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Its the first contest in the south for democrats in the south and the first where they are competing for the africanamerican vote. On this business night. Clinton and sanders find themselves competing for attention with a republican candidate. Our team has it covered. First to south caroli carolina. Reporter Clinton Campaign officials feel confident. They are hoping to match or beat senator sanders win in new hampshire. That would give second clinton big momentum heading into super tuesday. Columbia. Reporter secretary clinton coasting to an expected win in the First Southern primary. For clinton, South Carolina is a key part of her southern firewall. Its a test for whether she can reclaim what was lost here in 2008. I want to congratulate senator obama. Reporter after her defeat here in barak obama that all but ended her white house bid. I think what happened, she wants redemption and voters here in South Carolina want redemption. There are thousands of voters here in South Carolina that were planning on voting for her. Then barak obama won iowa. They dont regret who they voted for, but now they are able to vote for who they thought they were going to vote for. Reporter many of the africanamericans who propelled obama to victory casting their ballots for clinton. Given you voted for obama, how does it feel to vote for clinton today . That same way. That feeling of excitement. Just ready to get the country moving in more of a positive direction. Reporter why do you like hillary . I believe shes the most qualified. Reporter some feeling the bern. Why did you decide to vote for bernie . He said he will raise the minimum wage. Im a big fan of that. Reporter africanamericans make up a majority of the electorate here and in some super tuesday states. 2008 exit polls show blacks comprised more than 50 of voters in georgia and alabama and nearly 30 in virginia and tennessee. Even while south carolinians voted, clinton and Sanders Campaigned in super tuesday states where they lobbed their sharpest attacks at republicans. It does bother me when i hear some of the rhetoric coming out of the republicans. You do have to be careful about what you say and how you say it. [ applause ] we can defeat trump and defeat him soundly. Reporter clinton officials are hoping that a b race out of reach with more than half of the democratic delegates up for grabs over the next month, many of them for the taking on tuesday. Lester . Thanks. A loss by sanders in South Carolina would deprive him of much needed momentum going into the super tuesday contests. Casey hunt is with the Sanders Campaign tonight in austin, texas. Reporter lester, good evening. The Sanders Campaign is bracing for the worst as polls are set to close in South Carolina. Sanders has hardly campaigned in South Carolina this week. His advisors are downplaying expectations. Instead, he is looking ahead to super tuesday states. He is sharpening his attacks against Hillary Clinton. If you are going to give a speech to Goldman Sachs or other wall street institutions and if you give that speech behind closed doors, why dont you make those transcripts pu reporter even more telling than that, he is going to be in minnesota as polls close in South Carolina. Thats one of the states he is looking to on that super tuesday map. He also wants to do well in massachusetts, vermont, colorado. All places where theres a lower share of minority voters. Lester . Casey, thanks. Lets bring in our political director, chuck todd. He has been looking at exit polls for insights into todays election. What are you seeing . I can tell you, its older, more diverse, less liberal. It does not favor Bernie Sanders. As you can see here, voters in South Carolina just 32 are under the age of 45. Look at the number in new hampshire. Over 40 were under the age of 45. Lets move to the breakdown among race. The electiorate africanamerican. Look at the number. Over 60 at 61 . Theres some evidence it may be higher than that. Then look at the difference between South Carolina and the first three states here when it comes to the idea of continuing obamas policies. 70 in South Carolina want to continue president obamas policies. In the other three states, you had ahad closer to 50 and under in new hampshire. And then theres the overall ideology. This is the least liberal electorate of the first four states so far as you can see there. South carolina just 52 of democrats identify themselves as liberal. 70 in nevada, near 70 in new hampshire. This is an electorate that looks more like democratic electorates across the country. Much less like an electorate that Bernie Sanders can do well in. Coming into South Carolina, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were quick to tailer their messages to africanamerican voters who as chuck pointed out make up more than half the electorate. I spoke to some black voters in South Carolina who wanted the candidates to know that not every issue should be framed in black and white. The need you . They need my vote. Which is why when we spoke to kara she was taking her time deciding between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. For me, i have to feel brought in. No one tap mid interest. Bernie is solid. Voters like this barber, the issue sanders built his campaign on are africanamerican issues. The universal healthcare. Everything he stands for are the same things dr. Martin luther king stood for. South carolina is the first of several crucial tests in the south where africanamerican voters hold huge influence. The key constituency for both would be africanamerican women. Younger and older women. People like kara, a millennial who are ramona brown. A schoolteacher. You were a supporter from 2008 . I have been a Hillary Clinton. The fact that you were supporting Hillary Clinton and not obama in 2008 speaks against the notion that africanamericans its a mono linlic vote. Absolutely not. The issues that impact my life