Transcripts For WRC News4 At 5 20150316 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 5 20150316

like i said, as a parent, you want to protect your child and i felt like i wasn't there. so it looked awful. >> reporter: vanessa says she believes the attack on her son was carried out by students from a rival high school, students who were retaliating after a recent fight at potomac mills mall that drew police. vanessa says her son was not involved in that incident but saturday one oe attackers asked him earlier in the evening if he played basketball for freedom high school. he answered yes. and vanessa thinks he was targeted because of that. >> i'm a forgiving person, but this has to stop. it has to stop. and you can't go around randomly picking kids just because. >> reporter: now, vanessa hopes by calling attention to the attack someone might come forward and name names. now, the victim stayed home from school today. his mom wanted t talk to school administratorbee returned. on news 4 6:0 i'll tell you about his plans going forward. reporting live from dale city, julie carey, news4. i'm scott mcfarlane at the live desk pap major police presence in herndon right now where a body has been found. we'll show you new video of the scene just in to news4. police say a man's body was found in a wooded area near folly lick stream off hidden brook drive. the man has trauma to his upper body. it is unclear what's happened to that man. news4's shomari sto en route to the scene as we speak. we'll push you any breaking updates to your nbc washington app. back to you. well, his job is to help protect americans from terrorists, bu now a state department worker stands accused of spying on women here in the district. daniel rosen was arrested just last month for soliciting sex from a minor. news4's mark segraves is live with an update from d.c. superior court. >> reporter: y, wendy. daniel rosen d his wife just walked out of d.c. superior court. daniel rosen told the judge he's not guilty. police say that he secretly videotaped at least 24 women in their bedrooms and bathrooms while they were undressed. police say these videotapes go back as far as 2013. assistant polic chief peter knewshen told reporters the way rosen recorded these women was particularly disturbing. >> the videos appear to have been taken through curtains and shades that werewn. the camera was utilized in ait could see through small areas in the windows. >> reporter: ce say at least 40 videos of at least 24 different wom were found on rosen's cell phone after he was arrested for those virginia charges of trying to entice a minor to have sex with him over the internet. and in some of the videos police say rosen himself can be seen touching hims in an inappropriate manner and he can be heard talking sexually on some of the videotapes. now, so far, police have found at least two victims to come forward, but they hope they'll find more now that this case is in the news. so far he's only been charged with two counts, one of voyeurism and one of stalking. the stalking charges come because to seven of these women he went back multiple times to videotape them again over at least a six-month period. and that makes stalking charges according here. he has been released to home confinement. coming up at 6:00 why the prosecutors said that rosen could be a threat to the community even from his back porch. jim, back to you. new developments tonight in the trial of a man charged with killing a georgetown law school student. rahul gupta was just found guilty of first-dree murder for killing mark wahl. prosecutors say bb h several mewi a butcher knife in fwup that's silver spring apartmen in 2013. gupta reportedly said he thought his girlfriend w cheating on him with wau. zachary kiescis going over key pieces of evidence now that were just released for the first time. his live report coming up later on news 4 at 5:00 tonight. new details tonight at 5:00 from the national institutes of health. the condio of an american health care worker bei treated for ebola is apparently worsening. the patit'sas from serioo critical. few details have been released so far about that patient, but we do know that they were working with a boston-based nonprofit called partners in health at an ebola treatment facility in see area leone. 