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Present. Northern Virginia Bureau chief julie carey outside the courthouse where mcdonnell is still testifying. Reporter today Bob Mcdonnell told jurors things he has never told his closest friends before. The story of how his marriage disinteated becoming worse with each year in elected office. We learned more about why the first couple comes and goes. Bob mcdonnell testified a week before the trial he moved out and into a local rectory with a priest who is a friend of his and said he couldnt face going home to maureen each night to rehash the case. 38 years of Public Service i never thought i would be having to testify in a trial like this. Reporter Bob Mcdonnells words. For nearly two hours he walked jurors through his 22 years of Elective Office and admitted with each step he was away from home more and communications broke down and his wife, maureen, was stressed especially as she assumed the role of first lady and says the troubles came to a head in one weekend in 2011. He set aside the weekend to spend time with his wife but when he got home to the mansion she greeted him with anger. She was yelling at me. I was heart broken that maybe this was the end of our marriage because we just couldnt communicate anymore. As evidence of the break down an email mcdonnell wrote to his wife that weekend was introduced as evidence. On the monitors jurors could read i am completely at a loss as to how to handle the fiery anger and hate from you that has become more and more frequent. I am exhausted from getting yelled at. The defense claims mcdonnell and his wife couldnt have conspired to help businessman Jonnie Williams because their marriage was broken. Mcdonnell began to answer for many gifts accepted. After the 19,000 new york city shopping spree mcdonnell says he didnt know about it until after Law Enforcement launched the investigation. He did know about the 15,000 check williams gave his daughter as a wedding gift after meeting her briefly. What did he think of the gift . Mcdonnell replied it was generous and a large amount of money. I thought if he wanted to provide that gift to my daughter it was okay. The defense attorney asked him what he made of the relationship between his wife and Jonnie Williams. Did he think they were having an affair . I will have his answer on news 4 at 6 00. Im julie carey news 4. Julie has anchored coverage on the mcdonnell trial. Follow her on twitter. We have a developing story in missouri tonight. The st. Louis county Prosecutor Says he has no intentions of removing himself from the Michael Brown case. He is calling on the governor to decide whether he should step aside. Some question the prosecutors ability to be unbiassed because of family connections in the Police Department. A grand jury is in the second day of listening to evidence in the case and the hearing could go on for weeks. The National Guard starting to pack up and leave ferguson after a fairly peaceful night. Only six people were arrested last night compared to 47 arrests the night before. Nbcs craig melvin has the latest on the mood in ferguson today. Reporter good day to you guys from ferguson. I can tell you this has been a very, very different day. We have only seen maybe 15 or 20 protesters out throughout the course of the afternoon. As you know last night just six arrested compared to 47 arrests on monday. We get the sense on the ground that the tide may be about to turn here. Law enforcement officials have told me that they feel good about where they are in terms of managing the protests and managing the unrest that we have seen so much of over the past two weeks. Meanwhile as all of that has played out the community continues to talk about eric holders visit yesterday. The attorney general promised that the independent investigation will be fair and will be impartial. Thats the very latest here. As you know, of course, the funeral is set for Michael Brown for monday morning at 10 00 a. M. Thank you, craig. The turmoil in ferguson is hitting close to home for a Community Leader here in the district, the head of a Homeless Youth shelter. A decade ago she conducted diversity training for the Ferguson Police department. Chris gordon has a look at what she says might have made a difference in the Michael Brown case. She is chief executive officer and president of Covenant House, Nonprofit Organization serving Homeless Youth in southeast washington. She says she opens lines of communications between police and the poor in the communities the officers serve. She says that is what is needed now in her hometown of ferguson. My family has actually been in ferguson for over 100 years. I was actually just there having left only a couple of days before the shooting. Reporter she shakes her head in despair watching the coverage of the protests and violence in ferguson following the Police Shooting of Michael Brown. Her family sent her these pictures from ferguson. They talk and email daily. Years ago dr. Henson was a consultant for the city of ferguson including its Police Department. When i did the initial diversity training about ten years ago there were three africanamerican officers on the police force. There