Transcripts For WRC News4 At 4 20180108 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 4 20180108

freezing, now 34, 35 degrees, that has helped us. >> parts of northern virginia, we are getting reports of icy conditions out there. looking at the roads in northern virginia, right around freezing in many spots. >> and temperatures may go down over the next couple of hours. that's what we're fairly concerned about from d.c. south ward. not a big issue, most of this falling as plain r rain. if it is falling and bouncing, it is sleet. rain is moving in as freezing rain. yes, we are seeing some icy spots to the north and west. here's the system itself. you can see it has snow, sleet, freezing rain and just plain rain with it. in a little bit of a lull in parts of the area, we'll get back as we move through the region. look at the numbers and you can tell what i'm talking about. north and west, we are below freezing now. south and east we are right at or above freezing. so, this is good news in our south and east zones. north and west, however, this is where we have issues. everybody still under a winter weather in the fredericksburg area. we'll take you through the timing and show you something we haven't seen in two to three weeks coming our way next. >> all right. thank you, doug. it is one of the toughest calls for schools to make. do you close schools in the morning when the bad weather isn't expected until the afternoon? >> that's right. in our area, many districts opted for an early dismissal, while others closed for the entire day. news4's amee cho continues our team coverage in aspen hill. she has some reaction from parents and administrators tonight. amee? >> reporter: hi, pat and leon. yeah, lots of little ones enjoying some time off from school today. as you can see, it's looking pretty clear out here right now. it's only barely raining here in aspen hill so we have not seen any ice on the roads yet. we have seen school closes all across the d-m-v today. montgomery, prince george's, anne arundel closing several hours early. a lot of parents had tke we talked to a prince george's county spokesman. he said as longs as the weather is okay in the morning they want the kids to get in a few hours of learning while they can. if they do let out early, they are trying to make that call as soon as possible so parents do have time to make plans. all the parents we talked to today said they get why the schools let out early and they don't mind. they just want their kids to be safe. >> ice is dangerous so i understand. i know people make fun of washingtonians foreclosing clo early, but ice is closed. >> this is the only snow day. other than the last one. >> reporter: and even though we haven't seen too much ice out here yet, we are always working for you and trying to make sure you're prepared so we are giving out free storm team4 ice papers. good stuff. we are at the aspen manor shopping center. we'll be here the next couple hours if you want to grab one or back to you. >> thank you, amee. crews are working to patch more than a hundred water main breaks in our area. one of them has east/west highway in takoma park shut down. the crew has been on the scene since morning. we'll let you know when the lanes are open again. now is the time to make sure you have the nbc washington app. see the forecast and get the weather alerts right on your phone. >> friends and family battling to find a man with dementia. prince george's county police say 65-year-old daniel dehaven may have been picked up last tuesday as he was walking along route 1. he was last seen at the costco in beltsville. there have been recent reports he was dropped off near anne arundel high school. today people met to form search parties. they say he's nonverbal but he does respond to his name. you know we hear about people breaking into cars all something left out on the seat, right? >> yeah, but in alexandria, a different kind of theft, doors and even airbags taken out of vehicles at a high-end condo complex. >> news4's pat collins is live in old town now with a closer look at this. hey, pat, what's the story? >> reporter: hey, lie on, it's 4:00, do you know where your car door is? are you sure? well, people at this condo, they're giving it a second look. inside, what was previously thought to be a secure garage, someone or someones ripped off five car doors, one trunk lid, and six or more airbags. bingo, bango, bongo. >> they took doors off the and they had two to four people doing this. i'm sure they did it in a short period of time. they unbolted the doors and put them in some sort of van that they had and drove off. >> reporter: that's jack burton, long-time resident and board member at saint asip square, a swank condominium complex in old town. this theft performed with military-like precision sometime after midnight friday morning. but the thieves, they didn't take everything they could have. >> a trunk lid was taken and here's the person's golf clubs in the back. didn't take the golf clubs. obviously they're not golfers. they took the trunk lid and the license plate off the trunk lid and put it back on the trunk. >> reporter: on the other hand, there was one thing they just couldn't resist. >> another resident had four or five suits in his back seat. they went through and they