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Good evening. Ten american sailors held by iran are safe tonight. Freed earlier today. Quickly sparing another Major International crisis. But not the humiliation of this sight of American Navy crewmen, hands above their heads, boats and weapons displayed on Iranian Television and around the world. Tonight we learned more about how they ended up in iranian hands and how two long, bitter adversaries managed to successfully extinguish this flash point before it could fully erupt. Nbcs Jim Miklaszewski from the pentagon. Reporter the images are jarring. The ten american sailors on their knees, hands clasped behind their heads on the deck of their own u. S. Navy vessel, surrounded by armed iranian military. The video shot by the iranians and aired on iranianstate television. Once on shore, more videos of the americans, nine men and one woman in confinement and sharing a meal in show they were well treated. One of the sailors apologized for entering iranian territorial waters. It was a mistake that was our fault and we apologize for our mistake. It is unclear what were the circumstances when the video was taken. U. S. Military officials call the video pure propaganda. The u. S. Sailors were released early today. The two boats returned to the u. S. Navy. Secretary of state john kerry pulled out all diplomatic stops to personally negotiate the americans release. Calling irans foreign minister at least five times over ten hours, according to a Senior State Department official. Im appreciative for the quick and appropriate response of the iranian authorities. Reporter irans foreign minister tweeted, happy to see dialogue and respect. Lets learn from the latest example. But Foreign Policy experts warn in many respects that iran is a dangerous adversary. There are things they are doing in the region that are not helpful at all. They have american citizens detained in tehran which is of great concern to us. Reporter today the revolutionary guard acknowledged they found no evidence the americans were spying. And now that they have been released, the navy should find out why they drifted in iranian territorial waters where they were detained. Tonight those ten american sailors are at an undisclosed location in the persian gulf. Where they will get a full physical and Mental Health exam. The exact same treatment given to returning p. O. W. And hostages, lester. Jim miklaszewski, thanks. This time last night we were in the Nations Capital for the president s final state of the union address. The president striking a more optimistic tone than in years past but raising questions he says americans need to answer about the economy, technology, security and the rancor in our political system. One of the biggest regrets he said was the political divide only grew during his time in office. And he spoke about what it will take to attain the future all americans want. But it will only happen if we Work Together. It will only happen if we can have rational, constructive debates. It will only happen if we fix our politics. While the president didnt mention donald trump by name, it wasnt hard to figure out who he had in mind with some of his more pointed remarks last night. And much to the surprise of many, trump again surfaced much the same way in the formal republican response to the president s speech. As Hallie Jackson reports, one of the gop rising stars used her National Platform to take her partys frontrunner to task. Reporter even when hes not supposed to be in the spotlight, donald trump still is. Nikki haleys republican response rebuking not just president obama but her own partys president ial frontrunner. During anxious times it could be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices. We must resist that temptation. In that context, you are referring to donald trump, correct . He was one of them, yes. Mr. Trump has definitely contributed to what i think is irresponsible talk. Reporter trump now hitting her back. Im very strong on illegal immigration, shes weak on illegal immigration. Maybe it will turn out to be bad for her because people know where i stand and you see the numbers. Reporter Governor Haley and House Speaker paul ryan represent what some Establishment Republicans think the gop should be, more diverse. More inclusive. What the gop has is donald trump, leading the pack and mobilizing a new base of support for the party. Even as the establishment strikes back and his closest rival fights back. Donald comes from new york and he embodies new york values. And listen, the donald seems to be a little bit rattled. Reporter trump keeping up birther attacks on cruz, and 15 of republicans now saying it brothers them he was born in canada to an american mother. That is a big factor. Reporter the rivals now fighting for first in iowa. Leaving little room for the establishment candidates. The establishment is being left out entirely for the first time in history. Are we going to be able to pull everyone together. Reporter the battle lines drawn and the gop civil war, the fight for the partys future. Haley is standing by her speech even as she comes under fire from leaders on the conservative right. Striking, given just a few years ago she was seen as a key party crusader, a star in the making in that wing of the party. Hallie jackson, thank you. The race is growing contentious from the democratic side with four days until the next debate which will air here on nbc, the latest polls show troubling news for Hillary Clinton. With her numbers slipping, clinton and Bernie Sanders are stepping up attacks on each other. We get more from nbcs kristen welker. Reporter Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders escalating the sniping today. Clinton firing the first volley, repeating her toughest attacks on health care and guns. Senator sanders has been a reliable vote for the gun lobby and i have been standing against them for a long time. Reporter on msnbc today, sanders punched back. To say im a supporter of the nra is a meanspirited and unfair and inaccurate statement. Reporter her ramped up rhetoric comes with the democrats locked in an unexpected nailbiter. A new National Poll showing her lead tumbling. She still tops sanders but only by seven points, 48 to 41 , a sharp decline from her 20point lead last month. On the today show today she downplayed the numbers. No, im not nervous at all. Im working hard. And i intend to keep working as hard as i can. Reporter so why are more and more democrats feeling the burn . Sanders, a selfdescribed