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we could be talking about severe weather. i'll show it to you tonight. even some popular summertime activities aren't so popular in this heat. derrick ward has more. >> reporter: you know, the english playwright said only mad dogs and englishmen venture out in the noon daye sun. we did find a lot of people trying to keep cool if they had to be out in it. shade was at a premium where up until today it was all about finding that perfect al fresco dining spot. no problem finding a sidewalk seat today. >> it's brutal. >> even these folks from louisiana were taken aback. >> we're accustomed to heat, but we feel the heat off the sidewalk here. >> reporter: most labor did go on with workers doing their well-advised best, and generation flowed like water. there were some poor souls in the district without air conditioning or any electrical conveniences for a while today, as they worked to restore some customers off the grid for hours, partially due to overheating and high demand on feeder lines. it was a day when the obvious ways to cool off were the most popular. a cool dip was just right. >> this is actually better, you know, here a lot of people coming into -- having fun with their families. >> it's very, very hot, so trying to stay in the pool all day. >> reporter: a point not lost on our fine-feathered friends. for others, ducking into a cool boutique might help. >> no one wants to try on dresses. >> reporter: even the health enthusiasts realized it was not that healthy to be out. usually busy biker and jogging trails were empty. it's early summer. >> we thought it would have been cooler since it's june. we're not into july and august, but y'all surprised us. >> reporter: as doug said, it's only about 99 degrees. that doesn't feel like 100, does it? about you there will be relief in coming days. stay hydrated. come out after sunset. >> chopper 4 over the scene of a blown transformers off briggs-chaney root alternate outlet drive. right now the road is closed in both directions after a transformer pole caught fire, the wires are down. montgomery county fire is on the scene, so ask bge. there are no reports of any injuries. and now to a developing story. at george pacen university dozens of students suddenly got sick on campus, some had to be taken to the hospital. health officials are still trying to figure out what caused the outbreak. shomari stone is live, and has the developments. shomari? >> reporter: good evening, fairfax county health officials tell me this group most likely did not have some type of food poisoning, but instead some time of gastrointestinal virus. they gave us the latest information. more than 40 students began vomiting early this morning. their ages ranged from 15 to 22. they were attend the congressional awards program. they believe the virus was transmitted person to person by touching infected surfaces. >> we feel comfortable this is viral gastroenteritis. primarily we seeing it during the winter months and early spring, so it's possible to see it this time of year, an the symptoms were very consistent with that. >> reporter: now, the health department is working with the university to clean up possible areas this group was actually hanging in or possibly touching. now it's important to point out that this work program, it is over, so the students are no longer on campus, no reason to be too concerned. many of them are now at home, some are heading home. seven were transported to the hospital. they're going to be okay. live here at george mason university, i'm shomari stone, news4. a confrontation with a metro police officer on a suburban street ended in a hail of gunfire and one man dead. it happened in lanham last night. erica gonzalez has our report. >> he finished talking to me on the phone, bye, mom, i love you. >> chester creswell's mother is still trying to figure out why her son was shot and killed by a metro transit officer yesterday afternoon on the 7100 block of laurie lane. >> two suspects pulled up to the bus stop. >> reporter: dan citiesle with metro tells news4 creswell and franklin sweeney allegedly tried to abduct a woman from the bus stop on the 4100 block of minnesota avenue in northwest sunday evening. sweeney has since been arrested for attempted kidnapping. following up on a lead, a metro transit officer, who is now on paid administrative leave, went to creswell's neighborhood. >> during the process of being on the block, he made contact with the suspect, who was armond. he returned fire. this cell phone video shows the heated moment when backup arrives on scene. metro is investigating what led to creswell's car being rammed against the detective's vehicle. neighbors tell us creswell lives three houses, this is where the clusters begin all the way up to number 24 in this one area. family members tell us they've been left with more questions than answers. >> i just want to find out what happened. >> reporter: creswell's friends say he was a loving husband, father of two who read scriptures at canaan baptist church. 