took the most expensive, i think it was an italian suit he had, and he just bought it. >> reporter: so,er be on the lookout for a guy in a new italian suit trying to sell you a drivers side door. leon, back to you. >> or an airbag or trunk lid. thank you so much, pat collins reporting live. >> now to developments in the russia probe, nbc news has learned the president's legal team is in talks with the fbi about a possible one on one between the president and the special counsel robert mueller. the president's lawyers are hoping to avoid an in-person interview. they are suggesting either submitting an affidavit signed by the president or submitting written responses. legal experts say it is highly unlikely mueller would accept these alternatives. >> a devastating decision for thousands of families, many of them right here in washington. the trump administration says that nearly 200,000 salvadorans must leave the country. >> shame on >> demonstrators gathered outside the white house to protest the trump administration's decision to end special protections for salvadoran immigrants. the salvadorans will have until september of 2019 to seek permanent residency in the u.s. or risk deportation. >> people are devastated. we're talking about losing everything. we're talking about losing their homes, you know, they're being given a deadline when they have to leave the country. >> the temporary protected status program for people from el salvador started back in 2001, an earthquake that year devastated the country and a program gave residents an opportunity to come here to work legally. the trump administration says that it was always meant to be temporary. >> chopper4 above the scene of a deadly construction accident. it happened around noon in lorton at a site along furnace lane. we're working right now to get more details, but so far we know a man was struck by a piece of equipment and suffered a heart attack. he died at the hospital. no e fairfax county police are trying to determine what went wrong. >> the police aren't calling it mission accomplished, but they say that crime is on a downward trend in prince george's county. during a news conference today, chief hank said there were 80 murders in the county last year, and that number is 18 fewer than the previous year. he also says overall violent crime dropped by more than 6%. >> that is the product of good strategy, but that is the product of men and women going out on the streets of prince george's county day in, day out, and working to prevent crime from happening in the first place. >> ahead at 5:00 we're going take a deeper dive into the numbers and see how police are working to keep communities safe. >> it's a weather alert day and our team coverage is just getting started. >> we're working for you over the next three hours. not only tracking the storm but also the roads and the major change we're going to see after today. >> plus, a big royal first. the first day of school photo. everyone will be talking about. >> and ashe that had the #oprah 2020 trending all day. are her sights really set on hollywood or washington? but before we bring you that story, weigh in on the nbc washington flash survey, should oprah winfrey run for president? >> during the break head to the nbc washington facebook page and weigh in on that. we'll sho storm team4 weather alert letting you know about potential problems on streets and sidewalks this afternoon. >> the storm team4 4 by 4 is live in downtown frederick right now. the big story is a chance for freezing rain, and we're tracking it all for you. doug and amelia join us in less than two minutes with that. you know, as bad as our weather has been, it's even worse in new england. >> that's right. just imagine going outside this morning and finding your vehicle frozen to the ground. nbc's morgan radford reports from massachusetts. >> reporter: this morning millions thawing out after a weekend of record breaking low temperatures. >> this is the worst disaster we ever had. >> reporter: in boston, the temperature dipping below 0, cars frozen to the ground. >> two cars dead. i'm for the ntunate i have heat power. my neighbors lost everything. loosening his grip on the bulk of the country just yet. from philadelphia to d.c. and maryland. extreme cold crippling the northeast. 31 record lows were set or tied on sunday. farther west, cars sliding and crashing on icy roads in missouri. the ice-covered fire escape on a chicago high rise shut down an entire street. temperatures reached negative 3 as firefighters tried to battle flames with frozen equipment. >> we had a couple engines freeze, and our trucks we're trying to dig out now from all the water. >> reporter: it's been a brutal two weeks in scituate, massachusetts where temperatures have been below freezing every single day. believe it or not, it's the warm est day since christmas hovering right around 24 degrees. because of the wind chill it feels like we're in the single dimg its. for nbc news, i'm morgan radford in massachusetts. >> back here at home we're in weather alert mode. we've got team coverage for you thise she's on the weather deck. first let's get to doug. he's tracking the path of this system that's moving in this way. doug? >> you notice, guys, amelia doesn't have the umbrella. we have a little bit of a lull as far as the weather certificate concerned. still dealing with cloudy skies. freezing rain at times. 