11 other worker who is came in contact with thna also being brougk t u.s. so far, none has shown any symptoms. an annd man charged with stealing hard top roofs off mazda miatas and selling them on craigslist is facing six felony counts. brian dor is facing three grand larceny. he was arrested over the weekend. ke cseoohe men in this surveillance video. montgomery counicte us they assaulted a man who was out walking his dog in bethesda. this happened back on february 267th. while the man was out far stroll on linden lane. they left him battered and bruised. the thieves took his wallet and his cell phone. police investigators say they used the victim's credit cards in largo and in green belt. metro transit police are searchingg r wo who stabbed a stati manager. this is a picture of the woman from surveillan video. this happened sunday morning at the stadium armory station in southeast d.c. police say the woman asked the station manage if she could ride for free. he said no. and police say that's when the woman spat on the man and then stabbed him with a kitchen knife. that manager expected to be fine. a major change tonight in the u.s. attorney's office here in washington. u.s. attorney ro meacham is stepping down after five years that have focused on public corruption. news4's tom sherwood first reported this resignation on twitter today. he joins us now with what it means on the ongoing investigation i former mayor vincent gray. tom? >> rob meacham has quite a scorecard of corruption convictions, t gray case, it's still open. u.s. attorney ro meacham, he's leaving office april 1st after five tumultuous years as federal prosecu here, running the largest u.s. attorney's office in the country prosecuting internatna national and local crimes. u.s. attorney eric holder praised his unassailable integrity relentless determination, a a passion for law and justice. but left unfinished is the four-year-old ititi into a shadow campaign that helped elect vincent gyor in 2010. six people have pleaded guilty in the shadow campaign, including businessman jeffrey thompson, who funded the operation. prosecutors say gray knew about it. but gray denies wrongdoing and has not been charged. the scandal helped gray lose his re-election last year to reform candidate muriel bowser. in other public integrity cases, meacham successfully prosecuted kwame brown, former ward five council member harry thomas, and former at-large council member michael brown a otr public officials. today mayor bowser praised meacham for both his crime and community work. >> i think ron has been a tremendous publi servant and leader in the district of columbia. >> reporter a the ongoing gray investigation, bowser said the city has moved on and she welcomes any resolution of that case. >> i've always said that the u.s. attorneyas to do his job, follow every lead and investigate, an can't put a time line on that. >> reporter: b others are putting a time on it. coming up at 6:00 calls for gray to be charg or let off the hook. jim, wendy? >> tom sherwood. montgomercounty's budget plan is going to go easy on some home owners. county executive ike leggett just releasedissal call farg 1% cut in the property tax rate. compare that to prince george's county, whi calls for a 15% hike. montgomery couis also proposing a 4% drop in garbage fees and a 2% pay raise for county workers. and more is gng spent on affordable hou libraries and business develme >> one may wonder how is it we're able to p all this together with raising the taxes. one-a strong indication we could not obtain nine votes through raising taxes. number two i said before that we will raise taxes again on the property taxe and my assumption is we'll probably have to do it next year. >> the county council still has to approve this budget. live look right now at at national harbor. >> we've got a little bit of sun starting to set t there, a little bit of gray. how is it looking to you, doug? >> looking pretty good. depend on where you are because we've got some incredibly warm temperatures and then we have some very cool numbers as well in the same region. let's show you outside right now. we are dealing with sun and a temperature that's risen to 67 degrees here in d.c. 76 in roanoke. it's even around 80 towards culpeper. but look ocean city, only 46 degrees there. so much colder closer to the water. i'll show you those local numbers coming up. today's headlines, great today and then turning colder by this time tomorrow a it's going to get down right chilly as we make our way through midweek. speaking of that, mixture of rain and is the s-word, snow. it's in the forecast. i'll show you when. still ahead changes that could make it safer for people who walk drive, or bike in the tyson's corner area. our adam tuss strapped on a helmet got on his bike to check out the challenges. the insanity over march madness. it's almost here. what singer ashley judd plans to do after her march madness tweet got some unwelcome attention. and a major boost for an effort to reduce a critical evidence backlog and take sex offenders off this is scott mcfarlane at the live desk. chopper 4 over a major water main break in berwyn heights. just inside the beltway not far from the beltway plaza mall. when the images come to you wait till you get a load of this. that's the wat mn eak at the interseio of cunningham drive near berwyn road. you can see the muddy water rushing over th street. we're working to learn how many people may he water but it also has a major impact on drivers in a area. berwyn heights, a