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No, skipper. Should be at the rendezvous point by now. Red leader. In position roger. Red leader, checking in. Clutch just in time. Fighters at 3 00. Roger. Under control. Damage report. Have taken some damage, sir. That will do. Get out of the max. It waste. No use. But good luck. Fix that strut. 50 caliber. Hefty. 12 00 high. A qm production. Paul burke. Chris robinson. James macarthur. James callahan. Sammy jackson. Patrick wayne. Tonights episode the waxman may get down, were going to try to figure it out. This is in the first time and it will not be the last that one of our guys accidently hit. To watch the air. Fishy. Four on monday, two on four on monday, two on tuesday and wednesday. Make miaowed against. Site only saw three go down and one of them was my. I did not see him. Were unconfirmed. That is to reconfirm. How about mine . I know i got one. I chased him away. Did anyone see it . He broke right in front as 17. His own airplane. I know i got him. He did not seem to go down, wilson. Dont worry. Maybe the government camera films will show it. Im glad you made it back all did you fly with gallagher today . I saw that i hit. Did you see me get you. We did see me get that didnt you . You can confirm a hit . Yes, on aircraft. I was who belongs to this. This 50 caliber. Here. And sure you want to keep as a souvenir. See your round. I will handle this. He asked me to confirm a kill. Probably save your life. The relationship between the bombers and fighters are excellent. I dont want anything to change it. You are dismissed. Has anyone seen that . Every intelligence report, what i did we fight here . The very target we hit today . Wilson, is that you . Yes. I just got back. I took a little walk. It will much in la to get ready. About that planned for tonight . It is ok, if you want to bring along, the more the merrier. You know how it is. What about tomorrow . One of these nights, we will get together and we will drink. Sure. Approach and now come in general. You can see how heavy that it was. Coming up on it now. Right are a target, but look at the size of those explosions. Area. But not by those. We did not get a very good look at the surrounding area. We did not. Can we run that against . What you have in mind . I dont know, sir. I would like to get a closer look. I would like to run a photographic recan group down. Let me check before i get you an answer. Get in general martinas at headquarters. Martinez. Excuse me lieutenant. Calling a general martinas. I have to talk to colonel yes, please. As soon as he arrives. Thank you. Your lieutenant wilson, arent you . Yes. Colonel gallagher is in with the general. Do you mind if i wait . Not at all. Please adult trouble yourself. No trouble of all. Youre working nights . There hard. Thats very nice of you to worry, lieutenant. I will be getting off soon. Some must be really tired of it. Ive got nothing special planned if you feel like having some dinner. Thats very kind of you, but i already have a date. What about the general . There trying to locate him, sir. All right. Some going to use this. We have a small problem. Who did that . That was lt. Wilson, sir. That was you he hit. Yes. What you want to know about it . I think i would like a chat with lt. Wilson. Whats in all fairness, it was not too long ago and knocked down one of our own on accident. This time, but i we should minimize this for the sake of the whole team. All right. Thank you, sir. Generals office. Will you hold . I have the general on the line. All right. Kernel. Lieutenant. Ms. B 24 a moment. I just wanted to say i found out it was me. We know that. You do . Centurion no better than to open up on enemy fire in the formation of. He suddenly pulled up as i was giving a short burst. Just let it happen again. I guarantee it. One day for your photo reconnaissance mission. Fine, general. Your 51s. I will fly under. I will get some volunteers. I would like to volunteer for the mission. Is the least i can do after what happened today, colonel. Where required a volunteer. I mean that. Its all right . Pharma, lieutenant. Thank you, sir. Can i have a beer . Whats after all this time, he open the cage. He takes one look and says, he is not so shaggy. Oh, no. I love that one. Shotgun wilson. Knock it off. Find a chair. I dont want to butt in. Raise a chuckle. I dont know if i have you heard about the nervous a share in church . If you will excuse me, i have to go. Nice meeting you. He stands like this. Wide open. Go ahead. I didnt mean to interupt. I was finished, lt. Just leaving. I will see your around. Hello, capt. I did not figure he would be back your sitting by your lonesome. Are you