35 degrees right now, winds out of the southwest at 9 miles per hour so we still have a little bit of a wind chill. it's all about the temperatures below freezing. this is the cold air damning that we see. look at the warm air trying to move in. 42 in patuxent river. right along the mountains that's where we stay on the cold side and it is on the cold side, still below freezing to the north and west, and there is where we have run into a few issues. now, the good news here, we are not seeing widespread ice all over the area. i have not seen a lot of reports of any of the major roads having any real big problems. it's all the back roads and the sidewalks. out there today, this winter weather advisory in effect until 9:00 tonight for everybody you see here in the purple. even ou we may drop a little temperature wise. that may help produce more ice. wintry mix continuing, freezing rain continuing to mix in. we're in a bit of a hole here. more rain down to the south, more sleet. sense a little snow trying to mix in, too, this is almost all sleet around frederick, parts of montgomery county, towards baltimore. let's go outside to the weather deck now where, again, looking like we're on the dryer side of things. but ice normally an issue out there towards parts of the weather deck, a lot of the metal equipment we have. what are you seeing, amelia? >> no problem with ice, doug. dare i say it is comfortable out here after we were freezing this weekend. that 35 degrees out here right now not all that bad. take a look at road conditions. we're hearing, as doug was saying, the main roads that have been treated are just wet, just fine. i just looked at both the maryland and the virginia road maps before i went out here. more on that on my facebook and twitter pages. untreated roads, though, especiay i'm definitely hearing a lot of people slipping on their sidewalks and driveways. you want to be cautious of that, not just tonight but tomorrow morning as well. with many of us starting out right around freezing. so, take a look at the road conditions. some slick spots out there tonight, mainly north and west of the metro area. areas like frederick, the baltimore metro area, leesburg and loudoun county, fauquier county. tomorrow some slick spots. by tomorrow evening it's dry, we're finally above freezing. i cannot wait for that tomorrow. as you're getting kids re ed i for the bus tomorrow, doug, jacket and a fine line, if you want to put them in boots or not. i would put them in boots. the salt might ruin their sneakers. by afternoon it is almost playground weather come fared to what we've had. >> sure, we're talking about warmer temperatures the next couple of days, too. today the warm est temperatures we have seen in about two weeks, it has been a very, quite amazing how cold we've been. still more rain to go, though. look back toward the west, more precip to the west. through 5:00, watch through 6:00. still here through 8:00. still having some rain across the area. if temperatures aren't able to drop below the friesing mark we may see ice in more parts of the area. once again, rush hour is looking a lot better tonight. that is very good news as we move through. the cold air, we've had it in place. you know this has been in place. the pattern change is coming. you can already feel it. this is what we're going to be dealing with, the jet stream, colder air moving to the east coast. that leads to a storm coming friday into saturday. that storm will be all rain. look what it brings us, warmer temperatures, well above average and tracking that storm late week. let's look at the four day forecast and show you the warming numbers. 47 tomorrow, 44 on wednesday, more cloud cover. 55 degrees on thursday. and look at this, 60 is what we're going for on friday. maybe even into the low 60s. as we move on through the day on saturday, 54 with falling temperatures, and then we do get cold again. and there will be a chance for a wednesday time frame, but right now this next storm, a warm storm, 60 degrees. >> ye-- yeah, we haven't been there in three weeks. >> we'll break out the flip-flops. >> it will feel like beach weather compared to what we have. >> yes. >> can't wait. thank you, doug. when it comes to your smartphone, do you think you could use a little less time on it? >> that is true for our kids. apple is getting a reality check and what you should keep in mind what it comes to addiction with kids. >> will she or won't she, was oprah winfrey's golden glo spebeec iand i like these award-winning cheddar puffs. first place. both events? booyah! we're an awards family. you'll like them both but love our price. award-winning organic cheddar puffs from aldi. simply smarter shopping. comat havertys furniture.ear savings event save up to one thousand dollars in bonus discounts. plus, you can get 24 month financing with no interest. start the new year by adding stylish pieces throughout your home. with havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isn't. hurry in and save. this sale ends january 15th at havertys. life looks good. you're watching news4 at 4:00. >> each of us in this room are celebrated because of the stories that we tell, and this year we became