Transcripts For WPVI World News Now 20171010 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WPVI World News Now 20171010

baby sister was born, september 14th, he actually was really loving it because his big brother instinct kicked in. >> yeah. now this one happens to be at a family reunion in maryland. everyone's been handed a little piece of paper. it's part of a picture, and the lady the organizer of the entire event tells everybody to go, they have to find everyone else with the matching picture, right, so then once they find each other they got to put the puzzle pieces together and reveal a word. and one spokesperson from every group comes up ahead and they have to say the word that was revealed in their puzzle. >> when i point to you, say yours. >> baby. >> coming. >> and the words actually ended up spelling out when her baby is coming, on april 2018. >> this one was literally spelled out. >> congratulations, everyone. that's all for today's episode, but there's endless content on to watch and share or catch the next all new "rtm." my digestive system used to make me feel sluggish but now, i take metamucil every day. it traps and removes the waste that weighs me down, so i feel lighter. try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like. you're lucky you're cute. lysol max cover with 2x wider coverage kills 99.9% of bacteria. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. 60% of women are wearing the wrong size pad and can experience leaks discover always my fit. find the number that's right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. the better the fit, the better it protects. always. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours,and i'm good. why take 4-hour medicine? one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. tha...oh, burnt-on gravy?ie. ...gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. cascade platinum powers through even burnt-on gravy. nice. cascade. the chicago cubs are fighting a court battle now against a long-time fan who suffered a serious injury at a game. >> he was hit in the face with a foul ball at wrigley field in august. his doctors have told him he'll probably never regain the sight in his left eye. protective netting would have kept him safe, but the teams ano address that problem. >> this is a problem that major league baseball has known about for decades. my hive alife and the life of m fans have been changed forever by the failure of major league baseball not to protect their fans. in st. louis, the netting goes to the opposite edge of the dugout. if the cubs had had the seame netting, jay would not have been injured. >> so the suit comes weeks after a young girl was hospitalized aft aftering h after being being hhit by a lin. more women are speaking out against harvey weinstein, including meryl streep and kate winslet. >> all in the wake of allegations of sexual misconduct. here's lindsey davis. >> reporter: the woman who holds the record for the most academy award nominations is speaking out. meryl stri meryl streep said she had no idea he had sexually abused women for decades. streep calls the women who spoke up our heroes, including a reporter who now claims weinstein accosted her ten years ago. >> he cornered me in the vestibule and leaned in and tried to kiss me, which i immediately rebuffed. >> reporter: star actress, kate winslet tells variety magazine, the allegations are disgraceful and appalling. even president trump is weighing in. >> i've known harvey weinstein for a long time. i'm not at all surprised to see it. >> reporter: when confronted about his own lewd comments from last year's hot mike "access hollywood" -- >> he says they were inappropriate. that's locker room, that's locker room. >> reporter: hours before his firing, weinstein sent desperate me pleas for support which went unanswered. >> now the weinstein company is thinking of renaming the company itself. coming up, taking a stand against cat callers. >> one woman is using social media and selfies to expose sexism on the street. you're watching "world news now." ever get whistled at or cat called when you walk down the streets? >> all the time. it happens in the hallways here. >> it's a very common problem, and when it happens it's hard to know how to react. but one woman came up with an interesting way. >> reporter: cat calling. an act parodied on comedy shows. but for many women, unsolicited comments and gestures from strangers are no laughing matter. and one woman has taken to social media to flip the script, making international headlines in the process. a college student in the netherlands spent a month taking selfies with men she says were cat calling her, aptly title titled,@dear cat callers. the caption stating he followed her for blocks before asking "want to come in my car"? another stranger, she alleges, even asked for a kiss. >> so many women get harassed, feel demeaned and do nothing. it's so hard to speak up, hard to talk back when you feel unsafe. >> reporter: the 20 year old writing this