Transcripts For WRC News 4 At 4 20100212 :

Transcripts For WRC News 4 At 4 20100212

panic as crews race into action. this afternoon, the investigation into just what went wrong and what seems to be an all-too-familiar scene for metro riders. good afternoon. i'm jim handley. >> i'm pat lawson muse. our top story this afternoon, more problems for metro. the national transportation safety board has launched an investigation into yet another incident along metro's red line. it happened this morning near the farragut north station. according to a metro spokesperson, the front wheels of the train slipped off the tracks on the red line. darcy spencer has been working this story all day. she joins us live now from northwest washington with the latest. darcy? >> well, hi, pat. that's right. officials were saying here on the scene today that the front wheels of that six-car train popped the track down inside the tunnel very close to the farragut north metro station. about 10:15 this morning. but now sources are saying that the train apparently derailed itself to avoid a potential collision. the sources say that the train got on to a pocket or side track for unknown reasons and the train sensed that it was going to run a red light. there's a lot of censors and equipment and safety equipment. there was apparently a sense that it might run a red light and apparently derailed itself. we're trying to get more information about this. witnesses say that the train was going very slowly through that area and some of the witnesses told us that they barely felt the derailment. it just felt like a little bump. 345 passengers were on board the six-car train. now, the impact dealt with mainly the first two cars. so the remaining four cars were basically unaffected. three passengers suffered minor injuries. two of them, we're told, refused treatment. one person was taken to the hospital. but, again, those injuries are described as minor. now l of the passengers got on to those remaining four cars and those cars were then taken to the platform here and they were able to get off. now, as we said the national transportation safety board is investigating the cause of this incident. about two hours after the impact, the station was reopened. it remains open at this hour, although we're told that the trains are operating slowly at about 25 miles per hour as they come through this area. we'll have more coming up on "news4 at 5." we'll send it back to you. >> darcy, thank you. well, we caught up with a few passengers who were on board that derailed train. they described what they saw and felt >> a jolt, several jolts. it seemed like we were hitting something. and then soon after we stopped, the operator said that we had derailed. it appears that everybody is okay. the lights were still on, but we were in a dark tunnel. and then later on, they sort of dimmed the lights and everything. we just waited and waited until something, you know, happened. they finally decoupled the front two cars, which i was in one of them. the front car. and then they pulled back the rest of the cars. it just took a long time to do everything. >> well, i smelled smoke like a stop before it derailed. and we got maybe two or three minutes from that last stop and we heard a thump and a bump. and the train sort of tilted to the side. and the lights went out. and we were sitting there. then the conductor came on and she said that we had derailed. stay calm, you know. so everyone was -- they were really calm. i understand there were more problems in the back car. but our car was fine. >> only three people suffered minor injuries in this latest red line metro derailment. the derailment is only the latest in a string of incidents involving metro over the past year. there was a minor collision involving equipment during the last weekend in january that went unreported for days. there were no injuries. late last month, two metro workers were killed when they were struck by equipment while working on the track bed on the red line. back in december, there was a close call for a team of independent safety inspectors nearly hit by a train that they say was traveling full speed. in november, three workers were hurt when one train hit another in the west falls church railyard. then back in september, a train hit and killed a technician in virginia. in august, a piece of equipment hit and killed a worker at the vienna station. last june, nine people were killed when two trains collided on the red line. in january of 2007, more than 20 people were injured when a green line train derailed at the mt. vernon station. and in november of 2006, two metro workers died after being hit by an empty yellow line train near eisenhower avenue. and be sure to stay with news4 and for continuing coverage of today's derailment. we'll have much more coming up right here on "news4 at 5" tonight. and we're following breaking news now in northwest washington. we're told a pedestrian has been struck. tom sherwood is on the scene at this hour and can tell us what's happening there. tom? >> pat, we're here at georgia avenue and piny branch road. if you go over there, we'll show you where the fire truck. they just pulled that fire truck up to block. there's a woman who was crossing the street on georgia avenue. she was struck by a car. i saw her sitting on the ground talking to people so i think she's going to be okay. they have her in a neck brace. it made a meshere on georgia every with cars trying to get by. there are police cars trying to keep the traffic moving. again, the woman -- i can't tell how seriously she was hurt but i did see her talking. i saw the ambulance personnel come up and put a brace on her. i think an ambulance is still going to come and take her away. it's just one example of the difficulty in getting around the city streets in washington with all of this snow. we had a more light-hearted moment a short time ago when we were in northwest washington, we heard the mayor talk about the snow removal and those kinds of things and someone asked me last night, well, what would linda kropp have done if she won in 2006? so i went by her house. here's a little of what she had had to say. somebody was saying to me last night, and that's why i came by your house, they said i wonder if linda is glad she's not mayor with all this snow. >> well, i'm telling you, this was a very hard job, but i think the city has really done a pretty dent job in getting the snow up. it's been more snow than we've had in years. and they've done a decent job in getting it up. >> how does a political person balance that expectation with reality that this is more than you could have ever planned for? >> i believe you just ve t say that it's more snow than we usually have. we don't budget for it. you have to manage expectations, not try to let people think that it's going to be done overnight. >> again, that was linda kropp who ran for mayor in 2006. here's a live picture of georgia avenue. an ambulance has just arrived for a woman who was struck by a vehicle as she was attempting to cross georgia avenue. there's lots of traffic, lots of snow. it's a very difficult situation. that's it from here on georgia avenue. we'll check out what's happening there on the street and be back to you later in the show. >> thank you, tom. d.c. mayor adrian fenty publicly thanked the plow crews today who are in their 15th shift of full deployment since last friday' full storm. >> there hav been bobcats, tractors and plows. lots of other places. these guys up here have been working around the clock. we don't have any equipment that's not being used. we don't have any people who work for us who aren't breaking their backs. we'll get to the rest of the streets as soon as humanly possible. >> d.c. snow emergency is still in effect tonight. vehicles can't be parked on snow emergency routes. d.c.'s national guard completed 500 missions during the back-to-back blizzards and they're on stand-by for a possible storm next week. the d.c. guard braved 55-mile-an-hour winds to transport metro, police, firefighters, and medical personnel, too. they have 12 humvees stationed at all seven metro police precincts, fire stations and d.c. homeland security. they've also used 60 transportation personnel along with additional soldiers and airmen. all this despite not having two of their major units. one is deployed to saudi arabia. the other to iraq. here's a live look outside right now. once again, we saw it today, nothing but sunshine. >> looks like we could see another round of winter weather, though. veronica johnson is on post in the storm center. what's the latest word? >> that's on the other side of the weekend, jim. before most of us go back to work with monday being pridents' day. a little bit of light snow. out there today, some more blue skies, more melting across the area. now, there will be high clouds moving in. that's going to come from a storm that's just down to our south. it is producing snow in areas that you might not think would have snow. like birmingham, alabama, and through areas of even southern mississippi. there's been some snow today which we'll show you in a few minutes. right now washington, d.c. is at 37 degrees. that has been our high temperature for the day. the low, 28 degrees. we'll find temperatures just a little lower, by four or five degrees comin up during the overnight period. 