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Up. Right through shauns living room. What happens when a youtuber and his buddy hit the slopes at home. Oh guys, as you know, i love to shop. Love to shop. For motorcycles. Thats what jean and his daughter are doing here at this harley dealership. Fun jean, congratulations, this is your new harley heritage soft tail classic. Yeah, sure. Im being serious back is turned, hes gone. Everyone is like, jean, youre being serious. You got a harley for christmas has to put it over the announcer. At this point they need to show him the paperwork. Literally the only way hes going to believe it is if the real santa claus shows up. Are you going to get your bike . Wonderful surprise caught in this video. Hes convinced hes being pranked. Its in the shop still. Who bought it . His daughter comes up and gives him a big hug. But hes still just gob smacked with this whole idea. Serious . Accept it complete disbelief. Well, you are on tv. Youre kind of right. They bring him the paperwork and point out his name. Maybe it becomes real after this. Every new harley owner at the shop gets to ring the bell. Just kidding, just kidding. Congratulations. In the words of that great song anaconda, i think this is what nicki minaj meant by thats real, real, real. Dang this anaconda is real, real, real. Weighs about 1200 pounds. Its at a natural pool in ojai, california. Comedian daredevil was in there with it for about a half an hour and the anaconda just wraps itself around his legs and torso. Was he there for half an hour from choice or because he couldnt get out the water . I think that may be debatable. Look at it. Look how thick it is. Half his torso. Im expecting this thing to just wrap itself around him and keep him underwater and thats it. Am i being too sensitive here . I feel bad for this anaconda being held under water. Anacondas live in the rivers, thats how they get around. Youre not being too sensitive, youre being kind and caring. Which is weird. I have a feeling this anaconda has been handled before. Seems its used to human contact, but this guy being a daredevil comedian, hes going to have a lot of material from this. I like big snakes and i cant lie. As long as there are things in the world, there will be people that try to steal those things. For example, in this bank in brazil, security cam footage, you can see this guy in black, minding his own business. Theres a security guy near the door, as well. Everything seems casual. As this guy comes through the door, everything changes so fast. Straight at that Security Guard and they start to fight, as you can see. Bang, the Security Guard opens fire on the assailant, other guy tries to escape, bang hes trapped, the doors locked. Drops to the ground, not quite so brave when hes on the receiving end of a pistol and the security guy takes control. Security guy of the year. Heres the thing, weve seen this in brazil, these guys are not messing around, police officers, Security Guards. They said it was a toy gun that may have broken during this attack, but apparently the guy outside was armed. Final shot, i believe thats when that potential robber was shot in the abdomen. After treatment, though, he was then sentenced. Hes been involved in ten previous robberies and had four open warrants, three for robbery and one for drug trafficking. They have i. D. Ed the second suspect. Forrest gumps mom says stupid is as stupid does. Heres examples here. Over the holidays they were closed but these people didnt get the message and they are now in the process of cleaning the place out. Thats when they spot the camera. Oh, oops. Wait. Whats that . Whats that . They are looking right in. Looking right at it. No, just the wifi router. Brazen theft in the middle of the day. In fact, so brazen they came back later with a van to take more stuff. They went off with about 1,800 from the till, ipad with 8,000 worth of tools. They have uploaded it to facebook so they are hoping it to catch up with the two. Enough people share this video in a small town, they know who they are. I do believe the two kids in these two videos are future olympians and i think youll agree with me when you see how cute they are. This is brinnly. Shes out there on her first birthday on her snowboard. Wow. Hitting the slopes. Shes 1 and she can do something neither of us can do. Like, what, a squat . Yeah. Bouncing. Bouncing. This video is going to be in the family for decades. Its going to look back at this year after year, its going to be one of the cutest memories this family has. Yeah, no big deal, whatever. Brinnly, when did you start snowboarding . 1. Doesnt everybody . Hear for the second birthday they are going base jumping. Sledding was so six months old. Now over to little duke whos also getting his feet wet on the snow, if you will. Cold maybe. Very cold. Snowboarding and clapping at the same time. Concentrating. I have to concentrate so hard to not break things. By the way, shredding. Not only is he shredding, he also does a 360. Thank you very much. I did a 360 when snowboarding, but it was like this. No, cool, calm, and collected. Very controlled. Look at this, hes going down. Did i just do that . Okay. Send that to red bull. Is that fun . They say home is where the heart is. They live on a mobile bus . Yeah, thats their home. Find out why this family decided to take their home on the road. It is awesome. And check out this cat playing fetch in the snow. Never seen a cat play like that. Right this minute is brought to you in part by publishers clearinghouse. Ginger breadington uh huh. But the deals are done . Theyre not . Clearance deals at target . Wow, that is a big deal time for my clearance appearance save up to 50 off on thousands of items online and instore at target. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. 