instagram has the aim to create awareness about the objectification of women in daily life. >> what this woman has done is used social media as a tool to take back her own power. >> reporter: she is not the first to fight back. in 2014, show shawna robbers filmed her sever walking the streets of new york, documenting more than 100 cat calls in just ten hours. she inspired abc news to do our own experiment, a producer with a hidden camera receiving similar cameras. >> it just makes feel like they are undirection you wiressing y eyes and that you are a sexual object. >> some guys don't get this, they say you look beautiful. that's a nice thing. some guys are very disrespectful with it, though. i'm also on a lot of medications that dry my mouth. i just drank tons of water all the time. it was never enough. i wasn't sure i was going to be able to continue singing. i saw my dentist, he suggested biotene it feels refreshing. my mouth felt more lubricated. i use biotene rinse twice a day and then i use the spray throughout the day. it actually saved my career in a way. biotene really did make a difference. your toilet is germ-ridden with mineral buildup. clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match against limescale. but lysol power toilet bowl cleaner has 10x more cleaning power against limescale. so switch to lysol. what it takes to protect. we used to resort to some to take care of our jeans. ahhh! luckily we discovered tide pods plus downy. so our jeans stay in great shape. and they actually get clean. tide pods plus downy. super concentrated to clean and condition. it's got to be tide. i'm joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. try digestive advantage. it is tougher than your stomach's harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. get the digestive advantage. why do the best things in life create so much mess! tackle it all with finish® quantum. even on the toughest messes you get an unbeatable clean. and now get 25% more loads then cascade® platinum™ switch to finish® quantum. ♪ we're leading off today's "this happened" with congratulations to iceland! >> yes! they've just become the smallest nation to ever qualify for the world cup. beating kosovo 2-0. >> it's pretty cool. iceland broke the record held by trinidad and tobago with a population of 1.3 million. iceland's population? just over 300,000. so big congrats to iceland when they play in the euro cup, they showed up with over 8% of their population. if they said another country did that they would have been looking at millions of people. iceland has many loyal fans. >> they're all of iceland and reykjav reykjavik came out to celebrate their entry into the world cup in russia next year. >> i like it! >> france is in. speaking of soccer, check out this play. a dutch player makes his move. the goalkeeper attempts, a tackle, open net, oh! >> oh, he missed it! >> you had one job! >> you know what makes it worse? the team ended up losing by one goal. >> one job, buddy. >> oh. >> ah. >> that makes me feel bad. now to a very confused dog named blue. she was playing a game of fetch with her owner when the ball was thrown into the air and -- >> apparently, the ball was white. >> yeah, and blue started -- >> blue is looking up at the moon. and she now thinks that the ball is stuck in the air. she apparently paced back and forth. she starts barking. she's trying desperately how to get the ball back down. all the while, her owners could have just shown her the ball to make her realize right here. >> to calm her down. . >> i know. instead they just point, laugh, and video the whole thing, which, let's be honest, we all would do and we all very much appreciate. >> blue is obviously not the brightest one. >> come on, how am i going to get it, ah! >> oh, blue. now to a cat who has its first experience with catnip and probably goes exactly how you would expect. >> oh, my god, yes, catnip! it is -- >> aren't they supposed to be eating it, bathing it, you name it. >> it's medicinal catnip. ♪ music guys, i'm good. say goodbye to distractions. now you can last longer with new k-y duration spray. this morning on "world news now," the vicious and deadly fires burning across california. >> those fast-moving fires have consumed home after home in some neighborhoods as families and hospitals rush to get everyone out. winds are fanning flames in both northern and southern california. and breaking overnight, a campus police officer is shot and killed inside a police station, sparking an all-out search for the suspect and sending the campus, one of the largest in the state of texas, into lockdown. the very latest from the scene. denver got an early taste of winter with its first snowstorm of the season, which, apparently caught a lot of people off guard. they were not listening to the weather forecast. the whole thing should make for a slippery commute this morning. and later in insome any hacks. >> my chicken salad isn't just a big hit with my human family. >> frank's happy. >> we'll show you more on