water main break just inside the bheltway. at the live desk i'm scott mcfarlane. actress ashley judd tells nbc she's pressing charges over cyberbullying judd watched her beloved kentucky wildcats win the s.e.c. championships yaynd she tweeted about m madness. but some people weren't pleased with what she had to say. today judd said she was called a whore and threatened with sexual violence. msnbc eec j release a statement later today. it is estimated that 1 in 6 women is sexually assaulted and today a major investment to get their attackers off the streets. $41 million is being earmarked to accelerate the testing of an estimated 400,000 rape kits that sit unprocessed and untested in warehouses across the country. here's news4's kristin wright with more on that. kristin? >> yes, 400,000 untested rape kits. the concern here is just how many rapists that leaves free on the street to attack again. >> reporter: an estimated 400,000 rape kits could be sitting untested in crime labs and police store rooms across the country. vice president joe biden and senator barbara mikulski visited the maryland state police forensic science lab in pixville. $41 million in federal money is budgeted to help reduce the national backlog and supporters say that will help lock up rapists before they strike again. >> there are number of women innocent women, who would have been protected if such heinous rape and sexual assault had been investigated by of the rape kits that are l >> rept: a started nonprofit natasha's justice project. she was raped at gunpoint in new york. >> the victim's body is a crime scene. >> reporter: he k s for almost a decade before her attacker was convicted. delay cost other women. >> for the 9 1/2 years that may rape kit sat and collected dust the man that raped me was on a nationwide crime spree. >> reporter: th maryland state police lab in pixville says they do not have a backlog. delegate karen lewis young of frederick count the extent of the problem in the state isn't known. so she's calling for an audit. the bill would require police agencies to repo untested evidence kits for sexual assaults to the maryland state attorney genera >> this is an issue that affects all of us not just survivors of rape and the men and women that support us but the general public. >> tonight 6:00, why so many rape kits sit untested. wendy? >> kristin right, thanks. and the university of oklahoma just hired a high-powered to help deal with that sae fraternity scandal. prominent atto michael barrage is also a former federal judge. the school s out a statement today saying he will help advise o.u. on legal matters. the university has come under fire after a video surfaced showing members of sigma alpha epsilon repeatedly using the "n" word udent who is led that racist chant havbe expelled. and the school has ties with that chapter. news for your health tonight, there could be big progress in the work to find out what causes autism. and it could start with an early diagnosis. doctors at the university of california at san diego believe they found genetic biomarkers for autism. they studied children from 170 pediatricians and say those biomarkers and bod preticketed which kids would later show signs of autism. a diagnosis could be as young as one but the autism could be there much earlier. >> so our studies this study as well as othertuare showing that abensn prenatal life, probly in the second or third trimester. >> early diagnosis means that you get the social skills training and are able to walk your child may thugh what the expectations are coming up. >> the study only focused on boys. autism is four times more common in males. researchers are alady doing work on blood diagnosis for girls. a local police department just got a new bloodhound puppy and they wa you to help them name him. take a look at the newest member of carroll county sheriff's office. he's cute. he's 4 months old. he's going to do what bloodhounds do. he's going to search for missing persons. he's going to track down prison escapees hel investigators look for leads in criminal cases, and he's going to be cute the whole time he's doing it. so what do you want to name him? e-mail ccsopuppycontest. a major bank settles a lawsuit today with the mortgage crisis. thousands of area home owners may benefit. how to find out if you're one of them. >> from winto potholes and now this. why you need to play closer attention to the sans the next time vanuatu needs the world's help now. those words tod from an eyewitness surveying the damage to that south pacific nation after a powerful cyclone hit this weekend. 