Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20

Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20170715

>> two people trapped inside dragged along the tracks. the praise for a quick-thinking officer this morning. >> i'm just grateful the police officer was that much on the job. and caught on camera, massive sinkhole. houses crumble. houses swallowed up when a giant crater opens up in florida. one family rushing to safety moments before the ground gave way. the concerns this morning about what could happen next. hey, good morning. president trump is waking up stateside this morning spending the weekend at his golf club in bedminster, new jersey. there he is overnight making an appearance alongside his son eric at the u.s. women's open which is under way at bedminster itself. >> and the president tweeted that he will be right back there today watching the ladies play golf on the links. and much more coming up on the latest questions on russia and health care, but we're going to start with the breaking news out of hawaii this morning. a deadly fire in a high-rise building not far from legendary waikiki beach in honolulu. >> this coming weeks after that lethal inferno in london that claimed about 80 lives. horrifying images such as these broadcast around the world and this morning in hawaii, big questions about what started the fire and why there were no sprinklers in that building. >> and there are also stories of survival that are pouring in this morning. we're going to be speaking with the mayor of honolulu but we start with marci gonzalez with the latest from our los angeles bureau. marci, good morning to you. >> reporter: paula and dan, good morning. this morning some parts of that building are still smoldering. firefighters putting out flames that rekindled and doing sweeps of that massive building with more than 500 apartments making sure there are no other victims. overnight at least three people killed in this five-alarm apartment fire in honolulu, just ten minutes from waikiki beach. >> the next thing we know, the smoke just billows out. windows are being broken. glass is flying all over. >> wow, you guys, this is crazy. >> reporter: the fire breaking out on the 26th floor of the marco polo building and spreading. residents watching as it engulfed their homes. >> and then it jumped to the 27th floor and then it jumped to the 28th floor and that's when i said i'm out of here. >> reporter: more than 100 firefighters on scene evacuating some residents and instructing others to shelter in place. >> the stairwell was so full of smoke, you couldn't breathe, you couldn't see. even the fireman got down on his hands and knees and was huffing and puffing. >> reporter: 12 people injured. 4 including 1 firefighter transported to nearby hospitals in serious condition. >> and i heard three or four women's voices screaming, constant screaming, just screaming. i mean, it was terrifying. >> reporter: this fire similar to the deadly inferno that consumed grenfell tower in london a month ago killing about 80 people. >> i think we were all feeling nervous, worried, concerned. a little freaked out. >> reporter: investigators say this high-rise in honolulu did not have sprinklers since building codes didn't require them when it was built in 1971. and the fire chief saying had there been sprinklers, the flames likely would have been contained to just one apartment. we reached out to the owners of the building, but they are not commenting. investigators this morning are still trying to figure out what caused the fire. dan. >> so many questions, marci, thank you. just moments ago i spoke with the mayor of honolulu, kirk caldwell. mayor caldwell, thank you very much for joining us this morning. let's start with the sprinkler issue. so much concern about the lack of sprinklers in this building. are there other large buildings in your city that also lack sprinklers, and what can you do about this? >> yes, dan, there are. any building that was built prior to 1971 did not have a sprinkler system. if it was a high-rise, it was not mandated under our building code. buildings since then do have sprinklers and so the debate that's been going on for awhile is whether there be a law that should be passed mandating older buildings actually put a sprinkler system in it. i think of a fire like this, it's going to add new incentive to look at going back and passing a law requiring that the older buildings be retrofitted. >> let me ask you about the investigation. what is the latest on the investigation into what caused this fire this morning? >> we have investigators in the building now on the 26th floor where the three people passed away. they're removing the bodies from that floor and bringing them down to the ground level to conduct a further examination. as of this date they don't know what the cause of the fire was. they don't see any indication of foul play, but they'll be looking at that also. but they have rendered three of the floors totally unoccupiable either due to fire damage, water damage or smoke damage. >> well, that leads to exactly what i wanted to ask you about. the people who survived but now are homeless at least temporarily. how are they being taken care of? >> so, they are just down the street in a private school, and about 50 residents are in that gym tonight. >> mayor kirk caldwell, we really appreciate you joining us on what is a difficult day for your city and for you. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> as he said, this debate over retrofitting these older buildings with sprinklers is going to heat up. >> and it's sad that it takes a tragedy for everybody to take another look at that legislation. we want to move to politics and president trump returning to the u.s. from france. he gave a very lengthy handshake to french president emmanuel macron. 28 seconds, by the way, calling the u.s./france alliance stronger than ever. they're still shaking hands this morning. >> he doesn't want to let go. an unusual alliance there. the president back home at his estate in new jersey dealing with new questions about his son's meeting with that russian attorney. we're now learning about a growing list of other people who were also in that room. >> meantime, vice president mike pence is meeting with governors around the country promoting the senate's revised health care bill, which appears to be hanging by a thread right now, abc's david wright is this bedminster, new jersey, this morning. david, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, paula and dan. you know, the president is hope for a triumphant weekend here in bedminster, fresh from that trip to france. he arrives back just in time for some of the best golfers in the world to play at his club, the u.s. open women's tournament. but his administration is bogged down in the rough over the russia investigation. as the president stepped off air force one from paris and returned to his clubhouse in new jersey, his presence in bedminster isn't the only thing that threatens to upstage the golf. new questions are mounting over his son don junior's meeting last year with russians. >> my son is a wonderful young man. he took a meeting with a russian lawyer, not a government lawyer, but a russian lawyer. >> reporter: but it turns out it wasn't just that one russian lawyer, natalia veselnitskaya, that don junior and other top campaign aides met with. >> i'm more than happy to be transparent about it and i'm more than happy to cooperate with everyone. >> as far as you know this is all of it. >> this is everything. >> reporter: despite that pledge of transparency, we've seen learned that the meeting included this man, rinat akhmetshin, a russian-american lobbyist once accused of being a soviet counterintelligence officer but who insisted to the associated press he was not trained as a spy. he and a translator sitting down at that meeting with don junior, son-in-law jared kushner and campaign chair paul manafort as well as veselnitskaya. akhmetshin denies having any ties to russian intelligence. he and veselnitskaya both insist they were not doing the kremlin's bidding. but the growing list of attendees will certainly be of interest to the various investigators looking into any and all interactions between the trump campaign and russian interests. former campaign adviser michael caputo testified friday before the house intelligence committee. >> i had no contact with russians, and i never heard of anyone in the trump campaign talking with russians. i never heard the word russia and we did not use russian dressing. >> reporter: it is the changing story as much as anything that raises some serious red flags and that's one big reason why lawmakers on capitol hill want don junior to come and testify. dan, paula. >> that would be quite a moment. all right, david, thank you for your reporting from new jersey this morning. we want to check in with abc political guru and consultant matthew dowd who joins us from austin, texas. good morning, matt. >> good morning. >> so, you know, russia -- >> he's just taking in the word guru. >> i am taking in the word and i'm also anything of all those analogies used on the golf thing in the previous thing. that was very good. >> beautiful. >> beautiful. >> let's see if you can top that. >> yep. >> we believe in you. you can top that, matt, so let's go back to russia. it continues to be a slow drip and it's infuriating the president and saw don junior this week releasing those e-mails in a move of transparency but how much different do you think things could be if the administration were able to just get in front of this story? >> well, it was transparency at the point of a "new york times" gun. you know, they obviously had the stuff and it was forced to be transparent. this is a series of to use an analogy like "mission: impossible" meets "rocky and bull winkle." unbelievable the number of unforced errors and almost like they read a book about bad ideas. and communications strategy. it's every single thing they've done has caused this situation to be worse, and i think it's only going to continue to unravel