35 to 37, that's the range in temperatures through the area. a light wind. again, more cloud cover moving in to night. here's the system coming up for monday and tuesday that will produce a few inches of snow. this one will be making its way southward through the area. it could be intensifying right along the coast again just like some of the other systems have done. again, still the emphasis is on the lights. we'll see more icy conditions by morning. more weekend melting. again, we'll talk more about this storm coming up for monday afternoon and tuesday morning in just a few. >> all right, veronica. thank you. well, this has been a crazy rush hour for commuters if you call it that with many people still not back. luckily school traffic wasn't part of that mix. megan mcgrath looksa s at how i went this morning. >> reporter: a different day, a different challenge. yesterday's bright sun caused some of the snow to melt and the run-off froze overnight. the ice this morning was everywhere. >> i'm stuck. i tried to get out. there's ice everywhere. it wasn't like thi yesterday. now i can't go. >> you're in the snowbank. >> yes, yes. the icebank or something. >> reporter: the return to work, inevitable. but not exactly easy. this morning's rush hour, terrible. whether lanes were lost to snow or damaging potholes, the result was gridlock. not much better for those taking the bus. while clearing the streets, the plows threw tons of snow on to bus stops. commuters were perched like mountain goats on top of huge mounds of snow. and watch out for people walking in the street. many sidewalks are still buried in the snow. >> it's not even plowed at all. you pretty much have no choice but to walk in the road. >> tough getng here today? >> yeah. >> reporter: clear roads or snow-packed roads. like so many things, it can be a matter of location. green haven place is a narrow dead-end street in fairfax county. not exactly at the top of the list for snow removal crews. and it's still a mess. melissa vazquez has had trouble getting to work because of the snow. she's worried that her boss might not believe her. >> it's a mess, yeah. i know, it's hard because when i call in for work, they don't believe me because the main roads are clean, but my road is not well at all. >> reporter: a lot of people are off on monday for presidents' day, so traffic should be lighter than normal. snow removal crews are hopeful that with that lighter traffic, they'll be able to continue with their efforts and that things will improve by tuesday. megan mcgrath, news4. >> and as megan mentioned when all that snow is cleared, it leaves behind a whole new problem on area roads. potholes. we found someretty big ones around the beltway today. drivers were having to maneuver around one on the interstate 66 eastbound ramp to the outer loop of the beltway. there were several large potholes where the outer loop meets north branch ridge. potholes are caused by water getting into cracks in the road when the water freezes, i expands and makes the crack, which can turn into a really big hole. >> they're popping up everywhere. stay right there. "news4 at 4" is just getting started. health scare. >> next, what we're learning about that hospital visit by former president bill clinton. and the latest on his road to recovery. then at 4:30, it's not just us digging out. now it's snowing in parts of the country that don't normally see accumulation. that's in the dee south. and at 4:45, some helpful advice about home improvement following the blizzard of 2010 and how to bill clinton is now recuperating at home. his wife is with him. mr. clinton left the hospital about 8:00 this morning with his daughter, chelsea, by his side. yesterday doctors inserted two stents to fix a blocked artery. mr. clinton had entered the hospital complaining of chest pains. today a member of his staff said he's in excellent health. his cardiologist offered this assessment. >> one of the by-passes was completely blocked. he didn't have any damage to his heart. >> doctors expect a full recovery and say mr. clinton could be back to work as soon as monday. patrick kennedy has decided not to seek reelection to congress. he plans to release a taped message that will air this weekend on rhode island tv. in that, he says his life is taking a new direction. kennedy has served eight terms in congress. he crashed his car outside the capitol back in 2006 and he's been treated for substance abuse more than once since then. his decision not to run for reelection comes less than a month after republicans won control of the senate seat held by his late father, ted kennedy. surprising news on the economic front today. january retail sales were up. but the good news is being offset by the negative economic impact of this week's blizzards. steve handelsman has our story. >> reporter: today's big snow will have the same kind of economic affect say the experts as this week's blizzard struck the middle atlantic states. when people are fighting a storm, they're not shopping. >> it closed down traffic to malls, shopping centers, grocery stores, restaurants, all of that just essenally gets shut down because of the storms. >> reporter: in washington, d.c., the blizzard is over, but snowbanks still block ray's deli. it was a bad week. no money coming in? >> no money is right. >> reporter: ironically, the january retail report out today showed a surprising jump. sales up .5%. but today, the airlines are getting slammed again, more than 15,000 flights canceled this week. trucking has been a mess for days. still, experts say most of the snow's economic effect will melt away. >> i think it's going to put a dent in earnings and spending and it will slow down growth this quarter, but it won't be any permanent damage. >> reporter: that flat-screen tv that people planned to buy yesterday, they can still buy tomorrow. when malls and stores expect to be jammed. but this stormy week is the week that february employment is being measured by surveys, so economists worry that the february unemployment number will be higher than it actually was. i'm steve handelsman, nbc news, washington. again, despite the good news in january, analysts already know consumer confidence dropped slightly in early february and economists say the biggest threat to recovery is the reluctance of consumers to keep on spending. this season, national day of mourning in haiti. it's been one month since the day the deadliest earthquake struck port-au-prince. ♪ there was a remembrance ceremony today near the ruined presidential palace. haitians were asked to wear white or black to honor the memory of the 200,000 people killed in the quake. d in the month since the disaster, food and other aid has yet to reach some of the 3 million haitians who need it. aid distribution has been slowed by problems with infrastructure and other ongoing difficulties. ahead on "news4 at 4" this afternoon, break in the case. >> the new evidence that has led police to a person of interest in the investigation into the murder of a 7-year-old girl. plus, the chilling new details today. we're learning about one woman's account of being held in captivity for nearly two decades. then we'll show you what one part of our region is doing in an effort to clear the mounds of snow piled high on city streets. up in baltimore, they're finding ways to get the snow off the streets. city officials there are dumping the snow into parks, parking lots and the inner harbor. the snow is okay for the water. the chesapeake bay foundation says the road salt and the snow should not haven effect on the already salty bay. >> can they dump snow into the potomac? >> it's not salt but who knows. the mayor says no. >> veronica, we are getting a lot of melting during the day but it's just freezing up again at nigh >> that we are. there will be icy spots again on the roads for tomorrow morning, jim and pat. temperatures currently in the mid and upper 30s across the area. manassas at 35. d.c., 37. 36 in camp springs. take a look at atlanta, georgia. 33 degrees. this whole stretch from atlanta west to dallas has seen snow over the last couple of hours. as a matter of fact, just east of dallas, picking up 13 inches of snow. following that southern jet, spots like jackson, mississippi, could pick up three to six. and winter storm warnings are out from atlanta down to the south and all the way up into southeastern north carolina. look at alabama. 31 degrees. that is snow that you see on the ground. that's northern alabama. mississippi, more snow there at the golf course. 34 degrees currently. so there has been snow the early part of the day in these locations. they could get three to six. even atlanta, georgia, may be seeing two to three inches of snow. right now they've got overcast skies. so this system staying to the south. heavy rain for florida. here's the next weather system. this will be diving out of the midwest. producing some snow in the northern plains to southern illinois. northern kentucky on sunday. two to four-inch snows. this is not going to be the intense storm along the coast as the last couple of ones have been for us. not going to have an abundance of moisture. it's not going to be rapidly deepening, but we'll see accumulations. not just the massive accumulations around here. right now it looks as though that will be starting around 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. on monday and ending early tuesday morning. breezy conditions for the weekend. we'll see some -- a little bit of wind with the storm system that's down to the south. cloud cover for early tomorrow morning. here's a look at your four-day forecast. some mostly cloudy skies to start your day saturday. then partly sunny. we'll have the breezy conditions. 