Transcripts For WPVI RightThisMinute 20180210 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WPVI RightThisMinute 20180210

important. >> a rude awakening for a couple busting some car thieves. >> get out. get out. >> why it is no pants, no problem, bringing down the bad guys. >> and an expectant mom is seeking a 3-d scan. >> you can see the baby's face. >> while dad's cheaper alternative is pretty brilliant. >> get out of here. >> more often than not we get dash cam videos on the show, inclement weather has something to do with what ends up happening. in hungary, it is open, bright, quiet, almost ideal. it is a road that -- one of those times we can settle in for the drive and just chill out, white lines, are ticking by. it is very relaxing. >> hey, hey, hey. >> oh, no. >> 100 miles an hour, this car leaves the road, heads off to the site and very fortunately gets caught up in that barrier and eventually coming to a halt. given the hints i gave you -- guy fell asleep at the wheel at 100 miles an hour with his two kids in the car. yes. and that's why a lot of people are seeing this video and going that was lucky. >> i think this is a best case scenario dfrom a terrible situation. >> your kids need to make some noise like daddy, daddy, daddy. that will keep you awake. >> pretty sure it will in the future. >> now on the next video, we're heading to fargo, north dakota. we see the truck in front of us. this white suv enters shot, right alongside, just as the tanker decides now it is time to move and move and keeps moving. the suv moves over into the inside, nowhere to go and that tanker truck -- >> why did that suv slam on the gas. >> probably don't want to slam on the brakes. this is bad weather and there my be ice on the road, could slide, maybe a precautionary measure. >> don't slam on the brakes. slow down and i don't know. >> let's also say maybe tanker truck -- >> before moving over, don't keep going. >> lucky escape. you'll see the truck we're riding with slowed down, maybe other traffic -- suv able to get back on the road, no doubt a bit sweaty. >> somebody stuck up in the ceiling. what could have possibly crawled out there? >> a cat. >> yes. >> it is always a cat. >> oh , yeah. this was his friend's missing cat. look how high it climbed. now it doesn't scratch or anything like that. but you can see he has climbed up on top of a countertop to go up there and get the cat. which amazes me because cats are good climbers, but how did it get up there? >> that's a good looking cat. holy smokes, that's cute. >> the cat was white when it went in. >> meanwhile, some puppies have gone missing, where could they be? apparently it was nap time for these puppies. the owner said they got behind the gate, lifted the lid off the turtle and as you will see, there are lots of balls in that turtle. >> hungry, hungry puppies. >> yes. >> that is cute. why isn't that in their playpen the whole time? they enjoy it. >> they were taking a nap, they were supposed to be taking a nap, but nap time was clearly over and it was play time. not tonight. not going to get away tonight. because sarah has her eyes open. >> get out. >> sarah looked outside and noticed somebody attempting to steal the family car. >> she goes running out with no pants, and starts attacking the suspect trying to steal the car. then, joseph, her partner, comes running out, and joins in. joseph isn't wearing much more either, he's in his underwear as he wrestles the guy and holds on to him long enough for police to show up and arrest this 30-year-old man. he's facing a number of charges. so here is the couple, they got a few little bruises and scrapes, in big deal. 9 news asked them would you do it again? >> i put pants on, definitely. >> who needs pants. >> get out. >> now to moscow, where transit police have come into contact with this couple. a number of transit officers had to reach into this couple and pry them apart. what was going on that they wouldn't leave each other's side? >> air dodgers. that's what they're suspected of, jumping over the turnstiles, trying to ride the trains without paying. that's when transit officers got involved and said, okay, look, you got to go. can't ride the trains and when they refused to leave, reports say the man threatened other people with a broken bottle. once they peel it apart, the woman is not giving up. she fights back hard. fighting with officers the whole way until finally they both get wheeled out of the station together. >> this is the game changer when it comes to fighting criminal drones. >> cool. >> wow. >> yes. >> they definitely took this one right out of the spider man comic books. yes. he may be peter barker. >> drones are becoming an issue whether you like them or hate them. they're popping up everywhere. and while most people are using them to capture really cool footage of their trips or neighborhoods, the possibility that