Transcripts For WRC News 4 At 5 20101224 :

WRC News 4 At 5 December 24, 2010

♪ you can panon me >> porter: at that informal long distance expss bus stop downtown. the homeward bound cross paths. i can't wait to get ho to -- >> get home for my birthday. >> porter: areyou a christmas baby? >> i am. > repoer: is that good or bad? >> it dends. i get a lot of presents. ♪ ease have snow and mistletoe and presents on the tree ♪ >> i can wait to get home because we're going to go get the ugliest chrimas tree w can find today. reporter: and put it . >> we'll dorate it. it a real charliebrown christmas. ♪ i'll home forhristmas ♪ if only in my eams >> reportr: by plane. at reagan national airport, hugs and kiss and mecomings aplenty. what is the first thi you' going to do whe you g home? >> eat. >> reportr: what? >>y mom's coong. >> everything is cooke already. >> repter: i bet you're happy to seeher give your mom a hug. >> i already did that. >> repoer: look athis light board. on time, on time, on time, on time, on time, on tie, time, on ime, on time, on tie, on time. it's chrisas macle. by train. ♪ there's no ple like home for the holiday ♪ ♪ because no matter how far away you roam ♪ >> repoer: if tlhere wereny delays or conveniences, they allay minor. when you're headed home, and there family at the finish line, all is wright the world. >> whe i get home, the first ing i'm goin to do is -- >> eat lotsof italian food. >> reporter: mom is a good cook? >> agood cook, definitely. i'm ing to give my kid a big hug and i'll be very happy for them to see me and for me to see them. >> reporter: for the holidays you can't -- ♪e home sweet home >> reporter: give her a ss. here's hoping evebody en up where theyre supposed to be. erry, merry, happy, happy. back tyou. >> yes. fm ourwn pat in the hat. thank you, pat. a new curity adviry is targetina mornng staple. the tsa is warning traveers to expect greater scrutiny of thermoses and other isulated drink containers at the checkpoints. officials sa theres some intelgence indicating terroristsay be using these containers to conceal expsives. they're not banned b they could lead to addional screeng. >> time is running out qckly if you have to pick up an item or two. lastinute gifts. if you ha one or o things left, u're not alone. retail analysts expect 23 million people took part in so of today's fantastic friday shopping. dar spencer is live now in silver springhere some folks are ctting it down to the re. hi, darcy. >> porter: they certainly. are i'm watchingpeoplehere showing up at a sprintstore, trying to pay a bill. they jt closed their doors. we didn't runnto anyone who waited until the very last minute to do all eir christmas shopping. t stores were sure full of people trying to get last-minute ifts and many say they don't want to be procrastinators. they just can't helpt. on this christmas eve, many fou themselves dng what they did not wao do. shopor last-mute gifts >>we always say we're not going to be here but we like the camarerie. >> i have a lot of last-minute shopping. >> reporter: w were t you able to do it sooner? >> work. >> porter: some are calling it faasticfriday. since christmas falls on a saturday, many have me today so they have time to hit the ll. >> are you finding what you're looking for? or is it ge? >> a lot of stuff that isn't there. we're looking for insration >> reporter: what do you think aboubeing out here today? >> rorter: it expect to reach more than $450 billion in retail. more than a 3% increase over last year. >> throwin away money like we did back in the early 2000s. now you ve to actually watch w youpend the moy and where you spend the moneyand get a bigger bang for yo buck. >> are you spending any more or spending differently? >> reporter: ma christmas eve shoppers have done the bk of the buying. they're just gting stocking stufrs. >> getting in and out. i'm finished and on my way out. >> reporter: some proastinators walk away empty handed. >>oo crowded. maybe il come back late >> reporter: how lo were the lines? >> there were about 25, 30 people in line when we came home. it's not worth it. >> reporter: a lot of the ores were open today including toys "r"s locations at the one behind me in silver spring,t will be open the next cple hours. some are staying on asate as 10:00 tonight. tonswer pat collins' question, i'll hug my kids, too. >> another great hat. dars da darcy, you wearit well. >> is he go smooth out on he roads? >> oodness w're scraping e bottom ofhe barrel trying to find ings to talk bout. no major accides. we have some volum in the mall rking lot but major roways maki it to the mall, we're a-okay. 95 in great shape leading the pital beltway, u're at speed. we did have an earlier, a pretty substantial accint in the prince william rkway. we've cleared to the shoulder. we didn't get ahanceo attract a attention. capal beltway, this something we're not used to seeing. wide open. aswe travel around the beltway, you'll see the good news