I see the slide. Why it all came down to a matter of seconds. Taking the lead, the indians beat the cubs on their home turf. Wrigleys first World Series Game in over 70 years. The run that made the difference. And super fan bill murrays bizarre seventh inning stretch. Take me out hey, good morning. And lets get right to the big story. That fresh bombshell tossed into an election thats already been wilder than any in recent memory. You want to talk about an october surprise, here it is. With only ten days to go and with roughly 18 million americans already voting, the fbi director says the agency has found new emails that may be relevant to the investigation into Hillary Clintons private server. Yeah, the fbi had already said they werent going to charge her, but then they started looking into disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of top clinton aide huma abedin. As part of that investigation they say they found new emails that, quote, appear to be pertinent. Now, the polls were already tightening. Our latest abc tracking poll shows clinton with just a twopoint lead before any of this news broke. Both candidates addressing the story overnight. Trump comparing it to watergate. We have Team Coverage this morning and we do kick things off with our chief justice correspondent Pierre Thomas who has the latest on the investigation. Good morning, pierre. Reporter good morning, paula. Today the fbi director finds himself in exactly the place he did not want to be, in the middle of a white hot president ial campaign. This morning as secretary clinton enters the final stretch of the campaign, a political nightmare. Newly discovered emails blindsiding her campaign. Abc news learning it all began inside the fbi thursday. The firestorm set in motion during a highly confidential briefing by fbi director james comey with senior agents. Agents came to comey telling him new emails had been discovered while investigating a sexting scandal involving clinton top aide huma abedins now estranged husband, former new york congressman Anthony Weiner. During that investigation, emails were found on a device shared by the couple. Weiner had been publicly disgraced during a series of sexting scandals captured in this documentary shocking his wife. Its like living a nightmare. Reporter and recently the fbi began investigating allegations that weiner had been sexting an underage teenager in north carolina. Comey decides further investigation is needed even though theres no evidence of wrongdoing by clinton. And the fbi director decides he has to tell congress. Writing in connection with an unrelated case the fbi learned of the existence of emails pertinent to the investigation. He goes on to say, they will determine whether they contain classified information. In an internal memo to fbi employees comey stresses, given than we dont know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails, i dont want to create a misleading impression and cautions that theres a significant risk of being misunderstood. Sources tell me the fbi director believes he had no choice but to notify congress. Otherwise, be accused of hiding new information he discovered just before election day. Dan. Paula and i have a lot of questions. First, is your sense that this is comey dotting his is and crossing his ts or is this decision as some republicans are saying an indication that the agency really must have found something significant . Reporter dan, im told they dont know what they have just yet. Picture this snare yore, fbi agents investigating Anthony Weiner in a sexting scandal. They seize devices hes been using and discover he shared those with his wife huma abedin that close clinton aide and find emails likely pointing to her communicating with secretary clinton. But they have to stop right there because their warrant only allows them to investigate weiner, so no one has looked through these emails possibly tied to clinton. In fairness it would not be unusual for abedin to be communicating with her boss but right now the fbi wants to know what they were communicating about. And, pierre, were talking about thousands of emails, but comey is under extreme pressure to release more information. Do you see that happening between now and election day, which is just ten days away . Unlikely but hes under incredible pressure. Youve got clinton and democrats demanding that he do so. The pressure is only going to intensify because theyre so close to the election. Weve never seen anything like this. Certainly havent. Pierre, thank you and when this news broke, Hillary Clinton was airborne. Her team was given no warning learning about it when they landed and Abcs Cecilia Vega was traveling with the Clinton Campaign at the time and joins us with the very latest and, cecilia, her campaign was completely shocked by the announcement. It is impossible to describe just how surreal this was. Clinton, her team and the press corps covering her all in the air with no wifi as this huge news was breaking. Just before this happened, aides had been talking about how good they were feeling about the state of this race. They did not see this coming. It is the october surprise no one expected. The American People deserve to get the full and complete facts immediately. Reporter Hillary Clinton trying to get on the offensive in this bombshell that has rocked her campaign demanding the fbi release more information. The director himself