90% of the buildings in the capital, gone. the destruction stretch the entire length of that country. so far the death toll stands at six, but that's expected to rise because emergency officials had not been able to get to the more remote areas and the communication sy is down. how awful. oh my gosh. >> that was a category 5 storm that came through wind upward of 185 miles an hour, and they had 26-foot sto surge. vanuatu is one of those islands. they have yet to get to some of the islands moreremote. a tough time for them. for us it is amazing what the difference in t temperatures are across our region. there's nearly a 30-degree temperature swi even 40-degree difretwn w some locations. it all has to do with this guy right here. take a look. the sunshine. that sun making its presence felt today. definitely feels more like spring across our area and it's about time. temperature at tpo h now shot up to 67 degrees. those winds are calm. we're dealing with partly to mostly cloudy sk the resofhearea in culpeper, they w 82 earlier, 49 in annapolis, 44 patuxent river. much colder rig there along the beaches and right there along the chesapeake. 35-degree tempe difference between culpepe patuxent river. but most ery the warm side for the most part. the areas down to the south, those are the areas that saw the sunshine. so a good day. get your car washed the next couple days. we will be dry through the day on thursday. next chance of rain or snow coming up on friday. storm team 4 rad not much to show you on the radar today. we have some cloud cover making its way in from the northwest. we have a couple little systems that are goingo try to work their way through. but the big system up toward the north. you can see it around indianapolis. that's a cold front. it's a strong one. lit move through tomorrow and you i mean notic a big difference. high temperatury7 up in hagerstown, bhat number will fall during the day 71 down towards fredericksrg 68 in the city. again, temperatures will fall as we move through the afternoon, so the first pa of the day is really going to be very nice, nice and warm. take a look at those hour-by-hour forecasts. great at 9:00 a.m. 55 degrees, windy by noon, around 65 and we will see those winds gusting 20 to 30 miles per hour during the day tomorrow. breezy and much cooler around 63 in the city but up to the north and west, it will be in the low 50s at this time. by 8:00 in the low 50s, too, down to about 54. temperatures lle tomorr and quickly fall as we move through the aer say good-b t t 60s and 70s. impact forecast tomorrow, we'll caught it low. we won't have a huge impact on the day for the weather but it will be a great start, becoming windy with tho temperatures that will be falli throughout the afternoon. high temperate tomorrow 68, but then 34 overnight wednesday night so we go from 68 to 34. temperature swing in 24 hours. 50 degrees on your wednesday rather breezy on wednesday 49 degrees on thursday. we will see plenty of sunshine thursday. then on friday 46. but i think we start the day in many areas with some snowfall. this is somethi we'll have to watch out for for sure. the atmosphere definitely warm they are time of year. so it's going to be hard to get some snow, but we could get snow early on friday should mix or change to rain with a high of 46 degrees. friday also th first day of spring. first weekef spring. not bad on saturday with a high of 60. but then another cold front nooufs and tha brings us down into the 40s. temperatures, 1 degrees below average, 4 out of the next 7 days. right now a major construction pro that will affect your coute for months to come. the route you need to avoid to stay out of traffic. and getting ready for a royal visit. some of the last-minute preps atz we get ready to welcome members of britain's royal family. and new evidence tonight being released after a verdict in the trial of a man charged with killing a georgetown university law ssten i know grandma's house isn't the most exciting, but it's only for a few hours. look what i've got. when you get verizon fios, you get beautiful hd picture quality, super fast internet, and america's most reliable network. so you won't miss a second of that movie, that game they love, or those moments with family. can we sleep over? please! come on! make your house the house when you get more from verizon fios the tv service rated #1 in hd picture quality and signal reliability based on customer satisfaction 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coun it's a tragic twist to a night that started with a celebration. it was supposed to be a birthday party. rahul gupta's 24th birthday. but alcohol, jealousy, and a apparenlo triangle between gupta's girlfen and mark waugh turned deadly. when police called to the silver spring apartmensharped by gupta and his girlfriend around 3:30 a.m., waugh was dead stabbed five times. gupta made a confession shortly after the arrest. his defense team argued in court that gupta's girlfriend was the real murrean he took the blame for it. thu but the juryn't buy it. here's bill waugh, the victim's father. >> mark was happ when he could help otherpl he was gero w his time. mark's murder is an evil we cannot comprehend. >> reporter: sentencing will