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>> an intruder assaults a woman in her o bed this morning. it's a case with striking similarities to the cuddler investigation. good sunday afternoon. a young woman awakened to a horrifying discovery this morning. a man got into her house and crawled into her bed. it happened overnight in the 3800 block in glover park. that victim, who is still shaken, told her story to derrick ward. >> i woke up at about 6:15 this morning with a stranger in my bed. he was not there when i went to sleep last night. >> she says she didn't get a good look at the stranger. it happened quickly. i started to scream and he ran out of door. >> reporter: he made an escape through a back door. >> we don't know any details. he was just gone really fast. >> reporter: as disturbing as this incident was, folks around here aren't completely surprised by it. this sort of thing has happened before. >> he attacked -- not attacked but got into several homes around here, and apparently he looks very normal and average guy. so it's hard to pick him out. >> reporter: while the latest victim could not give much of a description, police are looking at possibility that this morning's incident was related it to other incidents in the area, though at this point in the investigation they have no indication they are. meanwhile it put residents on notice. >> it makes me very uncomfortable. sometimes i leave my door open at night, and the fact there could be a stranger next to me at the morning that i wake up with other than my wife scares me a little bit. >> we heard several incidents of it happening around the neighborhood, and it definitely hit home at our house. >> derrick ward, news 4. a rough landing for passengers on board a united aiines flight arriving in newark. the landing gear did not deploy properly this morning. a passenger took the cell phone vid video. none of the 53 on the flight were hurt. the incident did shut down newark airport for about 20 minutes morning. the double agent who killed seven cia agents in afghanistan may have been trying to avenge the death of a former taliban leader. they show a man reported to be the bomber. he says he was trying to get back at the cia for killing a former pakistani taliban leader in a missile strike. leon panetta told "the washington post" the bomber was about to come search when had he detonated the bomb. they worked with the bomber to get information about kd's second in command. back here a man is in serious condition tonight. a freight train his hit car around 6:00 this morning. the tracks there are below street level and down an embankment. lug luckily he jumped out before the train hit. he's treated for injuries to his upper body. there are no train crossings in that area. investigators are not sure what caused the man to drive off the road to the tracks below. a d.c. cab driver was shot in the jaw last night. his cab was found double parked around 11:30 last night. the cabbie was conscious but not able to talk. traffic around t street was blocked off while officers searched for evidence. investigators are looking into whether the cab driver was robbed. there's still no sign of three middle school students from leesburg tonight. they have been missing since last wednesday, and police believe they all ran away from home. 14-year-old natalie flores, 13-year-old allison and 14-year-old jocelyn were dropped off a smartsville middle school that morning. ne went to class. police are worried about the girls' safety because of the cold temperatures. some republicans are calling for senate majority leader harry reid to step down tonight. it's all due to comments that reed made about then candidate obama during the presidential campaign that surfaced in a new book that comes out tomorrow. brian moore has the latest from capitol hill. >> reporter: president obama says he's accepted an apology, but harry reid is still under fire for a racialary charged comment he made during the 2008 campaign. in game change, a new book out this week, reid is quoted saying barack obama could win because he's a light skinned african-american with no negro dialect. republicans want reid to accept down. >> mitch mcconnell said those very words. if this chairman and this president would be calling for his head. they would be labeling every republican in the country as a racist. >> reporter: democratics are defending their leader. >> harry reid maze a misstatement. >> in a statement reid said i deeply he regret using a poor choice of words. i sincerely apologize for offending any and all americans especially african-americans from my improper comments. he apologied directly to al sharp ton. >> i don't excuse what he said, but i don't want us to be distracted. >> reporter: a few words threatening to make his re-election fight tougher as his party struggles to stay on top in this fall's midterm elections. they have several other juicy claims including a feud between barack obama and joe biden. folks, if you gassed up lately it's starting to get pricey again. some places gas is moving close to $3 a gallon around the d.c. area. nationwide the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded is $2.74. the price is up 14 cents in the past three weeks and follows a rise in the price of crude oil. compared to the same time last year, prices are you want 96 cents per gallon. still ahead tonight after days of speculation, there's an official announcement tonight on the fate of the jay leno show. we'll tell you about that. darcy. i'm darcy spencer live at the national zoo. could a new panda cub in our future. i'll have the story. darcy's on panda watch, and plus a strange sight for a cold day in the metro. what happened to all those people's pants? >> craig, ravens running back wearing his pants, he ran wild on the new england patriots. a gw senior scores a mild stone. gilbert arenas visible at verizon center. we get the first look at