has said he doesnt know whether the emails referenced in his letter are significant or not. Therefore, its imperative that the bureau explain this issue in question, whatever it is, without any delay. Reporter clintons team caught completely off guard by the news. It started out as a regular day on the campaign trail when clinton boarded her plane bound for iowa. On board, clinton chatting with her top aides including huma abedin. On the ground below, chaos unfolding. We just got off the flight. There was no wifi on board all the way from new york to iowa. No one had any idea what was happening while we were in the air. Staffers were completely shocked. Not a mention from clinton 4 during her two rallies. Instead this go to stump speech line taking on new meaning. Donald trump says he can still win and, you know, hes right. Anything can happen in an election. Reporter this morning, her campaign facing yet another controversy. What would you say to a voter who right now will be seeing you and hearing what youre saying saying, i didnt trust her before. I dont trust her any more right now. You know, i think people a long time ago made up their minds about the emails. I think thats factored into what people think and now theyre choosing a president. Reporter they sure are. Clintons team says they have no idea whats in the new emails though clinton says she is confident that whatever is in them will not change the fbis decision to not file charges, but, look, her team is gearing up for a fight. Right now they are outraged, guys, about the timing of this, a bombshell this close to election. A bombshell, indeed. Thank you very much, cecilia. Donald trump, meanwhile, and his team clearly reveling in this latest plot twist. Trump was out on the stump overnight in iowa and mary bruce is covering that. Mary, good morning to you. Reporter good morning. Well, hes been down in the polls and plagued by controversies for weeks but now donald trump is catching a much needed break, and he is running with it hoping this renewed investigation into clintons emails will tilt the election in his favor. [ chanting lock her up ] reporter a reenergized donald trump taking the stage in iowa overnight. The fbi after discovering new emails is reopening their investigation into Hillary Clinton. Reporter at rally after rally trump is relishing clintons october surprise. This is bigger than watergate. The American People fully understand her corruption. Justice at last can be delivered. Reporter for months trump has slammed the fbi for not recommending charges against clinton. Even yesterday. The fbi rolled over. When i say the system is rigged, part of what i mean is the fact that she shouldnt even be allowed to run. Reporter but hours later a change in tune. It might not be as rigged as i thought, right . Right . Very proud that the fbi was willing to do this actually. Really. Very proud. Reporter now trump is hoping this will be a turning point. And so are many republicans. The party is welcoming this new line of attack as republican candidates make their closing arguments to voters. Dan and paula. All right, to be continued. Mary, thank you. We want to bring in abc chief White House Correspondent jon karl. Jon, good morning to you. Thanks for joining us and, jon, we are ten days out. Can you believe it . 18 Million People have voted. Does this shake up the race or have people already made up their minds . Donald trump famously said during the primaries that there are people that would vote for him even if he shot somebody on fifth avenue. Right now there are Hillary Clinton supporters who against donald trump would vote for her even if comey did lock her up. I mean, this race is very much set. You have very few undecided voters left. I think one thing that this does, though, is it puts a little bit of a bounce in Donald Trumps step. You saw that, you saw in our tracking poll, even before this news broke, republicans starting to get a little bit more enthusiastic about the race. Starting to become more likely to vote, that is what is behind the narrowing. It isnt that she has come down or really that he has gone up in terms of support. Its that his supporters are now more likely to go to the polls. This will energize them a little bit more, and i imagine will tighten the race a bit. So, how does it change the strategy Going Forward . Clinton was going to campaign in arizona this weekend, a traditionally red state. Is this kind of a reset button where shes going to have to retrench her base . Well, she did something very different last night, dan, which is the news broke, and she held a mini press conference. I mean, usually the clinton strategy, the clinton method would be to discuss this over several days, to go back and forth and to obstruct. She came right out, addressed these questions. I think in terms of their statebystate strategy, you will not see much of a change. There are only ten days left. As paula pointed out nearly 20 Million People have already voted. They see real opportunities in some traditional red states that are still there. Not just arizona but also georgia. Theyre even dabbling in texas. I think it is the very little will change in terms of the actual strategy of this campaign. Jon karl, we always very much appreciate your analysis. Thanks for coming in on a saturday morning. Thanks, jon. Lets move now to political analyst bill kristol and abcs Cokie Roberts joining us this