this tuesday, october 10th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> and we do say good morning to everybody on this tuesday morning. the explosive fires racing across california's wine country, killing at least 10 people and destroying more than 1500 homes and businesses. >> several counties are under state of emergency. and hospitals were even evacuated as the fast-moving flames closed in, forcing residents and tourists to nflee with just minutes to prepare. this is a guest watching a hilton hotel burn to the ground. >> and this is all that's left of a community pool air yeah. the flames in the distance from an open gas line. and one of the famous wineries reduced to ashes. this was the front entrance. our coverage begins with matt gutman there on the scene. >> reporter: that swarm of fires consuming northern california towns whole. those powerful winds propelling the flames. >> we're really at the mercy of the weather right now. this wind is making a serious push, and that is out of our control. >> reporter: at least 1500 structures destroyed north of san francisco. tens of thousands of acres incinerated. every available firefighter battling flames up to ten storeys high. it exploded to 80,000 acres in 18 acres. >> we need every resident to heed evacuation orders. >> reporter: that jet sound you hear is the gas line that burst. firefighters aren't even dealing with that right now. the fire galloping through a santa rosa shopping center, a mobile home park and threaten beithreatening this hospital. the staff racing this gurney down the street as the fire roared behind them. and it was in this smoldering neighborhood that we found ryan white. under his arm, the only remnant of his house. this is all that remains? >> yes. that's the house. 1312 cashew road. >> reporter: a mass exodus from the firestorm. tyler clark driving out through tunnels of fire. >> let's go. >> reporter: and there was alissa o'gorman facing that orange behemoth ahead. >> this is my neighborhood in flames. >> reporter: cat keller's childhood home now gone. >> this is the stuff you have nightmares about, your home burning down. >> reporter: our nick watt is in napa. >> reporter: here in napa, i imagine this used to be the tasting room. flames still coming out of gas lines. it took out wineries and condos as it went. >> reporter: back in santa rosa, evacuations are still under way, strangers helping jan craiger save what she can. >> i'm in shock. this is injuyour life. >> reporter: in so many communities, all that's left are chimneys. it melted metal and glass. this goes on block after block. and still in the ruins you see people digging through whatever's left of and more bad news, red flag warnings still in effect. matt gutman in santa rosa. >> quite a picture there from northern california. meanwhile, this is what's happening in southern california. a brush fire is raging there, jumping from house to house. this is in the canyons and hillsides around anaheim. >> these are live pictures coming from the station in the los angeles area. and you can see just how massive that wildfire is. the scene there as they pan over, you request see basically, fairly close to some residential area. and hotspots all over southern california. you saw where the main part of that wildfire was, and the camera panned over and yet again you see another brush fire there. at least 24 homes have already been burned in the anaheim area in southern california. so orange county authorities are really have their hands full. about 1,000 firefighters on the scene there as these flames spread. >> it's already charred 6,000 acres, shut down a free way, forced the wha forced evacuation of these homes and a firefighter was also injured as crews scrambled to keep those flames from spreading, and this is the scene. thick smoke hovering over disney land. quite an eerie sight. >> can you imagine being there walking down the street and already seeming as if you're in a surreal world when you're there, disneyland. and then you see the skies lit up because of the fire, it has to seem completely odd for many folks. the fire apparently does not have any impact on disneyland itself. but many homes in that area are in danger. >> and they're saying right now, 0% contained. . >> those firefighters have having a tough time as the dry, windy conditions fan those flames. >> we turn to paul williams. >> good morning. we have the santa ana winds that are going to push through, making the dry spell continue, which means we will continue to have an elevated or high fire danger. travel disruptions and the winds will be so gusty we may have sporadic power outages as a result of the wind and dryness aloin. we have a front that's going to push through much cooler in the center of the country. but this dominant high pressure system won't relent and will keep us dry. now we have more breaking news. a student has been captured after allegedly killing a texas tech police officer. >> the suspect is 19-year-old hollis daniels. officers found drugs in his