be april 16th. in the meantime gupta is being held without bond. now, coming up tonight at 6:30, we will hear some of those 911 calls from that crime scene. reporting live in rockville zachary kiesch news4. there's a battle over bike lanes in tyson's corner, because with all the congestion there growing by leaps and bounds a lot of people want the option of riding a bike to work or taking it to school. not as safe for bikers as they should be. transportation rtead tuss livinysit uniq pspti this issue plus details on tonight's public hearing. adam? >> reporter: wendy. yeah it's one of the biggest challenges in region getting cars and bikes to share the road together. but it especially tricky here in fast-growing anfast-changing tyson's corner t rules of the road aren't always clear. take a ride around tyson's on a bike and you'll quickly find it's not easy. this is sprg hill road in tyson's corner. and you can see it's not the easiest road to biking on. not a lot of space to share the road and people in tyson's don't even seem to know how to share the road with a bike. new developments bringing in new jobs and new residents, and that means tyson's needs a new plan to make sure everyone can get around safely. >> it's difficult. biking is very difficul there's really not lanes to do that. if you wanto go if from point a to point b. >> cindy holcombe is the manager of the rei store in tyson's. they specialize in bikes. she's applauding a plan by fairfax county add bike lanes to tyson's. roads like spring hill road, west branch drive and jones branch drive would get the lanes. >> if we have our own lane to bike, then we're both sharing a road, both using traffic lights and stop signs and we're all adhering to the rules and regulations ju like everybody else. >> reporte tyson's has long been the land of the cars but that could quickly be changing as some roads may even be narrowed to sl traffic speeds. and the public meeting will be held tonight at 7:00 in vienna. coming up in my next report at 6:00, it's not just bikers. pedestrians in tyson's say they want better safety changes. live in ttyson's adam tuss news4. >> adam, thank. your d.c. commute could soon be getting a lot longer. work to replace the 16th street bridge begins in just two weeks. traffic will go down to one lane in each direction. and military road would be shut down completely on weekends. six bus routes will be diverted. the project is expected to take four months. ddot was able to make it six months shorter by building the bridge segments offsite. d.c. drivers do you know where you're parked? your car could be in the way of street cleaners. a district-wide program got under way today. check your street corner for a sign. if your car is parked in the way, it could bri you a $45 fine. street sweepers need to get to the curb so they can clean out the trash and salt that's been building up all winter. the sweeping program will be under way through october. we have mo now on the breaking news from berwyn heights, maryland. wssc crews are headed there to a water main brk. you can now see the flooding that is spreading to back yards. this is osage street. no word on how many customers this affects but it's a mess. the british royals are coming. the prince of wales and his wife, the duchess of cornwall, alive in the d.c. area tomorrow, and they have a busy schedule. they're here for four days. besides meeting with president obama on thursday prince charles and camilla will be visiting local sites including mt. vernon. e stopped by today and found workers making final preps. one of the reasons for this royal visit, to talk about climate chang >> given the prince's interest in preservation and in sustainabilit it's a great place for him to visit. a great time for us to have some dialogue with him about what he's doing over there in the uk and what we're doing here on the estate. >> also on the agenda a visit to the national archives and a tour of the shakespea theater company. there is some sad news tonight from on of the world's top dog shows. we now know that irish setter who died after competing in britain's krofts show was poisoned. the dog named jager died from a piece of meat. the kennel club said the poisoning did n happen at the competition. they s jager appeared fine and the poison would have been absorbed in just six hours. so far, no charges have been filed. there's now a significant attempt to make sure you get what you pay for in the seafood aisle. coming up the bold plan to crack down on seafood fraud. and the not so friendly skies, especial if you appreciate somespace. up next, why flying could become an even biggehe. it's only becoming a bigger headache, and that continues. the exercise impact, no real headaches tomorrni. new details about the military helicopter crash last week. one of the national guardsman on board was borint. belvoir, virginia. thomas floresh was a helicopter repairman. he grew