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Ive treated 15 cases of severe radiation burns seven thoracic perforation traumas caused by shrapnel and 23 decompressionrelated injuries. All what youd expect following an explosion on a starship. Sisko any idea what caused the explosion . The radiation burns were the result of exposure to gamma rays. My guess is they were hit by a photon torpedo. A torpedo . From the fracture pattern of the damage id Say Something exploded about ten kilometers off their port quarter. Ant didnt pick up any in the vicinity. And thedrovana was cloaked. Even klingon torpedoes cant track vessels operating under cloak. Worf mines. They hit a mine. Thats why there werent any ion trails. Cloaked mines cant be detected by any known sensor array. There have been a dozen ships in that system since the explosion. Why havent they struck any mines . The type of mine used by the klingons by a coded subspace signal. So, the mine that damaged thedrovana must have malfunctioned or been set off prematurely. If were right, there could be thousands of mines out there right now, and wed have no way of knowing it. Mining a star system is an act of war. At the moment, we cant even prove these mines exist, but if war comes the klingons would be able to cut off deep space nine and the entire bajoran system. How do we find these mines . Without coordinates, we cant find them until we run into one. Then we better get those coordinates. The place to get them is docked at upper pylon three. The only question is how. I have an idea. You want me to turn against my own people . Will my dishonor never end . It is their actions that are dishonorable. Secretly mining star systems is not the act of warriors. They behave like. Like romulan cowards. Kurn, let me ask you this. Do you agree with what has happened between the empire and the federation . It is not my place to criticize. Answer the question no. I opposed the decision to break the treaty but i was overruled in council. Why did you oppose the decision . Because gowron underestimates the federation. He thinks theyre soft, weak, but he is wrong. A war the empire may lose. Yes. Mining this system is just the beginning. If we do nothing, it will only encourage gowron to continue thinking of the federation as weak. Eventually, he will attack, and thatwillbe the end of the empire. That is why you must join me on this mission. Not for my honor, and not for the federation but to prevent the empire from being destroyed our people have turned their backs on us but we have not turned our backs on them. Let it be the sons of mogh, side by side saving our people. Do this with me. There. Very ugly. Uglier, that is. Joke. I got it. Well, this will temporarily alter your dna signature to match one of our friends over there. Should be good enough to pass a cursory test. How long will it last . About four hours. That should be sufficient. Kurn. Kurn . Yes, doctor . soft growl the deployment plan for the mines should be in the Defense System database. I have found the main file directory. No, no. Ignore it. Its a security procedure the high council instituted three months ago. False directories, files entire databases of disinformation designed for spies to steal. Heres the real database. Can you access the deployment plan . My security codes have been changed yes. door opens you two. What are you doing . Were running a diagnostic on the computer core. There have been power fluctuations in the navigational control system. Ive not been informed of any computer problems. Perhaps you have not been tending to your duties. I do not know you. What is your name . I am commander sorval son of mtokra. How long have you been aboard, commander . I will not be questioned by a lieutenant who should be cleaning my quarters. My words were illchosen, commander. Perhaps i can help you with your investigation. That will not be necessary. All we require. You did not have to do that. He was backing down. He was going to kill you. We must hurry. The disruptor blast will alert the security sensors. He was a warrior doing his duty, defending the empire and i killed him. My dishonor is complete. Since we now have the detonation codes for each mine we can set them off individually or all at once. Thank you, commander. Major . Congratulations, mr. Worf. You did an excellent job. Thank you, sir. You dont seem very pleased. I am still troubled by the death of that klingon officer. Your report said it was selfdefense. That is not the point. I should have seen what he was going to do. He was standing so close to you you couldnt have seen the knife in his hand. He decided to kill me while i was looking him right in the eyes and i never saw it but kurn did, and he was three meters away. Worf, you cant tell if someones going