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Mail. Nightly news begins right now. N is in the mail. Nightly news begins right now. G is in the mail. Nightly news begins right now. Er is in the mail. Nightly news begins right now. S is in the mail. Nightly news begins right now. Announcer from nbc news World Headquarters in new york, this is nbc nightly news with lester holt. Good evening, the white house is taking fault over President Trumps sacking over ir over p trumps sacking over e over pr trumps sacking over james comey amid questions how it went down and a possible alterer motive with sloppy handling. Today president trum. Today president trumo. Today president trumf. Today president trumth. Today president trume. Today president trumc. Today president truml. Today president trumi. Today president trumn. Today president trumton. Today president trum. Today president trum investig today President Trump spoke publicly on the matter. [000 01 58;00] not th exp g the fbi and among some members of congress where there is suspicion he was let go because of the investigation of the Trump Campaign and collusion with the russians. Tonight congressional sources say comey was seeking to step up his investigation at the time of his firing and we learn details how his dismissed unfolded. Our justice correspondent Pete Williams starts our coverage. Reporter james comey has said nothing publicly since his firing remaining home, but fbi insiders tell nbc news many at fbi headquarters believe he was fired because he would not end the russia investigation, something the president clearly wanted over tweeting two days ago, when will this taxpayer funded charade end . The Justice Department and white house say the final steps in firing comey who hustled back to washington after hearing the news came two days ago at the white house. Administration Officials Say President Trump met with attorney general Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney general Rob Rosenstein and said he wanted to talk about his concerns that comey should be fired. He said he reached the same conclusion Officials Say and agreed to put thoughts on paper, which became the threepage memo blasting comeys handling. Congressional sources resources for the russia investigation, but a Justice Department official says that request was never made. A white house spokeswoman says the president has been thinking since he took office that comey should go, believing in part that comey was not respected by the agency he led. The ranken file of the fbi lost confidence in their director. Accordingly, the president accepted his recommendation of the attorney general to remove james comey from his position. Reporter current and former agents say thats not true, while some thought comey mishandled the clinton email investigation, they didnt lose confidence in him. Hes a good man. Hes wellintentioned. Hes well thought of. The Law Enforcement community thinks very highly of him, and its just a terrible thing thats happened here. Reporter people throughout the fbi are in shock which came with no warning. For the investigation of russias hacking during the election and whether any trump were involved, that work goes on but some former Officials Say the firing cast a cloud. If youre an investigator, you have to ask yourself how much evidence do i need to support my claims at this point . When will i be believed or not believed . Some in congress say by playing a role in the firing, attorney general sessions violated his pledge to keep hands off any investigations involving the campaign but Officials Say it was a personnel decision about comeys leadership, not about any investigation. For now d. O. J. Is looking at five candidates for interim fbi director including the current acting director, lester. Pete, thanks. Many inside the fbi were shocked by comeys firing including comey himself but nbc news learned his dismissal came so abruptly, many in the white house were caught by surprise. Nbc news chief white house correspondene sporespondt ha j went down. Reporter tonight, new details on the 24hour scramble after the decision to dismiss james comey. By tuesday, a fed up president made up his mind to fire the fbi director but by 5 40 when the news broke, some key aids hadnt heard about the firing. Instead, they watched it flash across cable, growing angry, not about what the president did but how it was revealed. Frustrated by the lack of strategy. By 6 00 the president called nine senators but not comey in california. No matter how you fire someone, its never an easy process and he so he felt like following protocol was the best thing to do. Reporter President Trump who used to fire people for a living. Youre fired. Youre fired, fired. Reporter dispatched the security head to de as humiliating, instant execution. By 9 00 p. M. Advisors blitzed tv in splitscreen coverage that showed comeys motorcade as he flew off literally into the sunset. Because he wasnt doing a good job, very simply. He was not doing a good job. Reporter thats not what the press secretary said a week ago. The president had lost confidence in comey from the day he was elected. On may 3rd, the president said he has full confidence in the fbi director. Why did he say that . Look, i think, again, he questions director comeys reason to stay at the fbi. Reporter not publicly and not recently. Is it too late to ask him to step down . Its not too late but i have confidence in him. These are the mistakes made during watergate. They are careless. They are thoughtless. They are not wellplanned. And you get repercussions when you dont think things out and act accordingly. Today with henry kissinger, comeys righthand man and lashing out at phony hypocrites questioning his decision, defiant and questioning. Some details arent clear like the three separate occasions on which President Trump says comey says he wasnt personally being investigated and who initiated the talks. I wont get into the specifics of their conversations. Reporter what specifically changed from President Trumps talk on the trail. It took guts for director comey to make the move that he made. Reporter to today. Can people take at face value what the president says about personnel issues like this . Absolutely, you can take full confidence in the words of the president. Reporter tonight a senior white house officials describing a small inner circle. The Vice President , soninlaw Jared Kushner and white House Counsel don mcginn backing