are today which is part of that angst that i feel, three africanamerican officers on the police force in a community whose demographics clearly have changed and continue to change. Reporter dr. Henson says her job at Covenant House is to help youngsters get educated so they can find jobs and be productive. She has forged a good working relationship with the metropolitan Police Department to promote conversation rather than confrontation and hopefully avoid the violence that is occurring in ferguson. If it is going to happen in ferguson it would have happened in any community because there is outrage when we lose a young person in that manner and we dont have the answers to understand why. Answers are needed in ferguson, she says, because there is a family in pain. A community with unrest and a need to restore confidence in the system of justice. Chris gordon. How many people are in trouble with the law in the wake of Michael Browns death, more than 160 people arrested since the shooting august 9. Just seven of them actually live in ferguson. 20 were arrested for burglary or looting. Four arrested for assaulting the police. And the majority were rounded up just for failing to disperse. Crowds are growing outside the white house this evening as part of another nationwide protest of browns death being called a day of rage. Well take you there for a live report coming up at 5 30. 132 million, the ransom that isis terrorists demanded last year in emails to the parents of kidnapped journalist james foley nine months before they beheaded him in a video released this week. That ransom is much higher and that leads to speculation that isis never intended to release foley. One former hostage says he recognizes the executioner as the ring leader of a group of british jihadists who guarded foreign captives. Those hostages nicknamed them the beatles. They hide in plain sight and hand crooks the key to your money. Fairfax county police are trying to set down a new set of atm skimming suspects. News 4s pat collins is at one of the banks that has been hit with new video of the men who are behind the new scam. Reporter wait until you see these surveillance pictures. These guys are big and bold. They are out there doing their crooked little thing like the camera wasnt there. Rare surveillance pictures of skimming suspects at atms trying to steal Financial Information so they can tap into your bank account. They make no attempt to hide their faces. They linger in front of the atms for a long time. Police have enough video of these guys to make a documentary. They have the pictures. They just dont have the people. Certainly characterize these people as bold and brazen. Reporter and they are for the most part getting away with it. Unfortunately, we have not made a large number of arrests in these types of cases. Reporter in one scene you can see the suspect take the skimming device from his shirt pocket, give it the once over and then later insert it into the machine. They use these devices to steal Financial Data and then use that information to buy everything from gas, groceries to expensive electronic gadgets. These surveillance pictures were all taken in the month of july at Navy Federal Credit unions in Fairfax County. They were hit 12 times. Why navy federal . Police say the skimming devices are custom made for different atms. A few months ago they say it was sun trust. Last month navy federal. Next month who knows . These suspects create these skimming devices. They build them and they tailor them to various Banking Institutions and use them and use them and then perhaps move on. Reporter coming up at 6 30, a way to keep from becoming a skimming victim. In fairfax, pat collins, news 4. We have more on the scams and we can show you how to spot one, a skimmer on our nbcwashington. Com. A safeway to get around town. Why riding in taxi cabs could soon get a lot safer. No help from local firefighters. A final decision about what should happen to the First Responders who wouldnt help a dying man outside their station. It is a decade old law against fortune telling and witchcraft here in front royal, virginia. It is one step closer to being repe taking a cab in the district should get safer over the next year. The d. C. Taxi Commission Voted to install panic buttons in all of the citys taxi cabs. There are nearly 6,500 taxis registered and drivers have until the end of next june to add the buttons. The Commission Says the buttons will help both passengers and drivers in emergency situations. They are accused of neglecting an elderly man who collapsed and died outside their firehouse. Now even the chief is blasting the final decision on what will happen to the firefighters involved in the case of medrick mills. Mark segraves is live in northeast d. C. With the new details. Mark . Reporter five firefighters were on duty that day at engine 26 here on rhode island avenue when medrick mills collapsed in this parking lot and died. All five face the possibility of being fired. But today the department announced only two will be briefly suspended. The death of medrick mills sparked outrage in the community and in the department. It would take some reflection to think about what i could