Transcripts For WPVI Nightline 20180222 :

Transcripts For WPVI Nightline 20180222

but first the "nightline" five. number one in just 60 seconds. marjory marjory. blam. ♪ good evening, thank you for joining us. america's students holding rallies across the country today, banning together calling for action to keep them safe. our night line co-anchor dan harris travelled to the survivored of parkland massacre confronted lawmakers in first a stallment of our series the american gun. >> it's a situation that hit home, it hit our school our community. >> these are the young people who have faced down gun violence and now thrusting themselves on to the front lines on to america's battle over guns. >> see the signs here, what if it were your child. no more children's lives. we are not n r a bribe. >> hey, hey, hrks o, the n r a has got to go. >> days away from celebrating her birthday, her life stripped away in seconds. >> this student movement converging on florida state capital is a blend of hope, rage and idealism, their aim they say to demand more from lawmakers than thoughts and prayers. >> we want to make changes so no other school or student has to experience what we experienced this past week. >> it was a week ago today when one of the worst shooting took place in marjory stoneman douglas high school in parkland,florida. >> i'm 12 sikosick to my stomac >> hiding in classrooms and unedited video shared widely on social media. >> we stared down the barrel of an ar-15 our zach efliselves sot need to tell us we don't know what we're talking about. >> students took out on a six hour drive driven by grieve and shared mission to turn their trajectogedy can turn into poli action. >> we start at the state level and hope to start national movement. >> this time it's never again. >> but before this group of students arrived, state lawmakers voted along party lines against even considering a ban on semi automatic rifle. >> opposed. so motion is not adopted. >> some students in the gallie for the vote reacting with tears. legislative becoming the norm on more than 150,000 students experiencing school shooting since cullum bine in 1999. many believed gun debate was over in 2012 when 20 students were gunned down in connecticut. >> together we are gathering to help end mass shootings. >> but after months after sandy hook federal efforts to ban automatic life rifles and ban background checks were defeated. >> momentums ago senate decided it wasn't worth it. >> this time these students say it will be different because they're the ones leading the charge. >> we're fighting for you guys. for the friends we lost. >> starting today at their state's capital. >> this is hard but people will say yes you experienced something horrible but doesn't necessarily make you experts in gun policy. >> we sat in classroom, lock in closets, not knowing if we were going to be okay. maybe we're not experts on the politics but definitely know the impacts it has on everyone's lives. >> you have critics, people who say you're pawns of the liberals how do you respond to that? >> this is all pure from our hearts and minds, the emotions and thoughts we have as students. we're very capable individual who's want to share our thoughts with the world. >> their optimism pal able. >> i think we're ready. >> after a quick breakfast took off marching to the state capital building. >> sound liekz you're going to have some people to convince. >> going to meet some interesting people. i'm glad i'm going to be able to talk with them. >> once inside the kids bounced from one hoffice to another. >> this is why we're here to make sure something does change. >> taking aim at topics such as n r a funding, mental health screening and semi automatic rifles such as ar-15. >> hide laich to have the conversation and i think we're committed to look at everything. >> never again! >> all of the kids from parkland making rounds inside the kacapil there's a large rally outside. >> shame on you! >> across the country outpouring of students, young people taking to the streets. >> coming into teenage political activism. many are starting to vote. i registered to vote yesterday. any senator including the president i will work against them if they are working against me. [ cheers and applause ] >> we're going to do something about this horrible situation that's going on. >> in washington today the president sat listening to the horrific firsthand accounts of senseless violence. among the group andrew pollock whose 18-year-old daughter meadow was one of the 17 who were killed the marjory stoneman douglas high school last week, pollock standing with his sons behind him. >> we're here because my daughter has no voice. she was murdered last week. she was taken from us. shot nine times on the third floor. all the school shootings, doesn't make sense. fix it. should have been one school shooting and we should have fixed it. and i'm pissed! because my daughter i'm not gonna see again. >> samuel zite was texting with his brother a floor above as the gunman murdered one of their class mates. >> i turned 18 the day after woke up to the news that my best friend was gone. and i don't understand why i can still go in a store and buy a weapon of war. let's never let this happen again. please, please. >> meanwhile the threat of more school shootings ever present. since parkland alleged threats have been investigated in west virginia,maryland, seattle and just today in southern california where authorities found two ar-15s handguns and 90 high capacity magazines in a student's home. back in tallahassee the parkland students challenged their lawmakers with tough questions. >> are you willing to actually act on anything, yes or no, and also do you think you will actually push for policy yourself or just agree with it if it's convenient to you. >> by mid-day their initial optimism curdled into frustration as they kplain kblained excomplained about answered. >> i don't know if i have faith what i saw is discouraging. >> we want gun laws so you can't walk into a building with $130 and walk out with an ar-15. >> check out what happened with republic senator of jacksonville. >> what's your thoughts on the weapons like ar-15. >> it's a head scratcher where we are. so it's