in the days and weeks ahead. >> let's talk about the other major issue facing the president. there's this huge push on as you know to pass the revised health care bill in the senate. already two republican senators who have said, no, they're not going to support it. they cannot afford to lose anybody else. so in sum what are the odds of this thing actually passing? >> i think they're low. they're exceedingly low. the meetings they've had with the governors, the only way to get it across the finish line if a series of governors stood up and said we need to have this done but i would predict one thing, if one more person goes then ten people will go. as soon as they cross the line and there's enough senators to say we're not doing this, i think you'll see a whole bunch of other senators follow suit quickly thereafter. >> matt dowd, our guru. thank you very much. next time we expect to see you in robes. we appreciate it. >> thank you. take care. we move on to extraordinary moments captured on a police officer's body cam. >> you're going to see the startling video in a moment. a car wedged under a train after a horrific accident made worse when that train inexplicably begins moving again with that car still attached. here's abc's kenneth moton. >> reporter: stunning video, the heroic and incredible actions of a police officer in lamar, texas, captured on his body camera. >> while at least one inside trapped. >> reporter: this suv slammed into this stopped freight train friday morning near galveston. the two people inside trapped. the vehicle wedged. the officer on the tracks on his hands and knees desperately trying to reach the injured couple. >> i know, i know, buddy. hold on. we got medics going. >> reporter: suddenly -- >> what the [ bleep ]. tell him to stop. stop the train! >> reporter: the train starts to move. >> call the railroad company. tell them to stop moving. they're dragging this car with people inside. >> reporter: the engineer unaware of the extra cargo or the rescue efforts drags the wreckage. the officer screaming working to get the attention of the train's operator while trying to calm the driver. >> hold tight, man. we're getting them to stop. we're getting them to stop. >> reporter: 100 yards later, finally the train stops. the father of the 22-year-old passenger says his daughter is lucky to be alive. >> i'm just grateful the police officer was that much on the job. it's a father's nightmare. >> stop the train. >> reporter: for "good morning america," kenneth moton, abc news, dallas. >> incredible that girl survived. turing now to another surreal scene, this one in florida. a growing sinkhole swallowed two homes, and now other homes are in jeopardy this morning. >> those two homes you mentioned are completely gone and nobody knows what's going to happen next and abc's victor oquendo has the latest. >> reporter: breathtaking video capturing the frightening moments as this florida home collapses into a sinkhole. >> it was really scary, those noises are incredible that you hear like crashing and booming, just to see like the devastation happening. it's unreal. >> reporter: and another home sinking. listen to the walls cracking to the ground. the sinkhole expanding across the street to about 225 feet wide and 50 feet deep engulfing two homes outside tampa. >> there's a sinkhole right next to our neighbor's house, and it's literally eating the house like completely. >> reporter: nine neighborhood families evacuated. one family getting out moments before the ground gave way. >> it was so emotional. i started crying and everything and then but we got the dogs out and we couldn't save anything else. >> reporter: families grabbing what they could as the earth crumbles. >> right now we're on an egg shell feeling. we're all wondering what's going to happen next. we can't control this. all i can say is keep praying. there's a lot of people that are anxious right now. >> reporter: officials kept a close watch overnight and they say the sinkhole has not moved in the last 14 hours. as for those people who evacuated, they might not be able to get back in their homes until late next week. dan, paula. >> incredible just to see the earth eat those homes, and, victor, we do want to say welcome to the abc news family. this is your first time joining us on "weekend gma" so welcome to the club. >> reporter: thank you. i appreciate it. >> i had a chance to meet him the other day. great guy. >> yeah. thank you, victor. a lot of other news and %-pe kick it over to another great guy, ron claiborne. what's happening? >> dan, good morning to you and paula, adrienne, robert. we begin in afghanistan where the pentagon is saying that u.s. forces have killed the leader or emir of that country's branch of isis known as isis-k. u.s. defense secretary james mattis calling the death t home oklahoma, betty shelby, the white police officer accused of the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man last year has resigned from the police force. shelby had been placed on desk duty since returning to work and she