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county police search for suspects after a man shot and killed overnight in a house in upper marlboro on queen ann bridge road south. neighbors are saying they noticed trouble in the home before. this w megan mcgrath joins us with the latest. >> reporter: bash rbara this is isolated road, and the house where the murder happened up the driveway, curves around to the right, the home is not visible from queen ann bridge road itself. you have to go up around the driveway, curve around and it's at end of the driveway in an isolated section. police are not releasing a lot of detail about what happened but say it appears to be a robbery that several suspects broke into the home on queen ann bridge road around midnight, shots were fired, and a man fatally shot, found dead inside that home. earlier this morning, investigators returned here to the scene. they had with them several family members who live in that home, including a number of children, and actually family members, including the children, went inside the home for a while along with investigators and came out in a short time later police left the scene. so, certainly an ongoing investigation. no aeft arrests have been made. motive they believe some kind of robbery, several people burst into the house after midnight and, for whatever reasons, shots were fired, and the victim was killed inside the home. now, we spoke to a woman who lives nearby. her house is in front of the house. she's a relative of one of the people who lives there, and she heard something that sounded like gunfire last night and thought someone might be walking through her yard. >> i heard a gunshot about 10:20, and i heard some running, because my bedroom's right there. >> reporter: you heard somebody in your yard? >> uh-huh. >> reporter: did you think anything of it. >> no. i heard dogs barking, that was a canine. >> reporter: her house is located just in front of the home where the murder took place. now, other neighbors say that they have seen police here at this location in the past, though police say they did not receive any calls for service here within last three months. but again, neighbors have said, a number of neighbors, have seen police responding to this area before. and there is a lot of activity at all hours of the day, a lot of people in and out. they've hard a lot of loud music, fighting and the like in the past. again, in terms of what happened here last night, police are still trying to piece it altogether. they say they are looking for several suspects in this case. they have not released any descriptions as of yet but say several people burst into the house shortly after midnight, shots were fired, and the victim was killed inside the home. now, all were being told about the victim is he's an adult male. no word on the exact age. no identity released as of yet. back to you in the studio. barbara. a vigil held to remember d.c. council intern gunned down. the vigil will begin at 7:45 p.m. in the 200 block of newcome street southeast. a few blocks away where the 18-year-old was shot and killed over the weekend. yesterday, police arrested 28-year-old omar cotton and charged him with first-degree murder. a man chased sutton into the woods after getting into an argument with him. police, however are not released a motive in the case. >> i don't want to comment on the motive, you know, before we get into the judicial process. i think, you know, there's a lot of speculation about disputes and things like that. i guess that will come out when the case goes to court. >> also an internal investigation into why police didn't find sutton until the day after he was murdered. there were questions about whether he might have been saved, had he been found earlier. but the medical examiner has ruled his death was instantaneous. unsolved murder about to go to trial, but not for the charge of murder. today, jury selection scheduled to begin in the robert roan case. he's a lawyer found dead in a due upon circle townhouse back in 2006. prosecutors say he was sexually assaulted and then stabbed to death in a guest room. three men who lived in the house are now charged with not killing him but with covering up the murder. opening statements expected to begin on monday. we're following a developing story in libya. the search for survivors has ended after a plane crashed in tripoli. more than 100 people are believed dead. a 10-year-old dutch boy thought to be the only one who survived it. the flight arriving from johannesburg south africa, most of the passengers came from the netherlands. the boy, who survived, is undergoing surgery now. there's no word on his condition. investigators still have not figured out why the plane went down in the first place, but they don't believe it was an act of terrorism. today, residents in the mid west and the plains are bracing for more storms and possibly evener even tornadoes as residents continue to clean up after violent tornadoes tore across the midwest monday. 