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He was arrested the same day as will campos. The fbi showed him pictures of the meetings. At one point during years of federal investigation, campos wore a wire and cooperated with the fbi. His son said his dad is not to blame. Hes been doing it for so long, and who knows really the damage that hes really done. He pleaded guilty and entered a plea for his part in the ongoing federal probe into corruption and bribery. The arrest is linked to the Prince Georges County raid, that resulted in four initial arrests, of Board Members and businessmen. Both aiello and campos are looking at the possibility of years in federal prison and hundreds of thousands of dollars in restitution they have to pay back to the court. Reporting live in greenbelt, tracy wilkins, back to you in the studio. Breaking news out of prin several High School Students in oxon hill, this crash was in the 1500 block of iverson street late this afternoon, police tell us all three students go to potomac high school, they were taken to the hospital with what investigators believe are nonlife threatening injuries. The driver of the car that hit them did stay on the scene. We have a crew headed to the scene, well bring you a live report as soon as it comes in to news 4. Breaking news from the white house, were awaiting the arrival of President Trump in delaware, this was an unannounced trip, the president was seen leaving with his daughter ivanka just before 4 00 this afternoon, nbc news has learned the president is headed to dover to witness the arrival of the remains of Navy Seal William ryan owens, owens died on sunday during a raid in ail qaeda. Delaware representative chris coons and defense secretary james mattis are also on this trip trip. Turns to threaten u. S. Friends and allies in the region. The Obama Administration failed to respond adequately to tehrans maligned actions. As much today, we are officially putting iran on notice. National security adviser Michael Flynn blasting the Previous Administration and iran for testing a ballistic missile. Those comments the situation in iran may be the first major issue facing former exing Ceo Rex Tillerson in his first days in office. Tillersons nomination passed with four democrats voting to confirm it, including mark warner and West Virginia senator joe manchin. Its been a busy start to the 115th congress in more ways than one. Protests have interrupted a number of confirmation including this one for Jeff Sessions on january 11th. There was one arrest reported by Capitol Police that day. The spike in arrests of protesters who actually disrupt formal proceedings on capitol hill. Scott joins us now to explain. Hi, scott. We found in january alone, u. S. Capital Police Arrested 55 people for disruption of congress. The protests that actually interrupts a formal hearing or session or event in the capitol. That includes arrests yesterday near a confirmation hearing for a cabinet nominee. The january arrests are more than five fold increase from the nine arrests for disrupting congress in all of 2016. 2016 had a lighter and lower profile congressional calendar in the last year of a president ial administration. And the final year of the 114th congress. Among the other arrests this month, disruptions and confirmation hearings for Jeff Sessions and secretary rex tillerson. U. S. Capitol police do train for how to handle protests inside hearing rooms and the u. S. House chambers, they do reach out to likely protesters in advance to ensure disruption is minimal. Scott mcfarland, thank you, scott. Fresh off his prime time debut, President Trumps nominee for the u. S. Supreme court is beginning to make the rounds on capitol hill. Neil gorsuch had his first meeting today with mitch mcconnell. In the meantime, john roberts weighed in saying, the nearly year long vacancy has caused them to spend more time discussing cases. Roberts made those comments at the university of kentucky, but did not make any mention of nominee gorsuch. Marylands attorney general wants to know how President Trumps immigration order is being carried out in that state. He sent a letter asking Homeland Security today. The city of tacoma park has been a sanctuary city for decades. Theyll hold a teach in and forum. Kristen wright has the details. About a third of our population in tacoma park was born outsite of the united states. We are a city of immigrants. Reporter tacoma park is a sanctuary city, one of the first. This promise to protect undocumented residents goes back to the 1980s, when the city welcomed refugees fleeing war and violence in central america. We would like to see us go down a path where were not tearing apart families, scaring people but really bringing people together. Reporter theyre having a teach in for rez didnts saturday, so all immigrants know they are protected here, despite threats to cut federal funding. We halr the city council as we begin our budget discussions, figuring out how we would have to priorityize things to make sure those programs continue. Reporter lelo gonzalez is a proud american