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card more than $25,000 in late payments, penalties, and fees. a second visa card has an overdue balance of 22,000. brown is chairman of the council's economic development committee, and is deeply involved in financial affairs of the city government. in an interview with news4 thursday afternoon, an interview that he asked to be held outside of his government office, brown did not try to explain away the personal debt problems. >> clearly overspending on three of my credit cards that i have. i take full responsibility. my wife and i have made arrangements with the creditors to fulfill my financial obligations. and we're now living within our mean in a very disciplined budget. and this won't happen again. at the end of the day, i take full responsibility. >> reporter: it's unclear how or whether brown's personal financial problems will affect his campaign to become the second highest elected official in a city with mounting debt problems itself. d.c. councilmembers such as kwame brown earn $130,000 a year from their council jobs. there are some new problems in a neighborhood in northeast washington that has gone days without power. hours after service was restored to homes in that area, businesses just blocks away began to get hit with outages. chris gordon joins us now. he is on h street with the latest on this. chris? >> reporter: good evening, jim. pepco crews have been here three days, trying to restore power to this northeast washington neighborhood. pepco's power outage has spread. crews are working underground along h street, between 12th and 14th in northeast washington. the hot spots are spreading. at 1:30 this afternoon, businesses along the north side of h street lost power. dazzles hair salon is dark. 18 beauticians were working with customers when the power went out. >> all our clients are gone, everybody. we can't get phone calls in. we can't -- all our operators are leaving. >> business is shot for the day. >> reporter: this is costing you? >> money. lots of money. >> reporter: northwest washington was also hit with power outages. about 6:00 last night, this morning pepco crews were out working on overhead power lines. >> slept through a very hot, humid night with no air conditioning. >> reporter: doug herbert and his daughter discovered their power was back on just 56 noon. >> the power is back on. so i got make sure i thank these guys before they leave. it's good to have it back. >> reporter: crews worked to restore power to traffic signals along connecticut avenue, and military road and other areas of northwest washington. most signals are now working. but it is northeast washington that continues to challenge pepco. for three days, the houses here had no power, no air conditioning. power was finally restored about noon, but now the focus is just around the block on h street. and just a short time ago, the lights came back on on the 30 or so businesses here in the 1300 block of h street in northeast. they're back and open for business. pepco remains on the scene, monitoring to make sure the power stays on. we're live on the scene, back to you now in the studio. >> chris gordon, thanks, chris. this heatwave this week has caused significant problems for the mark commuter rail service. officials have been forced to slow the trains down because the heat can cause the tracks to kink. now the maryland transit administration is extending the hours of its customer call center so that it can provide information about delays to passengers. callers can reach the hotline at 1-800-325-rail. that's 1-800-325-7245. the mta says until further notice, those phones will be staffed until 11:00 at night. newly unsealed documents in the case of yeardley love reveal new evidence to the case. today a judge released the details of the search warrant outlining what police found and what was missing from several key locations. yeardley love was found dead in her charlottesville apartment in early may. police have charged george huguely, her ex-boyfriend and a uva men's lacrosse player with her murder. the search warrant states that police took swabs of red stains, most likely blood from all over love's apartment, including on sheets and the wall. they also found a note from huguely there. in huguely's apartment, the found a uva lacrosse t-shirt with a red stain on it, another note addressed to love, and a pair of shorts with his passport inside. investigators found more notes in huguely's car, but a key piece of evidence was missing. huguely told police that love was wearing a black t-shirt that night when they went back to retrieve it, they could not find it. u.s. and russian officials are being quiet about many of the details. but a spy swap seems to be well underway between the two countries. kristen dahlgren has our report. >> reporter: the tense russian spies appeared together in a manhattan courtroom, pleading guilty to being unregistered foreign agents in what was likely their last stop before heading out of the country. meantime, this man, imprisoned russian scientist and convicted spy igor sutyagin was reportedly moved out of a russian prison. the state department today. >> we deny that he is a spy. >> reporter: but sutyagin is believed to be one of at least four convicted spies in russia that may be traded for the ten u.s. suspects. not a one-for-one deal, but experts say a trade that may keep sensitive information from coming out in court and keep the u.s.