34, the high. up to 37 with more sunshine on sunday. there it is. a little bit of snow. right now it looks like we could possibly see monday to tuesday's event anywhere around three to four inches. we'll be following that system closely. back to you, pat. >> thank you, veronica. well, the winter games begin tonight with the opening ceremo ceremony. you don't have to be an olympic athlete to enjoy the events. john joins us live now to tell us how families can enjoy the family activity. >> hey, fapat. if you're looking to take advantage of all the snow, there are ski resorts less tn two hours outside of the district and they'll make you feel like an olympian. this is not your typical backyard tubing hill. here at whitetail ski resort, families come from all over to experience the thrill of flying down the hill at nearly 30 miles an hour just like a luger. >> it was crazy amazing. it was so much fun. it's my first time here and i want to come back every weekend. >> i liked it until we got down to the bottom. >> reporter: do you think they should add tubing to the winter olympics? >> i mean, i don't really -- i don't know how you'd judge that, but it's a good idea. it's fun. i don't think you should add it, though. >> reporter: okay, maybe that's a stretch. but if you're into skiing or snowboarding, sarah says this is the perfect place to get out and try it. >> i've skied out west, i've skied up north. i think this place is a little treasure right near washington, d.c. it's well-run. the staff is great. they try to keep the conditions good. and for local skiing, it's beautiful. >> reporter: these youngsters called the stinkers are part of a group learning how to ski. you can tell they're excited. >> one, two, three. >> reporter: the winter olympics gets everybody energized and excited again and it helps with the people that have always thought about skiing or maybe skied before and got out of the sport. helps get them energized again and makes them want to try it. i haven't skied in a while, but with all the excitement going on around me, i decided to snap in, too. expert i am not, but it feels good to get out here and channel my inner body miller. and, pat, i'm not very good, but you don't have to be good to get out there and enjoy the olympic spirit and the fun. it's good just to go outdoors and enjoy all of the snow we have. pat, back to you. >> you look pretty good, john. >> thank you. i appreciate that. i never advanced beyond the begin r slope, but that's okay. i had fun. thanks. >> he was moving. standing is good for me. he knows how to do it. much more ahead on "news4 at 4." trouble on the tracks today. >> what went down on metro today and why the ntsb is once again launching an investigation. plus, we'll show you a rare glimpse affhistory with some never-before-released photos of the september 11th attacks. and why your valentine's sweetheart may have to wait for flowers and candy or may have to welcome back to "news4 at 4." >> some of the stop stories we're following for you onews4 at this hour, there is word today of a possible cause for this morning's metro train derailment. a six-car train derailed just after 10:00 this morning near the farragut north station in downtown d.c. metro tells us the front wheels of the train's first car apparently slipped off the rail. metro now believes the system derailed the train as a precaution. 345 passengers were aboard at the time. metro says three of them suffered minor injuries. train service has resumed. a violent crash in rockville killed a man and injured two others. this happened last night on west montgomery avenue. a chevrolet was turning left into a hotel entrance when a ford explorer slammed into it on the passenger's side. the passenger in the chivsilver was killed. police in prince georges county are investigating a bizarre set of circumstances in temple hills. they found a homeless man dead inside a box truck. while checking out the neighborhood, he barricaded himself in his home with a shotgun. when officers went into the home, he pointed the gun at officers, they shot and killed him. the shooting iunder investigation. today a wreath was laid at fords theater in washington to honor abraham lincoln's birthday. this would have been his 201st birthday. lincoln was assassinated in april of 1865. all week there are different events taking place at the theater honoring the 16th president. this time it's falling in one of the most unusual places. we're talking the deep, deep south. chris clackum reports. >> reporter: jackson, mississippi, has as much as a half foot of snow on the ground. from a winter storm that stretches across southern sections of the deep south headed to nearly unheard-of destinations. the south is not used to it. so two inches in birmingham can be like two feet in baltimore. paralyzing. just flurries in mobile, but just the thought of more and schools were closed. >> it's very, very unusual for us to address people about snow. >> reporter: businesses as well as schools cut short their day across louisiana, mississippi, alabama, and georgia because of the snow. in anticipation of it, delta canceled 1,100 flights in and out of atlanta's airport. this is the same system that dumped a foot of snow on dallas. it cosaused the collapse of roo and snapped power lines causing outages at 70,000 homes and businesses in north texas. all this while the big digout continues around washington. lights are back up again at dulles where a record-breaking six feet of snow has fallen so far this winter with another month to go. but residents who ventured out for the first time in a week still failed to get very far. chris clackum, nbc news. >> again, don't worry about that coming our way. it will continue off the coast and be over the atlantic by this time tomorrow. pat? police in florida have arrested a person of interest in the murder of a 7-year-old girl. 24-year-old jared herald is the first person of interest named in the death of summer thompson. thompson disappeared from her orange park neighborhood four months ago before her body turned up in a landfall. harrell was arrested on child pornography charges. police aren't revealing any links between him and thompson's death. >> he was arrested without incident. i cannot comment further about how harrell may be connected with the summer thompson cas >> harrell is being held on $1 million bond in the pornography charges. there is news tonight in the kidnapping case of jaycee dugard. she's the girl who spent 18 years in captivity in california. phillip and nancy garrido were charged with holding her hostage. phillip garrido is accused of fathering jaycee's two children. now the garridos have filed a motion wishing to contact jaycee and her two children. >> it may be they want to tell her what to say or what to do or they want to find out, more likely, what information she has, what she is going to say. >> prosecutors have quoted a journal jaycee kept in 2004. she wrote "it feels like i'm sinking. i'm afraid i want control of my life. this is supposed to be my life to do what i like, but once again he has taken it away. how many times is he allowed to take it away from me?" jaycee dugard can refuse to have any contact with the garridos. prosecutors say she wants nothing to do with them. we are getting a new, rare, and powerful glimpse of history with some never-before-released photos of the september 11th attacks. the shots were taken from an nypd helicopter on 9/11 as it circled the rooftops in an attempt to rescue survivors. most of the photos had never been seen publicly. the government released them this week after a request was made under the freedom of information act. the detective who took the photos said the experience was surreal. >> there was no noise, there was no sound, there was no vibration or anything. it was just being there and seeing this happen. it's still hard to think about all the people that were there and they had so little chance. >> spokesmen for the national september 11th memorial and museum call the photos a phenomenal body of work. a decision today that may be welcome news to film dirtor roman polanski. swiss authorities decided not to extradite polanski to the united states for the time being. l.a. courts are considering an appeal to his sex abuse case from the 1970s. swiss officials will keep polanski on house arrest until the issue is resolved. meanwhile, his latest film "the ghost writer" premiered today in berlin. just ahead on "news4 at 4," mission to space. >> what went down millions of miles above earth on the international space station. plus, an important warning today for women who are taking certain breast cancer drugs. and the new changes the fda is considering making to the food that you eat. talk about a nice view from the international space station. today astronauts installed a room called tranquility. it has a huge bay window that will give panoramic views of the planet earth. nasa says the installation is such a complicated job it's going to take three spacewalks to complete. the next one will take place saturday night where plumbing will be set up. that is a nice view. >> yeah, that is. tranquili tranquility. we don't see that on our weather window too much this week. >> no, we don't. at least the weekend, we've got dry conditions out there. the high clouds have moved in on our city cam. but it is again going to be dry for the weekend. not the case down south. look at panama city, florida. two inches of rain already today. they've had not only heavy rain but some strong thunderstorms down there. over the last three hours it's been snowing in atlanta. that snow up to the north around western north carolina. we're going to get grazed with those clouds from that southern storm by tomorrow morning. again, already the high clouds over us. those will continue to move north and east here over the next few hours. 