citizen, but on his mind lately, the days many years ago, when he was living in the country undocumented. All those memories come back. Tacoma park is home. When they declared this a sanctuary city for American People who were running because the war, i felt myself more now on that breaking news from our national zoo. Ollie the bobcat has been found on zoo property. The national zoo just tweeted out this picture there in a crate, well call that a crate, thats what i keep my dog in. Two days. The zoo was about to hold a News Conference now that it has ollie back home where she rightful ly belongs. I dont know how happy she looks, theres another picture where she looked kind of ticked off. She looks calm, thats the important thing, right . Get her back in her enclosure. I dont know if ive ever seen a cat smile though, so theres that. Temperatures today, much colder to the north, much warmer to the south, right in the middle, we are. 50 degrees the High Temperature today. 55 in richmond, that boundarys been meandering around our wreathen. We hit near 60 yesterday, today its settling on down to the south, tomorrow we will get into these cooler numbers across our region. The shower activity just up to our west. As another system moves on. Were tracking a couple Different Things here. Cooler, much chillier this weekend. Well talk about that. A big storm next week, all eyes on that sunday system, well talk about next week too. Just in this afternoon, five juveniles charged with vandalizing an historic schoolhouse in ashburn, virginia. The team spray painted antisemitic and other vulgar images on this schoolhouse last september. It once served the countys africanamerican students, the students will have to complete several book reports. It became apparent during the case that none of the teens really knew the significance of what they were spray painting. Fire started at this home in ft. Washington. Chopper 4 over the scene earlier today. That fire broke out around lunchtime, at the home on gun powder road. They saw flames shooting out of the roof and called for more units. It took about 20 minutes to put this out. No one was hurt here. D. C. Police are trying to track down two people considered persons of interest. This past weekend were told someone robbed two people as they met up with a cell phone listed on offer up. When they arrived the thief pulled out a gun, took their phones, wallets and car keys. A second person was then seen using the victims credit card. This happened this past saturday afternoon along mlk avenue in southeast d. C. Coming up on news 4, well tell you why Maryland State Police ordered an emergency inspection of all their medevac of his state of the state address today. Which they say is of utmost concern to the country and the world. Plus, a rude awakening for a man asleep inside his house. A car comes barreling through, and get this, its not the first time he talks to our pat collins about the ordeal. A test is offering new hope for women who have tried and failed to get pregnant. Well hear from a mother who was just about to giveup, and the majority of the Maryland State Police helicopter fleet is grounded tonight. We broke the story on twitter and has our report. The helicopters are less than three years old. The aw39 cost about 12 million each. A crack in the paint on one tail rotor blade was found. Then on sunday, a second helicopter was found to have the same defect. After that second one was found, the aviation command commander ordered an inspection to be conducted on all aircraft and thats whats been done over the last two days. So far, only cracks in the paint have been discovered, note in the actual rotor blades, a have passed inspections, 12 blades have been sent back to the manufacturer for more inspections. As of tonight, four of the ten helicopters are back in service. Theyre strategically located around the state. Medevac service has not been located during the service of this inspection. They have had a history of tail rotor problems, including a fatal crash in 2011 that prompted the faa to issue warnings about the air worthiness of the helicopters. Maryland state police have four choppers operational tonight, they couldnt say when the rest of the fleet would return to service. At Maryland State Police, mark sea graves, news 4. It was the first day on the job today for antwon wilson. The new chancellor of d. C. s Public Schools. Wilson was visiting schools today with the mayor who nominated him last year, hes the former superintendent of Oakland California schools, he says Public Schools gave me personally, im here only because i got a Great Public School education, i was put in a position where i was challenged, expected to do my best and supported. And so i want to make sure that education works for all of our students in much the same way. Wilson has a two year contract. Maryland governor larry hogan delivered his third state of the state address today. It was an encouraging assessment, especially when it comes to funding for Public Schools. Some Lawmakers Said a key topic was omitted from that speech. More