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wesley brown who was then shot 30 minutes later in the parking lot. williams is not alone. police say anthony andre milton ii admitted to them during questioning that he accompanied williams to am bees and that the shooting was committed by them. >> the attack on trooper brown is an attack on all of us as americans, as people who want to live in this society. and what happened on friday morning early is an attack on all of us. >> reporter: could the attack have been avoided? court documents say in 2006, cyril williams shot at a prince george's county police officer, disabling him and putting him in fear of his life. but williams was not prosecuted because witnesses at any time capital. instead evgs imprisoned on narcotics charges and released in 2 1/2 years other. wise, he might not have been free last 48 when he allegedly got into the confrontation with trooper brown that led to the fatal shooting. police say a number of witnesses identified williams in this video and could qual faye for all or part of the $75,000 reward offer. >> at the moment, we believe we received valuable information. >> reporter: might this be a capital murder case in seeking the death penalty? >> that is a question for the district attorney. if this isn't, i don't know what would be. >> i want to say on behalf of the people of our state, how very grateful i am to the professionalism to the men and women of the prince george's county police department and the maryland state police for pursuing in every waking moment. these last few days, this investigation to this conclusion today. the state police superintendent said he has met with the family of trooper brown to give them the news that arrests have been made, hoping the information helps them at this time of grief. aware live tonight at the prince george's county police headquarters in palmer park, maryland. a police officer was wounded this morning when he got into an argument with a suspect. it hampden at old chapel road and root 97. an employee was about to make a deposit at the bank. two guys tried to rob him, the officer saw what was happening and he got involved. police stay officer's gun went off somehow and he was grazed in the leg. one of the suspects was shot in the hand. police arrested one of the suspects. they're still looking for the other man. tonight a fairfax county man is facing murder charges. he is accused of killing his wife and his daughter. the bodies were discovered this morning at an apartment building along cardinal for the lane in lorton, virginia. news 4's jane watrel joins us live with the latest on this investigation. pat, police say this was clearly a case of a family that has some serious domestic problems. they say 49-year-old kenston is now under arrest and charged with the murders of his wife and daughter. the former army officer at west point graduate is behind bars. >> reporter: it was a stunning discovery by fairfax police in this quiet condominium complex. they were found dead in their home. under arrest, father kenston yee. nearby neighbors didn't hear a thing. >> i've been in this area for a long time in this particular area in lorton as a correction officer. i've never seen anything in this neighborhood like this. r it unfolded this morning when he checked himself in telling workers, he was involving in a tragic event. police were called and told to go to the 9200 block of cardinal forest lane in lorton. >> it is under investigation how they died and what the cause of death was with. the autopsies conducted by the medical office. >> reporter: it resulted from a domestic dispuflt he had recentrally retired from the army. a technology whiz, he graduated. he rented the condo to the family of three. >> when they came at the police officer -- >> reporter: police say yee is now in the fairfax county adult detention center facing two counts of murder. >> reporter: the victim's bodies are now with the medical examiners's office. police did tell us there were no obvious signs of a cause of teth when they found the body. they wouldn't elaborate any further. reporting live, back to you. >> thanks. in arkansas, they have pulled the body of a 20th person from the little missouri river. on friday, heavy rains caused that river to flood. and a wall of water swept through the camp ground. while many of the campers were still asleep. today water is receding and a number of people thought to be missing has been downgraded from 40 to 20. searchers will continue to come through the area for the next several days even though it is unclear that anybody is still missing. >> we want to make sure to cover all those before we start. victims have been identified. seven are children under the age of 7. back here, it was another hot, humid, steamy day in some parts of the area are getting some wet weather tonight. veronica johnson is here with the latest and we need the rain, veronica. >> we do. i like the word humi. >> interesting. i was saying earlier, it should be instead of humid, it should be hum-mud. we do have storms firing up. the weather system nearby to the south of us, the storms are sliding south southeastward at 20 miles an hour through the area. where they are is down through charles county. scattered out. we go zoom in. this is one cell i'm watching. it is heading to the seeflt it will get to areas like colonial beach before heading out. then chantilly and crossing over i-66 and around burke. some scattered showers in just a few thunderstorms where the lightning is firing up. just south western areas of charles county. let's take a look at temperatures as we do get to 90 degrees today. lots of heat today. hazy conditions. now