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Are being expelled from the country. Im storm team 4 chief meteorologist doug kammererer. Snow out there on the radar. And the cold, and the win. Ive got it all for you. My forecast right around the corner. Announcer news4 at 11 00 starts now. It is an unprecedented response to russias suspected cyber attack on our country. Good evening, im david culver. Jim and doreen have the night off. President obama putting forth serious sanctions today as a way to punish russia. Tonight a big question is whether president elect trump will move forward with those sanctions. Ron allen is starting us off. Just as i told russia to stop it reporter today president obama made good on that promise to retaliate, rgt at thatting russias top intelligence agencies with sanctions. Tell there are were going to be serious consequences. Reporter russia accused of harassing u. S. Diplomats abroad, and espionage operations in america. Weve seen verbal and physical harassment. Weve seen them try and revoke their credentials. Trying to detain them. Reporter 35 Russian Diplomats in the u. S. Expelled. Just 72 hours to leave. Closing two russian government compounds. Rec centers allegedly used for spying shut down as of noon friday n. A statement, president obama saying all americans should be alarmed by russias actions. The actions today were designed to make very clear we will respond at a time and place of our choosing. Reporter also targeted two cyber criminals accused of stealing millions from american banks and personal data from ecommerce sites. The u. S. Also declassifying information designed to help computer experts block more hacking. The russians dismissed it all as another s o foreign policy. Earlier, president elect trump again rejected allegations of russian interference in the election. I think we ought to get on with it. Reporter while trump may soon have the power to reverse todays sanctions that may prove difficult with republicans and democrats calling for tough steps against russia. It is a senate and a house leadership that have all supported these actions. If he backs down and he does this, it will be perceived that it was done for putin and at putins request. Nbcs ron allen report willing. Team coverage continues tonight on the sanctions against russia. I want to show you this video here. It is a tough to see, but these are actually federal officials working late into the night. This is at a russian compound on the Eastern Shore. The Obama Administration says russian operatives must leave that retreat in a matter of hours. News4s Darcy Spencer is at the Russian Embassy with the story. Reporter this 45acre marylands Eastern Shore will be shut down at noon on friday. Its part of president obamas retaliation for russian hacks allegedly trying to influence the 2016 president ial election. You could see u. S. Government cars on site. Men were working on utility lines and seth up lights. And there was a small boat docked offshore on the river front property about 70 miles from washington. The soviet union bought the queen anns property in 1972 for vacation retreat for diplomats. But Senior Intelligence officials tell nbc news it was used to spy on the nsa. There is that property out there in maryland. Looks like quite a nice spot out there on the Eastern Shore. That is going to be particularr taken over essentially by the u. S. Government. Reporter in washington the Russian Embassy in northwest is also affected by the u. S. Sanction. The president ordered dozens of diplomats from here and San Francisco to leave the country within 72 hours. It wa much of the day except for some cars coming and going. Around back, the residences for diplomats and staffers live as some prepare to leave the u. S. The Obama Administration thinks that this hacking of the dnc, this interference in the u. S. Elections was done at the highest levels. Darcy spencer with that report. Russia it seems, not too impressed with president obamas actions. They fired off a statement that got rather personal. They accused the Obama Administration of being a group of foreign policy, quote, lose evers, angry and narrowminded. They said washington was quote slapped in the face by its on master, referring to the president. Finally russia promising tomorrow there will be countermeasures and quote, lots of things. The statement was from the foreign ministry. We of course are going to continue to follow this story. We have more raw video from our chopper 4 flying over the russian compound. You can check that out if you open up the nbc 4 showers out there. Tie temperatures today not all that bad. It was cool but not really cold. Tomorrow it will be definitely on the cold side. Look out there right now, storm team 4 radar tracking snow showers making their way in. See this spin here. Thats a spin this the atmosphere giving just enough lift to give snow. In win chester in the Shenandoah Valley you have snow. Tough for this to make it over the blue ridge. But it may try, dont