room while doing a wellness check. he allegedly pulled a gun, shot an officer in the head and ran off. the victim's name has not been released. and new information about the las vegas shooting is raising new questions. officials now say the hotel security guard that was wounded inside the mandalay bay was not the last person shot. >> what we have learned is mr. campos was encountered by the suspect prior to his shooting to the outside world. >> so jesus campos, it turns out, was wounded six minutes before that gunman began shooting at the concert-goers. campos immediately reported to hotel security that he had been shot, but that raises more questions about why hotel security didn't notify police quicker. and now to president trump's feud with senator corker. some republicans are angry the president would pick a twitter fight with a senator just a week before a critical budget vote. the public fight erupted over the weekend. the president saying corker didn't have the guts to run for reelection. then corker gave a scathing interview, calling the president reckless. a new scandal has the miami dollar vins looki dolphins looking for a new coach after he was seen snorting a white powder. he says he's getting the help of professionals and his family. he was one of the highest-paid assistant coaches at nearly $3 million a year. and jemele hill has been suspended in response to a tweet > tweet. hill last month used twitter to call president trump a white supremacist. shifting gears now. in many parts of the country, it still feels like summer, but denver, believe it or not, is dealing with its first snowstorm of the season. >> and it's just october. several inches fell on the mile-high city. more in the surrounding areas. a number of major roads were closed for a time, including interstate 70, a major, major highway. >> temperatures are dropping into the 20s overnight that could freeze that slush and snow. so the morning commute could be pretty hairy. the art collection dedicated to elaborate thrones. porcelain thrones that is. find out how you can be the proud owner of a museum's worth of designer toilet seats. i'll reveal my secret family recipe that's really only a secret because we can't figure it out. so we're going to call up aunt gloria to find out how to make that chicken salad. mom i dropped my ball. got it. ewwww oh eat it! lysol kills 99.9% of bacteria on soft and hard surfaces. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. un-stop right there! i'm about to pop a cap of "mmm fresh" in that washer. with unstopables in-wash scent boosters by downy. ah, it's so fresh. and it's going to last from wash to... ...wear for up to 12 weeks. unstopables by downy. ♪ oh, this is a classic one. >> but speaking of the yankees, they're kind of like jason in "friday the 13th" right now. they won't die and they can't be killed. >> yankees broke loose for four runs in the second, thanks in part to a double by aaron judge. >> all rise! >> the yankees win 7-3. the yankees win. the yankees win. the team meets for a deciding game five tomorrow night in cleveland. >> the yankees win! okay. >> showdown in cleveland. >> by the way, the winner of that series will face the houston astros who are heading to the championship for the second time in two years, still in search of the club's first world series title. justin verlander was brought in to help end the season at fenway. they enjoyed champagne, especially josh reddick in his speedo. >> i guess that's okay. in the national league, the dodgers are trying to finish off a sweep of arizona. cody bellinger has been the star of the night. he has two hits and two runs batted in. los angeles beat the diamondbacks, 3-1 in the bottom of the ninth. and the chicago cubs took a2-1 lead. washington game up the winning run with this fly ball from rizzo. check it out. boom! the nats can't answer that. cubbies win. game four is tonight. coming up, we're cracking the code of diane's aunt's famous chicken salad. >> that's right. we're going to give you my version of the dish or my best attempt, anyway, with a little bit of a healthy twist. that's next on "world news now." but lysol power toilet bowl cleaner has 10x more cleaning power against limescale. so switch to lysol. what it takes to protect. ♪hungry eyes ♪ one look at you ♪ and i can't disguise >> well played on the music choice. >> seems to work, doesn't it? it's time for another edition of insomnihacks. you know we all have those recipes that everybody loves. >> ours is our aunt's chicken salad. no matter how much she makes, it is never enough. so i set out to learn how to make aunt gloria's chicken salad with a healthy twist. for years, we have been trying to figure out how to make aunt gloria's chicken salad, and you might be thinking, why not ask aunt gloria. let's give that a shot. can you tell me again how to make your chicken salad? >> get some chicken breasts, boil it until it's soft. celery salt, garlic powder, mayonnaise. >> my family doesn't cook with recipes. after a lot of