some damage from a strong earthquake in northern california yesterday. the 6.5 magnitude quake was centered near eureka, california. it left thousands without power, caused structural damage and broke windows. lots of store shelves came crashing down. tonight it's official nbc is pulling the must be on jay leno's primetime talk shoe. the last show will air before the winter olympics. the network wants len knee to do an 11:35 p.m. show every night and return to his old time slot. that show would be 30 minutes, and then folwed by conan o'brien and jimmie fallon, but so far no deal has been worked out. >> more of a mistake not to make changes necessary and stick with what you've decided just for the sake of sticking with it. >> nbc says leno's show performed well enough in the ratings for the network, but did not meet the needs of all of nbc's affiliates. many complained that the small audience was hurting the late local news. that's right. those folks right there, they're taking off their pants inside a metro car. it's all part of the no pants metro ride 2010. the group met around 3:00 this afternoon for a quick pep talk and converged on metro as if absolutely nothing is out of the ordinary. several other cities including new york and baltimore do it about once a year. they're not raising money or awareness. some people just wander throughout the metro without pants on. everyone is sad tuz tai shan leave, but there's word the zoo could get a new baby panda. we're on panda watch when we come back. also, we could see a he bbi a thaw. panda lovers, there's a glimmer of hope. we're on panda watch again. the news comes as the zoo will send the youngest panda back to china. darcy spencer is live at the zoo where excitement is mounting i would imagine. hey there, darcy. >> hey, craig. there is a lot of excitement, but you know, we have a long wait ahead of us. it could be three to six months before we know whether she's expecting a cub. she may be expecting. all eyes are on the giant panda exhibit at the national zoo, watching and waiting to see if she'll give birth to a cub. >> i think this year a panda cub would mean so much to all of us. we get ready for it every year, but there's something special about this year. i think everyone is going to have their toes and fingers crossed. >> the giant panda mating season started early. the zoo staff intervened and art phillfil officially inseminated her. >> it's important with giant pandas because we only have a window of 48 hours to perform an artificial insemination. they only breed once a year. >> reporter: panda pregnancy watch happens at the zoo every year, but this year it has a new level of excitement and hope. she's the only giant panda cub born in the zoo, but he's expected to leave next month as part of the zoo's agreement with china. >> we'll continue to follow him and love him and we will never forget him. i think having a new cub would bring, you know, more panda energy, new life and it would be perfect for everybody. >> i think it's in the cards that she's going to be -- she's going to give us a new cub or two. 50% of the time they do have twins, and we could have two twins -- we could have a twin set here. that would be wonderful. >> reporter: well, twins would certainly double the excitement. thai san is scheduled toeave in early february. no certain date as of yet. on january 30th there will be a public good-bye for the panda. it will certainly be very sad, but there's some happine and hope a new cub could be on the way. back to you, kcraig. >> darcy, thank you. appreciate that. talk about pressure. >> 48 hours. that's a tight window to hit. no doubt about it. >> a tight window indeed. maybe it was too cold yesterday for the pandas to mate. maybe that was the secret. >> they have fur coats. can we take the cold too much longer? we have a very cold night on the way tonight into tomorrow morning. and then yes, indeed, hints of a january warm-up on the way. outside on your sunday evening it is indeed a cold one. check it out. ice on the potomac going underneath the kei bridge down pass the kennedy center. a very cold january in progress. our high temperature today, only made it up to 32 freezing degrees after a 19-degree start this morning. currently we're at 29 degrees, a northwest wind at 10 has the windchill down to 20 degrees. our january right now, 6 degrees colder than average. so yes, indeed, it has been cold even by january standards. check it out. cold by anyone's standards. look at that. miami, florida, 35 degrees, broke a 40-year-old record there. palm beach, florida broke a 107-year-old record. low temperature this morning in the upper 30s there. jacksonville, 22, atlanta, 17, cincinnati, 4. we were 19 of course. current temperatures not a whole lot better. boy, if you went to miami for vacation and got stuck with a 46-degree high temperature, how miserable would you be? windchills in the 30s and low 40s in southern florida. another night in the deep freeze for much of the florida peninsula. that is bad news for the citrus crop, the strawberry crop and for everyone in the sunshine state who said we're moving south and getting rid of the winter coats. cold weather down there tonight. cold for us as well as the real push of the polar air goes to the south. we have another night in the deep freeze around here with the winds easing up and a clear sky overnight tonight. it will be cold tomorrow morning. mid to high teens around town, and i think plenty of single digit hes in the shenandoah valley. a little alberta clipper zips through here late monday night into tuesday morning. that could bring conversational snow flurries to the washington area and light snow west of the blue ridge. for this evening clear skies and rapid cooling. down in the upper teens and low 20s by 11:00 tonight. wake-up temperatures tomorrow night 8 in the shenandoah valley around 18 degrees alongside the chesapeake bay. clouds spill