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four went to the queen ann's emergency center. >> the injuries were nonlife threatening and very minor. >> it could have been much worse. >> the initial indication from witnesses and people onboard was that it was a baste slow roll. by that time most of the speed was gone when the bus got into the field, but because it went off into a ditch that carried it on on over to its side. >> authorities say most of the children were accompanied by a parent and helped them remain somewhat calm considering, but there was some initial confus n confusion. school authorities acted quickly and hospitals throughout the eastern shore area were prepared. >> we did staff up for more than what we got. smafshth, we were able to call in additional staff, put additional staff on notice that we may need them and so we were well prepared and everything went very smoothly. >> reporter: early indications in the investigation are that speed was not a factor. it is still under investigation. so far, no charges have been filed. we're live on the eastern shore. now back to you. >> derrick, thank you. >> another suspicious letter has been found in the school in the district that raises the total to 40 now. today's letter arrived at fletcher johnson educational center in southeast. d.c. police tell us it's similar to the other ones found at schools and post offices last week. all of the letters are postmarked from dallas, texas. investigators say they contain a harmless white powder and a note referring to al qaeda. tonight sidwell friend academy is getting bad press and facing a $10 million lawsuit. the parent of a student from sidwell is suing over a relationship between his wife and a former teacher. terry newmeyer says the school aloud its staff psychologist to have an affair with his wife while the psychologist was treating their 5-year-old. the psychologist, james huntington taught at the school from '09 to 2010. he was fired in february. the father is suing for emotional damage inflicted on the child who was a pre-kindergarten student at the time. a spokesman for sidwell tells "the washington examiner" that the claims are without merit and it plans to fight this lawsuit. disturbing new clues tonight about a murder inside a 7 lefrn store in prince george's county. a store clerk was killed and we now know two men were involved. one was wearing a mask from the movie "scream." pat collins is live at police headquarters with the development. pat? >> reporter: jim, police have security camera video of that 7-eleven murder. they can't release it just yet because of technical difficulties, but sources tell news 4 there are two men now linked to that 7-eleven murder. they're both tall, both dressed in black. they say one of the gunmen was wearing a "scream" mask from the movie "scream." sources say from the video it appears the clerk didn't resist. they say he'd only been on the job about a month, that he may have been slow or nervous and that the gunman -- the gunmen were in a hurry. in an act of cold-blooded murder, he shot ask kiand kille the store clerk. in his hurry to get away he spilled the trail of money. it happened at 7-eleven on oxen hill road. there were two clerks work at the time. the brother of the surviving clerk talked about what happened. >> this guy put a gun on his head and told him to lay down and freeze. so he laid down and stayed down, and he said he doesn't know what happened because he faint -- he blocked. after a while when he wake up he ran to the register and he saw his partner is dead. >> reporter: the victim identified by friends as ababayu. he's 29 years old and from ethiopia. they say he came to our country for a better life, sometimes working two jobs to make enough money to go to school. >> he good worker. he's nice. >> trying to improve his life. >> yeah. he trying to improve his life, but he -- >> and then for him to die this way. >> i am so sorry. >> the president of the 7-eleven franchise association says there is little money to be taken from these convenience stores. >> maybe $10, $20. that's it. it's senseless. it's senseless killing. >> reporter: again, now two gunmen linked to that 7-eleven murder. one of them wearing a "scream" mask from that movie "scream." police do have security camera video. they plan to release it once they work out some technical difficulties. jim, back to you. >> all right. pat collins, live for us in palmer park. thank you. two men who allegedly threat end to blow up a synagogue in new york city are facing state terror and hate crime charges. the suspects live in queens. one is originally from algeria and the other came here as a child from casa blanca. they were arrested in a sting after buying several guns and hand grenade. they are described as islamic extremists, but the men were not a fail yated with any terror organization and they were acting alone. meanwhile, intelligence analysts are combing through osama bin laden's handwritten journals, flash drives and other materials seized at his compound last week. they say the material shows bin laden continued to focus ways to attack the united states. he wanted to create mass