out our aprowl, lieutenant . Out on you dont talk to worry about me. Goodnight, lt. Are you doing docks pretty busy, i see. I have been very few months. When you fly as much as i do, you are out here. Stay in formation. Looking good, boys. Ok, boys. Q. The cameras. Cue the cameras. Fluke. Grab it. Take him home. Bail out. Whats going i see him. Ok, go hold on them. Theyre losign ground. Ok. We can head for home now. Id sure like to get me one of them. The day. Ive been itching for a kill hey, everybody. Heres the guy who saved the skipper. Heres the guy who saved the skipper. Get him a drink. Make it the good stuff. This is lieut. Harvey wilson. [cheering] [laughter] go ahead. Said derrin. Would you say to that lady . Ballot another seat. Excuse me. I will be right back. It does when it the sale was sorry it yesterday. I was way out of line. I just wanted to say i was sorry. I just wanted to say that. Thanks. What these guys over here report youre going to be famous. How are you . Ive never been interviewed before. Just relax. It doesnt hurt. Much. [laughter] everyone coming to the most courageous man in the 53rd. Sam the best pilot. And the best pilot. Well, say something. Hows it feel . Just great. All this suddenly, i feel like the whole world is my friend. I dont know what else to say. I dont believe it. Theres no such thing as a best pilot, if you know what it means. Lots of their loss could have gone wrong. I was just very lucky. Lucky . You were veritas the. Right there, a gentleman. That was the area. All looked as though it did not have any storage tanks at all. It didnt. That is where i began my sweep of f there they are, plain as day. That is natural cover. He would never see them unless youre looking. Thats about it. Sidearm have to tell you how that supply. That makes its target our number one priority. Im going to you every ship to bomb them again and all the fighters we can muster. Yes, sir. What side to come in real high and dropped fast. You were said you were in attack and under a german you were said you were in attack and under a german fighter . Colonel did some running across from fire. They had two or three good passes that hair. At him. How does it feel . Being called a hero means a great deal. Hey, col. Glad to see you back. You really all right . I am. Isnt he the man you rescued . Hows it feel to be alive. Pretty good. You were saying . Becoming a hero matters . Yes. Up until nowno becoming a hero has changed all of that. Yes. No sweat at all. [laughter] what are you doing . Flying escort of the target today. Yo eager beaver, you know that . Were going to throw everythign weve got at it. Wing men, hold positions. Disobeying orders may make you a hero, but making a habit of it could get this into trouble, okay . Ok. Sir . I know you were talking about me. Are directly. From the one it is a baby. Forget it, wilson. Youve got a job to do today. Just go out and do it. They said its all yours. Roger. Bombs away. Bombardier to pilot, there 3 00 high. Theyre coming in. Ram rod two, do you read me . 1 in general and was bought through, but it and we can make it. One engine out. Bail out. No dice. Fuel warning. Jerry is leaving as, a your company 51s. In formation, wrote the main boat spotted at 4 00 high. Spotted at 4 00 high. They in formation. Head back. The leader is wide open. [sirens] i got one. Bird dog 3 to 4, i would like to help out. The night. Go back. Settle going to disobey you cover major. Checking out, checking out. This is ramrod leadge back in formation. Im sorry, skipper. I have to assure you once and forever. Ramrod leader, ordering your to vote to join or squad. Its no use. I know what im doing. Four this is a leader, you will never make it. You will never make it. Wilson, you dont have to take this kind of a gamble. We know if you can do. You already shown us. Our story. To me, its the only way. Thank you, sir. Thank you for knowing. A ramrod tw drop down, dropped down. Ramrod leader, do you read me . Drop down. I read your come later. They are swarming all over that saved my life. Was not so wild. I never noticed, perhaps except when needed something heroic. Why . Dont you think his motives were four people had just been kind to him, if they did would have garnett their word. Of abortion in this time you reach a little higher than he would go. This would not be much of a world as some of us did not reach out. Lets go. Awfully quiet tonight. Must have been some bad news. Is there anything else in this war . Pilot did. Lt. Wilson. Wilson. Average looking. Nice kid. He was always alone. Its a pity. A man dies and i dont even remember him. Yes, but we will agnes

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