experimentation, i have a recipe for you. we are going to cut the time with a pressure cooker. washing the chicken breast, put it in the pot, fill it with enough water to cover. put it on high heat, lock the lid. and in 15 minutes this will be done, way better than an hour. while the chicken's cooking let's get everything else ready. if you've ever tried to make mayo at home, it's the worst. you have to get everything at room temperature, drizzle in the oil. and if you don't do everything perfectly, it's ruined. the key here is an immersion blender and everything that sits tightly around it. start with a large or extra large egg, whole thing. no need to separate, and it can be straight out of the fridge. next get into your flavorings. i'm going to use half a lemon's worth of lemon juice, a quarter teaspoon of white piper, three quarter teaspoons of kosher salt. one cup of light-tasting olive oil, not extra virgin put the immersion blender all the way down to the bottom. hold it down there and blend and then you just slowly start moving the blender up the jar. what did that take, like two minutes? homemade mayo. let's get everything else ready. half a cup of ranch dressing, teaspoon of garlic powder. three stalks of chopped celery. quarter cup of your homemade or store-bought mayo. throw that into the same container the chicken's going into and make sure you have a lid for the next part. ♪ shake shake shake ♪ shake shake shake ♪ shake your booty >> the last thing we need is the chicken. the beauty is using broiled or braced chick brazed chicken is it falls apart. i'm cutting it for aesthetic purposes and pop it right in. you now what happens next. ♪ shake shake shake ♪ shake shake shake >> and then you can decide how big you want your misses to be. the more you stir it, the more it falls apart. i like to serve it with everything pretzel chips. but looking at just the chicken salad, for your average store-bought kind, over 400 calories and 30 grams of fat per cup. our version has 288 calories. and the fat is coming from all natural mayo. but the important part is, how does it taste? thank you, aunt gloria. and the best part about this batch is i have it all to myself. frank! you doesn't even eat chicken salad. he's a little thief. i thought with none of my family members around i would get to eat it all, but. >> that looked surprisingly easy, even for hikelike for a commoner like myself. >> i'll make a confession, it was my first time to make mayo. it works every time. it was actually delicious. >> i'll finally eat on camera, where is it? do we have samples? >> thank you, aunt gloria. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. i'm joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. try digestive advantage. it is tougher than your stomach's harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. get the digestive advantage. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours,and i'm good. why take 4-hour medicine? one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. ♪ your tuesday mix, and you know the city of san antonio of course in texas is known for a number of different things, the alamo, the beautiful river walk, the san antonio spurs and also the largest collection of toilet seats that man can find. >> that one i didn't know. >> that's 96-year-old barney smith there. he has been a proud guy. he has collected some 1300 toilet seats in his garage. >> wow. >> he actually makes elaborate toilet seats as well. >> a toilet seat artist. >> out of his garage. so he's been doing these creative seats for some 50 years. and if you would like to visit san antonio, this is where you should go. >> is there a bathroom in the garage museum? or do you have to go elsewhere for that? >> no, you have to go elsewhere, that had cost you like 50 cents. >> i hope the toilet's decorated. how about one man's trash is another man's transformer. check out what a chinese farmer and his son managed to build out of other people's junk. they made full-scale transformer models. the first one took them three years. but now they've become quite pro efficient at it. now they get a stream of visitors. maybe as many as the toilet museum. we're not sure. >> yeah. >> but they say they now mansag to rake in a profit $151,000 a year. >> and i realized there was an old joke i could have used. the toilet museum also gets a stream of visitors. >> i like that one, actually. >> blended together. >> the trash place is a total dump. >> as we move on right now. real pranksters also in china. they've done this, there's video of a glass walkway here. cracking under a man's weight. so, you know, they have this bridge. they have something similar to that in the grand canyon here in the u.s. >> mm-hm. >> but this is in china. you see. >> and it's glass, and you can see through it. >> but then here you go. >> ah! >> this is 3800 feet above sea level. >> oh. heck no! >> i would have lost my lunch, dinner, breakfast. it was a prank. >> how did they take it? >> it was a prank. they figured out a way ♪ music