casualties and insert al qaeda operatives in the u.s. some of the materials include messages he sent to subordinates in his terror network as well as responses. some surprising good news for d.c. government. turns out they could be exempt from any future federal government shutdowns that disrupt key city services. tom sherwood is here to explain. >> it is good news for the nation's capital. just the threat of a shutdown can cost the city valuable time and money. d.c. mayor vincent gray and other city leaders went up to capitol hill thursday. >> the testimony you're about to give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing, but the truth. may the record reflect both witness withes answered in the affirmative. >> reporter: for what many thought would be an uneasy session before house republicans. they've been critical of city hiring and suv scandal, city spending for abortions and drug needle programs. >> house republicans once again. >> reporter: d.c. delegate eleanor holmes norton was prime for a fight, but the gop majority steered clear of all that, asking instead about budgets, medicaid, school vouchers and law enforcement. california republican daryl isa, should be exempt from any federal budget shutdown and said he'd crafted such legislation. >> the district of columbia is never cut up in what might be weeks or months of uncertainty in the budget process. i would like to see the city have that capability in a go-forward base. >> if you look back over the last 14 to 14 years, we've indicated that we've had balanced budgets and clean audits and demonstrated our ability to manage our finances in a proven manner. >> budget expert alex rivlin said the city's finances support more independence from congress. >> compared to other city, the d.c. economy is doing quite well. jobs are up and population is growing, economic development is resuming and city revenues are beginning to edge up again. >> the district was nearly bankrupt in the late 1990s, but it has had 13 balanced budgets in a row. jim, back to you. >> tom sherwood. thank you. floodwaters from the mississippi river are moving south tonight and are now threatening louisiana's two major cities, baton rouge and new orleans. >> temporary levees are being built across the region to hold back that water and in the next few days, the army corps of engineers may decide to open a spillway nearby. it would help spare the heavily populated downtown area, but 3 million acres in the flood zone would get soaked. thousands of resident could lose their homes, farms, everything. no words. because i built this myself. but, you know, we'll be all right. >> state governments are urging people to get out if they think there is even a chance their homes will flood. >> in a rare move, virginia governor bob mcdonald is asking citizens to help communities ravaged by last month's killer tornados, more than two dozen twisters hit the state. >> ten people died and more than 200 homes destroyed. despite all of the damage the federal emergency management agency denied the request for disaster assistance. the state will pick up most of the tab, but he is urging individuals, non-profits and businesses to do what they can to help. >> looking live outside right now. no storms just yet, but hold on, folks, rain is en route. >> doug kammerer joins us live to tell us when the sunshine will be moving out and when this rain will move in and settle down for the weekend. >> that's exactly what it's going do and it's kind of like in the-laws are coming in for the weekend and they'll stick around a couple of extra days and they'll say time for you guys to go, but i think the rainfall could last for four or five or six days. it will not be consistent, but we'll see rain out there. right now, no rain to talk about. actually a very nice afternoon. winds out of the south at 10 miles an hour. it is just beautiful outside. temperatures around the rest of the region into the 70s all across the area. live digital doppler area, no rain in the immediate area, the only showers back toward garrett county into maryland. there are those temperatures, 77 in manassases and 74 in frederi fredericksburg. what will we be seeing? we do have showers and thunderstorms very close to our area, back into west virginia and western portion of virginia and that bound real make its way toward the east and give us a chance by even tomorrow morning to see shower activity. it would be in here by 5:00, 7:00 tomorrow morning and something you have not needed was the umbrella. it's time to get it out. >> doug, your in-laws are on the phone and they'll be staying through may, they said. >> through may. okay. i love you, guys. >> they're excited. coming up next, gas prices keep climbing even though the price of oil is dropping. so what's to blame for this? >> it's like watching a movie or reading a crime novel except that it's your life and it's your father. >> a form presidential -- breaks their silence for the first time since his murder. the never before heard details as police still search for a suspect. >> and the breakthrough in the fight against aids, what researchers we make the time to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. but