the story. >> at the golden globes, oprah winfrey becomes the first black woman to receive the cecil b. demille award for outstanding contributions to the world. >> her message as she accepted the award ignited social media with calls for a presidential run. the entertainment industry are weighing in on this, including actor john stamos. joining us now is scott evans with access, and scott, tell us about some of the reaction you're getting to oprah's big speech louis oosthuizen nigast . >> everyone, everyone is talking about her acceptance speech for the cecil b. demille award and how her rallying cry for the times up movement, a new day is on the horizon has everybody talking about her run possibly for president in 2020. >> for too long women have not been heard or believed if they dared to speak their truth to the power of those men. but their time is up. [cheering and applauding] >> dreams of a run got a big boost from her companion of 31 years. stead man, when he said, it's up to the people. she would absolutely do it. pat, leon, i wonder from you, could you oprah winfrey in 2020? >> we didn't think we would see a president donald trump, many of us didn't think that, a year and a half ago. >> so true. >> why not. my question would be why would she want the job? with her rolodex, she talks with world leaders already. she doesn't need that job. >> i've been to the promised land, her home in montecito. i can't see her turning that in to live in the white house. i can't do it. >> she's been very involved, though, in politics for many years. >> absolutely. >> you recall she had a heavy hand in barack obama's election back in 2008. so, i could see her running. >> it would influence her for sure, one of those people throws her weight behind causes, issues that she cares about that she deems she's passionate about. but being president? i just don't know. >> that's another job altogether. >> we haven't heard her yet, or has anyone talked >> the l.a. times caught her last night after her speech, after the internet blew up, saying, oprah 2020, the hashtag was trending on twitter, i believe, and they asked her, what is your response? she paused for a moment, and smiled. okay! now, i don't know if that's okay i'm running, or, okay, i've had it with this conversation. >> exactly, exactly. [ laughter ] >> the good thing is she does run, we all get cars. we'll take that. >> hello. i'll take it. and bread. >> a whole lot of us. >> all right, thanks. >> thanks so much. >> appreciate it. >> alrighty. >> we are asking for your opinion on whether oprah should run for president in 2020, and right now the no's are outnumbering the yeses, but if you want to add your voice visit our nbc washington facebook page. >> certainly makes for a lot of good interesting conversation. >> good conversation. >> yeah. years of memories on the water gone in a matter of moment. >> flames, ice and charred remains of worse disaster. >> from a mess on the water to a mess on the roads. winter weather could make your evening a dicey one. we're working for you with team coverage from storm team4 on this weather alert day first at 4:00. [ gasps, laughs ] you ever feel like... cliché foil characters scheming against a top insurer for no reason? nah. so, why don't we like flo? she has the name your price tool, and we want it. but why? why don't we actually do any work? why do you only own one suit? it's just the way it is, underdeveloped office character. you're right. thanks, bill. no, you're bill. i'm tom. you know what? no one cares. now at 4:30, a storm team4 weather alert tracking wintry weather and the chance for some freezing rain. leerz' a live look at route 355 in frederick, maryland from a storm team 4 by 4 checking the conditions in real time. >> the dicey weather caused many schools to close or send kids home early. winter weather advisory still in effect for most of the area. >> let's get the latest from storm team4 chief meteorologist doug kammerer. >> we can see the main roads are just fine. you see the 4 by 4 on 355. kwun of the colder areas in frederick. the roads are a-okay. the sidewalks do have ice on them. remember we just had a storm a couple days ago and there has been so much salt put down, i think that has helped our situation out on the main roads. watch out, some of the secondary roads, some of the sidewalk surfaces, you'll continue to see those. rain to the south, some sleet and rain coming down and freezing on contact. that is freezing rain across parts of our region. so, we are seeing that. a lot of p now, we're going to be in this for the next couple of hours. you see more moisture back to the west. this has to move on through our region. we're going to continue to see showers right on through the rest of the evening hours. it's all about those temperatures. and today we warm -- the warm est we've been in two weeks here, 35 degrees in d.c., 37 in honeytown, 42 patuxent river. no problems at all south of d.c. with any icing, but notice gaithersburg only at 31, frederick at 30, 33 in hagerstown. those are the only areas right in here. you're going to have some in loudoun county, some in fairfax cold, too. watch out. that's why we have the winter advisory until 9:00. i'll keep you posted from the storm center. >> thanks, doug. >> you got it. >> here's something you