19 tornadoes touched down in oklahoma and kansas. initially authorities thought five were dead but three missing kids were found. oklahoma governor brad henry declared a state of emergency for a majority of the state's counties. a look outside here in our area, we do have sunshine out there right now but we could get storms later today. tom can tell us what and when we can expect to see change. >> right now we've had a benign storm season. we haven't had a lot of action here so far this spring. but later on today, we could have some strong storms developing. a live view from sky watcher camera off to the south and west, that's where we could have storms popping up. no resiptation on radar. flood watches in west virginia. have heavier rain approaching later this afternoon. we have temperatures right near 70 degrees all around the region. now 70 in washington. it's also near 70 in prince george's county. montgomery, mid and upper 60s. out of the mountains, it's near-70, as the eastern shore. we've got warmer weather in central and southern virginia where temperatures are near 80 degrees. now over last 12 hours, look that the cluster of showers and thunder showers in indiana and into ohio and into northern kentucky. now, that is sort of heading its way our way but it does appear it's decreasing in its intensity, as it does move our way. along the yellow zone, could be strong storms to the south of the metro area through much of virginia, lower eastern shore, there's a slight risk of strong storms later on this afternoon and this evening. afternoon, cloudy, chance of passing storms. slight risk of damaging winds. highs reaching upper 70s before that happens the rest of the week and the weekend, details and a look into next week coming up in a few minutes. >> tom, see you in a little bit. let's take a walk to the roads and see how things are moving. here's jerry edwards. >> good morning, everyone. a pretty quiet midday under way at this juncture, hopefully it will stay that way for a while. if you're getting ready to head out and about, no big concerns on the capital beltway. prince georges side, there had been an accident in maryland 95 southbound the ramp to the interloop. the accident moved within the last 30 minutes. looks like delays holding stead from from 212 to go south on the capital beltway i-95. let's see what else is happening. kennel worth, work zones in place, one of them right now, volume's light. not having too much of an impact. >> new crosswalks will cause confusion for folks downtown. >> it could. we'll try to keep watch on that. hopefully it will be quiet. nothing too dramatic to happen. right now, one downtown crosswalk may look a little chaot chaotic. d-dot trying out the new diagonal crosswalk at 7th and 8th streets and gallery place. all crosswalks turning red. pedestrians can cross the intersection in any direction, including diagonally. hoping the system is safer for pedestrians. it's already in use in other cities around the world and used to be in downtown d.c. for a little while a few decades ago. time, nine minutes after 11:00. politicking patience running short with bp's efforts to contain an oil well. oil executives back on capitol hill for more questions into the spill. the executives are playing the blame game. plus an update on the condition of vice president joe biden's son who suffered a mild stroke. a hair-raising crash. a van slams into a salon and a big mess is not the only thing it left behind. stay with us. we're coming back. right now, president obama is meeting with afghanistan's hamid karzai. the white house says they are partners and downplays tensions after karzai blamed the west for corruption. karzai admit there's are differences but says that's part of a mature relationship. yesterday, secretary of state hillary clinton assured the afghan president the u.s. will not abandon his country after u.s. troops leave. any moment now, president obama and karzai will have a press conference. supreme court justice nominee elena kagan is on capitol hill right now. she's meeting with leaders of both parties, including judiciary committee chairman patrick leahy and jeff sessions the committee's top republican. kagan is facing criticism from some republicans who question whether she has enough experience as a judge to sit on the nation's highest court. she's taking heat over her hiring record as dean of harvard's law school. kagan hired 29 faculty members during her tenure all but one were white. the other was asian-american. in the next half hour, we'll talk to the president of the american bar association about kagan and the association's job of ranking her. and right now, the companies involved with a massive oil spoil are on capitol hill. here's a live shot of the hearing. it's day two of finger pointing from the executives of bp, transocean and halliburton. yesterday they all blamed each other for the leak. that, as crews are slowly lowering a small top hat containment