say to the family given the fact that we failed them. Reporter the mills family demanded justice and accountability. District leaders promised a transparent investigation. Once the trial boards were convened to determine wrong doing and recommend discipline the press and victims family were ordered out of the proceedings which were all held behind closed doors. Today the board issued the recommendation for three of the firefighters who are still on the department. One firefighter suspended, one firefighter reprimanded and one firefighter exonerated. I think the penalties were unacceptable. Reporter on that point the chief and the mills family agreed. The mills family is deeply disappointed but not surprised by the secret trial board panel investigationsism the isis what happened when investigations are done in the dark with no transparency and there is no accountability the familys attorney met in the email. Chief jones said the rookie was not subject to a trial board. The rookie gets proposed disciplinary action and then serves out the penalty. His suspensions will be coming just like those who have been suspended. Reporter jones points to lieutenant davis as most responsible. Because she retired before the trial board could issue discipline she was able to leave with a full pension. Jones tells news 4 lieutenant davis should have been fired. This system, the disciplinary process is broken and needs to be fixed. Reporter because of the firefighters contract with the district the chief is bound by the trial boards decision. I spoke with medrick mills father and she said she had no idea the decision was held down until i called. We will tell you what could be done in the future to hold firefighters more accountable. Mark segraves, news 4. Thanks to your generosity,000s of needy children throughout our region will have new backpacks and School Supplies. Our backpacks 4 Kids Campaign has collected more than 10,000 so far and will be distributing more than 4,000 backpacks to schools and nonprofit groups across the area. Our phone bank closed a short time ago. You can make a donation online through our website, nbcwashington. Com. This is the ninth year news 4 has done this. We give thanks to our backpacks 4 kids partners, Apple Federal Credit Union and comcast. We have another rough rush hour this afternoon. We have storms coming through. If you are in Fairfax County 66 going out to the wall street is a mess right now. 95, the beltway, too. If you know somebody out there give them extra time because it is pouring right now down to the south. You can see on our tower cama few drops as the thunderstorm made its way to the south. Nationals game looks a little bit delayed here. At least 45 minutes to an hour as a result of the heavy rain. Notice where the rain is. Here is the heaviest storm here. Notice the storms that popped up towards Loudoun County because of the storm here, an outflow boundary that developed. You are seeing showers develop. These storms are developing and more up towards the north as we are watching some of these storms moving towards the south and east. We are not close to being done yet. This is the strongest storm over the city of fairfax right now. Still raining around d. C. And seeing the rain springfield. We will continue to see this as it moves through right through the next few hours here. I wanted to move towards the north and east with that down around Fairfax County. We will have to get back to that in just a second. Didnt work again. Thats okay. We go to the next slide. That storm system will continue towards the south and east. On that track it will be around the avon forest area around 5 19. Wood bridge around the 5 39 area. Somebody tweeted me asking about baseball practice. That could be dicy as the storm continues to move towards the south and east. A lot of lightning with that and with all of these storms that have developed across the midatlantic. More showers trying to move in here. But the atmosphere fairly stable towards the west. Im not too worried about these. If you live towards i81 expect to see shower activity especially for you folks around the shenandoah valley. 82 degrees. 72 rain cooled air in leesburg. 85 towards the fredericksburg area right now. You have not seen the rain down there just yet. Clouds and sun tomorrow. Afternoon storms once again. Take the umbrella with you tomorrow. You will not need it most of the day. Tomorrow evening temperatures 84 to 88. You see the storms move in. If you are heading out tomorrow evening we could see the storms. It wont be between 6 00 and 8 00 in the morning. Around 5 00 to 7 00 i expect the storms to come in. If you are out and about take the umbrella with you. You may need the big umbrella. 80 degrees on saturday. Winds shift out of the east. We are in for a rainy and cloudy. Temperatures around 82 degrees. Next week looks fantastic. Just in time for the kids to go back to school. At least i know in Montgomery County. 