7. a culpepper police officer accused of murdering an unarmed woman in her jeep has now been terminated. the culpepper police department has fired daniel harmon wright after an internal affairs investigation wrapped up. he was charged with shooting and killing 54-year-old pa trisho cook in a catholic school parking lot earlier this year. the officer pleaded not guilty to the charges earlier this month and claims he shot in self-defense. jerry sandusky's fate is now in the hands of a injury. the former coach is accused of abusing ten boyce over a 15-year spans. brian moore is outside bellefonte. what's the expected time lines? >> there's really no way of telling. really fast-moving events. since the jury was sequestered and began its deliberations, nbc has learned that matt sandusky, the adopted son of jerry sandusky, was ready to testify yesterday if jerry sandusky took the stand. matt sandusky, according to a release business his lawyer to nbc just minutes ago, said he was ready to testify he had been molested, abused by his father form this comes as nbc's rock center is getting getting ready to air a report tonight from yet another accuser not connected with this case, who says he was abused by sandusky over a four-year weather. we knew going into this case there were other possible cases not included in this initial filing, but right now this allegations made by jerry sandusky's own adopted son certainly changing things outside the courthouse, but not having any effect on the deliberation inside. barbara? >> thank you, brian, as he just mentioned, kate snow got an exclusive interview with one of the sandusky's accusers, travis weaver, to tell his story on tv. weaver ted before a grand jury, but was not called as a witness. he's suing sandusky and penn state. >> if jerry sandusky were sitting right here. >> i would punch him in his mouth. >> would you say anything first? >> no. there would be no reason to say anything. he knows what he did. i know what he did. you can see kate snow's full interview with travis weaver tonight on "rock center with brian williams." at 10:00 tonight on news4. a newly released video shows george zimmerman re-enacting events on the night he killed tray von martin. it's part of an interview with a police department specialist, who was doing a computer voice stress analysis. in it zimmerman describes what led him to shooting the teenager in his florida community. >> he stood up and looked and said, you're going to die tonight [ muted ] i feld it over my mouth and slide it down my chest. i pinked his arm, i grabbed my gun and aimed it at him and fired one shot. >> zimmerman's charged with second-degree murder. he says he shot martzen in self-defense. john bryson has resigned, today president obama thanked bryson and said his experience and expertise will be invaluable. he took a medical leave nearly two weeks ago after suffering a seizure that thread to two car accidents in california. acting secretary rebecca blank has been leading the department in his absence and she will continue in that capacity. we're just getting started on "news4 at 5:00" a monitor berated and bullied. this video went viral. now the 68-year-old is speaking out and refusing to press charges. cold case mystery, the skeletal remains of three pun unveiled as police try to piece together who they are and how they died. plans for a new casino in prince georges c the kuhl bus monitor mocked by middle school students on her bus says she has no plans to pursue any action. she's a grandmother, working with kits most of her life. now the video of them teasing and taunting her has gone viral. it's been viewed more than a million times, as nbc's craig melvin reports, the video has many questions about the kids and civility. >> this makes you cringe, wince and wonder, how could they? most parents would never expect their children to act like this. now this community just outside rochester is reeling from three separate videos 14 minutes in total, they show a group of middle-school students mercilessly taunting a monitor. at one point they made the 68-year-old cry. >> i was trying to just ignore them, hope they would go away, and it doesn't work. trust me. they didn't go away. >> karen klein sat and endured it. now the grandmother of eight is still trying to come to terms with it. >> it's like it wasn't me, you know. it had to be somebody else, not me. i can't believe it happened. >> we were able to identify all four individuals involved, and we have spoken to all four individuals and their families. as one father put it, his son is sitting back waiting for his punishment. >> we can say that students bound to be involved will face strong disciplinary action. >> reporter: experts say parents may be reaping what they have sown. >> i think what's wrong with kids today are adults today. we are not setting a standard or an example of the importance of cultural rules, that you treat each other with decency and respect, that cruelty is wrong and punishable. >> reporter: there's been talk of criminal charges for the student, but klein doesn't want that. instead, she would prefer to it serve as a simple lesson. >> i do hope parents see this and they can talk to their kids and tell them be a little more respectful. there's a lot of people shaking their heads today. there's been an outpouring of support. one website alone has raised more than $115,000 to send her on a dream vacation and help with her retirement. a warning as we get closer to the fourth of july holiday. every year thousands of people across the country are injured while using fireworks. more fires are reported on july 4th than any other