in quickly during the afternoon yesterday, and high temperatures in the mid-30s areawide. seven-day forecast calls for a chance of light snow late monday night into the early morning hours of tuesday morning. doesn't look like a big deal, but it will be snowflakes aflying. wednesday and thursday, above-average temperatures for wednesday, thursday, and believe it or not friday afternoon. i'm shooting for it here. how about 50 degrees on friday? that will feet nice, and another chance of rain or snow coming up late saturday night or sunday for next weekend. >> it's funny what this cold snap has done to our perspective. >> its all about where you are and how it looks going forward. >> thanks. coming up in sports, an agent zero sighting at verizon center sort of. hake with the resurgence of h1n1...'s important to follow the cdc's guidelines to help protect your family. remember to wash your hands. and, to prevent the spread of influenza virus...'s important to keep surfaces clean by wiping them down with a household disinfectant according to directions on the product label. you can trust lysol, because products like lysol disinfecting wipes and lysol disinfectant spray... ...are proven to kill the h1n1 virus. for more tips, visit sunday afternoon basketball down at verizon. >> wizards trying to win without gilbert arenas. agent zero was visible today. during pregame warm-ups, his teammate stevenson took the court with the words agent zero written on tape wrapped around his ankles. without gilbert arenas averaging 22 points per game at the time of suspension may render the entire team invisible for the remainder of the season. they host the hornets this afternoon and here it is. deshawn stevenson with agent zero on his ankles in support of a friend he's known since high school. randy foye gives it up to jamieson. throwst down. game high of 32 points. in the second qrter the wizards revert to old ways. turnovers and lack of defense here. chris paul drains the long three-pointer right before halftime. wizards go into the locker room down by 11 points. third quarter, wizards mount a comeback, try to. butler knocked out thornton and to haywood for the dunk. haywood was efficient, more like perfect. made all seven shots and fini finished with 14 points. chris paul with the ball. knocks down the jumper. paul scored 8 of his 26 points in the final three minutes. they fall 115-110. after the game stevenson on his suspended teammate and friend. >> this is just my brother, you know. he's still a he teammate of this team, and you know, seems like everyone is against him right now. he's a human being and needs love. as long as he's part of this team, anybody -- if it was randy, if it was anybody, you know, show them love. >> we miss him, you know. it's not the same in this locker room without him joking and having a smile on his face, and of course what he does out there on the court. we don't know. we don't know for how long. you know, you still have to move on as far as playing the game, but like i said, he's a friend. you definitely miss him, but, you know, you have to be ofessional about it and go out there and play the game. >> jamieson and the wizards playing without gilbert for the third game in a row. maryland opening and entertaining 19th ranked florida state. i may be in your ear all game. first half action, he goes to work. he goes left and back right, hits the runner. maryland looking good early on, and we're sensing a theme here. he drives and kicks to his buddy at the top of key, knocks down the three-ball. terps up by 6. more driving and dishing. this time makes the off-balance pass to cliff tucker. he hits tleet from deep. currently maryland leads florida state 41-27 at halftime. to foggy bottom, wallace and shington host xavier. colonials supplying some pressure. up with the steal and goes in for the lay-up. just the beginning of a big day and big first half for haul liss. later in the half more damien hollis. he had 17 of 23 points in the first half and scoredxd 1,000th point in the game. they're up 11 at the break. but in the second half the musketeers storm back. jason love trying the reverse, no good. jordan crawford grabs a loose ball and hits the fade-away jumper. xavier has a one-point lead. he shot 31% in the second half. the musketeers rally to a 76-69 history. the ravens were not the favorites in new england, the patriots were today. they won 11 straight playoff games at home, but after the first play the ravens became instant favorites. ray lewis and the ravens going for the upset. on the first play of game, ray wright from rutgers gets the hand-off, finds a hole. the longest the patriots have given up. check that. 83 yards for the touchdown, and like that theñi ravens are top 7-0. ensuing patriots possession, terrell suggs slips the ball and recovers it. a bad afternoon for brady. a 14-0 ravens lead. later in the quarter, new england still down 14. tom brady back to pass, but it's pikd off by number 25, chris carr, one of three ints thrown by brady. they're headed to indy. bill belichick and the patriots going nowhere. >> for the off-zone. jim zorn could be the next offensive coordinator. >> it would be good to see jim zorn land on his feet. >> it would be. the patriots stunk today and itooked like tom brady was still hurt. looked like randy moss was hurt as well. >> julian the receiver stepped in and had a touch touchdown catches. right now arizona leading 31-10 over green bay. that's a surprise. quick check on the forecast. >> consolation prize, he's rich and dating a supermodel. how bad can his life be in the off-season? one more really cold night tonight going into tomorrow morning. teens around town, single digits in the shenandoah valley. >> that's all we got for you right now. "nbc nightly news" is up next. we will see you back here tonight at 11:00.ñr until then, that's the news. good night.

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