be surprised to see flurries in northern original is. Wind chills, 30 in dc, 23 in pittsburgh, 18 in elkins. Much colder well call it a frijd friday. What about the new years forecast . Thats coming up in a few minutes. Right now we want to get to breaking news from prince georges county. Police are piecing together ue capital heights. They have not given up a lot of information but what we do know is at least one person was shot before 10 00 tonight. This happened on buyers street. You can see investigators still on the scene there. We are going pass along more investigation as soon as it becomes available. The pain of losing a loved one, that is hard to forget. But when one man heard about the murder of a Yoga Instructor he immediately thought about his daughter who was killed in washington, d. C. Jackie bensen those us how the father is showing support. Reporter the electric moment came in a dc courtroom yesterday as an attorney asked for conditions of release of Dwayne Johnson charged with the murder of trish audio mccauley. A long time friend of the Yoga Instructor and actress cried out no, hes an animal, he took my friend from me. There are too men people dying in our streets. Reporter this man understands that pain. His dgh local news website including the hill rag was heading home from work in may of 2015 when they was shot and killed by a bullet meant for someone else. She was 27. Police released these images of people described as persons of interest. He says he and his wife understand mccall es friends frustration that johnson was still on the street after half a dozen arrests this year, some involving violence. Some believe witnesses are reluctant to come forward because they are worried the suspect wub would be back out on the street again. Im not saying we should get rid of the mercy of the justice system. Thats why we have judges. But after a order has been given the order must be executed. Reporter news4 learned charges were dismissed against johnson for a robbery arrest. He had six arrests this year. And a prosecutionor rqu him to be placed under high intensity supervision was denied because johnson had no verifiable address. The next hearing for Dwayne Johnson is scheduled for january 13th. In northwest, jackie bensen, news4. New at 11 00, a man facing seconddegree murder charges tonight for his alleged role in a deadly and fiery crash. Investigators say lawrence dukes was behind the wheel of a car on suitland parkway back in october this is not the story you are looking at right here. They say he ran through a red traffic signal and struck a metro bus. The car burst into flames. A 19yearold was a passenger in the car. Thats what you are looking at right there. Dukes was critically injured. Dukes he was arrested last night for that crash. Police say this is the man who tried to rape a woman at the grand high yot total in northwest last month. He is now under arrest. Police say 1 mendoza backed the woman against the bed, put a knife to her throat, tried to pull off her clothes. She fought back. As she was running away he grabbed her by the hair and actual lee ripped some of it from her scalp. Mendoza is charged with assault with intent to commit sexual abuse. Nearly half of all traffic deaths that happen on new years eve, they involve alcohol. Thats according to the national highway Traffic Safety administration. Fairfax police are creating a special unit to help spot drunk drivers and get them off the road. It will be out in full force this weekend. But the special unit has been up and running for the past month. Nine officers were hand picked for the unit and say the work is personal for many of the team members. Its unfortunate to have to make those noted fixes to the family which ive done several times to tell them their loved one has been killed because of a drunk driver or that they were actually the drunk driver them they was and have lost their liv part in the Sober Ride Program this weekend. Thats thousands of designated drivers ready to offer you rides. Take them up on that offer. Police also cracking down on speeders near rockville town square. New cameras going up along maryland avenue near South Washington street. Starting next week the city will issue warnings to drivers who blow through the 25 Miles Per Hour speed zone nchltd february thats going to change. You can expect to receive a citation if you are caught speeding by one of those cameras. A 250pound pot bust on our local highways raising a lot of attention. But only on 4, Scott Macfarland explaining why that seizure may not be as rare as you may think. And cameras catching a couple escorted off of a flight. Why the airline gave them the boot. Plus an elderly man flying off the handle after he was denied a prize. It seems he took you just hit me with the car, sir. He drove eight miles to claim a promotional prize, one that could range from a 5 gift card to 20,000 in cash. And when he realized he was only leaving with that 5 gift card to walmart it appears he lost it. Police say