guys, i'm good. say goodbye to distractions. now you can last longer with new k-y duration spray. this morning on "world news now," fires raging across california have turned deadly, destroying hundreds of homes. the flames are even taking aim at wine country, sending toxic smoke throughout the bay area, and in southern california, authorities are issuing new evacuation orders. we're tracking it all. and new details emerging in the las vegas massacre. officials are now changing the shooting timeline and when exactly the hotel security guard was shot. it's all raising questions about the police response. and the real-life family feud at the white house. >> why the president's first wife, ivana says she is the real first lady, it's drawing quick reaction from melania. what ivana has to say about who really raised their children. and the new "star wars" trailer is out and has everyone talking. the galaxy looking pretty dark for the last jedi. luke and ray are training, chewy has a new friend and so much more. we'll break it all down as best we can coming up in "the skinny" on this tuesday, october 10th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> and we do say good morning to everybody on this tuesday. we're going to start with california. thousands of acres across the state up in flames. out of control fires blamed for ten deaths. >> the flames came so fast and furious, the fire is being described as armageddon. many people in northern california had no warning, and they escaped with just the clothes on their backs. 1500 homes burned to the ground. and further south, a fast-proving brush fire has also incinerated homes and forced thousands to evacuate. you're looking at live video from our kabc station. kendis is also at the wall to show us where these fires are burning. >> and diane, we're talking about two separate areas, for example up in northern california where the major concern is. about a dozen fires are burning there, the most destructive one. one is ravaging the city of santa rosa, home too nearly 200,000 people, playing out north of san francisco. that is where there is a curfew in effect right now to prevent looting. and just to the east of there, the napa valley area, those are home to the wineries. at least two wineries have burned. most of the grapes have been harvested already. and 450 miles south. you see it there, in southern california, the biggest concern is in orange county. the fire there has already burned at least 24 structures, just a few miles from disneyland. now the forecast for all of these areas in just a moment, but first, back up to santa rosa where donya baucus is thayer. >> reporter: the widespread devastation if northern california looks almost apocalyptic. almost 1500 structures are now unrecognizable. >> this is the stuff nightmares are about. your home burning down. >> reporter: her home is gone, entire neighborhoods have been wiped out in santa rosa, california. >> looks like a bomb went off. nothing left of these homes. >> reporter: the fire there ripping through a mobile home park, shopping center and surrounding the city's hospital. staff quickly rushing this gurney down the street as the hospital was evacuated. >> we're all in a state of devastation right now. >> i'm in shock. frankly. it's your life. >> reporter: tens of thousands told to evacuate, having only minutes to grab what they need. >> i don't know if i'm going to have a home when i go home. >> reporter: more than 80,000 acres charred as multiple wildfires burn their way across eight counties, including napa and sonoma. >> we are a resilient county, and we will come back from this, but right now we need to grieve. because the loss is significant. >> reporter: and in southern california, what started as a small brush fire in anaheim erupting into a more than 2500 acre blaze within hours. and this firefight is far from over. firefighters will be working around the clock to get a handle on the flames. and we're told with so many fires burning at once in california resources are running thin. diane and kendis? >> that's completely understandable, thank you. and the images from the fires that we've seen, absolutely stunning. >> residents are overwhelmed after barely escaping with their lives and losing everything else, much of which cannot be replaced. >> it's just so scary. >> somebody rang my doorbell, get out! got to evacuate immediately. >> the fire's sporadic. it's all over. we're trying to get air resource to help us. >> this is devastating. it doesn't even look familiar. >> when we left, you could see the flames licking the top of the mountain back there, and then we got the word that we were on fire. been here 25 years. >> i was up here an hour ago. that house was not burning. >> no way. >> and i don't have cell phone reception. and i don't want to be the one to call and tell them. it's so sad. it's so sad. >> you have to have one of those difficult, difficult conversations with your little boy who's 2 years old, probably doesn't understand what's happening