to kill you by looking at them. A klingon can. It is an instinct the ability to look someone in the eyes and see the decision to kill. An instinct i no longer have. I no longer think like a klingon. For a long time i have tried to walk the line between the empire and the federation. I told myself i could live in either world that it was my choice but the truth is i cannot go back to the empire. Do you want to go back . I had always hoped that one day the house of mogh would reclaim its rightful place and that i would return but now i know that even if i did i have no place there. This is all i have. Is that enough . For him, there is no future without the empire no life. It sounds like youre thinking of carrying out themauktovorritual again. No. I was able to do it once by telling myself it was an honorable klingon ritual but now i cannot help but think of it as humans do. As murder. Without killing him . Were ready, major. Open a channel. This is the u. S. S. Defiant to all klingon vessels near the bajoran system. Were preparing to destroy your minefield. This is your only warning. Anything . Nothing. If theyre out there, theyre keeping quiet. Well, theyre out there all right and i think well be seeing them fairly soon. Prepare to detonate the mine in grid 21 alpha. Ready, sir. Send out the code. Still nothing, major. Well, we cant say we didnt warn them. Detonate all the mines in grids 22 alpha through 47 gamma. Aye, sir. Just like flushing quail. Back to the klingon empire. Lets see how many other birds we can flush out of here. Why is it that suicide is considered a dishonorable death, worf . Shouldnt a warrior have the right to decide when his time has come . If you die by your own hand you will not travel across the river of blood and enterstovokor. Even if i got cast down into the underworld at least id be with other klingons even though they are the dishonored dead. Do you know what my one regret is, worf . That we werent raised together. In the empire, on earth it wouldnt have mattered but the sons of mogh should have never been separated. On that. We both agree. But that is the past and a warrior should look to the future. And in the future you should not be burdened by my dishonor. You are not a burden. I have never understood you, worf. But i do know this. In your own way. And you will be an honorable man again. But not as my brother. How long will the procedure take . Wiping his memory will be relatively simple say, an hour but changing his genetic coding combined with surgically altering his features will take at least another five hours. What will he remember . And how to speak the language and everything he needs to know to survive except who he is and thats the first question hell ask. Who am i . Do you have an answer . There is a man named noggra a friend of our fathers. He will be arriving in a few hours. And a new family. He will supply kurn with all the answers he needs. Are you absolutely certain about this, worf . Once ive erased his memory engrams itll be almost impossible to restore them. He wont remember you or anything about his real life. It is the only way. You may begin. Can you hear me . Rodek groaning where. . Where am i . On a Federation Space station. Our shuttle was damaged. You were hit by a plasma discharge. I dont remember being. On a shuttle. In fact, i dont remember anything. The plasma discharge damaged your hippocampus. Youre suffering from a severe form of amnesia. You may never regain all your memory. Who am i . Noggra your name is rodek. You are my son. Youre part of the house of noggra a small but proud family. So dont worry. When we get home. I understand, father. Who are you . I am worf. Are you part of my family . [captioning sponsored by the u. S. Department of education and paramount Television Last time on star trek voyager. You are resilient prey. Im no ones prey shell survive. What about her neural interface . Stable. Shall i return her to the klingon simulation . No. Bring her to holodeck one. I found another program i want to try. . Here in your arms this way. . Im katrine. Le couer de lion is my establishment. The commandant would have us continue this simulation until we rot. Its pointless. We should begin the hunt. Weve been able to expand both holodeck grids by 5,000 square meters. More. By remodulating one of your borg implants to emit a jamming signal. You circumvented our control how . Youre sending a message to the nazis. No. Step away, or ill kill you. Need a hand, buddy . Captain miller, fifth armored infantry. Welcome to Sainte Claire. This building is being targeted. You wanted a war . Looks like youve got one. And now the conclusion. Looks like the hirogen have been busy. This entire section has been equipped with holoemitters. There are 85 hirogen on board concentrated