they could be used for nefarious things is real. the threat of a criminal drone is real. >> more seriously, isis was using them in war zones. if you're trying to protect an area, this could be useful. >> i could see movie stars using those when they see drones over their homes. >> this spans about six feet, six inches. it wraps around the drone effectively bringing it down. >> stop the rotors and you're good. >> the company that created it in switzerland says their intention is for law enforcement to use this. so not necessarily making a general market. their target. there is something similar already out there. they say that their gun is more effective in terms of range and affordability, small enough where you can pack it in any luggage if you do have to travel. it is going to run you between $4900 and $6100. >> that's okay. once you take down that drone, sell it on ebay, take the money back. >> right. >> caden has some beef with the tooth fairy. >> you have to lose a tooth to get a dollar. he has all his teeth. >> that's his problem. hello. >> so he has one very special request. >> the tooth fairy. >> plus, this little piggy -- >> this is going to run all the way around the house. >> and it is adorable. >> i want one. coming at you with my brand-new vlog. just making some ice in my freezer here. so check back for that follow-up vid. this is my cashew guy bruno. holler at 'em, brun. kicking it live and direct here at the fountain. should i go habanero or maui onion? should i buy a chinchilla? comment below. did i mention i save people $620 for switching? chinchilla update -- got that chinchilla after all. say what up, rocco. ♪ say what up, rocco. [coughs] that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night. ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! why take 4-hour coughmedicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. closed captioning provided by -- st. with a non-drowsy antihistamine and a powerful decongestant. break through allergy congestion with allegra-d®. very precise work going on here. >> i'm scared. >> they have totally engineered the destruction of this old water tank. very simple job. get the -- machine, chip away all the cement and plaster around to reinforcement bars and it will come right down. >> oh, you lucky so and so. >> watch how lucky this guy is. because the water tower kind of twists around. instead of just coming straight down. as it does that, it hits the arm of that excavator, spinning it around, and away from the cab and away from the driver. he jumps out without a scratch. >> on the bright side, they did manage to down that water tower which is the goal. >> speaking of people doing it the wrong way, in bogota, colombia, somehow at least in this video, this did not turn into a giant disaster. you got this bus, somehow broke down and the bus company sent out a tow truck. this is the bus company's tow truck. >> well -- >> if a bird landed on the back of that bus, that's all it would take. >> i think you guys are underestimating the fact that this company obviously knows their buses and they know their tow trucks, obviously it is working because that bus is being transported successfully. >> maybe you're right. nothing happened. however, the video did get out and around and this company could be facing prosecution and a very hefty fine because of the irresponsibility. >> i keep telling you people, these animals are getting smarter and smarter, like this one. check it out. this is in iowa. aaron hudson says the cow ate the -- >> there is a lot of steak there. that is a federal fence, is it not? >> it is a federal offense. they're, like, let's take care of this. >> was there a tasty offer in the mail. >> he's trying to put chick-fil-a in there. eat more chicken. >> it is junk mail. just eat it. >> i wonder if it smells like grass. it smells naturery. >> maybe. >> he gets close to the cow. the cow is like, i'm dodging. he finally drops the mail and says, after this incident, the cow came back and knocked down the mailbox. >> well, yeah. take that. >> next video, this little piggy not going to market. it is just going to run all the way around the house. she's running around, running around. and she gets to the woods. >> oh, my goodness. i really want one of those. >> over and over this little mini pig is -- pearl's pig tails. instagram channel. >> adorable. >> i want one. >> that is a cute pic. >> it is a cute pic. just running around, just like a dog. >> and live in the home like a dog. they're pretty smart. they are house trainable. >> our friend caden has a slight beef with the tooth fairy. >> people are waking up with dollars under their pillows. do you know what i found under my pillow? a lego. >> yeah, what gives? >> all my friends are losing their teeth. i lose all my teeth in my mouth. not coming out. >> you could give the kid a dollar. or you could give him the