Transcripts For WRC News4 At 11 20140801 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 11 20140801

the ebola virus on its way to american soil for the first time. how a u.s. hospital is preparing to care for an infected american while keeping the virus from spreading. neighbors heard screams coming from a local apartment. what police found inside that has them calling the woman's death a homicide. and we start with some breaking news from hyattsville where traffic will be a mess tomorrow morning. route 1 will be closed at least through the morning rush because of a water main break that spilled 6 million gallons of water this afternoon. it happened near the intersection of crittendon street, near the anacostia river. that's where jamari stone is with the cleanup. how long will this take, jamari? >> seven hours is how long it took crews to drain water out of that hole over there. that's where the water main broke, and right now they're continuing to drain water out of it so they can get down in there and figure out exactly what happened, what caused the water main to break. i talked to people in this area, and they tell me they are dreading tomorrow morning's commute. these guys work into the night as they fix a broken water main in hyattsville. we learned tomorrow route 1 will stay closed tomorrow morning. >> it's really going to back me up. >> reporter: nicki smith drooifdrives from hyattsville every morning. tonight the break was contained at 7:00. the trouble started when the 73-year-old pipe burst around 4:00. 6 million gallons of water lost, gushing down the roadway like rapids. right now crews are pumping water out of the hole in order to figure out what besides the pipe is possibly broken, and what they need to do to fix it. >> tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. it is going to be a nightmare here. >> reporter: but tonight nicki smith plans to have sweet dreams. this special education teacher doesn't like to be late. >> it's crucial. i got to be to work on time. if i'm not at work on time, that counts against me. >> reporter: you're looking at a live picture of the pump moving the water over there. no one knows how long it will take. people plan to avoid this area tomorrow, and i talked to wfc officials and i said, this won't be fix bid tomorrow morning. what tomorrow evening's commute? they said it's not going to be fixed. they're still trying to figure out what happened over here. >> thanks, sjamari. melissa will have traffic and where to go to avoid the mess on route 1. new tonight, a community is in shock over the death of a long-time neighbor in columbia heights. police found tawana hooks dead this morning in her apartment on columbia road. and we just learned that her daughter will be charged with murder. news4's jackie bensen is live with more on what the neighbors saw and heard before police got there. jackie? >> reporter: stunned neighbors tell us the two women lived together here in a first floor apartment. witnesses tell news4 they saw 30-year-old kiva hooks in this courtyard, screaming and yelling. police were called to the 400 block of columbia road to report to what was told was an assault. they were led to the first floor apartment where they found her 54-year-old mother, tawana hooks, on the floor with blood on her face and more coming out the back of her head. this long-time neighbor is pu d puzzled. he said the two women got along well and you never heard them fighting. >> it's aad because they had no trouble. i thought they got along perfectly. >> reporter: this neighbor, who asked not to be identified, worries for 30-year-old's 11-year-old daughter. >> i kept her daughter a couple times. it's sad. i feel sorry for the little girl. my niece, i had to tell her what happened. >> reporter: police tell us that kiva hooks has been charged with second-degree murder while armed. live in colombia heights, jackie bensen, news4. police went door to door in an upscale buoy neighborhood looking for clues in a murder. he was found dead in his home. he was a metro bus driver. police think he was targeted in a drug-related crime. ali's son and wife were in the home at the time of the shooting. they were wanot hurt. police towed four cars from the home hoping to find some evidence. they are looking for two suspects. after weeks of fighting and over a thousand deaths, peace may be coming to the middle east, if only for a few days. chris is at the live desk with more on this. chris? >> reporter: they agreed on a temporary cease-fire, and it's going to take effect less than two hours from now. at 1:00 a.m. our time, ground forces will stop where they are and not advance. again, it's temporary. the cease-fire is scheduled to last for three days with the hope being they can hammer out a more permanent end to the conflict. hamas said they will have peace talks but they won't negotiate them directly. they will be joined by the united states, u.n., and other palestinian officials that can speak directly to israel. >> the parties obviously need to find a way to address israel's security concerns and to ensure that the people of gaza can live in safety and in dignity. >> reporter: the cease-fire is also designed to allow aid workers to safely bring food, water and medical supplies to civilians in gaza. more than 1400 palestinians have been killed along with nearly 60 on the israeli side. some united nations officials say israel may have committed war crimes by deliberately striking hospitals and schools. israel says their troops came under fire from hamas militants near those buildings. now, the truce only affects national operations. it does not stop them using those tunnels out of gaza. yesterday israel called on 16,000 reservists, which means this fight may continue. developing tonight, one of two americans struck with the ebola virus in west africa will soon be headed back to the united states. emery university