morning. Thanks to both of you. Guys, cokie, ill let you go first and then, bill, you can jump in. The term, october surprises, we hear it a lot. You guys have covered quite a few campaigns. Have you ever seen an october surprise like this . No, its surprise after surprise. And weve still got ten days to go. Who knows what will happen in the next ten days. And thats kind of what youre hearing out of the democrats. Something else some other shoe might still drop. But this is remarkable. The polls were very close. Our latest tracking poll as you saw is within the margin of error and donald trump clearly thinks that this is a big plus for him. He put 10 million into the campaign his own campaign yesterday when he has been hesitant to put his own money in even though he says hes going to do it, so i think this is a much bigger shakeup than some of my colleagues do. Bill. Yeah, i tend to agree with cokie. You know, there was a surprise in 92. I was in the Bush Quayle White house and i was bushs chief of staff and Lawrence Walsh indicted former secretary of defense Caspar Weinberger on the friday before tuesday so five days out, four days out. Wow. We were outraged and i still am outraged about that. I dont know that we would we were coming back a bit. We probably would have fallen short anyway. These things it reminded me of that when i heard the news yesterday. Heres what i think, jim comey has the entire fbi at his disposal. All this talk about how this is going to take weeks to find out if what appears to be pertinent really is important or not. Thats ridiculous. I mean, i could go through 5,000 emails this weekend, right, and he has a lot of agents who are pretty experienced at this. He needs to report on monday or tuesday are we dealing with something serious and significant that would change his judgment from a few months ago or are these more emails, the same kind of thing, carelessness, i suspect, but nothing that fundamentally changes it. The notion well sit here and not know more ten days from now i think is unacceptable and so i assume comey wouldnt have made this statement yesterday unless he intended to report something early next week. Yeah, bill and cokie, jump in. Although he says go ahead, cokie. He says thats not the case, and there is theres a lot of anger at him, of course, that he is covering his behind after republicans getting mad at him earlier this year when he said there wasnt reason to press charges against Hillary Clinton. So, you know, he doesnt win either way. And he has made people absolutely furious with him. But you know, think about this. This has all come from Anthony Weiner. How weird is that, right . Sending his yucky, horrible pictures of himself to women who then report it, and so it is just it could not be more tabloid. Live and you talk about Anthony Weiner, but the email story goes right to Hillary Clintons largest vulnerability and thats trust and now we possibly have emails as secretary of state on a computer of Anthony Weiner, the disgraced congressman so how badly does this hurt hillary . Well, i think it depends what they are. Its really ridiculous, honestly, that we have to sit here speculating about it. Just appears to be pertinent. He has the federal bureau of investigation at his disposal. Maybe Pierre Thomas is right. He needs to get a separate search warrant. How long does that take if youre the fbi director and how long does it take to go through and say, whoa, there seems to have been more distribution of classified material than we thought or basically it turns out there is some additional emails from huma abedin to Hillary Clinton or vice versa, but theres no big deal. Now, if these indianapolis dentally were emails that were work related that she didnt turn over when she was supposed to turn over all the work related macys, thats another question but these are not this is not Rocket Science and the fbi likes to say very, very complicated and need weeks, months. He should put every agent on this and i think he needs to tell the voters on monday or tuesday or wednesday of next week what his basic judgment is here, whether hes fundamentally changed his opinion of situation or not. He will be under pressure to do so, no question about it. Bill and cokie, thank you very much for joining us on a saturday morning. We appreciate it. We want to remind everybody, you can download the abc news app and get livestreaming breaking news reports from the campaign trail and stay with abc news for complete coverage on election day itself just ten days away. I cant believe it, and we will have more on the fbi investigation later in the hour. But now to the other big story. Those dramatic images on a chicago runway. A plane bursting into flames forcing its passengers to evacuate through emergency chutes, and abcs eva pilgrim is in chicago for us this morning with more. Hi, eva. Reporter good morning, paula. You can see that plane is still there. The runway shut down this morning after that plane caught fire just as it was about to take off. A ball of flames and a cloud of smoke engulfing the entire right side of this American Airlines 767. The engine suffering an uncontained failure just moments before taking off in chicago. Americans engine caught fire on 28 right on the rollout. Reporter inside the plane sheer panic. Chaos, 161 passengers on board. Mobbing the aisles trying to get out. I see the slide. Reporter pouring out the emergency exits down the slides. 