building blocks of life. >> perfectly good teeth. >> one brick at a time, you learn the value, true foundation. >> he can buy his own brick. give him the brick. >> you don't understand the social concept. you have to lose a tooth to get a dollar. he has all his teeth. >> that's his problem. hello. >> i asked my mom to knock out my teeth, and she said no. that is so unfair. >> life's not fair, caden. >> i could use some dollar. i could buy stuff. >> you have to pay for the dollar with a tooth, though. he doesn't understand the monetary exchange that has to go on. >> she understands. >> that's why -- >> what is wrong with my teeth? >> they're all going to fall out at the same time and he'll have a windfall. >> he'll be rolling in the dough. >> tooth fairy, hello, i need answers. >> he's on a snowmobile and has a jump up ahead. >> he titled this video not much room for error and you're about to find out why. >> oh, no. >> plus, she's challenging herself. >> she's going to use a sharpie to sketch out a pretty amazing image of a tiger. >> see what she's able to pull off. 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['24k magic' plays] you really are fast. trust icy hot when for powerful relief.down, closed captioning provided by -- goes on icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. so you're back to full speed. [ male announcer ] icy hot. power past pain. to help your skinotion has look good.gthening proteins sfx - multiple screams told ya... man up! british columbia, canada, he's got a jump up ahead. he titled this video on instagram, not much room for error. consider for a moment what a -- it is a tank track between your legs with two skis strapped up front between a large engine and a pair of handlebars. >> forgetting the explosive gas. >> a lot of faith in this machine as you attempt to pull yourself off a mountain. this guy is trying to guide all that machinery between all these trees that -- >> oh, no! >> somehow, this machine without wings seems to fly and land. there is our rider. top of the screen, just right of center. blasting out of the trees, and that was a much larger descent than it looks like from the point of view angle. like he says, not much room for error, you can see why -- this next guy told his nephew. let me show you how it's done. the guy with the video just sold his snowmobile to his uncle norman. which part of this were you trying to show, how you bounce your skull off the ice a couple of times? what are we learning here? >> the poster says uncle norman was okay. however, snowmobile was full. >> she is challenging herself with this little thing that everyone has in their homes. >> i'm going to do the selfie challenge, i do a drawing only using a black sharpie. >> it is not a new challenge but for her it is. she's going to use a sharpie to sketch out a pretty amazing image of a tiger. she gets to work and she starts with the eyes of the tiger. >> right. what is the challenge? it is a pen. she's an artist. >> well, you still need to shade and you need different intensity for the sharpie. she's adept with her sharpie pen. she's only using one side. >> blindfolded. >> true. she has a very extreme, natural talent when it comes to stuff like this. as you can see. >> it is insane. >> watch this. the intricacy of the detailed work she is able to -- with the sharpie. >> by using different speed and different sort of pressure, she's using one pen to do multiple things. >> correct. >> she then shades it and fills it in with black in the background. and when it is done, it looks like this. she says when she picks it back up -- >> still black with ink. >> hubby offered to book a very special appointment for wivy. >> she's booking one of those -- just a normal scan, one of the 3-d scans so you can see the baby's face. >> she's skeptical and for good reason. >> you hold that she gets more wear out of them. it boils down to what your style is. >> as we know, from the couple, when he says -- alarm bells should be ringing. when he says, i've got it, he's clearly got some funny idea. >> no, no. you're not faulting it. i will do it. >> no, this is not going to happen. i can do this. but -- >> you can watch me book it. >> fine. what's going on now? we know she's pregnant. he's booking one of those -- a normal scan, a 3-d scan you can see the baby's face. >> i will say those are so expensive. i would actually be open to his cheaper alternative. >> you're assuming he's not doing what he's been told to do. >> he never does what he's been told to do. >> she's getting a little bit suspicious. i don't see, where is the scanning place? i don't see a doctor. >> there. >> you know -- why are they at the lego store. >> hold that expression and that tone, bailey. >> my god. >> yes. >> yes. >> what this is, lego's flag ship store is the first store in the world that has this mosaic maker. sit down, take a picture and it will