dome into the gulf. nbc's kristin dahlgren has the latest from louisiana. >> reporter: if there was any question about how serious the oil spill is, just take a look at its toxic cleanup. louisiana's coastline now directly in the line of fire. >> confirming shoreline impact, whiskey island, terrebonne, south chandelier island, saint bernard. >> reporter: so from the air and water crews are doing everything they can to fight back. the numbers are staggering. almost 1.5 million feet of boom, nearly 500 boats, dozens of aircraft and hundreds of thousands of gallons of dispersant, still the slick approaches. >> times like this you've got to keep your fingers crossed. we've got remember, times like this bend your knees, too. >> reporter: what many are praying for now that is bp's latest plan to cap the leak works. that small top hat containment dome is being lowered and could be placed over the leak on thursday. but it could be several days before we know whether it's working. and so work continues to keep the oil from fouling more of the wetlands. >> battling one of the largest environmental catastrophes in decades. >> reporter: a catastrophe that continues to pour into the gulf. kristin dahlgren, nbc news, louisiana. outrage over the massive oil spill in the gulf continues to grow. local protestors gathered in front of bp's ovss in northwest. the group wants to the u.s. to freeze its assets use those funds to provide immediate relief to workers in the gulf. britain has a new leader, david cameron now prime minister, after brown resigned yesterday. that brought in the end to a 13-year rule by the labor party there in britain. cameron and brown had been competing for the cooperation of britain's third political party, the liberal democrats. in the end, it was cameron who was able to form a coalition government. the 43-year-old cameron is the youngest prime minister in nearly 200 years in britain. a congressional seat that's been held by democrats for generations in this country is now up for grabs. west virginia's representative allen mully hand lost yesterday's primary race. he has served in the house for 14 terms. he's the first u.s. house incumbent to be ousted this spring primary season, amid widespread voter unrest. we continue to have sunshine here in the nation's capital. will it be that same system that hit the midwest that's coming our direction? >> yes, it is. of course, it takes on a different look, as it heads east. in fact, losing a lot of its strength. enough heating here, enough sort of dynamic in the atmosphere to create storms. we've had a benign season so far this spring. but this afternoon, if you hear thunder, the rule is, get inside. right now we don't have storms around. just clouds beginning to increase after a cloudy start. we had sun break out. clouds beginning to return. right now 70 at reagan national. dew point climbing a bit. so the humidity is up there a bit. but certainly not sweltering. a south-southeasterly breeze. we need the rain. we'll take any rain that's coming. on radar, no precipitation. flood watches up out in west virginia. at this hour it has climbed to around 70. not only in washington, but in prince george's county, mon montgome montgomery, arlington. west, low 70s. shenandoah, mid-70s. southern maryland as well now into the mid-70s. may peak near 80 before the clouds thicken up. it's near 80 in richmond, norfolk in the upper 70s. near 70 in the mountains as well. eastern shore away from the waters, near 70. over the last 12 hours cloud cover breaking up. but there's a cluster of showers and thunderstorms, complex of form storms along the ohio valley. it will be weakening. last week i visited the tulip grove elementary school in prince george's county, talked to students about science ask meteorology and all different types of weather. had a terrific time. a great school in prince george's county, teacher mary louise lopez invited me. had a great time. their motto, where children bloom, a wonderful school in prince george's county. over last 12 hours the storms developed in the mid michael phelps michael phelssissippi va. it's holding a bit in northern kentucky. along the line, it does appear it will take a turn to the south. in this yellow zone where it will be tracking that with a stalled front develop other storms even ahead of that by earlier this afternoon. the cluster will be coming in this evening. from the eastern shore, southern maryland and just to the south of washington from near fredericksburg south to the virginia/north carolina boarder and into west virginia, and into the ohio valley, they the zone for potential for strong storms this afternoon and this evening. as we go forward over the next 48 hours, you see the cluster passing mainly to our south. south of the metro area that is. overnight tonight. and by dawn tomorrow, things will setting down, cloudiness around tomorrow. looks look a cloudy day. may have showers to our north. we'll stay dry tomorrow. it will be