don't see a lot of in annapolis harbor. ice breakers. four boats began breaking ice today. they used the harbor to get around this time of year. it's the first time in three years it's been cold enough to cause ice to freeze in the harbor. maryland department of natural resources had to break up 3 inches of ice. they'll be back out there tomorrow after the ice refreezes tonight. flames on the waterfront in southwest this morning. >> look at this scene. firefighters braved icy conditions out there to battle a big fire at the james creek marina. >> our frigid weather made the fight extra difficult, but as adam tuss reports, it's something that firefighters did a few days ago that kept this fire from getting a lot worse. >> reporter: well, the fire is now out and luckily no one was hurt. but take a look at where all of this unfolded, kind of in the middle of this plank right here. a nasty fire, the conditions, the water, the ice, it all made for a challenging fire fight. as the flames burned at the james creek marina, a d.c. fireboat battling as best it could. fire crews also responding on foot. dramatic images showed just how two boats fully engulfed, and this, this was the scene as the sun rose. charred out shells of what was. even the neighboring boats damaged. the dock blackened. >> shocked, yes. >> reporter: trevor johnson is the owner of the boat next to the boat where the whole fire started. his boat, which was closed up for the winter, is obviously now a complete loss. >> we bought the boat in 2013, and so what is that, i guess '18, five years now. lots of good trips, lots of good memories, used to take it down to the bay. >> reporter: vi to with fire an ems said it could have been worse. yesterday their fireboat broke through ice on the water to make sure they could get out quickly. >> because they did that, they were able to get to this incident within 20 minutes. it normally would have taken them 10 if there was no ice. if they hadn't broken the ice yesterday, it would have probably taken them 45 minutes and they played a key role in extinguish >> reporter: the good news, no one hurt, but some memories now gone forever. back here now at the marina, as you take a look at the boats that were damaged in this incident, now, some say that there are signs all over this marina warning people who own the boats not to try to heat them using something like a space heater. investigators still looking for clues, though. back to you. >> news in the russia investigation tonight, nbc news has learned president trump's legal team is in preliminary discussions with the special counsel's office about a possible interview. mr. trump's lawyers are considering a number of options. this as the president insists that he is not under investigation. nbc's jennifer johnson reports. >> reporter: president trump in nashville to talk with farmers about cutting taxes and red tape. this as three source s are telling nbc news preliminary talks are underway for the president to be interviewed by special counsel robert mueller or his investigators in a russia election meddling probe. >> clearly the mueller team would want an in-person interview. they want to look across the table and they want to be able to push some buttons. >> reporter: the sources say mr. trump's team is exploring a range of options that includes a president submitting written answers instead of a sit-down interview. >> he's the president of the united states. if he doesn't testify, the inference is he's guilty. >> reporter: here's how the president responded when asked saturday if he would speak to mueller personally. >> there's been no collusion. >> reporter: today the new book "fire and fury" continues to make headlines. former white house strategist steve bannon now says when he called the meeting that donald trump, jr. had with a russian lawyer treasonous, he was really talking about former campaign chair paul manafort, not true, says the author. >> it was not directed altman a f -- at man r manafort, it was directed at don junior. >> reporter: president trump spent days attacking the book calling it fake and full of lies. as for the possible inrv administration won't comment on it, but is cooperating with the special counsel's investigation. jennifer johnson, nbc news, washington. >> a big decision by the white house today that could have an impact on thousands of families in our area. >> jim and wendy are in the newsroom to explain. hi, guys. >> hi there. you know the trump administration putting it into a program that has allowed salvadorans to remain in the united states through 2021. >> that could mean an estimated 30,000 people who live here in our area would be forced to leave or face deportation. >> coming up at 5:00, meagan fitzgerald will find out the impact it will have on one local family. >> plus after the golden globes, did you see people buzzing about the speech given by oprah winfrey? >> we're going to take a look at what it meant to some young girls who were watching last night. >> and is she weighing a run for the white house? all that, plus we're keeping an eye on that nasty weather out there. >> we're going to see you with those stories and more in just a few minutes. >> what do you guys >> i think stedman is going to run. stedman and gail are running. >> vp. >> there you