what we should also be celebrating, are the moments. the ones that could have been just another day, but became extraordinary memories. moments when we learn about the world that came before us, and a little more about ourselves. let's celebrate together. colonial williamsburg. come be part of the story. and now is the perfect time to celebrate with the summer bounce package. plan your stay at [ male announcer ] before he changed the world... tear down this wall. [ male announcer ] ...or led a nation... i ronald reagan do solemnly swear. [ male announcer ] ...or governed a state... you and i have a rendezvous with destiny. [ male announcer ] ...he inspired our company... with his optimism, his belief in innovation, and his entrepreneurial spirit. [ man ] for general electric, here is ronald reagan. ♪ [ man ] for general electric, here is ronald reagan. the kincaids live here. across the street, the padillas. ben and his family live here, too. ben's a re/max agent, and he's a big part of this community. there are lots of reasons why re/max agents average more sales than other agents. experience, certainly. but maybe it's also because they care about the markets they serve and the neighbors who rely on them. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today. >> a drug shortage is making treatment more difficult for some patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. health day news reports many pharmacies across the country are quickly running out of adirol and other medications for adhd. the company that makes adrolle says there's higher demand and it also says federal officials don't deliver enough amphetamine, that's the strictly regulated active ingredient in aderol. >> it's being called a breakthrough in the fight against aids. >> the early use of hiv medicines can prevent patients from spregged the disease to others. erica edwards has details in tonight's "news 4 your health." sfwloo. >> reporter: treating hiv-infected men and women with antiretroviral drugs sooner rather than later can reduce the likelihood they can pass the virus to uninfected sexual partners by 96%. this a result of a large international critical trial was so significant. researchers interrupted the study years before it was supposed to end so all participants could benefit. >> patients were healthier with fewer infections and there was a reduction of transmission of hiv. >> dr. cone of university of north carolina led the study. more than 1700, sexually active couples were split into two groups. in one, the infected partner was taking a combination of antiretroviral drugs immediately. in a second group they waited to take the medicine until they experienced effects of the virus. >> they were provided free condoms and we did everything to reduce the probability of transmission. >> there was only one case of transmission that started immediate treatment. there were 27 in the delayed treatment group. those affected had fewer hiv-related irlnesses when they started taking the drugs immediately. >> if you know you're taking therapy, not just for your own health, but to protect your partner, then missing pills becomes a bigger deal. once you start it, you really can't stop and it's costly and can come with side affects. but this thoughs when treatments comes erle e the benefits, tend to both patient and their partners. erica edwards, nbc news. a cnecticut woman believes she is wing the fight against cancer by changing the way she eats. fay hogan was diagnosed last april and she was told she had just one year to live. >> but hogan remained hopeful after the doctors said she could increase her survival chances by eating healthier. eating green, leafy vegetables can prevent cancer and help fight the disease. >> hogan recalls the shock of her diagnosis now, a story of survival. >> you say, i can't believe i heard that. that that tops someohappens to else, not me. people that haven'ts seen me for a long time say that i look terrific right now and that puts a smile on my face. >> doctors say regular exercise also is helpful in combatting cancer. >> hogan remains well. she recently visited germany for a much-needed vacation. >> doug is back indoors. it was toasty out there. i was out at 4:00. the sun ang them time of year is very, very warm. it's just about as high as it is in july. so the sun is very, very warm even though you fall in the shade, it really feels nice outside. so you were obviously in the sun. >> i was in the sun. >> that's all that thing i told you. >> came back in and she called for the heat to be turned on in here. >> that was you? >> that would be me. i'm chilly. i'm a little cold. >> let's take a look at what's going on outdoors. it is a beautiful day out along the potomac river and it will continue to be nice for maybe the next 12 hours or so. 73 degrees, the current temperature out there right now. winds out of the south at ten miles per hour and our dew point is on the rise close to 60 degrees and humidity will be a factor in the next couple of days and 81 in frederick and 74 in fredricksburg and cooler along the coast down toward annapolis, 70 degrees with that continual east flow and we do have a coastal flood advisory and even a coastal flood warning forral exandrin ri a so watch out for that overnight tonight and during times of high tide. live digital doppler radar and a few showers well back to the north and west of kaiser into portions of garrett county, maryland. 