day. half of those involve fireworks. all fireworks are illegal in montgomery and prince georges county and alexandria, too. roman candles, sky rockets and fire crackers are illegal everywhere in our area. >> if we weren't hot already, watching that -- >> yeah. >> we're on fire, literally. >> a lot of people sweating today. >> it started early this morning. >> very early. tomorrow morning will probably be one of the most uncomfortable time periods, because that's when the humidity is up there, when all that moisture is there. tomorrow may feel more uncomfortable than about an hour ago. >> outside right now it's not comfortable at all. temperatures in the 90s all across the areas. temperatures will go down a little bit, but they won't be going down fast. sitting at 95 degrees. after we reach that record high today of 99, that record has stood since 1988. dew point temperature right now of 65, that's actually lower than expected. i was thinking maybe upper 6s on to around 70. that had put our heat index over 100. only 97 degrees. sorry. look at petersburg. some of the mountains, helping to produce. 107 in frederick, 103 in leesburg. 101 in fredericksburg, so oppressive heat across the region today. you know that i want to see if this is something that make with our computer system. it's still going to be hot. we mentioned that we beat that by one degree, and by tomorrow, report tomorrow, 101, we will be nowhere near that number. temperatures will actually come down a bit, with a good chance for rain tomorrow. storm4 radar, some intense thunderstorms right along the ridge here. we're going to see those right on through the rest of the evening. then we'll turn or attention back to the west as a front at boundary, a cold front to bring us cooler air. that will allow hot conditions once again early tomorrow, but a good chance for strong thunderstorms. we could see severe weather tomorrow. the good news, in behind it, much lower humidity and this weekend is looking very comfortable, and pretty nice. hot and uncomfortable. 85 to about 90 degrees. tomorrow morning we're looking at those numbers. there's the next couple days showing less humidity, a good weekend, i think. we go down by 20 degrees. . >> we've earned it. >> sounds good, though. >> you've had years of practice. >> oh, boy. all right. coming up, a man robbed for his iphone. he didn't fight back, but still got shot. why police say crimes like this are all too common in the district. adult anorexia, why women over 50 make up a growing group. the story of a 14-year-old in our area who's already being compared to some of the tennis greats. still ahead at "news4 at ♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. now to sports. a 14-year-old tennis familien. >> i know this kid and his dad. i know what a fan i am of the college park tennis center. >> it's a fantastic -- he's only 14 years old. francis discovered tennis, because his father was a maintenance worker in college park. now the number one ranked tennis player in the nation. >> francis came here when he was about -- he's been thinking, eating, breathing tennis since he was born. >> i think he is hungry units he sees the court better than some of the professionals. when he was 1 and 2 years old he was walking around, crawling, running after tennis balls. >> the thing about being a tennis players, it's a lifestyle. i've been doing it all my life so far. it means a lot to me. >> they escaped sierra leone in the early '90s, chasen a dream. how is it make me having -- you know, you have to have a kid that grew up here. hands down. as soon as you grow up in a good environment, the way to success in life. >> it all started when he was hired as a maintenance worker at the tennis center? college park. times were tough, the money was tight. the only way to keep his long hours was by bringing his twin boys, francis and franklin to work. >> it helped a lot of people, irinspired a lot of people, not just me. >> reporter: it didn't take long for the boys to grow on the staff and for the game to grow on them. >> he has what roger federer has, what nadal has or what jimmy coners had, the pure joy of hitting a tennis ball. that goes a long way. >> reporter: what separates you from the others? >> i just want it. every time i step on the court, it's like i'm here to work as hard as i can. >> reporter: he's considered the number one ranked player in the world in his age group. >> hey, at least i got a racket on t. right? >> reporter: the message is still clear at home. i appreciate you showing me a thing or two. you didn't hurt me too bad. what's it take to take your game to the next level? what will it take for me to turn on the tv and see you on sundays? >> a lot of hard work, a lot of -- no matter -- with tennis up to now. just knowing that i can do it no matter what i go through. >> reporter: zachary kiesch, news4. he should be the next great american tennis player if he progresses. all this possible because the good folks at the tennis center allowed him to train for free, waiving the annual fee for the program. the director called it pure serren dipity. tennis literally discovered him. >> you know, some will turn pro, but the majority get free ride scholar ships to the best schools in the country. >> which makes that investment worth it. >> it's an unbelievable facility. >> wonderful that his