a decision that ultimately as happened again and again was the president s and the president s alone. Lester . Hallie jackson at the white house, thanks. Comeys firing triggered criticism on both sides of the isle and reignited calls from dem democrats for an independent democrats for an independent democrats for an independent democrats for an independent m democrats for an independent special prosecutor to take over the investigation into possible collusion between the Trump Campaign and russians to influence the russian. We get more from nbcs kristen welker. Reporter amid mounting outrage on capitol hill tonight, some lawmakers are questioning the countrys very foundation. Do you see this as a constitutional crisis . Absolutely. This is a stress test of the constitutional democracy. What were living in right now. Reporter not just democrats. Republicans are joining, richard burr chairs the Senate Intelligence committee. The timing and reasons for this decision made little sense to me and i havent heard anything since last night to clarify it in any way. The timing was less than impeccable. Reporter at least seven Senate Republicans expressed skepticism or outright anger but the senates Top Republican is standing by the president. Today will no doubt hear for calls for a new investigation, which could only serve to impede the current work being done to not only discover what the russians may have done. Reporter House Speaker paul ryan also defending mr. Trump. It is entirely within the president s role and authority to relive him and thats what he did. Reporter tonight, democrats are demanding the department of justice appoint a special prosecutor to take over the investigation into russias meddling into the u. S. Election, some threatening to try to block trumps pick for the next fbi director until one is appointed. I will vote against any confirmation of an fbi director unless there is support for a special prosecutor. Reporter tonight, even the Vice President is firing back. The president and i remain confident the house and senate looking into every aspect of issues that arise will be able to do their work. Reporter so where does congress go from here . Congress isnt known for multi tasking ability. As long as the russia cloud remains this dark and this large, it will hang over and make it difficult to do much governing. Reporter james comey was scheduled to testify before the Senate Intelligence committee tomorrow but now the acting fbi director will appear in his place. Late tonight, that same committee issued a subpoena to Michael Flynn for documents related to the russia probe. Lester . Kristen welker at the capital tonight, thank you. We want to bring in the moderator of meet the press chuck todd. Lay it out. What would be the Tipping Point that would make a special prosecutor more likely . If its somehow definitively proved situation. There seems to be enough for now. The republicans are essentially while not comfortable standing by the president right now, they are not dumping him overboard. You saw that today. You saw skepticism but not yet there. Democrats will call for a special prosecutor but many of them dont necessarily want that because the Justice Department would have to appoint it if they got it and would erase the investigations. Youre more likely to see this in independent commission styled after the 9 11 commission because the senate can collectively vote on that. Thats where this could go but i think you need one more incident before republicans will climb on board. Chuck todd, thank you. On the heels of the firing of the fbi director, the president had one event listed, a private meeting with Vladimir Putins top diplomat. The Russian Foreign minister in the oval office. Our chief Foreign Affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell has more. Reporter awkward timing for the white house, russias top diplomat visiting washington hours after President Trump fires the fbi director investigating possible links between the Trump Campaign and russias Election Hacking . Did the comey firing cast a shadow . Youre kidding. Youre kidding. His reaction after all reporters were barred but official photographers let in. Russias agency releasing more than 20 photos of the meeting from every angle. President trump with the Russian Foreign minister, President Trump with the foreign ambassador, a central figure in the controversy over fired National Security advisor. No pictures released yet by the white house. Not a lot was released about what they discussed but we know they agreed on one thing, the russia investigation is fake news. Vladimir putin today after skating in a celebrity hockey game asked by cbs how comeys firing will affect u. S. Russia relations. Translator will will be no effect he says. We have nothing to do with that. President trump is acting in accordance with his competence and law and constitution. Reporter russias foreign minister challenging reporters saying President Trump publicly says all of it is false news, given no proof its not serious. Democratic congressional investigators noting the irony. You cant make this stuff up. I have to notice is more consistently on point with the president s message than sean spicer is. Reporter and the russians also beat the white house to the punch announcing the president and putin will meet for the First Time Since mr. Trump took office in germany this summer in july at a summit. The white house will only say they will Start Talking about it. Andrea mitchell, thank you. Tomorrow, ill travel to the white house for the first interview with the president since hi exclusive. Well have it here on nbc nightly news. Still tonight, more on the days other headlines including the dangerous operation at the Largest Nuclear waste site in the nation after a radio active scare there. Also, child safety alert, a warning over something that sends 50 kids an hour to Emergency Rooms. Stay with us. Emergenci never y morning market. But with my back pain i couldnt sleep or get up in time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a sleep aid im back aleve pm for a better am. Are allergies holding you back . Break through your allergies. Try new Flonase Sensimist allergy relief instead of allergy pills. Its more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist experience youll barely feel. Using unique mistpro technology, new Flonase Sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. Most allergy pills only block one. And