cooler. friday, we'll have a front, another one, in the midwest beginning to approach us, bringing more showers. so for the rest of the afternoon, it's mostly cloudy from here on in. there's a chance of those storms beginning to develop perhaps around 2:00, 3:00, or so, around just to our south, around the metro area, too, perhaps as far north as washington. later into the evening as well we could get more showers, after we have a high in the upper 70s. maybe thunder and lightning overnight tonight. by dawn tomorrow, we'll be in the 50s. during the day thursday, looks like it will be mostly cloudy and cooler tomorrow. in fact, highs only in the 60s. then on friday, we warm up, a dramatic change. ought to be hitting 80s by friday afternoon. sunny start but clouding building in. as the front moves in, we could have more storms. drying out in time for the weekend. saturday morning, near 60. should be mostly sunny. saturday highs mid-70s. looks like a delightful day as well. highs into the 70s, partly cloudy. monday, could get showers monday evening into tuesday. this afternoon, storms around. tune in nbc for 4:00, 5:00, 6:00. veronica johnson will be here to let you know what storms may be developing. >> thank you, tom. see you shortly. out to the roads with jerry edwards. any problems we need to know about? >> you asked me whether it was chaotic near gallery place. a live look here. not too chaotic, i guess. crews out there and assistants out there. it's strange to see folks dr crossing diagonally, not in a crosswalk. that's what's happening. moving along pretty well, the experiment. let's see what else is happening at this hour. no worries headed out to the woodrow wilson bridge. interloop and outer loop between alexandria and oxen hill moving along nicely. 11:21 is our time. still ahead on news4 midday what it got easier to apply for a federal job. plus, where you may see betty white on stage next. and how an area couple looking to adopt got lucky on facebook. a look at what's hot on >> reporter: vice president's son is alert and talk after suffering a mile stroke. beau biden is recovering in a local hospital. they expect him to recover. beau biden is 41, and the delaware attorney general. last year he returned from a year-long deployment in iraq with the arm national guard. the white house says he is in stable condition right now, with full motor and speech skills. after the success of her first book, sarah palin is work on a second book "america by heart, reflections on family, faith and flag" released november 23rd. palin will work with a collaborate somewhere include favorite speeches, sermons and literature. she calls it a book dedicated to american values. it will also include photos of people she met during her book tour for her memoir called "going rogue" that book sold more than 2 million copies. for the oscars, the next chapter in betty white's career comeback? facebook is starting another campaign to get white to host the academy awards. a similar campaign that helped her get the saturday night live gig this past weekend. that show produced snl's best ratings in a year in coming up in the next half hour, a violent end to a police in the district -- a police chase in the district. a car bursts into plames. plus -- the hair-raising crash caught on tape in maryland. wait until you hear what the driver did next. we'll tell you what could be the future of medicine. the new tests you can get at the drugstore to alert you to your risk in a number of deadly diseases. tom kierein will join us to talk about the possibility of a stormy evening. he'll be with us again. stay with right now on news4 midday, president obama meeting with afghanistan's hamid ka karzai at the white house. the white house stharz paays th partners. karzai admits there are differences but says it's part of a mature relationship. any moment the president and karzai will hold a press conference. a 10-year-old boy is undergoing surgery right now, after a plane crashed -- he was in a plane crash in libya. he's thought to be the only survivor. when the plane went down in tripoli. more than 100 people feared dead. investigators haven't figured out why the plane crashed. police in prince georges are looking for gunman after a deadly shooting after midnight at a house on queen ann bridge road south in upper marlboro. they found a man shot and killed. neighbors tell news4 the police have been called to the house many times in the past. the mother of the university of virginia lacrosse player accused of killing a member of the women's team says she will continue to support her son. marta murphy released her first public statement since yeardley love's murder may 3rd. her son, george huguely, faces first-degree murder charges. murphy calls love a sweet and wonderful young woman with a limitless future. she says she's devastated and confused about what happened. hugue huguely remains in custody without bond. he told police he and love had been in a relationship that ended