continues. both sides of the beltway are a-oy. actuallyhe entire66 lane will be wid open. >> tha you, ashley. drivs in the district are getting aelcome gift. free parking. d.c.'s department of public works said iwill not ticket rivers with expired mets today tomorrow. they're also temporarily us is pending residential and rush hour. keep in mine the tran are operatinon a holiday schedule day and tomorrow. the rail station is open from 7:00 a.m. unil 3:00 in the morning. metrobus is operating on its sundayschedule. firefighters hav pu a rapped person out of a rning tonhome in gaithersburg. itbroke out this morning on travis court nearorth frerickroad. when crews arrived, the police officer id aeighbor believes someo was trapped on the second flo. that person was rescued. we'retold he was conscis. a police officer o the scene wasalso taken to a hospitalor smoke inhalation. the cuse of the fire is sill under investigation. police in las vas are trying to fure out if a dy found by tousts yterday in arizona could be that of a former redskins cheerleader. >> debbi flores went to las vegas to launch her dream career as a dancer. s disappeared over a week ago. aaronilchrist is here th the latest. >> instigators and the sister of debbiehas said th don't want anyone jumping to colusions aboutthis. the discovery of a man's by so close toas vegas has a lot of people wonderinif the might be a nnection. the tourist spot on the nevada state line crawling with cme scene investigators. u.s. park police sy visitors to lake mead found a wan's body ear kingman wash not far from the hoover dam thursd morning th body had been burned th local sheriff's office was called in to investite but homici detectiv fr las vegas have taken t lead. kiman wash is oly 30 miles o so outside vegas close enougho fuel speculation that the body could be that o missing dancer deie. theancernd former redskins eer leader from maryland had been a performer in a resist kay burleue show. she went missing on december 12 aftereaving rehearsal and according to her sister, going visit her he can boyfriend, jason iffin. she spoke to him at the door and left. accoing to debbie's sister, he was the last person to see her ali. >> this is at she does. she ft he career to follow her dream. >> rerter: debbieiss ad show two days later. her sister traved to search for her 31-year-old sister. she remains in lasvegas tonight while law enforcemt is advising thepublic to assume thursday discovery is debbie, her friend and co-workers e t expecting a good conclusion. >>'m rdy for the worst. >> she was very, very ddicate to her work and she wouldn't ju not show up to a show, a rearsal and not say anything to ybody. >> the police say the ex-boyfriend habeen cooperative and is not a suspect in her disappearance. same, is currently facing chrges of assaulting r everal months ago. back to you. a purse that was used i a attempt to stop a gunman in florida is genating even more money tonight. you may recognize the purrom our report lt night. she used it to threaten a gunman. the bag was ctioned off on ebay wednesday for $13,100. then thecompany at manufacted it matched the bid. t the money didn't stop there. the federal governments matching ery dollar donated 4-1. >> good has come out of il. it will sendme a my familiy with a different perspective. >> and t top bidder wants ttleton to hold on to her purse. she said she will sell it again if it will mean more money for the program. >till ahead -- >> christmas to all an to all a gd night. >> some military kids get a rprise from aamiliar ice. >> plus a farewell laugh for man who has back traditin. >> and the unflattering likeess on a new coin that is turning ino a rol pain. forty yearago, he wasn' worried about retirement. he'd yet thear of mutual funds, iras, oannuities. back then, he had somethin ore important to do. he wasn't focused on his future but fortunately, somebody se was. at usaa we provide retirement solutions for our military, veterans and their families. from investments... to life iurance... to health care option learn more with our free usaa retirment gde. call 877-242-ua. fast forward through headnes. we could learntoday if a bo is that of a florida teenager. sheasn't bn seen since decemb 1 she was reported missing when she s repted missing. good day to travel home for christmas. traveling by ane, train, automobil thng are going smoothly so fa at unio station andreagan natnal, there wer many happy faily reunions. 94% of washingtonians are travel gg car an so far so god. >> the clock is wiing down for thosof you who have to pick up that one last christmas prest. most stores in ourarea are closing in just an ho or s a couple ofig stores like toys "r" us and kmart are staying open until 100 toght. this hospital season has been theest fetails since 2007. and some retairs say after today,tcould be t best ever. >> it has become a chstmas eve tradition. it has been going on for like decades. santa claus, wer siing santa claus. >> we both met him. >> for ars. >> call it a warmp before delivering christmas cheer. derrick ward followed st. nick as he made a big splash on the potomac. derri? >> well, you know, let's go back 25 yrs wh this bean. lion richie was on the charts. water skiing santa claus was ing his thing on the potomac for the first time a quarter century later, he is stillt it. is year, this his last hoorah. >> welcome. silver anniversary. 