up in a military family. family members tell an alabama newspaper he wanted to make a career out of military service just like his father. he had just gotten married last march. as congress considers a new budget, presidema ss he's prepared to fight to keep school funding especially in low-performinschools. at the white us today, mr. obama along education secretary arne duncan met with the heads of major school systems and discussed ways to strengthen educn in urban school systems and close the achievement gap. d.c.'s school chancellor was on hand. she called the meeting inspiring. henderson says many of the administration's goa a aligned with what she's trying to do here in d.c. we felt like we have a meeting of the minds on where this country needs to go to ensure that all of our young people especi the young people that i serve, poor young people, young people of color, young people facing adversity have as many resources as they need to be successful. >> lawmakers up on the hill are also working on a bipartisan effort to update the no child left behind a. flying th summer? be prepared for some crowded flights. the number of people flying is expected to go up. the faa says it will increase by 2% next year. last year there were about 756 million passengers on airlines. but in 20 years that's expected to jump to 1.4 billion. the head of the faa says it will help our economy. industry is working on new technology to m sure it can safely meet th growing demand. let the madness begin. we're helping you fill out your bracket. find out what pit first of alls our locals could face as they try to win it all. plus irs irs agent or telephone scammer. new information fm the real irs on how to avoid becoming a the whitese is blasting senate majority er ma l se my m nnr ldg t nomination of loret la lynch as attorney genera he warned he would not hold a confirmation vote before the senate passes a human trafficking bill. today white hous press secretary josh called the delay unconscionable. he also slammed mcconnell's leadership and questioned whether the psi can trust the word of republican leaders. the irs phone scam. we've warned you about it before, but the complaints keep coming in to our consumer unit. >> our consumer reporter erika gonzalez isto explain the one way to avoid becoming a victim. >> that's right. we have not stopped hearing about this, whether through e-mail or phoal officials say it the biggest irs impersonation scam they've ever seen. the caller claims to be with the irs and demands money or says you've got a refund due. in fact, the treasury inspector general for tax administration says the scamrsewiled victims out of more than $14 million since 2013. the problem -- people don't know a phone call is likely the last thing that the irs would do to contact you. >> i can't tell people, hey, the irs will never call you on the phone and asouu paying your taxes because in fact they do but they don't do that until after you've received multiple notices or you have a really good idea that you owe tax. >> if you aren't sure if the call is legit or fake hang up and call the irs directly. we've got more ways to report these scams, phone calls on our website, now to some relief tonight to thousands of folks in our area who lost their homes to foreclosure today. the virginia attorney general announced more than 3,000 people who borrowed from suntrust and lost their homes between 2008 and 2013 may be eligible for payment. the payment is partial compensation f suntrust's illegal conduct and servicing abuse when it comes to home mortgages. about 1,200 folks in maryland and 49 in d.c. are also eligible for the payments. you've got to fill out the claim form by june 4th to receive the payment. we're told t forms went out today. the suntrust settlement includes $40 million f affected consumers. but remember, if this is for you you need to fill out a claim form in order to get the payment on that. you've got to fill it out. >> okay. thanks. appreciate i a crackdown on seafood fraud is coming. yesterday the presidential task force cha tackling the issue released an action plan to track seafood from harvest to entry in the u.s. ports. the traceability efforts will take a few years to phase in. about 30% of shrimp tested in a recent oceana study were mislabeled. now, the task force's effort is toe death signed to make sure seafood is honestly labeled and safe for consumers. if you're t of remembering yo e-mail pass word, yahoo! has a new service for you. it allows you to receive on-demand passos every time you sign in. the service iop so you have to go to security settings to enroll. the pass words are something called two-factor awe thentificatioorhi like that. you say a word sometimes you think it doesn't sound right. anyway, where am i. it requires a pass word and a four-number code. that service offered by other gmail services like gmail. facebook is trying to clarify what yoe