82 degrees on your monday. It is the health scare that has the world on edge. Tonight hope for the americans who caught the disease as they try to stop it. Two years and no arrests. We tell you why police say a teenagers murder is far from a cold case. And a family feeling violated in a place they she was 17 years old and dreamed of becoming a doctor. Two years ago this came to a violent end when Amber Stanley was shot and killed in her maryland home. Tomorrow marks the anniversary of the High School Seniors death. Tonight her family is still waiting for closure in this case. Our Prince Georges County bureau chief Tracee Wilkins spoke with ambers mom and investigators. Reporter she would be preparing for her sophomore year in college right now. Her life was ended in her bedroom that night. Prince georges county police say although it has been two years this case is far from being a cold case. I would hate to think that someone who lived in my house would have something to do with the death of my daughter. Reporter Amber Stanleys mom has her own theories on who knows about her daughters murder. I think that someone was not related to me knows more than what they are saying. Rorter she is referring to a then17yearold foster child. Due to privacy laws she says she was unaware of some of the girls background but things she learned since caused concern. Everything else falls in place. We have spoken with her numerous times throughout the two years. She has not been uncooperative. Reporter today in a press Conference Marking the anniversary of ambers death police say they have talked with the foster child and spoken with nearly 100 other witnesses and are not able to name a suspect or motive and are not saying amber was the target. We are not receiving information saying Amber Stanley was a specific target. Again, to go into further as to what the motives were im going to echo what the captain brought up. Reporter police say the investigation has been full of twists and turns but are getting closer to a conclusion. At this time we believe that we are in the pest position we ave been in in the two years of the investigation. Reporter and for ambers mom that conclusion cant come soon enough. I want it to just be over to have closure. I dont know why someone would have killed my baby. Reporter Prince Georges County police are hoping even though it has been two years that the person who has the information they need to help close the case will come forward. They are asking anyone with information to give them a call. Remember, you can be looking at up to 25,000 in reward money if information you give leads to an arrest and conviction in this case. Reporting live outside of Prince Georges County Police Headquarters im Tracee Wilkins, news 4. Right now at 5 00 a small town in our area thrust into the spot light. The controversy brewing about a law that sounds like something straight out of salem. We are keeping an eye on that weather. Some of you could be in for showers and storms. Doug is coming back with more on what is m tarot cards, magic and witchcraft. Sounds like a movie but they could be the subject of a crack down in one local community. Backpacks, clothes, pencils. Going back to school can be expensive. We are going to tell you what things you should buy and when before your kids hit the books. And an incredible story of survival. I am forever thankful to god for sparing my life. The message from an american doctor who nearly lost his life trying to save others. Watching strong storms out there back towards louden and developing through southern frederick and Montgomery County. Heads up for the storms moving along 270. The strongest storms continue to be in through portions of Frederick County. Back tards the waldorf area. Right here. We will continue to watch the storms move to the south and east. Winds gusting upwards. Heads up around sterling around the gaithersburg region and down around the newington area. Continue to keep you posted here from the storm center. Which craft and fortune telling. To some they are harmless practices. Others believe they should be banned. It is a topic of an emotional and heated debate today in one small Virginia Town and david culver is there with a closer look at this issue. With a mounden back drop this is a community that cherishes faith and freedom. A half century old law is challenging that for some residents. I was shocked that we have this law still on our books. Reporter councilman brett herback is referring to the law that bans the magic arts including fortune telling. Reading tarot cards and practicing the socalled magic arts if some people it is an entertainment vehicle. For some people it is a faith issue. I dont think that is introducing any kind of moral corruption into our community. Reporter the issue first came to the Town Councils attention after a local tarot card reader was asked to stop practicing her craft. They want to be treated like a Catholic Priest or baptist minister but they are not. Reporter councilman tom theyer supports the ban. There is no regulation at all for fortune telling. We would be it. Some of those supporting the ban tell me the reason they are behind it is because they believe it will keep the town away from moral corruption or crime. One mother comparing it to gambling telling me the reason she chose to move here was to keep her kids away from the socalled temptations. These kinds of businesses do tend to attract in part the