was acquitted of manslaughter charges in may. tulsa police have been conducting an internal investigation into the shooting but say the investigation is now over now that the officer has left the force. ind brazil an appellate court dismissed charges against u.s. olympic swimmer ryan lochte. lochte was accused of falsely reporting a crime to police in brazil during last year's rio games after he and three other u.s. swimmers claim they were robbed at gunpoint. they were caught on camera van vandalizing a gas station. he says later, he quote, overexaggerated. fiat is recalling more than 1.3 million vehicles around the world. they're actually two recalls. the first involving vehicles' alternators which could catch fire in several models of the chrysler 300, dodge challenger durango and jeep cherokee and another is a wiring problem that could cause the driver's side air bag to inflate in dodge journeys from 2011 to 2015 models. this from michigan near ann arbor, a home surveillance camera capturing a stolen car barrel nothing a tree. you see it there running over the front lawn of the house in pitsfield township. at least four people were spotted crawling away from the wreckage and running away. the suspects, they are still being sought in michigan. and finally, president bill clinton, former president bill clinton gets caught peeking between the bushes literally. check this out. you see him poking his head out there between two statues. those are not the actual presidents, george w. bush -- >> thank you for clarifying that, ron. >> for accuracy and george h.w. bush during a visit to the george w. bush presidential center near dallas, texas. clinton's presidency, of course, sandwiched like you see him there between the two bushes. kind of cool. >> tells you a lot about american politics, because there was so much -- if you go back to that original campaign between clinton and george h.w. bush and a lot of animosity but they became friends. >> so nice to see considering the tone and tenor of politics these days. they have a genuine warm relationship. almost as warm as ours. >> almost, not quite. >> and almost as warm as the weather. not as warm as the weather. >> nice transi we had 3 to 4 inches of rain falling in ocean city, maryland that caused street flooding. in the nation's capitol, 60-mile an hour. drier air moving into the northeast. wisconsin had a rough week with flooding, most of the rivers cresting today. severe weather this afternoon damaging wind and trrn or two, and -- tornado or two, pop-up thunderstorms across the southeast. here's the local forecast. >> reporter: good morning everyone, i'm meteorologist chris sowers with this accuweather update. the heavy weather we saw yesterday evening is long gone. going outside the platt bridge, left with clouds and high humidity levels, take a look at the dewpoints behind me. it's very oppressive outside once again. with dewpoints ranging anywhere from 70 to 75 very oppressive stuff. area wide we're not doing good in the humidity department. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, today about 87. random. >> lawn darts. >> lawn darts. >> summertime sports. i love it. >> all of you are into sports and i know a lot of people are watching some of the biggest stars in tennis. don't call it a comeback for venus williams competing in her 20th wimbledon. it's her first wimbledon final since 2009 all while that car crash is still in her rearview mirror. this morning venus williams could be on the brink of a major victory. at 37, williams is the oldest wimbledon finalist since martina navratilova in 1994. if she wins today, she would become the oldest women's grand slam winner in the open era and surpass her sister serena who currently holds that record. >> winning never gets old at any stage in your career ever, ever. >> reporter: while serving up some high-stakes tennis, her play has been partially eclipsed by the even higher-stakes legal battle involving the deadly car accident last month that killed 78-year-old jerome barson and injured his wife linda. police who are still investigating the accident found williams was lawfully in the intersection and have not issued any charges. composure on the court and stay in the groove. >> none of us would know what it's really like to try to compete at this level while having that incident hang over them. but we have seen incidents in which athletes have had tragedy happen in their lives and they've been able to compartmentalize that and compete. >> her sister serena, of course, expecting her first child. >> serena says it's killing her not to be there but more nerve-racking to watch than actually play. >> oh, absolutely. >> can you imagine? >> they're naturals on the court. i don't know about being naturals in the stand. evidently naturals on the court. >> also i noticed the l.l. cool j shoutout with -- >> don't call it a comeback. >> we went there. catch venus in action 9:00 a.m. eastern on espn and the men's final tomorrow at 9:00 also on espn, marin cilic and roger federer will be playing. coming up on "gma," adrienne is going to rap "pop news" at the end of the show. also coming up, the two cousins, and this is a horrifying story, these two cousins are charged in the connection with the murders of four young men in pennsylvania. what police are saying what grew the victims to that remote farm. . also we're taking you inside the d23 expo with a sneak peek at what stars like kristen bell and josh gad are saying about "frozen 2." i don't think they can let a sequel go, can they? 