allowed to post on that social network. new community standards were released today. the rewritten rules give more guidance on w facebook takes down posts that can contain sexual, violence hate speech or bullying. it also explains a ban against terror or organized crime groups. it also addresses what kind of nudity will and will not be allowed on facebook. they could contain levels of lead high enough to potentially harm children, but a new report by "usa today" found that two government agencies continued to promote the use of artificial turf fields. "usa today" says the consumer product safety cssn d the environmental protection agency bothy artificial turf is safe. the fields contain rubber crumbs made from recycled tires that have hazardous materials in them. happy march madness, everyone. get yo brackets out ready and filled out. i'm going to try to help you here. i've got my ipad. let's take a look together at what our locals are face and any pitfalls they may run into in the tournament. you'll want to win this thing so stick with us. let's start with maryland. right now i'm picking the fourth seeded terps to beat valparaiso on friday. i have them facing west virginia in the round 32 here. but this is the problem. this is what eveone is talking about. let's say maryland were to beat west virginia. the team they're going to probably most likely face in the sweet 16 kentucky. and that is going to be the only team that i believe that's going to be able to stop maryland. kentucky right now, they are undefeated. they a re a tough draw for the terps and the best team right now in this ncaa tournament. so let's go to the south region. we've got georgetown also a four-seed. they're meeting eastern washington on thursday out in portland. the eagles have the top scorer in the country in tyler adams. but for georgetown i think their defense is going to be able to handle that, so that shouldn't be too much of an issue. but i think utah will then advance to the next round. but here's georgetown's problem as well. if you see above here, you have duke, they have potential to face them. duke will probably make it to the sweet 16. that's not really good news for georgetown he. really two tough situations for both maryland and georgetown. let's move to the west region where we are going to see vcu. they're going to play ohio state. here's the thing. i actually have ohio state winning this thing, and the reason why is because ohio state has one of the best point guards in the country right now, and vcu just has that press and i truly believe that point guard will be able handle. so let's move back to the east region here and wrap this up here where we have uva. they are number two. i've got uva sharp in this tournament. they play belmont and i think uva and michigan state are going to meet and face off again in the round of 32. that is a rematch of last year's sweet 16 game. the spartans won, but this time, guys i think uva is going to do it. i've got them going to the final four. so that's our look there. i hope i'm able to help you out. good luck. if it was up to me, kentucky all the way. guys, back to you. >> that's what i'm hearing. doug, how is it looking for the rest of the d? >> the rest of the weekend i wish it was still the weekend. got to tell you the rest of the week is looking cold. let's take a look outside and we'll show you what we're dealing with. the capital wheel flowing and moving off in the distance. you can see some sunshine that's made its way back out. temperatures ha warmed because of the sun we've seen. temperatures at the airport, 63 at 7:00, tropping to about 55 by 11:00. but still a very nice evening tonight. look at the numbers, near 80 in warrenton, only 47 in annapolis only 55 in huntingtown. what a difference from the west to the east. definitely moreshi than we've seen do towar parts of northern virgina little more on in the way of cloud cover. speaking of cld cover not much here but look just to our north. there's some shower activity trying to make its way down here maybe in the next one to two hours. could move towards d.c. around 9:00, 10:00 tonight. this is part of a warm front that will come in first. that warm front nooufs so a nice warm night tonight. then the cold front moves through tomorro and that will send us tumbling down. mostly cloudy becoming windy cooler temperatures late. temperatures 60 to about 71 degrees. that is a wngr sure even upper 50s to the north and west. take a look at these future temperatures. everydynto upper 50s for the most part at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morni early, no problem at all. 11:00 a.m., 66 d.c. 68 fredericksbu64 in leesburg. we're nice, warm, everything's fine. then the cold fr moves through and look at the numbers by 5:00. down to 50 in hagerstown 54 in gaithersburg a only 59 in d.c. our numbers will fall steadily after arnold that noon hour by tomorrow night at 11:00 already