recently. his lawyer calls her death an accident into police are looking into whether there had been previous altercations between lug huguely and love including one report they argued at a bar the day before she was found dead. a news4 exclusive. take a look. surveillance video of a van crashing into a maryland hair salon. this morning that salon owner is the picking up the shattered pieces. tracy? >> good morning. the good news is no one was hurt in the incident. and the owner says that she's definitely happy that she got the surveillance camera installed when she did. the owner says she was shocked to come into work sunday and see the front of her business in ruins and even more shocked when he she took a look at her store's surveillance video. >> when i arrived here on mother's day morning, i was devastated. absolutely devastated. >> reporter: surveillance video caught the moment the van came sailing into over the rainbow salon this weekend. >> the car coming in and the car pulling right back out. it was amazing. >> reporter: no one was there at the time, so the driver left but not without leaving his insurance information, turns out the driver of the van owns a business next door. he told police he hit the gas instead of the brakes. >> the car came in and wrecked into two of my double stations that tore into two of the chairs, went through the wall, and through our -- the bay window that was here. >> reporter: the owner says she's going to have to use her own insurance to pay for this destruction that will mean a deductible that she can't really afford. she's been given estimates of $25,000 just to clean up the debris. so she's going to be doing as much as she can on her own. >> we can kind of laugh at it now thinking you can't imagine having a car coming through your business. so -- nobody was here, that was the most important thing. >> the owner has more than 50 anxious prom girls hoping to have their hair done this week for the upcoming weekend prom. she's been scheduling their appointments and says, if necessary, she'll move the bulk of her operation to the back of the salon and continue doing hair there. back to you. >> thank you, tracy. the owner says the structure of the building was affected but should be safe for her customers. new today, police chase that began in prince georges county ended with a crash in the district. before 5:00 this morning, officers tried to stop a driver they believe was involved in the crime. the suspect took off and didn't stop until slamming into a parked car. the crash happened at 18th and avart street in northeast washington. the suspect is in custody. take a look at this horrific sight. a family of four is dead, after their home was swallowed by a sinkhole. this video comes out of st. jude canada, northeast of montreal. relatives told rescuers, before the landslide hit the family was cheering on the montreal canadians in the basement tv room. other homes in the area were evacuated and roads closed. we could be in for a stormy evening in our area. tom kiernan is here it to tell us how soon you think it may be moving in. >> increasing clouds from the west. a live fview from sky watcher cm perhaps northwest washington in the foreground. radar not picking up precipitation around the region. temperatures climbed to around 70 around the metro area. it's milder to our south. prince georges county's near 70, so is montgomery, arlington and fairfax counties. a cluster of thunderstorms has been rolling out of the plains and through illinois and indiana, now moving into ohio, northern kentucky and about to come into west virginia. for the afternoon, cloudy, isolated storms developing before the cluster rivs. a risk of isolated severe storms especially to the south. highs before that upper 70s. a slight risk an isolated storm could produce hail. a cluster of showers and thunder showers may continue into the evening. thunder and lightning to around midnight pfrt aft midnight. after that things settle down. tomorrow, cloudy, cool, mid-60s. friday heating newspaper the 80s could get afternoon storms. weekend, nice, sunny, saturday mid-70s. partly cloudy sunday, 70s. showers developing monday night and tuesday as we get going into next week. that's the way it looks right now. i'll be back with another update. jay edwards, anything going on outside on the roads? >> we have a couple of construction projects to warn folks. first, an accident southbound 95 of the ramp to the interloop and college park. took quite some time to clear it. it is gone now, so lanes are open. traveling the interloop of the beltway towards greenville heads up, road work in place. one more stop. let's take a live look and see how we're doing. downtown 395 to the 14th street bridge heavy. part of the issue may be there's a lot of road work going on, the memorial bridge, inbound, two to three lanes closed and all traffic held up midday. a lot of folks stopping for the 14th street bridge. an accident out to the west, prince william county