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Gold bond sometimes you just got to shake your head, scratch your head, because you just cant believe how stupid people can be. Dash cam owners australia up ahead. You have a large black pickup truck that is managing this drive just fine. Until it isnt. Oh, oh, oh its the other way no word exactly if they were impaired or just distracted, but you see right before they crash into the tree you see the brake lights pop on, but it was way too late. On over to this truck in napa, idaho. Its snowy, so you should consider the Road Conditions, but it aint even the Road Conditions thats worrying this truck and the driver who saw this coming a mile away. Lost the top, friend. 127 is what you see on the sign, but it almost looks like somebody may have spray painted that sign. Thats messed up. Youre right. Now merging. Merging, you just wish that everybody did it respectfully and did it the right way, like a zipper. You go, i go, you go, i go. Up ahead, most people are doing it right. Traffic merging in from the left. Here comes the truck with the trailer, okay, merged in. The woman driving this truck, now its her turn, but this white car on the left is trying to scoot in. Thats going to be your very nice car about to get a nice scratch on it. What are you doing . Okay, thank you. What are you trying to do . Somehow manages to not crash into that trailer. And finds its way. You cant get mad, dude. Youre being a dumb driver. Thats not how you do it. This looks like a holiday scene from animal planet. What you have on that dog bed are four kittens. You want to go up there and lay down with them and snuggle them all. Its cute. Something captures their attention. Dinner notice hes like i aint going nowhere. They are not going to eat my food. The star of this video hits the dog on the right. Finally they get out of the way. Think about it, im the biggest dog in town and all of them are on the biggest bed. Ill just weight them out. I have a feeling thats what parents feel like when they have kids and get pushed out of their own beds. This next cats name is oliver and oliver likes to jaunt in the snow. Hey, throw some snowballs at me, im ready to play. Thats awesome, cats chasing snowballs. Cool, look at him having a blast out there. Never seen a cat play like that. You know what, i dont think youve seen a cat sit like this. The person who posted this video calls it i second guessed myself for a second, but no, thats pretty accurate, talking about that sign. Then here comes the cat. Turns over. Sits down. Thats cute. Looks like me at the end of the day. Yeah. Comes with getting new hopes. Something you want to show off, not exactly whats happening in this video. Hi and welcome to living in a bus. That right there, that bus. They live on a mobile bus . Yeah, thats their home. They are in the second week basically of their new life. Cool tour of it. About to go some place, right . They dont stay stationary, do they . Thats the thing, they can drive around new zealand and live wherever they want to. It has everything you could need. They havent quite finished it yet, but they could show you where they eat, where the kids toys are, the kitchen, the cooker, the fridge, mini fridge, but theres going to be a big one. Theyve even got themselves a shower almost finished. Room at the end, it is awesome. How many people live in this bus . Well, youve got the two adults, adam and anna, jake and daisy. The story behind why they decided to do this. Back in february 2007 they were on the 25th floor of a hotel in christ church, new zealand. That sounds familiar. It was an earthquake. Thats right, an earthquake that happened very, very close to where they were, the building they were in ended up leaning to the side. The fire escape was destroyed, and for the next four hours they tried to escape this building while there were aftershocks coming and at any point that building could have collapsed. After four hours they made their way safely to the roof of a neighboring building, but that was just the beginning and kind of ended up with ptsd from the entire situation. They ended up having a couple of kids and got sucked into the vicious cycle of working to get your kids into day care so you could buy a house and a new sofa, but youre still working. After a while they cashed in their old life, stopped with the rat race, bought themselves a bus and are going to spend as much time as they can driving. Seems a story people are connecting with. Past 10,000 subscribers, all kinds of people have questions how they are living their life and this is what their channel is going to be around. If you want to follow around with their story, you can. Thanks for watching motorstrapped surf boards. This is fantastic, i want one. They are making it look super easy. Next right this minute. And still to come, the whats inside guys take Virtual Reality to a Senior Center. See how slipping them on makes for some incredible adventures. Plus, a hike up a mountain is about to get even cooler, because iceberg, yeah. Why what happens next can only be described as stunning and beautiful. Crohns disease. I didnt think there was anything else to talk about. But then i realized there was. So, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. He said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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But just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Lets end this. You ready . By their second kid, every mom is an expert, and more likely to choose luvs than first time moms. Live, learn, get luvs. Why does your tummy go grumbily, grumbily, grumbily . No more questions for you ooph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good, right . Mmm, yeah. Lactaid. The milk that doesnt mess with you. Promotional considerations provided by desensitizes aggravated nerves with the max strength lidocaine available. New icyhot lidocaine. It appears. Is that a dark spot . Gold bond dark spot minimizing cream for body. Targeted treatment results begin in 4 weeks. Gold bond. Going for a bit of a hike, not going to be easy, though, because of whats on his back. You see it . No, but it weighs about as much as rocks. 