75 in pittsburgh and 75 in elkins, and rain, though, that's why their temperatures are only in the 60s and you can see that rain here starting through west virginia and moving down through portions of virginia and now into north carolina and this is the boundary that's going move off toward the east and that boundary will help us to give us showers and thunderstorms as well. >> right now, still stuck in the beautiful weather. you say stuck in the beautiful weather and they're in between two systems, but tomorrow we'll see things change. that frontal boundary will finally begin to move our way. we'll see a mixture of showers and strong storms as well on saturday and then into sunday, most of the rain, i think will come saturday night into early on sunday and maybe not a washout, but we are going see the potential for very heavy rain in a few locations. this evening, pleasant, increasing clouds and light rain, dropping down to 63 degrees around the 9:00, 10:00 hour and mostly cloudy and a few isolated showers and temperatures into the 50s. take the umbrella with you to work. a slight chance of scattered showers and maybe a thunderstorm, but these would be most likely to the west of i-95 and we could see a couple of them and around washington. watch out for that and look at our four-day forecast. boom, boom, boom. showers and thunderstorms each and every day, but at least temperatures are in the 70s. >> thank you, doug. after the break tonight on news 4 at 5:00, abused animals in need of loving homes. where these little guys were found and what you could do in you're interested in adopting. >> i just want to kiss their little faces. if you drive to the delaware beaches, you could get more expensive. the toll is going up. >> and a northern virginia apartment complex takes action today after finding a lot of bedbugs. will the third time be a charm? a 50 engineering students at the university ever maryland tried to get their human-powered helicopter off the ground. a female pilot uses her panneds and feet to power the machine. they could aren't compete yesterday because of a broken cable. they tried this morning, but it wasn't recorded. so they're going to compete again some time tonight. if they succeed they could win $250,000 and capture a world record. stay tuned. wow! >> the commute into downtown d.c. from virginia was a mess this morning because of two huge construction projects. crews are building a flood wall on 17th street. so as a result, traffic between constitution and independence reduced to one lane in each direction and you know what that means. traffic configuration also changed on the 14th street bridge and that worked to the right center lane and this morning, traffic cameras showed the cars just inching along. construction is expected to be done by this fall which is no hope for anyone for this summer. >> no hope at all. >> while many tolls across the region have gone up, fees on the chesapeake bay bridge have remained the same since the 1970s. that could change come this fall, according to the baltimore sun, maryland transportation officials are considering a plan to raise the tolls. the current fee is $2.50. under this proposal the fee would go up to five bucks on october 1st and up to $8 by the summer of 2013. talk about inflation. a series of public hearings will be held before any increase is approved. the rate hike is expected to raise $70 million to fund maintenance projects on the bridge. >> wow! that's going to hurt a lot of people that live on the other side of the eastern shore and use the bridge just to get to work. >> canoe. >> a lot of people are going to be angry. coming up next, a former presidential adviser found dead in a landfill and now his family is speaking up and we have the exclusive story coming up next with pete williams. a grilling on the hill. the tough questions to oil execs as prices at the pump soar past $4 a gallon. find out which fast forward through theadlines. a bus crash near centreville maryland put ten children and adults in the hospital. it was a kindergarten class. they were on their way to a national zoo for a field trip. police say the bus rolled over after trying to swerve around an suv. >> prince george's county police are searching for two men who robbed a 7-eleven and shot and killed a clerk just before 3:30 this morning. it happened in the 3200 block of oxen hill road. the suspects left a trafl money behind when they took off. police believe the surveillance footage will lead them to the two srngs one of whom was wearing a mask from the movie "scream". a parent is suing sidwell friends academy. the school allowed a relationship to continue between his wife and the school psychologist who was treating their 5-year-old son. newmeyer is suing for 10 million. the complaint is without merit and the school will fight it. >> big oil under fire up on the hill today at a time