print out a lego kit for you to then build that mosaic. captain genius has blown up the scan. so what he then does is goes inside the machine, holds up the scan, in front of his face. believe it or not, 90 seconds later, this spits back out. >> get out of here, bochxed up d everything? >> boxed up, all the pieces you need, the number you need, the instructions to build it. so granted, some assembly required. >> here we go then. the fun begins and ends. >> but before you know it, after a little bit of -- >> honestly, from here, that looks amazing. >> quick, easy, cheaper, more imaginative and she is happier than she would have been if they had gone with her idea. >> thanks for hanging with us today. we appreciate it. has more fun stuff to keep you entertained. check it out and catch us on the next all new "rtm." ns, guns, gu♪ ♪ say, "don't move, stick 'em up" ♪ ♪ you really think i'm gonna run, run, run, run ♪ ♪ i'm never giving up ♪ don't want to, don't want to ♪ don't want to mess with me ♪ you don't want to, don't want to ♪ ♪ don't want to mess with me ohh! oh! ♪ i got the feeling i can break ♪ give me the ball. all right, first -- first, mcnally, we're drinking. this isn't a drinking game, and that was my point. well, you know what? life is a drinking game, mcnally, and you have been phoning it in. there. down. down this. down it now. to sam swarek. [ chuckles ] ♪ here they coming with their guns, guns, guns, guns ♪ mnh, mnh-mnh. ♪ say, "don't move, stick 'em up" ♪ mnh-mnh! inspector. hi, hi. uh, you want to play? that's... no. no, no. but i need a word. all right, a word, a word. this man needs a word. somebody get this man a word -- any word -- and a drink. let's get a drink. no, thanks. my car's running. all right. excuse me. you, peck... take my spank handle. [ laughs ] ooh. go forth. i shall return. ooh, inspector, sorry. i, uh, burn energy when i compete. well, i've got a new shirt for you. i've decided on the new staff sergeant. no. no, no, no, no, no. yeah, no. i, uh -- i got to train that rookie. someone else can train him. john... i'm not a white shirt. i'm a street cop. i'm one of the boys. that's something that i love about myself. everybody likes that about you. that's why you're my guy. they respect you. you having a good time? yeah. i'll see you tomorrow. well... man: oh. oh! ♪ and fight until the death ♪ 'cause what i stand for will not give up ♪ [ siren wailing ] psst! [ laughing ] don't shoot. it's just me. guess what. what? we're getting a new acting staff sergeant. really? who? it's gonna be oliver. really? i mean, nobody knows that, but -- mm, can i have your water? mm. [ slurping ] okay, and another thing -- we have a new rookie, and oliver was supposed to train him, but now he can't. so tonight was just like one big mystery with no detective there to solve it, which, by the way, when are you coming back to work? we should break you out of here, man. you need to be free. i think you should do it. get you out of here right now? yeah, man. no, i think you should train the rookie. oh, yeah, great idea. you'd be great. mm-hmm. for sure. i'm drunk. well, you won't be drunk tomorrow. [ sighs ] [ monitor beeps ] i would be really good at it, actually. yeah. probably the best. [ chuckles ] your feet are freezing. no, they're sweaty. i've been competing all night. hey. hi. i'm interrupting. sorry. no, no, no, no. that's okay. i was just, uh, you know, popping by. no. what? you don't have to... so, good night. don't let the bedbugs bite. say a prayer, you know, and all that good stuff. sam doesn't know what a prayer is. what do you mean? i've said some prayers in my day. [ chuckling ] yeah, right. okay, so, i'm gonna go. okay, well, i guess i should say goodbye now, then, 'cause, uh, i got to head out tomorrow. oh, okay, well, i mean, i can give you a ride. yeah? [ laughing ] no. i don't have a car. you can take my truck. okay. okay? that would be great, seriously. my train leaves at 8:00. okay. see you tomorrow, hmm? see you tomorrow. bye. [ door closes ] what? [ siren wailing ] hey. what's going on? uh, i... i just dropped my go-bag. a lot of go in your bag. [ slurps ] are you hitting on me? you're the new rookie. yeah, how did you know? detective, right? not quite. [ door buzzes ] welcome to 15. whoo! whoo! [ cheers and applause ] aw, put it in a cage, peck. come on, buddy. yep. yeah, thank you. thank you. yes, i feel very special. it's a wonderful day. uh, i would like to introduce our newest recruit here at 15. this is duncan moore. [ applause ] there you go. great. okay, so, you're part of the family now, rookie. i'm sure you know what that means. mm. no. no? we do not have to like you. we don't have to be nice to you. and we can make fun of you whenever we want because, when it really comes down to it, we'll always have your back. oh. and i have yours...sir.

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