criminal element. I dont like the ideas of my kids having possibly criminal people lurking around main street. There is still a way to lift the ban and keep regulations on fortune telling. We look at that plus where the debate comes from here all new at 6 00. Im david culver, news 4. New at 5 00 a Montgomery County landlord in jail for trying to intimidate and force renters off a property. Police tell us 71yearold martin winepoll hired Garfield Johnson to scare and kick a renter out of the home. He took a phone before leaving. They both face multiple charges. The home has now been condemned ter inspectors found four illegal apartments. Two americans infected with the ebola virus are back home tonight. Dr. Kent brantly and Nancy Writebol were being treated in atlanta. They were infected while they were working to contain the Ebola Outbreak in west africa. Today is a miraculous day. I am thrilled to be alive, to be well and to be reunited with my family. They hugged the entire medical staff and says he needs more time to recover physically and emotionally and then will share the story with the public. Severe flooding has taken the life of a virginia man tonight. The Richmond Times dispatch reports that 82yearold Joseph Wheeler was swept away while trying to cross a swollen river. He was traveling on a bus but the driver was forced to stop at a damaged bridge. Wheeler decided to cross on foot but the power of the river was too strong. A boat carrying 100 people capsized there today. Two people are still missing. Flooding and landslides have killed nearly 300 people in that country this month. Rchlths there is a new ad out tonight in one of virginias most contested races in 2014. Republican ed gillespie released his first tv ad challenging mark warner. That ad isnt being shown just yet. The ad touts gillespies blue collar roots. Nearly two years after he lost a bid for the white house mitt romney still has harsh words for president obama. Today romney said, quote, the presidency is failing. I think people have recognized the president s agenda has not worked and frankly in his second term most people wonder does he have an agenda . What is his objective. I think people realize there is not an agenda the presidency is failing. The verbal attack on the president came during a Campaign Stop in arkansas for republican gubernatorial candidate. Romney called for a reform bill on immigration to be passed after this novembers election. Attacked for no reason. The concerns that there are more people who are punching out people on the street without warning. Also, im tom sherwood. The economy is Getting Better but tell that to the hundreds welcome back to news 4 at 5 00. Im dianna russini. 1. 1 Million People follow Robert Griffin iii on twitter. Everything he tweets and posts on facebook is seen and analyzed by fans, athletes and the media. The redskins quarterback has been criticized for a lock of performance already. Rg iii did what he has been doing since he arrived here in washington and that is tweet out his thoughts. Last night he wrote they doubted me in high school. They doubted a turn around at baylor. They doubted a heisman was possible. Keep doubting, its nothing new. The 24 year old believes it is important his voice should be heard. I said what i needed to say. There is no need to look into it. It is right there. It is on facebook. It is on instagram and twitter. It is what i believe and what i am told is to go out every day and be successful. Reporter others say their quarterbacks dont go on social media. Do you think about shutting it down . To each his own. 1. 1 Million People on twitter that want to hear what quarterbacks have to say. It is not that we tweet all the time. It is what it is. All eyes on robert. You can watch robert and the redskins take on the ravens on saturday night right here on nbc 4. Came time is 7 30. I will be live at 6 00 and after the game with all of the locker room reaction. Over to nats park. Those are ian desmonds boys playing with their dad. Geo gonzalez pitching. They have been winning games thanks to plays like that. Throwing out to the first. It is a scoreless game right now. Can they break through for their tenth win in a row . That answer is coming up at 6 00. And because of the big winning streak we want to know how far you think the team will get this season. That is our nbc washington flash survey of the day. Do you think the nats will miss the playoffs, make the Division Champions or the world series. You can text 202601 3444. Some call it the beginning of a movement that happened in our area. How the community is celebrating a historic moment that came years before a national movement. Kids are back to school which means spending, spending on School Supplies. We will tell you which items are going back to school means spending money on School Supplies. Erika gonzalez has five simple ways that you can save. Reporter the average family with children in grades k through 12 have only completed half of their School Supply Shopping List according to a new survey released by the National Retail federation. Time is ticking. It is mid august but there is still time to save. The busy sounds of shopping for back to school all here. I have four that will be in school this year. Reporter lou taylor is armed with a school list of supplies needed for the classroom. 