in atlanta says it expects one of the affected aid workers to arrive there in the next few days. it's unclear whether it will be dr. kent brantly or nancy writebol or whether both will be there. they have a special isolation unit built in the center for disease control. we'll have more information on those two americans in about two minutes. bob mcdonnell and his wife, the prosecution's star witness testifying with immunity will be back on the stand tomorrow. today businessman jonnie williams said bob and marie mcdonnell were not his friends. he testified, as to why he gave them $600,000 in loans, i thought it would be good for my company. her attorneys say she had a crush on him. jurors also saw that $7,000 engraved rolex watch that williams bought for maureen to give to the governor. he ended his testimony today saying, we're going to stop here because i can't take another second of this. williams is back on the stand tomorrow. stay with news4 for continued coverage of the trial. you can also follow julie care on twitter to find out what's going on today. more than 100 protesters in hach handcuffs. demonstrators called on president obama to stop deporting immigrants. they said this is also a show of solidarity for the tens of thousands of people in central america who have fled to the united states. congress goes on a five-week recess in a matter of hours without dealing with the immigration process. the deal in the senate died. there is little hope for compromise. the senate did pass that $16 billion bill that will reform health care for veterans. it now heads to the president's desk for his signature. lawmakers also approved a $10 billion transportation bill to keep federal highway funds from running out. our republican congressman is apologizing tonight after he was caught on camera twisting a staffer's arm. this video was shot today by an nbc producer on the hill. representative don young of alaska was trying to enter a gop conference meeting when a policy adviser stopped him. he was trying to direct young to enter a side door. young grabbed and twisted his arm. the congressman said he was caught off guard and didn't know the man but apologized for reacting the way he did. sheahere's a story you saw t on 4, a d.c. official under investigation for a possible hate crime. police have already arrested the advisory neighborhood commissioner for simple assault. investigators say leo dwyer admitted throwing a homeless man's belongings into the street and then spraying them with disinfectant. a witness said dwyer used a racial slur and sprayed the witness with the liquid as well. according to police, dwyer admitted spraying the man, but when asked if he used the slur, he said, i don't think so. the homeless man, rodney miller, said dwyer had been harassing him near dupont circle. >> he threw my medicine in the trash, and i had to search for about three hours to find my medicine because i'm a diabetic. >> we searched for dwyer for comment, but so far we have not heard from him. the u.s. prepares to take a patient from west africa with the ebola virus. what we're learning about the two affected americans overseas. why traffic on the inner loop was backed up for hours today, and what you can expect tomorrow. after a few beautiful days, here comes at least a chance for here comes at least a chance for rain, and it does include we showed people a survey that stacked fios up against comcast. what's it like paying for internet rated 6 out of 7 in customer satisfaction? 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>> the weather has been like this and now it's going -- but it's going to be okay. we're not talking a ton of rain, but what we are going to be seeing is a lot of clouds. and guess what? a new tropical storm has just developed in the atlantic ocean. that's not coming here. let's take a look and show you -- you got scared a little bit. out there right now, no problems. a very nice evening. once again, we have really been blessed with some fantastic weather the last couple of days, and it does look like it's coming to an end. clouds are starting to move in. temperatures right now the warmest they have been at 11:00 in about a week. 79 right now. winds out of the south at 8 miles per hour. all these clouds will not allow temperatures to cool, so we're going to see some much warmer numbers. 71 in martz insburg, 72 in manassas. out toward the south we're looking at more shower activity and a lot more moisture down south, too. look at the clouds streaming in. these are mid to high level, but look at all the moisture down toward the carolinas. and all of that is coming this way. more moisture back toward the west and it's all going to start to feed up here. there is not a huge storm to really wring it out on top of us, so we're not talking heavy rain. what we will see is shower activity. i mentioned, too, tropical storm bertha. it did form and is moving at 45 miles per hour and will move through the lesser antilles, come very close to puerto rico as a tropical storm with 50-mile-an-hour winds. may get 50 to 60-mile-an-hour winds, but that's it. look where it goes off the coast here, right back out to sea most likely and it should not strengthen all that much. this doesn't look like a big deal, however, if you're going down the beaches, it could impact your beach forecast. future weather, starting tomorrow at 8:00. notice the shower activity around the parts of the region. this may affect kwour ruyour ru and it may affect your day. tomorrow afternoon, not a lot of showers but a lot of clouds. tomorrow would be a good day to keep the umbrella handy and you might want to keep it handy on saturday, too. looking at the afternoon, we see scattered showers. not a washout of a weekend, but we will see a lot of clouds and a lot of showers the next couple days. tomorrow morning, a few shores around 7:00. around 81 degrees by 1:00. a few clouds, maybe a shower here or there. next couple days, showers on friday, saturday and sunday, but only a 40 to 50% chance. once again, this is not going to be a huge rain event but it is going to be a little damp and dreary forecast period here with temperatures between 80 and 90 degrees. 