-russian relationship intact. >> throwing them in jail might not be advantageous to relations with moscow and washington. >> reporter: and experts say the exchange was likely authorized at the highest levels. >> you have to imagine this goes pretty high up inside the u.s. government, because you don't make a decision like this lightly. >> reporter: and so in a scenario reminiscent of a spy movie, the group, including suspect and tabloid sensation anna chapman could soon be headed out of the u.s. in the type of spy swap not seen in a quarter century. kristen dahlgren, nbc news, washington. >> those russian spies are expected to be deported within hours. bp officials are now saying that work to stop the gushing gulf oil leak is well ahead of schedule. originally bp said they would not be able to get it done before mid-august. the new target date for plugging the well july 27th. but thad allen, the government's top commander for the oil spill response is skeptical about that earlier date. july 27th is also when bp is expected to address investors and report the company's second quarter earnings. did you hear that lebron james might decide tonight where he is going to play basketball? >> how could you miss that, even if you wanted to, even if you tried. >> going to make it in a couple of hours. >> fans and cities all across the u.s. are anxiously waiting to hear where he'll play, from chicago to new york to miami, cleveland. but the most anxious probably lebron's hometown. dan hellie joins us with more. hi, dan. >> jim and doreen, lebronpalooza should be coming to an end tonight. an unprecedented one-hour special on espn starting at 9:00 to announce where he is headed next year. right now those in the know think he is headed to miami to join dwyane wade and chris bosh. the lebron free agency frenzy the only thing american sports fans have been talking about. james hasn't been able to win a title in his hometown of cleveland in seven seasons. so he may think it's time to move on. we asked a couple of familiar faces who know and have played with and against lebron where they think king james will end up. >> i don't know, because so many things change, you know, with chris bosh joining dwyane down there. i see lebron maybe going back to cleveland, if i had to bet on the situation, i'd say he is going back to cleveland. i've never seen a king leave his throne and go join another king somewhere else. so it will be interesting to see what hatches. >> that's crazy. just to see where he is going to go. but hey, if you're lebron james, you can do things like that. you establish yourself on the basketball court and the nba top player, it means a lot. he basically is going to make a decision and everybody can't wait to see it. >> with his number one pick, john wall, who is very close with lebron. lebron's management team proposed the hour special to espn. there is only one caveat. they wanted to keep all of the sponsorship revenue and advertising dollars that is expected to be in the millions. lebron donating all of it to the boys and girls club of america. that's where the announcement is going to be tonight in greenwich, connecticut at a boys and girls club there. we're going have a lot more coming up in sports. jim? >> it also might be interesting to know who are these people that say they are in the know? if we're talking to lebron or his mom, who are you talking to? >> somebody who knew somebody who knew somebody who knew somebody. >> thanks, guys. coming up, the aftermath of a big water main break. >> duck tours are permanently in dry land after an accident tossed tourists in a river. and lawmakers duking it out. >> and we're keeping a eye on wild weather across the country. >> what you got, veronica? >> no record high here today, jim, sorry. it still was plenty hot. 95 degrees with high skye high humidity. coming up, i'll tell you about our slight cooldown and a better chance of rain coming our way when news4 at 6 returns. 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[ static ] you're watching "news4 at 6." >> a key suspect in a child kidnapping case in missouri is now dead. that suspect, paul smith, killed himself after being approached by officers last night. police say they have evidence that he snatched 4-year-old alisa maier from her front yard monday, and held her for 24 hours. she was found wandering around a car wash about an hour from her home. her hair had been cut shorter, and she was wearing different clothing, but she was not physically hurt. a company that offers tours on duck boats has suspended its boat operations. the action follows an accident yesterday in philadelphia. two people are still missing. jinah kim has our report. >> reporter: in philadelphia today, the search for two missing tourists continued above water as rescue crews called off plans for a dive team. >> we still have two unaccounted for individuals, and we're praying for them. >> reporter: they say the water is too murky and turbulent to look in the delaware river for a 16-year-old girl and 20-year-old man from hungry who may have gotten trapped in their tour boat as it sank yesterday. >> the beagle is laying upright on its wheels. there could be bodies inside. we're not sure. >> reporter: around 2:30 yesterday afternoon, a duck tour boat carrying 37 people stalled in the river after experiencing mechanical problems. about ten minutes later, it was struck by a giant barge being pushed by a tugboat. investigators say it's possible the driver of the tug never saw the idle boat in its path. there has only been one other major accident involving an amphibious tour boat. in 1999, 13 passengers were killed when a duck boat run by a different company sank in arkansas. >> our goal is to do a very good investigation, come up with recommendations that can prevent this type of accident from occurring again. >> reporter: about a third of the 35 rescued people were treated for mostly minor injuries at area hospitals. the company behind the duck tours has announced it will halt all of its 90 tours nationwide indefinitely. jinah kim, nbc news. there are several companies that operate duck tours around the country. the one that operates in d.c. is called d.c. ducks, and is not the one involved in yesterday's crash. d.c. ducks continues to operate. stock market once again surged today. the labor department said initial claims for unemployment benefits were down by 21,000 last week. that was good news to wall street ears. the dow was up 120 points. the nasdaq picked up 15. the s&p up 9 points. president obama says the u.s. economy is headed in the right direction, but he warns there are still some difficult times ahead. >> what is absolutely clear is we're moving in the right direction. we are headed in the right direction. and that is the surest way out of the storm is to go forward, not to go backwards. >> the president made the comments at an electric vehicle plant in kansas city. mr. obama is on a two-day trip focusing on economic recovery, and he is stumping for candidates in missouri and nevada. an economic debate in the taiwan parliament turned ugly today. a nasty fight broke out. it all started when the house speaker rejected another lawmaker's request to debate a trade deal with china. supporters of the deal got angry and tried to take over the podium. people started yelling and pushing each other around and climbing up on the furniture. books, trash cans, and even a couple of bodies went flying. we're told a couple of people suffered cuts and bruises before things finally calmed down. that was in taiwan. emmy nominations coming up. actually, they've been announced. we'll tell who is in and who is out. >> plus, where rain from a new tropical depression is adding to flooding problems after hurricane alex. >> and when we might get a break. >> good afternoon. we've been dealing with a big problem in the way of a disabled house on the capital beltway outer loop. the results of a jackknifed tractor-trailer that was towing a house. here is what we're left with. the house is moving now. it is moving beyond the dulles toll road. but we still have substantial delays this as you make your way across the american legion bridge. the delays begin solid out of college park. this is leaving university boulevard. as you might imagine, a painfully slow commute on the outer belt. inner loop not to be outdone. still has rush hour delays, traveling through college park. but fortunately there at least your lanes specially trained technicians cput every car we sell through a 125 point inspection. carmax is the smart choice because at carmax you get a free appraisal and your written offer to buy youcar good for seven days. you're watching "news4 at 6." >> more bad weather along the texas/mexico border. another storm came ashore and brought with it more rain. lots of it in fact. as much as 10 inches fell in some places. laredo, texas and other places were already struggling with flooding along the rio grande following hurricane alex. that river is expected to crest later tonight, and that could mean even more flooding. people in low-lying areas are being evacuated. >> that looks awful. and we can't seem to buy any rain, although veronica, there were a few showers out there this afternoon, right? >> right. a few some locations around frederick county, maryland, northern loudoun county. if you were caught under one of those, getting an inch to inch and a half real quick and a big-time cooldown, which certainly is nice. we're calling for isolated showers. folks who want the rain. i know we all do, right? we're going to be getting more of that come the end of the week and especially the weekend. hey, this video, i assure you, was shot earlier when it wasn't so hot or humid outside. look at the little kids at the park today. now don't you wish you were what, 4, 5 years old again? get to walk around the playground for the morning and then go home and take a nap. that's the best place to be, in the ac today. 