at 44 degrees and already into the 30s to the north and west. we've got much colder air making its way in tomorrow. thinking about getting out, doing a little biking 55 beautiful at 9:00 a.m. 67 windy at 1:00, and temperatures drop by around 5:00 into the upper 50s to lower 60s in most areas. next couple of days, winter trying to retu here, 50 degrees on wednesday, 49 for a high temperate rsd after a low near freezing. and then i think a good chance for a mix of snow and rain and then changing o to all rain most likely on f some areas could see some accumulating snol. we'll bwahis for sure, talk much more about this at 6:00 and tonight at 11:00. >> that's just insanity. thank you doug. it's considered an accomplishment t live to be 100, but one woman who's 100 in south africa is more of a daredevil than most. georgina harwood celebrated the milestone by going shark diving. she says she did it to call attention to overfishing in that area. two days earlier she went skydiving. that adventure raised money to buy life jackets for ocean rescuers. she has no plans to slow down and it's good for us if she doesn't slow down. >> wow. not quite a thrill for a couple of paramedics on the job. what happened w someone pulled a knife stole their ambulance, then took it on a high-speed y air quality is being carefully monitored at a milwaukee company. propane tanks caught fire and burned for hours. no one was hurt. two buildings where chemicals are kept are destroyed tonight. the company, acme, galvanizing, specializes t coatings. a man in texas is accused of taking a joy ri in an ambulance. he didn't count on cameras capturing this ride. police say he stole it from medics by threatening them with a knife. the video shows the ambulance going through red lights and speeding at moren mes an hour. he finally crashed into a fence tried to run, but police caught up with him. 'aetagav robbery. > an unusual claim tonight from the missouri man accused of shooting two ferguson police officers last week. he allegedly told prosecutors he fired the shots but as jay gray reports he claims he was aiming at someone else. >> reporter: we learning more about jeffrey williams, the man police say shot two officers outside the ferguson police department. >> he showed a lot of remorse very sorry and apologetic. >> reporter: srrk robinson says h talked with williams inside the city jail. >> he said heas upset acting out of frustration and anger. >> reporter: williams has admitted to firing the shots but also says it was a separate altercation and wasn't targeting the police. >> is the evidence developed at this point in part on his statement that he may have had a dispute with othivual we're not surweety y that part of it,tan event, it's po hwa firing at some pele. >> reporter: buttito also point out ws s part of the pteli tt night. >> he is a den. he was out therier a evening as part h demonstration. >> reporter: buop robinson, one of oaner here, says willasot marching and neva >> he had not beroste he was actuallyg t at afternoon ju t o what was going t ha never protested re. >> reporter: othahav continued sincehoin without incidenitrewed tension and angere. regardless of williams intent when he allegedly pulled the trigger, he is charged with two counts of aggravated assault in the first down, punishable by life in prison. jay gray, nbc news, ferguson. you got to give us some breathing room here. >> new charges tonight against a former state pa employee. daniel ros escorted out of court today in the district charged now with voyeurism. police say he recorded women undressing wiou thr knowledge on his cell phone. new at 6:00, how this could affect charges he's already facing in virginia. plus a local neighborhood flooded. what we are learni about this water main brking streets with mud. and a maryland man found guilty of murder after trying to blame his girlfriend. tonight the victim's family is reacting to the verdict. but first at 6:00 change at the top in the u.s. attorney's office in the district of columbia. today rald maychin announced he'll step town at the end of the month. despite many successes he's still hearing criticism about the open investigation in former mayor vincent gray. tom sherwood h the reaction. >> we've heard it a lot. the gray investigation is continuing. some do think it should wrap up. in the past few years the u.s. attorney has had several high-profile loc convictions. kwame brown, now out of office. council member harry thomas now out of office. council member michael brown, serving time now. as he leaves april 1st left unfinished is the four-year-old investigation i a shadow campaign that helped elect vincent gray mayor in 2010. with no charges against gray and gray's lawyer bob bennett declining to to news4 today, some are angry, questioning howg the scandal could hang over the city. ward two council member jack evans

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