go. >> running mates. >> the royal kids are growing up fast. we're going to show you why it's a big day for 2-year-old princess charlotte. >> hard to believe she's 2 already. we're in weather alert mode. back here on this side of the pond with chances for rain that could freeze the moment it hits the ground, making streets and sidewalks downright dangerous. we're monitoring the sto and trmhe big news about the big game today. we've learned who will be singing the national anthem at the super bowl next month. the nfl says pop star pink will perform the star-spangled banner before the game. it's her first super bowl performance. justin timberlake will headline halftime show. super bowl 52 kicks minneapolis. and you can watch it right here on nbc4. >> she has come such a long way. that is going to be a great show, going to be a great show. all right, we're just one month away from the start of the winter olympic games in pyeongchang, and the u.s. figure skating team is now officially set. >> moving through their signature, we just heard -- >> in ice dance, reigning national champions mia couldn't retain their national title. they finished second but they did still make the olympic team. 0 on the ladies side, a snub for ashley christiaan wagener. she failed to make the team after competing four years ago in sochi. christiaan wagener was up staged by newcomer brady tanel who won the national championship. >> which one is the bigger deal for you? >> the olympics. i've been dream building it since i was a little girl. i can't put into words how happy i am. >> on the men's side nathan chen national championship. he is now the favored to win the gold in pyeongchang. >> i love the figure skating. >> one of the most popular events. >> can't wait. >> well, you have resolved to get fit for the new year, right? >> and news4 has resolved to help you do that. we're working for you to try to keep you motivated. we visited the fab body factory in upper marlboro where classes focus on fat burning and toning. the owner says the focus is on fun. >> no matter who you are, you can come. we're having so much fun. we had a great social group here. we're supported, motivated. we come here to have fun. >> doesn't that make you want to move? the fab body factory is offering a discount to new viewers for the month of january. half price at doug kammerer go go in suitland uses local music to inspire the moves. >> they get a habit, one that will payoff for years to come, folks. >> that's for sure. >> smartphones have changed the wawe lyive our lives. >> that is for sure. but how much is too much? the eye opening request for apple about the consequence of smartphones on your children. what you need to know. >> plus, why this ad for kids' fashion is raising questions about race. >> and here on storm team4 radar, we're still tracking this wintry mix moving through the area. that will last through the evening hours. so, what does that mean for school delays and cancellations? doug and i will have that outlook coming up in a few minutes. before we start, i just want to say if anyone still doesn't have fios, please stay out of the way so your lag what's so good about fios anyway? uh. what's so great about a 100% fiber-optic network that makes your gaming system actually work awesomely? hey. did you take out the trash? haha, garbage boy! dad, i already took out ben. it's not funny. gaming is best on a 100% fiber-optic network. so get fios. now, just $79.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee with a 2-year agreement. do i use a toothpaste thati had whitens my teeth or one... ...that's good for my teeth? now i don't have to choose! my dentist told me about new crest whitening therapy. so, i tried it! from crest 3d white comes new whitening therapy. it's our best whitening technology. plus, it has a fortifying formula to protect your enamel. now i get a whiter smile and healthy teeth, all in one. the 3d white collection from crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. four things to know this afternoon. storm team4 is in weather alert mode. the big concerns, sleet and rain because it's been so cold lately the rain that is coming down streets and sidewalks. doug and amelia back here in less than 60 seconds. the search continues for missing maryland man who has dementia. 65-year-old daniel dehaven was last seen at the costco in beltsville last week. there are also reports he may have been seen near anne arundel high school in gam brelz. >> the trump administration is ending special protections for immigrants from el salvador. demonstrators protested near the white house today. the change means nearly 200,000 people have until september 20th of 2019, rather, to seek permanent residency here in the u.s. or risk deportation. and we've learned mitt romney was treated for prostate cancer last year. an aide says he was treated successfully and the cancer did not spread. romney ran for the presidency in 2012. he may run for the utah state senate, u.s. senate, that senator orrin hatch is vacating in the fall. turning now to the weather. >> all >> all this stuff that's falling going to refreeze tonight? >> that is an issue, too. we saw the snowstorm come through, the monstrous storm that hit around new england, we put down so much salt. everybody's cars were white the past couple of days. >> that's right. >> that salt, that storm may have helped out this storm because the roads have been salted ever since, and fortunately we have not seen a whole lot of problems out there on most of the roads. the main roads have been a-okay and that is some very good news today. temperatures have risen above freezing. we're at 35 now in the city. notice where we're going. 