95 degrees was the high temperature. right before 2:00 it started out at 81, already plenty warm. we have now had 28 days this year where the high temperature has been 90 degrees or higher. all of last year 22 days. that was it. 91 is the current temperature with the wind out of the east-southeast now at 13 miles per hour. so that east and southeast wind, that's what helped to keep us cool today. look at the early morning temperatures, 76, 79. so maybe a degree or two lower than this morning. you mentioned those showers, those showers. they there they are. frederick county to northern loudoun county. so from areas around walkersville, maryland, to brunswick, virginia, this one little cluster heading south and southwest. again, better chances of scattered storms tomorrow afternoon and after midnight. low 90s. 92 in sterling. 91 degrees in la plata right now. the big-time heat now, midatlantic state down to the south. atlanta is it, 95 degrees. the dew point temperatures, again, highest right here, cincinnati, d.c., and again down through texas, where they've gotten, again, a lot of rain, 82 degrees the heat index. in dallas not too bad. but 96 to 100 degrees is where we topped out today. there is the front. and i want to show you where there has been some severe weather with this front that is going to be cooling us off. let me take you now to wisconsin, where yes, they had some severe weather. not as much as what we saw earlier in the season, in the spring, certainly early summer. cambria, that's where this is. they're cleaning up after this tornado touched down. this was 6:40 last night. how would you like to be on the road and see this coming? that twister tore apart several buildings in the area. luckily, folks, no one was injured. but again, that's the system that is going to be cooling us off. so back to the weather maps here. we've got the low-pressure system off the coast that kind of held temperatures down today. a cold front that will be sweeping through. so we're going to get some storms tomorrow. and then rain that could be throughout the day on saturday. so it's looking like a better chance for saturday. best day out of the weekend certainly sunday. but out of that system, folks, we could pick out about an inch to maybe an inch and a half of rain in spots. look at all the flood watches there from that tropical depression, all through texas and up toward wichita, areas around northwestern arkansas. they've gotten today, cypress. this is a little further inland in north. close to .6 of an inch. it is cranking. thurmont, maryland, under that cluster, 1.38 inches. and we'll be seeing more of that tomorrow. and we need the rain. a lot of the midatlantic right now moderate drought, down into areas of southeastern virginia. so here it comes. our best chance and what we have seen in quite some time there is the front. and here is the progression of it. tomorrow it's still pretty much west of it. it's not until saturday that it gets into areas of west virginia. finally through, it should be all the way east by the time we get to sunday morning. and on the other side of that system, some cleaner air and low humidity. but it will be sticky here for this evening. 90 to 82 degrees. then by tomorrow morning, partly cloudy, oh, it's going to be muggy too again. 70 to 78 to start out. i'm tire to have had muggies and the stickies and all of that. 89 to 94 your high temperature for tomorrow. so tomorrow will be a carbon copy. almost up to date, with the exception we'll have more rain and especially on saturday 91 degrees right now for sunday. you lose the haze, you lose the humidity, going right into early next week. we will take a look at your extended forecast, guys, in just a few minutes. >> thanks, veronica. >> how often do we hope for rain on a friday evening? isn't that something? it would be welcome. coming up, the first 24-hour flight powered by solar energy. a sculpture that honors vietnam veterans with a new look. water restrictions have been extend for tens of thousands of residents in the city of rockville. i'm aaron gilchrist with what crews are doing today and when the water restriction also be lifted, coming up on "news4 at 6." and it's been more than four months since 28 university of maryland students were arrested during that chaotic scene after their basketball team beat duke. i'm john schriffen. coming up, the students have their day in court. coming up in sports, the big question everybody wants answered. where is lebron going to land? we're going the visit some of the possible destinations, coming up. and paul goydos ties a pga record on the golf course. news4 at 6:00 continues. you're watching nbc 4, washington's news leader. now live in hd, this is "news4 at 6." >> at the top of this half hour, a 24-inch water main in potomac, and 24 hours later, people living in rockville are still dealing with the aftermath. mandatory water restrictions are in place for people in rockville. it looks like the water restriction also remain in place, at least until saturday. >> crews are trying to repair this water main. they're expected to have the new pipes in the ground some time tonight. the problems began yesterday at the intersection of south glen road and deep glen road in potomac. crews arrived just after 5:30 in the evening. they found water shooting 100 feet into the air. aaron