on decks two through nine. What about the bridge . Four hirogen and ensign kim. At least hes alive. The neural interfaces you said theyre controlled through sick bay. Yes. Theres only one hirogen in sick bay with the doctor, but the corridors outside are heavily guarded. But well need help. We did have allies in the world war ii simulation the french resistance. Kim the battle is concentrated here in holodeck one but the fighting has spilled out onto decks five and six. A group of holographic americans is invading deck seven. Show me the breach in the hologrid. Ive lost the visual link. It was the last active circuit connecting the bridge to the holodecks. Theres only one way to stop this. I need to go to engineering and initiate a power surge across the holoemitter network. Itll blow out the entire system. Both holodecks. Look, simulation or not, if this battle keeps going we could all be killed. I want that technology preserved. Commander. Status. I was able to reach deck five but holographic forces are amassing near the breach. If im to get into the holodeck ill need help. Take the hunters from the klingon simulation. When i find captain janeway, should i kill her . No. Bring her to me. This is no longer a game. Should kill the prey. Thevoyagercrew must remain alive to make repairs or we could lose everything this vessel, its technology. You said that you understood the importance of what were doing here. Ill get the hunters. We think its a secret compound the nazis built after they took over the city. Is how they managed to camouflage it so well. Indeed. Weve been scrutinizing german troop movements since the occupation. We knew nothing of this installation. Dont sweat it. Our recon planes missed it, too. Any idea what theyre hiding in there, captain . We saw all sorts of scientific equipment strange metals, instruments we cant identify. I relayed it to military intelligence, who believe this could be an advanced munitions laboratory designed to build some superweapon. Tting up one hell of a fight. Ive requested additional troops. Lieutenant, this restaurant will serve as our command post. Set up the transmitter and post guards around the perimeter. Yes, sir. Youve done a bangup job but well take it from here. Tell your people to lie low and that the americans said thanks. This is our city. We have no intention of lying low. Listen, honey the time for sneaking messages back and forth is over. This is war, and you arent soldiers. Hes right. We have weapons hidden throughout the city. Brigette will tell you where they are. Sounds good. Lieutenant, take care of it. I can see you havent changed. The guns, we stole from the german army. The explosives, we bought from the black market. We can use both. Our biggest stockpile is buried here two meters beneath the last row of seats of the cinema mystere. You remember it, dont you . Hmm. Im no angel with mae west. Theres heavy fighting in that area. Whats the best way in . We dug a tunnel that leads directly to the stockpile. Here. Ill show you. Incidentally. We saw death takes a holiday. It was the mae west movie. Im sure of it. She was singing. Sister honky tonk, and i put my arm around you. And during the courtroom scene. I kissed you. You know, i think youre right. Not the movie. But i do remember the kiss. So. Did you get my last letter . You mean the one asking me to leave france . Germany was about to invade. I thought youd be safer back in the states. With me. But. I guess you found someone else to take care of you. Theres never been anybody else. Nd of the Sainte Claire occupation. The first time he saw me, he said i was pretty. I took advantage of his interest. He doesnt know im in the resistance. The child is his. Im sorry. So am i. Hold your fire. Katrine. You survived. Are you surprised . Very. Nazi headquarters was destroyed. We assumed you were killed in the explosion. What is that . Some kind of an escape tunnel . Thats precisely what it is. Youre the leader of the local resistance. Thats right. Im captain miller fifth armored infantry. This is lieutenant davis. Youve seen the german bunker we uncovered. We suspect its a munitions lab. Can you confirm that . Yes. A munitions lab. Then this is it. Were calling in an air strike. Contact the r. A. F. Hold on, captain. Theres an easier way to do this with a minimum of casualties. Lets hear it. The generator that powers the entire complex is heavily guarded. But with your help i can get close enough to set off some explosives. My orders are to blow the entire compound. I saw technology you cant imagine warheads powerful enough to destroy this entire valley if theyre accidentally detonated. Call for an air strike it may be the last call you make. How can you get close enough . This tunnel. Ive been watching this compound for