now from annapolis. Reporter larry hogan entered saying he is hopeful for his state. He said for the third time, his budget has record funding for education. Every single penny that from the state for education is fully funded at 100 . But the democratic response criticized Governor Hogan for omitting any mention of his fellow republican president donald trump. Hes not standing up to the trump administration, hes saying nothing about the incredibly divisive and problematic policies coming out of washington. Thats what trump and the Republican Party in washington are threatening to do to maryland. Threatening to do to jobs, health care, threatening to do to the environment. State republican lawmakers say some kind of Health Care Reform is needed. If we dont make some changes, the reality, people cant afford their premiums. They keep talking about how republicans in d. C. Are going to rip the rug away from 400,000 marylanders. Ahead at 6 00 what marylands montgomery and prince georges counties, and why some local lawmakers say it falls short. In annapolis, chris gordon, news 4. Were taking a closer look at President Trumps Supreme Court nominee from last night, and some of his previous comments that could come up during his confirmation hearings. Neil gorsuch is known as a reliably conservative judge. A recent study in the journal of law, economics and organization places him further on the conservative spectrum than the late antonin scalia. One of his most well known rulings had to do with hobby lobbys challenge to the obama mandate on contraception. The law doesnt just apply to popular religious beliefs, calling protection of unpopular ones as some of its most important work. His home state just legalized assisted suicide last fall, in 2006, he wrote in a the topic, all human beings are intrinsically valuable. And the intentional taking of human life by private persons is always wrong. And among his more conservative comments, 2005 National Review article, where gorsuch suggested liberals are relying too much on the courts, rather than elected leaders and ballot boxes to advance their social agenda. Weve been asking all afternoon, should the Senate Confirm the president s pick for Supreme Court justice. Taking a look at the results just in now. Nearly 50 now say no. Housekeepers and guest room workers at Trump International hotel have voted to join a union, and this could create a conflict of interest for President Trump. He put his sons in charge of managing his business interest but has refused to divest from them. Hell appoint top members of the National Labor relations board, which rules on unions and employers, 40 workers have already voted, another 80 workers and bartenders will vote next week. The president kicked off the start of black History Month, meeting with africanamerican supporters at the white house. Among those at the table, former alexandria vice mayor bill cleveland, and two former Howard University students. The president says hes proud that the nation now has an africanamerican History Museum on our national mall. He pledged to honor africanamericans. More and more. Big announcement from one of your favorite chocolate makers, theyre moving in. The new nessly and how our region will benefit. No working phones in one local always wins. Especially in my business. With slow internet from the phone company, you cant keep up. Youre stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. Switch to comcast business. With highspeed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. You wouldnt pick a slow race car. Then why settle for slow internet . Comcast business. Built for speed. Built for business. Gray and cloudy and gloomy, not too cold at least . Yeah, we got a break in that direction, doug. At least we made it to 50 degrees today, many areas south and eastward much cooler because of the cloud cover, take a look outside right now, the clouds havent been giving way to much son. We saw a little bit earlier today. Weve been cloudy most of the afternoon, temperature 50 degrees right now, sun going down 234 about 7 nu heres the current nubers, and again we are fairly cool, 45 in martinsburg, 43 as well down toward the pawtuxet river. 41 over there toward cambridge. Rain or snow, not much going on here, it looks like some sprinkles trying to get in here toward the shenandoah valley. Where we are seeing it, back to the west. See this right here, it looks like theres something wrong with the radar screen, this is what happens when you get this westerly flow. It hits the Allegheny Front which is 2,000 feet above the plateau down here. Areas like wisp, timber line all seeing snow. Kanane valley has seen a lot of snow in the last several days. Theyre dealing with some snow. If you want to see it, go about 2 1 2, 3 hours back to the west, back toward frostburg. You could see it in our area. Satellite and radar showih a little moisture train making its way across our area. If the mountains werent here, we would be getting in on the rain and snow today. The mountains drying it out. Tomorrow, a little different scenario, back down to 