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Lpful. Um. I remember hitting him, punching him. I think he was white. Do you remember how tall he was . No. Did you hear his voice . Did he say anything to you . There was someone else. There was another man . Standing in the doorway. He said, go, run. Theres someone coming. The man who was attacking me let me go. And they both ran up the stairs. Do you know anyone named jimmy . No. Lucy, have you ever been in the time bar . I stopped in there the other day. You talk to anybody . No. I just went in to look. Did you take this from the time bar . No. Was this that serial killer . Were not sure. Ecked out. Well be in touch. Good for you, fighting them off. Psst. What do we got . The matchbook was planted. There was an accomplice. Did she see faces . The attacker might have been white. One of the attackers said the name jimmy. Theres no jimmys or james in this case except for james carlin who owns the time bar. So carlins involved. Were gonna talk to him, boss. Nothing. No one saw the perps. Hes pretty shook up. Dexter copeland. One in the leg. Jones, medavoy. Lyle, lyle trotter. Are you guys i. A. B. . No, were with the 15th squad. What happened here, lyle . The gun just went off. He died right in front of me. Lets take it from the top. What brought you here . S like you didnt comply. I figure he robs me, then puts one in my head, so i grabbed for his gun and a round went off. I tried to stop the bleeding, but i must have hit him in an artery. Look, i know what youre going through. Its gonna be okay. But what you need to do now is focus. Okay. Were you on or offduty today . Off, but sometimes i use my downtime to catch up with my c. I. s. Well, where is he . Lyle . You got a name for us . A nickname we use is flossy. But you guys know i cant give up my c. I. The jobs clear on that. We can go through your boss if we need it, but you got a weapon on you . Guys, its a good shoot. Were not doubting that, but we gotta ask the question. I got a. 38 in my ankle holster, but i never fired it. Well need ballistics to verify that. Ill get carla. Damn. The biopsy is in an hour. Theyre doing research. Theres a lot of ways to look at the statistics. And im sure youre leaning towards a positive. Yeah, cause thats what you do . I mighti survived prostate cancer. People do make it through. If i could pass it like you did,. Talking about it to sylvia helped. Ive been talking to you. Its not the same. You need to be talking to a woman. I thought about telling connie, but i dont know. She wants to help. Quit letting this thing swirl around in your head. You found the guy. You nailed him. Our National Nightmare is over. Im starting early. The victim survived lucy werner. You ever heard that name . No. Can you account for yourself this morning . Pardon me . The guys who attacked her used your name. So you think ive been raping and killing these women . Or someones trying to lay it on you. Id start there. All right. Who are your enemies . Adam. Galanter . Your Business Partner. He looks like an accountant, but hes got a black heart. Hes been trying to drive me out of this hotel for two years. Hes capable of paying somebody to do it, so long as he doesnt get his hands dirty. Well talk to him. You still havent told us where you were this morning. Asleep. And when you talk to adam, ask him about the brother that he threatened to kill or the mother that he hasnt talked to in 20 years. So if youre looking to hurt me, im just putting it out there. Who you work for, flossy . Lyle trotter. Hes a detective with the manhattan south. Im a registered c. I. All right, fine. Where were you this morning . Donita delgado. Big rack. Not that i need to brag. Were you supposed to have the meet with detective trotter . Who said tt . Answer the question. Maybe. I got one of those calendar things, you know, yes or no, and were not gonna ask again. No meet i can recall. Lyle say different . You know a Dexter Copeland . No. Whats up with this . Dexter tried to rob trotter and wound up dead. I dont know nothing about it. You having problems with detective trotter . No, lyles my meal ticket. Been nothing but good to me. If you had anything to do with this, now is the time to tell us. I dont know a dexter. Ss you want me to. All right. Donita delgado. Where we gonna find her . 1222 clinton. Her phone number and the names of anyone else she saw this morning. Tough flu bug. Well, im on the other side of it. The informant said there was no meet scheduled this morning with detective trotter. And do we believe him . Hes a stool pigeon, so who knows . I need better than that, greg. Your d. O. A. Sheet came back. He has a couple priors for robbery. Okay, well verify the informants alibi for this morning and go from there. I dont mean to interfere, but the location of the shooting is next door for what thats worth. Get trotters ass back in here. If this is some lovers quarrel, we need to know about it. You got it, boss. Wheres andy . Hes grabbing up carlins Business Partner. Some bad blood between the two. Enough to kill innocent women over . A lot of money at stake. 15th squad. Inspector graff. I feel terrible that i caused trouble between you and andy the last few days. We worked it out. It wasnt fair, you not having the full story. I just wasnt ready to tell you. I have a lump in my breast, and im going in for the biopsy right now. I was wondering if you could help me through it. Sure. Somethings come up that were hoping to clarify. No shocker there. But it turns out, lyle, where this took place the neighborhood has a gay element to it. Oh, come on. Who picked the location for the meet . Flossy did, which is no surprise, cause the guys half a xxx himself. Used to sell meth on 46th street where all the male pros hang out. You guys work with informants at all . Yeah, we do. So then i dont need to get into how theyre a little slippery sometimes . Well, flossy was pretty emphatic about there being no meet. Theres no reason why hed lie about it. Unless you know something we dont. Flossy was either high, scared, checking you out, forgot about it, xxxxxx at me for having him brought in, or any of 10 other reasons why