here. tell us about that. >> i have to have the conversation of if you didn't have a home to come to, if he was okay with that, and i know he's 2, but he just looked at me and said yes, mommy, it's okay it's going to be okay. >> i cannot imagine having that conversation with a 2-year-old and it's amazing how quickly this came on. no one saw it coming. >> just 24 hours ago we didn't really hear about it. and then at 4:00 a.m. eastern time we heard 200 acres and now thousands. >> we certainly wish those people well. and forecasters are calling the weather conditions a perfect recipe for disaster. >> let's go to accuweather's paul williams who's tracking the conditions. >> good morning diane, kendis. it's going to continue to stay dry. high pressure system centered over utah going over colorado clockwise rotation, and we'll have an increase of santa ana winds. what's already dry will become drier. so we're looking for most of los angeles, ventura county, santa ana winds, the lower the humidity the drier it will stay. even by late in the week we will have a dip in the jet stream, it will still stay relatively dry. >> several days of those dry conditions. breaking news overnight, a 19-year-old texas tech student is in custody in the shooting death of a police officer, hollis daniels. police say officers took daniels to the campus police station after discovering drugs in his room. daniels allegedly grabbed the gun, shot and killed an officer in the head. the officer's name has not been released so far from officials. and new information in the las vegas shootings. the security guard shot outside the gunman's hotel room was wounded before the massacre, not after. the shooter fired through the door at jesus campos. it raises questions about why hotel security didn't tell police the gunman's location much sooner. officials also say they still do not know the attacker's motive. meanwhile, north korea has reportedly hacked a trove of classified military documents from seoul, including contingency war plans that involve the united states. >> the financial times reports that a south korean lawmaker said the information was stolen last year when hackers broke into a defense datacenter. they are said to contain a south korea/u.s. game plan. to be used in the event of an all-out war. environmental groups say they will fight the repeal of rules. epa administrator scott pruitt says the agency will repeal the clean power plan. it limits gases that request ca emitted by power plants. ahead of the environmental group, the sierra club says a repeal will hurt the environment and the economy. some states may sue to try to stop the change. and a fire broke out on a piece of equipment being loaded onto american airlines to los angeles flight. no one was on board the plane. one worker suffered a non-life-threatening injury. cause is still under investigation. a spokesman says the cargo was not hazardous. and a quick-thinking bus driver is being hailed as a hero for preventing this scene from turning into a tragedy. police say the driver managed to evacuate all six special needs passengers from the bus. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> wow, look how charred. >> good timing that they got them out. the new battle over just who is the first lady. the new claim made by president trump's first wife, ivana, but how she, and not melania, holds the real title. plus, tis the season for "star wars"? the new trailer is out. tickets are on sale and we're getting our lightsabers powered up for "the skinny." you're watching "world news now." you're watching "world news now." your toilet is germ-ridden with mineral buildup. clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match against limescale. but lysol power toilet bowl cleaner has 10x more cleaning power against limescale. so switch to lysol. what it takes to protect. i'm joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. try digestive advantage. it is tougher than your stomach's harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. get the digestive advantage. ♪...from far away. but they ♪honly see his wrinkles.♪.. ♪he's gotta play it cool to seal the deal.♪ ♪better find a way to smooth things over.♪ ♪if only harry used some... ♪...bounce, to dry. ♪yeah! ♪he would be a less wrinkly, and winning at life.