25 to 24 degrees. mostly cloudy skies to start the day early. partly sunny skies for the afternoon. we'll see a high tomorrow at 34 degrees. mostly sunny. sunshine for sunday. enjoy it because, again, a fast-moving system comes our way for the beginning of next week. ba to you. >> thanks, veronica. when we come back on "news4 at 4," consumer alert. >> liz joins us. some home improvement tips in the aftermath of the blizzards of 2010. and how you can avoid getting scammed. plus, the numbers are in about just how much of an impact the swine flu had worldwide. and how the struggling economy is impacting valentine's all right. it is friday. imagine that. longest week we've seen in a while in the wake of the blizzard. many folks are itching to clean up. >> yeah, we can't wait. will so much to take care of, liz crenshaw is here with tips to work around your home and stuff you should do before you hire help. >> a very frightening time for people who are going to hire contractors. this is the time contractors knock on your door and you are attem tempted to say yes. don't. just this morning, the police were called to a home in bethesda and had a contractor removed. the director of consumer protection told me the unlicensed contractor convinced an 80-year-old resident he needed roof repairs and in the end, the resident signed a contract to replace his entire roof. we're talking this morning for $20,000. montgomery county offers these tips so you don't fall victim. first, do not be rushed into making a decision. you could easily be overcharged or a contractor could do more damage than good. ignore the door-to-door appeals. consider someone you know or someone recommended by a friend or a neighborhood. if you hire someone, make sure the firm is licensed in your county. before settling on a price, get a detailed explanation of the service charges and ask if labor charges include travel time. people forget that. also, make sure you get a written estimate with an invoice listing the parts needed to make ever you do, always pay with a credit card. never pay in cash even if the contractor insists on it. that is a red flag. pay with a credit card. that way when the service is done if you don't like it, you can contest the charge. now we need to -- as you clean up after old man winter, there are some things that should be simply left alone. elizabeth of northwest washington wants to know what she can do about her gutters filled with ice. she says she can't reach them. elizabeth, we contacted the national roofic contractors association. it says if you do have to climb to reach snow or ice it's best simply just to leave it alone. when it comes to icicles, knocking the smaller skinny icicles off the gutters could be fine. it could help alleviate the weight from the larger icicles, but leave those giantcicles where they are. otherwise, you risk greater damage to your gutter than just the weight of theice. if you have major concerns about the weight of the ice and damage to your gutters, best thing to do is to call a roofing contractor. be very careful, folks knocking on your door. really, just say thank you but nohank you. if you want to hire someone, call someone you know or someone who is recommended. >> check them out. all right. >> very scary time. people want to get this stuff done quickly. just hold on. >> thank you, liz. the centers for disease control has released the latest numbers on inpethe people hit b swine flu this year. the virus has infected some 57 million people in the country. 19 million of those cases involved children under the age of 17. 33 million cases were among people between the ages of 18 and 64. and there were 5 million cases among people over the age of 65. overall, at least 257,000 people who got sick had to be admitted to a hospital. at least 11,000 died. the cdc said it's not too late to get vaccinated to prevent another swine flu outbreak in the spring. still ahead on "news4 at 4," a warning for women. >> what doctors are now saying about two drugs commonly used for breast cancer patients. plus, new changes the fda is now making and how that's going to affect what you buy at the supermarket. another sunny day. we are on a roll of two days. we need them for weeks and weeks. >> let's keep on rolling, veronica. >> take a look at this. there's a whole lot of melting. this is thick and deep. hopefully the melting that we'll have this weekend will open up the closed lanes that have had trafficnarling along today. took me two hours to get to work. the temperatures for the overnight, we'll see more refreezing, icy conditions. by morning, 24 to 25 degrees. mostly cloudy with that system passing off the coast. saturday we hit 34. and we'll have again some cloud cover for the morning. then partly sunny for the afternoon. but mostly sunny skies on sunday. it's going to be the prettiest, warmest day of the weekend. and, of course, it's valentine's day. so wonderful weather. monday, 2:00, 3:00, we could see snow showers. a quick two to three inches. we can deal with that, folks. still just light snow. jim? >> what a breeze. go get your gloves, veronica. we'll see you in a bit. we'll be rig the government wants to give us a taste of reality when we go for a second or a third handful of potato chips. the food and drug administration is recommending manufacrers place nutrition labels front and center and make them more readable. also they're recommending manufacturers adjust serving sizes to more realistic portions. some nutritionists say changing labels won't solve the obesity problem but believe it's a step in the right direction. here's an important warning for women today. taking the breast cancer drug tamoxifen. a certaind antidepressant may block the benefits from tamoxif tamoxifen. paxil tends to block the effects of tamoxifen. taking both drugs could result in an added breast cancer deaths. it's important to note that paxil has not been found to cause breast cancer, but it may block the benefit from tamoxifen. doctors should consider alternative antidepressants for patients taking tamoxifen. between the rough economy and the huge snowstorms we've dealt with this week, chances are you haven't picked up something for your sweetheart for valentine's day, but you still have a couple of days. florists say they're working overtime to make sure you bring home something really special. tracie potts has the sweet details. >> here's some ice cold love for valentine's day. with cupid and motr nature not quite on the same page this year, valentine's day has become a bit of a challenge. people wanted flowers delivered to work friday, but many of those offices are closed due to snow. >> we had a caravan come up with a trucin front of it that was pushing the snow because we had a delivery of 10,000 roses come in that day. >> reporter: they've been delivering flowers for four generations. don't expect a little blizzard or two to stop them now. they brought in extra help and rented 25 trucks, suvs, hummers. >> i even had one man delivering on a sled. he just pulled it. >> reporter: americans expect to spend over $14 billion on valentine's day this year, despite the snow and the economy. >> it doesn't change what i buy, but it changes the stress behind it, you know? >> reporter: tight on cash? buy smaer arrangements. >> still pretty but just not as expensive. >> reporter: a national retail federation survey found more buyers will go practical this year. instead of diamonds and roses, how about a sweater? maybe not. >> the men know nail be in trouble if they don't get the plowers. >> reporter: bottom line, you've got to really love someone to climb the empire state building to say i do, even on valentine's day weekend. what we don't know for sure, who has got more love on this valentine's day. but we do know who's spending more money. according to the national retail federation, men outspend women two to one. tracie potts, nbc news, washington. that's "news4 at 4." "news4 at 5" starts right now. we had a jolt, several joemts that seemed like we were hitting something. and then soon after, we stopped. the operator said that we had derailed. >> initially when they said it, it was, you know, a bit of a slight panic. once everybody saw that nobody was hurt, we were just kind of standing still. i think everybody calmed down. >> if you have a train that has derailed, why would it take an hour and a half to get people off the track? frustrated metro riders deg

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Haiti , Louisiana , United States , Alabama , North Carolina , Texas , Atlanta , Georgia , Kentucky , Haven Place , California , North Branch , Florida , Rhode Island , Illinois , Virginia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Mississippi , Rockville , Iraq , Montgomery County , Fairfax County , Saudi Arabia , West Falls Church , Camp Springs , Dallas , Switzerland , Berlin , Germany , Americans , Haitians , Swiss , Liz Crenshaw , Nancy Garrido , Phillip Garrido , Linda Kropp , Steve Handelsman , Patrick Kennedy , Melissa Vazquez , Jim Handley , Tom Sherwood , Pat Lawson , Darcy Spencer , Abraham Lincoln , Atlantic States , Adrian Fenty , Veronica Johnson , Roman Polanski , Megan Mcgrath , Jared Herald , Tracie Potts , Ted Kennedy ,

