Transcripts For WRC News4 At 11 20160406 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 11 20160406

speaking up tonight. taking on the no fly list. a virginia man's four-year challenge takes the next step forward in federal court. she signed up to serve her community, but tonight a young firefighter is the one who needs help. >> she lost nearly everything when a fire in her building spread to her apartment. news4's megan fitzgerald live in d.c. with a story you'll see only on news4. meagan? >> she said she joined the fire department because she wanted to help people, but she never imagined she would be the one calling for help. it takes courage and dedication to be a first responder. just ask 21-year-old tanisha morr morris. >> through the cadet program i spent a year in training and then i graduated february 18. >> reporter: shejo >> i really wanted to be in a field where i can help people and just, you know, have open arms to them whenever they call us. >> reporter: but on easter sunday, it was morris who was forced to call 911. >> i opened doothe door and smed the smoke. i told my nephew, call 911, get the dog and get out. >> her apartment was on fire. fellow firefighters arrived quickly and tried to put out the flames, but it was too late. >> i lost a majority of pictures, just gone. >> reporter: a lifetime of memories may be gone, but morris says she's even more motivated to help others because she knows what a total loss feels like. >> it has really been a big blessing. i think anybody that, you know, gave what they could give. >> reporter: fire officials say if you're interested in helping tanisha and her family, you can bring donations here 28 off of connecticut avenue right next to the cleveland park metro station. as far as that investigation into the cause of that fire, we're told it's still under investigation. back to you. >> fitzgerald reporting. thank you. we're in for another cold april night. a freeze warning in effect now for some of us. doug? are we going to be able to shake off this cold any time soon? >> tomorrow afternoon not really all that bad as far as the afternoon goes, but the morning is going to be one cold start. now, today high temperatures where they should be in the early portions of february. look at the highs today. only 46 in d.c., 48 in fredricksburg, 46 in leesburg. a very cold night, many of you already below freezing and that's why we had that freeze warning in effect for everybody in our viewing area. the only exception way back towards west virginia, but it will get below freezing there as well. some very cold air in here for early tomorrow morning. what are we expecting tomorrow? at the bus make sure the kids are dressed for tomorrow, because it will be just as cold as it was earlier this morning. a little bit less wind, though. we'll talk about that and continued cold right on through the 7-day forecast. also the nationals forecast. a chance of showers and a cold weekend. yeah, cold weekend. that's not what we want to hear. the forecast in just a minute. >> doug, thank you. it was all about momentum tonight, and the men who needed it most got it. ted cruz pulled off a huge win in wisconsin tonight, beating donald trump by just shy of 20 points. on the democratic side tonight, it's tighter, but still a double-digit victory for bernie sanders over hillary clinton before their big showdown in new york. steve handlelsmaleelsman live il hill with the reaction. steve? >> reporter: donald trump still has a big lead in states won and delegates committed, but ted cruz is catching up. and now wisconsin is part of that trend. for ted cruz when he needs it most. >> i am more and more convinced that our campaign is going to earn the 1237 delegates needed to win the nomination. >> reporter: donald trump, who hit a rough spot stumbling on abortion, angering many women, had a need to win wisconsin. >> i need many votes like everybody else. i have a number of delegates but the votes are even more impressive. >> reporter: the voters lined up past closing time. out of state students qualified for new i.d.s to cast ballots today, helping bernie sanders win the wisconsin democratic primary. >> we have now won seven out of eight of the last caucuses and primaries. >> reporter: though he remains a mathematical long shot for the nomination. hillary clinton moved on to new york where the primary is in two weeks, >> scrambling paranoia is not the new york way. trump may be the most outrageous of the republicans. he is saying what all of them believe. >> reporter: tonight what cruz is saying louder is that he will be the gop nominee. but cruz admitted again tonight he still trails trump by so many delegates, he may have to take his fight all the way to the gop convention in cleveland in july. i'm steve handelsman, news4. >> steve, thank you. democrats in the district will now