45, partly sunny, blustery afternoon. The winds will be upwards of 15 to 20 miles an hour, that will put wind Capitol Hills in the 30s just about all day. A high of 41 on friday, a little bit of a windchill there, 38 on saturday, saturday is going to be a cold day about 38 for a high, were going to see winds gusting 15 to 20 miles per hour. Windchills will be in the 20s all day. Saturday the coldest of the two days for the weekend. We have a 30 chance of rain snow for super bowl sunday. Yeah, 45, were going for a high, though. That means most of it could be rain. Flurries to the north, sprinkles south. No road issues. Now bowl sunday. Anybody going to those parties should be okay. Watching that bigger storm as we make our way toward the middle of next week, still going for a high in the 60s next wednesday. Still got that roller coaster going on. Down and up, and then right back down late next week. Thats february. Welcome. A car crashes into a mans home here. Things like that happened, but the man who lives here says its happened here five times. Holy guardrail. That story coming up. Plus, weve got the latest on that breaking news from the national zoo tonight. Well hear from zoo officials about how they found that missing bobcat ollie. And the new test that can dramatically improve the odds of pregnancy for women who have tried and failed to conceive. I checked, everythings there. Wait a minute. Hey. Hold on, i can explain. You better have a good answer. Switch to geico and you could save a ton of money on your Car Insurance. Ing a wire. Haha, what . Why would i wear a wire . Geico. Because saving fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance is always a great answer. Right now at 5 30, a test that is changing lives, the new hope its offering for women who tried but failed to become pregnant. We begin with that rude awakening for a Prince Georges County manning, after a car came crashing into his home. This happened basement. We learned this isnt the first time this has happened to him. Pat collins is live at the scene where he talks with the homeowner. What a story, pat. Incredible story, doreen, sometimes when things go wrong in the world of automobiles. Cars dont just hit other cars, sometimes cars hit houses. And the guy who lives here says its happened to him five times. 2 00 a. M. This morning, a honda goes out of control. Jumps the curb and ends up in leonard millers house mr. Miller is 88 years old, he was sleeping on a couch nearby when it happened. When in a car came in, i jumped up and said, damn, another car hit my house. This is the fifth time a car he moved here in 1971 he lives on a curve. Cars have a way of coming down the hill, losing control and wham into the house. Let me show you something, see the wooden pillars on this house here . Mr. Millar used to have pillars like that, then a few years ago, a car came by and bam, pickup sticks. He replaced the wooden pillars with brick pillars, but last night they didnt fare much better. Rubble. Your house has been hit now five times by a car . Right. What do you make of that . Well, what im going to do, pat, im going to go out and get me one of those signs like a target and im going to put it on my house. A big bulls eye . The driver of the car was injuries. You may wonder why he has such a good sense of humor about all this . Well, he has a secret. Ill tell you about that coming up at 6 00. He sure does have a sense of humor. We look forward to hearing how he holds on to that. A fertility test is giving new hope for parents trying to conceive. Its called era. A scientific breakthrough that increases the odds of invitro fertilization. The goal of the test is to use 286 genes to focus on each womans window of implantation to maximize the chance for any embryo to stick. Kristen dahlgren joins us now, shes in new york city with more on how this new procedure works. Hi, kristen. Really giving struggling with infertility. He explained it to me like a garden, that was his analogy, you need to have the soil exactly right in order for that seed to implan the. So most women act one way and there is a certain timing that doctors have been using in ivf for years. About 15 to 20 of women just act differently, their window of opportunity is a little bit different. We spoke with one woman who had four failed ivf cycles, she had this test done, they adjusted her transfer by about 24 hours, she now has twins. The key is the timing . This test isnt for everyone, kristen. Whos most likely to benefit from this . Theyre looking at women who have had failed cycles before, who have tried frozen embryo transfers. They say thats really the ideal and theyre hoping when they do it to see that at the time they usually transfer, shes not quite ready, its either too late or too early. That tells them the timing is off. In that 15 to 20 of cases, theyre able to adjust it, and theyre having a lot of success. Thanks to this new test. So really a game changer for a lot of people. Big news for a whole lot of people. Youre going to have much more on the era test on nightly news with lester holt coming up right