gonna be a debate. i've always defended people's right to defend themselves. >> an ar-1ar-15. >> i haven't got specific gsz. >> students still pushing for anything as they walk out the door. >> we are hurting and don't want to see any others to hurt as much as we are. >> we don't either. thank you. hang in there. >> are you generally considered pro-gun. >> the senator didn't want to answer questions from us either. >> i got to go, trying to think -- i hate to run. >> you guys asked him repeatedly exar-15 about ar-15s. do you feel he gave you an answer? >> he did not answer our question. >> they've all just told us their condolences. >> despite their disappointment these kids and their friends say this will not be the last time they rally for action. they vow to make this trip to their state capital again and to attend a march on the nation's capital next month. for now these students are returning home to these empty classrooms, refusing to be silenced by gun violence. >> our thanks to dan. next, widow of "black hole sun" rocker chris cornell opening up about the secret struggle he's blaming for his suicide. ♪ black hole sun won't you come ♪ ♪ won't you come ♪ won't you come ♪ ♪ but my pain is real. fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i'm glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. for some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. and improves function. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who've had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can do more with my family talk to your doctor today. see if lyrica can help. yep, and my teeth are yellow. i mean i knew they weren't perfect, but, ugh. oh well, all hope is lost! oh thanks! clearly my whitening toothpaste is not cutting it. time for whitestrips. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. they work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. hey, nice smile! thanks! i crushed the tissue test! yeah you did! crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. i knew at that exact moment ... i'm beating this. my main focus was to find a team of doctors. it's not just picking a surgeon, it's picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. visit of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. every great why more and more student debt is keeping people from doing what they love. 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it's not. >> people don't recognize it as a disease. and i was -- i feel guilty of the same thing. >> what is your message about addiction to help people better understand. >> i think that there's so much stigma around addiction and i think it's time that we -- we get away from that and my husband was the furthest thing from a rock star junkie. he just wasn't. he was the best husband, greatest father, i lost my soul mate and love of my life. >> for "nightline," i'm robin roberts in new york. ♪ and next, remembering the reverend billy graham. >> announcer: abc news "nightline" brought to you by -- ght to you by -- ♪ we the people... are defined by the things we share. and the ones we love. who never stop wondering what we'll do or where we'll go next. we the people who are better together than we are alone... are unstoppable. welcome to the entirely new expedition. feel the power of thenew power...smax. fight back theraflu's powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms... fast. so you can play on. theraflu expressmax. new power. thisat red lobsterest. with exciting new dishes like dueling lobster tails and lobster truffle mac & cheese. classics like lobster lover's dream are here too. so enjoy these 10 lobsterlicious dishes while you can because lobsterfest won't last. a heart transplant... that's a whole different ballgame. i was in shock. i am very proud of the development of drugs that can prevent the rejection and prevent the recurrence of the original disease. i never felt i was going to die. we know so much about transplantation. and we're living longer. you cannot help but be inspired by the opportunities that a transplant would offer. my donor's mom says "you were meant to carry his story". ♪ finally tonight, many presidents pay tribute to reverend billy graham today. who died at 99. america's pastor prayed one-on-one with presidents dating back to harry truman just as comfortable praying to huge crowds as widest known evangelicelist in history. >> what do you hope they'll say. >> i want to hear one person say something nice about me that's the lord when i face him, i want him to say to me, well done my good and faithful servant. but i'm not sure i'm going to hear it but that's what i'd like to hear. >> it was billy graham who said there's only two kinds of preachers those who build you up, those who tear you down, he was a build you up kpieind of preacher. thank you for watching "nightline" and as always we're on "nightline" facebook. thanks for the company america. good night. >> i have a feeling i may be giving away a lot of money today, because we've got some kids backstage with high iqs and high hopes of walking out of here with $1 million. it's whiz kids week on "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ hey, everybody welcome to the show. you guys ready to go today? [cheers and applause] well, from elk grove village, illinois, please welcome back my friend here, genevieve wulf. hey, genevieve. >> what's up? >> can i ask you something? do you ever not smile? like, do you ever wake up grumpy or in a bad mood? 'cause since i've known you, you've just had this huge smile on your face. it's infectious. i like it. and maybe you're smiling because you have $10,000 in the bank. >> probably it, yeah. >> that would make me smile too. you're literally in the middle of a great game. seven questions in. seven more questions to get to that $1 million. and you still have two lifelines. and right away, a chance to double your money today. so let's do it. with that smile, let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ all right, good luck. $20,000 is where we start today. declaring the intelligent creatures to be "non-human persons," in 2013 india banned keeping members of what biological order in captit

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