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This is nbc nightly news with lester holt. Substituting tonight, carl cantanilla. Several states under a severe thunderstorm watch and Tornado Warnings today. At its peak 600,000 people were without electricity in illinois and michigan. And it could be days before power is fully restored. Meantime, the storms are now moving northeast to new england. 43 Million People in its path. Leading our coverage tonight heres nbcs ron mott. Reporter in metro detroit, hundreds of thousands of electric customers spent the night in darkness after Severe Weather roared through parts of the midwest killing at least two people across the region including a man electrocuted in his backyard. This church tent in michigan collapsed trapping people underneath, injuring five. The terrifying scene captured on cell phone video. When the wind started coming in, it looked like a big parachute. The center, the wind was coming through the sides, came up through the top. Was lifting all the six and eightinch metal poles right off their foundation. Reporter with wind gusts nearly 75 miles an hour, daylight revealed the damage. Many trees bringing down power lines, more than 2,000 in all according to dte energy. It got darker and then i looked across the street, saw the tree waving like crazy and then my tree was waving. Like i said, the lights flashed out. Reporter more than 600 line workers from as far away as tennessee and new york were dispatched to the storm zone to help local crews. While detroit bore the brunt of the punishment, the chicago area suffered some intense hours as well. About 50,000 customers there were without power this morning. Strong winds peeling roofing shingles off a nursing home, overturning a semi, destroying a Fast Food Restaurant under construction. Actress molly glen, who had a small recurring role on nbcs chicago fire. Damaging winds and hail possible, even a tornado or two, travel delays are expected. Ron mott, nbc news, new york. And for more on the Severe Weather threat and whats ahead tonight and tomorrow, we turn to Weather Channel meteorologist kim cunningham. Kim, good evening. Good evening to you. Yes, you have a Tornado Warning right now in effect for Snyder County here in pennsylvania. So, yes, isolated tornadoes, weve seen that off and on those warnings today. Lets show you what were expecting, the Severe Weather tonight anywhere in the red. Severe weather d. C. , new york, boston. Isolated threat here tonight. We are under severe thunderstorm watch, which means conditions are favorable for Severe Weather until 9 00 this evening includes bangor all the way to the d. C. Area. Isolated severe storms heading east possibly. The cold front will begin to move south and eastward. Once it clears us we are going to be in the clear. So no Severe Weather after 11 00 here in new york city, boston, d. C. Should be done by 2 00 in the morning. So thats the Severe Threat in the northeast. Lets take you to the southwest watching hurricane norbert. This will affect the southwest with possibly flash flooding. Lots to cover tonight. Kim cunningham from the Weather Channel watching the storm for us tonight. Thanks. Tonight, an nbc news exclusive, a conversation with president obama, it comes the same day the white house announced a big change saying the president will delay his plan to overhaul the countrys immigration system by executive action until after the november elections. In an interview for tomorrows meet the press, chuck todd asked the president about that decision. When i take executive action, i want to make sure that its sustainable. So the publics not behind you, youre not taking it . No, what im saying is that im going to act because its the right thing for the country. But its going to be more sustainable and more effective if the public understands what the facts are on immigration, what weve done unaccompanied children and why its necessary. The truth of the matter is that the politics did shift midsummer because of that problem. Right. I want to spend some time even as were getting our ducks in a row for the executive action, i also want to make sure the public understands why were doing this, why its the right thing for the american people, why its the right thing for the american economy. And chuck todd joins us from washington tonight. Chuck, a lot of reaction to this tonight. There is, carl. I initially asked him, i said did you simply do this to save the Democratic Senate . He took issue with that being ts politics behind the decision. But you heard him there. He basically admitted, yes, the politics of this changed and he said it changed because of the border crisis in the summer. Fact of the matter is when you look at the 2014 landscape, a lot of red state democrats were feeling vulnerability on this issue. They practically begged the white house to do this delay. Of course, carl, as you know this was just one part of a very lengthy conversation i had with the president , nearly 30 minutes. We focused almost half of our time on the threat of isis in the middle east. And the president laid out exactly what he plans on doing and what he plans on asking the american people. And he admits this is going to be a long drawn out process in order to destroy isis in the longterm, carl. Chuck, our thanks to you and best of luck tomorrow. You can watch chucks entire interview with the president tomorrow morning as chuck makes his debut as the moderator of meet the press. This evening the jamaican and u. S. Coast guards are searching for a plane that stopped communicating with air Traffic Controllers yesterday as it was flying from rochester, new york, to naples, florida. The husband and wife onboard kept flying down the east coast and over cuba before going down off jamaica, an area where the ocean is a mile deep. Nbcs tom costello has our report tonight. Reporter off the coast of jamaica