the 83yearold man hit the salesman with his car, then beat him in the head with a golf club. Owens is now out on supervised release. He is charged with agat battery. The incident happened in sarasota, florida. A semitruck picked up a road rage incident on its dash cam. This happened in cedar rapids iowa. The truck driver says she aseems she made the driver in the white car mad when he had to wait for another car to pass her. And the white car then swerves watch this video here n front of the semi, slams on the brakes right there. At times it appears the truck is just inches away from smashing into the back of the car. Police said there was really nothing they could do. Police arresting and he is courting a couple off of an airplane. Police say the couple became disruptive and refused to follow instructions from the flight crew. The flight returned to minneapolis. Police say the couple was questioned by the fbi and ticketed for disorderly conduct. Drug traffickers caught while in traffic. Mcfarland shows a spike in Police Busting drivers carrying big loads of drugs on the shoulders of our busiest highways. Scott was along i270 with a story you will see only here on 4. Reporter drug traffickers on local roads are a danger Law Enforcement says because they are clearly willing to take a risk loading hundreds of pounds of drugs in their cars. They may try risky maneuvers on our crowded highways when they see Police Lights in the rear view. Just weeks ago police say they found one man driving 350 hounds of marijuana on i270 near class,burg. They say they found in in his van after a traffic stop. A big bust but not a rare one. Leonard thompson pleaded guilty of trafficking drugs out of prince georges county. Police say they found six kilos in his pickup. State troopers say they stuffed inside a box truck on i95, and 12 kilos on i70 and cash. They are creative. It is a billion dollar industry. Theyre spending all day every day trying to find ways to defeat the Police Officers on the road that we cant locate it. Reporter Maryland State Police corporal brian hirsch and his canine are part of the agency team that finds and stops major drug haulers. They arrested hundreds more people for drugs this near than in 2015. And he says the recent heroin epidemic could be fuelling the increase. Marijuana also is still a drug of choice throughout the state of naerld and we do seize a lot of marijuana. Reporter virginias Police Records also shows an increase of drug arrests on the highways in the commonwealth. This officer says this is an indication more drugs are eventually making it local neighborhood. Were still only intercepting a very, very small percentage of the drugs be that being transported on our interstate highways. Reporter and Law Enforcement is concerned about danger on the roadways themselves. Drug traffickers are willing to take a risk loading all those drugs into their cars may try risky maneuvers on our highways when they see Police Lights in the rear view. In rockville, scott mcfarland, new news4. Doug kammererer with us now. You were talking snow as a possibility . Back to the west to the blue ridge, send an doha valley. If you are there, you may be seeing some of the first flakes of the season in our area. Right now its on the cold side. Temperatures next couple of days are not going to stay on the cold side. One place thats great during the summer is equally as great during the winter. Sandy point state park. Chopper 4 over there earlier. This is through light displays. The coolest ones were the lighting up crabs. They have crabs all lit there. Its cool. I used to go there as a kid. Lets look at it and tell you how things are going back towards the toto mack. 36, winds out of the west at 7 Miles Per Hour. We are on the cool side. Not cold just yet. That comes tomorrow. Out there right now, 34 gae gaithersburg, 33 at dulles. Cloud cover and snowfall keeping them warmer. We always talk about the clouds adding a blanket on top not allowing it to cool off. And look at the snow back towards i 81, back towards portions of the 66 area, fort royal. Heads up, fred ricks county, virginia, page county going to see snow showers activity. Rarely do these cross the mountains here at night. But we could see a couple of flurries in t virginia. Dont be surprised about that. Its all because of a system here, you can see it rotating in around pittsburgh. This one rotating around the big boy up toward the north and east. This is a monster storm bringing parts of new england upwards of a foot to 18 inches of snowfall. And behind it we have got the cold air. Thats why we are seeing cold air during the day tomorrow. Something else we will be seeing not in our area. I mentioned the snow back to the west. How about a winter storm warning here. Upwards of 6 to 10 inches of snow, garrett valley, if you are thinking of skiing this weekend it might be a good place for you to do seeing. For us, temperatures 42 degrees. Cold, windy and cold, wind chills 25 to 30 all day. A very cold friday