we're cooling off into the low to mid 80s with the scattered storms coming through. by tomorrow morning, 71 and 72. tomorrow looks as though it will be the coolest day out of the workweek. a little less humid as well. we are not done with the rain this week. we do have another chance coming up. i'll tell you in when in a couple minutes. >> thanks. president obama back in the gulf coast area again today. it is his fourth visit to that region since the bp oil rig explosion that touched off that massive spill. it was 56 days ago that that happened. the president says he has focused on holding bp officials responsible for the financial hardships caused by the spill. the hardships are already evidence in some areas of the gulf. jay gray has our report. as his motorcade rushed along, president obama began a trip as many others just aren't making this year. a summer visit to the gulf coast. normally there are three boats that ferry vacationers along. right now there are barely enough passengers for one. >> people are staying away from this region. the oil has stayed away to this point but clearly the effects of the spill have not. >> it is really depressing. the people that run this, the tourism for mississippi, a lot of people are suffering. >> reporter: that's one of the reasons the president is here. >> people want to know, what can they do to help folks down here. one of the best ways to help is down here. and enjoy the southern hospitality. >> reporter: the white house continues to push bp sto set up an independently run. >> we have begun preliminary conversations about how do we structure a mechanism so that the legitimate claims that are going to be presented, not just tomorrow, not just next week burk over the coming months are dealt with justly, fairly, promptly. >> reporter: the president was also briefed on a new plan from bp which indicates they could camden you are 50,000 barrels of oil a day in the leaking well by the end of the month. 60 to 80,000 barrels a day by mid july. the current high estimate of the bill from government scientists is about 40,000 barrels a day. this afternoon, the president's tour continues in alabama at a coast guard staging facility, then barrier islands affected by the oil. the president will end his day in florida and spend part of tomorrow there before returning to the white house for his first address from the oval office. updating the nation on the situation along the gulf coast. >> also the president plans to have his first face to face meeting with executives from bp here in washington on wednesday. coming up at 6:00, geologists discover a wealth of minerals in afghanistan that some say could be enough to alter the economy or even the war. and concern about joran van der sloot's safety at a prison known as one of the toughest in peru. and an airline cancels more flights do to a strike. what's up in sports tonight? >> coming up in sports, the celtics are going back to los angeles with the chance to win another nba title. and netherlands gets unlikely help in the world cup. and strasburg has already grante most people think of the topography of afghanistan a dez lags but there is gold in them thar hills. and a team of u.s. geologists working under contract with the afghan government has mapped mineral deposits that they say could be worth a trillion dollars. the survey suggests there are rich reserves of gold, iron, comer, and many other minerals. government officials told the new york time, there are enough untapped deposits to change the afghan economy and potentially to alter the course of the war. for instance, one province was found to be rich in lithium them use that for batteries. that province right now is controlled by the taliban. joran van der sloot is behind bars in one of peru's toughest prisons awaiting trial. meanwhile, there are offers to give details about the dpir disappearance of natalee holloway. meanwhile, people are wondering about the truthfulness of joran van der sloot. >> reporter: he is finding a rough road here. people shouting murderer at what may be the most hated 22-year-old in peru. but the tougher crowd was in court charging van der sloot with aggravated premeditated murder them hauled him off to castro prison. described here as hell. reportedly, he is miserable, sleeping on the floor. so afraid for his own life, he allegedly asked to be moved to aruba in exchange for information about natalee holloway. authorities here say he showed no mercy to flores who he is accused of beating to death. now co-spend months waiting for trial, facing 35 years under the most secure conditions for the most serious crime. also, if this is true that he is offering to give information related to natalee holloway in return for him moving him out of country or something, that raise questions about just how much truth he is willing to share now. nbc news, lima, peru. new condemnations against israel because of its plan on the deadly raid carrying aid to gaza. they are creating an internal committee to investigate the raid that ended with the death of nine turkish activists last month. that panel would include two international observers. the irish nobel peace prize winner and the former judge advocate general of the canadian military. the turkish officials immediately dismissed the plan as did palestinian leader. the protest was filed before noon today. the former state lawmaker lost the primary last tuesday to an unknown, unemployed military veteran by the name of alvin green. green raised no money, has no ads or website. and his victory has stunned state party leaders. he said he won because he traveled the state and talked to voters. they said they've noticed irregularities