avenues 4 at 6 00. Back to our breaking news now, the search for ollie the bobcat is over. She was found safe on zoo grounds, hours after the search for her was called off. She was there the whole time they think . Yeah, guys, i can tell you, she was here the whole time. But theyre ecstatic. They were talking about how they were going to suspend the search for ollie, hoping she would come back, fast forward to 3 45 this afternoon, ollie the bobcat is back. They say it was a visitor who was here, she was over near the bird exhibit. And she spotted what she thought was a bobcat. She notified a zookeeper here, the zookeeper got in touch with the great cats officials here, they put the traps in place around the bird exhibit there. And within a couple minutes, they say, they were radioed saying, it looks like we have a bobcat in the trap here, they went over, examined it, and surely found that it was ollie the bobcat. Take a listen to how they described this whole process of how they were able to trap ollie. We found her thanks to a visitor to the zoo who just reported to some staff at our bird house, they saw the bobcat walk across the walkway. We took the traps up to the bird house, and set them. Crossed our fingers, walked away, and within 15 minutes, the bird housekeepers called us back and told us, we have a bobcat in the trap up here. Zoo officials are thanking the public for all the tips that they called in to let them know where they thought they saw ollie. They believe she followed the creek, went maybe two miles away, what they were hoping happened ended up happening, she would eventually find her way back to the zoo. She is in good health, she has a minor scratch on her paw. But ollie is back and safe and sound. Back to you. Good news indeed. A local community where resident thes r line phone but they went months with only spotty service, how our susan hogan got them reconnected. The surprise announcement today by singer beyonce, what shes sayingbout being a fi os is not cable. Were wired differently. Which means we can deliver internet speeds differently. Welcome to 8 and a half maple street. Its half a house. And even though it only has half the headroom, half a hallway, half the closet space and a half bath, its a full house to the wilsons. Because they have fios, the only 100 Fiber Optic Network with uploads as fast as downloads, their half house has full internet. Cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of their downloads. Now you might think its a little odd that the wilsons have a half house, but they think its a little odd to pay for uploads that arent up to speed. Tv and phone for only 79. 99 per month online for one year. Cable cant offer speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. The news thats been setting social media time lines on fire this beyonce posted this photo showing off a baby bump and announcing she and her husband are expecting twins. The singer wrote, we are incredibly grateful our family is growing by two, the twins will join big sister blue ivy born in 2012. Twitter says the news triggered half a million tweets in 45 minutes. We get to meet a youngster hoping for a home. She is a wonderful youngster. She had a tough start to life being raises at first by an older sibling. Tonight we hope theres a family or single parent watching that would love to have a daughter like lizzie. I hear you like to do art, is that right . Lizzie is 12 yores old and wants to be an artist some we met at the arts center for a lesson. Lizzie jumped right in picking a color and deciding right away what she can paint. Im going to do a hamburger. You go into her bedroom, she has posters on the wall that shes created. What grade are you in . Seventh. And do you like school . Yes. Whats your favorite subject. Art. As she continued to paint her watercolor picture of a hamburger, we could see her creativity in every brush stroke. The last time i spoke with her, she was interested in the medical field, nursing or Something Like that. Art has definitely been a consistent thing. Lizzie has had to move around a lot. I want a big family. Brothers, sisters . Yes. Older, younger . Cats. How about dogs . Maybe. Family thats patient, understanding and really attentive to her needs. I think you did a great job. Lizzie needs a home with a family that will celebrate and encourage her creativity. If you find the perfect family, what are you going to bring to that family . Joy. And theres no doubt she will. She is a very joyful little girl, and i think she will bring a lot of joy to a family. If you have room in your home and heart for lizzie or another child whos waiting, please call our special adoption hotline. We want you to know that coming up next month on march 11th, the Washington Area council of governments will be holding another adoption expo where you can learn all about adoption. Were going to be telling you more about that in the weeks to come. Guys . If you have passed through downtown roslin, Arlington County here, you have seen this large building that salt vacant north moore street. We have learned that a big