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friday's armed rob rooe and ten-hour hostage stando highlighted what some say is a mayor problem. leesburg officials say their police department is severely understaed. that police force is entrusted with keeping the 36,000 residents of leesburg safe. officials say they have 20 fewer officers on the streets tha neighboring communities. darcy spencer joins us live in the city with more. >> reporter: fortunately the hostage situation ended with a peaceful surrender. it's also renewing debate in leesburg about police staffing. some are saying there aren't enough cops. it was a frightening ordeal in leesburg. this man, 49-year-old spencer allegedly robbed the pawnshop, eludes police, steals a car and holds an elderly couple hostage for eight hours before surrendering to authorities. >> this is what you hope for. the resolution we got out of it is exactly what we wanted to occur. no one got hurt. >> reporter: fortunately the situation ended peacefully. it's raised concerns the police department is understaffed. leesburg councilman says more cops are needed to keep the community safe. >> if you have more police and the criminal element knows about it, you're going to definitely enforce the crimes and do everything you can to prevent them from happening, they're going to think twice before they come into your community. >> reporter: just last month the police chief said they have -- 77 sworn officers covering a population of 36,000 residents. >> we're like a rubber band. as the rubber band gets stretched tighter and tighter it becomes thinner and thinner and has the potential for breaking. the only way to keep that from happening is to have a thicker rubber band. >> it was really eye opening that we were short about 20 police officers from where we should be up to the norm for other communities. >> reporter: he says more officers could be hired if the town would make better use of funds and establish priorities for community safety. spencer has been charged with attempted robbery and use of a gun in a commission of a felony. he's currently being held without bond. >> thank you. fire interrupted>> the lunch an a and iian ranes iurtat this afternoon. flames broke out in the kitchen of the bombay bistro on west montgomery avenue. montgomery county official officials say grease buildup in the duct work sparked the fire. >> the situation, basically the fire was for the most part localized on the roof area near the vent, the duct work and the vents associated with the cooking equipment from down below. there were some patrons eating lunch at the time of the fire. they were not aware of the fire above them. however, they were evacuated. >> the restaurant could remain closed through tomorrow. fortunately, no one was hurt but the fire did cause about $175,000 in damage. new developments in the largo mother/daughter slayings that happened earlier this year. an fbi profiler has concluded that the cases are not related at all. that's despite some earlier theories the murders might be the work of a serial killer. the profiler says the similarities in the cases were just, quote, weird coincidences. one mother/daughter set was found shot to death inside their home in january. another was found in a burning car in march. right now prince georges county investigators have collected about 200 pieces of evidence and dna samples. police tell "the washington post" they are making progress. confirmationurrieabe hs ngg torr sows or fuprtmeorou c ne onnomi seia s somayor. id esprent obama took time out today to call the jurors from the oval office. he wished her luck during the hearings. she's expected to easily win confirmation in the democratic controlled senate. 54-year-old grew up in public housing and if confirmed will be the first hispanic to ever serve on the high court. some who oppose her confirmation voiced their opinions today. the anti-abortion protesters were outside the supreme court. they want arch bishop donald worrell to refuse communion to any catholic senators who vote to confirm. >> it is the duty of pro-life senators to filibuster this nomination with all their hearts. oh, but we don't have the votes! it's a fight worth fighting. it's a fight worth losing for the sake of the innocent. >> norman mckorvy joined the protesters today. he's b she's better known as jane roe. former vice prident dick cheney reportedly ordered the ci airks to keep one of its programs secret from congress. some democrats in congress say that may have very well broken the law and they are now calling for a full-flejed investigation. brian moore has that report. >> we were kept in the dark. that's something that should nev never, ever happen again. >> reporter: for eight years congress was told nothing about a secret cia counterterrorism program reportedly on the orders of former vice president dick cheney. >> they have a massive program that is concealed from