in the vote totals. still no flights by spirit airlines because of a strike by the pilots. thousands of passengers were left stranded when the pilots walked off their job on saturday. initially, the airline had hoped to keep flying through the strike but now all the flights have been canceled through wednesday. officials at spirit are offering passengers credit for future flights, plus $100. customers who insist on refunds have to call the airline directly and many are complaining that it is quite difficult to get through to somebody who can help. coming up, police try to figure out who stole two bikes from mayor adrian fenty's garage while his security detail was guarding his house. a massive mud slide in france. dozens of cars and homes were buried. and we'll hear when we will our yards are starting to look a little brown. >> i was standing out there doing that with the hose. >> how long were you out there? >> about ten minutes. it gets too hot and i'm like, i'm not going to stand out here anymore. some of us are getting some rain. now we'll have a little more rain it looks like we'll start early and go late. we just wanted the releeierelie. temperatures got up to around 90 degrees. most neighborhoods. that was after a very warm start. the average high is 84 degrees right now. so today, up to 91. in fact, today was our tenth 90-degree day of the year. do you know how many we had last year to date? only two. only two. now we've got ten. 85 degrees is the temperature currently. it's been a sticky, a humid one out there. look at the dew point temperature. at 72 degrees, any time you get about 65, it is already sticky. so plenty steamy outside with winds out of the south at ten miles per hour. we've got some scattered storms. we'll see them hanging on until about 7:00 or 8:00 p.m. partly cloudy to mostly clear skies at time with the mercury stepping down to about 80 degrees by 9:00 p.m. and into the 70s by 11:00 p.m. sunsets at 8:35 today. here's a welcome at the storms. sliding south southeastward. we haven't seen a lot of lightning with these. a few cells with lightning that's been firing other. than that, showers making their way into areas around fairfax county right now and over toward burke and stafford in anne arundel county. some showers making their way on through. a big storm system. it has been providing plenty of clusters of heavy rain. the latest of which is around oklahoma. that's around part of the weather system. the tail end. the cold front that comes out through our area, we've got stationary front. we'll be on the cooler side of that front tomorrow. look at what's been happening in areas of oklahoma. plus the nine inches of rain. let me take through. 67 degrees is the current temperature. this is what paralyzed the city this morning. the water all the way high. several cars that were parked alongside the roads. several roads were closed. these folks got nearly nine inches of rain, tarting early this morning through the early part of the day. at one point, it was between about one and three inches per hour. and they've got more rain. along this weather front, lots of wind damage firing. in north carolina and even blue field in west virginia, that's the yellow dots along one part of the front. back to the west. that's where the red dots are. the report of tornadoes. with the system finally coming through the area on wednesday, that's when we'll have some rough weather around here with some thunderstorms and possibly some severe weather. look at the heat down south. 102, the heat indecks there. memphis, tennessee, dallas, atlanta feeling like 100 degrees. tomorrow, one of the best days out of workweek. it will be cooler and less humid. still again, some clouds around. a partly sunny day. and then any time starting early, late morning, going through the evening, some showers and storms for us. here's a look at the forecast. one or two showers. partly cloudy skies. we stepped out. 80s into the upper 70s. by tomorrow morning, we're partly cloudy and another mild start. i don't think we'll be starting at 79 again. about 65 to 72 degrees. the sun is up at 5:42. so a little lower humidity tomorrow. certainly cooler conditions in the low to mid 80s. so we've got showers and storms for mid-week. and then back to a little hot stuff thursday and friday with sunshine. maybe a tad bit humid, too. and a weekend for all you dads. it will be cooking again. >> a little relief on the way just for tomorrow. still to come in our next half-hour, a close friend and neighbor of the suspects charged in the cover-up of the robert wone murder takes the stand today. a lot of controversy surrounding the graduation. the hardware is starting to roll in for steven strasburg. and the defending champions get a scare in south africa. and paul pierce ta a close friend took the stand in the robert wone case today. the trial resumed after a week off. today we heard from the man who lived across the street from the home where the murder took place. >> reporter: all along the swann street house mates have explained what happened with what happened with the intruder scenario. someone scaled the back fence of their house. came in through the open door. took a kitchen knife, walked through the dining area, through the living area, up the stairs, into the guest room, stabbed mr. wone, and leaves the house without a trace. for the prosecution. dave sergeant, a 31-year veteran of the police department and a burglary expert. he says what happened on swann street is inconsistent with the normal house burglary scenario. inconsistent because it happened at night. there was no ransacking, nothing was taken, people weren't home. sergeant says burglars don't want