be able to vote for bernie sanders in the june primary. the d.c. council passed emergency legislation today to allow sanders to appear on the ballot here. the senator followed all the rules, paid the $2500 fee, but d.c.'s democratic party did not file the paperwork until the day after the deadline. while the council voted unanimously to allow sanders onto the ballot, some councilmembers had reservations. >> the council needs to be legislation to put one on the ballot that's in violation of our law. >> i think this is about voter access to all the presidential candidates. >> reporter: mayor muriel bowser who endorsed hillary clinton says she will sign the bill. new at 11:00 tonight, metro should do what it needs to do to fix its broken tracks, including shutting down entire rail lines for months at a time. that happen blessing tonight coming from the united states top transportation official. senator fox says long-time shutdowns may not be necessary. he told the "washington post" today he thinks targeted repairs can be done by shutting down segments of track temporarily. last month he shut down the entire metro system for more than 24 hours for emergency inspections. we should hear about his plans to make more repairs in a matter of weeks. meantime, tech troubles for metro bus today. the new service called bus eta is supposed to seconds, telling riders when buses are coming and going and how many stops they are away from your location. but the system wasn't working for a while this morning, leaving riders in limbo. metro says it was a band width problem. the system appears to be back to normal tonight. tonight dozens turned out to protest mayor bowser's $6.6 million homeless shelter plan. residents in ward 3 said they only received four-day notice of tonight's meeting. some believe it was a deliberate attempt to prevent meaningful community engagement. they're upset and pushing back. >> this plan is fundamentally flawed, was concocted behind closed doors, is outrageously expensive. >> there is a promise that the shelters would be aesthetically pleasing, they'll be secure, it won't be as if you're walking by and somebody says, oh, there's the homeless shelter. neighborhood. >> bowser wants to close the d.c. homeless shelter and open new sites in each of the district's eight wards. opponents have argued some of the sites violate zoning laws and are in unsafe areas. he opened fire on his ex-wife's new husband with his children just feet away. now min nguyen will spend the rest of his life in prison for murder. the judge handed down the sentence in leesburg. he shot cory madison four times. madison ran out of the house trying to draw nguyen away from the children. his widow says the sentence doesn't bring much peace. >> there's novi victory here. am i going to tell my children, are they going to continue to be in danger? can i make them that promise? i can, but even that doesn't >> she gave birth to the couple's first child eight months after his death. 22-year-old andrew martin and 22-year-old daniel pa paytoninger were arrested tonight. they forced their way into a dorm room back in february. six students were robbed. detectives determined the robberies were targeted and drug related. a major controversy is brewing in the south as another governor signed the religious freedom bill into law. it allows churches and other businesses to refuse service to same-sex couples based on religious beliefs. opponents say it's discrimination and that mississippi needs to only look as far as north carolina to see how damaging this could be to the state's economy. in north carolina today, another tangible example of that financial impact. paypal canceled plans for a new facility that promised 400 new jobs, citing the new law limiting protections for transgender people. north carolina's governor says he still sdantands by the law. tonight at 11:00, a new twist in a deadly fire. they were found days after the deadly fire inside. a man who hit nine banks in a matter of months. theight f a new chapter tonight in a virginia man's long fight to challenge the federal government's no-fly list. galette mohammad is a u.s. citizen from somalia. he's now part of a class action lawsuit involving thousands of muslim americans. shamari stone is outside federal court in alexandria where this case was filed. shomari? >> reporter: today the class of muslim americans filed that class action lawsuit behind me in the federal court in alexandria. he was part of a list of several americans who had been placed on the no-fly list. the suit demanded specified moneta when he was first found to be on the no-fly list. he is sure the no-fly list is being used to profile muslim americans. there are 100 people on the list, including, according to the lawsuit, a four-year-old boy. the government has 21 days to respond to this lawsuit. in alexandria, i'm shomari stone. back to you. new at 11:00, the obama at mings wi -- administration will transfer money to fight the obaserv ebol to fight the zika virus instead. it will be used to find a vaccine and fight the mosquitoes that spread it. i asked the doctor about funding the research and he said simply be enough. >> we were given $238 million to address the ebola problem, which we did quite successfully. we don't have any money left from the ebola allocation that came through the nih. there may be ebola money around, but we don't have it. >> reporter: the senator asked congress to approve $1 billion for victims of the zika virus. 