when gas prices are nearing record highs and oil industry profits are way up. >> some members of congress want to cut the tax subsidies that oil companies now enjoy. >> opponents say the move would undercut job creation and hurt economic growth and they're offering other ideas to bring down prices and bring down government revenue. >> these tax breaks have not lowered prices. when these tax breaks were created, retail gasoline prices averaged $1.80 per gallon. >> if the u.s. oil and gas industry was permitted to develop our nation's enormous untapped energy supply, it would put downward pressure energy prices and increase revenues for government budgets. >> despite falling oil prices, gas prices in the district have been rising. >> chris gordon joins us live from northwest washington to tell us why. chris? >> reporter: well, the price of a barrel of oil has dropped drastically in the past week, but the price you pay at the pump for a gallon of gas is going skyward. local officials are investigating to find out why. >> one company owns, operates and supplies 164 gas stations in the d.c. area. officials are concerned that's pushing prices at the pump artificially high. the company that reportedly controls 40% of all d.c. gas stations is capital petroleum group. it's located in this building in springfield, virginia. cpg is owned by ethiopian immigrant. he also owns dag, a gas wholesaler. d.c. attorney general irving nathan is investigating memo's companies to determine if they constitute an illegal monopoly. d.c. council member mary chai says she once favored allowing suppliers to own gas stations, but she's changed her mind. >> the legislation i'm going introduce will tell jobbers, these people who supply gas that they can't also be the supplier and the operator of the retail station. they have to divorce themselves from that. we're worried that the concentration of power of the suppliers is allowing them to dictate through their own stations and through the others who work for them the price of gas and it's anticompetitive. capital petroleum group also owns gas stations in virginia, this one in springfield sells gas at $4.09 a gallon for regular which is competitive with or even a bit cheaper than competitors which are as high as $4.18 a gallon, but all motorists see, is gas going up, even though the price of a barrel of oil is falling. >> when would you like to see them come down? >> as soon as possible. yesterday. >> the price of oil's come down, why not gas? >> good question. >> reporter: this evening the capital petroleum group released a statement to news 4 in the name of joe mamo. he says i own several dozen gas stations in the area. i simply own them. i do not operate them. he says that there are franchises and he concludes by saying i do not set the price of gas at the pump. that's from joe mamo who is under investigation by the d.c. attorney general. that's the latest from northwest washington on gas prices, back to you in the studio. >> chris gordon, thank you, chris. >> the details of what happened to murdered vietnam war veteran and form pentagon official john, jack wheeler remain a mystery. his family is plagued by this and they reveal something new and they spoke exclusively to nbc's chief justice correspondent pete williams who joins with us this. what is new? what's their gut feeling? >> some of the circumstances of the death, jack wheeler was a big figure in the washington area driving force behind the vietnam veterans memorial and also an official at the pentagon for many years and then a defense contractor. we know he died four and a half months ago pp. his body found on the morning of new year's eve, we just don't know why or how. apparently his family members don't either. when the widow of jack wheeler looks that the recording of her husband looking disoriented two days before he died, one thing he stands out. >> he looked afraid. >> reporter: but of what, she has no clue. >> i'm not sure what he was afraid of. police in delaware don't know either or how his body ended up in a trash truck the morning of new year's day. for the first time jack wheeler's widow and son are speaking out after attending his memorial service at arlington national cemetery. full honors for a west point graduate who served in vietnam and at the pentagon and was a driving force behind the vietnam memorial visited by more than 4 million people a year. at the parking garage in wilmington where he had a home, he wore no overcoat and carried one shoe. >> it's just bizarre. it's like watching a movie or reading a crime novel except that it's your life and it's your father. >> he was last seen walking downtown roughly ten hours before he was killed and his body placed in a dumpster and trucked to a landfill. some wonder if he was off his medicine for bipolar disorder. >> he was taking his medication on monday. i didn't see him tuesday morning, but i don't think it was a factor. >> reporter: his widow doubts robbery was a motive disclosing something new concerning that valuables he wore were not stolen. >> a random mugger would have taken his ring or watch. >> reporter: who would want to target him? >> that's a good question. i