to go into homes when people are there. they want empty homes, sergeant says. that's the way it happens 99% of the time. for the prosecution. scott hickson. but at times he seemed more like a defense witness. outside the courthouse, somewhat bashful. on the stand, he had a lot to say. he lived across the street from the swann street house where robert wone was murdered. he described himself as a close friend of the three swann street house mates. on the night of the murder, hickson said he saw price at the homicide squad. he said price called and said, i had the worst night of my life. could you pick me up at the police station? later, hickson said, price told him he pulled the knife out of his friend's chest. the three swann street house mates. joe price, victor zaborsky, dylan ward, charged with covering up the murder of robert wone. hickson said the three men were in a loving, caring three-way relationship. it is very progressive, he said. if convicted of all the charges against him, these three doefts face a maximum penalty of more than 30 years in jail. i'm pat collins, news 4, washington. two of the men suspected in the murder last year of a man in loudon county have been indic d indicted. two people were killed. the man was killed. his wife brutally beaten. later ayala was found. a third suspect has not yet been indicted but remains in jail. a montgomery county toddler is in critical condition tonight after being rescued from a swimming pool. now more on the group of life savers who have given him a second chance. >> reporter: the 3-year-old boy was on a playground at his apartment complex yesterday around 10:30 a.m. when he wandered away from miss older brother. the older boy ran to get his mother to help with the search. at the same time, a lifeguard and pool supervisor arrived to open up the locked pool gate. the grp made a terrible discovery. the 3-year-old was at the bottom of the pool. the lifeguard and the supervisor jumped into action and pulled him out, starting rescue breathing and cpr. a minute later, two montgomery county police officers raced up after responding to the 911 call. they, too, immediately started to work on the child. corporal dodson began chest compression and his partner monitored vital signs. the boy's heart had stopped and it wasn't until ems crews arrived bate later that they finally gott encouraging news. >> you have to work on him before you can get the appropriate medical assistance. trying to keep oxygen into him and keep that heart pumping as long as you can. to see him respond to the actual cpr was, it was rewarding. very much. very much. >> it's been a few days before they want to gave prognosis. he has a chance and we have to hope for the best that he comes out. both officers have children of their own. the corporal has a 3-year-old daughter. the montgomery police continue their investigation to figure out how the little boy got into the locked pool area. back to you. thank you. the d.c. city council is considering a measure that would allow liquor sales this july 4th. the holiday falls on a sunday this year when liquor sale stores are normally closed. tomorrow the council is expected to approve bail that would keep the stores open. stores that sell beer and wine only are normally open seven days a week. jim graham said he sponsored a bill to keep businesses from losing the money during the holiday. less than a week ago, walt whitman high school students were in the middle of a commencement crisis. the journalist helen thomas was supposed to speak at their commencement exercises. but she had created a huge controversy with inflammatory remarks about israel. she was replaced by the veteran cbs news anchor bob schieffer, host of "face the nation." he addressed the graduates today. he told them he does not recall who spoke at his graduation or what was said. he assured them they would not remember his remarks by this time next year. what is important is that they will remember how they felt today for the rest of their lives. coming up at 6:00, four suspects linked to a brazen $300 poker tournament robbery heads to court as authorities try to figure out what happened to all that money. world soccer officials have made a decision on whether to ban those horns. some say they sound like a swarm of bees. and veronica will be back to tell us more about when boss: so word's gettin' out that geico customers could save even more on their car insurance by signing up for other things - like homeowner's or renter's insurance. nice work, everyone. exec: well, it's easy for him. he's a cute little lizard. gecko: ah, gecko, actually - exec: with all due respect, if i was tiny and green and had a british accent i'd have more folks paying attention to me too... i mean - (faux english accent) "save money! pip pip cheerio!" exec 2: british? i thought you were australian. gecko: well, it's funny you should ask. 'cause actually, i'm from - anncr: geico. save even more with our new multi-policy discount. four men have confessed to robbing a poker tournament in march. they stormed into a tournament at a downtown hotel in berlin, made off with $332,000 in cash. the defendants did not say where the money went. if they're convicted, they could spend up to 15 years in prison. raging floods led to massive mud slides in southern france. in just minutes, floods and mud slides damaged homes and destroyed more than 100 vehicles. witnesses say it looked like a waffle water. amazingly, no one was injured. let's get another check on the forecast. >> we've got some of those cooling showers and even a few thunderstorms out there right now. let me show you right behind me. fairfax county from burke. these are sliding off to the south and southeast. eventually getting to mount vernon. then a few more scattered ones north. that will come into areas of northern montgomery county, damascus, perhaps even areas around northern loudon county. showers and a few thunderstorms. 