father was so per septemberive. the excel cat remains of three people are made public to help dig up clues. a local woman attacked on a hiking trail. police hope this sketch will lead them to a suspect. plus more fallout at the university of virginia, just days after the public and health officials believe a gastrointestinal virus caused dozens of students to get sick at george mason. some were treated on campus, others had to be taken to the hospital. a metro transit police detective is on administrative street after yesterday's shooting. chester creswell was killed. police say he and another man tried to abduct a woman on sunday night. police went to the neighborhood to investigates. tonight the fate of jerry sandusky is in the hands of the jury. we're also learning the possible reason why he didn't take the stand. there are reports today his adopted son matt would testify for the prosecution that he too had been abused by sandusky if the former coach got up there. san dulles kiss is is on trial for abusing ten boyce. it's a hot one out there. the good news is the national weather service has taken down that heat advisory. that doesn't mean the heat has come down. that current heat index at the airport, 97 degrees, but look at the 100s. 102 in rockville, 100 in reston, and tack a like, hunting town coming in with a heat index are 108. out toward the west, how about 103. we'll talk more about this heat, how long it will last and what comes next. that one you're going to have to wait for, watch it, too. >> thank you. we will. investigators in northern virginia are trying to solve three cold cases. >> using facial recognition technology, investigators re-created what the people looked like, hoping someone may recognize them. >> julie kerry is live, where one of the sets of remains was discovered. julie? >> reporter: well, it was february of last year when a man walking his dog found the excel cat remains in a marshy area near here. now investigators are hoping by re-creating that person's face, they may get the all-important i.d. that will help them move their case forward. the virginia state medical examiner is hoping these three sculpted likenesses will look familiar to someone. they were created from three sets of excel cat remains found in northern virginia in recent year, all victims that remain unidentified. >> our hope is something will see these and say that looks like my uncle johnny or brother john, and that they will call us, either the medical examiners or the investigator. >> reporter: once that call comes, a family member can submit a dna sample. virginia is using a new type of dna test to match the relative's dna with that of the unidentified victim. this type of testing recently helped the family of cindy goodell, a murder victim some 30 years after remains were found. investigators now hope to identify these three men. this likeness was developed from the remains of a black man found back in january of 2003 under the teddy roosevelt bridge. this one represents a more recent discovery from february of 2011. the excel cal remains of an asian man found in a marshy area. the third is believe ton an older white male, probably homeless, found in april of 2006 in the woods alongside the ramp from eastbound i-66 to the northbound fairfax county parkway. fairfax county police even have the victim's clothes, but have yet to identify him. >> this sort of technology can kernel open a whole new set of doorways for an investigation. that's what we're hoping. >> reporter: state officials also say identifying the remains is key, because 1 in 3 people found is a homicide victim. now, the medical exercise says in virginia right now there are 220 people or remains that are still unidentified. coming up on "news4 at 6:00" a tool that families can use to do some sleuthing of their own. manassas police are working on a new case. the attack happened tuesday night. the 21-year-old victim told police a man hit her from behind as she walked near a trail near seymour road. she was knocked to the ground, but managed to fight the man off. he ran away. police released the sketch of the suspect, described as white, between 20 and 30, about six feet tall and about 180 pounds. new tonight the board will meet tuesday to consider reinstating the school 'president. meanwhile, students and faculty are planning a big rally this sunday on the campus. the group wrote a her to the governor demanding that teresa sullivan be reinstated. they also want helen dragas to step down. the district's already booming downtown area is getting another new billing. it broke grounds on the association of american medical colleges headquarters. the project is located near the washington convention center. about 600 people will bork in this building when it opens in 2014. aamc represents the nation's medical schools and teaching hospitals the the new building is just one of many projects reshaping the skyline. after the break, a d.c. man robbed for his iphone, and then shot after giving it up. a billionaire's big purchase, his spending free is one of today's top trending stories. a great-grandmother proves age is just a [ female announcer ] the son of a single mom. proud father of two daughters. president obama knows that women being paid 77 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men isn't just unfair... it hurts families. so the first law he signed was the lilly ledbetter fair pay act to help ensure that women are paid the same as men for doing the exact same work. because president obama knows that fairness for women means a stronger middle class for america. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message. take a look. that's just one of the stories trending. cofounder and kreismt o of oracle is purchasing one of the hawaii's eight main islands. larry ellison made the deal to buy 98% of the island of la nigh, featuring hotels and championship golf courses. >> the deal is between $500 and $600 million. he reportedly plans to pay in cash. >> chump change. a 66 years old in los angeles, ruby carter-pikes raely beat out women half her age in a fits in conversation. >> she took op second, and she was also named women's super master champion. ruby says she's living proof that age is just a number. great grandmother. britain's prince william turns 30 years old today. instead of a star-studded party, palace officials report he's celebrating with his wife and a few close friends. as the prince reaches this milestone, his's inherited $10 mill won from his mother's estate. his brother will get the same amount when he reach 30s. and a the plan to build a casino hits a major roadblock. temperatures close to 100 degrees tomorrow. everything changes new questions about bringing a casino to prince georges county. as chris gordon reports, one local politician is not giving up the fight. >> reporter: the odds are stacking up against prince georges cunning executive baker's proposed casino. the state gaming task force failed to reach a consensus that maryland governor o'malley wanted in order to call a special session of the legislature this summer. yesterday, the three members from the house of delegates on the gaming task force vote the against expanding gambling from five to since sites. to offset competition. >> i talked to the governor yesterday. my recommendation, that we call the special session, that the majority of is the commission, eight members agreed to the majority of what was recommended. >> 1, 2, 3, 4. >> no casinos at our door. >> reporter: opponents include clergy and community groups. the indian head highway area council has members close to national harbor. they have been fighting against the proposed casino here. >> it's too soon to call it a victory. it's certainly a good step along the way, but i can't believe this is over. there are too many powerful interests and too much money. there's nothing this county doesn't like better than money. >> reporter: the proposed operator mgm resort says it is committed to maryland and our interesting in national harbor is unabated. the clock is ticking here, because unless rashern baker can convince the governor to call a special speaking, time will run out and it won't be put to referendum on this november ballot, but held to the year 2014. in prince georges county, chris gordon, news4. eating disorders are affecting older women. university of north carolina researchers surveyed nearly 2,000 women over the age of 50. more than half reported problems with body image. experts say the pressure to fight the aging process is contributing to the problem and many programs available for anorexia or bulimia cater to teenage girls i want i think part of what's happening is the pressure is on women of all ages to continue looking young and attractive are just escalating. so we don't know how best to tailor these treatments for women over 50. >> adding to the problem of getting age-appropriate treatment is that the older people get, the less resilient their bodies are after suffering the physical effects of an easing disorder. people are baking under the hot sun. here's doug with a check. >> we hit 99 degrees today that picture is just yucky out there. 95 degrees, humidity has not been all that oppressive around the district. only 97, so two degrees above rather than just a couple more degrees. some areas are sees the heat index well over 100. 98 in washington, actually now 99 the official number. 97 in fredericksburg, and annapolis coming in at 95. a very hot afternoon. just some heat safety rules for you. waters not caffeine. ant don't leave the kids in the car. and also check on the elderly. they are the once most susceptible to this kind of heat. the good news is it's pretty much going to be out of here tomorrow afternoon, but tomorrow during the day, we could still get into the mid 90s. 95 in washington. i do think our heat index could approach 100 against, so please watch out. then we'll see the clouds come in and a good chance of strong thunderstorms during the day tomorrow. some of those storms could have locally heavy winds with locally heavy downpours, too. what that will do is usher in some great weather, and one of those places, is downward the beaches. 80 on saturday, good chance of storms late friday, maybe into saturday, but sunday looking great with a high of 78 degrees, just beautiful from ocean city, and dewey all the way up towards rehobeth. less humidity over the next couple days. so a very nice weekend. somebody just said i have a barbecue on saturday. that barbecue is looking good. 86 on your monday. 