don't know. the family's offer of a $25,000 reward has failed to bring in any good tips, but the family of jack wheeler holds on to the hope that soon police will solve their agonizing mystery. in fact, it's the lack of tips and the lack of progress in the investigation that's got the family talking now. they hope that by talking about it and getting more attention to it, they'll generate further tips. >> in seeing that video yet again where he a tearppeared to disoriented. does the family have any idea why he would have been disoriented? >> they don't think he looks disoriented. they say friends looked at him that knew him and don't think he looks disoriented. what they say is they think he looks afraid and the question is afraid of what? they don't know. she says, by the way, she has a theory about the case, but she won't say what it is because she could be wrong. >> pete williams, thank you so much, pete. >> you bet. 95 dogs have been rescued from a brunswick house and are being treated at the frederick county animal shelter. the dogs were taken from a home last week because of unhealthy living conditions. workers are now treating the dogs mostly for skin problems and flees. they say the dogs are doing much better and they're not quite ready for adoption, but they will be up for adoption and if you would like to take a look at these guys and see if you can bring one home, contact the frederick county animal shelter. again, there are 95 of em. you know they'll be getting some calls. >> look at his little face. they're going to need a home as soon as they can get out of these cages and get into a loving living condition. >> when we come back on news 4 at 5:00, it's been four years since the disappearance of madeleine mccann. tonight, her parents reveal the crucial clue they may have missed hours before her abduction and why they hold out hope she'll be found. plus an update on a story you saw first on 4, bedbugs move into a local apartment building i[ male announcer ] want toding achieve more with your money? pnc virtual wallet gathers your spending and saving in one place. credit and debit purchases, checks, bills, and other financial information. it lets you see the details as well as the big financial picture. so you can do more with your money. see what a complete view of your money can do for you at ♪ pnc bank. for the achiever in you. cbs and warner brothers may have let charlie sheen's replacement walk away without a deal. various media outlets report hugh grant was in serious talks to take sheen's spot on "two and a half men." he was apparently close to signing and then the talks stalled. grant is not working on a movie so the timing was perfect. no word on whether they'll resume talks later. they'll just have to wait and see how this all plays out. a dentist in texas is turning his waiting room into an open bar. >> he's trying to take the edge off for his patients by offering free wine or beer. >> dr. clint herzog says he came up with the idea after hearing his patients complain. >> i really got tired of people not liking to go to the dentist. hey, i don't like to go to the dentist, no offense. it's kind of an offense because that's what we do all day. >> patients are also treated to a free teeth whitening and plus they get to sit and watch tv during the process. i don't know if you need to go to the dentist to have a drink if you're going in the morning before work. >> you're watching a little baseball or hockey with your beer. >> all right. >> whatever. after the break on news 4 at 5:00 tonight, tiger makes an 5:00 tonight, tiger makes an early exit from the somewhere in america, a city comes to life. it moves effortlessly, breathes easily. it flows with clean water. it makes its skyline greener and its population healthier. all to become the kind of city people want to live and work in. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest questions. and the over sixty thousand people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. residents who have complained about bedbugs at a fairfax county high-rise are now being told that management is responding. julie carey has an update to a story you saw first on news 4. >> these are all bites. >> reporter: the bedbug scars on her arm are still healing. her clothes are still bagged up. some kept in the car, but jen got some good news today. her landlord has agreed to use a more costly heat treatment to zap the bedbugs that have invade her apartment. >> so the management came out with some supervisors from a pest control company and they went through our apartment and everything and they told us that any treatment that we wanted to eliminate the problem they would be more than willing to do for us. >> reporter: yesterday she contacted the fairfax county health department and news 4 when management at circle towers apartments balked at the heat treatments. she plans to move soon, spray treatments that can take weeks to work wouldn't have guaranteed her belongings would be bedbug-free. >> i'm really satisfied from the results. we want the the heat treatment and make sure it was eliminated completely. >> news 4 learned she isn't the only circle towers