25 yes! >> reporter: a big annersary for an idea d a tradition that startedsmall. hatchedt a party 25 years ago. >> yes there was probably too mu around der juice. and what happened was basically, i kind of g the short raw. we thought this would a funny idea. >> reporter: there we just a few folk on e banks of the potomac for that event. thingike the crowds that come to national harbo now. the preparation a lotsf layers. theater temperature around 33 degrees. >> i ued to have myot chli. i have another long sleeve shirt and another thick sweatshirtand i have this. and ten i have to put the reindeer shirt on. i have five layers. on. >> porter: what is it liken the water? >> imagine just ding into a big snow pile. >> reporter:hy do it? >> for the f of it and to give back to the community and its just to bring joy to the wor. >> a great way toick off the holidays. gre for the family. and everne gets to enjoyt. >> i really feel like it has been a wonderful journey. we've had a great time as we've developed the show ait has evolved. it is something tat we all really enjoy doing. and i will say, however, it is bitter sweetbut i'm looking forward to my retirement. >> reporter: though there one last walk through the ter with rudolph and one la show despite the best efforts of the jet skiing grih out to make his own flinch. acrobatics, reindeer, and the star of the sh. >> i'm aet skier. i jet ski in th summertime. i really apprecte that he jet skis in the cold water. >> he is sliing. >> reporter: among the crowds, brian who is celrating a birthday. >> we're having a good time. >> rerter: are you cold? >> yes. >> reporr: santa is looking to fast ski rope to someone else next year. atever will dough come christmas? >> i' be under a palm tree. >> reporter: these folk volueer their time and use eir own money forhis popular holiday event. and not to worry. santa says the's probably someone else ithe organization who would be wilngo do this next year. i imagine a larger el is probably growg a beard. a big party down there. a lot of fun. thanks. >> they are god. >> yeah. and he dlivere some presents, too. right? >>oh, yeah. big fini. they're a litt wet by then. >> what is e watr temperature >>it doesn't matter. you know it's cold. >>too cold for any of us. >> the winds not guy as yesterday but still very, ver nippy. and speaking of cold, you know that some areas to the north of us have snow in soms of the outer banks, north carolina. could have snow. not this much but this was the midwest. st. louis, missouri, for a heavy snow for christmas eve hit the area already. it pushed in the y partf the day and they could have heavier snow wi accumulations there, up to four inhes. even minneapolis, minnesota is clong in on its sowiest december on record. the recor 33.7. that goes all the way backo 1969. that's a record that has be held for a while. they haveive inches of fresh snow. they're going to get some more. meanwhile,round here, it will be cold enough this weekd for a little bit of snow. i'm really thinkinghe storm system that we've been watching for days, the same one that was out west, kind of reorganizing. was a moter storm there. and i thinkt is onl going to be a monster for new england across the east coast. it wl bring some winter snow to a couple locations down uth. 37 with a mostly cloudy sky. high clouds have movednto the area. wind now out of the north northwest at 13 miles per hour. so windchills below freezing at 29 degrees. is is probab the lasttime with the wind gusts. they' continued to drop. they're around 20 miles an hour. occasional gus coming through. windchill temperatures abou 25 degree in most neighborhoods. ocean city temperatures, aut 36. look a the windchill. 30 degrees. some very l windchills ths week. it couldbe little light snow cong into the ara. chicago at 30 where the windchill is 23 degrees. they' pick up two to four inches and may getore snow coming u here than they've had in 14 years. 