89 is the temperature. plenty sticky out there so we're going to get a chance to cool down during the overnight period. we'll drop to 80 degrees by 9:00 and by tomorrow morning, sunrise, town to 71. that's a lot better than the 79 that we started with this morning. still going to be plenty mild. sun is up tomorrow at 82. the temperature had been 82 degrees and wednesday, 85. tomorrow will be the coolest day out of the workweek. we're back to more storms for mid-week, and hot for the end of the week. >> thanks. we've been watching the world cup. does that noise get on your last nerve? those horns are called vuvuzelas. for 90 minutes, that's what you hear. today tournament officials decided they are not going to ban those horns. they're called vuvuzelas or something like that. the players are complaining they can't hear each other on the field. in their ruling, world cup officials cited the cultural significance of the horns. they say at least for now, those horns will be played. >> turn it off. >> sometimes they can really -- >> that sounds like the sidewalk work going on around where i live. every morning you wake up, what is that noise? >> i would consider it a blessing for the sidewalk noise. that is hard. >> it's like droeng bees. next, talking about steven strasburg's first ward. and the dutch soccer team. they don't mind the noise themselves get some i have to admit, in my entire life i've never watched a whole soccer game on tv. >> the same type of excite. as the olympics. you can't help but find yourself glued to the television. >> the best athletes out there in the world. >> endurance. good news for the united states. the goal keeper tim howard who was kicked in the chest on saturday's game has been cleared by doctors. she play on friday when the united states faces slovenia. meanwhile, defending world champion italy got off to a slow start. let's to go johannesburg. even the littlest italian fans looking for a second straight title of 39 minutes of a scoreless game, paraguay with a kick. a perfect position, puts it in the corner of the net. they're thinking, upset of the defending champions taking a 1-0 lead. would it stay that way until the 63nd minute. italy with the kick. the goalkeeper tried to punch the ball away. and italy is there to put in the equalizer themselves take advantage of the goal keeping mistake. they rally to tie 1-1 in the world cup opener. the danish fans, ready for this one as well. the only problem was their team was not. opening minute of the second half. simon heads it off. and another defender into his own goal. the dutch team takes the 1-0 lead. late in the game, the maddux would get another one them take another one. the netherlands celebrate shutting out ten verdict 2-0 in the world cup opener. so much for stephen strasburg not being able to live up to expectations. wouldn't you say? he put it out of the park. he was so impressed, he was named national league player of the week. with 22 strikeouts, he is now tied for second all-time for most strikeouts in his first two games. let's go to cleveland. he said you know what? it's just another game. his focus is incredible. after allowing another home run and issuing his first two walks, he stayed in control. the fastball by branyan, he struck out seven. bottom of the sixth, watch his left foot. slips there on the mound. that's not supposed to happen. strasburg visibly frustrated and shortly after, that he walk another batter to load the bases. that was all jim riggleman wanted to southeasteree. the nationals win it 9-4. strasburg is now 2-0 but he says he has a lot to learn about life in the majors. there will be games. i can't tell you how many times i did that in college. i wasn't able to make the adjustments. i wish i could have handled it a little bit better. got me into a little funk. but it is good to experience this now. the little things that i'm trying to learn. i'm trying to improve on to where that does happen again. i'm going to make the right adjustments. >> steven strasburg in control. a very good head on his shoulder. i'm going to read this because i wrote it and that's what i believe. the celtics will win the nba championships because of defense. and jim vance, if you think i'm crazy, you need look no further than last night. kobe bryant scored a game high 38 points. but his teammates are not able to show up, it doesn't matter. the celtics' defense is pretty impressive. >> no question about it. >> so the celtics take game five. they now lead the series 3-2. the celtics have never blown a 3-2 lead before in the nba finals. he and big baby, they're inseparable. third quarter celtics up'. pau gasol blocked. rondo to paul pierce to ray allen, back to paul pierce who nails the three-pointer from the corner. the celtics were up 11. pierce with 27 points. the corner down heavy. derek fisher lobs to kobe. finds a way to tip it in. kobe had 19 of his 38 points in the third quarter. but the lakers fully closed to within five late in the fourth. this was back breaker. paul pierce saves the inbound pass to rajon rondo. he gets the layup to follow. 