63-year-old steven scalperen was found dead in basement of a townhome after an intense blaze last week. today atf and montgomery county police and fire investigators were all over the scene looking for evidence of foul play. he was a jeweler. friends told news4 he had problems with drug abuse but recently had turned his life around. tonight the fbi is stepping up their search for a bank robber that they nicknamed the bange last six months wearing glasses, a neck brace and a bandage covering part of his face. each time he hands a bank employee a note demanding money. there is $5,000 up for grabs if you can help the fbi catch this guy. san francisco makes history today, becoming the first place in the country to require businesses to require fully paid leave for new parents. the city's board of supervisors voted unanimously today to give workers six weeks off with full pay to spend time with their child. right now they can take six weeks and receive just over half their pay. advocates say too many parents can't afford to take time off. here in d.c., officials are considering a plan for 12 weeks off of paid leave to care for a new baby or sick family member. well, doug, we had our coats out this morning. guess we better get them out again for tomorrow morning. >> one more morning, then you can put them away. >> really. >> for about >> didn't last long. >> sorry. it's coming back. the cold air will leave us for about a day and a half and then it's right back in here towards the end of the work week. saturday and this weekend is going to be another very cold ku couple of days. right now we're on the cold side for sure. clear skies, finally the wind slacking. winds out of the southeast at 6 miles per hour. that's off the river, though, so the temperature is at 40 degrees. that's right off the potomac, so that helps to warm the airport. 40 degrees there. but notice everyone else -- everyone else -- at or below freezing already. 32 fredricksburg, 28 gaithersburg. okay, winchester at 36. it's going to be a cold night tonight. that's why we had that freeze warning in effect. no rain, no snow to talk about. we're not going to see anything for the next 24 hours. thursday a little bit of a different story. that's the nationals' home opener. that forecast in just a minute. satellite picture, clear from canada all the way down towards we're all watching a system back to the west. this is a system we're watching for thursday. out ahead of it, we will warm slightly during the day tomorrow, but again tonight, very cold. down to 26 in winchester, 28 in culpeper, 28 manassas and 32 in d.c. some very cold starting temperatures early tomorrow morning. make sure you bundle up. make sure you bundle the kids up, too, as they head out to the bus stop. it will be chilly. by tomorrow afternoon, a cold winter coat morning, but only a jacket afternoon. we've got the cloud cover coming in late in the day but plenty of sunshine early. 56 degrees for a high, 57 in manassas, 58 in fredricksburg. temperatures will rise tomorrow, and actually a pretty nice afternoon. yes, it's cool for this time of year, but not all that bad. tomorrow night the winds begin to pick up. that's ahead of our frontal boundary that comes on thursday. let's take you hour by hour. here's thursday at 7:00 a.m. notice the rain already getting into the d.c. metro area. this is the latest computer model here. notice the line of sho potentially some thunderstorms here. that's how strong this front is, this storm is. 9:00 a.m., bringing it right into leesburg and frederick, coming into the d.c. area by 10:00. by 2:00, we're just about dry, but a few more showers lingering. these will just be showers. by 4:00, that's game time, and game time looking okay. your nationals forecast heading to nats park may be rain earlier in the day. if you're headed for some pre-party action, expect some showers, but nice for the game. this is a forecast that could change, though, so we'll keep you posted on that one. highs on thursday around 62. behind that system, though, we get cold again. only 52 on friday. many of you in the 40s on friday, and everybody in the 40s on saturday. wind chills in the 30s on saturday. rain or snow shower possible, sunday at 