32 in milukee. real quick,et's g to the forecast. airpordelays now, ere aren't any. down in atlanta, there could be soe. that is one location that is pecting snow as well as around raleigh, north carolina. so gusty conditions for us. the wind esing up. andhat storm system movg up the coasl itby the time we get to the end of the weeken we'll justee a dusti to an inch of snowaroundhere. asar as the eving forecast, no tral problems for us. we're dry. torrow, high temperature befo 38 to 3 degrees. wiy it will be for sunday and windyor the beginning of next week. here's a quick look at e recast. flurries saturday late. so light snowunday into mony. okay. we can handle that. thanks. still ahead on news4 5:00 spreading holiday cheer to metro rider what one wrker is doingto keep the spirit of christmas alive. so doctors say tey have found the path t the fountain of youth and it isn a pill. these patients say security is heightened at s peter'sbilica. you may remember a mentally unstable womanumped down and knock the pontiff down. the pictures are live from vaticacity. the was a securitcare on president obama's rst day of christmas vacation in hawaii. a man who was allegedly on the run from police dve into a seek service chk point. his was yesterday. on rodriguez was accused of violating the secret service fety zone. the secret service agents sprind toward the man, his pickup truck and pointeda gun at the driver. t suspect was tryingto allegedly trying to escap police aftern unrelated incident and he was arrested. a the president spent part of the christmas eve at the gym. andhe first familyill he christmas dinner, the menu include steak, roast patoes, green bees and pie. comi up, an elderly woman attackedand robbed as she left the grocery ore. now police need your help acking down her ttackers. a local mlitary fmily gets special surise in theail including a familiar voic plus, the surprise arrest a the hands of jol old st. nick. ♪golden rning family's smiling♪ ♪gonna be a speal day ancr: for the peect start to the perfect day, i always cose land o'lakes all-natural eggs. from hens fed a rich, whole-gin die th no added anbiotics or hormones. ♪pe andsimple always natural♪ ♪our best eggs say ld o'lakes♪ land o'lakes l-natural egg where simple goodness begins. these containersren't bannedut they could lead to more scening. there's an hour or so left ifou hav to pick up a last-minute gift for your loved os. f you went out today, you know yo weren't alone. retail experts s 23 million ericans hit the stores today for a little lat-minute shoing. and they say this has been the bestoliday shopping seas for retailersince 2007. >>you knw you're in washgton if you seeater skiing santa on the pomac. heraded a sleh for the skis as he doe everyear at this time. it is the 25th and final annersary. a huge crowd poured outto watchful saand the crew we the. hopefullnot this saa but another one will te his place xt year. this santa is going to ski into retirement. let's fast forwa to the weathe >> thanks a lo we're not expecting a big srm at all here bu tere is a wint storm watch right now for west virginia. they'll get one to maybe thr inches of snowfll by late christas ight. so the storms stl making its way the coas that's what isexpected this holiday eekend. we'll have some flurries saturday. light sw sunday afternoon and ening. clinton, prince george's county at 35. 32 currentl in manassas. nd he's the forecast. nta claus,29 degrees, partly cloudy skis. he has gone thugh his e-mails and through all his mail. 36 degrees, highs tomorw. you can see some light snow. will be moving from west to east. the first ve. then another one coming uphe coast for sunday. so right n, we get a little coating to may an inch. that is it. minimaimpact for the area. bk to you. >> a right. thks. all this christm eve, some people in souern california trying toope after the week o rain destroyed their homesand businesses. >> prelimiry damage estimates roughout california are alady in the tens of millions of dolrs and expected to ris state offials issued disaste declarations in ten california unties. the floodinand mud slides destroyed at least 70 homes alone in the city ofhighland. california authorities say mud slides couldtill cuse damage to ho in the foot hills. > two utah ski resorts hav limited electricityafter a oage lft dozens stranded on t lust there. some people were strapped for t hos. they h to use a pulley system to get 50 people down. utility crews say a dwned tree bro a power ne and that caused this outage. andan84-year-old woman is fighting for her life after a brut attack and robberyin taka par it happened wednday in the parking lot of a grocery store in the 6800 block of new hampshire avenue re are the details on this awfu story. reporter: it just doesn't get any lower. it esn't get any lowerhan shoving a great grandmother to the ground to the point her bones broke to rob her just bore christmas. is happened wednesday. thevictim, 84-year-old dorot is hospitalized as police search forhe robbery suspect it hapn in the parking lot of th shopper's food warehouse in takoma park, maryland. detectives ar working through christmas eveoliday but they don't have muc too on. her family made a pleao the pulic f help. >>looking forward to spending chstmas with he two great grandsons. and so i'm, i can't dersta how someone could do somethin lie this to someone. she was obviously lov and cared for and i just don' understand. we ed to find this rson. make sure this doesnappen to someone else. >>olice say that the robber st

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