personally may be the same as a White American or a hispanic american. Do we do ourselves a disservice when we talk about it in terms of africanamerican vote versus the rest of the vote . We do. Many of us have the same challenges. I think of society and the media puts that the separation. Many of us, were facing the same things. We have the same concerns. There remain issues that resonate more forcefully in black communities. For example, education. The incarceration. Those two are tied clinton and sanders are largely in agreement on how to tackle. Can they convince voters that they mean what they say . It feels good to finally be acknowledged and recognized to know we have a voice and that now you need our voice. You have to listen. Were going to make some noise and hold you accountable. As we pointed out, clinton and sanders face more contests in the south where the africanamerican vote could prove key during this coming weeks super tuesday primaries. For the republicans, donald trump is being fed some of his own medicine tonight. Insults and taunts as his competitors struggling to gain traction with pulling out stops to halt his momentum as the candidates make a push. We get the latest from katie tur. Reporter marco rubio is getting personal. He is flying around on hair force one. I see him with makeup. Its like he is putting it on with a amazing to me that a guy with the worst spray tan in america is tacking me for putting on makeup. Rubios won nothing. He couldnt get elected dog catcher in florida. Its time to open our eyes. We cannot allow a con artist to get access to the Nuclear Codes of the United States of america. Reporter the race getting dirty going into super tuesday. Trump has all the momentum. He continues to lock up voter support with a campaign built around a border wall. Who will pay for that wall . Reporter the wall between the new yorker and republican establishment is starting to crack. First with the Chris Christie endorsement. Now with endorsements from former Arizona Governor january brewer and maine Governor Paul Lepage who two weeks ago was meeting in secret with Party Leaders to try and stop trump according to the new york times. Now on a radio talk show saying we could do worse. I think he could be one of the greatest sits down and puts together a good team. Reporter the kasich and rubio campaigns are talking about taking it to the convention. I dont care if i get in my truck and drive around like did i when i ran for senate. Donald trump will never be the nominee. Reporter cruz is trying to attack trump from the right. Questioning why he wont release his taxes. Maybe his tax return shows that he doesnt quite have as much money as he says he does. In addition to that last year he wrote a big check to planned parenthood. Reporter in the last month, trump has proved he can turn out politically varied voters. What may have started out as a political joke in washington is looking more and more like a political reality. As you can see, donald trump has just landed here in tennessee. A super pac supporting marco rubio is on the air in states across super tuesday states spending more than 6 million on negative trump. Marco rubio himself has released his taxes. In it they say that rubio has made over 500 grand for the last four years that he was in national office. Most of that money coming from book deals. Katy tur, thank you. In southern california, a big collision left three people dead and several in critical condition. Police had two cars rr racing on the i5 free way in commerce when one of them lost control and ran into a ups semitruck. The truck then hit the center median, crossed the divider and struck several other vehicles. The truck driver was among those killed. Overseas, a temporary ceasefire went into affect in syria. It was a long awaited pause in the deadly conflict between the government and rebel forces. Was worked out with the help of u. S. And russia. Its considered a test of whether the sides are committed to broader negotiations on a political transition. Da damascus. Reporter here in damascus, things have been calmer than they have been for a very long time. Yesterday, we witnessed this intense bombardment from jets circling the skies above the capital. Today, we havent seen or heard any aircraft. Both sides are claiming there have been some low level breaches of the ceasefire. The syrian army is claiming that the square, a notorious square where a lot of mortar attacks have happened, was mortared at 8 00 a. M. This morning. They claim in breach of the ceasefire. We went down there. We spoke to one local man who says his house was hit by mortar fire early this morning. In fact, while we were there we heard one mortar explosion going off. On the other side, the rebels claim there have been numerous breaches of the ceasefire by the Syrian Government. Something the Syrian Government denies. They say there has been shellin o rebelheld areas in breach of the ceasefire. Overall, things are still much calmer and much quieter than anyone dared to hope. The aid agencies are hoping this will last, it will give them a crucial opportunity possibly to get into some of the areas and to start delivering aid to people who were cut off. Dan rivers in damascus. When nightly news continues saturday, tens of thousands of cubans pour into United States. 