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Transcripts For WRC News 4 At 4 20100212 :

Transcripts For WRC News 4 At 4 20100212

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panic as crews race into action. this afternoon, the investigation into just what went wrong and what seems to be an all-too-familiar scene for metro riders. good afternoon. i'm jim handley. >> i'm pat lawson muse. our top story this afternoon, more problems for metro. the national transportation safety board has launched an investigation into yet another incident along metro's red line. it happened this morning near the farragut north station. according to a metro spokesperson, the front wheels of the train slipped off the tracks on the red line. darcy spencer has been working this story all day. she joins us live now from northwest washington with the latest. darcy? >> well, hi, pat. that's right. officials were saying here on the scene today that the front wheels of that six-car train popped the track down inside the tunnel very close to the farragut north metro station. about 10:15 this morning. but now sources are saying that the train apparently derailed itself to avoid a potential collision. the sources say that the train got on to a pocket or side track for unknown reasons and the train sensed that it was going to run a red light. there's a lot of censors and equipment and safety equipment. there was apparently a sense that it might run a red light and apparently derailed itself. we're trying to get more information about this. witnesses say that the train was going very slowly through that area and some of the witnesses told us that they barely felt the derailment. it just felt like a little bump. 345 passengers were on board the six-car train. now, the impact dealt with mainly the first two cars. so the remaining four cars were basically unaffected. three passengers suffered minor injuries. two of them, we're told, refused treatment. one person was taken to the hospital. but, again, those injuries are described as minor. now l of the passengers got on to those remaining four cars and those cars were then taken to the platform here and they were able to get off. now, as we said the national transportation safety board is investigating the cause of this incident. about two hours after the impact, the station was reopened. it remains open at this hour, although we're told that the trains are operating slowly at about 25 miles per hour as they come through this area. we'll have more coming up on "news4 at 5." we'll send it back to you. >> darcy, thank you. well, we caught up with a few passengers who were on board that derailed train. they described what they saw and felt >> a jolt, several jolts. it seemed like we were hitting something. and then soon after we stopped, the operator said that we had derailed. it appears that everybody is okay. the lights were still on, but we were in a dark tunnel. and then later on, they sort of dimmed the lights and everything. we just waited and waited until something, you know, happened. they finally decoupled the front two cars, which i was in one of them. the front car. and then they pulled back the rest of the cars. it just took a long time to do everything. >> well, i smelled smoke like a stop before it derailed. and we got maybe two or three minutes from that last stop and we heard a thump and a bump. and the train sort of tilted to the side. and the lights went out. and we were sitting there. then the conductor came on and she said that we had derailed. stay calm, you know. so everyone was -- they were really calm. i understand there were more problems in the back car. but our car was fine. >> only three people suffered minor injuries in this latest red line metro derailment. the derailment is only the latest in a string of incidents involving metro over the past year. there was a minor collision involving equipment during the last weekend in january that went unreported for days. there were no injuries. late last month, two metro workers were killed when they were struck by equipment while working on the track bed on the red line. back in december, there was a close call for a team of independent safety inspectors nearly hit by a train that they say was traveling full speed. in november, three workers were hurt when one train hit another in the west falls church railyard. then back in september, a train hit and killed a technician in virginia. in august, a piece of equipment hit and killed a worker at the vienna station. last june, nine people were killed when two trains collided on the red line. in january of 2007, more than 20 people were injured when a green line train derailed at the mt. vernon station. and in november of 2006, two metro workers died after being hit by an empty yellow line train near eisenhower avenue. and be sure to stay with news4 and for continuing coverage of today's derailment. we'll have much more coming up right here on "news4 at 5" tonight. and we're following breaking news now in northwest washington. we're told a pedestrian has been struck. tom sherwood is on the scene at this hour and can tell us what's happening there. tom? >> pat, we're here at georgia avenue and piny branch road. if you go over there, we'll show you where the fire truck. they just pulled that fire truck up to block. there's a woman who was crossing the street on georgia avenue. she was struck by a car. i saw her sitting on the ground talking to people so i think she's going to be okay. they have her in a neck brace. it made a meshere on georgia every with cars trying to get by. there are police cars trying to keep the traffic moving. again, the woman -- i can't tell how seriously she was hurt but i did see her talking. i saw the ambulance personnel come up and put a brace on her. i think an ambulance is still going to come and take her away. it's just one example of the difficulty in getting around the city streets in washington with all of this snow. we had a more light-hearted moment a short time ago when we were in northwest washington, we heard the mayor talk about the snow removal and those kinds of things and someone asked me last night, well, what would linda kropp have done if she won in 2006? so i went by her house. here's a little of what she had had to say. somebody was saying to me last night, and that's why i came by your house, they said i wonder if linda is glad she's not mayor with all this snow. >> well, i'm telling you, this was a very hard job, but i think the city has really done a pretty dent job in getting the snow up. it's been more snow than we've had in years. and they've done a decent job in getting it up. >> how does a political person balance that expectation with reality that this is more than you could have ever planned for? >> i believe you just ve t say that it's more snow than we usually have. we don't budget for it. you have to manage expectations, not try to let people think that it's going to be done overnight. >> again, that was linda kropp who ran for mayor in 2006. here's a live picture of georgia avenue. an ambulance has just arrived for a woman who was struck by a vehicle as she was attempting to cross georgia avenue. there's lots of traffic, lots of snow. it's a very difficult situation. that's it from here on georgia avenue. we'll check out what's happening there on the street and be back to you later in the show. >> thank you, tom. d.c. mayor adrian fenty publicly thanked the plow crews today who are in their 15th shift of full deployment since last friday' full storm. >> there hav been bobcats, tractors and plows. lots of other places. these guys up here have been working around the clock. we don't have any equipment that's not being used. we don't have any people who work for us who aren't breaking their backs. we'll get to the rest of the streets as soon as humanly possible. >> d.c. snow emergency is still in effect tonight. vehicles can't be parked on snow emergency routes. d.c.'s national guard completed 500 missions during the back-to-back blizzards and they're on stand-by for a possible storm next week. the d.c. guard braved 55-mile-an-hour winds to transport metro, police, firefighters, and medical personnel, too. they have 12 humvees stationed at all seven metro police precincts, fire stations and d.c. homeland security. they've also used 60 transportation personnel along with additional soldiers and airmen. all this despite not having two of their major units. one is deployed to saudi arabia. the other to iraq. here's a live look outside right now. once again, we saw it today, nothing but sunshine. >> looks like we could see another round of winter weather, though. veronica johnson is on post in the storm center. what's the latest word? >> that's on the other side of the weekend, jim. before most of us go back to work with monday being pridents' day. a little bit of light snow. out there today, some more blue skies, more melting across the area. now, there will be high clouds moving in. that's going to come from a storm that's just down to our south. it is producing snow in areas that you might not think would have snow. like birmingham, alabama, and through areas of even southern mississippi. there's been some snow today which we'll show you in a few minutes. right now washington, d.c. is at 37 degrees. that has been our high temperature for the day. the low, 28 degrees. we'll find temperatures just a little lower, by four or five degrees comin up during the overnight period. 