several months, and ive got a man inside. The place is crawling with krauts. Thats why i need your help. If your man can clear these two corridors itll give us access to this entryway. Get me there, and i can take care of the rest. C company whats their status . Theyre Holding Position about 200 yards from here. Get them on the horn. Youll lead us into the compound but im coming with you. I work better alone. This is an order. Do i look like im wearing one of your uniforms . I go alone. I thought you needed our help. Ill be right behind you. Paris lieutenant blake ural interfaces we still got a war to fight but we need something a lot more effective than these old firearms. I believe i can enhance these weapons using borg technology but ill have to access cargo bay two. If something goes wrong and i dont succeed youll be the only one left who knows whats really going on. Understood. Have our suspicions been confirmed . Suspicions . Is she a collaborator . R. Are you certain . Three hours ago you were prepared to put a bullet in her head. Shes on our side. In your absence i may be forced to make that determination for myself. Ive already made it. Youre not to harm her. Is that understood . gunfire German Forces are advancing on our position. Punctured lung, arterial rupupre fracture of the 13th vertebrae. He needs surgery. Seconddegree burns of the face and neck. Treat him. His injuries are minor. He can wait. I said treat him this man has massive internal injuries. If i dont operate now, hell die. Treat the burns, or ill deactivate your program. What kind of physician are you . The first rule of triage states that critical injuries take priority. Your rules, not mine. Tend only to our own. Im as dry as the crater at tarpahk. chuckling . In the middle of the dry season. When itsdry laughing hysterically grunts im not done share with your brothers. Its the eve of battle. roars i may be drunk but i can still send your soul to the next world and leave your body here to rot though from the stench of it, id say its begun to already. chuckles grunts gunshot huh . Tom. Wrong guy. You speak english . Yeah. I speak english. American . Uh, i didnt see him coming. You u ved my life. Why are you out of uniform . What company are you with . Um. Well, im a. Im a civilian. In the middle of a battle zone in france . The hell you are. automatic gunfire im righou. R 20 questions. You say you an american . All right then, if betty grable came around that corner what part of her would you be staring at . gun hammer cocks sorry. Times up. Her legs iid be staring at her legs. nervous chuckle lucky for you. sighs youre a gung ho kind of gal, arent ya . Does that bother you . Nope. Just not used to it, thats all. The girls back home are a little different. I guess when it comes to my peoples safety this girirtends to get a little. Gung ho. Nothing to apologize for. Im the same way with my men. Theres not a day goes by im going to get em back safely even if i die trying. I know t t feeling. Were about to enter some caves that run under the town. Caves . Were going to meet our contact there. I should warn yoyou. There are eccentric people who live in the caves but dodot be alarmed. . Rocha loh keech . . Kortahtahtahtah tahtahtah deech roh . Neelix and klingons . Tahtahtahtahtahtah . . Deech roh . Good evening, gentlemen. Who are you . How did you u t past our battle lines . Were friends. Allies. The house of. Of tohmaag. Tohmaag. I never heard of it. Im not surprised. Its a long way from here. This battle doesnt concern you. Maybe not. But wed be honored to fight alongngde such great warriors. Wait ill consider your request. But first, prove your fortitude. Drink sanroh tpatohcha i guess my french is a little rusty. Dont drininit. Its twice as strong as whiskey. Ill be right back. chuckling eh . Chakotay im fine, thank you. Neelix so those of the house of tohmaag refuse to drink on the eve of battle . Ill celebrate. After we win. As you wish, weakling. Hadlbah captain. Is. Is it you . Yes. Weve got to disable the rest of those interfaces. The controls are routed through the surgical console in sick bay but it will take time to disable all of them. We dont have time. D blow out the console. Charars . The hirogen have seized the armories. No problem. I have all the ammo i need right here. Holographic explosives . As the real thin with the safety protocols offline g. Hmph. neelix coughing ah another of your warriors . Yes. Hehes a fraillooking thing. Ill contact you when ive disabled in the meantime, stay here. With the klingons . Belilie me, its peaceful compared to Sainte Claire. Captain. growls yells please, dont do that. sinister chuckle theyve got us outnumbered and outgunned. Theyre setting up a machine gun in placement across the street. Where have you