business from california is making this its new u. S. Head quarters, ahead at 5 00, well look at the direct impact for this region. What it could mean for you. Im tom sherwood in the district, the teacher of the year was announced here in the city today, shes a Science Teacher who was told once in high school, dont be so smart, bo the making chocolate and owns everything from gerber to nesspresso. Terry mcauliffe made the announcement a short time ago. David is outside what will soon be the nestle building to explain. Reporter when we think of nestle, we think of chocolate, right . Soon this logo will sit about 35 stories high on top of what is the tallest buildings in our area. As nestle prepares to move to the top floor we headed with views of d. C. You can only get from virginia, this is where the commonwealth welcomes nestle to their new headquarters. Right here in arlington. We found our perfect partner, and they found us. If you pass the 1812 north moore Street Building in recent years, you know it sat empty. Vacant for 3 1 2 years. Come september, it will have this first major tenant. They will invest 39 1 2 million and create 750 new high paying jobs here. Reporter nestles president tells me he hopes many of their employees, currently working at the headquarters in glendale, california will make the move east. Were going to spend a lot of time with them starting next week, educating them on what this great place has to offer, not only from a career perspective, but from a family perspective and a livelihood perspective. Family life was a big selling point for Arlington County. You create urban safe and schools, you have the trifecta. Reporter victor and his team have spent months back and forth to california. They had a choice to move almost anywhere, they decided on arlington. You may ask, what is nestle as part of the deal, nestle will get a 12 million in grant money, that will come from the commonwealth as well as Arlington County. Arlington county saying they will help with relocating and familiarizing some of the employees coming from california to what will be their new home in arlington. This impacts more than just nestle. Ahead at 6 45, well look at how this influences nearby businesses and how they are already preparing for this big corporate move. Jim . Beautiful building, going to be great to see it all lit up and occupied. David, thanks for that good news. As we celebrate black History Month today, theres a new exhibit in our area. Highlighting the contributions of africanamericans in car racing. The National Museum of American History unveiled the exhibit today. Leonard miller is the fivt africanamerican race team owner to compete in the indy 500. His team entered the car in the 1972 race. He donated some of his memorabilia to the smithsonian museum. He hopes his story will inspire others and help teach black youth. Millers items included trophies, clothing and a Steering Wheel from a car driven by one of the teams owners. The tickets to the National History and museum are hard to come by. We compiled a large list of 14 black History Museums in d. C. , maryland and virginia. Can you learn about the transatlantic passage the black History Museum in alexandria teaches about the slaves. You can take guided tours of the Frederick Douglass house in the district. Find out more about the openings on our nbc washington page just search black History Museums. Nbc 4 responds to local me two months. Fed up with waiting for the company to fix it, they turn to susan hogan. For them, they felt disconnected. And dangerous. Not only are the residents concerned they dont have a working phone, whatever is causing the problem affects lifelines in case of an emergen emergency. These homeowners have had it. This is a Senior Community and we need our phones. Chris smith and her neighbor say more than a dozen residents living in this 55 plus community havent had working land lines since december. And chris kept a log to prove it. I have the dates here on january 1st, the 3rd, the 7th, the 13th, the 15th, the 18th, the 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd. When the land lines stop working, so does the the elevator. Please remain calm. And even the fire alarm system. That means what, if someone the sprinklers went off . They wouldnt get an alarm. They called verizon and it sent out numerous techs, and just as quickly as their phones get reconnected they go dead. I was told all different stories, at one point you call after the sixth time, i said, you need to elevate this, because these technicians that are coming out are not resolving the issue. Thats when the homeowners called nbc 4 responds, we contacted verizon january 24th, later that evening, chris got a call from verizon that they found the problem. I dont think it ever would have been resolved if i had not gotten in touch with you. A verizon spokesman tells news 4, they have a service call already scheduled before we reached out. And their engineers worked with the customers to investigate and troubleshoot. In the end, made a change to an Optical Network terminal on premise. And