7:00, around 35, some showers likely. we had roads around 9:00. notice by 11:00, we're down to 32. the rain will move out of here. we're going to start to see those numbers fall and notice we are below freezing in many locations here. we're at 31 degrees gaithersburg, 42 fort belvoir and reston. we are seeing some issues with ice in these locations, but the main roads have been okay. we're going to talk more about that in a sec still in effect until 9:00. it includes just about our entire area. the only exception towards our extreme southeastern zones and back towards parts of the shenandoah valley. temperatures are well into the 40s back here now. yeah, the 40s. they're trying to move in here, but they just can't do it. can't make its way over the mountain. until 9:00 for that evening commute, wintry mix and freezing rain will most likely be in the offing. you can see that right here. we've got that freezing rain and sleet around the area. down to the south, it is just rain. even d.c. is falling as just rain, but it is still freezing on some of the roads. you see more moisture back to the west. we're not done with this just yet. as i mentioned, road temperatures, they may actually fall tonight. actual temperatures may fall tonight and that could lead to more freezing into tomorrow morning. we could still have a couple of issues out there. amelia is taking a look at that right now with more what we can expect the rest of the night. >> doug, i'm going to start you off with future temperatures. for the evening hours as you saw on the planner, steadily falling temperatures. this is what we're looking at tomorrow morning 4:00 a.m. when the school district starts to decision about a delay or cancellation. you can see area wide just about everybody at or right below freezing. so, we could certainly be dealing with some icy spots. what we're hearing on facebook and twitter, and thanks for everyone who is providing their weather reports. we love to hear what's happening at your house. we're hearing that sidewalks and driveways are seeing a lot of ice on them, but the main roads are looking okay. as we continue to move throughout the morning hours tomorrow, 8:00 a.m., you can see we're still hovering right around freezing. look at what happens as we move toward lunch time. we hit 40 degrees in washington. that is going to feel amazing. so, what does this mean for the school forecast? this is just based off of what we're thinking, what we're seeing out there. we have not actually gotten word from any schools. but here's what i'm thinking looking at all of the information. i could see delays, maybe cancellation, maybe a cancellation for areas like loudoun, fauquier counties, back around the i-81 corridor. delays in frederick and around the baltimore doug, we're hearing icy conditions on the sidewalks in northern and western maryland. after tomorrow morning we're not worried about any ice out there. >> no, and that's why a delay is probably good news for some of those areas up to the north and west. a delay okay, but tomorrow afternoon we're going to rise so fast that no problem for getting the kids home. 47 degrees on your tuesday, 44 on friday. and here we go, guys. 55 degrees on thursday, break out the shorts, whatever you want. because we haven't seen anything like that for -- it will be 19 days since we saw 50 degrees on your thursday. 60 degrees coming up on friday. 60% chance of rain. some of that rain heavy friday into saturday. that's a big storm system. it is going to provide a lot of snow back towards ohio. for us we're on the warm side. it is all rain for us. but then it dobring in much colr air the beginning of next week. we'll be tracking that for you, too. finally, a little warm up on the way. any snow and ice that has been out there, guys, we can finally kiss it good-bye. >> we are not going to know how to act when this gets to 60. >> thank you, dou >> workers have begun repairs at the lincoln memorial. crews are fixing up cracks and fractures of the lower and upper roofs there. the eight-month-long project began last week. the memorial is going to remain open for the project, but you may not be able to walk in some areas. work should be done by late summer. >> closing giant h & m is closing after a controversial image on its website. the picture showed an african-american child in a sweatshirt that says cool est monkey in the jungle. h & m removed the image with the african-american child but kept images with white children modelling the shirt. h & m says it sincerely apologizes to anyone the image offended. >> not a good move. not a good move. >> now to a real problem for many parents these days. digital addiction. >> two major apple investors are urging the company to take action to curb growing smartphone addiction among children. >> consumer reporter susan hogan recently reported on this very with what she's learned about it. >> this is really interesting. it