afternoon. Staying cold on saturday. A high of 46 degrees. New years eve forecast, on the cold side. If you are out during the day on saturday on the chilly side with the winds gusting wind chill in the 30 30s. We get to 46. Sunday for the redskins game. 51 degrees. We take on the giants, then we get rather mild monday and tuesday. Especially on wednesday. Couple of chances of rain. And then a couple of chances of snow next friday, saturday sunday time frame. This is one you really want to watch. Well be watching it for you from the storm center of course all weekend long as well. You are kmited about that one. I want snow. Come on, bring it. I dont mind it but when i have to stand out in it thats another issue. Well, you do. We want to go back to this picture. We showed you this earlier. There is a 2,000 reward to find out who shot this dog in the neck. I know. It happened on month on conton road southeast. The owner says she was walking her dog when the suspect yelled at her and fired at the dog. If you have got information go ahead and give a call to the humane rescue alliance. Doc and the redskins not ready to go home just ye the markets change. At t. Rowe price. Our disciplined approach remains. Global markets may be uncertain. But you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Lend him a helping hand. Put a little love in your heart. Take a good look around. And if youre lookin down, put a little love in your heart. In your heart. avo the subaru share the love event is happening now and will have given ninety Million Dollars to help real people like these. May not always be clear. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call us or your advisor t. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. This is the xfinity sports desk. George, all eyes on sunday. No pressure here. No pressure at all. We are almost done talking about it. Its almost time to play football. Simple, the scenario, beat the giants and hope the packers and lions dont end in a tie. Redskins trying to keep it business as usual but there is one theme going around the locker room, nobody is ready for this ride to end. Im not ready to start cleaning out my locker. I know we have got a chance to get in. I know its up to us to get into this am if we dont get in this its because of us. If we do get n its because of us in this locker room. We know its going to be a test. This is pretty much like a playoff game for us now. If you win, you advance. If we dont, then weve got to wait until september to get started again. You definitely dont want to go home . You are not planning on going home. You are preparing like you have another week. We are definitely looking to win this Football Game and play our best football. Virginia tech taking on arkansas. In the belk bowl. Hoagies down 240 at the half. Second half, different story, mcmillan breaks a tackle. He is off. 21 yard run. Then the next play mcmillan gets the payoff. Goes outside. Finds the end zone. Virginia tech scores 35 unanswered. Largest comeback in school history. They win 3524. To college basketball, a big test for brenda freeze in the maryland Womens Basketball team. [000 26 59;00] tonight they were tasked with knocking off number one uconn who came to town on a 86game winning streak. A sold out crowd at xfinity center. Brenda freeze trying to bump it up and her players. They needed it most of this one. Down 12. Hamilton hits the threepointer and one. 23 points for her. Huskies up 16. Terps battling book. Slocumb on the drive. Dish to phillips for the finish. Terps to within five. Later in the quarter, uconn trying to pull away. Wont let them. Knocks down the three. 23 points for the freshman. It is a sixpoint game. Uconn isnt number one by accident. Under a minute, strong buries the 3. Uconn wins their 87th straight ov. We learned a lot about our team today. I thought our freshmen were sensational. You dont even need to call them fresen were fearless and confident. For us, i mean, you know, well learn a lot from this game and really use it to help us move forward to be prepared for march. Caption hosting the devils. If you are jay beagles number one fan you get a puck from the man himself. Third period, devils on a power play, up 10. Here comes the caps. Winnic gets the puck from deegel. Winnic buries it. Caps even this at 11. Went to overtime. Final seconds. Could you see nets often flies in. Shot is stopped. Ovechkin gets the rebound. Cant get the shot off. Great eight had a perfect shot to end it. Couldnt get it to go. Go to a shootout. Caps fall to the devils, 21. Some of us could see some flakes tomorrow . Maybe a couple. I like what you just sachld its the flu forecast. Were going up to 60 next week. And then right back down to the afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. [ cheers and applause ] steve from studio 6b in Rockefeller Center in the heart of new york city, its the tonight show starring jimmy fallon. Tonight, join jimmy and his guests

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