today, the search for the remains of a small plane spotted from the air yesterday after its 1,700mile ghost flight down the eastern seaboard. The first indication that larry and jane glazer were in trouble came at 10 04 a. M. When he told atlanta controllers something wasnt right with his plane. A brand new 2014 tdm 900 and needed to descend to 18,000 feet. We need to descend to about one eight zero. We have an indication that reporter but glazer never declared an emergency and control directed him to 25,000 feet. Two five zero we need to get lower 900 reporter soon after glazer stopped communicating. As the plane continued on autopilot flying a Straight Line south, u. S. Fighter pilots intercepted the plane and reported the windows were frosted over, glazer slumped over at the controls. Is he breathing . I can see his chest rising and falling. Reporter aviation experts believe the plane may have lost cabin pressure and hypoxia, or lack of oxygen, quickly set in. You find people, they get sleepy, and they nod off. The problem is they dont wake back up. Reporter the plane continued flying over cuba before running out of fuel and crashing just off the coast of port antonio, jamaica. Nbcs mark potter is there. Reporter crew members aboard this Jamaican Defense helicopter spotted yesterday what they believe was an aircraft debris field about 28 miles offshore. But whenps shi moved in to confirm it, they couldnt find anything. And still today nothing. Reporter today, in their hometown of rochester where larry glazer was a real estate developer, the city paid tribute. The people who knew them are certainly going to be forever touched by their passion for and their love of this city. Reporter larry glazer was an experienced pilot. In fact, he was the president of an organization of pilots who fly this particular kind of plane. Tonight, the National Transportation safety board says its working with jamaican authorities to determine who has jurisdiction on this crash. Carl. Nbcs tom costello in washington. Tom, thanks. An american doctor who became infected with the ebola virus in west africa is in stable condition tonight at a nebraska hospital. Dr. Rick sacra, a family physician from boston, is the third american aid worker to become sick with the virus. The other two were successfully treated in atlanta. Nbcs ron allen has more on this latest case tonight from omaha. Reporter this Isolation Unit where dr. Rick sacra fights for his life tonight is so unique, its never been fully activated until now. It was created in 2006 because of concerns about bioterrorism after september 11th. With special air and sterilization systems, secure access, 35 staff on fourhour shifts its the largest unit of its kind in the country. We have respiratory therapists, nurses, technicians, they all basically volunteer for this role. Reporter today, doctors say sacra remains in stable condition after arriving in omaha from liberia yesterday. Are you optimistic about recovery at this point . Were going to very aggressively support this patient and hope for the best. Reporter sacra attracted ebola while working for fim. Both brantly and sacra have spoken. Sacra just returned as the epidemic spread. He is not someone that can stand back when there is a need he can take care of. Reporter now doctors here expect to treat sacra for perhaps several weeks, the usual time it takes ebola. A letter that says this patients presence here poses no risk to your loved ones. With no known cure and supplies depleted of an experimental drug that may have helped brantly and writebol, doctors may try other new treatments still being developed. As they battle to make sacra Strong Enough to survive this deadly disease. Ron allen, nbc news, omaha. You may have seen the starstudded stand up to cancer fundraiser on this network last night. Cancer is a disease that touches every walk of life in one way or another. Once again celebrities join forces for a common cause, raising money to find a cure. Its time to stand up to cancer, people reporter it was a starstudded affair, celebrities coming together to raise money and awareness for cancer research. We have to keep rising as one because cancer keeps going after the ones that we love. Reporter an evening filled with laughs. I love stand up to cancer. Cancer is something im sick of. Hell, were all sick of it. Reporter but the theme of the night couldnt have been more serious. I held a generous, strong beautiful hand of my first wife, cassie, as Ovarian Cancer took her life much too soon. Reporter nearly 50 of men in this country and more than one out of every three women will be diagnosed with cancer. In six years the charity has raised more than 260 million for research. And last nights hourlong telecast shown simultaneously across 31 channels raised tens of millions more. In brooklyn, dozens packed a warehouse to watch and show their support raising almost 10,000 of their own. Among them Breast Cancer survivor sylvana. Cancer affects all walks of life. Doesnt matter race, color, if youre rich or poor. It affects everyone. Reporter a message expressed several times over on the telecast. Everyone knows someone whos been affected by cancer. So everyone can give. Reporter stand up to cancer, making an impact and working to save lives. As you can see, this light shows how much were all connected by cancer. And on the red carpet last night many celebrities paid tribute to the late joan rivers. When nightly news continues on this saturday, well take you inside the widening hunt for heroin smugglers along the u. S. mexico border. And later, why dogs are heading to the curb for more than just the neighborhood fire hydrant. male announcer its happening. Today, more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about longacting levemir®, an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. And levemir® helps lower your a1c. Levemir® is now available in flextouch® the only prefilled insulin pen with no pushbutton extension. Levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. Thats 50 longer than lantus®, which lasts 28 days. Today, im asking about levemir® flextouch. female announcer levemir® is a longacting insulin, used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. Severe low blood sugar can be serious and lifethreatening. Ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. Other possible side effects include injection site reactions. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. Check your blood sugar levels. Your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, sweating, extreme drowsiness, dizziness, or confusion. male announcer todays the day to ask your doctor about levemir® flextouch. Covered by nearly all Health Insurance and medicare plans. So i got dr. Scholls massaging and gel work insoles. Red. They absorb the shock of working on my feet all day. I feel energized im a believer. Dr. Scholls massaging gel work insoles. Im a believer so factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria . Even if youre healthy and active. Phillips Digestive Health support is a duoprobiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. Im doubly impressed phillips Digestive Health. A daily probiotic. Apples fall, but the apples of your cheeks dodefy gravity. Juvederm voluma® is the only fdaapproved injectable gel to instantly add volume to your cheek area. As you age, cheeks can lose volume. Voluma adds volume creating contour and lift for a more youthful profile. For up to two years. Temporary side effects include tenderness, swelling, firmness, lumps, bumps, bruising, pain, redness, discoloration and itching. Ask your doctor. Juvederm voluma®. Defy gravity. Were back with our special series hooked, americas heroin epidemic. We have a look at the smugglers moving heroin into the u. S. At alarming rates. Authorities say the drugs is increasingly making its way into wealthy suburbs and young americans. We get more tonight from nbcs mark potter. Reporter on the Mexican Border at the busy port of entry at nogales, arizona, we find u. S. Customs and Border Patrol agents working day and night searching cars, trucks and passengers for hidden contraband. In recent years theyve seen a spike in heroin smuggling. Using Desperate Measures to avoid detection. We have had heroin strapped to a child, strapped to a grandmother. Heroin in, you know, a stroller. Reporter drug agents say almost all the heroin flooding the United States comes through mexico usually hidden in vehicles. Theyre also seeing it being carried from mexico in backpacks across u. S. Ranchland. I have never seen the amount of heroin thats on the streets of America Today ever. Reporter along the nearly 2,000milelong border, Authorities Say theres been a fourfold increase since 2008 with more than 4,600 pounds last year. The dea blames the surge on increased mexican poppies to make heroin. Officials say most is processed in remote mountain areas. Even more heroin comes in from colombia, south america. Together those loads are trucked to the border then moved throughout the United States where the latest estimates shows 669,000 americans use heroin. Many of them young people in welltodo suburbs. This heroin issue is really across all the demographics, rural, suburban, urban and certainly different economic strata. Reporter Authorities Say the heroin surge is directly linked to the widespread abuse of prescription painkillers in this country. As agents crack down on pills, the price goes up. And heroin, much cheaper and more powerful, fills the void. Thats exactly whats happening in tucson. Just an hour north of the border and one of the first stops along the u. S. Heroin route. Thats when i became a heroin addict. Reporter at Cope Community services, more and more addicts are coming in for support and treatment. Most people who become addicted and dependent on opiates cannot get away from the opiate dependency on their own without treatment. It doesnt take long to get it. Reporter outside the facility this recovering addict tells us tucson streets are now filled with heroin for sale. And i just heard earlier this morning that somebody was selling there. So i could be a cop if i wanted to right now. Just a f blocks away . Just a few blocks away. Reporter a heroin boom here and heading north into the bloodstream of america. Mark potter, nbc news, tucson, arizona. Coming up, why an asteroid nicknamed pitbull has a bark larger than its bite. male announcer two pills. sgins with arthritid afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns. Thats two more pills. The evenings event brings laughter, joy, and more pain. When jamie says. Whats that like six pills today . Yeah. 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You and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. All prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. They all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. This chance increases if you have Heart Disease or risk factors such as high Blood Pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. Nsaids, like celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions, or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. Patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. Dont take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. Get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. Tell your doctor your medical history and ask your doctor about celebrex. For a body in motion. Youre looking at a big stunner at the u. S. Open today. Japans kei defeated top djokovic to become the first man from asia to reach a grand slam final and in stifling heat. He will face another major upset in monday evenings title match. Get ready for a Close Encounter of an astronomical kind this weekend. A newly discovered asteroid is expected to whip past earth at