resident who called about bedbugs. >> another resident also lives on this floor contacted them back in april and we found yet another man with an apartment full of bugs. >> this is the bloody pillow that resident showed us, mark from the many times he's been bitten during the night. the man doesn't want to be identified, but he also plucked a live bedbug off the floor while we visited. he hasn't contacted -- health department officials say they will follow up with productionwan and the other resident who did launch complaints. >> we conducted a search to confirm there wasn't bedbugs and we then notified the property manager that there was a unit with bedbugs, asking them to take action to resolve the situation and to look at other units in the building. >> a statement issued on behalf of the apartment complex says, quote, we treated the affected apartment between the first 48 hours of being notified. >> a thorough inspection by pest control professionals confirmed the problem had been eliminated. any suggestion there has been a problem is contrary to the truth. julie carey, news 4. fairfax county. >> coming up at 6:00 tonight, why some apartment residents have to fend for themselves when bad bedbug issues arise. that's it. >> all right. also, let's get a check on the forecast. the sunny skies may be out of here. >> think they will be out of here. this will be the last day we'll see things completely dry. the last day we'll see things as far as sun shine is concerned and we'll see peeks of sun intermixed. 73 degrees out from their right now. winds out of the south at 10 miles an hour. overnight tonight, nice and mild. 58 degrees in washington. 57 in frederick and 58 in warrenton. we could see the chance for some shower activity maybe early tomorrow morning and maybe during rush hour in some locations and it won't be for everybody. tomorrow afternoon, high temperatures around 72 in washington and 68 in annapolis and 73 in warrenton and a 30% to 40% chance of rain. the best chance tomorrow will be to the west of the i-95 corridor and we do have the chance of rain moving in and it will stick around for the weekend and the rain chances are only increases as we move through time and it does seem like the rain will stick around maybe right through early and the middle of next week. >> thank you, doug. now to sports and tonight we're talking about tiger woods. >> dan hellie is here to tell us why the golfing great just withdrew from the player's. >> it was 24 hours ago that we saw him and he looked great. he was doing well. >> it was yesterday that we saw tiger walk off the aenth green smiling after a practice round. today tiger didn't even make it to the 18th green. he withdrew from the player's chchl onship after nine holes because he was having a tough time walking after aggravating a knee and achilles injuries. a congressional could be in doubt. tiger's problems began on the first tee. his shot from the tee box here way, way left and into the rough. woods said he felt something buckle in the knee on the very first shot. he would end up bogeying that hole. tiger takes a penalty for putting it in the water and comes up short again and this ends up being a triple bogey for tiger on the hole. after nine he was 6 over. woods said he had to withdraw because he just couldn't walk. this is the second year in a row that he has withdrawn from the player's championship. we will have more highlights and more on tiger coming up at 6:00. >> meanwhile, we're moving on and with the nfl labor negotiations still in lem bow, most of the new rookies who were drafted were still waiting to meet their new bosses and see where they will be working. for one redskins pick, it won't be a problem because it is only a half hour away from where he grew up. here's some of the sunday sitdown with new redskins runningback from penn state and westfield high school. >> what was the initial reaction from you and family when you get drafted by your hometown redskins? >> we were all in shock. once i got the call i was sitting there not expecting a draft from them. i was siteding, playing xbox, and i said it's the redskins and my family started going crazy. it was a good experience. >> did it feel the same way considering you're a cowboys fan? >> i'm not a cowboys fan. >> what? >> when i was young did i some living in on. >> you're backtracking now. >> i lived in the dallas area for a little while and el paso, texas, and it was when emmett smith and troy aikman were there. >> understandable. >> that's legit. >> i rooted for them when i lived there and stuff and when i moved here it faded away and i stopped watching the nfl altogether. >> did you really? >> you weren't a football fan. >> no, i'm not. >> i love the game, i don't like to watch other people playing it. i like playing it myself. >> you were the leading rusher at penn state. you were one of the top dogs in college football and now you're playing an nfl rook e what do you think will make you be a top professional. what do you think about proving yourself? >> i want to keep developing my skills and try to find a way where i can contribute on the field. it's all about finding where you can fit in. if i could be a backer, i'll take the opportunities that are given to me and hopefully they'll run with it. >> doesn't it surprise you if that you didn't go higher concerning your pedigree? >> it doesn't surprise me. i took a lot my senior year for putting on some weight and all that, but i wanted to do that, but when we were off to a slow start in the season, i took a lot of blame. it was an unfortunate situation, but i'm just really looking to make the best of what i have and being a sixth-round picks. >> a lot of people know you from your high school days at westfield. 