democratic socialist, could be tapping into voters desire for an antiestablishment candidate. That hunger particularly strong among Younger Voters under 45 who favor sanders nearly two to one. I think that Bernie Sanders aligns more with my views and i think we should be voting for the person who will be best in the white house. Reporter donald trump may have help erode some of clintons support, reminding voters of her husbands transgressions when he was in office. Im so proud my husband is on the campaign trail. In New Hampshire and in iowa in the last week. Reporter and today president clinton returned, where he brushed aside the declining polling numbers, saying everything is good. A sign the Clinton Campaign may be getting jittery, for the second time this week the aids held Conference Calls with reports bashing braes. He hasnt said how he will pay for the universal health care plan. A aide telling me those details are coming soon. Lester. Kristen welker, tonight, thank you. There are new questions about el chapo time on the run. Just released Text Messages shows his infatuation with the same actress that helped arrange his interview with actor sean penn. We get details from jacob rascon in mexico. Reporter it plays like the telenovella that made her famous. A larger than lyft Cartel Leader on the run, smitten with a megastar, planning secret meetings in the mountains. In a series of Text Messages intercepted by the mexico government, El Chapo Gusman reaches out to del castillo. Im very eager to meet and become great friends. You are the best in the world. I will take care of absolutely everything. It is so moving that you say you will take care of me, she replies. No one has ever taken care of me. Thank you. I am free next weekend. Later guzman seemed to obsess over which cell phone to buy her as a surprise. Preferably a pink phone. And writing to his attorney, tell kate that when she comes we will drink tequila and dance. Tell her just like that. As for meeting actor sean penn, el chapo didnt know who he was and told his attorney, im looking him up on the internet. Guzman, del castillo and penn finally met, which penn detailed in a Rolling Stone article, claiming guzman told him, quote, i supply more heroin, meth and marijuana than anybody else in the world. But guzmans attorney refutes that account. Inside the federal prison behind me el chapo is again on the move, this time by mexican authorities who have transferred him between cells eight times since he arrived here last friday. Desperately trying to prevent yet another embarrassing escape. Jacob rascon, nbc news, mexico. A warning today from the ntsb that without a major safety upgrade to the nations rail lines, we risk another catastrophic crash. Investigators say a system called ptc, for positive train control, could have prevented several deadly crashes. But while amtrak has rolled it out on many trains, tom costello reports that other railroads are lagging far behind. Reporter it happened last may 12th. Eight passengers died, 200 injured when a speeding amtrak train derailed north of philadelphia. 2013, four dead when a speedy metronorth trail derailed in the bronx. 2008, 25 dead after a metro link train blew a stop signal in chatsworth, california. While the technology was available to prevent those accidents, none of the trains had it. It says you are going too fast. You are at 90 miles per hour. It is slowing down for you. It just took over control of the train for me. Reporter at the amtrak Training Center in it delaware, we saw how positive train control works. Now, eight months after the philli crash, amtrak has finished equipping the entire northeast corridor. With transponders in the tracks monitor every train and slam on the brakes if necessary. But ptc is only in place in the northeast and areas around los angeles. The rest of the railroads are owned by freightlines which complained about the Technology Cost and complexity. So congress has given them more time, until 2018, to get ptc up and running. Not good enough, says safety experts. Every day that ptc is not in place, we run the risk of another amtrak crash in philadelphia, or another bronx crash. Reporter in essence, the technology is about trying to remove human error as a factor by forcing the train to abide by speed limits and stop signals. Amtrak said it would have saved lives in philadelphia. We are going to keep moving as quickly as we can to make a safer a damn safe railroad safer. Reporter still no word from ntsb on why the amtrak train was speeding in philli. But the highspeed safety fix is on a slow rollout. Tom costello, nbc news, delaware. A bitterly cold night in store for much of the u. S. Blinding lakeeffect snow and strong winds hit upstate new york. Whiteout conditions force major roads and schools to close. In erie, pennsylvania, about 85 cars were involved in a chainreaction crash this morning. And millions were below freezing today in the midwest and northeast. While a slight warmup is expected forecasters are watching a potential noreaster this weekend. Well keep you posted on that. The National Guard has been called in to aid in the water crisis in flint, michigan. A city with a water supply contaminated with lead. They are joining Community Activists handing out water to residents. There are fears it may have sickened thousands of flints children. A dismal day on wall street. Cutting short a twoday rally as stocks dropped in the correction territory. The dow dropping nearly 365 points today. The s p 500 closed down 2. 5 . And the nasdaq plunging more than 3 . Still ahead tonight, president obama vowing a moon shot to cure cancer once and for all. Offering new hope for patients and their loved ones. But how . Also time is running out to pay for to play for tonights 1. 5 billion Powerball Jackpot. It turns out there might be a real diagnosis to powerball fever. Morning ted scott ready to hit some balls . Sure. Ooh hey buddy, whats up . This is what it can be like to have shingles. Oh, man. A painful, blistering rash. I keep thinking how did he get this, hes in such good shape. If you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. Your immune system weakens as you get older and it loses its ability to keep the shingles virus in check. After almost 3 weeks, i just really wanted to give it a shot. The shingles rash can last up to 30 days. You know, im not feeling it today. Dont worry about it buddy. Well do it another day. Dont wait until you or someone you care about develops shingles. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. I have a massive heart attack oright in my driveway. D the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Go talk to your doctor. Youre not indestructible anymore. Lets explore now a very ambitious idea announced by the president in his state of the union. A commitment to cure cancer in the way we committed to reaching the moon in the 60s. It will be led by joe biden and aimed at ending the disease that killed the Vice President s son and 600,000 other americans every year. Nbcs Anne Thompson explains what the new National Effort could mean for the millions of americans battling cancer. Reporter the moon shot is the symbol of american ambition and achievement. Now Vice President joe biden will lead a similar effort to cure cancer. For biden, this is personal. Choking up, talking to Stephen Colbert about his son beau, who died of brain cancer. My son was better than me. And he was better than me in almost every way. Reporter the Vice President has two goals. Increase spending on research and increase collaboration. Just this week, a group of Drug Companies and researchers announced they would Work Together to find better treatments. Last week bidens staff met with the president of the American Association for cancer research. How close are we to curing cancer . We could really decrease by a lot the number of patients that die from cancer. So i think this ought to be our decade. Dr. Baselga credited biden with getting the first budget increase in a decade, an extra 264 million, a 5 jump. The american cancer societys dr. Otis brawley said they need sustained funding and all patients need access to best care. 20 or more women with Breast Cancer get less than optimal Breast Cancer treatment. Those are some of the things we could fix right now and fix very quickly. Emily whitehead is now 10 years old because of a breakthrough to treat her leukemia at the university of pennsylvania and Childrens Hospital of philadelphia. Friday she will meet the Vice President , a living example of what is possible. Anne thompson, nbc news, new york. Reporter when we come back, theyll be there for you. The sitcom reunion fans have been waiting for for more than a decade. . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. 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Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. And i love helping little ones get off on the right foot. Ask your doctor about lyrica. An unusual chase on the highways of texas today. And it wasnt exactly at highspeed. For an hour and a half Police Chased a stolen tractortrailer through two counties in the dallas area. Authorities used sticks and tire deflation devices to try to stop it. They finally fired teargas into the cab of the truck and he finally surrendered. After an absence of 21 years, the Los Angeles Area is getting its old Football Team back. Nfl owners approved the application by the rams to move back to l. A. From st. Louis. The move will happen immediately. At the same time the owners approved a new stadium in nearby inglewood, california, that will be the home of the rams. The cost of the stadium almost 2 billion. It is the moment fans have waited for since friends went off the air in 2004. All six cast members will be reunited by a tv event. But they are not appearing as ross, rachel, chandler, joey and monica, and phoebe. Instead, they come together in a special airing in february on nbc honoring tv director james burrows. When we come back, an answer to why so many of us hate going out to the Record Powerball jackpot even when we know how hard it is to win. 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See your ra in a different way. That reminds me. Anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea. Gas, bloating . Yes one Phillips Colon Health probiotic cap each day helps defend against occasional digestive issues. With three types of good bacteria. Live the regular life. Phillips. And i didnt get here alone. There were people who listened along the way. People who gave me options. Kept me on track. And through it all, my retirement never got left behind. So today, im prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. Every someday needs a plan. Lets talk about your old 401 k today. Finally tonight, consider this. Just a short time from now america will either have a new billionaire, or the Powerball Jackpot will roll over to another record. 2 billion. Our Kevin Tibbles explains to us why our minds keep driving us to play even when we know the odds are against us. Reporter powerball lunacy is sweeping the nation. The symptoms an increased hope rate and crossed fingers. So we went to renounced behavioral psychologist dr. Frank farley to analyze. Why do we buy these things . Turns out we americans suffer from a new condition. Type t. , for thrill, type t. Personality. It is a thrill, man. I love it. Reporter that is why were wearing out the machines, because for 2 a pop we could all be eternal optimists. This is it. This is going to change my life forever. You have to have a little hope and drive. If you dont have hope, what do you have . 2. And then there is the Mount Everest effect. Why play . Because it is there. This is the Mount Everest of lotteries. It is too big to ignore. I want to be a billionaire. Reporter and heck, when you see everyone else lining up to play, it becomes contagious. F. O. M. O. , fear of missing out. This is the newest fear in the armament of the psychologist. For us to study. Because everybody else is buying a ticket . Pretty much. Reporter there is another less scientific explanation. Number one on my list is fun. Reporter and a few other reasons too. But for now the best prescription, stay optimistic until the powerball drops. Kevin tibbles, nbc news, philadelphia. I dont know about you, but i feel better. That will do it for us on a wednesday night. Im lester holt. For all of us at nbc news, good night and good luck. Night. Im lester holt. For all of us at nbc news, good night and three questions for the us senate. Congress just voted to label genetically engineered salmon; why not other foods . Gmo crops are doused with heavy doses of an herbicide the World Health Organization says probably causes cancer. Isnt that reason enough to label . 64 other countries label gmos. Why dont american shoppers have the same information . Tell your senator, high tech gimmicks like qr codes arent the answer. We need clear onpackage labeling. Okay. So right now, everyone is saying, hurry you gotta get fios. But why . 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