35 to 37, that's the range in temperatures through the area. a light wind. again, more cloud cover moving in to night. here's the system coming up for monday and tuesday that will produce a few inches of snow. this one will be making its way southward through the area. it could be intensifying right along the coast again just like some of the other systems have done. again, still the emphasis is on the lights. we'll see more icy conditions by morning. more weekend melting. again, we'll talk more about this storm coming up for monday afternoon and tuesday morning in just a few. >> all right, veronica. thank you. well, this has been a crazy rush hour for commuters if you call it that with many people still not back. luckily school traffic wasn't part of that mix. megan mcgrath looksa s at how i went this morning. >> reporter: a different day, a different challenge. yesterday's bright sun caused some of the snow to melt and the run-off froze overnight. the ice this morning was everywhere. >> i'm stuck. i tried to get out. there's ice everywhere. it wasn't like thi yesterday. now i can't go. >> you're in the snowbank. >> yes, yes. the icebank or something. >> reporter: the return to work, inevitable. but not exactly easy. this morning's rush hour, terrible. whether lanes were lost to snow or damaging potholes, the result was gridlock. not much better for those taking the bus. while clearing the streets, the plows threw tons of snow on to bus stops. commuters were perched like mountain goats on top of huge mounds of snow. and watch out for people walking in the street. many sidewalks are still buried in the snow. >> it's not even plowed at all. you pretty much have no choice but to walk in the road. >> tough getng here today? >> yeah. >> reporter: clear roads or snow-packed roads. like so many things, it can be a matter of location. green haven place is a narrow dead-end street in fairfax county. not exactly at the top of the list for snow removal crews. and it's still a mess. melissa vazquez has had trouble getting to work because of the snow. she's worried that her boss might not believe her. >> it's a mess, yeah. i know, it's hard because when i call in for work, they don't believe me because the main roads are clean, but my road is not well at all. >> reporter: a lot of people are off on monday for presidents' day, so traffic should be lighter than normal. snow removal crews are hopeful that with that lighter traffic, they'll be able to continue with their efforts and that things will improve by tuesday. megan mcgrath, news4. >> and as megan mentioned when all that snow is cleared, it leaves behind a whole new problem on area roads. potholes. we found someretty big ones around the beltway today. drivers were having to maneuver around one on the interstate 66 eastbound ramp to the outer loop of the beltway. there were several large potholes where the outer loop meets north branch ridge. potholes are caused by water getting into cracks in the road when the water freezes, i expands and makes the crack, which can turn into a really big hole. >> they're popping up everywhere. stay right there. "news4 at 4" is just getting started. health scare. >> next, what we're learning about that hospital visit by former president bill clinton. and the latest on his road to recovery. then at 4:30, it's not just us digging out. now it's snowing in parts of the country that don't normally see accumulation. that's in the dee south. and at 4:45, some helpful advice about home improvement following the blizzard of 2010 and how to bill clinton is now recuperating at home. his wife is with him. mr. clinton left the hospital about 8:00 this morning with his daughter, chelsea, by his side. yesterday doctors inserted two stents to fix a blocked artery. mr. clinton had entered the hospital complaining of chest pains. today a member of his staff said he's in excellent health. his cardiologist offered this assessment. >> one of the by-passes was completely blocked. he didn't have any damage to his heart. >> doctors expect a full recovery and say mr. clinton could be back to work as soon as monday. patrick kennedy has decided not to seek reelection to congress. he plans to release a taped message that will air this weekend on rhode island tv. in that, he says his life is taking a new direction. kennedy has served eight terms in congress. he crashed his car outside the capitol back in 2006 and he's been treated for substance abuse more than once since then. his decision not to run for reelection comes less than a month after republicans won control of the senate seat held by his late father, ted kennedy. surprising news on the economic front today. january retail sales were up. but the good news is being offset by the negative economic impact of this week's blizzards. steve handelsman has our story. >> reporter: today's big snow will have the same kind of economic affect say the experts as this week's blizzard struck the middle atlantic states. when people are fighting a storm, they're not shopping. >> it closed down traffic to malls, shopping centers, grocery stores, restaurants, all of that just essenally gets shut down because of the storms. >> reporter: in washington, d.c., the blizzard is over, but snowbanks still block ray's deli. it was a bad week. no money coming in? >> no money is right. >> reporter: ironically, the january retail report out today showed a surprising jump. sales up .5%. but today, the airlines are getting slammed again, more than 15,000 flights canceled this week. trucking has been a mess for days. still, experts say most of the snow's economic effect will melt away. >> i think it's going to put a dent in earnings and spending and it will slow down growth this quarter, but it won't be any permanent damage. >> reporter: that flat-screen tv that people planned to buy yesterday, they can still buy tomorrow. when malls and stores expect to be jammed. but this stormy week is the week that february employment is being measured by surveys, so economists worry that the february unemployment number will be higher than it actually was. i'm steve handelsman, nbc news, washington. again, despite the good news in january, analysts already know consumer confidence dropped slightly in early february and economists say the biggest threat to recovery is the reluctance of consumers to keep on spending. this season, national day of mourning in haiti. it's been one month since the day the deadliest earthquake struck port-au-prince. ♪ there was a remembrance ceremony today near the ruined presidential palace. haitians were asked to wear white or black to honor the memory of the 200,000 people killed in the quake. d in the month since the disaster, food and other aid has yet to reach some of the 3 million haitians who need it. aid distribution has been slowed by problems with infrastructure and other ongoing difficulties. ahead on "news4 at 4" this afternoon, break in the case. >> the new evidence that has led police to a person of interest in the investigation into the murder of a 7-year-old girl. plus, the chilling new details today. we're learning about one woman's account of being held in captivity for nearly two decades. then we'll show you what one part of our region is doing in an effort to clear the mounds of snow piled high on city streets. up in baltimore, they're finding ways to get the snow off the streets. city officials there are dumping the snow into parks, parking lots and the inner harbor. the snow is okay for the water. the chesapeake bay foundation says the road salt and the snow should not haven effect on the already salty bay. >> can they dump snow into the potomac? >> it's not salt but who knows. the mayor says no. >> veronica, we are getting a lot of melting during the day but it's just freezing up again at nigh >> that we are. there will be icy spots again on the roads for tomorrow morning, jim and pat. temperatures currently in the mid and upper 30s across the area. manassas at 35. d.c., 37. 36 in camp springs. take a look at atlanta, georgia. 33 degrees. this whole stretch from atlanta west to dallas has seen snow over the last couple of hours. as a matter of fact, just east of dallas, picking up 13 inches of snow. following that southern jet, spots like jackson, mississippi, could pick up three to six. and winter storm warnings are out from atlanta down to the south and all the way up into southeastern north carolina. look at alabama. 31 degrees. that is snow that you see on the ground. that's northern alabama. mississippi, more snow there at the golf course. 34 degrees currently. so there has been snow the early part of the day in these locations. they could get three to six. even atlanta, georgia, may be seeing two to three inches of snow. right now they've got overcast skies. so this system staying to the south. heavy rain for florida. here's the next weather system. this will be diving out of the midwest. producing some snow in the northern plains to southern illinois. northern kentucky on sunday. two to four-inch snows. this is not going to be the intense storm along the coast as the last couple of ones have been for us. not going to have an abundance of moisture. it's not going to be rapidly deepening, but we'll see accumulations. not just the massive accumulations around here. right now it looks as though that will be starting around 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. on monday and ending early tuesday morning. breezy conditions for the weekend. we'll see some -- a little bit of wind with the storm system that's down to the south. cloud cover for early tomorrow morning. here's a look at your four-day forecast. some mostly cloudy skies to start your day saturday. then partly sunny. we'll have the breezy conditions. 