, we get down on ourselves, the feeling of here we go again. i think it's our mentality game. we need to be stronger, need to realize we're a good hockey team here. >> they just want to win. >> it's all up in here. >> you've heard that before, right? they just need one "w" this is the 12th game this season, a quarter of the way through the shortened season. they've got to get back on track. >> they need that momentum. carol, thanks. nightly news is up next. we'll

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Florida , Delaware , Boston , Massachusetts , Quantico , Maryland , Illinois , California , Virginia , Georgia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Connecticut , New Jersey , Prince George County , Shenandoah , Hyannis , Smiths Burg , Georgetown University , Chicago , Otto Porter , Jim Rosenfield , Rodney Clark , Eric Fisher , Eli Carter , Jonathan Aguilar , Charles Owens , Brian Allen , Brandon Reed , Pat Quinn , George Abe , Rahm Emanuel , Michelle Obama , Chris Dorner , Chuck Bell , Christopher Dorner , Devin Sadler ,

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