20 seconds later we would have been up in the air. We would have been done. Reporter the massive fire all around them, everyone able to get off. 20 people injured. This could have been absolutely devastating if it happened later. Reporter officials first thought the plane blew a tire and had to abort. American now saying it was an enginerelated issue adding it is fully cooperating with the National Transportation safety board. The towering smoke visible from blocks away. The fire finally extinguished. You can see the damage. The entire right wing melted. And that plane will stay right there until the ntsb is finished with their on site investigation. Dan and paula. Harrowing story. Eva, thank you. Lets check the forecast now and get it over to dr. Rob marciano. How is it going, man . Stormy conditions out west. Want to start there and take you to central and northern central and Northern California it got rough with wind and rains, winds gusting over 40 miles per hour. We have two more storms rolling in across the pacific northwest. The third one will drop snow levels, 6,000 feet. We have winter storm warnings posted in the sierra nevadas. Were looking for heat to build across the southeastern participant of the country. Well talk about that in a little bit. Heres the local forecast check it out. Reporter good morning, everyone, im meteorologist chris sowers with this accuweather update. The heat arrives later today and tomorrow. Looking live at the commodor barry bridge. A few clouds out there this morning, its icy cold with a lot of the areas close to freezing, if not below. As we look at the exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast you can see how nicely well rebound this afternoon. 69 degrees in philadelphia. Tomorrow, 76. Cooler on halloween, slight breeze, high temperatures in the upper 50s. Trickortreat for t cubs last night. Well save it, okay. Yes. Coming up. Good morning, ron. Lets take a look at the other headlines. How are you doctor . We have two doctors on set today. We actually have dr. Faris here. Im not a doctor. No . Not even going to fake it. Good morning, everyone. Were going to begin in north dakota with the tense confrontation between protesters and police at the Dakota Access pipeline. More than 140 demonstrators have been arrested in violent clashes between those demonstrators and officers. Amnesty International Planning to send staff to monitor the situation there. Demonstrators say the construction of the pipeline will contaminate the water and disturb native american burial sites. For the first time the u. S. Supreme court will hear a case involving transgender rights. The justices agreeing to take up the appeal of a Virginia School board that wants to prevent a transgender Senior High School student from using the boys bathroom. That 17yearold was born female but identifies male. A lower court ruled in favor of that student. Chilling new video from inside a Washington State mall showing the gunman opening fire on his victims on a Security Camera footage from the september 23rd incident showing the 20yearold inside a macys store, weapon drawn, customers and employees running for cover. Five people were killed in that shooting. The gunman arrested. A new twist in the Sexual Assault case against bill cosby. His lawyers in court arguing that the actor is legally blind and, therefore, not impaired is too impaired to stand trial because hes unable to identify his accusers. Cosbys defense filing a motion in a pennsylvania courtroom. That is where he is going to face felony charges after an employee at Temple University accused him of Sexual Assault. And after more than two weeks of silence bob dylan says he will go to sweden in december to accept the nobel prize in literature, in his words, absolutely if its at all possible, whatever that means. Thats a hedge. How about that. The Swedish Academy after saying nothing or answering their calls, the 75yearold singer songwriter said that the news about the nobel prize left him, quote, speechless apparently literally. Finally, baseball as rob promised, the Cleveland Indians ruining the chicago cubs first world series home game since 1945. Clevelands coco crisp, youre going to see him shortly, breaking a scoreless tie in the seventh inning. There he is. The seventh inning pinch hit rbi single. Final, indians, 1, cubbies, 0. Cleveland leads 21. Game four tonight at sheffield and addison. You know where that is. In chicago. Dan, last week only one person here thought cleveland would win the world series. Its this guy. Best of seven, okay. Remember, the cubs were down 21 against the dodgers and came back. Im just saying. Always bet the same way ron does. Going with the indians too. Just because ron said so. Im with the cubs. Im with you. Coming up on gma, well take a closer look at the new twice into the investigation into Hillary Clintons emails and what part her top aid huma abedin and her estranged husband Anthony Weiner are playing in this. Well be right back. Good morning america is brought to you by state farm. Talk to an agent today at 800statefarm. What if an Insurance Company wasnt only there when things went wrong . Because for every tornado. Theres a twister. For every crash. An even bigger collision. And for every tailspin. Well, tailspins. State farm understands that getting the most out of life doesnt just mean being there when things go wrong. Its about being here. In all of lifes moments. When things go perfectly. Right. There is a world, like no other world. Where happiness can be found around every corner. Savory moments. And moments to savor. Filled to the brim with memories and wonder. Because here, the laughter has no limits. Here, the magic is endless. Fight heartburn fast. 