the leaders in congress. it is not only inappropriate, it could be illegal. >> reporter: "the new york times" first reported that new cia chief leon panetta found out about the program late lost month. he immediately pulled the plug and told congress. >> i will tell you that in my job as a member of the intelligence committee, we're getting after this. we're going to find out what was said, what was known, what happened. >> reporter: republican senator john mccain called for some clarity. >> the vice president, i think, should obviously be heard from if the accusations are leveled in his direction. >> reporter: but other gop lawmakers say this seems more like politics than justice. >> this, of course, comes on the heels of the statement unproven, by the way, of speaker pelosi that the cia had lied to her about enhanced interrogation techniques. and this looks to me suspiciously like an attempt to provide political cover to her and others. >> reporter: meanwhile, there are reports attorney general eric holder is considering an independent investigation into cia interrogation techniques during the bush era. and a partisan fight is the last thing the president needs right now as he reaches across the aisle on health care reform and his energy bill. on capitol hill, brian moore, news 4. we are following a developing story this sunday after a series of delays, it looks like a go for space shuttle "endeavour." here's acanaveral, florida. expected in about an hour. 7:13 p.m. you might remember hydrogen leaks caused two delays last month. a lightning storm scrapped yesterday's scheduled launch. the weather is expected to cooperate. a live look there. the shuttle and its crew said to deliver the third and final piece of japan's $1 billion space station lab. when we come back, there was speculation she was getting out of politics. now sarah palin says, not so fast. where we may be seeing her as soon as that resignation becomes official. plus, should soldiers who are fighting for our country be told they're not allowed to smoke? there's a new push to do just that. a popular georgetown watering hole closes its doors for good tonight. the story coming up. steve, what you got? >> weatherwise, the humidity has definitely gone down. at least for some of us here in the district. we're going to talk about your sunday forecast and also get you a look ahead towards the workweek. all comes up. coming up in sports, an ump gets dumped in baltimore. down to the wire battle at the u.s. women's open. the national stumble into the es l-alar break, literally.l- news 4 at 6:00 continues. this fiber? i'd had my fill. then i found miralax. and miralax relieves constipation with no bloating, no excess gas, no taste, no grit. you'll see. it's clearly different. announcer: restore your body's natural rhythm with miralax. five diplomats are back in iran after being held by u.s. forces in iraq. for more than two years. the u.s. military suspected the iranians of helping local shiite militants. an enthusiastic crowd awaited the men at tay ra. iran has denied there was any vovt in any mill cant activity. we're learn ing moreabout what alaskan governmenter sarah palin plans to do when she leaves office. the republican tells the washington times today she is not leaves politics. palin says she's eager to campaign for republicans, independents, even democrats who share her views on limited government, national defense and energy independence. the republican says americans are tired of partisan politics and that even her 20-year-old son is registered as nonpartisan in alaska. last week she announced she's going to leave the govrper's office later this month. the pentagon wants to snuff out smoking in the military. "usa today" reports today health experts at the department of defense are behind the push. they want secretary gates to ban tobacco. a study found one in three servicemen and women use tobacco. that same study also found members of the military use cigarettes to relieve stress. tobacco use, as you might imagine, increased after the start of the wars in iraq and afghanistan. still ahead, the last call for a georgetown institution. also, that workweek shaping evst villa [ sniffs ] an olive. [ sniffs ] green, with pimento. ooh. he's good. nothing gets past him. [ sniffs ] piece of cake. [ male announcer ] kill bugs on contact without the bad smell. raid ant & roach killer is specially formulated with no lingering chemical odor. what's that? 