86 much cooler, highs only in the 70s. sounds good. people plan to picking up produce from a local stand on the way back from the beach. >> liz has ways to use the freshest ingredients. >> love this time of year. we turn to windows catering for unique ways to take your favorite produce and transform it into a savory summer dish. we're here at windows catering with chef david. >> welcome. >> he's going to show us how to use the fresh vention tables and fruits. >> we start with summer watermelon. >> yellow watermelon is in season, taxs just like red watermelon. >> and then all we're going to do is take a watermelon plank, put it on the plate, and then we're going to make this almost like a bet. just build your salad on top. >> then garnish with an edible orchid. the try to make sure your guests eat it, serve just the petals. the trick to the marinade, korean chili paste. >> you can buy it in the grocery store. we add some citrus, the chile paste, vinegar and brown sugar. >> a sweet summertime marinade for shrimp. double secure year shrimp. you won't lose any and they won't spin around. plate the salad and top with the savory shall rimpl. >> chef, you have a way of making an order nair potato into a summertime treat. >> it's a chesapeake bay filling. >> it's fresh corn and blue crap, and the pato is rubbed with oil bail seasoning and oil. >> he has a transcribed d. cut it in the shane of vs. >> the crab, corn and cheese filling. chef, you have a variation on a summertime caprese salad. where do we start in. >> with a peeled roma tomato. >> cut the bottom, execute out the center, fill with a mozzarella oil, more oil, then bake. and it to a mesclun mix. >> these are sun-dried strawberries. >> oh, my gosh, jammed with flavor. >> so we're going to puree with your favorite barb could sauce. >> you have a succulent summer dish. >> chef david, thank you for the gorgeous summer dishes. >> my pleasure. enjoy the summer bounty. so you can find all the recipes through our website,, and search safely dishes. windows catering always comes up with good stuff. >> were you thinking about us? >> we thought about bringing it back. >> strawberries, do they taste -- >> it's like an intense strawberry, super sweet. really cool. >> so fresh. thank you, liz. when we come back, a man shot in the face for his iphone. details behind the bold holdup in d.c., next. coming up in just a few minutes on "news4 at 6:00," a shapeup on wall street. why the dow took a business nose dive. and major beltway road project caused big pileups in the past and it's about to happen all over again. retired schoolteacher is celebrating a medical milestone thanks to his brand-new it's a crime becoming all too common for d.c. police. officers are searching for two men who robbed a man for his cell phone. but this time the victim was shot in the face. a holdup happened in the 1300 block of g street in northeast washington. melissa mollet has our report. >> reporter: a man shot in the face. wednesday night, 11:30, a man was walking along the road when he's approached by two armed men. they pull out a gun and demand his iphone. he complies, handing it over, but they still shoot him in the face. >> i think it's terrible. just for an iphone? >> reporter: the victim was taken to the hospital, listed in stable condition. >> caught in a situation like that, you have to do what can you do to make it out alive. it sounds like he felt like he did that. >> reporter: the city has seen a spy in cell phone thefts. d.c. police chief lanier has been outspoken about cracking down those peddling stolen phones, asking service providers to add technology that would disability phones after being reported stolen. so as far as no arrests having made. and robbery. >> whether they took an iphone or $100, they don't care what it is. just to take something from someone that doesn't belong to them. >> reporter: this is the second time profiled shooting area in a week. last thursday 64-yard june lim was found shot to death at her deli. police are still searching for a suspect in that case as well. investigators say anyone who has information is asked to call police. now at 6:00, another day of scorching summer temperatures gripping the region and shattering records. what made dozens of local camp kids sick, and it was not food poisoning. >> the story george zimmerman told police is out. it was released on videotape. the watch volunteer explains what happened when he shot and killed an unarmed teenager. we're waiting for the verdict, as one of his accusers speaks exclusively to nbc news. good evening.

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Chesapeake Bay , Maryland , United States , Louisiana , College Park , Virginia , Roma , Lazio , Italy , North Carolina , Fredericksburg , Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Florida , California , Rockville , Washington , District Of Columbia , United Kingdom , Prince Georges County , Petersburg , Sankt Peterburg , Russia , Fairfax County , Leesburg , Ocean City , Montgomery County , Chile , Canaan Baptist Church , Hawaii , Sierra Leone , America , Englishmen , American , George Zimmerman , Chris Gordon , George Mason , Los Angeles , Jerry Sandusky , Lilly Ledbetter , Daye Sun , Craig Melvin , Erica Gonzalez , Cindy Goodell , Barack Obama , Brian Moore , Franklin Sweeney , Larry Ellison , Roger Federer , John Bryson , Daniel Harmon Wright , Matt Sandusky , Chester Creswell , Melissa Mollet , Julie Kerry ,

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