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Serious allergic reactions can occur. Nows your chance at completely clear skin. Just ask your doctor about taltz. Republican party bosses looked to find Brian Fitzpatrick. Nearly three thousand miles cthats how far awayn. They handpicked him to run for his brothers seat. But all mike and Brian Fitzpatrick share is a name. Brian fitzpatrick supports a radical republican agenda, including defunding planned parenthood, just like donald trump. A hundred and sixty miles down the road in dc, Brian Fitzpatrick will put his party first, not pennsylvania families. House majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Good morning to you, 8 27 saturday be october 29 im gray hall. Sky6 live hd giving you a live look at the platt ben frankln bridge. Were in for a warmup today. Chris sowers has the exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast. Reporter temperatures off to the races. 69 degrees thats the forecasted high. Look for a combination ever sun and clouds. It will be breezy out there, unlike yesterday its a comfortable breeze. Clouds and sun for sunday. If the clouds hold out, the numbers could be closer to 80. Halloween, partly sunny, breezy, 58 degrees. Tuesday, wednesday, thursday all look good. Gray. Thanks, very much. Thats it for action news, were back in 30 minutes, im gray hall. Stay tuned for more good morning america. And that means taking on debt. In a smart way. Like my mortgage its working for me. And if he needs a college loan down the road, thatll be worth it too. Its all about having a strategy, that fits your life. So, if you have a question about how to make debt work for you, ask me. Sincerely, brandon heaven fellow dad and fellow citizen. Welcome back on a saturday morning. Were going to take a deeper dive now into the news that is rocking Hillary Clintons campaign. With ten days to go until the election the fbi with that surprise announcement. The agency saying it has found new emails that could be relevant to the investigation into clintons private server. Now, those new emails were found while the fbi was investigating disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of top clinton aide huma abedin. Federal prosecutors had been looking into whether weiner was sexting an underage girl in north carolina. When they searched his computer, they found emails from abedin which they say could pertain to the clinton investigation. David wright joins us with more on how these collided. Good morning. Reporter good morning, dan, good morning, paula. Think of it this way, the election of americas first woman president is now caught between the locker room talk of one man and the allegedly predatory sexting of another. This scandal came to light because of the possibly criminal misbehavior of Anthony Weiner and, yet, clinton has only herself to blame. Former new york congressman Anthony Weiner is married to one of Hillary Clintons closest aides. Huma abedin filed for divorce after his latest sexting scandal. Im deeply sorry. Reporter for Hillary Clinton the timing couldnt be worse. Clinton had been riding high enjoying a huge boost among women voters because of trumps comments on the access hollywood bus 11 years ago. Now the compulsive sexting by the husband of one of her closest aides has led to a new federal investigation of clintons emails with just over a week to go before the election. Weiners third strike for seconding may be his ugliest yet. The first time he was forced to resign from congress. The second time he was running for new york city mayor. Its like living a nightmare. Reporter cringeworthy moments caught on camera by a documentary film crew filming his comeback effort. This is the worst. Reporter the third time he was a stayathome dad but sexting with a 15yearold girl, perhaps worst of all weiner allegedly sent out a picture of the couples son, climbed into bed with him while he was sexting. His Electronic Devices and his wifes seized as part of the fbi investigation. That is why authorities found the deleted emails. Of course, the issue here is not weiners sexting, but the classified emails clinton herself sent and received from her private email server in violation of state department rules. So, she has only herself to blame. But its ironic that it came out because of this of all things. Yeah, just when we thought this campaign couldnt get grosser, thank you very much. Rrated. Maybe nc17. Nc17 at a minimum. Joining us to talk about the possible legal problems facing Anthony Weiner, abcs sunny hostin. Great to have you with us. Is he in danger of being sent to prison as a consequence of this fbi investigation . Look, i think its really premature to talk about whether or not hes going to be charged, whether or not hes going to trial, whether or not hes going or not to be convicted and whether hes going to go to jail. The bottom line here is that seconding is a federal crime and to be clear, the fbi is investigating Anthony Weiner and if he is convicted 6 of Something Like there it could lead to an exposure of 10 to 30 years. We dont know enough to even