34, the high. up to 37 with more sunshine on sunday. there it is. a little bit of snow. right now it looks like we could possibly see monday to tuesday's event anywhere around three to four inches. we'll be following that system closely. back to you, pat. >> thank you, veronica. well, the winter games begin tonight with the opening ceremo ceremony. you don't have to be an olympic athlete to enjoy the events. john joins us live now to tell us how families can enjoy the family activity. >> hey, fapat. if you're looking to take advantage of all the snow, there are ski resorts less tn two hours outside of the district and they'll make you feel like an olympian. this is not your typical backyard tubing hill. here at whitetail ski resort, families come from all over to experience the thrill of flying down the hill at nearly 30 miles an hour just like a luger. >> it was crazy amazing. it was so much fun. it's my first time here and i want to come back every weekend. >> i liked it until we got down to the bottom. >> reporter: do you think they should add tubing to the winter olympics? >> i mean, i don't really -- i don't know how you'd judge that, but it's a good idea. it's fun. i don't think you should add it, though. >> reporter: okay, maybe that's a stretch. but if you're into skiing or snowboarding, sarah says this is the perfect place to get out and try it. >> i've skied out west, i've skied up north. i think this place is a little treasure right near washington, d.c. it's well-run. the staff is great. they try to keep the conditions good. and for local skiing, it's beautiful. >> reporter: these youngsters called the stinkers are part of a group learning how to ski. you can tell they're excited. >> one, two, three. >> reporter: the winter olympics gets everybody energized and excited again and it helps with the people that have always thought about skiing or maybe skied before and got out of the sport. helps get them energized again and makes them want to try it. i haven't skied in a while, but with all the excitement going on around me, i decided to snap in, too. expert i am not, but it feels good to get out here and channel my inner body miller. and, pat, i'm not very good, but you don't have to be good to get out there and enjoy the olympic spirit and the fun. it's good just to go outdoors and enjoy all of the snow we have. pat, back to you. >> you look pretty good, john. >> thank you. i appreciate that. i never advanced beyond the begin r slope, but that's okay. i had fun. thanks. >> he was moving. standing is good for me. he knows how to do it. much more ahead on "news4 at 4." trouble on the tracks today. >> what went down on metro today and why the ntsb is once again launching an investigation. plus, we'll show you a rare glimpse affhistory with some never-before-released photos of the september 11th attacks. and why your valentine's sweetheart may have to wait for flowers and candy or may have to welcome back to "news4 at 4." >> some of the stop stories we're following for you onews4 at this hour, there is word today of a possible cause for this morning's metro train derailment. a six-car train derailed just after 10:00 this morning near the farragut north station in downtown d.c. metro tells us the front wheels of the train's first car apparently slipped off the rail. metro now believes the system derailed the train as a precaution. 345 passengers were aboard at the time. metro says three of them suffered minor injuries. train service has resumed. a violent crash in rockville killed a man and injured two others. this happened last night on west montgomery avenue. a chevrolet was turning left into a hotel entrance when a ford explorer slammed into it on the passenger's side. the passenger in the chivsilver was killed. police in prince georges county are investigating a bizarre set of circumstances in temple hills. they found a homeless man dead inside a box truck. while checking out the neighborhood, he barricaded himself in his home with a shotgun. when officers went into the home, he pointed the gun at officers, they shot and killed him. the shooting iunder investigation. today a wreath was laid at fords theater in washington to honor abraham lincoln's birthday. this would have been his 201st birthday. lincoln was assassinated in april of 1865. all week there are different events taking place at the theater honoring the 16th president. this time it's falling in one of the most unusual places. we're talking the deep, deep south. chris clackum reports. >> reporter: jackson, mississippi, has as much as a half foot of snow on the ground. from a winter storm that stretches across southern sections of the deep south headed to nearly unheard-of destinations. the south is not used to it. so two inches in birmingham can be like two feet in baltimore. paralyzing. just flurries in mobile, but just the thought of more and schools were closed. >> it's very, very unusual for us to address people about snow. >> reporter: businesses as well as schools cut short their day across louisiana, mississippi, alabama, and georgia because of the snow. in anticipation of it, delta canceled 1,100 flights in and out of atlanta's airport. this is the same system that dumped a foot of snow on dallas. it cosaused the collapse of roo and snapped power lines causing outages at 70,000 homes and businesses in north texas. all this while the big digout continues around washington. lights are back up again at dulles where a record-breaking six feet of snow has fallen so far this winter with another month to go. but residents who ventured out for the first time in a week still failed to get very far. chris clackum, nbc news. >> again, don't worry about that coming our way. it will continue off the coast and be over the atlantic by this time tomorrow. pat? police in florida have arrested a person of interest in the murder of a 7-year-old girl. 24-year-old jared herald is the first person of interest named in the death of summer thompson. thompson disappeared from her orange park neighborhood four months ago before her body turned up in a landfall. harrell was arrested on child pornography charges. police aren't revealing any links between him and thompson's death. >> he was arrested without incident. i cannot comment further about how harrell may be connected with the summer thompson cas >> harrell is being held on $1 million bond in the pornography charges. there is news tonight in the kidnapping case of jaycee dugard. she's the girl who spent 18 years in captivity in california. phillip and nancy garrido were charged with holding her hostage. phillip garrido is accused of fathering jaycee's two children. now the garridos have filed a motion wishing to contact jaycee and her two children. >> it may be they want to tell her what to say or what to do or they want to find out, more likely, what information she has, what she is going to say. >> prosecutors have quoted a journal jaycee kept in 2004. she wrote "it feels like i'm sinking. i'm afraid i want control of my life. this is supposed to be my life to do what i like, but once again he has taken it away. how many times is he allowed to take it away from me?" jaycee dugard can refuse to have any contact with the garridos. prosecutors say she wants nothing to do with them. we are getting a new, rare, and powerful glimpse of history with some never-before-released photos of the september 11th attacks. the shots were taken from an nypd helicopter on 9/11 as it circled the rooftops in an attempt to rescue survivors. most of the photos had never been seen publicly. the government released them this week after a request was made under the freedom of information act. the detective who took the photos said the experience was surreal. >> there was no noise, there was no sound, there was no vibration or anything. it was just being there and seeing this happen. it's still hard to think about all the people that were there and they had so little chance. >> spokesmen for the national september 11th memorial and museum call the photos a phenomenal body of work. a decision today that may be welcome news to film dirtor roman polanski. swiss authorities decided not to extradite polanski to the united states for the time being. l.a. courts are considering an appeal to his sex abuse case from the 1970s. swiss officials will keep polanski on house arrest until the issue is resolved. meanwhile, his latest film "the ghost writer" premiered today in berlin. just ahead on "news4 at 4," mission to space. >> what went down millions of miles above earth on the international space station. plus, an important warning today for women who are taking certain breast cancer drugs. and the new changes the fda is considering making to the food that you eat. talk about a nice view from the international space station. today astronauts installed a room called tranquility. it has a huge bay window that will give panoramic views of the planet earth. nasa says the installation is such a complicated job it's going to take three spacewalks to complete. the next one will take place saturday night where plumbing will be set up. that is a nice view. >> yeah, that is. tranquili tranquility. we don't see that on our weather window too much this week. >> no, we don't. at least the weekend, we've got dry conditions out there. the high clouds have moved in on our city cam. but it is again going to be dry for the weekend. not the case down south. look at panama city, florida. two inches of rain already today. they've had not only heavy rain but some strong thunderstorms down there. over the last three hours it's been snowing in atlanta. that snow up to the north around western north carolina. we're going to get grazed with those clouds from that southern storm by tomorrow morning. again, already the high clouds over us. those will continue to move north and east here over the next few hours. 