89 degrees, the chance of showers and a few thunderstorms. you know how we've been so cool? that very cool air will keep bertha out to sea, so we shouldn't have to worry too much about that. >> go away, bertha. >> bertha is such a retro name. i feel like i'm back in the '50s. >> i wasn't there. >> but i was there. coming up next, it's not easy being a rookie in easy being ahow can i avoid maintenance fees? why would you want to avoid them? because i don't want to... you know what? i'm gonna bring my maintenance guy in here to tell you all about it. roddy! so, uh, without your fee, your checking chamber can't run smoothly. every time you put money in, it causes, uh...deposit friction. gotta get some fiscal lube on there. [ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. [ defeated] okay. [ male announcer ] avoid monthly maintenance fees at td bank with a minimum checking balance of just $100. td bank. america's most convenient bank. of just $100. that it's given me time toabout reflect on some of life'seen biggest questions. like, if you could save hundreds on car insurance by making one simple call, why wouldn't you make that call? see, the only thing i can think of is that you can't get any... bars. ah, that's better. it's a beautiful view. i wonder if i can see mt. rushmore from here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. training camp is still going on and carol says it's still awesome but not for that rookie. >> that was off air. it's still going on and it's still awesome. >> you have to be careful what you say off air. >> we have some concerning news. that's our headline for today. it's not like the injuries are mounting but they're definitely a story line at redskins camp today, which is a first for this year's camp. diane racini has more. >> reporter: some bumps and bruises as camp marches on. trent williams got kicked in the shin today and pierre garcon is still nursing that sore hamstring. another receiver feeling the pain, jerry rice, jr., the son of jerry rice, injured his shoulder on this play dueling with richard crawford. coach grulen feels the pressure. >> they were getting wounded out there, so we cut practice short. i feel we're all right. most everybody at this time in camp in the nfl has a little soreness. >> coach taylor's practice, the veterans taylor hair cuts. they couldn't come up with a skit to entertain the vets, so they came up with a haircut, one that looks more like a rainbow. all in good fun, though. >> hawker picked that haircut over doing a skit with his teammates. he regrets it, he regrets it. nats, if you're going to lose this badly at home, why does it have to be against the phillies? they have the most vocal fans, vocal is a nice way to put it. always trying to take over nats park tonight. the fans and the players did just that. the baby, they even had their ears covered. she probably could have covered her eyes, too, because top of the 4, gonzalez, this pitch to grady sizemore and is ripped into the gap at right center. goes all the way to the wall, two runners come in to score. it is the start of a five-run inning for the phillies. nats down early. it's now a 7-3 game. danny espinoza is trying to make things happen. past the diving second baseman, kevin frandsen comes on in. the nats are down 3. a couple batters later, you have jason worthing at the mound. phillies would attack on a few more. the nats lose this one 10-4. mercy. the nats second baseman will arrive in the morning as brewer ka brcabrera coming in the morn. no timetable for ryan zimmerman to return. that's anthony rendone taking over third base. maybe watching one in the making. this is last light, you guys. albert pujols grounding to 3rd, and pujols out by a mile, great play. this is tonight. 11th inning, pujols to 3rd, foul territory, throws him out. take another look. catching the ball at the end of his glove, takes his time, finds it, gets pujols. fans say, we're not worthy, we're not worthy. it's only the 13th inning, and it's 1-0. the angels just scored in 13 innings. >> that is a super hard throw as it is from third base. that much farther out like that? >> it's a watching a movie on the big screen takes on a whole new meaning at one special movie night. take a look at this. the screen they're watching here looks kind of unusual, doesn't it? well, it's made of sea water mist in the ocean in japan. a machine sends up droplets of water and technology known as projection mapping shows especially rendered movies on a dynamic 3-d screen. it's amazing they can do that. on this night they watched a classic movie to celebrate the 80th anniversary of a national park. tomorrow night, "sharknado." >> that's our broadcast for tonight. "the tonight show" starring jimmy fallon is next. (vo) ours is a world of passengers. the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting... ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." ♪ tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- julia roberts

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Puerto Rico , United States , New York , Rockefeller Center , Japan , Anacostia River , District Of Columbia , Israel , Alaska , Gaza , Israel General , Liberia , Colombia , Washington , Columbia Heights , Sierra Leone , Americans , America , Israeli , Palestinian , American , Rodney Miller , Danny Espinoza , Julia Roberts , Atlantic Ocean , Bob Mcdonnell , Jonnie Williams , Richard Crawford , Leo Dwyer , Jimmy Fallon , Kevin Frandsen , Nicki Smith , Trent Williams , Albert Pujols , Ryan Zimmerman , Grady Sizemore , Marie Mcdonnell ,

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