speculate as to where the fbi is when it comes to Anthony Weiners probe. Is there anything that the fbi could find in regards to Hillary Clinton that could potentially indict her or lead to some sort of criminal charges . Again, very, very premature to even discuss it. Its so very speculative, and i think whats really interesting is that the fbi has made it clear that they havent even reviewed the emails yet. In my experience it is completely remarkable that an fbi director would talk about an Ongoing Investigation. Its really against department of justice guidelines to give that kind of information about an Ongoing Investigation because one, it can compromise the investigation and, two, so close to an election, its something that simply not done because prosecutors and fbi agents arent the final arbiters of these kinds of things. That sort of generally ends up in a court of law, and so i think were in a really remarkable place when you have an fbi director commenting on an Ongoing Investigation to the public. It just doesnt happen. Ive never seen anything like this, and i spoke to so many former prosecutors, federal prosecutors over the past 24 hours and all of them are just as shocked as i am. How many times in this campaign have we said, ive never seen anything like this, right . Remarkable. We have ten days to go. All right, thank you. And never in a good way. Thanks, sunny. Appreciate it. Lets send things over to rob marciano. They have about a foot of snow there, the Cross Country skiers are out. Cutting tracking on the rocks, nothing like that. Were warm things up across the country. Records will fall across the southeast bumping into the 80s like memphis and montgomery and alabama. Northeast will see a cold snap and warming up again across the latter part of the week. World series in chicago, winds will be blowing in. Last night they were blowing out. It was a slug fest right, 1o the rain will hold off for halloween. Clouds across the central part of the country and rain across the northwest. Dan harris pops up there. The local forecast check it out. Reporter the exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast, radars are clear, warmup begins today, were up to 69. Look at tomorrow, 76. Halloween is cooler with a breeze, only 58. Re dressed up a potter last year. Right, right. So, that was a witch, though that was a witch. No. So i misspoke. Read between the lines. I didnt think that had anything to do with a halloween costume. I thought you were just making a general comment. Excellent point. We should explain, diane macedo is here. Thank you very much for joining us this weekend. Pleasure to be here. Thanks for having me. Coming up in just a few minutes, your big star turn here. Excellent to have. Heres whats coming up on gma this morning. What did you say . I said be nice to her, please. I will be niceish. The battle at wrigley. Seven decades in the making, the cubs now forced to play catchup. Our live report from Wrigley Field coming up. Our live report from Wrigley Field coming up. No matter what you love, well help you style your home from floor to ceiling. Now get 10 to 15 off select kohler Bath Products and make your home happy, at lowes. To help with the occasional unwanted gas and bloating. Y wherever i get stuck today, my future self will thank me. Thank you. Thank you how do i get stuck in an air duct . 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Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask about humira, the 1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. Clearer skin is possible. Of being there for my sons winning shot. That was it for me. Thats why im quitting with nicorette. Only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. Every great why needs a great how. Game three of the fall classic with more of a pitching duel than a slugfest. Supposed to be some offensive prowess. Didnt happen. It was an historic night as icon ig Wrigley Field played host to its first World Series Game in over 70 years. The cubs and cleveland went in tied at 11 and alex perez has more on one exciting night, alex, im sure you didnt get much sleep watching that one. Reporter hey, good morning, paula. Good morning, dan. Yeah, thats right. It was the first World Series Game at wrigley since 1945 and what a nailbiter. But the Cleveland Indians brought the party here to a complete stop. Cleveland wins it. Reporter cleveland is halfway there overnight to winning a rare 10 game to take the lead in the world series. After six innings of scoreless baseball, coco crisp hitting an rbi. Crisp. Reporter spoiling the cubs party at Wrigley Fields first night hosting the world series in seven decades. The runs are at a premium, so we have to get them when we can. Fortunately we got one and they didnt. Reporter cubs faithful packing the house and joining in with bill murray for a bizarre seventh inning stretch. You need to sing it like other gratest american entertainer, mr. Daffy duck. Reporter tonight the friendly confines will be ready again to leave last nights disappointment in the past and root, root, root for the cubbies if they dont win its a shame for its one reporter so, the cubs now hoping they can tie things up. Game four tonight. Dan, paula. I hope somebody took bill murrays keys after that. I dont think they did. Alex has been to many games. I dont think either of us have ever seen anything quite like that. Alex, bring them some luck tonight but go, indians, too for the two of you that picked the indians. Just for the record. Thank you. I always have your back. Okay, or Something Like that. Coming up on good morning america, glam your gourd. Easy halloween decorating ideas that you could do in a snap and i think this is the part of the show where we go off the rails, right . When you guys try to decorate. Were on the rails now . Apparently we are. Maybe not anymore. My dad gave me those shares, you know. He ran that company. I get it. 