25 to 24 degrees. mostly cloudy skies to start the day early. partly sunny skies for the afternoon. we'll see a high tomorrow at 34 degrees. mostly sunny. sunshine for sunday. enjoy it because, again, a fast-moving system comes our way for the beginning of next week. ba to you. >> thanks, veronica. when we come back on "news4 at 4," consumer alert. >> liz joins us. some home improvement tips in the aftermath of the blizzards of 2010. and how you can avoid getting scammed. plus, the numbers are in about just how much of an impact the swine flu had worldwide. and how the struggling economy is impacting valentine's all right. it is friday. imagine that. longest week we've seen in a while in the wake of the blizzard. many folks are itching to clean up. >> yeah, we can't wait. will so much to take care of, liz crenshaw is here with tips to work around your home and stuff you should do before you hire help. >> a very frightening time for people who are going to hire contractors. this is the time contractors knock on your door and you are attem tempted to say yes. don't. just this morning, the police were called to a home in bethesda and had a contractor removed. the director of consumer protection told me the unlicensed contractor convinced an 80-year-old resident he needed roof repairs and in the end, the resident signed a contract to replace his entire roof. we're talking this morning for $20,000. montgomery county offers these tips so you don't fall victim. first, do not be rushed into making a decision. you could easily be overcharged or a contractor could do more damage than good. ignore the door-to-door appeals. consider someone you know or someone recommended by a friend or a neighborhood. if you hire someone, make sure the firm is licensed in your county. before settling on a price, get a detailed explanation of the service charges and ask if labor charges include travel time. people forget that. also, make sure you get a written estimate with an invoice listing the parts needed to make ever you do, always pay with a credit card. never pay in cash even if the contractor insists on it. that is a red flag. pay with a credit card. that way when the service is done if you don't like it, you can contest the charge. now we need to -- as you clean up after old man winter, there are some things that should be simply left alone. elizabeth of northwest washington wants to know what she can do about her gutters filled with ice. she says she can't reach them. elizabeth, we contacted the national roofic contractors association. it says if you do have to climb to reach snow or ice it's best simply just to leave it alone. when it comes to icicles, knocking the smaller skinny icicles off the gutters could be fine. it could help alleviate the weight from the larger icicles, but leave those giantcicles where they are. otherwise, you risk greater damage to your gutter than just the weight of theice. if you have major concerns about the weight of the ice and damage to your gutters, best thing to do is to call a roofing contractor. be very careful, folks knocking on your door. really, just say thank you but nohank you. if you want to hire someone, call someone you know or someone who is recommended. >> check them out. all right. >> very scary time. people want to get this stuff done quickly. just hold on. >> thank you, liz. the centers for disease control has released the latest numbers on inpethe people hit b swine flu this year. the virus has infected some 57 million people in the country. 19 million of those cases involved children under the age of 17. 33 million cases were among people between the ages of 18 and 64. and there were 5 million cases among people over the age of 65. overall, at least 257,000 people who got sick had to be admitted to a hospital. at least 11,000 died. the cdc said it's not too late to get vaccinated to prevent another swine flu outbreak in the spring. still ahead on "news4 at 4," a warning for women. >> what doctors are now saying about two drugs commonly used for breast cancer patients. plus, new changes the fda is now making and how that's going to affect what you buy at the supermarket. another sunny day. we are on a roll of two days. we need them for weeks and weeks. >> let's keep on rolling, veronica. >> take a look at this. there's a whole lot of melting. this is thick and deep. hopefully the melting that we'll have this weekend will open up the closed lanes that have had trafficnarling along today. took me two hours to get to work. the temperatures for the overnight, we'll see more refreezing, icy conditions. by morning, 24 to 25 degrees. mostly cloudy with that system passing off the coast. saturday we hit 34. and we'll have again some cloud cover for the morning. then partly sunny for the afternoon. but mostly sunny skies on sunday. it's going to be the prettiest, warmest day of the weekend. and, of course, it's valentine's day. so wonderful weather. monday, 2:00, 3:00, we could see snow showers. a quick two to three inches. we can deal with that, folks. still just light snow. jim? >> what a breeze. go get your gloves, veronica. we'll see you in a bit. we'll be rig the government wants to give us a taste of reality when we go for a second or a third handful of potato chips. the food and drug administration is recommending manufacrers place nutrition labels front and center and make them more readable. also they're recommending manufacturers adjust serving sizes to more realistic portions. some nutritionists say changing labels won't solve the obesity problem but believe it's a step in the right direction. here's an important warning for women today. taking the breast cancer drug tamoxifen. a certaind antidepressant may block the benefits from tamoxif tamoxifen. paxil tends to block the effects of tamoxifen. taking both drugs could result in an added breast cancer deaths. it's important to note that paxil has not been found to cause breast cancer, but it may block the benefit from tamoxifen. doctors should consider alternative antidepressants for patients taking tamoxifen. between the rough economy and the huge snowstorms we've dealt with this week, chances are you haven't picked up something for your sweetheart for valentine's day, but you still have a couple of days. florists say they're working overtime to make sure you bring home something really special. tracie potts has the sweet details. >> here's some ice cold love for valentine's day. with cupid and motr nature not quite on the same page this year, valentine's day has become a bit of a challenge. people wanted flowers delivered to work friday, but many of those offices are closed due to snow. >> we had a caravan come up with a trucin front of it that was pushing the snow because we had a delivery of 10,000 roses come in that day. >> reporter: they've been delivering flowers for four generations. don't expect a little blizzard or two to stop them now. they brought in extra help and rented 25 trucks, suvs, hummers. >> i even had one man delivering on a sled. he just pulled it. >> reporter: americans expect to spend over $14 billion on valentine's day this year, despite the snow and the economy. >> it doesn't change what i buy, but it changes the stress behind it, you know? >> reporter: tight on cash? buy smaer arrangements. >> still pretty but just not as expensive. >> reporter: a national retail federation survey found more buyers will go practical this year. instead of diamonds and roses, how about a sweater? maybe not. >> the men know nail be in trouble if they don't get the plowers. >> reporter: bottom line, you've got to really love someone to climb the empire state building to say i do, even on valentine's day weekend. what we don't know for sure, who has got more love on this valentine's day. but we do know who's spending more money. according to the national retail federation, men outspend women two to one. tracie potts, nbc news, washington. that's "news4 at 4." "news4 at 5" starts right now. we had a jolt, several joemts that seemed like we were hitting something. and then soon after, we stopped. the operator said that we had derailed. >> initially when they said it, it was, you know, a bit of a slight panic. once everybody saw that nobody was hurt, we were just kind of standing still. i think everybody calmed down. >> if you have a train that has derailed, why would it take an hour and a half to get people off the track? frustrated metro riders deg

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