24 count crayons. Thin markers, thick markers. 12 glue sticks. I need glue, pencil box, clipboard, scissors. We need a backpack large enough to hold a pocket folder and heavy winter coat. Reporter when it comes to saving for School Supplies there are a few things to do. For starters shop your home first. Take inventory of what you may already have before you head to the store. Next, set a budget. Bankrate. Com suggests you look at what you spent last year, dig up old receipts or credit card statements that way you can challenge yourself to save more this year. Buy in bulk. Depending on your childs age plan ongoing through lots of pens, pencils, paper and notebooks. I have four children. Three of which have School Supply lists. Reporter parenting. Com says hold off buying trendier gear that way if your child sees something he or she likes more when they go to school you wont waste money. The Retail Federation says there is often a second wave of school shopping. Usually by october 1 they find out what they need. Reporter consider shopping for supplies online. It might be easier for a consumer to say if there is Free Shipping i will have it shipped to my house. Reporter parents seem to be on the same page. Im not trying to spend a lot of money. Im trying to be as reasonable as possible. Reporter one mom told us she takes advantage of back to school sales for supplies. She buys enough supplies for the year so she doesnt have to spend more money later. The quality rating of hundreds of virginia schools may drop this year. About 600 Public Schools may not get the full accreditation from the Virginia Department of education according to the fairfax times because more standardized test scores are falling below the state benchmarks. A Virginia Department of education spokesperson told the fairfax times it is a reflection of rigorous new testing and not an indication that the students are learning less. If you feel like you are breathing easier than years past it is no coincidence. A new report from the Environmental Protection agency finds the levels of toxins in the airway down in urban areas. There is 84 less lead in the air compared to 1990 and found a 60 drop in mercury levels. Along with a 66 drop in benzine levels, a chemical found in gasoline. We have storms howling out there. Take a look at that picture. That is 66 at route 50. It is coming down there for the second time this afternoon. One storm came through earlier and now another storm just developed over the same area. If you have family along 66 coming in from the d. C. Area going west it will be a slow go. Ill show you the radar. Storm team 4 radar not showing severe thunderstorm warnings in the area. For us just strong storms that continue to develop now. We have seen these storms develop towards northern Montgomery County, just to the southern portions of Frederick County and we have been watching those storms very, very closely. These are right along 270. So if you have friends coming along 270 or loved ones along 270 slow go. Heaviest rain down around the barnsville area. Right over hernden. Here is the Sterling Town Center getting inundated. Reston along route 7 seeing that rain. The strongest storm is the one i showed you on i66 and route 50 camera. A lot of lightning associated with this. And then the first storm, the one that started it all is all down to the south right along 95 as it makes its way through the mount vernon region around upper marl boro. Just south of springfield, here is 95. Here is newington. You can see what is happening. Very heavy rain that continues and will continue for about the next half hour or so. And we are not done just yet. I want to show you to the west. See the line of showers towards the west . That is a lot of moisture that will continue to move our way. That is why i think tomorrow and into tomorrow night could be very, very wet. If you have plans to go out tomorrow night take the umbrella with you. 87 degrees tomorrow. Tomorrow evening if you have hot date you might get a little wet. 80 degrees on saturday with rain most likely during the early part of the day. Much nicer monday, tuesday, wednesday or thursday. We schedule that day for next tuesday. A last minute Summer Vacation on your mind . A get away perhaps . Nearly 35 Million People are expected to hit the highways and skies this labor day weekend. Thats according to aaa. The auto club tells us travel will be at its highest point in six years. Most of those vacationers, 86 will be taking a car. Gas prices are falling. The average price is 3. 43, ten cents cheaper than last year. 75 years ago today alexandria was at the center of an early stand in the civil rights movement. Five young black men held a sit in at the Alexandria Public Library after they were denied the right to check out books. The library was open for two years and was designated whites only. Today the community celebrated those young men whose actions set the tone for protests years later. 