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My dentist said that pronamel would help fight against that erosion that foods and drinks were causing. So it was really important to start using the pronamel. Itll be one less thing you have to worry about. Pronamel is now giving me the confidence to know that im doing the right thing. So its nice to know that its as simple as that. This is halloween welcome back, everyone. You may have your kids Halloween Costumes set and your own. How about dressing up your house . Here with ways to dress up your gourd is megan allan cole, host of hgtv. Com. Meg, you have three different designs. We have a doughnut design, a floral and a brush stroke and well try to replicate these. Absolutely. Well, these guy ares. You guys, i have lowered my expectations, okay. Oh, no. Except for diane, so lets start with the doughnut shape. Yes, so the doughnut shape, super easy, the shape is what sells it. Were using faux pumpkins because then you can use them year after year and add a nice frosting pattern with a pastel. Like what dan is doing. Yes. This is a pumpkin. A doughnut. A doughnut. Got a little pumpkin. Then youll add sprinkles and two different ways. The studio and kid friendly way is to use this paint and manually add them but if you want you can use a little spray adhesive and use real sprinkles. And it looks super cute and super realistic. I want to eat the pumpkin because i shouldnt because its not edible. Okay, so lets move over to the floral pattern that diane is working on. Yes, looking beautiful already. You cut out the shape you want. Put some mod podge on the back. Whats mod podge . Its decoupage basically. You didnt know what it is . No. Great job. Looking good morning already. Feeling the pressure here. Basically pulling is what youre doing put mod podge on top to seal it and use any pattern you want. Thats so pretty. You could use it september, october, november. That would be beautiful on your thanksgiving table. The doctors down there are really nailing it. Im digging it. See, paula. Brush stroke pattern over there and the dudes are doing a fabulous job. Its foolproof, especially with the faux pumpkin. If you mess up, you just wipe off the paint and redo it. By the way, organic brush strokes. Exactly. Thats what were doing here, guys. Zen calligraphy. Ooh. No carving and no scooping of the seeds and all that nastiness. I like it. Rob, what were you going for there . This is abstract artwork. You cant explain. Very minimalist. Very evocative. Have his therapist look at it and figure that out. Meg, we appreciate it and appreciate everybody. Thank you for these great tips. Youre so welcome. Happy halloween. Pop news is next. Unless diane is still working on her mod podge. Here to analyze the pumpkins. This is awesome. Thank you. Oh, its actually. Sfx short balloon squeal its ver. Sfx balloon squeals ok can we. Sfx balloon squeals im being so serious right now. I really want to know how your coffee is. Its. Sfx balloon squeals hahahaha, i had a 2nd balloon goodbye oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasnt it . Yeah. Happens to more people than you think. Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Mmm. Good right . Yeah. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. Well, i wish we could have even to make more park time. Magical . Have dinner with a princess. Oo i want to ride the monorail or take a break by the pool. But be back in time for fireworks. Let me see what i can do. Whoa when you stay at a select Walt Disney World resort hotel, you get the most out of your vacation. And your family. And right now, create a 6night 7day package, including a select Walt Disney World resort hotel room and Theme Park Tickets for as little as 87 per person per day for a family of four. Shes noticing a real difference in her joint comfort. 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Whoaooh oohoohoohoohooh, oohooh whoaooh no warning, no hearing. Its a lending practice sorcing outrageous, most states banned it. But at the bank founded by pat toomey it was business as usual. Forcing Small Business owners out of their homes. Toomey even used his power in the senate to help himself, voting to gut rules that protect us and crack down on big banks. Pat toomey. Out for himself, not us. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Good morning america is brought to you by fitbit. Find your fit. Because we havent let her talk much during the course of the show but now diane macedo. I get my chance. This is a good one for you. You were harry potter for halloween last year. Lets start off with the magic of fantastic beasts and where to find them. The movie is going from the big screen to book form. J. K. Rowling is teasing us with this advanced print of her script writing on twitter, advanced copies never ever lose their thrill. Its giving us a sneak peek at the screenplay that fans will be able to own come november 19th. By the way, thats one day after the harry potter spinoff hits theaters. The movie stars eddie redmayne, a magizoologist in the world of witches and wizards available as a pottermore ebook or print edition. Very cool. Did you enjoy that at all i blocked the day out. I dont like halloween. A magizoologist. Youve heard of that. Absolutely. Something like that. Gmas Mission Pawsible is an adoptathon under way. Follow our monthlong journey as pets find forever homes on Facebook Live until november 22nd. Just go to our website, find a shelter near you and you can also join our Mission Pawsible today. We have three livestreams happening. A halloween contest in austin at 1 00 p. M. A glimpse into dog cafe l. A. At 2 30 p. M. And pups and ponies fall festival in cedar rapids at 3 00 p. M. And what more could you want . You get to not only watch puppies in costumes but watch them get adopted. I could tell you what more i want. A kitty cat . A kitty cat. A black kitten. Ask and you issshall receive dan harris. National cat day and also, of course, the start to halloween weekend so what better to do than kick off the festivities half Matt Bershadker is here with his adoptable furry friends. Riley, ripley and little kirk over here. Nice. And so, matt, we brought you in to help us bust a few black cat myths. Some think its harder to adopt a black cat or less likely to adopt a black cat than others. Is that true . Its not true and our research and experience confirms that for us. What we do iknow is that statistically more black cats in shelters because it is a dominant gene but that means more black cats are going into homes. There is a concern and happens with rabbits around eastertime. Cats will adopt them just for show and abandon them after the holidays. Does that happen . Also not true. No evidence to support the fact that adoptions what is going on . Is it true that black cats with a dangerous situation over there. I think we need some help, absolutely. Can we have a medic just in case . His honorary doctorate is not coming in handy. Gentle and all of these cats are adoptable right now so, ron, you might have matt, let me just say, you do great work at the aspca. We are supporters and i love to say this, adopt an animal, you will improve your own and save a live. Thank you, everybody. See you tomorrow. Im gray hall coming up next on action news saturday morning at 9 00 a. M. The quiet Bucks County Community is the center of a murder investigation. Plus, Hillary Clinton responds to the new look into her email. Plus we have another warmup in the exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast next on action news saturday at 9 00 a. M. Hard work. Family. Playing it straight. Thats katie. And the ads attacking her . Theyre a bunch of malarkey. Katies career is about looking out for families like yours. Creating jobs, keeping our environment safe. Shes a wife, a mom, a basketball fan, a homework supervisor. Shes like you and shell fight for you in the United States senate. Im Katie Mcginty and i approve this message. Dont be so gullible mcfly. . You sit down, sit down. Shoot it, fat boy. Id look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. She ate like a pig. You are so stupid. How stupid are the people of the country . I dont want to see you in here again. Get him out of here, get out. Come on cry baby hes like a little baby cry. I dont know what i said, i dont remember. What are you going to do about people who want to be mean and all this bullying. Tell me a little bit more about why thats on your mind. I have asthma and occasionally ive heard people talking behind my back. That was really brave. I really do think we need more love and kindness in our country. Thats why its important to stand up to bullies wherever they are, and why we shouldnt let anybody bully his way into the presidency. Because that is not who we are as americans. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. When government bureaucrats refused to approve a cancer vaccine equally for both girls and boys, i stepped in to change that rule. When my own party held up recovery funds after sandy hit us, i took them on and won. And when veterans were forced to travel out of state for health care, i brought in new local clinics and expanded services. But theres much more to do. My mission is to protect south jerseys way of life. Im Frank Lobiondo and i approve this message. Im Frank Lobiondo you, it is october 29 im gray hall. Heres some of the stories were following for you right now on action news. Hillary clinton is urging no rush to judgment about a new fbi investigation into emails from her campaign. Waiting game, a threat of a septa strike could impact thousands of commuters and four years ago today, Superstorm Sandy plowed into new jersey where some people, the rebuilding is not over. Those stories, but first we turn to the the exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast, chris sowers a little warmup in store. Reporter were going from cold to a warmer temperature. It is very chilly this morning. Looking live at the ben franklin bridge. High, thin clouds up there. Temperatures overnight took a tumble. Most locations were close to freezing. Were starting to rebound. 33 in martins creek. Tanersville, 32. Pilots, 34. Saint pottstown, 34. Saint davids, 37. Glassboro, 36. Agenda beach. 37. Vineland, 32

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