this ringing is music to chriss ears. We have had the phones working, i think the day after i called you, and i might add, were extremely grateful and appreciative of what you did. The phones are still working if you have a consumer story you need help solving, give us a call at 844nbcd. C. If the phones stop working well be hearing back from her. Amelias here with more about the weather ahead. Whats going on . Today we had kind of cloudy skies throughout the day. Despite the clouds we hit 50 degrees, first day of february. Cooler air will be with us, mainly in the 40 at temperatures right now, 50 in washington, just about everybody else in the 40s, its going to be chilly overnight tonight, lows in the 30s and maybe some sprinkles in the district. Look back, though, back west of the mountains, where were seeing a little bit of rain and snows. Maybe a few sprinkles around tonight. For the most part, for the rest of the workweek, were going to keep it completely dry. Well have a mix of clouds and sun, we start off at 7 00 a. M. Around 38. A high of 45, heres the thing, youre going to notice the winds tomorrow afternoon, make sure have you the warm jacket as youre leaving for work, kids leaving for school, they want the warm jacket at recess as well. Outdoor exercise, it will be blustery, maybe it would be a good idea to stay indoors. As we look to friday, 41 degrees, plenty of clouds around, ahe kind of day out there, look at the high, only 38 degrees, heres the thing, its going to be breezy on saturday as well, so it will feel like were in the 20s at times throughout the day, on sunday a slight chance for some rain and snow showers, a high of 45. Weve been talking about the system for a very long time, and were not really going to be talking about rain thats heavy at times at all on sunday any more, we could be dealing with a little bit of rain and snow showers, absolutely no snow accumulation, youre heading off to the super bowl parties, its going to be looking good there, the roads only damp. Monday, 47 for a high, on tuesday and wednesday, a good bet that were dealing with some rain. Look at our temperatures too, more spring like. Wednesday a high of 63, after that, we cool back down. Thursday a high around 40, 36 degrees on friday, but again, looking toward the end of the workweek, very breezy tomorrow afternoon, on friday, a chilly day out there, guys. Thanks chopper four is live over breaking news in Montgomery County now. Homeland Security Officers were chasing someone, at the intersection of lahill road and bellfree road. The crash took out a utility poll at that intersection. No word on injuries, and no word on whether anybodys in custody or what might have initiated the chase, stay tuned to news 4 my husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. My whole family wants to stay free from artificial preservatives. And my debit card wants to stay on a diet. Fill your cart with giants natures promise brand. Great prices on over 800 organic and freefrom items. Eat well for less. My giant. Today she was named teacher of the year in the district. This seventh grade Science Teacher almost didnt become a teacher. Her male high schoolteacher once told her not to answer so many questions, he said, guys dont like to date smart girls. Alice middle schoolteacher, focusing on her students when the mayor, the media and new School Chancellor walked in for a surprise. You are the d. C. P. S. Teacher of the year. [ cheers and applause ] she knew she had been nominated but gave credit to her students. For what i do, and for trying to make science come alive for them. One of her seventh graders needed no prompting. She has improved me in a lot of different types of ways, i believe it will help me on to college and my career. The teacher of the year high schoolteacher and a coach in the 1990s once had a different message for her. I love science, and he pulled me aside and said i needed to stop answering so many questions because boys dont date smart girls. Reporter she kept studying but pulled back in class. In college she decided on a teaching career. I realized that i wanted to make sure students didnt have that same experience. And i wanted to light the fire to show all kids that they can be successful and its wonderful to be smart. Reporter at the chancellors News Conference, they said the teacher of the year gets 10,000. But someone didnt tell the teacher. Do you know you get 10,000 . No. No. Okay, so wow and she immediately thought not of herself, but her 110 students she teaches each things i can buy for the classroom. In the district, tom sherwood, news 4. Now at 6 00, the white house is putting iran on notice. Tough words from President Trumps National Security adviser and questions about what happens next. More contentious debate over the cabinet choices. Whos been confirmed. A Supreme Court showdown. Neil gorsuch meets with many on capitol hill. President trump is on his way back from Dover Air Force bay now. He witnessed the dignified transfer ceremony of a Fallen Service member. Heav

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