gilchrist has our report. >> reporter: leonard bruce has lived in rockville's lincoln park neighborhood almost his entire life. he has endured many hot summers, catching a cool breeze on his front porch. today he is watching his green grass turn brown. >> you can't water your grass and stuff like that. you can see the grass turned brown already. it's from the heat. >> reporter:s that thanks to this torrent of water that climbed 100 feet into the sky wednesday evening in potomac. rockville's main water line ruptured two million gallons of water lost in a geyser active for six hours. >> we've discovered that we have two broken sections of pipe. two sections we have to replace. >> reporter: crews spent thursday digging up the cracked pipe and around 1:00 p.m. made a first attempt to install a new line. problems with the fittings forced crews to bring in new parts and begin again. rockville residents are temporarily getting water from wssc. at the same time, 75% of the city's residents, perhaps some 48,000 people, are being told they have to conserve water until noon on saturday. meaning no water use outside, and less use inside. >> making sure that dishwasher is full loads. making sure they take shorter showers, less flushes of the toilet. >> reporter: even after the new pipes are in place, they can't immediately lift water restrictions. >> we have to chlorinate it to make sure there is no bacteria in it. we have to flush that out. and we have to refill it with fresh water. we have to test it. >> reporter: leonard bruce says these things happen, and that he can wisely meet his basic water needs. besides that, he'll just have to grin and bear it. >> not unless you got an emergency, you can do something like that. but you just have to limit yourself for the time being. >> reporter: right now officials here don't know exactly why that pipe broke yesterday. we're told there was some corrosion on the pipe, but they'll send off a sample to try to figure out what caused the break. as far as when water restriction also be lifted, likely noon on saturday is what we're told right now. but certainly not before a sample can get sent off for testing and approved so water can be piped back into people's homes. aaron gilchrist, news4. >> rockville public works says a pipe that size isn't usually monitored, so the only warning of a problem was a slight drop in water tank levels followed by a call from wssc. the police in fairfax county say they caught up with a man wanted for a number of sexual assaults. those attacks happened between may 9th and june 29th at the avant apartment complex. the women who were attacked were able to give descriptions to the police. officers then put up flyers around the apartment area. police were concerned because there were so many attacks in such a small area. >> and they also tend to escalate. so we were very concerned about apprehending the suspects. >> we did get a number of tips from our crime solvers. so those helped. but ultimately it was our officer who was patrolling through the area. >> i'm glad. i'm really, really happy that they finally caught somebody. >> the 17-year-old suspect is facing a number of sexual assault charges, including three counts of sexual battery. police are not releasing that suspect's name because he is a juvenile. a judge dismissed charges against two students and acquitted another student accused of fighting with police officers. 28 people were arrested after a university of maryland basketball game. >> reporter: it's been over four month since that chaotic night when they took to the streets celebrating basketball win over duke. but scenes like this where police moved in to control the crowd created a major controversy. john mckenna seen here pinned down by prince georges county police was repeatedly struck by their batons. that's not the only home video taken that night. david markham, seen here escorted by police was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, something he says never happened. >> as i was taking photos, changing my lenses, i pulled my head away from the camera and was kind of bull-rushed by riot officers, knocked to the ground, struck multiple times, handcuff and taken to jail. >> reporter: today he was in court and showed that exact video to the judge. minutes later the charges were dropped. >> it's kind of ridiculous that everything progressed this far, that things were taken to this extreme when they really shouldn't have been. >> reporter: the state also dropped the charges against another student, steven harvey. but the case against university of maryland senior brandon johnson did go to trial. an officer testified in court that johnson flipped police the finger and would not cooperate with orders. while there was no video of the arrest, the judge decided to acquit johnson because there wasn't enough evidence. >> i feel really relieved, a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and things are actually right again. >> somebody should be asking the question how can you have a police department which goes out and charges 28 college students and there is no basis for these charges? somebody has to ask that question. what is going on? >> reporter: and we reach out to prince georges police chief who says at this point the department has no comment. they'll ask for that student who was in that video pinned down by police, i spoke to his lawyer tonight. he says there is a lawsuit in the works to make sure that his client is compensated. reporting in prince georges district, news4. >> markham and johnson also claim they were roughed uply bipolice during their arrest. they say they're not sure if they are going to file a lawsuit. the statue of three servicemen at the vietnam veteran's millenium has been restored. it was unveiled after a six-week project. after 25 years, the outer layer of the statue was worn down. it turned a greenish-blue color. a private foundation that built the memorial spent about $125,000 to restore it. one retired vietnam veteran who visited the statue today said it now looks more realistic. >> as it should. coming up, we'll tell you about the emmy nominations and "the tonight show" shocker. strut do you think a catwalk. we all know it's not as easy as it looks. plus, the top chefs d.c. beef. you're watching "news4 at 6." >> nobody was really lucky today weather-wise. we still have the sky-high heat across the area with temperatures around 95, 96 degrees, and still plenty humid. some folks at least got cooling showers and thundershowers. right now this one coming in to and through northern loudoun county. still a little bit of lightning with it. eventually getting to nielsville and morrisonville. headed south-southwest to straussburg right now. we're going to see more of that tomorrow, the showers and thundershowers. our air quality forecast code yellow. so moderate because we are going to have some rain around the area. and i wanted to show you the effect of our east and southeasterly wind throughout the day. normally that poor air quality right around d.c. and areas up into baltimore. but the east and southeasterly wind has pushed all that bad air up into areas like frederick, sterling, winchester, and martinsburg to the west. 91 right now. lots of humidity. so a muggy morning. 76 will be the start with the southeasterly light wind. then the winds will pick up during the afternoon. i'm going for of a high of 92. chance of rain during the afternoon, better chance for the evening and throughout the day on saturday. look at this high on saturday, jim. 88 degrees, nice, huh? >> yeah, we like that. thanks, veronica. a contestant for bravo's top chef d.c. has filed a lawsuit against national harbor in prince georges county. it's timothy dean we're talking about. he planned to open a restaurant at the retail complex. dean says he signed a lease for the restaurant back in 2008, put up more than a million dollars of his own money in the project, but the developer he says never paid him the $600,000 that the developer promised for the space. without the extra money, dean says he could no longer afford the restaurant. he says the developer changed the locks in fact and so now they will settle their differences in court. the emmy nominations were announced this morning. it seems america's love affair with actress betty white continues. the 88-year-old actress has proven she is not too old to host "saturday night live." now she is proving she is not too old for an emmy either. she is one of 12 actors forming on "snl." conan o'brien was also nominated. jay leno was not. the emmys will air right here on nbc sunday, august 29th. the show will be hosted by "snl" alum jimmy fallon. fashion week in paris wrapped up today. did you know that? >> no. >> yesterday there was some drama at the show of lebanese designer elie saab. at least two of the models fell on the runway. the first one wore a gold dress. you could see her in background picking herself up. the photographer observed fashion show decorum, didn't zoom in. the second one slipped a few seconds later. she looked like she might be able to hang on. but not. girl down. the rest of the show proceed a planned, although it did seem as if the models were treading a bit more cautiously than usual. >> every woman who has ever fallen in a pair of high heels can relate to that. >> i wouldn't know. we'll take your word. >> what is up? >> lebron-palooza comes to an end tonight. >> good. >> nobody really knows. people think they know, as we discussed. but nobody really knows. paul goydos ties the record on the golf course. plus a local boxer seeks redemption in the ring. "news4 at 6" you're watching "news4 at 6." >> you know some of will be so glad when this over. you know that, right? >> i thought you enjoyed it a little bit. >> no. >> you said the hype, and that's a good thing. >> that side of it. i enjoy watching lebron play. i don't give a darn about all of this stuff, you know. chris bosh, love watching me some dwyane wade. >> how about this report out of cleveland that he has increased security at his house. >> i saw that earlier. >> ah-ha! >> there are all kinds of crazy stuff. >> how is he going to be able to go back home? >> he is already home. he is not going back home. >> there is another report he has already reserved six cabanas in miami for a party on sunday. all kinds of stuff out there. there has been a live camera all