60 years before brown versus board of education those five brave young men were taking actions to try to improve not only their lives but the lives of the citizens here in this community. The five men were arrested, but their actions led to the construction of a separate but equal library as the city back then resisted integration. Job hunters and employers found each other under one big roof today. Hundreds of people hoped to turn a few hours at the annual job fair into successful careers. Why people looking for positions and those already employed have reasons to be optimistic about the job market. Reporter there were talks with job recruiters. We are hiring every position at this time. Reporter even a fashion show about how to dress or not to dress for job interviews. They came by the hundreds and hundreds, hope and resumes in hand. District d. C. Delegate 17th job fair for district citizens. Citizens like robert washington, married father of two, one daughter in college, a son in high school in line for the George Washington university booth. Very eager to get to work. Seemed like there are very intelligent people willing to do hard work to try to succeed. I think that is what all of us want. Reporter among the crowd were retail workers to professionals trying to find work in an economy that is improving. It is pretty tough. Starving attorney. I went to law school in philadelphia so it is tougher up there. We are at the center of government. Reporter the hopefuls walk from booth to booth. The crowds are smaller than during the worst years of the national recession. Congress woman norton says individual stories are heart warming and heartbreaking. What is important about this year is that jobs are beginning to open up and we are seeing for the first time some increase in salaries. Reporter in the district, tom sherwood, news 4. Knocked out cold, walking down the street. I guess he came around and just kind of hooked me. The concern about a problem that has already been a big problem here in the nations capitol. American journalist james foleykilled in captivity got his early training here in this washington, d. C. News room. Ahead, the los angeles appears to have all of its ducks in a row. A giant inflatable rubber duck sailed in as part of a tall ship weekend. The duck has been around the world. It stands six stories tall and weighs 11 tons. The duck is the work of a dutch artist. It is an issue we have seen in our area and around the country, the socalled knockout game. Someone walks up to an unexpected person and punches him to the ground. Gene maxfield has the story. Reporter the sudden violence you are about to see is shocking and disturbing. A man walking to a Convenience Store is punched without warning by a stranger walking by. He is knocked out cold bleeding from his head, passed out in the parking lot. Vincent was his next victim ten minutes later. It was in the right jaw. I guess he came around and hooked me. Reporter vincent describes how a man snuck up behind him and punched him in the face. In new york i am prepared for this. Over here i figured i can let my guard down. I was a block away from my mothers house. Reporter Police Released this Surveillance Video which police say sth suspect dressed in all black. A lot of foolishness. If that is the way you got to prove your manhood you are not doing it correctly. Reporter assemblyman Gordon Johnson introduced a bill to make people who play the game subject to more jail time by making someone punching someone unconscious a more serious crime. It will not be tolerated. Reporter thankfully vincent was not seriously hurt but other knockout game victims have been. A 46yearold man died after being sucker punched by a 14yearold boy in hoboken last year. Unfortunately, that is the society we live in. Everything trying to make it to youtube. The man who collapsed wound up kbgetting stitches. Police are stepping up patrols. Now at 6 00, living separate lives. Former governor Bob Mcdonnell opens up about his troubled marriage and why he is living with a priest. New details about the desperate attempt to save american journalist james foley and reaction from a local woman who helped to shape his career. And from ferguson, missouri to the nations capitol. Demonstrators here and across the country gathering for a nationwide day of rage. First tonight our weather. Strong storms moving over parts of the region. Doug is here to let us know who is getting hit right now. We continue to see the storms. Fairfax county hit probably the hardest. Looks like Montgomery County is going to get hit equally as hard. We have storms right up 270 and continue to form. Fairfax county being inundated with heavy rain even around parts of d. C. A couple of zooms and you notice the heaviest rain right now towards gaithersburg. This is a storm im looking at. 270 is going to be a mess because of this. There is the barnsville area. 355, as well. To the south route 7 towards great falls and fairfax and chantilly very slow. 66 is simply a mess. If you make your way out 66 or know somebody who is expect them to be late. More rain from mount vernon right across into portions of southern Montgomery County. We continue to watch the rain as it moves through. Nothing severe right now but we ha

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