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week long, chance of thunderstorms all week. another heat wave starting wednesday. >> thank you for the update. we're back at 9:00 a.m., now back to "good morning america." make it a great day. welcome back to "gma" on a saturday morning. happening right now, the fatal fire. at least three people killed overnight as flames tore through a residential high-rise building near waikiki. beach in hawaii. more than 100 firefighters on scene evacuating some people. instructing others to shelter in place. the building did not have sprinklers because it was built before sprinklers were required. >> also right now behind bars, a bank robber wanted by the fbi dubbed the american league bandit because of the baseball caps that he wore has been captured. the bureau not releasing his identity or the details of his capture. he was wanted for at least 12 bank heists or attempted robberies in maryland and virginia between november and june. >> so he went from the yankees to the red sox there if i can see correctly. >> apparently it's all the american league. >> he was traded. >> he was not traded. and back at work, president jimmy carter making an appearance at the final day of a mission to build and repair as many as 100 homes in canada after spending the night in the hospital where he was treated for dehydration. the 92-year-old has worked on more than 4,000 homes for habitat for humanity. he showed back up to work a smile on his face and he and his wife are thanking everyone for their outpouring of support after that scare. >> amazing guy. so resilient. now to the major new development in the murders of four young men whose bodies were found on a farm in pennsylvania. >> a second man has been charged as details of the gruesome murders emerge. abc's eva pilgrim who has been on the story from the beginning joins us now from bucks county, pennsylvania. eva, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. two men behind bars, cosmo dinardo accused of murdering those four young men missing for over a week. authorities say he got his cousin to help. new details in the slayings of four pennsylvania men. prosecutors now saying the man charged with their murders, live 0 20-year-old cosmo dinardo, lured them to his family farm, and he didn't act alone. his cousin, sean kratz, now also behind bars. >> we did find three of those young men buried deep within the ground under an old oil tank. >> reporter: dean finocchiaro, tom meo, mark sturgis and jimi patrick were missing for over a week. authorities laying out a twisted time line of events. they say on july 5th, jimi patrick came to dinardo's property to buy marijuana walking to a remote part of the sprawling farm. dinardo murdering patrick with a .22-caliber rifle burying him in a six-foot hole. two days later they say dean finocchiaro meets him on the property for another this time bringing along 20-year-old sean kratz. the group walks to this barn where finocchiaro is allegedly shot in the head. later that day, they say dinardo and kratz meet tom meo and mark sturgis at the property shooting them both in the back. a neighbor hearing the gunfire. >> it was literally almost like somebody was hunting people down. >> reporter: prosecutors say the pair tried to burn the bodies in a large metal tank but ultimately decided to dig a deep grave using a backhoe to bury them in a 12-foot hole. >> i'm sorry. >> reporter: dinardo who has a history of mental illness apologizing to cameras. prosecutors saying he confessed under the promise he wouldn't face the death penalty. as part of that deal, they say dinardo gave them details of what happened, revealing the location of jimi patrick's body which was buried a half mile away from the other three. prosecutors say they still don't have a motive and may never know. both of these men are due back in court on these charges at the end of the month. guys. >> that is just mystifying and horrifying, eva. thank you very much. time to check the weather yet again. we'll start out west where heat advisories and red-flag warnings have been posted again. santa barber battling a fire for a week. today will be hot even tomorrow warm. phoenix getting into the 90s for the first time since spring, monday and tuesday, that will feel goo will pop up with thehe. >> reporter: good morning, everyone, i'm meteorologist chris sowers, temperatures on the west lowering, temperatures on the east coast will be arriving. heat monday, 90 degrees. >> thank you for that. news you can use on a saturday morning. coming up on "gma," brides