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(announcer) find out how to get your first full prescription free at it is the end of an era for a popular georgetown watering hole nathan's closes its doors once and for all. all weekend customers have been stopping to say good-bye and share their stories about the place. michael flynn has that report. >> it's terrible. i miss the place. >> reporter: it's the last last call at nathan's in georgetown. the popular 40-year-old pub at wisconsin and m closes for good at 2:00 a.m. disappointed customers showed up sunday to bid a final farewell. >> it's like closing cheers. it really is. feels like closing clears. i'll miss it. it's good to come in and say good-bye to everybody. >> family history goes back to my bad being here for the miracle on ice back in 1980. it has a special place for us. >> reporter: that's a long time. >> i had to come back and say good-bye for my father. >> for me it is a relief, though. >> reporter: owner carol joint inherited nathan's wn her husband died 12 years ago. she found out millions of dollars were owed in back taxes. she still has mounds of debt but customers and nearby business owners have been dropping off donations on the pub's final weekend. >> have you ever seen it's a wonderful life at the end where the neighborhood's bringing in checks? well, that's the small business bailout. >> reporter: back in the day nathan's was one of the hottest spots in d.c., attracting some big names. >> richard burton to dustin hoffman. >> reporter: michael kelly was one of the original bartenders at nathan's. he came to the pub sunday to say good-bye to the place where he worked 14 years out of his life. in georgetown, michael flynn, news 4. >> nathan's is also known for those weekly q and a cafes where joint interviews, politicians and -- you've been there. you've been to nathan's. >> i have been there. our chief weatherman had one of his -- one of those questions. >> how about that? good luck. beautiful day? >> it was. it was so humid yesterday. today much less humid. but much warmer. we actually hit 90 degrees today, first time many july. >> man. i hope that's not a sign of what's to come. >> actually, yes. by the time we get to the middle of the week temperatures could jump back into the 90s. at least for tomorrow and tuesday, temperatures mid and upper 80s. plenty of sunshine and low humidity. let's go to the maps, talk about your forecast. there are a couple of clouds across the region. mostly sunny to partly cloudy. it was a great day. we started off on the warm side this morning, then we popped up to 90 degrees here in the district. south of town it's still quite humid. we're going to show you that coming up. partly sunny. wind out of the northwest now at 12. dewpoint, so comfortable. 57 degrees. all right. here's what's happening temperaturewise. 87 here in the district. a bit warmer at dulles at 89. cooler in quantico at 82. a bit more in the way of cloud coverage and a couple of gusts from dulles through frederick towards hagerstown. not a big deal. up towards the north, mason dixon line the dewpoints have come down. you can see still quite humid with dewpoints in the low 70s. that's just really humid. north of the front there is much, much drier much more comfortable. as the night goes on the drier air will continue to push southward. all is quiet on digital doppler. earlier thunderstorms south of fredericksburg. 94 down towards rally. memphis, 92. you can see the front right here. the front's actually going to push on off to the south for the next couple of days and then eventually it's going to lift back to the north in the form of a warm front. that won't happen until wednesday. until then, for tomorrow and likewise into tuesday, high pressure coming down from canada the main weather player keeping with us a couple of clouds. mostly sunny to partly cloudy. warmer on wednesday as the front pushes through. again, that's a warm front. here's the situation for this evening. partly cloudy. very warm. temperatures lower to mid-80s. sunset at 8:34. tomorrow, mostly sunny to partly cloudy as high pressure builds in overhead. looks like a really pretty day. another warm day with temperatures like today, climbing into the mid, possibly upper 80s. also continue to see the low humidity. that is very, very nice for this time of year. here's the extended forecast. tomorrow, mostly sunny. tuesday, mostly sunny. there you go. wednesday and thursday temperatures around 90. to the south, even warmer. humidity returns. also a thunderstorm or two as we head into tuesday as a pair of fronts slide across the region. then more comfortable for the end of the week. >> cool. thanks, buddy. coming up in sports. an ump called out in baltimore. orexst nupt. when morning comes in the middle of the night... rooster crow. affects your entire day. sleep, try 2-layer ambien cr. the first layer dissolves quickly to help you fall asleep. and unlike other sleep aids, a secondissolves slowly to help you stay asleep. when taking ambien cr, don't drive or operate machinery. sleepwalking, and eating or driving while not fully awake with memory loss for the event as well as abnormal behaviors such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal, confusion, agitation and halluciations may occur. don't take it with alcohol as it may increase these behaviors. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and in rare cases may be fatal. side effects may include next-day drowsiness, dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide may occur. if you experience any of these behaviors or reactions contact your doctor immediately. wake up ready for your day-ask your healthcare provider for 2-layer ambien cr. the washington nationals are feast or famine. >> at the all-star break, it's a fwood time to relax. >> looks like they've been relaxing for a while. >> they'll be relaxes for a couple days. incon sin tensy agitated the nationals all season long. last night they exploded on a season high 13 runs. today they fizzled with an egg on the score board. not have more wins. a whole lot of losses. check out this little guy. stuffing his face with popcorn. bottom of the first. runner on second. base knock to center. nyjer morgan comes up. here comes michael bourn. astros 1-0 lead. bottom four. 1-0 houston. carlos at the mound. drives one deep to left. he thinks it's a home run right away. we got out the magnifying glass. the ball hits below the yellow line. still in play. morgan fields it. hits the cutoff man. alberto gonzalez with the throw. lance berkman is trying to score and the ball is waiting for him at home plate. he's out. they did review it. but it wasn't overturned. bottom seven. still 1-0, houston. jordan zimmerman gets pudge rodriguez on the checked swing. zimmerman struck out pudge three times in the game. he finished with six. but zimmerman made a mistake a couple pitches later. very next batter, kaz matsui. lays this one to right. just over the wall for a three-run homer. zimmerman, devastated. looked like someone stole his lunch. matsui's third of the season. at troes take a 4-0 lead. he trips. that's a balk. the base runners advance. berkman goes home. nats get shut out 5-1. at the all-star break they're 26-51. >> it's a humbling game. the same club that scored all those runs yesterday. we just couldn't execute offensively today. we had runners in second with no outs. couldn't get them over. twice the based loaded with one out and we couldn't get it done. that's why this game, you have to stay humble. >> manny staying positive. in baltimore, os hosted blue jays. ti wigginton fouls one off the ma of the umpire. game goes on with three umpires. bottom three. brian roberts rips one into right. orioles 1-0. roberts had a fantastic day. went 2 for 4 with two rbis. top of the fourth now. 2-0, os. baltimore's brad bergesen delivers to alex rios. drives it deep to left. adam jones has a beat on it. leaps at the wall. and robs a home run. simply glovely. >> impressive. imbreszive. >> bottom of the sixth. still 2-0. salazar sends one to left. solo homer for salazar. just his second of the season. the os beat the blue jays 4-2 and headed to the all-star break with a 40-48 record. championship sunday at the prestigious u.s. women's open. it was former champ christy kerr's tournament to win. she didn't. a youngster stole the show. this is pretty cool. nbc sports guys having fun with a superslow-mo and a water balloon. ji rallied. she's at the far right side of your screen. on the 14th hole. a long way to go for bier drdie. sinks it perfectly. 23-year-old ji said she was extremely nervous. she needs this putt to go for the win. got it! she drains it to win the u.s. women's open in dramatic style. ji birdied three of the last six holes to capture the first major of her career. nascar now. for mark martin, life begins at 50. last night at chicagoland the crafty veteran captured his series leading fourth victory of the year. time now for the most famous words in racing, brought to you by the nbc late night host jimmy fall fallon. >> gentlemen, start your engi s engines! >> that's awesome. pick it up with 41 laps to go. dale -- tire's done. this is what happens. he loses control. leaving debris. check this out. slides from the top and t-bones jeff burton. couple restarts later. 50-year-old mark martin pulls away from the field to take the checkered flag at chicagoland. jeff gordon fished second. casey kahne finished third. mark martin within the record of wins by drivers 50 years or older. >> i got to do a shout out. our media softball team won the whole thing today. they got a two medium cappuccinos, you're ready for the mid-morning rush thanks to a good breakfast. one coffee with room, one large mocha latte. medium macchiato, light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos. make one a double. she's fiber focused! i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate, hold the whip, and two espressos, one with a double shot. gonna take more than coffee to stay this focused. stay full and focused through the morning... with a breakfast of kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal; an excellent source of fiber that helps you avoid... the distraction of mid-morning hunger. no thanks, i'm good.

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