92-86. they lead the sires 3-2. game six tomorrow night at 9:00. why do you think that's impossible? >> i don't think it is impossible. i've just been such a huge lakers fan for the longest time and i hate the celtics and i hate to see them win but they are a better tale, i think. >> does that explain it for you? in redskins news, the redskins re-sign rocky mcintosh to a one-year contract worth $1.7 million. he man a fixture at the park during otas. he will join the redskins at mini camp this week. the question, is will albert haines worth be there when mini camp opens on wednesday. one player that could be on the redskins' practice field soon is brian westbrook. he was in new jersey helping out at donavan mcnabb's football camp. he asked him about potentially joining the redskins. they have a lot of guys. i think when i talked to they will, the road they wanted me to play was more third down. i think that's something that i definitely can feel. right now, it is a matter of us finding the number that we can agree upon. >> all things being equal, did the redskins have any more pull because of donavan? because it is your home town team? >> definitely. they have a great team. a team that can win football games. but they have to make sense for both of us. and hopefully, we can get the thing opportunity. >> bottom line, brian westbrook hasn't gotten the offer. if it should work out with the redskins, he would be on the roster with his brother. and in nascar, denny hamlin yesterday. he won last week at pocono. he has won five times in the last 15 races. casey kahne came in second. >> you won, too, didn't you? >> i. did i got a ticket on the way to the race track. >> she got there in a hurry. >> you did not have that. >> listen to this. >> welcome back to countdown on tnt for michigan international speedway. you know, kurt busch won -- >> whoa, whoa! on the countdown to green, we all air out our dirty laundry. did you get a speeding ticket this morning? >> count down. >> i was thinking so hard about this show and about how excited i was, i didn't even realize i was going 60. >> you did get a speeding ticket. >> it was 60 in a 25? >> i tried to talk my way out of it. but it at any tididn't work for. >> i got to the race track and captain morgan was the sponsor. i was talking to him. he said did i see you pull over on the side of the road? you were flying. >> was it really only 60? or you wait 160? >> i promise you it was only 60. the problem was it was in a 35. that's a big problem. >> you wouldn't have gotten a ticket in d.c. >> my parents didn't even know so thank you for that. >> we give you all the news, folks. >> coming up on news 4 at 6:00, thieves get away with two mountain bikes that belong to the family mayor fenty's home has a full time security guard but none of that stopped some juveniles from riding off on two of the fenty family pikes. tom sherwood has that story. >> reporter: city police cars were patrolling on monday but it is not clear they were in connection with the theft. at the may o''s home there are as many as eight security cameras in front and in back of the neighborhood. all monitored 24/7 by a police officer in a small guard shack. despite that security, a police report shows that on june 3rd in the early evening, two kids' bikes were stolen on the fenty property. the police report says when the bikes were stolen, the garage door was open. the police report says that the officer watching the camera saw three young boys enter the garage and two quickly rode away on the bikes. each valued at about $300 and leaving the two other bikes behind. the officer reported the theft. in a statement the mayor's office said the incident which took about 20 seconds was captured on security cameras. and the officer on did the followed proper protocol. the youngsters involved took off immediately after the bike swap. the fentes take full responsibility for the opening garage. bikes are popular in the urban yashz like the district but wary riders know, you always lock them up. >> i worry about it a lot. i carry this big lock with me every time i go out i wouldn't consider not locking up my bike every second. >> reporter: bike theft is a big problem. >> d.c. is actually, it is a big problem. i think we're number two or three behind like new york city for bike theft. bike theft is one of those things, it is real personal. >> reporter: tom sherwood, news 4, washington. a final check on the weather? >> if anybody is biking out there, maybe you're a little wet. there are some scattered showers and even some thunderstorms coming through the area. right now, stafford and around belvedere, i-95 moving through the area. a little wet through the area here until about 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. then 71 to 75 degrees. skies will be mostly clear. we'll pick up the clouds again. only a 20% chance of showers. those will stay west coming through the area on wednesday. wednesday is back to some wet weather. definitely tomorrow, hot stuff. back to 90 degrees on friday, saturday. even father's day is looking hot. maybe some scattered storms. >> thanks. coming up on news 4 at 11:00, a congressman apologizes for his attack on a college student on the streets of washington. a rally held to remember the riots in the nation's capital in the '60s and starbucks is trying to get more customers in the stores. find out what every store will have for free coming up at 11:00. to quote one of television's iconic pioneers, it was a really big shoot in ohio. a really big wedding. 110 bridesmaids. the bride owns a gymnastics studio called tumble world. the bridesmaids are all her students. she said she and her fiance had planned to go away together. >> the wedding day is more important to these little girls. they've made my dream come true so we decided another fairytale and this is our dream wedding. >> 110-person wetding party. it breaks the world record. the old record was 90 bridesmaids. that was something to see. >> that was

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