across the country, morning justifiably, their dream dresses locked away after a popular bridal store chain suddenly shut its doors. >> that will turn any bride into a bridezilla. and it is these everybody, that are shocking wildlife experts. the images never seen before in the wild depicting the depth of a mother's instinct. it's coming up this morning. >> leopard and a lion? >> yeah. d one of us used up all the sunscreen! i wonder who... . we're 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chain goes out of business closing doors with their wedding dressed locked inside. here's abc's stephanie ramos. >> i have a wedding in six weeks. >> reporter: brides across the country are out of luck after their bridal shops go out of business. >> we want our dresses. >> reporter: finding the bridal shops where they ordered their gowns and bridesmaids dresses with the doors locked. all of the more than 60 alfred angelo locations nationwide suddenly closed. >> i told them, i don't know if this is going to happen without the dresses. what am i going to walk down the aisle with? >> reporter: some customers getting last-minute phone calls. >> we need you to come in and being that tomorrow we will no longer be open, pick it up today. >> reporter: others rushing in before the stores shut down. >> my dress. >> i'm going! >> it is ridiculous. >> reporter: only to walk out empty-handed with no explanation and no refund. >> they told us basically that there's nothing that they can do. we have to call the attorney and hope for the best. >> reporter: customers are being told to e-mail the bridal shop's attorney for answers. that attorney confirming to abc news after 80 years in the business, alfred angelo filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy friday telling us, management would have preferred to wind down the company in a more orderly fashion. for "good morning america," stephanie ramos, abc news, new york. it's like the most important thing to a bride on her wedding day is the dress. i can't imagine. >> it's crazy. >> as if getting married isn't stressful enough. >> it's crazy. >> it gives me anxiety just thinking about it. >> oh, my goodness. >> i hope everything works out for them. coming up on "gma," getting up and close and personal with disney princesses at the d23 expo, plus, lots more on some highly anticipated movies coming up here on "gma." 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[ singing in spanish] >> now i see why you're intimidated by a 12-year-old. that was amazing. >> thanks. >> reporter: what a voice on that kid. i want you to meet some of those super fans here. some of these people like these two were here since 9:00 a.m. just to catch a glimpse of this panel later today which will reveal new secrets and details about the latest installment of "star wars: the last jedi," and today -- i don't want to make you jealous -- but we get to sit down with the cast and crew of not only "the avengers," "star wars" and bring that to you, dan and paula. later today. i'm sorry, folks. >> he dangled a carrot in front of everybody. >> i'm going to get lightsabered. lightsabered. >> it was great knowing you. it was great while it lasted, matt. >> thank you. >> thank you, matt. we'll be right back. more on the d23 expert. including the disney legends award. >> oh, whoopi. >> and rapping from adrienne. keep it here. keep it here. when it comes to reducing the sugar in your family's diet coke, dr. pepper, and pepsi hear you and we're working together to do just that. bringing you more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all. smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels, and reminders to think balance. because we know mom wants what's best. more beverage choices, smaller portions, less sugar. wowe run marathons... ...companies. ...solve problems. how? we eat. every. single. day. we don't doubt it. we own it. ♪ binders, done. super-cool notebooks, done. that's mom taking care of business. but who takes care of mom? office depot/office max. this week, get this ream of paper for just one cent after rewards. ♪ taking care of business. itthe power of nexium 24hr protection from frequent heartburn. all day, and all night. now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. new clearminis from nexium 24hr. see heartburn differently. we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don't want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that's not a chance we're willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we're getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you're pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can't wait. "good morning america" is brought to you by carfax. search millions of used cars. see prices based on a car's history. >> yeah. time for "pop news." adrienne. >> that's what's up. >> yo, adrienne. >> that's what's up >> what do you have? >> first whoopi goldberg can now add one more accolade to her long list of awards. egot, if you've never heard of that is an acronym for emmy, grammy, oscar and