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Mark potter explains why the pace of migrants is increasing. Reporter almost daily now, waves of cuban immigrants arrive at the u. S. Mexican border in texas. As many as 48,000 expected here this year. This cuban boo electrician says she came seeking a better job, a better life. Since the u. S. And cuba reestablished diplomatic relations, thousands of cubans have headed for the u. S. Illegally in boats and rafts. Tens of thousands through south and Central America hundreds a day are flown to the u. S. Boarder from costa rica where for months they were stuck when nicaragua sealed its border. They are processed by u. S. Customers and board he protection in just a few hours. Then receive a coveted parole stamp allowing u. S. Entry. Walking out the door, they are quickly met by cuban american arrangers who for a fee provide a place to rest, then a ride to join relatives. Most head for miami. Since the mid 1960s, cubans have enjoyed a special emigration privilege in the the United States. Cubans arriving in this country, even if they are undocumented, are almost always allowed to stay, unlike other immigrants who are detained and turned back. Central american migrants fleeing Gang Violence must prove their u. S. Asylum claims. Many are deported. The irony is that the cubans are not fleeing violence. They they are pure economic refugees. Reporter calls for an end to the law are increasing. Theres an underlying current of frustration and tension building up as to why cubans are given preferential treatment. Reporter resumers in cuba the u. S. Law could soon change convinced this man and many others to leave right away. Warning. Come on. We need to go to the United States. Reporter u. S. Officials insist theres no current plans to change the law. Taking no chances, more and more cubans now head for the u. S. Border. Mark pattepotter, nbc news. Up next, look who showed up for a fre song thats life song thats life showed up for a fre hats life thats life. You diet. 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Could this be leos year . A fivetime nominee, he is a frontrunner for best actor. Im worried about him. Reporter alongside, brie larson, a top pick for lead actress. Speaking this year we all know theres an elephant in the room. Reporter there are no actors of color among this years 20 nominees causing dozens to boycott. This is bigger than they are. Reporter which is why all eyes are on chris rock. Lets do this. Reporter he hasnt said much, simply tweeting see you sunday, blackout, oscars. He has always sk skewered the e entertainment industry. Reporter this could be the most diverse show ever. This issue goes beyond the red carpet. Its about the industry as a whole. Right now, 18 of films have no black characters at all. Only 12 of film directors are minorities. In fact, the academy is 91 are white. This is a conversation that we have been needing to have for a long time. We need to focus. Reporter a conversation less about the oscar morgan radford, nbc news. Life imitates art. 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Whos with me . the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. With 9 grams of protein. And 26 vitamins and minerals ensure. Take life in toilet flush if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, opioidinduced constipation, oic, is a different type of constipation, which may need a different approach. Longing for a change . Have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. Its one of the most famous bedrooms in the history of art. A series of three works by the dutch painter van gogh on display at the Art Institute of chicago. If seeing isnt enough, our kevin tibls tells us how if you want, you can reporter chicago art lovers have been lining up for their bedtime ever since Vincent Van Gogh came to town. I can feel his presence in a painting. Reporter the troubled dutch artist painted three unique versions of his bedroom in the late 1880s. Perhaps in an attempt to find some inner peace. Bedroom was a very unusual subject to paint in the 19th century. We all have bedrooms. We all can easily identify with the bedroom. Reporter this is really rare. In fact, its the first time all three paintings have even been together in north america. The folks at the Art Institute of chicago said, why stop there . Visitors to the Online Booking site air bnb started noticing some guy named vincent has been renting his bedroom out for cheap. Im charging 10 for no other reason than i need to buy paint. Everyone fantasizes about what it would be like to step into a [000 27 58;00] that opportunity. Reporter it took about a month for two painters and two carpenters to meticulously recreate van goghs bedroom in a chicago condo. The 2016 bed is bigger than the 1888 version. The brush and pitcher of water are glued down. Otherwise, welcome to vinces place. One of the first lucky guests is chicago photographer kyle buckland. The weirdest is you waking up and i will hop out of bed and be like, wait a second. Where exactly am i right now . Reporter the Art Institute says the response to its post impressionist slumber party, which ends in may, has been overwhelming. Would you leave with your ears intact . I hope i would be. Reporter three rare van goghs in one place. An art connoisseurs dream, to sleep in his bed, sweet dreams. Im in a painting. Kevin tibbles, nbc for us saturday night. Im lester holt reporting from los angeles. For all of us at nbc news, thank you for watching and good night. [ music ] announcer the following program is sponsored by operation smile. Every year, hundreds of thousands of children are born with cleft lip and or cleft palate. Dr. Bill magee why should any child, anywhere on this planet, have to live a life of misery. That are born with these deformities are cursed. Just imagine a life alone, that nobody wanted to be around you. Norrie oelkers and we had children coming in for screening this is a decision 2016 update. Good evening. Its 7 00 eastern. The polls have closed. The democratic president ial primary in South Carolina. At this hour, nbc news is projecting that Hillary Clinton has defeated Bernie Sanders winning with a majority of voters. This is the first test for democrats in the south and the first where africanamericans make up more than half the voters. Next up, next tuesdays super tuesday primaries. Lets go to chuck todd. What do you make of this . Let me show you something inside the exit polls that show the dominance of Hillary Clinton. Its among the breakdown by race. A majority of the

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