47. monday is 64. re >> it will be really nice if you could arrange for that nice dry window thursday. >> just for the game. >> yeah. coming up, the caps impressed to start. trying to help their goalie have a record night. here's jimmy fallon. >> hey, guys. great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. comcast business knows that. that's why you can 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just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. caps lose, and as carol is so quick to remind us, it doesn't really matter at this point. >> it was so much fun to watch tonight. i even tweeted, obie with a sixth goal. it was like you were going to be dominating and the next thing you know -- here's what's happening, jim. three season games left to play. they're showing some muscle against these playoff-bound opponents. that's all going to have to wait. setting up that all-time win. it looked so promising early in the third. marcus johansson and obie, an incredible move. oshi scores. second on the caps 3-1. i'm tweeting and i look up. next thing i know they're only down a goal. islanders score two goals in one goes to the net thanks to a deflexion out in front. hopefully doing his best to keep it tied. new york on a break. it's lee again. this time showing off the glove. 23 saves tonight. we're heading to overtime. in o.t., islanders with this terrible turnover. i'm thinking game winner! but no, christopher gibson shuts the door on him. there was overtime at the end, break up the islanders. lou chains and thomas hickey find it and win the game. this was a 4-3 overtime win. they have a lot to play for. meanwhile, yukon women are making history tonight. four straight titles. winning his 11th national championship. that's one for the big toe. like they've done so often tonight, they make it look so easy. syracuse making their first trip. n first quarter huskies up nine. hats off to breanna stewart on the wing. yukon knocks down the three here. second quarter, check out the passing. not much you can do against this. more began takes it for the bucket. yukon 23. fourth quarter now putting the bow on it. huskies kick ing it over to breanna stewart. she's got it. yukon wins their fourth straight national title 82-51. those seniors in all four ranks. meanwhile, they're still dancing at villanova. they were welcomed back to campus. school canceled today. there we go with the buzzer beater with -- we love it, yep -- his biggest shot of his life. for high school coach steve turner at gonzaga, he was watching. he said that moment win the championship, it was a father-like moment. i treat the guys on my team like they're my own kids, and to see him do that was incredible. i'm jumping up, i'm screaming. afterwards i'm sitting there in tears, just tears of joy, just proud for him because i know all the work he's put into this game. i'm proud of him because i know how much he's worked to get to this moment. >> very cool. >> sinisn't that awesome? >> took me a moment to get the big toe reference. >> fios is not cable. we're wired differently. in the last 10 years our competitors have received a few awards. who ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year in a row. only fios has the fastest internet on the most awarded network. now get super-fast 100 meg internet tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. and that does it for us. "the tonight show" with jimmy fallon is coming up next. >> we're done already? that was fast. ♪ ♪ 4 by 4 by land, 4 by 4 by sea ♪ ♪ 4 by 4 by air - 'cause i like to fly free ♪ ♪ 4 my country and how it all started out ♪ ♪ 4 the brave and every boy scout ♪ ♪ 4 doin' it yourself cuz you want it done right ♪ ♪ 4 by 4 the top down - stars keep ya up at night ♪ ♪ 4 by 4 every one of our seventy-five years ♪ ♪ 4 by 4 the wave - that's how we say 'cheers' ♪ ♪ that's how we live when it comes to the fithings you love,. you want more. love romance? get lost in every embrace. into sports? follow every pitch, every play and every win. change the way you experience tv [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- greg kinnear. padma lakshmi. comedian andrew dice cy.

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New York , United States , Canada , Rockefeller Center , North Carolina , Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Virginia , Wisconsin , Syracuse , Washington , District Of Columbia , Mississippi , San Francisco , California , West Virginia , Leesburg , Montgomery County , Somalia , Americans , Thomas Hickey , Steve Handelsman , Greg Kinnear , Cory Madison , Andrew Martin , Jimmy Fallon , Breanna Stewart , Tanisha Morr Morris , Christopher Gibson , Marcus Johansson , Megan Fitzgerald , Daniel Pa , Padma Lakshmi , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders ,

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