30 pounds, in fact. Still alive. What hes got back there, inflatable standup bad lboard. Oh. Dont you have one . I have an inflatable kayak. Youre wondering why are you going up a m mountain with a paddleboard. Mountain lake. We just shorted nick. This is in new zealand and this is a really cool idea by these guys. Once they get up to the top, they have to go through the annoying process of inflating. How are those arm muscles doing . Good. Walking up with 30 pounds on your back already wasnt enough exercise youre with the icebergs now. Thats pretty rad. Icebergs, yeah, so they go out on to this lake. Stunning and beautiful. Look at that. And its working. Dont fall. Definitely dont want to fall, because this water is only above freezing as you can imagine. Thats why you have ice floating around in it. Ice. Still wearing shorts, though. Just Getting Started on his travel. If he keeps this up, hes going to be pretty popular. Fantastic, im super jealous right now. Stunning, absolutely stunning views, completely surrounding it. What a great idea. Go hiking, go and do Something Like this instead of sitting around at home doing nothing. Unbelievable. Welcome back, im lincoln, this is dan. Were going to cut open v. R. Headsets. What, the hottest Christmas Gift of the season . No, dont cut it open. The guys over at whats inside dont cut it open. Virtual reality . Not exactly, at least they dont right ay in this video they are about lifeand world is about giving back and they are going to participate in the light the world hash tag by taking this Google Daydream to alaska and take it to a Senior Center. Where they are going to let seniors experience the world of v. R. This is our new friend al. There have been studies that suggest happiness has brought the seniors that huge v. R. , expands their world, gives them a small taste of the outside life from being cooped up in the Senior Center for so long. Al here, he said i want to swim with sharks. You want to be in a shark cage and see the sharks swimming around . Okay. Voila. I love this, as well. We normally see these because of the reaction, but this response is more emotional, because to your point, he wanted to swim with sharks, he cant do that, but it gives him the opportunity to step outside of his world. This guy is taking a walk with elephants. Bottom left is what hes seeing. Tries to touch them. Its a pretty neat experience. Dan and lincoln are leaving this v. R. Headset behind for the residents to enjoy whenever they want, and it wouldnt be the whats inside channel if they didnt eventually cut it open. They have another one of the Google Daydreams at the house, they slice it open and theres really not a whole lot of wizardry inside. The work is all done by the cell phone. All the v. R. Headset is in this case is a couple of lenses and the goggle unit and thats it. A youtuber and his buddies are bringing the slopes home. Start on the back deck, make this short ramp, build this trough, this channel through the living room. See if their slick plan makes for some good snowboarding. Oh, we are a military family. They travel a lot. Every four years when we got restationed you think its going to be the biggest change in your life but theres always more changes to come. The first thing that we would do when we would get into our new place was set up the beds. And when i go to t. J. Maxx i buy good quality things that are going to last a long time. Everything i get there, i get at a lower price. Shopping at t. J. Maxx is always like a bonding experience. Discover real value worth sharing. I just think that home, its wherever your family is. Maxx life at t. J. Maxx. Are super in right now. Look at this. Perfect snowboarding conditions, dont you think . Gorgeous mountain, snow everywhere, except the one place that they need it. This from the Shaun Youtube channel, big fan of our show, were a big fan of shaun and he likes to do awesome things to make it the best day ever. Thats what he likes to say in his videos. They are going to head to shauns house where they are going to be snowboarding through shauns living room. Thats not how its supposed to go. Shauns fans on snapchat requested it, so you got to do it. They start on the back deck, make this short ramp, build this trough, this channel, through the living room, put tarps down and a little bit of astroturf so the snow sticks. Does mom know this is going down over her carpet . Beauty part is, shaun doesnt live at home. Then go for it. But he does have a woman in his life. Theres the Security Camera right there, look. I just got a call from jenny. Jenny, say hello to everybody. Hi. Everybody wave to jenny. Hi, jenny. Not too worried about the after effects. I think you have to have fun here, guys. Ready . Yeah. Drop in. First try it worked. Shauns turn now after all his friends go. He goes ripping through the house. After this works so well, they begin developing different ways to make it better. They bounce off the walls, the picnic table, other items, came over. These guys are great. Time to get the film out of the house because they need all the snow for one last trick. Moose drop you can tell the neighbors are just like, oh, they are at it again. How much damage did the house sustain at the end of all this . House looks great. Zero. Well done, shaun. Thats all for today. Well see you on the next i, mariah maximilliana jones, take thee, james nathan west, to be my lawful lawfully wedded [ sneezes ] [ groans ] bless you are you still not feeling better . No, im feeling i think no, i think i feel worse, actually. I cannot breathe through my nose. I thought all i needed was a good nights sleep, but my throat kind of feels like velcro. Have no fear i have supplies. Oh okay. I have. Cough drops. I got tissues with lotion so that your nose wont get all red. And then Cold Medicine very important. The orange pills are for right now and the green ones are to help you get sleep tonight. Oh, thats what every woman wants on her wedding night, is a good nights sleep. You know, the wedding night is the least of what a marriage is

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