hed lie. There was a meet scheduled. G a gun in my face. All right, then. We done . Its been a long morning. Well be in touch. Could i ask a hypothetical question . If it is malignant, could it be removed with a lumpectomy or would i need the breast removed . Meaning an 80 chance its benign. For someone with my breast size, would i need a mastectomy . You might. Thats all i wanted to know. Id like to run a number by you. Does it have to do with survival rates . For women my age with a fast growth malignancy, the numbers arent good, no matter how you cut it. Diane, stop. Take her hand. The upside to research is being prepared. The downside is being overprepared. Youre drowning yourself in them. If there comes a time for a conversation about statistics, i promise ill be open and frank. Right now, all were doing is running a small test that wont hurt a bit. Thats where were at. Okay. Well need about a month. Yeah, weve met him. We dont get along, but thats not a prerequisite for making money. And the money side, thats you . I handle the funding, jimmys about design and publicity, the glitter side of it. We understand you two were in court recently. Hes been trying to muscle me out of board meetings. And i think taking money thats not his. If james carlin were thrown in jail, how would that affect you . Id run the board of the corporation. That appeal to you . Why does it feel like it got about 8 degrees colder in here . And the animosity between you and carlin is one of them. As a motive for these killings . When business relationships go sour and theres a lot of money at stake, sometimes people resort to crazy things. Did you just accuse me . Were just talking, mr. Galanter. All due respect, youre talking out of your ass. Watch your tongue. Carlins been trying to dirty trick me out of the corporation for the last two years. If youre accusing anyone, talk to him dirty tricks . He bribed an employee into filing a Sexual Harassment suit against me. Whered it end up . U and carlin . We patched things up. Then a year ago, i show up for a board meeting, and his ape tried to physically keep me out of the room. He took a swing at me. I had to get a court order so i could come to work. This is carlins bodyguard . Yeah. Brian vaughn. Jimmy wants me out so he can consolidate the company, but i wont sell at his price. You see where im going . Not quite. Because of these murders, the value of the helix hotel is tanking. Maybe jimmy thinks that will drive my price down. Not me. Who do we believe . The cop. Yeah. Hes about as reliable as my old triumph. Were just waiting on ballistics. If the slug matches the d. O. A. s gun, i think were in business. Detective jones . Its michael woodruffs foster mother, geri gross. What have you guys been up to . Oh, we, uh. Went to recanvass. Came up empty. Michael didnt show up for school today. Nobody knows where he is. Kids that age, they play hooky all the time. No, this one doesnt. Not after what it took to get him into that foster home. Rodriguez whatd the Business Partner say . That carlins broke and desperate. Okay, i went to p. S. 173, so you neeeed to explain somethg. Why would carlin be behind these murders and ruin his own business . Hes trying to buy his Business Partner out, so maybebe hstages the murders, sinks the hotels, thats pretty elaborate. These are the most egotistical xxxxxxxs i ever met in my life. This is not past them. Anything on carlins finances . Valerie says shell issue a subpoena for relevant books and records, but she wants more first. So do i. Carlinin got a bodyguard. Well bring him in, see what shakes out. May i help you . Yeah, im looking for them two. What do you need, flossy . My bad for spacing it. Oh, yeah, that sounds legit. In there. If i hear from michael, ill let you know. You okay . Yeah. Thanks. I was supposed to hookokp with lyle this morning, but i overslept. Whyd you shine us on . Start asking about a meet i blew off . So i figured i was in trouble. Yeah, huh . And then you said lyle got robbed. So why are you here now . Jiminy cricket pay you a visit . No, i scoped you two out. Word is youre cool, so i figured id set the record straight. Never know when we might do business, right . So lyle calls and told you to come in with a new story . No, no. Man, i would never do that. You and lyle screwed up. cause this whole thing was sealed off, i aint do nothing but lie earlier. No, you told the truth earlier. Youre lying now can i just split, and we pretend like this whats lyle covering up . Nothing, man. Does he know the guy he shot . I dont know what do you say we call, or do you wanna go flying out the window . He didnt call me. His partner did. Detective charlie givens. Black dude. All he said was to come back in and say there was a meet, cause i work for him, right . If i dont do it, they say im outdoors. That better be the extent of it. Swear on my children, all right . Were gonna keep you downstairs for a while, flossy, till we figure this ouou if lyle and charlie go down for something, im available, so keep it in mind cause im like the pizza mann i deliver. Sit down. Must be pretty good at driving him around. Little more to it than that. Yeah . Like what . Thingsim just saying i aint a chauffeur. So you get hookers for him, finish his fights. Im a trained security professional. What about that assault collar you did time for . Misunderstanding. Or that order of protection that mr. Galanters got against you. That must be a misunderstanding, too. Galanters a liar. I never touched him. Listen, brian, having done some bodyguard work myself, i know youre paid to keep your mouth shut. N the middle of a police investigation. You mean this serial killer thing . Thats right. Now youre looking at me . Where were you this morning . Oh, you guys are getting desperate. Where were you . You are as bad as jimmy said. Were not gonna ask you again. Yeah, im a serial killer, and i eat their flesh and make lampshades out of their skin. Weve been taking bullxxxx off your boss for weeks straight. Now, we aint gonna be taking it from you. So laugh one more time, ill knock your teeth out. Doing these murders

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