six is greater than one. New Flonase Sensimist changes everything. Sfx engine revving silence were back now with details to the nbcs gaddi schwartz today workers took on a dangerous and dell r delicate operation. Nbcs gaddi schwartz with the details. Delicate ope. Nbcs gaddi schwartz with the details. Reporter crews carefully filling a partially collapsed tunnel with soil, inside cars with toxic waste in the days processing weapons grade plutonium. Its like having fukushima sitting in your backyard ready to go off. Reporter the cars were seal in tunnels to contain the radiation. Plans called for the government to clean out the tunnels by 2024, then pushing it back to 2042. Anyone near the tunnel when it collapsed could get a lethal dose of ratuation in a short radiation period of time. Reporter for now the government says no radiation is detected and safety is the top priority. Well approach this slowly, safely and methodically. Reporter workers at the site say they have heard that before. I was healthy as a horse until that day i got exposed. Reporter john worked there for over 30 years until he says he inhaled something that left him with brain damage. He is now hoping the partial collapse will be a wakeup call and those responsible for cleaning up hanford will learn from the nuclear mistakes from the past. Gadi schwartz, nbc news, hanford washington. When we come back tonight, its happened again. Another day, another brawl aboard a plane. Well tell you what this one was about when we come back. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. 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Unlike pills that dont treat congestion, clarispray covers 100 percent of your nasal allergy symptoms. Clarispray. From the makers of claritin. We were back now with a new warning about how many kids are seriously injured because they dont wear helmets and pads when riding around outside. According to new research, at least 1200 kids are rushed to Emergency Rooms costello. Reporter tis the season for skateboards, skate bikes but the wheels are sending nearly 50 kids an hour to the e. R. And broken bones and abrasions but 11 involve serious head injuries, concussions and skull fractures. Jaden rivera was 10 years old when he suffered a fracture after falling off his bike without a helmet. Back. Ten days later he was in the e. R. Lethargic and vomiting. When i saw the c. T. Scan i saw the look in the doctors eye, it was serious. He said we have to get him in surgery now before he dies. Reporter jaden was bleeding into his brain. Childrens National Hospital e. R. Chief says kids skulls are thinner and more vulnerable. So any injury that occurs at that point may damage parts of the brain that have not yet developed and pren developing. Reporter it could be permanent. Absolutely. Reporter 40 of parents surveyed say their kids dont always wear a helmet. Meanwhile, as scooter related injuries jumped 40 in ten years, fewer than 20 of parents say their kids are wearing knee, elbow or wrist pads. Everyone, especially kids should wear a helmet and protective pads. In florida, doctors had to use wire mesh to repair his skull, he survived but a helmet could have prevented it all. Tom costello, nbc news, washington. In another incident caught on camera, a brawl on a Southwest Airlines plane after it landed in los angeles. The fistfight erupted sunday when a man accused a woman of messing with his chair. At one point the brawling passengers fell over on a Flight Attendant trying to break it up. One man was arrested. When we come back, youve got mail, the healing power of a lost art of letting writing, inspiring america is next. Umbrellas you need one of these. You wouldnt put up with an umbrella that covers you part way, so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day . Aleve, live whole not part. Tell you what, ill give it to you for half off. Your body was made for Better Things than rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell olesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Xeljanz can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate, and is also available in a oncedaily pill. Ask about xeljanz xr. Finally tonight, they are more and more rare in the age of email but a handwritten letter is a powerful reminder someone is thinking of you. All across the country, folks are putting pen strangers fighting the battle of their lives. Nbcs katy beck has tonights inspiring america report. My dear sister. Reporter Stephanie Jones writes three letter as day engraving empathy to women she doesnt know. You are in my heart. I thought reporter but she knows their disease. Jones beat cancer three times and has felt their same fears. How will i ever do this . Do i have the strength and the courage . Of course, you do. Reporter jones is one of thousands writing letters for a group called girls love mail. There is something they can do. They can pick up a pen. Reporter cancer survivor Gina Mulligan is the founder. Her idea arming volunteers, School Children to cancer survivors to help fight a strangers battle with breast cancer. Every day, i read the letters and see the best in people. Reporter mulligan designed the charity not to raise money, instead to collect comfort. Soul funding for those who feel just broke. Its okay to cry, but remember to laugh, too. Reporter volunteers see the letters first. Stay strong and continue to be brave. Youve got this. Reporter letters packaged and sent to the hospitals nationwide, over the last six years reaching 80,000 women. You made a difference in that persons life. Reporter someone like sherry receiving treatment at st. Jude Medical Center in fullerton and a letter. My message for you is simply two words, i care. As you take your unique cancer journey. My hand will virtually hold yours. You are in my heart. Stephanie. Reporter from one hand. Thats wonderful. Reporter to one heart. Katy beck, nbc news, sacramento. And were going to end on that inspiring note. Thats going to do it for us on this wednesday night. Im lester holt. Well see you tomorrow night from washington where well have our exclusive interview with presi t you for watching and good night. You for watching a good night. Hollywood, where is taylor swift . Is she really in hiding or just proving no one plays the fame game better . Sex, love, mon og amy, oh, the wisdom of goldy with a tip that may surprise you. Would you want a man who doesnt look

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