afternoon outside of the greenwich, connecticut boys and girls club, waiting for lebron to arrive. once he is there, lebron will star in his own hour-long reality espn special. king james has hijacked the most powerful network in sports for 60 minutes. the special being called "the decision." where will he end up? it seems to hint toward miami where he would join chris bosh and dwyane wade. lebron would have to take about $30 million less in terms of guaranteed dollars from the team. anywhere other than cleveland, depending on the day, there have been as many as four, five teams that believe they'd had a shot at landing the biggest free agent prize in nba history. the three most viable have always seemed to be miami, chicago, and new york. so we're taking a trip to each of those cities to get a take from our nbc brethren on lebron-palooza. let's start with the knicks' chances. >> in greenwich, connecticut, the circus is already in town. tonight lebron makes the announcement at the boys and girls club here. we're just 33 miles from madison square garden in new york city, and the knicks believe there is an omen there. yesterday they signed amar'e stoudemire. now they believe they will get the king. why? because he can become a billionaire, because new york is the entertainment, financial, and sports capital of the world. i know people are saying miami. i think he coming to new york. >> i'm paula faris in chicago. carlos boozer has been texting lebron, pitching the bulls. you come here, we'll have the best starting five in the league, better than kobe, better than boston. but to be honest, the bulls aren't necessarily feeling the lebron vibe. one executive tells me they have no clarity at all. they'll probably learn of lebron's decision when the rest of the nation does. at 9:00 eastern. >> king james, or can i call you lebron? i got two words for you, my friend. south beach. we all know that's why you want to come down and play for the heat, the beaches, the women. but if you want to say it's all about winning, no problem. we got wade. we got bosh. you come down and join the people, i'm talking multiple championships. plus no state income. it's that simple. lebron, it's an easy sell for miami. yet at the same time as a pessimistic heat fan, i wouldn't be shocked if it's all a smoke screen and tonight lebron goes home and chooses the cleveland cavaliers. but don't do it! >> so you have the miami guy, where everybody says he is going to go who predicts he is going to stay this cleveland. i mean this is all over the board. people asking everybody. >> they a couple of one or two rings of his own. and seems to know how to keep a ball club organization niced. >> he is running that. eric is young coach and there is word people think if lebron were to go there, riley would do the same thing when shaq claim that and big footed him out of the way. >> let's get it over with. >> i'll do this real quickly. winters in chicago, cleveland, and new york suck. i mean, if there is a choice and you play basketball in the wintertime. >> he doesn't know anything else. >> time to learn. >> he is used to it. >> now is the good time. >> some people would say summers in miami kind of suck too. >> won't be there anyhow. basketball season is in the wintertime. >> that's true. that's a real good point. chicago one of the teams who desperately tried to clear cap space for lebron. and that included getting rid of backup point guard heinrich. he is owed $17 million over the next two years which will make him the second highest paid wizard. yes, he is a member of the washington wizards now. gilbert arenas the only one who make morse. but the wizards think he will be a good fit with john wall and maybe a third guard coming off the bench. after spending his entire seven-year career in chicago, heinrich ready to move on. >> yeah, i mean i'm just excited to get a chance to talk to my new team. very appreciative of my time here in chicago. they gave me a chance to grow as player, and an opportunity to play. and i appreciate them for that. the fans are great. and i'm going to miss it, but i'm excited to move on to a new opportunity. >> you know it's kind of crazy, kind of caught me offguard. but i'm very appreciative of my time, and looking forward to good things in washington. >> all right. that's new wizard kirk heinrich. former wizard brendan haywood is staying in dallas. he reportedly agreed to a six-year, $55 million deal. >> sweet. >> yeah. on the baseball front, ryan zimmerman not going to the all-star game, edged out by joey vato who leads the national league in home runs. on the golf course, paul goydos, well, he is only 5'9". today he said he is not any taller because he match his height with his score today, 59. goydos shot a 12 under 59 in the first round of the john deere classic to tie a pga tour record. goydos 4 under on the front 9 circumstances with pretty good. then he powered bied 8 of his last 9 holes to become just the fourth pga golfer ever to shoot a 59. here on 18, he needs to stick it tight to give himself a shot at a powered by, which would tie the record and this is pretty tight here, snuggles it about six feet within the pin. he said he was feeling the