tens of thousands of miles per hour. Its roughly the size of a house, while it may not pose a threat, with a name like pitbull its getting a lot of attention. Nbcs Miguel Almaguer has more. Reporter this was the sonic blast that made headlines around the world. A 65foot meteor slicing across the sky in siberia last year causing widespread damage and injury. Now, an asteroid even bigger and nicknamed pitbull will whiz past planet earth again. Any time somebody says theres an object from space coming close to earth, everybody sort of gets a little uneasy. Reporter astronomer ed krup says theres no chance the asteroid will slam into us. It is on the cosmic scale coming fairly close to us, but of course not close enough to do any damage. Reporter how close . From the earths surface the asteroid, the size of a house, will fly by us 25,000 miles away, ten times closer than the moon catapulting at a speed of 40,000 miles an hour. Im not worried about it. Were not really worried about it. Reporter at the Griffith Observatory in los angeles. I feel safe, hopefully. Reporter no alarm bells just yet. Concerned . A little bit. Reporter when the asteroid passes over sunday, it will be the middle of the afternoon. Even with the high powered telescope you wont be able do see it with the naked eye. But you can watch it hurl past earth online. Its the size of texas, mr. President. Reporter the flyby, not exactly what movies are made of. Still plenty in hollywood and beyond will be watching. Miguel almaguer, nbc news, los angeles. And when we come back, meet the newest foodie coming to a Street Corner near you. woman the constipation and belly pain feel tight like a vise. How can i ease this pain . man when i cant go, its like rocks piling up. I wish i could find some relief. announcer ask your doctor about linzess a oncedaily capsule for adults with ibs with constipation or chronic idiopathic constipation. Linzess is thought to help calm painsensing nerves and accelerate bowel movements. It helps you proactively manage your symptoms. Do not give linzess to children under 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. It may harm them. Dont take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include, gas, stomacharea pain and swelling. Bottom line, ask your doctor about linzess today. When folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. I got this. [thinking] is it that time . The son picks up the check . [thinking] im still working. Hes retired. I hope hes saving. I hope he saved enough. Who matters most to you says the most about you. At massmutual were owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. Whether youre just starting your 401 k or you are ready for retirement, well help you get there. So factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria . Even if youre healthy and active. Phillips Digestive Health support is a duoprobiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. Im doubly impressed phillips Digestive Health. A daily probiotic. In the dog days of summer sometimes theres no better consolation than a good meal at the end of the day. With food trucks popping up left and right, theres no shortage of choices for americas foodies. But for mans best friend, the selection at the curb just got a little more interesting. Nbcs jenna wolfe has more. Reporter gourmet food on wheels is big business these days. If you crave it, theres probably a food Truck Driving around selling it. You have chicken grillers, beef jerky, chicken jerky. Reporter the food trucks arent just for us foodies anymore. What were seeing is that dog food and treat trends closely follow people food trends. Reporter yep, she said dog food. Mans best friend is hopping up to the counter to get in on mans best pastime, snacking. All right. Whats he getting today . Reporter fido to go offers canine cuisine in cities like chicago and san diego, serving up anything and everything you can imagine. Bacon cheeseburger frozen yogurt. Peanut butter maple. Reporter your mouth may not be watering, but if dogs are watching theirs probably are. Milos kitchen treat truck pulled up in chicago this weekend. Theyre kind of pulling toward the treat truck because they can smell the treats. Reporter on the menu a wide array of g gourmut. This dog when asked to name his favorite treat, his answer was yes. But milos kitchen is more than just a footd truck, it pampers dogs with a play area and even a dog selfie station. Anything that celebrates the dog. Reporter with all this canine cuteness around me, i decided to do the most human thing i could think of. Photo bomb. And i just happened to photo bomb a celebrity. This is . Simba. A Business Card . Yeah. For the dog . Yes. Does he have followers . He has 11,000 followers. Clearly simba is doing something right. What does he like . He likes the meatballs. Clearly hes not alone which is why mobile food trucks are hitting the road hoping to hit the community with a resounding bone appetite. Jenna wolfe, nbc news, new york. And that will do it for nightly news this saturday. For all of us here at nbc news, good night. Identity distribution . No. Protection. Identity theft protection. You have selected identity distribution. Your identity will now be shared with everyone. Thank you. No, no, no [ click, dial to ] [ female announcer ] not all Credit Report sites are equal. [ male voice ] were good in here, howie. Yeah, have a good night, brother. Experian. Com members get personalized help plus Identity Theft protection. Join now at experian. Com. With enrollment in experian credit tracker. Coming up tonight on the redskins coach owes show with jay gruden, the 2014 season is here. Tomorrow the redskins takes on the texans. Coach gruden with a preview. Cooley and the coach break it down in time for the redskins coachs show. Welcome to redskins coachs show. Jay gruden, larry

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