was quite eye opening, in fact, because these two major investors actually wrote an open letter to apple over the weekend saying that the company must offer more choices and tools to help children fight addiction on its devices. the letter asked apple to give parents more options to protect their children's health. the letter also cited various studies on how the heavy usage of smartphones and social media negatively affects children's mental and physical health. now, in november, news4 put a spotlight on digital addiction as you may remember. we were challenging viewers, right, lie oeon, you remember t. including my son jack. we also told you about a survey that gathered information about how kids 8 and under are actually consuming media today. the report shows a big jump in the use of tablets. just 1% of kids under 8 years of age had a tablet now 42% have their own, access to mobile devices is so widespread, a whopping 95% of families with young kids now have a smartphone. about one in ten kids have access to an internet connected toy or voice activated device like amazon echo and contrary to pediatrician recommendations, nearly half of children 8 and under consume some sort of social media in the hour right before bedtime. this is really interesting, too. some silicon valley insiders have also begun speaking openly about these gadgets and even the apps that they're actually designed to be addictive to keep our attention as long as possible. so, i'm not surprised. you know. >> since you did the story a little while ago, has jack gone back to his old habits or has he changed? >> considering he's had three snow days now in a row, you know, of course he's sitting there, that's all he's doing. it's really up to us. i sit there, i'm like, al a book. it's really up to us as parents to teach them to get away from that a little bit, you know. but yeah, it is pretty eye opening, right? >> that is so true. >> kids would prefer the cell phones as opposed to books unfortunately. >> and we can't put that genie back in the bottle. >> thank you, susan. >> this afternoon we're in weather alert mode. >> and it's all about the timing, the chance for snow and freezing rain moving through just as so many people try to make their way home. we're tracking it all for you from road conditions to what's next for a winter that's already been full of wild weather. >> doug is back in a moment. but first here's tommy. >> tell me you heard this one. john snow walks into a bar ask then gets thrown out. i'm tommy mcfly with your celebrity 60. but first, super cute alert. kensington palace released the image of princess charlotte going to her very first day of nursery school. justin bieber is getting a museum exhibition in his hometown. now the canadian museum sourced most of the materials and memorabilia, the recordings, the microphones from bieber's grandparents. brad pitt bid $120,000 to watch an episode of "game of thrones" with amelia clark. sean penn's big fund-raiser to help katie. he was outbid, an anonymous donor who wasn't at the event who bid $160 k. john snow was thrown out of a bar in new york city on friday. the actor who plays him was allegedly overserved and asked forcibly to leave the establishment. because he was causing a scene. plenty of grainy cell phone video on the internet if you want to check it out. small business, internet providers promise you a lot. let's see who delivers more. comcast business offers fast gig-speeds across our network. verizon doesn't. we offer more complete reliability with up to 8 hours of 4g wireless network backup. verizon, no way. we offer 35 voice features and solutions that grow with your business. verizon, not so much. get internet on our gig-speed 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home early from school today. now we're looking ahead to tomorrow and the threat of a refreeze overnight. >> so, let's head to the storm center and doug and amelia, what's it going to look like for the next 24 hours? >> well, guys, i think it's pretty much going to look like what we're doing now. some areas still f icy mainly on sidewalks. i have not seen a lot of reports say on trees, on cars. that is normally something we do see with events like this. so, we're dodging a little bit of a bullet so far. >> this is where you can help us. if you're watching right now and saying i see ice on my tree, take a picture, tweet us, share it on facebook. here in the metro area and south, we're talking about wet reds roads. that's because the temperatures are well above freezing. 35 degrees in the city. take a look. you see the rain, freezing rain, the sleet coming down across our region. even this says mixing with snow here, but i don't think that's the case. i think this is all falling as rain and then freezing on contact in some areas. down to the south, yes, it is all rain. you can see there is more moisture back to the west with this. so, we're not done just yet. and that's why this winter weather advisory is until 9:00 tonight. now, still below freezing, gaithersburg around the rockville area, fort belvoir, most other areas above freezing. so, that's some good news here. 34 in d.c., so we've come down a little bit. yes, we may all drop another couple degrees. if we go ow

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