tony winner named a disney winner at the d23 wearing minnie mouse shoes opened up about her love for disney while taking on the honor saying she has adored the brand since she was a child. >> every sunday night came "the wonderful world of disney" and then during the week every day you had "the mickey mouse club". we grew up with disney being part of our lives. >> of course, you know her voice from movies like "toy story 3" and "the lion king." but the coolest thing is she said she was born the year the park opened and her mom would say one day i'll take you to disneyland. one day i'm going to take you guys. it turns out she took her mom so i love that part of the story. congrats to whoopi. >> whoopi is a disneyphile and when she goes to disney, she lights up. it is her specialty -- >> a lot of people do, thank goodness. it's the happiest place on earth. >> it is. it really is. >> it's magical. what's hotter than gal godot, the new princess of "wonder woman" fame having the new princess join with the original one, wonder woman, lynda carter. >> too much. >> she says she discussed a possible appearance in the upcoming sequel admitting the production team did try to get her in the first movie but timing got away, so the actress reveals she's open to the idea. >> oh, you got to do it. >> yeah, she better do it. it's lynda carter. so but it is all up to director patty jenkins who has talked about this for awhile now. when it comes to the remake of the tv show, carter said she had full trust in jenkins and godot before seeing the movie. i saw it twice in one week. >> on your recommendation i went to see it with my wife. i really enjoyed it. i like the feminist themes. >> and chris pine was hot too. >> chris pine was funny. >> yeah. he was funny and smart and perfect for the role. we just love "wonder woman." >> love -- >> call me, gal call me, gal. newly released photos from a united nations world heritage site revealing an unlikely pair. 5-year-old lioness fitted with a gps collar but she's nursing a leopard cub according to a new york-based conservation group, this kind of behavior in wildcats has never been documented before. wildlife experts saying the mom recently may have lost her own cubs. so just an interesting picture. >> ron said call me when she nurses a gila monster. that's what he said. >> well, that would be impressive. >> call me when that happens. okay? >> one more animal story for you, guys, as we move on from gila monsters. michael phelps is gearing up to raise a great white for shark week. how will he do it? we don't know. and neither does ryan lochte, the former olympic teammate saying he's not going to outrace the shark, dude. no way. no way. so we're hearing from ryan lochte again. we'll all have the chance to see what happens with phelps when the most decorated olympian goes up against an underwater beast july 23rd in a match discovery channel is calling the battle for ocean supremacy. >> all right. >> boom. >> great "pop news." that was awesome. >> as she nurses a gila monster. >> see you tomorrow. no gila monster. r. >> see you tomorrow. no gila monster. >> i'm gray hall, coming up next on "action news," saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. two cousins are charged in the gruesome death of four men in bucks county. three dominoes employees were locked in a freezer during an armed robbery. this morning the search is on for the suspects. those stories and the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast and whole lot more all next on "action news" saturday morning. >>jason: my dad taught me to play the piano when i was three. ever since, it's been my passion. going somewhere like the juilliard school seemed impossible. now, i am able to dream bigger. >>joe: hi. this is pennsylvania state treasurer joe torsella. our state treasury is proud to offer the pa able program, a savings plan for people with disabilities, including jason. open a pa able account today by visiting our website at >>jason: start saving to dream bigger today. saturday, july 15 i'm gray hall. here's a look at the stories we're following for you on "action news." it's a story that has shocked our area. we're learning more about how four young men were killed in bucks county and the cousins charged in their deaths. a birthday celebration end in gunfire in the city's strawberry mansion section. plus, president trump is back home after his trip to france. else facing questions over his son's meeting with a russian lawyer. those stories, but first outside we go to chris sowers, it was a steamy start to the morning. >> reporter: it still is, gray, but you can see the breezes have picked up, that is helping things out just a bit. dewpoints these numbers are very, very high. remember in order to get into the comfort zone these numbers have to drop in the low 60s and upper 50s or lower. we're still at 77 in millville. look at dover, 78 that's one of the highest dewpoints in the entire country right now. wilmington, 74. philadelphia, 72. trenton

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