been . Obtaining supplies. What is this . Taken from their compound. I can use them to enhance our weapons. automatic gunfire ive cornered several voyagercrewmen but theyve taken refuge in a guarded building. I need three nucleonic charges to penetrate the structure. Nucleonic charges could damage the hololock further. En ill need more hunters. Theyre on the way. Damn. Theres a levelnine force field around the surgical console. Well have to go in and shut it down. Foror field . Ill explain later. Set the detonator for five minutes. Five hunters have been killed in the last t ur. You must engage the safety protocols. Those protocols arent functioning. Then ill need assistance to. hatch opens stand by. You. Get him out of here. Theres ten pounds of dynamite under the floor set blow in less than three minutes. Bridge to sick bay. Sick bay, respond. Bridge to deck five. Converge on the sick bay. yells ow oh all groaning panting were on the holodeck under attack. Bridge, this is holodeck one. I have seized the building and i have found another access to this holodeck. Four. Their neural interfaces have been disabled. I will make the kill. No. They are not prey; they are hostages. Ill need them. As you wish. You. Help me seal this hatch. grunting so, what do you think . A boy y a girl . Its a holographic projection. Unfortunately, its a very good projection. I feel 20 kilos heavier. I dont recognize this program. I do. Hes wearing a nazi uniform. Were on earth during the second world war. Nazi . Totalitarian fanatics bent on world conquest the borg of theieiday, no offense. Staring at . Get up. You deceived me. Really . I shouldve seen through your flirtations. If you say so. The thought of you carrying my child disgusts me. Youre not the only one. Look, i dont know what went on between the two of you but its obviously over now. I see youre acquainted. Do you find her as attractive as i once did . Ill miss our nights together. Pig put the weapon away. Now. scoffs doctor, trououe. Now what . The klingons are starting to wake up from their nap. All right, hold on. What are you doing . Ive established an interface with holodeck one. I want to monitor whatssoing on over there in case the crew needs my help. Klingon qapla uhoh. What should we do . Not having a cure for klingon hangovers i cocodnt tell you. The battle has begun. Our plan is to penetrate the enemys position cut his forces in half. And a very good plan it is. Best of luck with it. Youwill lead us into battle, great warrior. Maybe ill just watch from here try to offer up some pointerers as things develop. Tokah lead the attack or die here bymyhand. You heard him. Dont argue with the man run along. Ill reattach any severed limbs. You cover our flank. Qapla qapla. Tallyho. door chimes enter. Leave her. I see youve done some redecorating. Your attempt to retake this vessel was. From the day i seizedvoyager you put up a dauntless fight, but your fight is over now. Youre going to help me shut down these simulations and repair the holodecks. Me, captai no. Well destroy this ship before we surrender it. N. Ive faced far more intimidating prey than you. If this fight continues, i promise you i will hunt down and kill every member of your crew. And there wont be much of a trophy left, will there . Perhaps i should kill you and find someone whowillcooperate. Good luck. Youll get the same response. You dont realize whats at stake. I know whats at stake your sick little game. Thisiss not a game then what is it . Im trying to create a future for my people. Future . I dont expect you to understand. You underestimate us. Yes. Pepeaps i do. Im listening. My people are hunting themselves into extinction. Your holodeck technology might offer us rselves across the quadrant in pursuit of prey, we could simulate the hunt and give ourselves a chance to rebuild our civivization. And confine your killing to holograms. With the safety protocols offline, the pursuit is just as challenging. Well, i understand what youre trying to do but then. Why have you been torturing us . Why have you thrown my crew into one brutal simulation after another . Ive been studying your behavior as i do with all my prey but your holodecks allowed me to go further to explore your culture, your history. I must admit ive learned a great deal. How so . Your people have faced extinction many times but youve always managed to avoid it. You seem to recognize the need for change. Running right now on the holodeck. We calleleit world war ii. One of your most difficult eras. And yet yoyosurvived. It wasnt easy. You are a resilient species. I admire your cunning. Lets end this. Ill call a ceasefire and we can try to contain the damage. I want my ship back, but in return i will give you

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