investigating a serious crash that occurred earlier in the day. route 15, the intersection remains shut down above i-66. the metro asks ride to spare a dime, they did but that's not enough. the agency began to charge rides are ten cents more at the end of february. the emergency surcharge supposed to bring in $9.6 million through june. but now metro's budget picture is getting worse. instead of $40 million shortfall for the year, according to the washington examiner, metro's now $54 million short. the examiner says metro's blaming declining ridership. news4 your health, starting try walgreens will offer something new, dna test that could tell you if you're risk for diseases like alzheimer's, breast cancer, diabetes. some call it life saving information, but is it something you really want to know? nbc's robert bazell reports. >> reporter: coming soon to many walgreens drugstores a test that promises to help predict your future health. >> thank you for calling. for access to a genetic counselor, press three. >> reporter: the manufacturer says is it the future of medicine. >> people should have a right to any kind of information about their health. >> reporter: genetic tests have been available online for years. but now with the drugstore you can buy a kit for $20, $30, then send in a sample of your saliva to the depending how much you spend up to $437 you can find out genetic propensity for a series of diseases and whether you might be a carrier who could pass other conditions on to your children. >> i think it's a bad idea. i wouldn't buy it. i would recommend to my friends and family that they not buy it. >> reporter: would you want to be tested in. >> i think this could be a good thing, but it has to be follow-up. >> better to be knowledgeable about those things. >> nope, i don't want to know. >> reporter: scientists know for most diseases any particular gene plays a small role. so the company says, for the most part, the results won't change people's lives. >> but what we're talking about here is health conditions, lifestyle behavior, diet, exercise, things people should be doing anyway. >> reporter: a vast understatement, the opponents say. >> if you find out you've got a brca1 mutation you may decide to do thing others than eat better. you may decide to get a prophylactic double mastectomy. >> my gosh i shouldn't have children? or my goodness, i'm going to die at a young age, let me spend all of my money and drop out of college? >> that was robert bazell reporting. the dna tests include a saliva collection kit. also a postage paid envelope that customers can use to send their saliva sample to the pathway laboratory. well, looks like money you spend at the grocery store could save you money at the gas pump. starting friday, giant is teaming up with shell gas stations. if you spend $100 at giant using your discount card you get 10 cents off each gallon of gas. there's a limit to 35 gallons per purchase. safeway stores offer a similar discount with their gas station connections and costco offers cheaper gasoline as well. time 11:39. ahead on news4 midday, supreme court nominee elena kagan started meeting informally with senators and republicans are warning that a lack of candor could hurt her of chances of a bipartisan approval. making the process to get a federal job easier. stay with us. we're coming right back. supreme court justice nominee elena kagan is on capitol hill right now. she already met with senate majority leader harry reid. he defended kagan against republican criticism she doesn't have any experience as a judge. reid says she has fresh ideas. kagan is also meeting with judiciary committee chairman jeff sessions that will conduct her confirmation hearing. if elena kagan is confirmed, she will become the first supreme court justice in four decades to ascend to the high court with no previous judicial experience. is that a big deal? the president of the american bar association, carolyn lamb, joins us to answer that question for us. we understand always the aba looks at people who are being considered for federal judges p judgeships, right? >> absolutely. in article iii, we do the background vex through our committee on the judiciary and that committee is 15 preeminent lawyers one from each judicial circuit, plus a chair, they do full-scale background investigations. for the supreme court in particular, it's even a more thorough investigation than usual. we get the pdq, personal data questionnaire. each of our members goes out to the lawyers, to the judges, to the academics, public interest lawyers in each of the circuits to find out what people know what experience they have with the nominee. in addition to that, for a supreme court judge, we also have reading groups of law professors, two preeminent institutions that read everything she's written, everything she's spoken. we have a group as well of preeminent experts in the supreme court practice who, again, read everything she's written, her arguments and evaluated. >> how