90 touchdowns and helped him win a state championship in 2003. what do you remember about your days in high school? >> i think, like i said, the year stands out a lot winning the state championship in high school is a great experience, and it's something i'll never forget. >> you talk about guys who were sixth round picks and had pretty good careers and one of them played for your head coach, mike shanahan and terrell davis from the denver broncos. do you pull from that? i know you're not a huge football fan, per se, but have you looked back and said this guy stepped up big? >> it's not a bad guy to have your name in the same sentence as. when shanahan drafted me he said you remind me a lot of t.d. that's a compliment and hopefully i can live up to it. >> evan royster's sixth round pick out of penn state, the leading rusher in that school's history. they have a stored tradition, if you had the coach that just drafted you compared to one of the best runningbacks. >> sweet! >> he's just hanging out, working out in the area, waiting because he can't sign a contract like so many other players are around the country, at least he got drafted. imagine those guys who are free agents who have no idea. >> thank you, dan. >> you're welcome. one of the more beloved actors in history is preparing to remove a brain tumor. the 74-year-old actress has a benign tumor in the membranes that surround her brain. these types of tumors occur mostly in older women. moore's rep characterizes the surgery as routine. of course, maritimer role was known for the iconic slow in the 70s and as laura petry on the 1960s comedy of the dick van dyk show. >> doreen? >> coming up on news 4 at 6:00, and it was on the run and we'll tell you how police finally caught up with the suspect that can help you how to get around on the system. we'll have details on that. also a six, some amazing video coming into the newsroom. how a photographer captured a lightning strike in mid-flight. those stories and more coming up on news 4 at 6:00. we'll see you then. >> that's pretty scary. that was pretty quick. thanks, see you then. up next at 5:00, a little girl abducted during a family vacation. >> four years later, madeleine mccann's p it's been four years since madeleine mccann disappeared on a family vacation. in a new book her mother says she missed a warning from madeleine the morning of her abduction. >> mike taibbi tell us us why the mccanns think their daughter is still alive. >> it was days before her fourth birthday when little madeleine disappeared from her bedroom in portugal. her twin sibling, sean and emily asleep nearby. that morning her mom kate write, madeleine had said why didn't you come when sean and i cried last night? she changed the subject quickly and kate writes she might have missed a hugely important clue. it was my belief there was someone in or trying to get in the children's bedroom that night. she reveals that resort staff had posted a note that her predator might have seen that the children might be unattended while her parents and friends dined. until the last time when madeleine was gone and a window open. >> the shutters which had been down all week and when i went in and there was a gust that blew the curtains open, that's when i noticed that the shutter had been pulled up. >> bam back home in england the official investigation over, kate concentrated on the find madeleine website, but in her book she writes of recurring thought of suicide. she wrote of her marriage almost breaking when intimacy disappeared. >> we do have, you know, periods of normality. we still have to do the cooking and washing. we have sean and emily. we have lots of time with them and then it just kind of gets you. madeleine is still not here. >> reporter: the mccanns hope to rest on one undisputed fact, that while she remains missing on what would be her eighth birthday, there is no credible evidence, none that she's been physically harmed, make taibbi, london. news 4 at 6:00 starts right now. a busload full of students on a field trip never made it to the national zoo. >> evidence reveals new details about a clerk at a 7-eleven store and a suspect that yiesz a familiar disguise. lightning strikes a plane in mid air and everyone onboard survived a scary ride. >> we begin with oil executives accused of being out of touch as americans struggle with a price explosion at the pump. their companies are getting tax breaks. i'm jim vance. >> i'm doreen gentzler. america's top companies made more than $35 million so far in 2011 and while regul

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