pressure here. has to make this to tie the record. a little down hill slide. >> and he gets to it go. goydos only has two career pga tour wins. he has missed a couple of cuts. he has withdrawn from a tournament recently. this year he has only one top 10 finish. this was pretty good for paul goydos. talking boxing now. this weekend great falls native jimmy lange climbs back into the ring, looking for redemption. lange says he is treating friday night's fight at the patriot center like it's his first one. he is still ticked off from march. this time around, lange is feeling like he is ready. he doesn't know that much about his opponent, jimmy le blank who is bringing in a 12-16-4. lange is looking to regain his championship form to get career win number 32 ray long the way. he is getting some help from legendary trainer jimmy glen, who has worked with lange before and knows exactly what he can do. >> i know he's got guts, determination, and you should be able to help that. so i feel that i could help him a little bit and carry him along. >> i'm training almost like it's my first fight because the last fight it was a bad fight for me, period. and, you know, i'm make nothing excuses for that except to just say i'm moving on and going to improve. and go from there. you know, it's a fresh start. >> you've been to a couple of jimmy lange. >> good for him for hanging in there he has had a tough career. >> he has. but his record is still pretty good. going for a 32nd win. he has been fighting since 1997. >> 13 years a long time to be in the ring. thanks, dan. >> thank you, dan. well, forget all about lebron. coming up, we'll tell you about a very special young man named justin who got to shoot hoops with somebody special. also, a solar-powered plane you're watching "news4 at 6." >> the national zoo is reporting the death of a red panda cub. the cub was born only three weeks ago. it was the first red panda cub born at the zoo in 15 years. keepers had been watching it very carefully. zoo officials say they were also vigilant about keeping the cub in cool spaces because of the extremely hot weather this week. the cause of death has not yet been determined. an experimental solar plane has reached a milestone. it was able to fly for a full day, even through the darkness of night, running strictly on solar power. kurt gregory has more. >> one meter. >> reporter: the solar impulse made history today as its 24-hour test flight was completed without a hitch. the solar-powered plane stayed in the air throughout the night, running only on the energy it had stored up during the day with its 12,000 solar cells. the team behind the project says that proves the plane could theoretically fly indefinitely. they say it's a demonstration of the possibilities of new energy-efficient technologies. >> we were convinced that with alternative energies you can achieve a lot of things. but so many people are skeptical. and we couldn't prove we were right. we had no -- not yet the credibility. after landing, we have the credibility. >> reporter: but with plans to eventually take a larger version of the craft around the world, they've got a lot of work ahead of them. >> it's absolutely not time to relax. >> reporter: more than 26 hours in a cockpit, a cold and lonely night in the air. all necessary to prove a powerful point. their final goal, a flight around the globe. kurt gregory, nbc news. >> and that around the world flight is scheduled to happen in 2013. the friedlander family lives up in rockdale, maryland. mom and dad, and they have four sons. they received some terrible news last year. justin was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. when the shock passed, 13-year-old justin friedlander got busy. he decided to find a cure. he founded a group called justin's quest. his goal is to shoot 63,000 baskets, one for every american diagnosed with a brain tumor each year. he shot baskets with a lot of celebrities, but he says tuesday, oh, what a day that was, a dream come true. the whole friedlander family was invited to the white house. they were told they would have a few seconds in the oval office with the president. but the president had some other ideas. he took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves, then he took the family to the white house basketball court in order to add a few more baskets to justin's total. the president ordered all four of the brothers to shoot a basket. they were a little nervous, so it took them a few tries. but ultimately, they all made their free throws. the president nothing but net on his first shot. justin now has 15,05 backs on the way to his goal. but he has one other thing that he will treasure for a long time. he's got a basketball signed by the president of the united states, who made his first one nothing but net. >> that's pretty cool. >> good for them. >> the president is used to that. he practices with his daughters i think. they play basketball. >> yeah. good for them. happy for all of them. especially justin. that's our broadcast for now. "nightly news" coming up next. >> we hope you'll come back tonight for "news4 at 11." have a good evening.

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