do you rule out partisan response to some questions like we're hearing could arise from those who think that she's too liberal and then actually some who think she's too conservative? >> right. we do not evaluate political affiliation. only thing the aba looks at is it's a peer review process. we rate professional confidence, integrity, temperment. we leave the political side to the come congress. >> does the white house or congress look at what the aba says? >> absolutely. we began this process because president eisenhower invited us to do the peer review analysis, and every president since then has received our reviews. we provide them at the request of the chair of the senate judiciary committee, to senate judiciary, to the white house, as well as the justice department. >> is it a recommendation or just a review? >> it's a rating. we do a very thorough investigation. we have a qualified, well-qualified or not qualified rating by the profession. >> with that in mind, how do you feel about kagan having never served as a judge before? >> we know -- when you're going to serve on the nation's highest court, we are looking for a very high degree of legal scholarship, academic talent, analytical and writing ability, you know, can she write clearly and persuasively? i don't think that not being a judge is particularly persuasive. one way or the other. of the 111 supreme court justices ever, 41 have come without judicial experience. >> how do you feel about having a third woman on the court? >> i think it's fab tlous havule a third woman. we'll have better decision making, if it's possible, because they're all fabulous now. it still is -- we should have better racial, ethnic, gender diversity. >> carolyn lamb, president of the american bar association, thank you for coming in to tell us. we're all watching to see what happens with elena kagan. >> my pleasure. >> over the next few months. stock prices are higher in early trading. let's check in with courtney reagan. she joins us live on that and the rest of the the business headlines. >> happy to report stocks are higher now. the dow is up 82 points and that's after yesterday when we saw the markets jump all over the map. investors weary of europe's $1 trillion bailout. feels like one day they like it next day they don't. we're careful treading as we go through the market day today. yesterday we saw a huge flight to quality, people jumping out of stocks and into saver havens like gold. the precious metal hit morgue highs as we continue to see that happen. europe mixed. macy's reports profits in line with expectations, crediting efforts to taylor merchandise to local markets helped lure shoppers to buy. cisco reports earnings after the close today. executives from bp transohen and halliburton back on capitol hill in front of the house hearing this time about the massive gall oil spill. the men blaming each other yesterday for the oil rig explosion last month. more of the same today. bp begun lowering a smaller containment dome called aop hat on to the source of the leak. it will be put in place by robot subs. an activist group planning demonstrations at bp offices across the country today, demanding government freeze the company's assets to ensure it pays for the damage. the sbc is considering new rules to consider cell phone bill shock. it could require wireless customers before charges add up to extreme levels, responding to complaints involving all major wireless providers from consumers who have been surprised by their steep cell phone bill. i think it's probably happened to all of us at one time or another. >> have a great day. >> thank you. >> see you tomorrow. 200,000 civilian federal employees work inside the beltway. soon it could be easier to become one of those people. it has long been difficult to hire anyone for federal positions because of piles of red tape, outdated application requirements and months-long waits, just to be notified if you got the job. the hardest part of a federal job could be getting the job itself. the president is trying to change that. he's issued a mandate to make the hiring process simpler and official officials say change is coming. >> the best talent doesn't wait around for five months. they find work elsewhere. >> now, for the first time in history, you will be able to apply for almost every federal job with a simple resume and a cover letter. >> the government hopes to cut hiring times in half, requiring only resumes and cover letters for most jobs rather than long essays and they will give managers more control over who is hired. 