♪ why do the best things in life create so much mess! tackle it all with finish® quantum. even on the toughest messes you get an unbeatable clean. and now get 25% more loads then cascade® platinum™ switch to finish® quantum. we're back with live pictures. we're keeping an eye on these fires burning in northern and southern california. look at these images from southern california where at least two dozen structures have already been burned. you see in this fire, it looks as if it is still out of control. we'll continue to keep track of this development. >> incredible images coming out of there. meanwhile, a new book is shedding new light on the stormy relationship between president trump and his first wife, ivana. >> ivana calls her new book "raising trump", and she's not pulling any punches at all. she spoke with amy robach. >> reporter: the president's first wife and mother of don jr., erik and ivanka says she still has the president's ear. >> reporter: how often do you talk? >> about every 14 days. i have the number to the white house. i don't want to call him thayer because melania is there, and i don't want to cause any kind of jealousy there. because i'm basically first trump, i'm first lady, okay. >> reporter: that comment prompting a spokesperson for melania trump to tell abc there is clear no substance to the statement from an ex. unfortunately, only attention-seeking and self-serving noise. a new memoir from the czechoslovakian. model "raising trump" goes back to the very beginning. you write, i believe the credit for raising such great kids comes to me. >> he was a loving father, don't get me wrong. but he was not a father to take a stroll and go to central park or go play baseball with them. >> reporter: in his first year in office, ivana says she has given the president advice. >> i tell him not to speak that much, okay. and tweets. and i say i don't disagree with him, because he has so much press against hem. if he say something, his words are going to be twisted immediately. >> reporter: when you read your book, you are all about kindness and manners. what about the fact that president trump often uses twitter to name call? >> a lot of people are different. i like manners. >> reporter: if you heard your children call someone a loser, how would you feel about that? >> sometimes i call people losers, if they are losers, they are losers, and i don't mind it. >> reporter: amy robach, abc news. >> she says she contributed to every aspect that made president trump who he is today. >> humblebrag. when we come back, "the skinny." our lightsabers are ready. >> that's because the new "star wars" trailer is out. >> that's mine. is out. >> that's mine. i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. number one trusted. number one awarded. it's got to be tide ♪ do you have some? >> i do. but thank you. hello, everybody. >> okay! it's skinny time. and it is perhaps the most dissected two minutes of monday night football. the new "star wars" trailer is out. it dropped last night. we have not seen it as yet. we have our sabers ready. >> we have the popcorn ready. >> the real popcorn. >> we're going to watch it along with you. ready? take a look. ♪ >> when i found you, i saw a raw, untamed power. and beyond that something truly special. ♪ >> something inside me has always been there. when i was awake. and i need help. >> i've seen this before. it didn't scare me enough then. it it does now. >> let the past die. kill it. if you have to. that's the only way to become what you're meant to be. >> we have a spark that will light the fire that will burn the first order down. >> come on! >> this is not going to go the way you think. fulfill -- your -- destiny. ♪ >> i need someone to show me my place in all this. >> no! >> no. he's not going to show her the way. >> ask luke the way. >> that would be the bad way. >> okay. >> there was so much. >> let's break down the highlights. let's start with the late carrie fisher. that was awesome. seeing princess leia on the screen. lots of people got emotional. some people posted they were in tears seeing her. others were upset that her son, kylo ren is taking aim at her. >> that we think. now to another character getting a lot of attention, meet porg, a cross between a tuffin and an otter. she said show me the way. now to "dancing with the stars." can keep the popcorn going. the theme was memorable year. >> but someone still had to go home. the nba star, derek fisher was the latest celeb to hang up his dancing shoes. >> on the flip side, we saw the first tens of the season going to jordan fisher. he and partner lindsey receives two tens and a nine from the judges. >> victoria and al came in second with all nines for their foxtrot and her learning how it to walk again. >> that was a good one. and lindsey stirling and mark got a lot of attention for their tearjerker with the viennese waltz honoring her late father, very beautiful. >> it's so tough for the judges to go, oh, you learned to walk, i'm going to give you a 2. >> on the other hand, you didn't point your toes enough. >> i am still affected by that trailer. >> if you were a "dancing with the stars" judge, i would get you with a lightsaber. your toilet is germ-ridden with mineral buildup. clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match against limescale. but lysol power toilet bowl cleaner has 10x more cleaning power against limescale. so switch to lysol. what it takes to protect. i'm joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. try digestive advantage. it is tougher than your stomach's harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. get the digestive advantage. if parts a and bcare and want more coverage. guess what? 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