11:49 our time right now. a couple says facebook helped their dream of expanding their family come true. plus, meteorologist tom kierein back with another check of the forecast. if you need to tell something to a lot of people these days, one option to post it on a social networking site. one couple did that looking for a baby and ended up with a true blessing. eun yang reports. >> we met at a barbecue at a volunteer organization. oh my gosh, maybe he should do this part. >> reporter: melissa and seth have a lot to smile about, as they sit in their living room with baby noah. >> able to be a part of noah's birth. unbelievable. we are the luckiest people. >> reporter: but their road to parenthood wasn't easy. >> we went through all of the battery of tests and got the news that probably best way that we would most likely conceive was to go through in-vitro fertilization. that was a big shock to us. >> reporter: seth and melissa decided to pursue in-vitro fertilization and overjoyed to learn they were successful. pregnant with twins but five months into her pregnancy something wasn't right. twins had weak lungs and died shortly after with. >> they wheeled us back to our room where we just cried. >> reporter: but seth and melissa were determined and turned to adoption, private adoption. >> when you do private, independent adoption you have to do all of the marketing on your own. and so we had done some newspaper ads and we have a blog. >> reporter: that blog opened up a whole new door to the world of social media. >> i thought i'd put it on facebook. >> reporter: then, like so many things on the internet it went viral. a friend name john saw the post and put it on his page where it was seen by one of his friends. >> i hadn't talked to john in 20 years. took the flyer from john's site, called me and she called me at work. >> reporter: one of the employees who already had several children was pregnant again without a plan for her baby. a few e-mails late they are realized she lived ten minutes from seth and melissa. they met for the first time at a local giant. >> she walked into the giant, melissa's getting coffee i said, hi. >> reporter: they clicked. and an agreement was sign. december 30th, one day before seth's birthday, noah was born. >> it is completely unbelievable that one, we would find a birth mother through facebook and that she would live this close to us and that we would be part of the delivery and be part of, you know, seeing noah born. >> reporter: seth and melissa's story part of a book called facebook fairy tales. the author gathered 25 vignettes to prove how powerful social immediate kra can be. you don't have to convince seth and melissa. they already know. eun yang, news4. >> happy ending. a look now at the stories that we're following for news4. jim handly joins us with a preview of things to come. >> working on several news stories for news4 and 5. cutting calories in the next meal. a simple salad avoid packing on pounds at the same time. at 5:00, summer quickly approaching, as we know. your kids are ready to relax. find out how to make sure your kids don't suffer from summertime brain drain. stories and the day's news and your first forecast here at 4:00 and 5:00. a wet night perhaps ahead. join us then. >> sounds like we do. we'll talk to tom about that right now. thank you. >> yes, indeed, could hit storms. verronica johnson will be here t 4:00, 5:00, 6:00 and 11:00. live view from the radar, not showing precipitation. flood watches out for west virginia. temperatures right now have climbed into the 70s. we will see it hit the upper 70s here in another hour or so. a cluster of thunder showers rolling into the ohio valley, about to come into west virginia. we could get isolated storms developing. the cluster comes in late this afternoon and this evening. if you hear thunder, get inside. could produce damaging wins and hail. maybe some clusters of thunder showers all the way into the even, perhaps, all the way around midnight. we settle down. temperatures into the 50s tomorrow morning. mostly cloudy, cooler on thursday. highs mid-60s. on friday, there's a possibility of some afternoon thunderstorms and ahead of that, temperatures should warm up into the 80s. should be partly sunny. on saturday, we dry out, cool down, highs in the 70s. morning lows near 60, lots of sunshine. on sunday, partly cloudy, highs in the 70s. as the first part of next week, rain late monday into tuesday. have a great day. we'll see you tomorrow morning. >> tom, we'll be looking forward to it. have a great day yourself. >> oh, my god! >> it's that time of year when hatchlings follow their mothers everywhere. sometimes that can get them into trouble. a family of ducks tried to cross the highway but waddled over a storm drain. thankfully a passersby saw them. one of the ducklings fell five feet through the cracks. the good neighbor lifted the storm drain, used his shirt to help the duckling out and returned him to his mother. i guess you could call him one lucky duck. that's news4 midday. thank you for being with us. tune into the "daily connection" at 2:00. we have news at 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, and 11:00. we'll be back here tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. for news4 midday. jerry, tom, me, we'll all be here. hope you'll join us. have a great day.

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